Minced meat dish recipe with photo: 5 recipes for weight loss

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Recipe credit: Food Network

Eating healthy doesn't always mean cutting out red meat. With these recipes, you'll be able to enjoy burgers, meatloaf, and other favorite foods without breaking your diet.

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Meatloaf in foil on the grill

What makes this low-carb, low-fat meatloaf cook faster than the traditional oven version? The secret is the reflective surface of the foil envelope, which retains and enhances the heat, like a mini oven. Plus, this meatloaf is a little thinner, so it cooks faster while maintaining a delicious crust. Recipe:
Grilled Meatloaf in Foil

Steamed cutlets with zucchini

To prepare steamed cutlets with zucchini, you need to make minced meat from half a kilogram of chicken fillet and 1 small onion. Add grated zucchini and 40-50 g of semolina to the meat, salt and pepper. Let it sit for at least 10 minutes so that the semolina is saturated and increases in volume. It is better not to add the grated zucchini to the meat right away, but to let it brew a little and drain the resulting juice. Using a spoon, form small cutlets, place them in a steamer and cook for about 20 minutes. When serving, the dish can be decorated with herbs and topped with tomato sauce or low-fat sour cream.

Ground beef stroganoff in a frying pan

Low-fat sour cream and low-fat cream cheese make beef stroganoff, which has only 322 calories per serving. Garnish the delicate dish with fresh parsley and chives. Recipe:
Ground beef stroganoff in a frying pan

Steamed diet cutlets

To prepare dietary cutlets, it is better to combine several different types of meat. For example, half each of beef and pork or veal and chicken. This recipe used the first option. You will need 500 g of minced meat and it is better to chop it several times. You also need to mince 2 small onions and add them to the meat. Next you need to add spices, 40 g of oatmeal and chopped small bunch of green onions. Mix everything well and form small patties. Place them in a steamer bowl and steam for half an hour. You can also cook cutlets in a slow cooker that has a “steam” function, or boil water in a saucepan, place a colander on it and cook them in it.

Chili with ground beef and three types of beans

Ellie uses lean ground beef to make hearty, low-fat chili. But the flavor remains rich thanks to a blend of three beans (black, red and pinto) and the addition of chipotle chiles. Recipe:
Chili with Ground Beef and Three Beans

Diet steamed meatballs

To prepare the dish, you need to mince 200 g of beef twice to obtain minced beef, boil a tablespoon of rice in half a glass of cold water. The rice needs to be cooled and added to the minced meat, grind everything in a meat grinder and again in a blender. Add one quail egg, spices, and salt to the meat and rice. Mix well and form small circles. Lightly grease the pan with olive oil, place the meatballs on it and pour cold water into the pan. Simmer covered for 10-15 minutes. The ingredients are for one serving.

Bell peppers stuffed with sweet and sour couscous

For a nutritious, protein-rich meal, stuff bell peppers with ground beef and couscous. The bright colors of the antioxidant-rich peppers aren't just for decoration—the more fresh, colorful ingredients on the plate, the healthier the dish. Recipe:
Bell Peppers Stuffed with Sweet and Sour Couscous

How and what kind to choose minced meat for weight loss?

I will share with you recipes for dishes that can be prepared from any minced meat: chicken, turkey, beef... The only thing is that I would not recommend using pork when losing weight. It can be added in small quantities to other minced meat, but it is better not to take it separately. She's too fat to lose weight.

Which minced meat should you choose? Definitely, it’s better to make minced meat yourself. I don't think it's worth explaining why.

You can buy minced meat in a store only if you are 100% confident in the seller and his suppliers. I sometimes buy meat at the market from a butcher I know, where he cuts it up and turns it in a meat grinder in front of me. If you don’t see how the minced meat is made, then it’s better not to take it.

For minced meat, beef shoulder, shoulder, thick end, sirloin and rump are suitable. For chicken and turkey, it is better to mix breast and thigh fillets.

It is not advisable to add flour, crackers and other thickeners.

Calorie content of minced chicken - 143 Kcal, turkey - 161 Kcal, beef - 254 Kcal. If we add vegetables to the minced meat, the calorie content will decrease.

The energy value of minced meat dishes with vegetables (stuffed cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers, tomatoes) is on average from 90 to 160 Kcal. Everything will depend on how much oil we add to the dish and what kind of minced meat we use.

