Energy Diet - review of functional nutrition

Probably, only the lazy did not search on the Internet for the exposure and destruction of the composition of NL Energy Diet cocktails, where armchair experts, taking advantage of the popularity of the product and a large number of subscribers, pour out their very important and “competent” opinion on the Internet. Let's look at the composition, reveal the nasty details and the great deception of the NL international company about NL cocktails for weight loss.


  • Milk protein is one of the key elements that is the source of all the essential amino acids that are necessary to maintain a healthy metabolism. Milk protein is a source of calcium and restores cells in the body.
  • Soy protein is the lightest and most complete protein available. It is easily absorbed and integrated into the tissues of the body. Thanks to the content of lecithin in soy protein, the most important task is solved - the process of cell oxidation in the body slows down, thereby delaying the aging process.
  • An equally important protein is pea protein. It is a natural source of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9), which are conductors of all metabolic processes between cells. Thanks to pea protein, regeneration is accelerated and the recovery process after heavy loads and injuries is accelerated.
  • Another source of protein in the composition is caseinate. It is absorbed by the body for a long time, thereby providing cells with complete building material. Caseinate provides the body with essential amino acids, as well as calcium and phosphorus.

Everything seems to be clear with the squirrels?


Carbohydrates are a source of energy. The composition includes fast (simple) and slow (complex)

  • Fast carbohydrates that give a surge of strength and energy are dextrose and maltodextrin, which are glucose compounds. Glucose in isolated form must be avoided in order to avoid spikes in blood sugar. But in the Energy Diet, dextrose and maltodextrin interact with fiber and protein; in this combination, they are absorbed slowly, gradually being absorbed into the blood, so they are absolutely safe components, even for diabetics.
  • Slow carbohydrates also include starch, the formation of which occurs under the influence of photosynthesis by various plants. Starch is a slow-acting, complex carbohydrate that is an ideal source of long-lasting energy. It is absorbed into the blood gradually and provides a prolonged supply of energy to every cell of the body. During mental work, it helps saturate the neurons of the brain, and during training, it replenishes the lack of glycogen in the muscles.
  • Chicory inulin is a complex carbohydrate obtained from the tubers and roots of certain plants. In addition to its energy function, inulin removes harmful substances from the body: toxins, bad cholesterol and heavy metals.
  • Dietary fiber, the so-called fiber, also belongs to complex carbohydrates. Fiber cleanses the intestines, has a mild diuretic effect, detoxification, and normalizes intestinal microflora. Fiber in Energy Diets is contained in the form of cellulose gum and tara gum, which are dietary fibers of various types. Cellulose gum supplies insoluble dietary fiber, while tara gum, on the contrary, supplies soluble fiber.

Network marketing or hello from the 90s

In the turbulent 90s after the collapse of the Union, all kinds of “networkers” flooded our country. Starting with cosmetics and ending with the giant Herbalife Nutrition, whose sellers walked the streets with “If you want to lose weight, ask me how” signs.

Energy Diet also works according to the network marketing scheme. Each partner can independently distribute their products, setting their own markup, or can refer customers to the manufacturer directly, receiving a percentage of sales.

For reference, the wholesale cost of 1 can of Energy Diet for 2014 was equal to 222 rubles and 54 kopecks (according to the resolution in case No. A56-14922/2014). And at that time they were sold for 1800 rubles per can.

There is nothing illegal either in network marketing or in commercial promotion. However, such a high margin and a huge number of independent sellers, who, unlike store retail, are not controlled by anyone, have formed a certain sales style for Energy Diet.

ED adherents flood Instagram and social networks with spam. They are looking for “active and purposeful” people, offering to start a “business without investment”, but in fact, to join the ranks of product distributors.

Fables are told about the unique properties of cocktails. Even the dextrose included in the composition does not prevent them from being sold as a means of weight loss. After all, according to the sellers, it “charges the body with energy.”

It must be said that show business and sports stars played an important role in popularizing the Energy Diet. Whoever advertised cocktails - Dmitry Dibrov, Lera Kudryavtseva, even Larisa Dolina managed to engage, although before that she managed to lose weight on a kefir diet.

