2G SLIM weight loss gel: will help you easily get rid of fat in problem areas

The problem of excess weight is familiar to almost 80% of the inhabitants of our planet. Weight gain is not always associated with uncontrolled eating and abuse of fatty foods; many face the problem due to certain disorders in the body, due to a slowdown in metabolic processes, due to hormonal imbalance. In this case, no diet or exercise will help get rid of the problem.

Slimming gel 2G SLIM has several active components in its composition, due to which it has a comprehensive effect on the body. As a result, it is possible to get rid of fat in problem areas and stabilize weight without dieting or physical activity.

Indications for whom to take or buy?

Body mass index is used to diagnose obesity in patients. Depending on the final indicator, one or another stage of obesity is assigned. You should start taking the gel to normalize excess weight if:

  • The appearance of severe shortness of breath even with minimal physical activity, for example, when climbing stairs;
  • Increased blood pressure, the appearance of “floaters” before the eyes with a sudden change in body position;
  • Joint pain due to excessive pressure;
  • Digestive problems - constipation, heaviness after eating, bitter taste in the mouth;
  • Menstrual irregularities;
  • The appearance of varicose nodes on the legs;
  • Emotional instability, frequent mood swings, etc.

Reviews of Dr. Slim weight loss products

Dear Mikhail Moiseevich, thank you very much for your articles in the wonderful magazine “Losing Weight Correctly.” Your works (including the book “Minus the Kilograms without Diets and Drama”) have helped and are helping me a lot - they are all written with such kindness... and generally WELL written. Both your articles and responses to letters from readers always bring me great joy (but this - that some perceive “the body as an organ connecting the head to the surface of the earth” - is great!). Probably, if you count how many times I smiled or laughed while reading your works, it turns out that you added five years to my life. Thank you. I also hope you will take a VERY long time to respond to letters in the “mailbox” section in Khudeika. I wish you all the very best... and from the bottom of my heart. May all your wishes and creative plans come true. Sincerely, T. Inna (from Samara - we are fellow countrymen)

Weight loss stories. Charge yourself with success! Read stories of successful weight loss using the Doctor Slim program

I want to brag about my successes. So, on September 7th I was 85 kg. I stayed at this weight for 10-11 days. For the next 11-12 days I was from 84.5 to 84 kg. Since September 27, I have maintained a stable weight of 83.5 kg. It's been 4 days already. As you can see, I lose 1 kg in 10-12 days. So in 8-10 days I will have 83. But I still have to live them.

The result is slow, of course, but stable. I’m losing weight, I’m happy.

But in general, since August 20, I have lost 4.5 kg to date. This is the result! I understand that every kg will be even more difficult to lose, but I’m in no hurry. I use it: in the morning before coming home at work I drink a Doctor Slim cocktail, at 5-6 pm I have dinner, steam everything (fish, meat, shrimp, vegetables, vegetable soups, tea with honey and bread), at night or kefir, or watermelon (I eat a lot). Watermelon helps flush the intestines and also promotes weight loss. I’ll write again in three weeks. I think there will be results.


...A year ago I bought your Doctor Slim cocktail and literally lost 12 kg in just 2 months. A year has passed, and so far I am staying within those limits... Marina Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan

...I really liked your product “Energy Slim Peach”. Both in taste and in the ease with which you can lose weight. Thank you very much...Olga, Novosibirsk

I took “Energetik Slim” according to a combined program with short breaks for 4 months. The effect is 16 kilograms off. I feel light, my blood pressure has normalized. I returned to playing sports and started jogging. Now I’m on a maintenance regimen - I take Energetik Slim before lunch and dinner. Well, I try not to overuse fatty foods. Evgeniy, Moscow

I tried your weight loss product Doctor Slim, which I purchased at one of the pharmacies in our city. I took it for 4 weeks. There are results - I lost 4 and a half kilograms of weight. But unfortunately the product disappeared from pharmacies in our city. Help with purchasing Doctor Slima.Natalia, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic

