Short-term and effective diet 6 kg in 6 days

Six-day diets, basic properties

A diet for 6 days minus 6 kg allows you to get rid of excess weight. In this case, not only weight loss occurs, but also a comprehensive improvement of the body. Internal organs begin to work better, and the body is saturated with useful substances and microelements. It should be understood that there is no single diet for 6 days, and each nutritionist has his own version of the diet.

The 6 by 6 diet is good for people who don't have time for long-term diets. At the same time, you need to understand that such a diet is completely safe, so you don’t have to visit a nutritionist for consultation before using it. The main beneficial properties of such diet plans:

  1. High efficiency. If you follow all the rules, you can get rid of 6 to 8 kg in 6 days. In this case, only fat is removed from the body, and muscle mass remains intact.
  2. Big variety. There are about 20 diets in total, so each person can choose a nutrition plan based on their taste needs.
  3. Short duration. Such diets last only 6 days, and if necessary, you can quit them without unpleasant consequences for the body.

However, it should be remembered that six-day diets also have disadvantages:

  1. Not very durable. During the diet, you can really lose 6 kg, but after completing the diet you need to either adjust your usual diet or engage in some light exercise. Otherwise, after some time you will gain excess weight again. Please note that long-term diets do not have this disadvantage, since they additionally form taste preferences, which allows you to automatically reduce calorie intake after the diet.
  2. Quite serious restrictions. During a 6-day diet, you will have to reduce your calorie intake by 2-3 times, which is a fairly strong restriction. If it is difficult for you to go on strict diets for psychological reasons, then it is better to choose a more gentle long-term diet, when you can eat more foods.

Contraindications, side effects and special instructions

Almost all types of the “Minus 6 kg in 6 days” diet have no contraindications or side effects. If a person is engaged in heavy physical activity (work duties, sports, etc.), then it is recommended to refrain from using this diet. In very rare cases, when using the diet, side effects such as nausea, headaches, weakness, and so on may occur. In this case, you need to stop the diet and consult a specialist about your health.

Consultation with a specialist is required only if a person has problems with the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract. This diet is also contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Basic diets for 6 days

Today, experts count about 20 types of diet for 6 days. However, they all imply compliance with the following rules:

  1. You need to eat 3-5 times a day. The first meal should take place no later than 1 hour after waking up, and the last meal no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  2. Regardless of your diet plan, drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. In this case, water can only be replaced with green tea without sugar, and broths, juices and coffee are considered separate dishes.
  3. Be sure not to eat such foods as carbonated drinks, fast food, fatty meats, margarine, butter, pickles, canned food, chocolate, and so on.
  4. While on a diet, you should not exercise, since a fairly strict diet and sports can seriously deplete the body.

However, please note that after completing the diet, it is recommended to go jogging, swimming or amateur football to record the results.

Below we will look at 4 diets with which you can get rid of 6 kg of fat in 6 days.

Kefir diet

This diet is basic. There are three types of menu:

  • A hard version of the kefir diet. In this case, you need to drink one and a half liters of kefir every day and eat 200 g of boiled lean meat (you should give preference to chicken breasts). This diet really allows you to get rid of 6 to 8 kg in 6 days, but in practice it is used quite rarely, since not every person can tolerate such strict restrictions.

Most often, such a diet is used in cases of urgent need, when the use of other diets is inappropriate for some reason.

  • Kefir-vegetable option. In this case, you need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir and eat vegetables or fruits with a total weight of no more than 500 g. For example, you can eat 100 g of vegetables and 400 g of fruit. Or another option, all products will be vegetables, while you will not eat fruits. There are no restrictions here, and you can choose your own diet based on your taste preferences. However, please note that such a diet should not include potatoes, bananas, green peas and beans, since these foods are very high in calories.

  • There is also a gentle kefir diet, which allows you to lose 5-6 kg in 6 days (that is, its effectiveness will be slightly lower). In this case, the diet will look like this: for breakfast, eat 2 carrots or 2 tomatoes and drink 0.5 liters of kefir, for lunch, eat vegetable soup with mushrooms or meat soup with bread and drink 0.5 liters of kefir, for dinner, eat two small sandwich with cheese and wash down all 0.5 liters of kefir. It is allowed to add a small amount of prunes, nuts or raisins to this diet. On days 1, 3 and 5, you can eat an additional 1 egg during lunch. You need to eat between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m.

Honey diet

The main product of this 6-day diet is honey, so it is well suited for those who love sweets. The treatment plan will look like this:

Odd days.

  • Breakfast: eat a spoonful of honey and drink 1 glass of milk,
  • Lunch: eat 150 g of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of honey,
  • Dinner: make black tea, dissolve honey in it and drink it, you can also additionally eat 1 boiled egg.


Even days.

  • Breakfast: boil 1 large beet, grate it, add salt and add 1 tablespoon of honey,
  • Lunch: eat 100 g of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of honey, wash it all down with 1 glass of low-fat kefir,
  • Dinner: make a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage, add 1 teaspoon of honey and a little sour cream.

Separate food


  • Breakfast: 3 chicken eggs,
  • Lunch: boiled rice,
  • Dinner: a small piece of meat and a few vegetables.


  • Breakfast: 300 g of cottage cheese without additives,
  • Lunch: 3 boiled chicken eggs,
  • Dinner: 2 apples and 2 pears.


  • Breakfast: boiled chicken breast (300-400 g),
  • Lunch: boiled potatoes with salt (no more than 4 potatoes),
  • Dinner: 100 g of cottage cheese and 1 glass of kefir.