But if TV presenters and artists may not understand what they are holding in their hands, then why PRO athletes cooperate with ED surprises many. The reason, most likely, is that you cannot earn as much from selling protein and other sports nutrition as you can from Energy Diet, especially if we are talking not only about advertising, but about long-term cooperation as a distributor.

Sports nutrition has a certain audience that is quite well versed in the composition of such products and is not ready to throw money away. Energy Diet has slightly different consumers - those who do not want to delve into anything and are ready to buy an instant omelet at the price of seafood if they are promised that it will help them lose weight.

Vitamins and minerals

Energu Diet functional food contains all the essential nutrients the body needs every day, including vitamins and minerals.

Let's take a closer look at some of the components.

  • Magnesium carbonate, which came to the food industry from medicine. Without it, the body does not absorb B vitamins. Magnesium carbonate improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, promotes protein synthesis, and also has a positive effect on the activity of the brain and kidneys.
  • Acerola MALPIGHGLABRAL or Caribbean cherry is a natural source of vitamins and microelements. It is especially rich in vitamin C. Caribbean cherries rejuvenate the body, remove toxins and increase vitality.
  • Ferrous sulfate is the main participant in the energy processes of our body. As a source of iron, it provides nutrition for the normal development and functioning of the brain and ensures a healthy metabolic rhythm. And a lack of iron leads to excess weight.
  • Zinc citrate or zinc is a very useful trace element. Thanks to it, the immune system is activated, vision and memory are improved. Zinc also promotes the absorption of fats and carbohydrates.
  • Royal jelly or royal jelly - it contains more than 400 nutrients, minerals, vitamins and trace elements, including 22 amino acids (including all essential ones). Royal jelly is a powerful source of cell youth.
  • Manganese gluconate improves metabolism, in other words, it helps to combine all the nutrients and trace elements in the cocktail.
  • Copper gluconate – stimulates the skin’s immune system and prevents inflammatory processes.
  • Potassium iodide or iodine - takes part in oxidative processes, increasing the level of brain activity.
  • Sodium selenite or selenium, responsible for redox reactions, improves immunity by removing toxins from cells and neutralizing free radicals that contribute to cancer.

And a few more non-scary components

But we all know that it is not enough to make a product healthy; it also needs to be tasty and easy to use. To solve this problem, Energy Diet has added stabilizers, flavors and other 100% safe additives of taste and consistency. Flavors identical to natural are still the same natural flavors, only obtained in a laboratory method. They create the versatility of tastes and aromas of Energy Diet cocktails.

  • Tripotassium citrate is a common acidity regulator and stabilizer. It helps maintain the consistency of the shake while giving you more satiety with fewer calories.
  • It also contains a calorie-free artificial sweetener - acesulfame - k, which replaces regular sugar, but is absolutely safe for your health and figure.
  • Beta-carotene is a natural plant pigment that is formed during photosynthesis by algae, fungi and bacteria. Once in the human body, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A. Isn’t it scary?
  • Tri-substituted calcium orthophosphate - performs several functions at once: acidity regulator, stabilizer, leavening agent and color fixative. It is absolutely safe for humans, since 70% of our bones and tooth enamel are made of calcium phosphate. Its main task is to preserve the product from temperature changes or during long-term storage without special conditions.

How to take the Energy Diet cocktail?

According to the manufacturers, the diet with the Energy Diet cocktail consists of three stages:

  • The first stage – “Start” – is a diet with moderate calorie content. You completely exclude any foods, leaving only soups, cereals and Energy diet cocktails in your diet. You need to eat five times a day: in the morning - a whole portion of a sweet cocktail, a snack - half, at lunch - a savory Energy diet dish (soup, omelet, porridge), a second snack - another half a pack of cocktail, dinner - again a full portion. This diet should be followed for an average of 3-7 days, depending on how many kilograms you need to lose.
  • The second stage is “Consolidation of the result” . Cocktails should only be drunk as snacks and dinner; breakfast and lunch should be made from regular products. Of course, if you want to lose weight, it is better to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition when preparing food. The stage lasts approximately two weeks.
  • The third stage is “Control” – your constant nutrition. You have full morning and lunch meals, fruits are used as snacks, and you only need to take the Energy Diet weight loss cocktail once a day - as dinner. This stage is the longest. It is calculated using a simple formula: 1 month for each kilogram of weight lost. If during the previous two stages you lost 5 kilograms, then “Control” should last five months.