In Moscow, at the “Figure and Health” exhibition, I bought two packages of Doctor Slim cream. I really liked it. If earlier the effect of the diet was weak, then with Doctor Slim the weight began to decrease. Could you send me several packages Doctor SlimaSvetlana, Magadan

Hooray!!! Minus 5 kg! Everything, as experienced mothers wrote above, closer to the baby’s year, the weight begins to go off. Raids on the refrigerator have become less frequent. True, I myself began to eat a little differently. And since the result is obvious, I decided to share my experience. I came across a book by nutritionist M. Ginzburg “How to overcome excess weight” on the Internet. I won’t retell it, but the main idea is that if you eat little fat (no more than 40g per day), then you won’t gain weight even with a large amount of carbohydrates consumed. At the same time, you can eat anything, in any combination. And there is no need to count the amount of fats; limiting their consumption is achieved by reducing the consumption of pure fats (vegetable and butter, mayonnaise, sour cream), sausages, fatty meats, fatty cheese, chocolate, etc. But cereals, all vegetables, fruits, bread, low-fat dairy products, lean meat, fish can be eaten without restrictions. The fat content there is very low. You are even allowed to eat low-fat sweets - jam, marmalade and marshmallows, sugar. It is especially emphasized that breastfeeding women lose weight easily, because... in this situation, the body is forced to secrete fat into breast milk. All the details are in the book. I carefully read this book and decided to try it, since the child was already 9 months old by that time. I haven’t changed anything radically in my diet, I just try not to eat fried foods, I stew and bake more and more, I don’t add fried vegetables, etc. to soups and other dishes. By the way, the taste of the food does not change much. I began to eat more fresh and cooked vegetables and fruits. I eat potatoes and pasta and bread. I also eat meat and fish, but I prefer to either boil it or stew it. . By the way, I eat often; it’s very difficult to resist snacking when you’re at home most of the time. But I eat dairy products with regular fat content, those that are given to us in milk, because the child eats them with me, and low-fat dairy products are not recommended for the child. If I really want to, I can eat chocolate or sausage, but I try to eat a little, although I don’t really feel like it anymore. So I eat quite a lot in terms of volume and calorie content, but the weight is gradually decreasing, and most importantly there are no breakdowns, because... nothing is strictly prohibited, and you don’t feel hungry. These 5 kg were gone in about 2 months. Well, I’m also trying to move more. In my opinion, such a diet is quite compatible with the principles of complementary feeding, because The diet is quite healthy and varied. The child wants to eat what the mother eats, and if the mother eats properly, then the child also gets used to such food. These are the pies. Julia

Go to https://d-slim.ru/articles.html domestic technique, it really helps 1 kg per weekGermanych

Try the Mikhail Ginzburg system. My friend lost 20 kg. I'm 6 for a month. Saleswoman

As a follower of Doctor Slim - this is not a chemical or a laxative, but a soy protein cocktail that gives you a feeling of fullness before eating in 20 minutes - I was able to lose many kilos. My periods are going great, I’m taking Tri-Regol (it didn’t interfere with losing weight) his website is https://d-slim.ruLimonka

I was eating. This and all the protein mixtures that just fell on my head - but my structure is such that, as a rule, for me this is the only chance to have breakfast at all: whip it up and knock it over, not like cook it and then chew it. The results were always there, but modest - a kilogram and a half with scrupulous use twice a day instead of breakfast and dinner. In my opinion, it is optimal to drink it once a day to maintain weight after a more substantial diet.


I've been drinking it for a long time, I like it. I agree with the comment that it is not much different from skim milk. although it probably contains more protein. I tried several protein mixtures and settled on Dr. Slim. True, I don’t know about the super-weight loss effect, I didn’t strive for it, but it helps to maintain weight, that’s for sure, like any healthy diet.

It’s convenient to use it with fruit as a quick snack when you don’t have time to eat anything else.

The Dr. Slim with a creamy taste is especially good (it gives a greater feeling of fullness, in my experience). There is no chemicals there - read the ingredients.

