Diet for women after 35 years for weight loss: how to choose an effective and efficient one?

Recommended nutrition at 35 years old

After 30 years, it is important for women to monitor their figure, health, and appearance. Despite your young age, the body is already becoming more susceptible to the negative effects of various factors. A healthy diet is one of the main factors that can withstand the coming age-related changes. Why it is important to adjust your menu at this age is not understood by many ladies. But it is after 35 years, and for some even earlier, that girls come out of maternity leave, already have families with children, jobs at the start of their careers. As a result of such wealth, the young woman is in constant trouble and worries, because of which she does not have time to eat on time, there is no time for breakfast, and in the evening her hungry body demands to sweep away everything that is edible on the table.

With this approach to nutrition, some end up with extra centimeters on their waists, while others suffer from exhaustion and weakness. In both cases, there is a lack of vitamins, proteins and beneficial microelements.

Therefore, it is recommended to eat regularly, in small portions, at thirty and later. Food should be balanced, with a full range of vitamins, proteins, acids, fats and carbohydrates, and other microelements that are important for the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Eating 5 times a day, without fasting. It’s easy to take a small bag of healthy snacks to work, but your body will be grateful for such care.

How to find support from loved ones?

It often happens that a person is planning to lose weight, but no one believes in him, they dissuade him or even forbid him to eat properly. This can lead you off course. After all, any person in such a situation needs support. You can find her in the person of a friend, coach, relatives or a group of people with similar interests on the Internet. They will not allow someone losing weight to skip workouts, mess up their diet, or be lazy.

If there is no support, then you can make this factor your motivation. When the ideal figure is achieved, all those who did not believe in the result will be convinced that you were right.

Basic diet at 35 years old

The diet of a young woman after 35 years should be based on proteins, vegetables and fruits. With their help, you can supply the body with the required amount of protein to support elasticity and muscle tone, fiber, vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other microelements for the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine and other body systems.

The diet should be dominated by protein-containing foods such as:

  • Lean poultry meat,
  • Veal,
  • fish,
  • eggs,
  • cottage cheese.

These products will provide beauty to women's hair, nails, and skin. Helps strengthen muscles. If you add regular physical activity, then at thirty and thirty-five you can proudly admire your ideal forms.

Seafood will help maintain youth and health. Once a week you need to eat fatty fish (stewed or steamed). This could be salmon, salmon, herring, mackerel. One serving will replenish the necessary supply of Omega 3. The female body constantly needs these acids.

Exercises - do women need them?

Without physical activity, it will be extremely difficult to successfully lose weight. They will help replace fat tissue with muscle tissue. Due to this, the body will look more toned and sculpted.

The training plan for the week can be approximately the same as in the table.

Sample training plan for a week

Jogging in this case is not long runs in the morning and evening (15 minutes each). Training should not last less than 1 hour.

Vegetables, greens, fruits and grains

Proper nutrition after 30 requires the introduction of a large amount of greens. You need to make it a rule to eat lettuce leaves every day: arugula, spinach, romaine, lettuce, iceberg, etc. In combination with a few chopped vegetables, a quail egg (boiled), and a light dressing, you get an excellent salad that you can have for dinner. Cabbage salads will replenish your supply of vitamin K and prevent the development of edema. You need to introduce them into your daily diet, especially when you need to lose weight.

Be sure to choose vegetables of different colors. To maintain beauty, there should be a lot of orange or red vegetables. Therefore, do not forget about pumpkin and carrots. Fans of tropical delicacies can regularly consume mango, avocado, and kiwi.

Where to get motivation to lose weight

Attitude and goal setting play a big role in losing weight. They are impossible without proper motivation. What to do if it is not there? You can familiarize yourself with the list of the most common factors that contribute to weight loss, described below, and choose the one that suits you:

  • ideal figure;
  • attracting the attention of the opposite sex;
  • gaining confidence to change professional activities (model, flight attendant, etc.);
  • victory over complexes about one's own appearance;
  • improved health.

Why did you decide to lose weight?

Many people are motivated to lose weight by the competition factor. They want to look better than their friend, work colleague, mistress, etc.

Everyone has motivation to lose weight. It just needs to be formulated more clearly. After all, if a person is already thinking about losing extra pounds, then something prompted him to do so.

Indicative menu after 35

Even after studying the Talmuds about the benefits and harms of all foods, it is not always possible to organize your daily diet. Therefore, nutritionists have introduced the following indicative menu that a 30-year-old female body will appreciate:

  • breakfast - porridge with berries and fruits, water or milk,
  • snack – smoothie, fruit,
  • for lunch - cereals or pasta with meat and a portion of salad,
  • snack – kefir, nuts, fruits,
  • dinner - a portion of salad.

