What methods do models use to lose weight? The most effective diets

Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford, Natalia Vodianova are examples of beauty and harmony. Each of them has its own secrets for protecting against extra pounds. Find out how famous models eat and get back your ideal shape!

  • Reviews from those who have lost weight

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/10/2020

The figures of models are admired; many dream of being as slim as the models. However, in order to look like this, the girls from the podium not only spend a lot of time in the gym, but also limit themselves in food. Today we will talk about the most popular and effective model diets.

General rules

The most effective diets of top models are aimed at emergency figure correction, because for a model the body is a tool for work: demonstrating fashionable dresses and posing in front of cameras.
There are cases when a girl was removed from the show or refused to sign a contract for adding even a couple of centimeters to her waist. Therefore, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of such diets, not only because they are very low-calorie, but also because thousands of beauties have tested them on themselves. If you have 4-5 extra pounds and you want to lose them in a short time in order to look perfect in a new swimsuit, then you urgently need to try one of the varieties of supermodel diets - for 3 or 7 days.

Secrets of Miranda Kerr

Miranda Kerr is not only the favorite of millions of ordinary girls, but also a clear favorite of the Victoria's Secret designers themselves. It was she who had the honor of demonstrating a very valuable bra at one of the last shows.

Miranda herself admits that this was the best praise for her. But she found out about her appointment even before giving birth, which means she urgently needed to get herself in order immediately after the birth of her long-awaited baby.

How did model Miranda Kerr lose weight after giving birth?

First of all, she threw all her energy into sports training

But since the young mother does not have the opportunity to constantly sweat in the gym, she chose for herself the most gentle and effective body shaping techniques - Pilates and yoga. From time to time she resorted to dosed strength training, but this step was carried out extremely carefully, since too intense exercise could have a detrimental effect on the quality and quantity of milk. Also, after giving birth, the model began to practice proper nutrition. However, this is important and relevant for any new mother who is in the lactation period.. It should be emphasized that Miranda did not entrust her son to nannies and took care of him on her own

She admitted in an interview: “Yes, after giving birth there really is catastrophically little time for yourself. But I found a way out! When I go to the gym, I leave my son with my mother, and at home I try to stay in shape by doing various exercises on the floor. This is very convenient, because the whole training turns into a real game when your beloved baby is next to you!” Well, among Russian women there are also many examples in which a young mother only became prettier after the birth of her child

It should be emphasized that Miranda did not entrust her son to nannies and took care of him on her own. She admitted in an interview: “Yes, after giving birth there really is catastrophically little time for yourself. But I found a way out! When I go to the gym, I leave my son with my mother, and at home I try to stay in shape by doing various exercises on the floor. This is very convenient, because the whole training turns into a real game when your beloved baby is next to you!” Well, among Russian women there are also many examples in which a young mother only became prettier after the birth of her child.

Miranda Kerr emphasized that it is extremely useful to instill a love for a healthy lifestyle and your baby. Imagine how much healthier a child grows if his mother prefers healthy food and dosed physical activity. Is this comparable to the “feelings” of a baby whose mother tirelessly stuffs herself with unhealthy street food and is in a constant “mode” of physical inactivity?

As for how to quickly lose weight before a show, Miranda categorically states: “It’s very stupid to torture yourself with hunger and strict diets just before an important event. If you constantly practice a healthy lifestyle, you simply won’t need such extreme measures.”

If you consistently practice a healthy lifestyle, you simply won’t need such extreme measures.”

The model willingly shared a sample menu with her fans:

  • Breakfast - fresh fruit, chicken eggs, avocado and rye bread;
  • Lunch – salad of green leafy vegetables with tuna (you must use freshly squeezed lemon juice or natural yogurt as a salad dressing) + green tea;
  • Dinner – steamed fish + vegetable side dish (you can eat stewed and grilled vegetables).

Of course, it doesn’t make sense to follow it all the time, but you can grasp the concept of the distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in order to independently create the ideal diet for your loved one.


