Great body: Insanity training program with Sean T

Features of training

As a professional aerobics instructor, dancer and choreographer, specialist in healthy nutrition and physical activity, American Shaun T was able to develop effective fitness programs based on proper motivation and willpower.

A non-standard approach to training, the goal of which is to force the human body to work “to the maximum,” demonstrates amazing results in an unusually short time.

A person’s physical condition changes dramatically: maximum rates of weight loss and muscle gain.

Thanks to this, his fitness programs have become the best-selling and popular among both those who want to lose weight and change their lives, and among athletes.

Training "madness" with intervals

There is an online training program called insanity in Russian. Its essence is in dividing the loads by type of activity at a certain interval. At the same time, during the training process, the participant must independently monitor the indicators of his physical condition. The program is not only difficult, but exhaustingly intense. This is what distinguishes her from others: no concessions to her own body. High intensity of movements, a beautiful trainer, a new lesson every day. Disadvantages: I’m simply DYING after 15 minutes

Sana Steryu

Useful tips

Use sneakers during training. It is very easy to damage your knee joints, and therefore it is better not to risk it. You need to get through the first week of training. The body will be very sore and also resist the stress, but with training it will become easier. If you haven’t done any physical activity for a long time, then try simple modifications of the selected set of exercises

Over time, it will be possible to prepare for physical activity and switch to complex versions of the provided programs. Pay a lot of attention to stretching, even more than Shaun T recommends. In this case, it will be possible to prevent severe muscle soreness. Follow the correct diet

If you don’t know how to properly create your menu, then start counting your consumed calories every day. This way, you can get on the right path to developing a balanced diet. Many people begin to quit training after the first month, believing that they have achieved good results. But this is a very big mistake. To consolidate the results, it is advisable to complete a full course of exercises.

Classes with Shaun T are very effective, and each person will be able to choose for themselves exactly the course of cardio exercises with which they can achieve positive results.

Shaun T - insanity training in Russian, video. Insanity programs, T25, Max 30

As a professional aerobics instructor, dancer and choreographer, specialist in healthy nutrition and physical activity, American Shaun T was able to develop effective fitness programs based on proper motivation and willpower.

A non-standard approach to training, the goal of which is to force the human body to work “to the maximum,” demonstrates amazing results in an unusually short time.

A person’s physical condition changes dramatically: maximum rates of weight loss and muscle gain.

Thanks to this, his fitness programs have become the best-selling and popular among both those who want to lose weight and change their lives, and among athletes.

About the Insanity program

The Insanity program, conducted by famous trainer Sean T, is a colossal breakthrough in the world of home fitness. It is guaranteed that in just two months you will be able to get fantastic results and enjoy the perfection of your own body.

It is noteworthy that the training is great for people with good physical fitness who are results-oriented, because it requires discipline and full dedication.

Shaun T is your best 60 day coach.

Insanity translated means madness, and this is not far from the truth.

Tips for those doing the Sean T Insanity program

  1. Make sure you have the right sneakers with good cushioning for training with so many jumps, they are a must.
  2. Make sure you have enough water to drink during your workout.
  3. Carefully monitor the correct execution of the exercises. The desire to increase speed through technique can lead to injury.
  4. To achieve maximum results, follow the nutritional recommendations.
  5. And finally, the most important thing is Insanity extreme training, if you feel that you can’t handle it, don’t be shy to admit it to yourself, it’s better to return to it after completing an easier preparatory program.

Who is Shaun T?

In the modern fitness space there are a lot of famous trainers with their own unique approaches to the process of working out the body. Among them there are many really cool professionals who, through their own experience, have achieved unprecedented heights. Consider, for example, Koklyaev’s training. Shaun T is unique in his own way.

He does not belong to the category of trainers who will knock the last strength out of an athlete in the gym, loading for two hours. He believes that it is practically impossible to get most people into the gym. Shaun T has developed an exercise program that requires just 25-50 minutes a day. It is ideal for people with “laziness” who really want to get rid of extra pounds, but cannot get over themselves.

Insanity Shona Tee Class Schedule

Sean ensured unwavering discipline for those who embarked on his personalized method. Each athlete is required to adhere to a specific training calendar attached to the program. According to the schedule, each week contains 6 workouts and one rest day. Only 1 workout out of six is ​​less intense compared to the rest, and allows you to slow down the pace a little.