Yes, one more plus: I really liked that method of fasting nutrition, cat. described in the book attached to Dr. Slim: the whole day - only Dr. Slim with fruits or raw vegetables, leaving only one full meal (any, but 90% of us will agree that it would be better dinner! :)) So, for me, fasting days with intense work and stress are generally difficult to combine (the result is severe headaches), but with Dr. Slim it really works out.


I drink it... Before that I drank another, less fat-free cocktail, then I found a link to Slim and drink it. I eat a low-calorie and low-fat diet. At first I took cocktails in the morning (three spoons mixed with coffee or cocoa), lunch was normal, dinner - the same three spoons of Slim and an apple. Then I switched to pulse: a day of normal nutrition within the range of 1000-1300 kcal, a fasting day: three spoons of Slim in the morning, then half a liter of kefir for lunch, and a finely chopped apple for dinner. When animal cramps occur on fasting days, I drink an irregular glass =) Because just sitting on one cocktail is a sure chance to then break loose and eat everything in your path, and when you combine, you gradually get used to eating normally and your stomach smoothly shrinks without brutal pangs of hunger .


Yes, protein! The satiety is just crazy))) I ate my last meal at 6 o’clock, and it still feels like I swallowed a whole sheep. … Hello. I drink this cocktail too. At first I tried, like you, to drink it instead of breakfast and dinner, but to be honest, it was somehow boring for me and I couldn’t get enough of one cocktail. So I use it as a supplement to food so I can eat less. I really like adding it to coffee instead of milk.


I drank Doctor Slim with my husband for three months. To be honest, we didn’t stick to the appointment schedule very strictly. But still, everyone lost 10 kg in 3 months. And we are very happy about this, especially since our overall well-being has improved.

This and other reviews about Doctor Slim on harbor.ru


I’ll tell you everything in detail: I saw it for the first time in the DIET store on Taganka about 2-3 months ago. ago, I talked with the seller... she highly recommended it to me, but said that it was better to take fish oil at this time, because... the diet turns out to be low-fat, and your hair and nails should not suffer. I took it like this - 1 tablespoon of dry mixture + warm water + juicy fruit (fruit to dilute the taste a little) I drank all this instead of dinner and on weekends instead of breakfast. I lost about 3 kilos in a week, but I was very hungry in the evenings. Sad Now I’m thinking of drinking 2 servings of Embarassed for dinner at once because one serving contains only 57 kcal


I’m not overweight, I have a good appetite. height 160, weight was 68-70, after cocktails (2-3 months) I was 63kg, suitable for me. Most importantly, the weight is maintained, and there are no special restrictions on food. I can't stand diets! The diagrams in the package are painted. I've been drinking it for a little less than a year. https://www.u-mama.ru/forum/messages.php?id=10057333&iq=2

I drank Energy Slim (mostly banana) in winter... yum-yum... yummy!


You know, I drink a cocktail when I want something to eat. Because you want something tasty to snack on, but everything tasty is terribly unhealthy... I like Slim, although people scold him for being tasteless. The last thing Slim manufacturers released was very good, Slim Energetik. I bought Peach - it’s even kind of creamy, Chocolate - similar to cocoa, but without foam, and Raspberry - well, it’s okay, nothing outstanding. I drank it during bronchitis, because it is softer than milk and without foam...


ABOUT! But for me, it’s exactly the opposite, while I mix a regular drink, I’ll swear ten times, but for an energy drink, I first pour two heaped spoons of Slim into a cup, stir, and then pour hot water. I can’t get enough of the chocolate...


Advice - better buy Energy Slim. This is the same as Doctor Slim, only the cocktail is richer and tastier than Doctor Slim. Better yet, take a pack of this and a pack of the other to try. One pack costs around 100 rubles - it will last about 5-7 days. The taste is quite tasty, it doesn’t make me hungry :-)


I consulted nutritionist Ginsburg, followed his recommendations and drank his Doctor Slim cocktail. I lost about 16 kg out of 20, and my figure became much better than my prenatal figure.


I drink Doctor Slim cocktails - very good, RUSSIAN cocktails. With minimal prices and I order them from the Samara Research Institute of Dietetics and Diet Therapy - as they say, directly from the factory. Priced at 100-120 rubles/pack (depending on the delivery method). I'm very happy with them.