Every day you need to drink at least two liters of water. Tea and coffee are allowed - but without sugar or other additives. Rice, bread and rolls, pasta, semolina porridge, fatty meat, sweets should be limited for the entire duration of the diet, or better yet, excluded altogether.

We recommend you find out: is it possible to have coffee on a diet?

Question for trolls

I often hear one of the stupidest objections: “Energy Diet is chemistry” and the like. All the armchair experts analyze the compositions far and wide, shouting that it is chemicals, powder, and harmful. How can I replace food with powder diluted with water or milk? And other baseless blah blah blah. I have only one question, why don’t you troll baby food? Well, this is also an artificially created powder that mothers feed their children from the first days of life.

For example, take Nanny 3 infant formula, a New Zealand company that produces goat's milk infant formula. Expensive product of premium quality.

This mixture is recommended and approved by pediatricians all over the world for use by children from birth who are unlucky with breastfeeding.

For the sake of humor, let’s talk about Internet experts analyzing the composition of Energy Diets and proving that it is chemical, poison and complete nonsense. Let's compare the composition of Energy Diet and Nanny 3 infant formula.

Nanny Energy diets
Fats Fats
Carbohydrates Carbohydrates
Vitamins – (the same) Vitamins – (the same)
Minerals (same) Minerals (same)
Cellulose! Children do not need it, their gastrointestinal tract is not so formed
Enzyme complex

Just for fun: find a can of baby formula in a pharmacy or supermarket and compare the composition of Energy Diets and baby formula, which is recommended for children from birth. Recommended by pediatricians, doctors, scientists! Not networkers. And people who have studied for many years, and who have been given a certain responsibility by the state, medicine and healthcare. They say without fear that children should eat this mixture.

And Energy Diets should be eaten by adults - this is what we say, networkers.

So what is the difference in composition? The difference, believe it or not, is only in percentage: what is contained in baby formula is 2-3 times more in Energy Diets. A child weighs 5-10 kg, and an adult weighs slightly more.

  • Selenium: per 100 grams – 10 micrograms in Energy Diet – 54 micrograms.
  • Iodine – 70 micrograms, Energy Diet – 166 micrograms.

And this trend can be seen in all indicators.

Energy Diet[edit | edit code]

Energy Diet nutrition line
Energy Diet

Energy Diet
, incorrect pronunciation “
Energy Diet
as the product is produced in France, therefore the name is French”) is a brand of functional nutrition distributed according to the principle of network marketing by NL International.[1] The main target consumer is an unenlightened female audience. Real reviews received by Sportviki are predominantly negative due to the discrepancy between the results of use and the stated effects of the manufacturer.

Since 2021, the manufacturing company has launched a personalized line of sports nutrition Energy Pro

, which even before it went on sale caused a storm of criticism, as well as
Energy Diet Smart

The Energy Diet trademark was registered in 2003 in France, at the same time the first sales began in Russia. By 2010, Energy Diet products are supplied, in addition to Russia and France, to the following countries: Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Luxembourg, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Canada.[2]

Brands NL International

In Russia there is an official website of NL International brands, where you can find complete information about each product. Energy Diet nutrition is produced under the supervision of the BeautySané group at the production facilities of Laboratoires SVM (France). Products arrive in Russia ready for sale: packaging and labeling are also carried out by the manufacturer.[3] The copyright holder of the Energy Diet trademark is NL Continent LLC, certificates No. 462662 and 513418. Address: 630015, Novosibirsk, st. Promyshlennaya, 4 "a" tel..

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