An interesting and absolutely innovative thing in the world of online sports was the Fit Test developed by the trainer. Sean recommends that everyone go through it before proceeding directly to Insanity. It is the fit test that will answer questions about the feasibility and physical ability of starting classes and will become an indicator of the result for those who endured and completed the course to the end.

Fitness from Shaun T is not differentiated by gender: classes are intended for both men and women (albeit for those who are physically resilient and purposeful). The course begins with 30-40 minute classes during the first 4 weeks and, progressively, increases not only time of classes, but also their intensity and complexity. At the end of the course, classes lasting about an hour and maximum loads are introduced.

Fitness test from Insanity

The essence of this thirty-minute stage is to self-test your strengths and capabilities before starting classes, by performing the exercises suggested by Sean as many times as possible.

Recording the results is an important stage, because it is thanks to it that each student can determine not only the level of readiness for the intensive course, but also compare the indicators at the end of the course.

Sean points out the need for a follow-up test every 2 weeks throughout the entire period. Comparing results is an additional incentive to continue training and an indicator of their success.

  • Jumping with swings and changing legs.
  • Half squat jumps.
  • Interval running with your knees raised high to your chest.
  • Jumping up with straightening your arms and legs.
  • Push-ups with legs spread wide apart.
  • Plank with arms bent at the elbows and others.

Physical activity, especially strenuous on the legs, introduces serious restrictions on the selection of those involved

Therefore, before starting classes, you need to not only pay considerable attention to the results of the body’s readiness for enormous loads (passing the test), but also carefully study the list of contraindications

Insanity: month 1

The first 4 weeks of training are comparatively less difficult than the subsequent ones, but even these can only be handled by well-prepared athletes. This stage ends with an intermediate weekly course of Core Cardio and Balance, which provides for the restoration of strength after previous loads and preparation of the body for subsequent ones.

Insanity: month 2

This stage involves increasing the complexity of the program complex and increasing the duration of classes. The load pattern itself in the second part of the intensive remains unchanged: 6 days of classes and 1 day of rest.

Every day, in the second month, Sean recommends gradually (1 minute per exercise) adding time to the exercise, thereby increasing the duration of the exercise to 50-60 minutes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Insanity program from Shaun T

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of the program for beginners and more experienced ones.


Insanity is an amazing training, which is endowed by the author with the following advantages:

  • guaranteed results after 60 days of intense exercise (significant reduction in weight and appearance of body definition);
  • increased endurance;
  • improving blood circulation and heart function;
  • discipline training;
  • availability of Russian-language (however paid) translation of the course.


Nothing is perfect, including Insanity. The disadvantages of the program are:

  • heavy load on the knees;
  • incredible stress for the body;
  • excessive complexity of the program.

Shaun T, with the help of Insanity, took the world by storm, demonstrating that it takes hard work, endurance and motivation to achieve results.

Pros and cons of Insanity training

Attention: if already at the stage of the Fit test you have great difficulties with performing the exercises, then you should think carefully about whether you can endure the entire course. To begin with, you can choose simpler workouts. For example, check out our selection of cardio workout videos for weight loss from Popsugar.

Pros of Insanity

  • You are guaranteed to lose weight. With such loads it cannot be any other way.
  • Your endurance will increase from session to session. In just a couple of weeks with Insanity you will forget about shortness of breath on the stairs.
  • You will train and develop your heart muscle. A healthy cardiovascular system is the key to your longevity.
  • Each completed workout will bring you great moral satisfaction. Well, of course, on a regular basis to cope with one of the most complex programs currently existing - there is something to praise yourself for.
  • Insenity is high-intensity interval training at its best, and therefore an effective way to lose excess weight and create a sculpted body.
  • After completing the Insanity course, you will understand that any workout will be within your reach . That same feeling when you realize that your body can do anything.
  • The program has already been translated into Russian!

Cons of Insanity

  • A large number of jumps put serious stress on the knee joints .
  • It is not recommended for people with a weak heart. And in general in poor health, I must say.
  • Some experts question the effectiveness of Insanity. They claim that you will train your endurance, but you will not become physically stronger, because such training contributes to muscle loss .