I highly recommend Doctor Slim. It completely suppresses your appetite, contains everything you need, and there is no loss of muscle mass. And I also highly recommend reading here: https://www.harbor.ru/slim/index1.htm In general, it is very important to adhere to the system, no matter what, but if you are doing something, then do not jump from one to another, stick to it course. I can only add that if you follow the generally simple rules of this particular system (Dr. Ginzburg), then you can safely count on minus 5 kg per month. Tested, approved and easy to follow: )


You can try our domestic cocktails “Doctor Slim” or “Energetik Slim” - you drink instead of breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack with fruits and salads, and for dinner - fermented milk products or fish (poultry) with vegetables. The calorie intake is greatly reduced, and there is no feeling of hunger.


At work I switched not to boxed lunches, but to Doctor Slim. I have a nice jar on my desk and at home, as a moral and material boost. Chocolate Slim with cinnamon was very tasty yesterday, and accompanied by football….


Raspberry is the most delicious! before lunch, say, 15 minutes before, I diluted a couple of tablespoons in 150-200 grams of water and drank. then you eat much less. and in the afternoon, whenever she wanted to eat, she drank it with a piece of bread. saturates well


And I also ordered the Energy Slim cocktail by mail (it is the basis of Dr. Ginzburg’s low-fat diet), I have it as a fire aid if I suddenly really want to eat between meals. It's better to lose weight slowly but surely.


... use protein shakes - I used “Energetik Slim”, our Russian production. I replaced 2 meals with a cocktail - breakfast and lunch, and had a full dinner. It helped reduce the volume of my stomach, now I use it when I feel like I ate too much at dinner and want to make my meals low-calorie. Harmless, effective.


Try another Doctor Slim or Energy Slim cocktail - very filling, very low-calorie. Zhors are repulsed instantly and help perfectly.


if you take a cocktail before a meal, you really eat much less and fall off like a leech - because your stomach is full.

There are 2 types of them - just Doctor Slim and Energy Slim - I drink energy drink because I’m a natural. loads. I like it - I squeeze out more weights on the machines than, for example, a month ago. Aerobic exercise is also easier to bear, even with a weight as heavy as mine.


I didn't strictly follow any diet. In January, after ZB, I decided that I needed to “get myself in order.” In 3 months from 73 kg to 66 kg. Exercises in the morning + exercise machine and instead of breakfast and lunch - Doctor Slim. I have dinner as usual. Unfortunately, it is not possible to eat after 18:00. I recently went with my son to Egypt for a week. I thought that I had said goodbye to the lost kilos, because I didn’t deny myself anything during the holidays. But, oddly enough, upon return the weight was 66.5. I was very happy. I would, of course, like to reset it. So I don’t have just one diet, but several methods that are effective and convenient for me. …. Bagheera2 and another question :-D What exactly from Doctor Slim did you take? ….. And I tried almost everything from Doctor Slim, but ended up choosing the Energy Slim cocktail (raspberry, peach, strawberry). I really like the taste and don't feel hungry. There are several dosage regimens.


Dr. Slim is normal. E. Stoyanova (author of Sybarite) blesses him for difficult cases (travel, business trips...) when low-fat cottage cheese is not available.


Hi all! I decided to try Energy Slim and HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very Happy I lost 2 kg in a week!


But they bought our Russian “Doctor Slim” - it’s not so tasty. But less calorie and more healthy. And a package costs 100 rubles. Sold in Itek and Rigla pharmacies. They even have their own website. Type doctor slim in a search engine.