Sweet potato stuffed with beef and vegetables

For those who strive for a healthy diet, but are picky about vegetable dishes, we used one trick. In this Latin-style stuffed sweet potato, the carrots, onions, and tomatoes are cut into bite-sized pieces—they're almost invisible when cooked alongside the ground beef. Recipe:
Sweet Potatoes Stuffed with Beef and Vegetables

Diet meatballs with pepper

To prepare the dish, you need to grind half a kilogram of beef using a meat grinder. Grind one small onion, a clove of garlic, the white of one egg and 25-30 g of oatmeal in a blender. Add the resulting mixture to the minced meat, add salt and mix well. Form into medium sized meatballs. Place a pan of water on the stove, after boiling, pour the meat circles into the water and cook for 10 minutes. At this time, cut one red and one yellow bell pepper into strips. Grease a frying pan with olive oil and simmer the peppers for 10 minutes over low heat. After half the time, pour 2 tbsp into the pepper. spoons of balsamic vinegar. Then add the meatballs to the peppers, stir and cook for another 10 minutes over medium heat.

Quesadilla with your choice of fillings

This dish allows kids to add their own toppings to an open-faced quesadilla. Encourage young children to assemble the quesadilla before baking, and older children to add seasonings to the stuffing and chop vegetables for topping. Recipe:
Quesadilla with your choice of fillings

Recipe for a minced meat dish with photo No. 4: diet cabbage rolls.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are the most common recipe for minced meat (with photo).

Stuffed cabbage rolls, like stuffed peppers, there are a huge number of recipes. But how do dietary cabbage rolls for proper nutrition differ from ordinary “grandmother’s” cabbage rolls?

To answer this question, let's break this dish down into its components. Stuffed cabbage rolls consist of:

Cabbage is a dietary product in itself. Sometimes it is replaced with Chinese cabbage, grape leaves, and so on. But, in fact, the calorie content remains virtually unchanged. This only affects the taste and appearance.

Minced meat – here you can play with calorie content. Naturally, if you are losing weight, then using pork or fatty parts of poultry is not recommended. But chicken, turkey, and beef fillets will be just right.

Rice is a controversial product when losing weight. And here it’s not about calorie content, but about the glycemic index. The GI of white polished parboiled rice is almost the same as that of condensed milk. That is, the use of this product causes a sharp rise in insulin levels, which is unacceptable when losing weight.

Therefore, you should choose rice varieties with low GI: basmati, wild, brown, or replace it with bulgur or buckwheat.

All the extra calories are hidden in the last ingredient of the sauce . Generous housewives try to stuff the maximum amount of food and spices into it. Add ketchup, mayonnaise, sugar and so on.

If you make a simple vegetable-based sauce, the calorie content of the dish can be reduced significantly (recipe at the beginning of the article).

Let's move on to the recipe itself.

We will need:

  • 1 fork white cabbage
  • 1 cup rice
  • 500 g minced beef
  • 2 medium onions
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • Water – 1 liter
  • Salt, bay leaf, black pepper - to taste


Take the largest saucepan, boil water in it and put a head of cabbage in it for a few minutes. This will make it easier to separate the leaves. After each cut leaf, lower the head of cabbage into boiling water again. Place the separated leaves in a colander and rinse with cold water.

Boil the rice until half cooked, cool and add to the minced meat.

Finely grind one onion and three carrots on a fine grater. Add to the minced meat. Salt and pepper.

Place on a cabbage leaf and wrap the cabbage roll. We cut off the excess parts of the sheet. Fry the finished cabbage rolls without oil for 2 minutes on each side.

For the sauce, finely chop the second onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, and fry. Add tomato paste, bay leaf and water.

Place the cabbage rolls in a large saucepan or frying pan on top of each other and pour the sauce over them.

Cover with a lid and simmer until cooked (30-40 minutes)

Diet cabbage rolls are ready!