Get ready to feel overwhelmed and tired: this is a kind of adaptation of the body to stress . You'll be doing things you've never done before, so being a lemon is virtually guaranteed. One thing is certain, your figure will be transformed. Once you've mastered Insanity, you can try Shaun T's even more challenging program, Insanity Max 30.


The program consists of three phases: 1. Alpha (lasts 5 weeks) In Alpha, you will build the foundation for a full body workout. In addition, there is always an instructor in the group who performs complicated or simplified modifications of the exercises, so absolutely anyone can DO IT! - Cardio Alpha: 25 minutes of burning calories and shedding a sweat. — Speed ​​1.0 Alpha: maximize your speed, burn fat; fast pace for quick results. - Total Body Circuit Alpha: Focus on strength and durability without lifting a single dumbbell. - Ab Intervals Alpha: Cardio followed by abdominal exercises in between to shred the fat in your belly. - Lower Focus Alpha: Focusing on your lower body muscles is the key to burning fat and boosting your metabolism. 2.Beta (5 weeks) Workouts showcase new dynamic movements that will take you to the next level of fitness. Plus, every workout focuses on working your core, so your abs will definitely feel it! — Core Cardio Beta: Work up a sweat! This workout will "kick you to shreds." - Speed ​​2.0 Beta: Get up to speed with Sean's calorie-burning, core-strengthening exercises. - Rip't Circuit Beta: Cardio...upper body...legs...abs...repeat! - Dynamic Core Beta: You'll go from vertical to horizontal and back again in this fast-paced, crazy workout. - Upper Focus Beta: Sean will help you improve your upper body; all you have to do is FOCUS 3.Gamma (4+4 weeks) - This advanced training cycle is specifically designed to help you carve out lean, strong muscle without an ounce of fat in a short period of time. - Rip't Up Gamma: Strengthen your biceps, triceps, shoulders, back and chest with Shawn's upper body exercises. - Extreme Circuit Gamma: Sculpt your muscles and burn fat at the same time! In this case, you cannot do without dumbbells from the very beginning of the workout. — The Pyramid Gamma: speed up as the workout progresses; This is your 25 minute cardio and strength endurance test. — Speed ​​3.0 Gamma: more pace, more sweat, significant results; you won't want to miss this 25-minute high-speed call.

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You'll have to sweat: high-impact 25-minute workout from Shaun T

We all don't have enough time

We are all always in a hurry to get somewhere, but as a result we don’t have time to do the most important things. Communication with family and friends, self-development, health - all this suffers from the lack of our time.

Focus T25 creator Shaun T understands this. Therefore, his workouts take 25 minutes.

Focus workout includes three levels. Today we will talk only about the first of them. It is preparatory and is called Alpha, but make no mistake: like all workouts from Shaun T, this is a high-load workout. So you'll have to sweat.

I’ll share my experience of how I sweated during five weeks of this excellent workout.

Why Focus T25

For myself, I chose the Focus T25 for the following reasons:

Availability of videos with the instructor and other performers. Of course, this is not the same as going to the gym, but the effect of involvement is close. The coach is a man

Don't call me a sexist, but this is important to me. Jillian Michaels' workouts may be better for you, but they didn't work for me for this exact reason. You need to concentrate every minute of your workout.

Shaun T makes it clear where he stands. The duration of the workout and its high intensity. After class, the T-shirt is really wet. The entire workout as a whole has a clear structure. In addition, each workout is well structured. The screen always shows the time remaining until the end of the workout, as well as the name of the exercise. Suitable for different skill levels. Five workout participants are waiting for you on the screen along with Shaun T. In Alpha, Tatyana will perform simplified versions of the exercise, and the other girl will perform more complex ones.

Preliminary preparation

In order to start the workout, you will need to download the video. You can buy it on the official website, or you can find it on the Internet

When you download the video, pay attention to the stretching training

In some versions, the video is recorded incorrectly - a piece is lost. Also, fans of this workout have posted training options with several sound tracks on the Internet.

Starting from the third week, I trained not only to Sean's commands, but also to the music of one of the soundtracks.

In addition to the video, you will need a mat for stretching and abdominal exercises. A regular travel mat or yoga mat will do. I can also recommend wearing sneakers to prevent your feet from slipping on the floor. But personally I didn't do this.

