Detailed description of the Attack phase of the Dukan diet, allowed foods with recipes

The first phase - “Attack” - is the most important in the Dukan diet. The final result depends on it. At this stage, you launch the fat burning mechanism and are already getting the first results.

The secret of the “Attack” is to “force” the accumulated fat cells to be used up. How it works? Fat is deposited due to excess carbohydrates, which the body does not have time to convert into energy. It is enough to reduce the consumption of carbohydrate foods, and reserves will stop accumulating. The essence of the Dukan protein diet is to not only stop the increase in adipose tissue, but also to “use up” what has already accumulated.

How does Attack work?

Carbohydrate foods are usually easily digested, providing the body with energy. The task of the first phase is to “deal a crushing blow” to fat cells, depriving them of carbohydrate supply and using reserves. The main “weapons” here are proteins.

And that's why:

  1. To feel full, you need less protein food than carbohydrate food, so the portion will automatically be smaller.
  2. Proteins take much longer to digest than carbohydrates, so you won't be hungry for longer.
  3. To digest protein foods, the body needs to expend almost three times more energy than they provide. And that's why you will lose weight. In the absence of carbohydrates, glucose, responsible for the body's strength, is released from fat cells. As a result, you lose reserves, artificially creating an extreme situation.

The duration of the Attack phase must be strictly calculated using the calculator on the official website of Dr. Dukan, and in no case should you increase its duration on your own initiative!

During the first phase, from 1.5 to 6 kg are lost. These days there is rapid weight loss. At the remaining stages, the kilograms will fall off more slowly, but steadily.


Dukan worked on the system for several decades, and in 2000 he even published the book “I Can’t Lose Weight,” which was instantly read by millions of people. The Dukan diet is a protein diet, since during it the person losing weight refuses carbohydrates and consumes only meat and low-fat dairy products.

The body, not receiving the proper portion of energy, begins to burn its own fat, providing itself with strength.

Important! The diet is not suitable for people suffering from pancreatic diseases. Therefore, before you start losing weight, you should consult your doctor.

The importance of bran in the Dukan diet

You will have to love oat bran seriously and for a long time, since it is an indispensable component of the entire Dukan diet, not only the Attack phase.

1. The structure of oat bran promotes maximum cleansing of the body.

2. Another feature is parallel cleansing of the liver from toxins. After all, the liver is a filter that retains a huge amount of harmful substances that enter the body not only with food, but also with dust during breathing. However, if you already have liver disease, you must adhere to a special diet.

3. Bran contains coarse fiber, which is not digested, but helps improve digestion by participating in the fermentation process. And without it, digestion is impossible.

4. Oat bran contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that the body needs daily. This is especially true given the obvious lack of important substances in protein foods.

5. By replenishing part of the vitamin reserves, bran simultaneously promotes the elimination of mercury salts, lead and some other toxic substances that accumulate in the liver and intestines.

6. Daily consumption of bran reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, normalizes sugar and lowers blood pressure.

Contraindications to taking bran

Like many healthy foods, bran has a downside. They should not be used:

  • for gastritis,
  • colitis,
  • duodenal ulcer,
  • erosions of various origins,
  • adhesions of the intestines and abdominal cavity,
  • stomach ulcer,
  • diarrhea.

Cooking bran correctly!

It is better to choose bran without flavoring additives and aromas - they are healthier and more effective.

Before use, bran must be poured with boiling water for at least 1 minute. Otherwise, hard fibers can damage not only the esophagus, but also the intestines and stomach. Only after processing can they be eaten, always washed down with plenty of water. By pushing the bran through, it facilitates bowel cleansing.

Water plays a huge role not only when taking bran, but also throughout the entire diet, so the body should receive at least 2 liters of fluid per day.


Is a protein diet beneficial or dangerous for men?

The Dukan method is designed for losing excess weight and does not depend on gender. Proper nutrition according to the plan, daily exercise will allow you to gradually lose excess body weight and improve well-being in both men and women.

