Steaming: methods of cooking using steam

The benefits of steamed dishes

One of the main advantages of steam cooking is the absence of oil. Thanks to this, the calorie content of food is reduced. Steaming “melts out” excess fat from the food itself. As a result, the total energy value of the dish may decrease by 100-150 kcal.

Food cooked in a double boiler is useful for people with gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis), athletes and the elderly. Often the first complementary foods for infants are also steamed.

Steaming preserves most of the beneficial nutrients and vitamins. Neither stewing, nor boiling, nor baking can compare with so many nutrients. For this reason, a steam diet is often prescribed to patients during the rehabilitation period or after surgery.

Steamed food is easy to digest and has minimal impact on the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. A similar principle of nutrition is recommended by doctors for pancreatitis.

Products prepared in this way retain their natural taste, color and structure, which is very popular among fans of organic cuisine.

However, one cannot fail to mention the disadvantages of this cooking method, namely:

  • Do not use overripe or too soft-textured vegetables and fruits;
  • it is almost impossible to cook mushrooms and pasta (from soft wheat varieties) deliciously;
  • all ingredients must be of high quality, free of harmful impurities and pesticides, since during steaming, unlike cooking, harmful substances do not disappear.

Interesting! Steaming reduces the percentage of fat in the dish, which means the content of bad cholesterol decreases.

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Who lost weight on steam food. Negative reviews

This soufflé can also be prepared with raisins, pieces of prunes, or adding ground citrus peel to it. To prepare this dessert you will need: grapefruit, banana, several apricots, a handful of strawberries and 0.5 cups of grape or citrus juice. Berries and fruits are crushed in a blender, then juice is added to them.

The finished drink is served in glasses, garnished with currants on top. I was forced to start steaming because of allergies in the child I was breastfeeding. At first I didn’t even have a double boiler; I simply placed a suitable sized metal sieve on a pan of water, which I covered with a lid. And when a multicooker appeared in the house, in which you can cook steamed meat, cutlets, vegetables, fish, dumplings, cheesecakes, my husband began to eat such dishes with pleasure.

The fact that I got rid of several extra pounds in a fairly short period of time is perhaps less indicative - after all, the postpartum period involves heavy loads.

But my husband, who always had problems with weight, lost 5 kilograms in a couple of months! So the steamed diet gives results, and not bad ones. I read rave reviews from those who have lost weight on the steam diet, and I wonder what’s special about it? Yes, it is considered medicinal, I don’t argue with that.

Switch to English registration. Phone or email. Another's computer. We will talk about a diet that involves consuming foods that are cooked exclusively by steaming. The advantage of the steam diet is that it is aimed at cleansing the body, restoring the post-cleansing period, and also supporting strength to fight various diseases.

But it seems to me that the effect for losing weight is not the method of preparation, but the low calorie content - the food is prepared without fat. Considering that you can cook with virtually no fat in modern frying pans, then why limit yourself to delicious dishes?

How to become slim without hunger strikes, metabolic disorders and health consequences? Eating healthy is a smart choice. Following simple rules will help you slowly but surely get rid of extra pounds and forget about being overweight for a long time.

For example, I love fried foods, and if I needed to lose excess weight, I would simply start eating foods that are low in calories. The steam diet was prescribed to me by my local therapist. The reason is 2nd degree obesity, and blood sugar appeared. I got used to doing without fatty and fried foods very quickly; it was difficult to give up salt. I didn’t feel hungry at all; I came up with the menu for each day myself, in accordance with the requirements of the diet. I only had vegetables for dinner and drank a glass of kefir before going to bed.

My results: I lost weight, in 4 weeks my body weight became 4 kg less, my sugar levels were almost normal.

I plan to stick to this diet all the time. Reviews from doctors and specialists. The opinion of doctors about the steam diet is clearly positive.

Food cooked in a double boiler is superior in health to both fried and boiled food. It retains much more vitamins and minerals, and during the cooking process, carcinogens and other harmful substances are not formed in it.

The steamed diet menu consists of products with low energy value, which promotes weight loss. The harmlessness of the steam diet is evidenced by the fact that it is used in therapeutic dietetics.

The method of cooking food in a double boiler is recommended for colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcers, diabetes, hypertension, liver and kidney diseases. The effectiveness of this method for losing weight is beyond doubt; if you follow it, your weight will fall slowly but steadily. And since the metabolism is not disrupted, the lost weight does not return.

Reviews and comments: rufa Therefore, I don’t feel any discomfort, I don’t go hungry. The main thing is to forget that there are fried, fatty and sweet foods in the world.

I wanted to choose a diet that would not only allow me to lose weight without harming my health, but would even improve the condition of my body. Having studied the principles of the steamed diet, I realized that this was exactly what I was looking for. It is not difficult to maintain a diet at all, because, firstly, it is quite filling, not hungry, and secondly, it is varied, there is no monotony. I am very pleased with my results; I lost 6 kilograms in a month and a half.