In the morning I drink a glass of water, then I brew Doctor Slim. If it is chocolate - according to the taste and appearance of cocoa. The rest are like milk. It is made with milk powder. When it’s a fasting day, I drink it in the morning and when hunger sets in, after 1.5-2 hours, during breaks I can eat fruit or berries. And in the evening, when I come home, I have a salad, a big vegetable salad, maybe even with a spoonful of butter. Of the porridges, I liked it only with rice. She is sweet and exotic. fruits. Buckwheat is very oversalted. I wrote to them about this, and the manager answered me - you mix it well! but that doesn't help. Or maybe I just got unaccustomed to the previous amount of salt. I’ve only done two days of complete unloading so far. On ordinary days, I drink an energy drink in the morning and eat. Then at work - at the first attack of hunger I drink an energy drink, sometimes it turns out that even instead of lunch. In the evening, when I drink, when I don’t. according to my mood. Well, and of course 1.5 liters of water per day. I eat everything. Cakes too. I count the amount of fat in food. But in principle, I’m just trying to fry less, I make omelettes in the microwave. I don’t eat boiled sausage, frankfurters or smoked sausage. I can’t play sports now due to my busy work schedule, so I only have -2 kg per month. BUT !!! Without forbidding yourself ANYTHING. You can eat marshmallows and marmalade.


The Gavan stand, as always, was “at the top of its game” and pampered us with new products – “Energetik Slim” powder for delicious cocktails and “Slim” weight loss porridge (produced in Samara). “Energy Slim” is an excellent thick nutrition with a good balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In my opinion, “Energy Slim” is much tastier than the thin, low-fat “Doctor Slim”. But this is a matter of taste. Adherents of “Doctor Slim”, who lost kilograms and centimeters on him, would not exchange him for anything.


— I only drink Doctor Slim from this, because... I'm breastfeeding and I just can't do anything else right now. It kills your appetite. I use it as a substitute for breakfast and afternoon snack. I also take it diluted in a bottle with me when I’m going somewhere for a long time. So that there is no temptation to eat something on the way :)

- Tell me, how long have you been drinking it? Are there any results and if you lost weight, by how much? And how long should you drink it? And what kind of course and how many boxes are needed for the course? Sorry for so many questions... very interesting... I also want to lose weight. Thanks in advance for your answers.

— I’ve been drinking it for the third week. But I started drinking when I was already thin. To maintain weight. It helps control my appetite, and I am prone to breakdowns. He helped me stop in time. But in Diets and Fitness there are girls who lose weight very quickly on it. There are different schemes proposed. If I take it according to a strict regimen (replacing second breakfast and afternoon snack), then I lose 400 grams per day. You can drink until you achieve results and then to maintain them continuously. It consists of proteins (soy and milk). A box lasts 5 days (for me personally). You rummage through the archive. Recently I was hanging out in the diet topic. It seems it was called Losing Weight according to Ginzburg or something like that. Enter the word Ginsburg into the search.


What is it, how does the drug work?

The gel affects the body in several stages:

  • Removes excess water from the body, promotes the disappearance of swelling in the extremities;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body - during the day, even without physical activity, the body consumes from 4000 kcal;
  • Fat burning processes are launched, and fat in problem areas is converted into energy. Even with insufficient nutrition, a person feels cheerfulness and a surge of strength;
  • Removing accumulated waste and toxins from the body;
  • Dissolving fat that has accumulated around internal organs for years, interfering with their normal functioning.

When taking the drug, signals are sent to the brain that the body is full when consuming minimal amounts of food.

Doctor Slim food supplement cocktail creamy pore 300 g x1

Instructions for the product "Doctor Slim" Maximum satiety with a minimum of calories! To prepare one serving of the product, pour one tablespoon of powder into a glass of water at a temperature not exceeding 40°C and then stir or beat with a mixer until completely dissolved. When using a mixer or blender, Doctor Slim® dissolves perfectly in cold water

The prepared product can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours. The drink should be shaken immediately before drinking.

Programs for reducing excess body weight using the product “DOCTOR SLIM” These programs were developed under the guidance of Doctor of Medical Sciences M. Ginzburg, the author of a number of books and problematic articles on the mechanisms of development and methods of treating excess weight and its complications.

The programs have undergone comprehensive clinical testing by the Research Institute of Dietetics and Diet Therapy as a new self-sufficient method of treating excess weight. They received patents from the Russian Federation (Patent No. 2147228 and Patent No. 2174835 for invention).

With high efficiency, these programs are well tolerated and do not produce side effects. They can be successfully used for any form of excess weight.