The most important thing for performing this workout, as well as others, is willpower. To my shame, I finished the workout only on the third attempt. To pump up your body, I recommend this program, and willpower - the book “Willpower. How to develop and strengthen" Kelly McGonigal.

People who don't know English at all may have difficulty understanding the exercises. So when watching the exercises for the first time, feel free to pause or rewind the video to watch again. In general, the level of English is very simple and understandable.

And this is my calendar

Oh yes, I almost forgot. Mop! You'll need a mop to wipe off sweat from the floor after your workout.

What, besides training, requires attention

First, pay attention to your diet. A low-calorie, high-protein diet is best

Personally, I keep a food diary, you can read more about it here.

Secondly, it is better to study at the same time. For example, before work. I studied an hour before lunch. The morning block of tasks has just been completed, and you can relax your brain. My attempt to make the Focus T25 a morning exercise failed.

Third, analyze execution. Some people write reports for this, others install applications on their smartphones. For some, it’s enough to tick off the boxes on the training calendar. I just devoted a couple of lines to this in my daily notes before going to bed. Here are the applications, by the way.

Application not found

Go to store Search on Google

What results can you get?

One of the participants

You can easily find the successes of workout participants on the Internet. They really motivate. I'll tell you about myself. In five weeks of completing Alpha, I lost 5 kilograms - from 102 to 97. Beta and Gamma are still ahead. Let's see how they change my body. Will you change yours?

Insanity training calendar

The program has existed for 9 years. The entire course lasts 60 days. Exercises must be done six times a week, with one day off for recovery. This is a universal program, suitable for men and women equally.

The Insanity training calendar is a table with a daily training plan. The training lasts one hour. The calendar sets aside days for a fit test - a particularly intense load with less time to complete. One day a week is reserved for restorative training with a lower intensity load.

Important! Exercises according to the Insanity program are done on an empty stomach! It is necessary to follow a diet: give up fatty high-calorie foods, fast carbohydrates and sweets. Half an hour before training, you are allowed to eat some vegetables or fruits

Sean T training Insanity (video)

Fit Test:

Fit Test - you can take this program to find out if you can handle further Insanity workouts or if you should start with easier workouts. It is also recommended to complete the Fit Test workout at the end of the 9-week Insanity workout course so that you can evaluate your progress.

Plyometric Cardio Circuit:

Interval plyometric cardio training is a high-intensity workout that promotes endurance and intense fat burning through fast steps, jumping, arm and whole body movements.

Cardio Power & Resistance:

Strength cardio training and stretching is an amazing complex that will help not only lose weight and strengthen the cardiovascular system, but also stretch the muscles. A complex for strength and flexibility at the same time.

Cardio Recovery:

Cardio recovery and stretching is a complex that will help restore strength and stretch muscles.

Pure Cardio:

Solid cardio - non-stop cario training and abdominal exercises.

Video training

Better to see once than hear a hundred times. Insanity is one of the most popular video training in the world. Some recordings can be found here: Sean T’s powerful charge of energy and his motivation help beginners not to give up, encourage those involved and force them to give 100%. Analyzing the results of those participating in the program, we see that the Insanity Shaun T fitness program works. But remember that “Insanity” is a training for truly strong-willed athletes who are not afraid of difficulties on the path to self-improvement.

Sports and fitness Training programs

Insanity with Shaun T: Super Intense Workout Review

Not long ago, Insanity Shaun T’s fitness training caused a huge stir among the global sports industry. The “crazy”, non-standard approach to training and good weight loss rates attracted the interest of many athletes. In this article, we will get acquainted with the principles of following the program, study the technique of performing exercises, learn about the features of the fit test, and get tips on proper nutrition.

Shaun T's training program - Insanity

First of all, a few words about the creator of this unique program. Shaun T is not just a Hollywood athlete with great shape and amazing endurance. His charisma and willpower affects people to such an extent that they literally work wonders in his training. Even those who are desperate to lose weight lose weight rapidly during exercise. Insanity exercise programs are an effective combination of cardio, stretching and strength exercises. Important! To perform exercises in the Insanity program, no special room or equipment is required. The workouts are done with your own weight and can be done at home.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

First of all, we will highlight the pros and cons of classes. Distinctive features of Insanity training are a crazy pace, heavy physical activity, a huge number of jumps, lack of time for rest (only short breaks are allowed), and incredible sweating among the trainees.