For me this is not a diet, but a way of life. An excellent diet, I’ve been on it for two months now, and the results are very impressive.

How to cook

Even if you don’t have an appliance such as a steamer at home, you can steam dietary dishes using an oven, stove or multicooker.

In a steamer

A steamer is a household appliance that is very easy to use. In most cases, all modes are indicated on the body, so the owner can only add water, add food and select the desired cooking method.

However, before cooking, you need to understand a few nuances that will help extend the life of the appliance and make dishes tastier and healthier:

  1. Do not add spices, herbs, herbs or broth to the water poured into the tank (this will damage the heating element).
  2. You can place food in the steamer only after the water has boiled.
  3. Its level should be at least 2-3 cm below the bottom of the lower basket.
  4. The mode is selected depending on the type of product. So, fish cooks on average 20 minutes, vegetables and rice - 25 minutes, and meat - 35-40 minutes. Cooking time can be adjusted depending on the volume of food and the number of dishes being cooked at the same time.
  5. Food should be cut into uniform pieces and placed loosely to facilitate steam circulation. If it is not possible to cut the ingredients evenly, then the smallest ones should be in the upper basket, and the larger ones in the lower basket.
  6. Place meat and fish in the lower bowl, and vegetables in the upper bowl, as they cook much faster.
  7. Vegetables can be cooked with their skins on. This way they will retain more vitamins.
  8. Scallops and shrimp are cleaned before placing in the steamer; other seafood can be added unpeeled.
  9. All spices are added only at the end of cooking.

The steamer can also be used to defrost food, reheat lunch, pastries and bread. This device will successfully replace both a regular saucepan and a microwave oven.

Interesting! The steamer can be used as a sterilizer for children's dishes or home canning.

In a slow cooker

Steaming in a slow cooker is not at all difficult. Water is poured into the bowl of the device, a special basket is placed on top, into which food is placed, after which the mode is selected and the timer is set. However, there are a number of nuances that can reduce cooking time and enhance the taste of the dish:

  1. Instead of cold water, it is best to pour hot water into the thicket. This will shorten its heating time.
  2. When cooking green vegetables, cabbage and salads, you must choose the minimum time, otherwise the products will lose their color.
  3. You can put frozen foods into the multicooker.
  4. As in a double boiler, it is best to add salt and use spices at the end of cooking.

Unlike a double boiler, in a multicooker you can use any liquid instead of water: broth, tea or wine.

On the stove

The steam cooking method was actively used even before the invention of the steamer and multicooker. To prepare healthy and wholesome dishes, all you needed was a stove, a saucepan and a colander:

  1. The required amount of water (slightly less than half) was poured into the pan, which was brought to a boil.
  2. A colander was placed on top, into which food or prepared dishes were placed.
  3. The pan was covered with a lid.
  4. And over low heat the dish was cooked for the required amount of time.

Instead of a colander, today you can use a steaming insert, which is sold in stores. It is equipped with a special handle and legs, and the folding compact petal structure allows it to be stored in a cutlery drawer.

How to cook porridge in a steamer

You can cook almost all types of cereals in a double boiler. The main thing is that there is a special bowl for this. Although you can use microwave or multicooker containers.

It turns out very tasty:

  • rice. Rinse 6 tablespoons of cereal until the water becomes clear, pour 300 ml of boiling water, place in a steamer bowl, stir, cook for about 45 minutes. Next, you can add salt or sugar, a little milk, butter and other ingredients. Rice is universal in this regard;
  • millet. Rinse the cereal several times until the water becomes clear. Place in the prepared container, filling it no more than a third. Pour water or milk. To make the dish crumbly, there must be enough liquid so that it rises to the same height from above as the cereal occupies. Those who want to cook a more viscous porridge should add a little more. Next, if desired, add pumpkin, dried fruits, salt or sugar to the cereal. Turn on the steamer for 30-45 minutes depending on the volume of the bowl;
  • oatmeal. Pour a glass of cereal with a glass of water and a glass of milk, cook for half an hour. After this time, pour another glass of milk into the porridge, add salt or sugar to taste, and cook for another 5 minutes. If desired, you can sprinkle with raisins or add softened dried fruits when serving;
  • buckwheat. Rinse the cereal, remove debris, add water in a 1:1 ratio, turn on the device for 40 minutes. Steamed buckwheat can be served with butter, sugar, milk, mushrooms, meatballs or fish.
  • semolina. It’s not so easy to prepare everyone’s favorite porridge since childhood, but not in a double boiler. Here it will definitely not burn, will have the necessary consistency and will turn out without lumps. For 5 tablespoons of semolina you need to take 50 ml of milk and 150 ml of water, salt and sugar are added to taste. It takes half an hour to cook the cereal.

You can cook other cereals in a double boiler, but these are the most popular. Ready-made meals will be even more tasty and healthy if you add fresh or dried vegetables and fruits, berries or candied fruits to them.