Can you eat watermelon on the Dukan diet?

During the “Attack”, “Cruise”, “Consolidation” periods, it is recommended to refrain from eating fruits, with the exception of Goji berries and Rhubarb, which can be eaten from the “Alternation” phase. These fruits have a low content of natural sugar, are an effective remedy for constipation and are a source of antioxidants. After losing extra pounds and achieving an ideal weight, you are allowed to include the following fruits in your diet: watermelon, pear, mango, kiwi, melon, apples, peach, strawberry, raspberry.

What sweetener can you use on the Dukan diet?

Xylitol, sucralose, aspartame, stevia.

Is honey ok on the Dukan diet?

It is strictly prohibited, since it consists of 100% sugar, which is absolutely not permissible to add to the protein diet during and after losing weight.

Why is the Dukan diet dangerous?

Currently, some nutritionists are concerned that this method of losing weight can lead to metabolic disorders, namely, with intensive consumption of only protein foods, fat-soluble vitamins may no longer be absorbed, which contributes to calcium deficiency in the body.

It is recommended to practice this dietary system with particular caution for people with diabetes, since the process of assimilation of sugar from some vegetables and fruits occurs much faster than when taken in its pure form. That is why failure to take this factor into account can lead to a deterioration in the condition of patients.

What to do about constipation on the Dukan diet?

During the period when the body gets used to a new diet, the problem of difficulty defecating can often arise.

To eliminate such an unpleasant phenomenon, experts recommend:

  • increase the amount of fluid consumed per day to 2 liters, it is important to do this within 35 minutes. before eating, drink 0.25-0.5 liters of water;
  • there are fibers, for example, rhubarb compote;
  • change your diet, namely alternate protein days and protein-vegetable days according to a 1:1 scheme;
  • increase the number of sports activities, in particular, focus on fast walking and abdominal pumping;
  • include paraffin oil in your diet.

What is COM in the Dukan Diet?

The abbreviation “COM” is often used in protein weight loss methods; it means skimmed milk powder 1.5%.

Is alcohol allowed on the Dukan diet?

Drinking alcoholic beverages in their pure form during the process of losing weight is strictly prohibited. However, they can be used when preparing main dishes, sauces, without a lid (up to 3 tablespoons per day) at the “Cruise” stage. This is due to the fact that during the heating period the alcohol evaporates, leaving only an impeccable aroma.

What kind of cheese can you eat on the Dukan diet?

At all stages, the consumption of all low-fat varieties of cheese (0%) is allowed.

At the “Alternation” stage, it is allowed to include in the daily diet 30 g of grated Swiss and processed cheese, with a maximum fat content of up to 6%, and during the “Fixation” phase - up to 40 g of the variety richest in proteins (for example, Gouda, Veselaya Burenka, Parmesan, Edam, Saint-Nectaire, Emmental, Reblochon), up to 50 g - with a fat content of 20%, up to 60 g - with 10%.

Can you have mushrooms on the Dukan diet?

“Forest bread” is prohibited to be consumed at the “Attack” stage, but is allowed during the “Alternation” and “Consolidation” periods.

Can you have seeds on the Dukan diet?

Due to the increased fat content and calorie content, during weight loss it is recommended to completely exclude this product from the diet. It is allowed to consume seeds in moderate quantities only after achieving the desired result, at the “Stabilization” stage.

How much weight can you lose on the Dukan diet?

If all conditions are strictly followed, this technique will help you lose from 5 to 50 kg or more. You can verify this by looking at the reviews and results with photos of people losing weight.

Is it possible to have bread on the Dukan diet?

It is allowed to eat dietary oat bran bread.

Can I have corn on the Dukan diet?

Due to the high level of starch, using this product during weight loss is strictly prohibited. It is allowed to consume corn in limited quantities at the “Stabilization” stage.

Is chicken broth ok on the Dukan diet?

Yes, starting from the first phase, provided that it is prepared from sirloin.

Compliance with the above conditions of proper nutrition and daily routine will help achieve the desired result without “losses” to health.