During training, beginners (especially those with a low level of physical fitness) often have the idea of ​​quitting training. Unusual muscle pain and rapid heartbeat make some people quit the race in the early stages. But if you manage to complete all the exercises in the first training session, the probability of completing the entire course will increase to 80%. After just a week of intense training, your endurance will at least double. Shortness of breath will disappear, your stomach will tighten, and in two weeks the muscles will acquire a beautiful relief, not to mention the kilograms lost.

In addition to physical changes, there will also be internal reforms. Increased concentration and productivity at work. You will probably want to quit smoking, you will feel lighter. The description of the program says that after each training it will seem like you have conquered Everest - you will be proud and happy that you survived to the end of the training.

The example of people who completed the course inspires and motivates them to achieve the same results. But for this you will have to work hard. In the literal sense of the word. Results of people involved in the program:

Did you know? Insanity literally means "madness".

Insanity training calendar

The program has existed for 9 years. The entire course lasts 60 days. Exercises must be done six times a week, with one day off for recovery. This is a universal program, suitable for men and women equally.

The Insanity training calendar is a table with a daily training plan. The training lasts one hour. The calendar sets aside days for a fit test - a particularly intense load with less time to complete. One day a week is reserved for restorative training with a lower intensity load.

Important! Exercises according to the Insanity program are done on an empty stomach! It is necessary to follow a diet: give up fatty high-calorie foods, fast carbohydrates and sweets. Half an hour before training, you are allowed to eat some vegetables or fruits.

Fit test "Insanity" - where to start?

This test is a kind of strength test. After completing it, you will be able to understand whether you can handle the entire course of the program. It is also a way to compare the results achieved throughout the training.

The Insanity fit test itself consists of eight exercises for different muscle groups. The bottom line is that each exercise is performed as many times as possible. There are short breaks between them. Fit-test Insanity is completed for 9 weeks, once every 14 days. Don't forget to record your metrics!

  • Switch kicks - alternate jumps with outstretched legs swinging.
  • Power jakes - pushing the body up from a half-squat position.
  • Power knees - jerks of bent knees to the chest from a standing position.
  • Power jumps - jumping up from a half-squat position, the body practically does not change position.
  • Globe jumps - similar to Power jumps, the position of the body changes - the arms and legs are straightened in the jump.
  • Suicide jumps - while squatting, we “jump” into a lying position. We return to the starting position and push the body up into a jump.
  • Push-up jacks - push-ups with legs apart.

The video of the Insanity fit test with Shaun T can be found in Russian. Graphic table:

Tips for those who want to study

Before you decide to practice the Insanity system, you should consult your doctor. Due to the fact that during exercise the pulse will increase to 90 beats per minute, these exercises are not for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system or suffer from pressure changes.

  • You must have good physical fitness. Everything is simple here: if you are not resilient enough, you will not last even 5 minutes during the training.
  • Classes are contraindicated for diabetics and pregnant women.
  • You must be prepared to practice regularly. This is the main key to rapid weight loss.
  • If you feel very short of breath, slow down!
  • You need to drink water! This way you will replenish your water balance.
  • Be sure to wear sneakers!


To achieve excellent results you need to eat right. Be sure to exclude fatty and unhealthy foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and do not forget to drink enough clean water. To lose weight quickly, reduce your food intake to 1300 kcal per day.

Workout Features

“Crazy” training is built on the principle of increasing difficulty with each week of training. Not every student was able to reach the end of the program. You must soberly assess your capabilities, make every effort, and monitor your well-being.

If in the first month the body was able to get used to 40 minutes of grueling exercise, then in the second phase it will experience 60 minutes of heavy exercise! A gentle bonus is the seventh day of training, which is reserved for the restoration of the body.

Training in the first month

Below are the types of Insanity loads in Russian.

  • Plyometric cardio - intense cardio with lower body exercise (45 minutes).
  • Fit test - non-stop exercises, a combination of cardio and strength training (30 minutes).
  • Powerful cardio with resistance - stretching and working the upper body muscles (40 minutes).
  • “Pure” cardio - strengthens the cardiovascular system and restores muscles. (40 minutes).
  • Cardio + abs - an additional workout with intensive work on the abdominal muscles (17 minutes).
  • “Basic” cardio - working out all parts of the body with an emphasis on the abs (45 minutes). Intermediate training between the first and second months of the program.