Note to the owner. Legumes are not cooked in a steamer. But if beans, peas, and corn were harvested young and require minimal heat treatment, they can be added to cereals.

Steam diet: what, how and when to eat

The steam diet is not fast. You can lose weight with it, but you shouldn’t expect instant results. If all restrictions are correctly followed, you will lose 1-1.5 kg per week.

The steam diet is absolutely safe, so you can stay on it as long as you like. The minimum recommended period is 3 weeks. By following simple rules, you can improve the effectiveness of the steam diet:

  • eat 5-6 times a day;
  • the weight of one serving should not exceed 200 g;
  • do not combine carbohydrates with proteins;
  • remove sugar from your diet, replacing it with stevia and honey;
  • set daily calorie limits;
  • observe drinking regime;
  • engage in moderate physical activity.

All food and drinks should be warm, but not hot, as this affects the digestive processes.

During the period of restrictions, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, fast food, butter and milk fat substitutes, mayonnaise, pastries and bakery products, fatty meats and fish from the menu.

Recipe for steamed cutlets.

Steamed veal cutlets.

  • 300 g veal or chicken fillet;
  • 50 g white bread;
  • small onion;
  • salt.

Soak the bread in water and then squeeze it out. Wash the meat, dry it, mince it twice, combine with bread, add salt to taste and mix thoroughly. Form cutlets from the resulting minced meat, place them in one row in a colander or on a wire rack, cover the pan with a lid and steam for at least half an hour. You don't have to add onions to the cutlets. Recommended for peptic ulcers and cholecystitis.

Note to the hostess

  1. Cutlets that are steamed are not breaded. When exposed to steam, the breading becomes soggy, which worsens the taste and appearance of the product.
  2. To steam cutlets, it is better to use finely ground minced meat or pass the meat through a meat grinder twice. The meat should be fresh, lean varieties are preferred: chicken, veal, young beef and lean pork.
  3. Cutlets that are steamed are placed in a steamer in one row.
  4. You can cook the cutlets in a water bath. To do this, put the cutlets in a small saucepan without handles, pour over the broth, cover with a lid, and place in another saucepan half filled with boiling water. Keep in a very hot oven for 25-30 minutes.

Steamed meat and vegetable cutlets.

  • 500g minced meat;
  • 200-300g pumpkin (zucchini);
  • Bulb;
  • 3 eggs;
  • salt.

Grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater, chop the onion, add eggs, salt, minced meat and form into cutlets. Steam for 35-40 minutes.

On a note

Fried cutlets can be given to children only after 1 year, since when fried, a crust forms on them, which is difficult to digest. In general, it is preferable for children under 3 years old to steam cutlets. Such dishes are also irreplaceable for those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Main conclusions

Losing weight with steam food is not difficult, but you should not expect immediate external changes. The main advantage of the diet is the overall health of the body:

  1. The steam diet has a positive effect on the functioning of all systems and organs.
  2. The calorie content of steamed food is 150-200 kcal lower than when fried.
  3. You can also steam on the stove, in the oven and in the slow cooker.
  4. There are many recipes for dishes in a double boiler for weight loss: from soups to desserts.
  5. During the steam diet, it is important to follow the principles of fractional nutrition and drinking regime.

A steamer is a universal assistant in the kitchen, allowing you to implement all the principles of a healthy and balanced diet.

Comment on the article, share the best recipes for a steamer and your experience of losing weight on a steam diet.

Steam cooking methods.

What and how to steam.

If you don’t have a steamer, but your health requires you to follow a certain diet, use simple methods of steaming dishes.

  1. Way. The simplest device for steaming is a saucepan with water poured into it and a sieve, colander or rack placed on top, always tightly closed with a lid and for additional sealing, wrapped around the edge of the lid with a towel. The water in the pan boils - and the evaporating steam warms up, moisturizes and cooks the food.
  2. Way. You can independently make a simple grid from steel or aluminum wire of a size suitable for the selected pan, resting along the perimeter on the bottom of the pan and rising 2-4 cm above the level of poured water. It is better if the wire is made of stainless steel (but in no case copper! ). With this method, you should choose a fairly high enameled pan with intact enamel (so that a galvanic couple does not form due to the heterogeneity of the metals of the pan and the grate). In the future, it is advisable to use the selected pan only for steaming and nothing else.
  3. Way. Cover the top of the pan with a cotton cloth so that the fabric sag, and securely fasten it along the edge of the pan with twine. Pour a pre-measured amount of boiling water through the cloth so that the water does not reach 2-4 cm from the cloth. Place the food on the cloth, cover the top with a suitable sized plate, saucer or foil, tightly close the lid of the pan and place on the fire. In this way, you can steam many foods , including children's steamed cutlets.
  4. Way. You can place the food in a canvas bag and hang it in a saucepan or kettle over boiling water with a tightly closed lid. Since ancient times, many peoples have prepared various dishes this way.
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