Recipes for the attack phase

Quick bread


  • Oat bran - 2 tablespoons
  • Soft low-fat cottage cheese - 2 tbsp
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt, spices - to taste

Mix all ingredients and place in the microwave for 5 minutes at standard power.

Salad "Sailor"


  • Boiled egg white - 3 pcs
  • Chicken ham (up to 4% fat) – 50 g
  • Crab sticks – 10 pcs
  • Boiled shrimp – 20 pieces
  • Low-fat yogurt (or kefir) - 3 tablespoons

Finely chop all ingredients, mix and season with yogurt (or kefir). You can add salt and/or black pepper to taste

Marmalade "Coca-Cola"


  • Coca-Cola light – 500 ml
  • Gelatin – 50 g
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon
  • Sweetener - to taste

Pour gelatin into 200 ml of Coca-Cola for 1 hour (place in a deep bowl, cola may foam). Add citric acid and sweetener to the remaining cola. Heat the mixture on the stove, but do not bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Place the swollen gelatin into the hot syrup and stir. Heat the syrup with gelatin over low heat until completely dissolved, do not allow it to boil. Pour into the mold and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Example menu for rotation stage 1-1

Day No. 1

  • breakfast - coffee, omelet, carrots, bran bread;
  • lunch – steamed lean veal steak, vegetable soup;
  • afternoon snack – herbal tea, cheesecakes;
  • dinner - fresh vegetable salad, baked meat.

Day No. 2

  • breakfast – cottage cheese casserole, kefir;
  • lunch - solyanka;
  • afternoon snack – coffee, sandwich with lightly salted fish;
  • dinner - skim milk or yogurt, meatloaf.

Day No. 3

  • breakfast - yogurt, omelet, bread
  • lunch - fish soup or meat/vegetable soups;
  • afternoon snack - coffee, bran pancakes;
  • dinner - raw vegetable salad, chicken cutlets.

Day No. 4

  • breakfast - herbal tea, omelet, boiled beets;
  • lunch – baked fish, bran;
  • afternoon snack - cheesecakes;
  • dinner - soup with meatballs.

Day No. 5

  • breakfast – lightly salted salmon, coffee, boiled eggs;
  • lunch - cabbage salad, turkey meat;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole, 0% kefir;
  • dinner - processed cheese, fish with vegetables, tea.

Day No. 6

  • breakfast - coffee, cheesecakes;
  • lunch - bran bread, fish soup;
  • afternoon snack – crustacean or shellfish salad;
  • dinner - baked fish or meat.

Day No. 7

  • breakfast – chicken fillet, tomato and radish salad;
  • lunch – soup with veal meatballs;
  • afternoon snack – cheesecakes, coffee;
  • dinner - zucchini dishes, kefir.

The main task of the second stage of weight loss according to Dukan is to maintain and consolidate the results of the first phase, as well as to bring the diet closer to the usual one, without the possibility of returning the lost kilograms during the “Attack” period.

Basic moments

Four stages, different rules for choosing foods - this is what makes the Dukan diet different. The “Attack” stage is the shortest and most difficult. The duration is calculated individually using the calculator and depends on the initial and desired weight, as well as the difference between them:

  • less than five kg - 1-2 days;
  • from five to ten kg - 3-5 days;
  • more than ten - 5-10 days.

At the first stage of the Dukan diet, up to 6 kilograms of weight are usually lost. The reason for this is ketosis , a common occurrence on a protein diet. When glycogen reserves in the liver are depleted, the amount of ketone bodies in the blood increases - carbon fragments that are formed during the breakdown of fats and are processed into energy for the body.

Ketosis is associated with changes in the energy supply of all processes, and also has a number of symptoms:

  • decreased feeling of hunger;
  • burst of energy.

But with the only caveat - each organism individually switches to a different type of fuel. The effectiveness of this stage depends on the composition of a typical human diet. If the energy came mainly from carbohydrates, then the effect will be noticeable.

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