Nutritional value per 100 g – 110.5 Kcal!!! BZHU – 6.8/7.1/4.6

Taco salad with beef and tomato dressing

Those who think that salads are just a light snack will be surprised by this recipe. With chili beef, sharp cheddar, green veggies, tomato-lime dressing and corn chips, this taco salad will satisfy even your cravings. Recipe:
Beef Taco Salad with Tomato Dressing Categories:

Healthy eating / Healthy lunches / Healthy dinners / Main courses / Meat / Appetizers / Meat snacks / Salads / Salads with meat / Soups / Meat soups / Recipe collections / Food Network - recipes

Meat Soufflé

A special feature of preparing soufflé is that the meat is turned in a meat grinder several times. The consistency should be absolutely homogeneous. You can bring the dish to readiness in several ways - in a double boiler, slow cooker or oven.

The most delicate soufflé is steamed.

  • 0.5 kg of lean meat;
  • bulb;
  • garlic clove;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream;
  • First, the meat is turned several times with onions and garlic in a meat grinder,
  • Then the minced meat is put into a food processor and whipped together with sour cream,
  • Then the mold - it can be made from foil - is greased with butter, the finished mixture is laid out there, closed tightly with a lid or sealed with foil,
  • It is baked in the oven at 200 ºC for about 40 minutes, and cooked in a double boiler for about an hour.

You can first boil the meat until half cooked, and only then make minced meat from it. In this case, heat treatment requires half as much time.

Who said that a dietary dish means tasteless? Prepare and realize that losing weight can be fun!

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

The statement that you should absolutely not include cutlets in your diet is absolutely false! At any time you can prepare delicious dietary cutlets that will perfectly diversify your diet. These cutlets are strikingly different from regular pork cutlets and contain much fewer calories!


These meat pasties come with a bright and juicy filling inside. They are very reminiscent of classic chebureks, only they are prepared without frying in oil and without dough. This will undoubtedly appeal to everyone who prefers healthy food and watches their figure.



Nutritional value (per 100 g):

These bagels look very appetizing. They keep their shape perfectly. Not a drop of juice was lost; all the juice was absorbed into the breading. The taste is wonderful! A great option for an appetizer or snack to go. After all, they are also good cold.



Nutritional value (per 100 g):

Since minced chicken breast is used here, the cheesecake itself remains snow-white, and the filling on top is very bright, juicy and aromatic. The meat base will turn out to be very tender, soft and juicy, and the bright cap of carrots complements it wonderfully.



Nutritional value (per 100 g):

The roll turns out not only tasty and satisfying, but also very juicy and aromatic. And the bright cut is very attractive.



Nutritional value (per 100 g):

Plump, aromatic and juicy sausages, the taste of which will delight any meat-eater.



Nutritional value (per 100 g):


Holiday dishes

The most ordinary dish can easily become festive if you add a few special ingredients to it. For example, you can cook meatballs for the holiday table.

For this you will need:

  • half a kilo of fresh minced meat (you can choose beef or mixed);
  • one hundred grams of Parmesan cheese;
  • two hundred milliliters of homemade tomato sauce;
  • one and a half glasses of clean water;
  • two eggs;
  • onion;
  • two to three cloves of garlic;
  • a little basil and other spices to taste.

Everything is prepared very simply. To begin, finely chop the onion and garlic and lightly sauté in vegetable oil. As soon as the onion pieces become transparent, add water, tomato juice, spices and herbs. When the mixture boils, cover the pan with a lid and leave on low heat. At this time, you can start cooking meatballs. Beat the minced meat in a comfortable and deep bowl, add finely grated cheese, eggs and spices. Mix thoroughly and form small balls from the resulting mass. Place our meatballs in the sauce and simmer for an hour. Can be served with any side dish.

Top low-calorie and delicious recipes for losing weight

There are many different recipes for ground beef that meet nutritional requirements (PN). The main thing is to use fresh, natural, low-calorie products and prepare them correctly.

A person who is on a diet or wants to eat healthy can make cutlets, meatballs, cabbage rolls, zrazy, dumplings and even a casserole from ground beef. These dishes will quickly and permanently satisfy your hunger and accelerate fat burning.

Attention! Dietary beef dishes should be prepared for one meal, always served fresh, and not after a few hours or the next day. After all, over time, the beneficial substances in them die and pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply.

Beef cutlets in the oven

You can prepare a dietary dish not only by steaming it. Crispy cutlets in the oven will not spoil your figure and will satisfy your taste needs. 100 g of dish contains 196 kcal.

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