Features of the 3-day diet course

A model diet for 3 days—2-4 kg—allows a girl with a normal figure to get closer to model criteria in just a few days. A strict model diet for 3 days involves eating mainly in the first half of the day, that is, you will have to give up dinners and especially food at night. All that is allowed after 15:00 is tea, water, herbal infusions and decoctions. In addition, after reading the reviews, it becomes clear that in order to get the desired result you need to stock up on enormous willpower, because you need to adhere to the nutrition menu, follow the fashion model regime and endure restrictions:

  • no coffee or any caffeine-containing drinks, for example, energy drinks, maximum one cup of black natural coffee without sugar, honey or sweeteners;
  • food is predominantly protein without sauces, salt and flavor enhancers;
  • sports: morning jogging or active games in the fresh air - badminton, volleyball, etc. – should become your habit.

Severe cutting of daily caloric intake can cause stress in the body and lead to working in economy mode, when it not only does not lose kilograms, but also gains them. Therefore, the course lasts only 3 days and in the future you need to reconsider your habits, switch to a healthy diet, do not overeat at night and do not forget about sports. This emergency unloading can be repeated no earlier than 2-3 weeks later.

Requirement of the popular longer term model diet for 7 days

The 7-day diet of fashion models has a strictly scheduled menu for each day, and, despite the simple set of products, the weight loss plan is not only low in calories:

  • although the serving sizes are not indicated, they should be small - no more than 200 g;
  • three meals a day, skipping breakfast or changing meals is prohibited;
  • dinner no later than 18:00;
  • also permitted drinks include water, tea and herbal infusions; coffee is considered undesirable;
  • For several days, the diet should be completely salt-free in order to remove excess water from the body.


If you are aiming to lose weight, then you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Avoid carbonated drinks, even those without calories.
  2. Do not drink alcohol - it retains water, which means the extra pounds will be harder to lose.
  3. Give up bad habits.
  4. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Proper sleep is the first step to a healthy body.
  5. Never indulge in prohibited foods immediately after losing weight, otherwise the weight will come back.
  6. Drink water with lemon in the morning - it speeds up your metabolism and wakes up your body after sleep.

Authorized Products

In addition to the specified diet, there are several recommendations from supermodels on choosing foods that prevent the deposition of fat folds. You can afford these products when hunger is absolutely unbearable:

  • appetite for a while ;
  • split meals - don’t rush into food right away, eat porridge separately, then half an hour later a salad, this way the body will be better satiated and take the maximum benefit from the food;
  • balsamic vinegar, lemon or lime juice are additives that speed up metabolism and add flavor to food;
  • Include pineapples in your diet, at least once a week, so its special proteolytic enzyme , bromelain, will break down excess fats entering the body and prevent the formation of fat folds.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

boiled broccoli3,00,44,027
Brussels sprouts4,80,08,043
salad pepper1,30,05,327
iceberg lettuce0,90,11,814
boiled beets1,80,010,849


baked sweet apples0,50,324,089

Cereals and porridges

viscous buckwheat porridge on water3,20,817,190
oatmeal with water3,01,715,088
millet porridge viscous on water3,00,717,090
boiled wild rice4,00,321,1100

Raw materials and seasonings

balsamic vinegar0,50,017,088


skim milk2,00,14,831
kefir 0%3,00,13,830

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 0% (low fat)16,50,01,371


boiled chicken breast29,81,80,5137


soft-boiled chicken eggs12,811,60,8159

Oils and fats

olive oil0,099,80,0898
* data is per 100 g of product

Features of the diet for weight loss

Most people perceive the very concept of “diet” as giving up something - their usual lifestyle, nutrition. In fact, there is some truth in this. Female models really refuse some products for a short period of time or even forever. Many, for example, completely exclude sweet pastries from their diet because of their calorie content. But at the same time, the basis of the models’ diet is changing the balance of nutritional components entering the body. Most often we are talking about giving up some of the unhealthy fats, reducing the proportion of incoming carbohydrates and increasing the amount of food containing protein in the diet.

Bad fats

Are there really healthy fats? Yes! Without some, the normal functioning of the body is impossible. First of all, all fats are divided according to their origin:

  • animal fats - found in meat and fish;
  • vegetable fats - fruits, nuts, oils of any origin.