Smooth weight loss program using Doctor Slima®

This program is ideal for those who do not seek rapid weight loss. It can also be used as a preliminary stage before using other, more intensive regimens.

To implement a smooth program, you should adhere to a low-fat diet with a total vegetable and animal fat content of no more than 35-40 grams per day. Consumption of flour and sweets may not be limited and remain within the quantities that are familiar to you.

Doctor Slim® is taken in portions 2-3 times a day 10 - 20 minutes before meals, and possibly between meals to reduce hunger. Our research shows that this use of the product along with a low-fat diet causes weight loss on average by 1-1.5 kg in the first month and 2.5-4 kg in three months.

The effect of a smooth program in men is usually slightly higher than in women, and in children it is higher than in adults. Let us note in passing that in children, in most cases, we do without the use of more stringent regimes.

The effect of a smooth program is quite pronounced in nursing women. At the same time, there is no deterioration in the function of milk separation. In this regard, we do not recommend breastfeeding women other treatment programs other than gradual

The smooth program is well tolerated, as it does not contain any restrictions and maintains a normal diet. In this regard, it can also be used for rest from other, more intense regimens, as well as to prevent weight gain after achieving the desired result for you.

Combined application program Doctor Slima®

This program, due to its high efficiency and, most importantly, very good tolerability, is successfully used by us in most cases.

The combined program is carried out as follows. In the first 2-3 days of the Doctor Slim® program, one serving is prescribed three times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner, which consist of low-fat foods (similar to the smooth program). This is necessary so that you can get used to eating mainly low-fat foods and become familiar with the options for preparing and using Doctor Slima®.

In the future, it is allowed to leave one meal per day, consisting mainly of low-fat foods. Let us point out that the vast majority of our patients leave dinner in their diet. This significantly improves the tolerability of treatment and practically does not reduce its effect. Before this appointment, to reduce appetite, it is recommended to take a portion of Doctor Slima®. Instead of other meals, as well as at night, Doctor Slim® is used in a total amount of 2 - 4 servings and a small amount of vegetables and fruits (about 400 g of vegetables and 300 g of fruit per day). Each serving of Doctor Slima® can be divided into 2-3 parts and taken in small portions throughout the day to reduce hunger.

This program allows periods or days of rest during which the patient eats according to the recipe for the first two to three days (Doctor Slim®, one serving three times a day before breakfast, lunch and dinner, made from low-fat foods).

If the number of rest days does not exceed two per week, the effectiveness of the combined program is on average 4-5 kg ​​in the first month and 11-13 kg in three months of treatment.

Rest periods can be used at your request, if for some reason you cannot adhere to the fasting regime for the next day or several days. They can also be prescribed if weight loss slows down when using an unloading regime. According to our data, with a subsequent return to the fasting regime, the effect of weight loss may increase again.

Approximate day of nutrition using Doctor Slima Breakfast: Serving Doctor Slima, coffee without sugar with a small amount of skim milk

Second breakfast: Portion of Doctor Slima

Lunch: Vegetable salad - cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet bell peppers, seasoned with lemon juice, a slice of bran bread, a glass of tea without sugar, optionally with a sweetener and a small amount of low-fat milk. Allowed 1/2 serving of Doctor Slima before lunch

Afternoon snack: Portion of Doctor Slim

Dinner: An arbitrary set of low-fat foods - low-fat meat or fish soups with cereals, lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, cereal side dishes or pasta or potatoes, bread, tea or compote with a small amount of sugar. Before dinner, 1/2 serving of Doctor Slima

Before bed (if necessary): Vegetable salad without added oils, a slice of bran bread, a serving of Doctor Slima

Advantages of the drug 2G SLIM

It is worth starting taking the drug because of the number of advantages it has:

  • Rapid weight loss without dieting or exercise;
  • Restoring normal metabolism, burning from 4000 kcal per day;
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • Promotes satiety when eating small amounts of food;
  • Restores the normal functioning of internal organs that have been affected by obesity;
  • Completely natural composition;
  • Maintaining the achieved weight loss results for a long time.