Did you know? Plyometrics is a system of exercises based on rapid stretching and contracting of muscles, which develops the power of the athlete.

In the second month

The following types of exercises are offered:

  • maximum interval circuit - the exercise cycle is increased to 3 repetitions (60 minutes);
  • Maximum interval plyometrics - special training of the leg muscles. 2 repetition cycles (55 minutes);
  • maximum cardio - intense cardio training for the abs (48 minutes);
  • maximum recovery - strength exercises only (47 minutes);
  • “crazy abs” - additional training for the lower and oblique abdominal muscles (33 minutes).

The program includes an additional workout “Ideal Body” (47 minutes). Every two weeks it is necessary to carry out a fit test (up to 20 minutes). Add the results to your personal list of achievements. Exercise table:

Video training

Better to see once than hear a hundred times. Insanity is one of the most popular video training in the world. Some recordings can be found here: Sean T's powerful charge of energy and his motivation help beginners not to give up, encourage students and force them to give 100%. Analyzing the results of those participating in the program, we see that the Insanity Shaun T fitness program works. But remember that “Insanity” is a training for truly strong-willed athletes who are not afraid of difficulties on the path to self-improvement.


This is interesting: Negative repetitions are a super technique for developing muscle strength and mass

Description of the Asylum 2.0 program

If Insanity's workouts were mainly focused on aerobic exercise and developing endurance, then in Asylum, cardio exercise is already successfully combined with strength training. And in the second edition of Asylum, Shaun T puts even more emphasis on strength training. Almost every workout in this program includes strength training, and some of them (Upper Elite, Power Legs, Back and 6 Pack) are mostly focused on strength training.

However, this had no effect on the decrease in intensity. The Asylum 2.0 program is only suitable for advanced athletes and those who prefer CrossFit-style training. Classes from the second Asylum course require your complete concentration. Shaun T also offers complex combined exercises, which also increases the intensity of the training.

For Asylum 2.0 training, you will need the same additional equipment: a special ladder, a jump rope, a horizontal bar, an elastic band, dumbbells (preferably several weights). Instead of dumbbells, you can use an expander, but as practice shows, exercising with dumbbells is more convenient and familiar. You will train using a ready-made 30-day calendar or a Hybrid calendar, which includes workouts from Asylum and Asylum 2.0.

Sean T training in Russian, video

Shaun T is the world's most famous fitness trainer of our time. with his workouts they occupy the highest positions in the ranking of fitness programs for losing weight and improving physical shape in all the most famous Internet search engines.

Asylum and Asylum 2.0

The intensity of Asylum and Asylum 2.0 is similar to Insanity, but the loads of this program are more powerful. The programs are intended for experienced athletes and people involved in fitness at a more advanced level, as well as for those who have already completed the Insanity program and want to improve their body even more.

The duration of Asylum is 1 month, and it consists of 7 video lessons. The main goal of ultra-complex exercises is to improve body contour and muscle quality at a completely new, highest level of physical activity.

For this set of fitness exercises, athletes will need equipment such as a jump rope, dumbbells, elastic band, horizontal bar and a coordination ladder.

Asylum 2.0 is a more recent version of the previous program, which features an even greater emphasis on strength training.

Only experienced and trained athletes, whose strength and endurance can only amaze, can cope with the loads

Important! Training with high strength loads has a positive effect on the condition of bone tissue and reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis

Shaun Week: Insane Focus (new 2017)

Shaun T's newest creation Shaun Week: Insane Focus is a complex that combines the best training programs of the world famous trainer: Insanity, Insanity Max 30, Focus T25 and Asylum.

7 training videos will help you increase your body endurance, effectively lose weight and create a uniquely beautiful body. A whole week of hard work on your body will show amazing results.

This program is more complex than Focus T25, but inferior to Insanity Max 30, and, like the previous complexes, has different levels of difficulty in performing the exercises.

The popularity of Shaun T's video fitness programs around the world proves the high effectiveness of training. However, the main thing is to remember Sean’s motto: don’t be lazy, don’t feel sorry for yourself, use the maximum of your physical capabilities, and the result will be excellent.

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