Giving up animal fats is not always the solution.
In addition, they are a product for building cells and synthesizing hormones in the body. Refusal to use them leads to dry skin, brittle, split ends, and dull nails. In addition, they affect brain activity and mental abilities in general, because the brain itself is 55% fat. Harmful fats are found primarily in fast food, which has recently become an integral part of the lives of many. It is very difficult to stay in shape throughout the day and find time to eat properly - it is much easier to run and have a snack at a cafe near work. In addition to fast food, excessive consumption of confectionery products has a negative impact.


Nutritionists emphasize which foods you should not give up:

  • Vegetable oils must be present in the diet, at least for dressing vegetable salads. The most beneficial for weight loss are safflower, sesame and corn oils. But we will have to not overuse the olive oil we are used to - it contains a lot of saturated acids.
  • Do you like meat products? For you, too, there will be food products that will not interfere with your diet. But you need to understand that not all animal fats are equally healthy. Focus on semi-fat and fatty varieties of fish - they are extremely healthy, because the Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids contained in them only contribute to the burning of fatty tissue. It is not worth giving up meat completely - it only makes sense to exclude red meat, which is so rich in saturated fats.
  • Replace your usual confectionery and chocolate with nuts and dried fruits - you will get no less positive emotions and taste sensations. Nuts perfectly replenish the body's need for vitamins and microelements, while satisfying hunger no worse than chocolate.


Fully or partially limited products

A seductive and slender figure is only possible thanks to daily work and a large number of restrictions. The diet of models, of course, does not include:

  • coffee (no more than one cup without adding sweets or milk);
  • salt, the less salt, the less unnecessary water in the body;
  • sweets - even a harmless chocolate bar or a spoonful of sugar in tea adds numbers to the scales;
  • white flour, dough - this is also something you should forget about if you want a figure like the models;
  • alcohol, remember that it is very high in calories, the calorie content of a glass of beer can reach up to half the energy intake of a dietary course;
  • potatoes, bananas, grapes, corn are also too high in calories and starch; these carbohydrates are too easily digested and stored in the form of fat folds.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens






Flour and pasta


Bakery products



candy caramel0,00,196,2362
sunflower kozinak14,842,634,5576
corn sticks8,31,275,0325
crackers for tea10,02,373,8397
shortbread dough6,521,649,9403

Raw materials and seasonings

dietary mayonnaise1,420,04,4204

Alcoholic drinks

white wine Muscat0,00,05,082
* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Meal Schedule)

For 3 days

For breakfast
  • You should eat one hard-boiled chicken egg with unsweetened green tea.
For second breakfast
  • You can allow up to 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
For lunch
  • need to repeat the second breakfast dish.

Sample menu for 7 days

On Monday

For breakfast
  • a small portion of pearl barley porridge cooked in water, a vegetable salad of white cabbage and assorted greens.
For lunch
  • Vegetable stew prepared without using potatoes can be flavored with vegetable oil or eat a portion of stewed cabbage.
For dinner
  • portion (up to 200 g) of buckwheat with cabbage and carrot salad, seasoned with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

On Tuesday

For breakfast
  • a small portion of pearl barley porridge cooked in water;
  • vegetable salad of white cabbage and assorted greens.
For lunch
  • oatmeal with water or low-fat milk.
For dinner
  • wheat porridge and beet salad.

On Wednesday

For breakfast
  • a small portion of pearl barley porridge, fresh grated carrots with vegetable oil and freshly squeezed juice of 0.5 lemon.
For lunch
  • vegetable soup or grilled vegetables (potatoes not allowed).
For dinner
  • 1-2 boiled potatoes and a salad made from a mixture of shredded cabbage, for example, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Peking cabbage, etc.

On Thursday

For breakfast
  • a glass of 0% fat kefir or drinking unsweetened yogurt.
For lunch
  • boiled skinless chicken with vegetable salad.
For dinner
  • stewed cauliflower with tomatoes, one baked apple.