Staying fit doesn't require a strict diet if you just eat right. But there is a set of products that you should avoid. These include preservatives, fried foods, fast-acting carbohydrates (sweets, cookies, buns, sugar). There is no place in a healthy diet for sausages, smoked meats, or semi-finished products. By eliminating these foods, you won't have to go hungry. On the contrary, there are interesting recipes that allow you to eat even more deliciously than before. Pumpkin pancakes for a snack and salmon main course are very popular.

How to start moving more

To start moving more, you need to reconsider your normal daily routine. If you use public transport, you can try getting off 1-2 stops earlier than usual. It is also recommended not to use the elevator. Office workers can simply do a short stretch several times a day. Even such small changes will very soon bring the first results in losing weight.

If you have children at home and jogging is not always possible, then you should give preference to cardio training. You can do them in the morning as exercise for the whole family. To involve your household in the process, try playing fun and energetic music.

Sometimes the numbers on the scale turn out to be a surprise - don’t let it get to that point

Recipe No. 2. Salmon coated with nuts and tomatoes

Half a kilogram of salmon is boiled. The finished fillet is laid out on a plate, and a separately prepared fur coat is placed on top. For the fur coat, you need to fry pine nuts and garlic in a frying pan, to which finely chopped tomato, cheese and herbs are added at the end. Such a fur coat with tender salmon meat is very pleasant to the taste, healthy and nutritious.

It will not be difficult for every woman to find many more recipes for original and incredibly tasty dishes that will turn healthy eating into a celebration of life, and not a test.


When performing sports exercises, the metabolism accelerates, the need for nutrient consumption increases.

Protein is an important highly nutritious material for the human body. For a person who is not involved in sports, the daily protein intake is less than 2 g per 1 kg of weight. For an athletic person, the daily protein requirement rises to 2.5 g per 1 kg of weight.

Meat, fish, legumes, cheeses and eggs are rich in proteins. Half of the protein consumed comes from meat products. The second half consists of plant products and dairy products.

Drinking regime

Drinking routine is the accepted regimen for drinking fluids. Norms for fluid intake are established in relation to the type of human activity and his age. Both a lack of water and its excess are harmful to the body. Indiscriminate intake of water negatively affects the process of food processing, the functioning of the heart, and kidneys.

The human body consists of 70% water, so it is important to accurately organize your fluid intake regimen. The greater a person’s body weight, the greater the rate of water consumption. With a calm lifestyle, a person weighing 50-60 kg should drink up to 2 liters of water per day, 70-80 kg - 2.5 liters, 90-100 kg - 3 liters. With significant physical activity and hot weather, the water norm for people 50-70 kg is 3 liters, 80-100 kg - 4 liters.

It is good to drink water 20 minutes before. before eating. Drinking water is prohibited during meals. Drinking water after meals is allowed after complete breakdown of food: from 30 minutes. up to 6 o'clock

In the morning on an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink 200 ml with the juice of a lemon slice. For breakfast, herbal or regular tea is suitable, volume: 0.5 l. Before meals, drink 200-400 ml of water. Stop taking fluids 2 hours before bedtime. The water must be boiled.

If you follow the correct fluid intake regimen, you need to pay attention to drinking tea (black, green, herbal). Freshly brewed weak tea will benefit the body. Fruit and vegetable juices are also important, but the juices should not be freshly squeezed: freshly squeezed juice has a negative effect on the pancreas. The norm for drinking juice is 1.5 liters.

What to snack on during the day while losing weight

Proper nutrition for weight loss at home involves having 2-3 snacks during the day. Low-calorie, fiber-rich foods are ideal for this.

It could be:

  1. Berries or fruits: apple or pear, plums, apricots.
  2. Vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage.
  3. Dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots.
  4. Greens: parsley, basil, cilantro.
  5. Fermented milk products: kefir, fermented baked milk, whey.

Diet menu for 7 days for women over 40 years old

Nutrition table for women over 40 years old:

Day of the weekBreakfastSnackDinnerSnackDinner
1Rice porridge,
tomato salad.
dried apricots.
Vegetable soup,
baked fish,


Boiled breast with cheese.
2Cottage cheese with herbs and basil,
Green borscht,
boiled liver,


A glass of fermented baked milk.Baked cod with vegetable salad.
3Barley porridge,
Cherry jelly.Beetroot,
brown rice pilaf,


Apricot juice.Seafood salad.
4Zucchini pancakes,
tea with milk.
2 pearsRassolnik with kidneys,
cabbage cutlets.
Carrot juice,
Sugar-free cottage cheese casserole.
5Macaroni and cheese,
Pea soup,
chicken cutlets,

Bell pepper.

A glass of kefirCottage cheese casserole with vermicelli,
tea with lemon.
6Fruit pilaf,
toast with cheese.
a handful of nuts.
with liver


A glass of milk,
Omelette with herbs,
7Oatmeal with cottage cheese.Crackers,
tea with milk.
Mashed potatoes,
boiled fish,


Tomato juice, bread.Vegetable puree,
green tea.
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