Composition of 2G SLIM slimming gel

The weight loss product includes the following components:

  • Guarana. Sends signals to the brain that the body is full during meals. As a result, the patient does not feel hungry with a significant reduction in portions;
  • Baobab. Launches metabolic processes, accelerates metabolism, promotes active burning of calories even without physical activity;
  • Wheat sprouts. Promotes burning of subcutaneous fat in problem areas;
  • Acerola. Promotes the processing of fat deposits into energy, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Cocktails for weight loss under the brand name “Doctor Slim weight loss program”

All our cocktails are divided into 4 groups.

1. Cocktails "Doctor Slim"

These cocktails are the foundation of the basics. Simple and tasty. A cocktail with a classic taste without flavorings. Everything you need for the weight loss process is in these cocktails. The course lasts 1 month; 3-4 boxes of 0.300 g are required.

Assortment of Doctor Slim cocktails:

-With a classic taste - without flavorings, dyes, has a pleasant milky taste

- Strawberry flavor

- With the aroma of cream

2. Energy Slim cocktails

These cocktails contain sugar. There is not so much of it that it will harm weight loss, but enough to make the cocktail more tasty. The most delicious of the Energy Slim cocktails is “Chocolate”. It contains natural cocoa powder, which gives it a deeper aroma and rich taste. Cocoa powder itself contains dietary fiber, which is again good for our intestines.

Assortment of Energy Slim cocktails:




3. Anti-Age cocktail “Vanilla”

4. Functional food product Slim

>> approximate day of nutrition with Doctor Slim

The daily requirement of the human body for proteins and carbohydrates and cocktails for weight loss “Doctor Slim”

  • 100 g of product contains 40% of the standard daily protein requirement (30.0 out of 75 g). One serving of the product (18 g) contains 7% of the standard daily protein requirement (5.4 out of 75 g).
  • 100 g of product contains 15% of the daily carbohydrate requirement (56.4 out of 365 g). One serving of the product (18 g) contains 3% of the daily carbohydrate requirement (10.1 out of 365 g).

The Doctor Slim formula and the program for its use are patented by the Federal State Institution FIPS (patents No. 2174835 dated October 20, 2001, No. 2147228 dated April 10, 2000). The product does not contain GMOs. The product is not recommended for use by people with individual milk intolerance.

TU 9226-003-54050164-03

Methods of using Doctor Slim

  • Smooth program: “Doctor Slim”, one serving before meals + low-fat diet (up to 2-3 kg)
  • Intensive program: 5-6 servings of “Doctor Slim” during the day + vegetables + grain breads + low-fat dinner (up to 4-8 kg)
  • Combined program: 5 days a week intensive program and 2 days a week smooth program (up to 3-6 kg)

Method for preparing one serving: 1 tbsp. Dissolve a spoonful of the mixture (18 g) in 1 glass of warm boiled water. After preparation, store the product in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Shelf life: 10 months from the date of manufacture. Storage conditions: at temperatures from 0°C to +25°C and relative humidity no more than 75%. After opening the package, store the product in a cool, dry place, but not in the refrigerator, tightly closed, but no more than 3 weeks. The production date is indicated on the lid.

Dietary fiber of the gum class (xanthan gum) reduces appetite, accelerates satiety, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, stimulates intestinal function, improves the composition of intestinal microflora, and stimulates the immune system.

Not a medicine.

Recommended by the Research Institute of Dietetics and Diet Therapy for everyday nutrition

>> Instructions for using Doctor Slim cocktails

Customer reviews about 2G SLIM

Anastasia, 39 years old.

I have already lost any hope of normalizing my weight, no matter what I tried. But it turned out to be much simpler - I bought a gel, took a course and fit into the clothes that I bought as a student.

Victor, 33 years old.

The product actively removes fat from problem areas, tested on itself. Noticeable results within a week of use.

Alexey, 29 years old.

Since childhood I suffered from excess weight; I was constantly teased at school. Before meeting my classmates, I took the full course, but no one even recognized me.

Christina, 30 years old.

I quickly got back into shape after my second birth, I gained a lot, but diets didn’t give any results. It's good that there are such simple remedies.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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