On Friday

For breakfast
  • no more than 200 g of buckwheat in water and a salad of herbs and green vegetables, for example, cucumbers, lettuce, cabbage.
For lunch
  • vegetarian pickle soup, a portion of cucumber and tomato salad.
For dinner
  • steamed rice and vegetables.

On Saturday

For breakfast
  • a portion of pearl barley in water and sauerkraut, moderately salted.
For lunch
  • vegetable soup and stewed cabbage.
For dinner
  • salad of fresh vegetables and assorted greens.

On Sunday

For breakfast
  • a portion of oatmeal on water.
For lunch
  • lean soup made from any vegetables, with the exception of potatoes and corn.
For dinner
  • a salad of fresh vegetables and assorted greens and one boiled egg or in the form of an omelet.

How models get their bodies in shape in 13 days

How to lose weight to model parameters? Use another weight loss option - the Korean body contouring technique. It is suitable for those ladies who have free time at their disposal to get in shape. During the indicated 13 days, you can lose up to 7 kilograms.

The essence of food restrictions comes down to the rejection of carbohydrates and fats; the emphasis is traditionally placed on protein foods. You will also have to say goodbye to sweets, alcoholic drinks and dairy products for almost two weeks. Let's take a look at the daily nutrition schedule:

  1. Breakfast - drink a glass of water with lemon juice and a little grated ginger added. The last ingredient is considered fat-burning, therefore it is allowed by the diet.
  2. Second breakfast - boil 2 eggs, you can add boiled or fresh vegetables. You can make a salad with herbs, seasoned with lemon juice. Breakfast includes a piece of black bread or diet bread.
  3. Lunch – boiled buckwheat or bulgur, baked fish or meat, vegetable salad.
  4. Dinner – seafood or cooked chicken fillet. You are allowed to add vegetables. You can make a vegetable smoothie.

Be sure to read: What are the benefits of melon for weight loss?

The model method of losing weight is good because it leaves a sufficient number of meals, the basis of which is protein. It gives a feeling of satiety, does not provoke sudden spikes in sugar in the body, and does not affect the emotional state of a woman. At the same time, you can change and vary the options for lunch and dinner during the diet. This will allow you to feel the variety of your diet and not get overwhelmed. If these meals are not enough, then between them you can have snacks in the form of fruit.

Diet of models: reviews and results

Many girls try to achieve the thinness and sophistication of fashion models’ figures. On various forums, they share reviews and comments about the diet, communicate and help each other achieve their goals.

Due to the tight deadlines and simplicity of the menu, reviews of the 3-day model diet are mostly positive:

  • “... I wanted to lose 2-4 kg, but I got as much as minus 6″;
  • “...On the first day I had a headache in the evening, but in the morning there was an amazing charge of vivacity and lightness”;
  • “... An excellent technique for those who do not like to torture themselves with long hunger strikes”;
  • “... It was hard without sweets, thoughts of sweets were distracted only by walks and friends, in the end - 5 kg in a week and the weight has been maintained for a month.”

Diet price

If you also want to save your budget, then the 3-day model diet is definitely for you. Three eggs, a package of green tea, a kilogram of low-fat cottage cheese and a thinner figure are guaranteed. That is, approximately 600 rubles and following clear instructions for three days, and you will pleasantly surprise your family. Of course, to brighten up your diet plan, you can buy pineapple, pomegranate and herbal tea, which will help you stay on track.

As for the 7-day diet course, everything is somewhat more complicated. Much depends on what brand of cereals and other products you will take, what size the portions will be (but remember - don’t cut too much, don’t overdo it). But if you take everything to the minimum and buy domestic cereals, chicken fillet, herbs and vegetables, then you can invest no more than 1,500 rubles.

Additional Tips

For those who decide to use a diet for models, nutritionists recommend:

  1. Take a closer look at separate meals (alternate protein and carbohydrate).
  2. Don't be overly enthusiastic. Approach the issue of losing weight carefully.
  3. For fractional meals, purchase small plates. This will be a psychological move in which they eat less visually without noticing it.
  4. Walking before bed will lift your mood and minimize the likelihood of a breakdown.

Even healthy people must consult a doctor before a diet marathon. It’s easy to cause harm to health, but it’s harder to fix it later.

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