  • Breakfast: 300-400 g of rice porridge without any additives,
  • Lunch: 200 g of cottage cheese and drink a small glass of milk,
  • Dinner: a few vegetables.


  • Breakfast: boiled potatoes with salt (no more than 4 potatoes),
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast (200 g),
  • Dinner: 1-2 oranges and 1 grapefruit.


  • Breakfast:: 3 chicken eggs,
  • Lunch: chicken broth and a small piece of bread,
  • Dinner: 300 g of cottage cheese.

Low calorie diet for 6 days

American nutritionists have also developed a reliable, balanced diet that even beginners can use.

With its help, you can lose 6-8 kg in 6 days, and during its use there is no deficiency of useful microelements and vitamins, so you do not need to worry about your health.

The diet should look like this:

1 day.

  • Breakfast: 3 large cheesecakes with sour cream and green tea without sugar,
  • Lunch: 300 g stewed cabbage and 1 large tomato stuffed with cottage cheese,
  • Dinner: vegetable salad (150 g) and oven-baked mushrooms with ham (total weight, no more than 150 g).

Day 2.

  • Breakfast: sandwich with brown bread, liver pate, parsley and cucumber,
  • Lunch: 300 g of stewed vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, beans, eggplant, carrots, etc.),
  • Dinner: 150 g of cheese and vegetable salad.

Day 3.

  • Breakfast: yogurt with natural raspberries or strawberries,
  • Lunch: 300 g of vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, greens, cabbage, etc.) and drink 1 glass of milk,
  • Dinner: 100 g of buckwheat with stewed liver and onions.

Day 4

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits and nuts (total weight, no more than 200 g),
  • Lunch: 200 g chicken breast and 1 small vegetable (tomato, cucumber or sweet pepper),
  • Dinner: 2 scrambled eggs and a simple vegetable salad with sour cream.

Day 5

  • Breakfast: fruit salad of orange, apple and pear (it should be seasoned with sour cream),
  • Lunch: oven-baked zucchini with cheese,
  • Dinner: boiled fish and a small vegetable salad.

Day 6

  • Breakfast: 2 small cheese sandwiches and 100 g vegetable salad,
  • For lunch, eat chicken soup with mushrooms and green beans,
  • Dinner: 3 egg omelet with tomato.

How to lose 6 kg in 6 days. Principles and rules for rapid weight loss

The first and basic rule is to exclude pure sugar from your diet.
You'll have to forget about your favorite desserts and drinking tea with something delicious. You will also have to get used to unsalted food, because salt delays the release of fluid from the body, and this will slow down the process of losing weight. When wondering how to lose 6 kg, you don’t need to come up with exhausting diets for yourself or completely give up food (as some people think), you just need to remove high-carbohydrate foods from your diet, such as carbonated drinks, pork and chocolate. To quickly achieve results, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. You need to prepare for any change in diet a couple of days in advance and gradually remove some foods.
  2. Adhering to an individual daily routine means that you do not need to rely on the wake-up and bedtime times set by the creator of the diet. If your wake-up time is 7:00, and the nutritionist says to wake up at 6:00, then you shouldn’t torture yourself. The body will already have a hard time due to the decrease in the usual amount of calories consumed, and another source of energy will be needed. But throughout the diet, it is advisable to go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  3. Add more green fruits and vegetables to your diet.
  4. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
  5. An hour before bedtime, drink a glass of low-fat kefir at room temperature.
  6. Exercise in the afternoon.

Reviews about diets

Let's now find out what experienced doctors and ordinary people think about diets.

Anatoly Ulyanov, nutritionist: “Today there are a large number of different diets for quick weight loss. If you want to lose weight in a short time, then I recommend using a six-day weight loss diet, with which you can lose 6 kg. Most often, I recommend the American low-calorie diet for 6 days to my patients, since this diet includes a large variety of foods, so it is not too difficult to stay on it. However, all these diets have a very major drawback: after completing the diet, 80% of people gain excess weight again, so it is very important not only to lose weight, but to reduce the total calorie content of food.”

Irina Petrova, postal worker: “At work I lead a sedentary lifestyle, so I have a slight degree of obesity. Recently I decided to put an end to this problem. I consulted with my doctor, and he suggested that I periodically undergo a course of a six-day diet. He advised me to follow a gentle kefir diet. Using this diet plan, I lost about 5-6 kg in 6 days, which I consider to be an excellent result. Unfortunately, after completing the diet, I gradually gain excess weight again, so I periodically have to repeat the kefir diet in order not to suffer from obesity.”

Estonian diet menu

Many women call this weight loss system protein, since the menu for the first 3 days will consist exclusively of protein foods. The Estonian protein diet implies the following diet:

  • Day 1. Your 6-day test of willpower begins with egg day. Boil 6 hard-boiled eggs and divide them throughout the day.
  • Day 2. The menu consists of half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese or with a low percentage of fat content without additives in the form of sour cream, sugar, honey or fruit. Eat pure cottage cheese all day.
  • Day 3. Boiled chicken breast (700g), cooked without salt and spices, is shared throughout the day.
  • Day 4. Boil 200 g of any type of rice. You will get about 600 g of porridge, eat it without salt and butter.
  • Day 5. 6 medium-sized boiled potatoes should make up your daily diet.
  • Day 6: Apples complete your weight loss period. Their number is not limited, but it is advisable not to exceed 6 pieces per day, although by the end you will only need 2 apples to oversaturate.

If you decide to hold out for the maximum permissible period, the Estonian diet for 7 days involves an additional day of kefir.

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