Milk thistle for weight loss: diets, warnings and reviews

What is milk thistle meal

Meal is a by-product of oil production, in other words, it is a cake that is used to create other food and cosmetic products and additives.
To obtain it, milk thistle is taken whole, heated, and sent to extract the oil in presses. At this stage, press oil and oil cake are obtained, which are transferred for additional extraction. After this, natural solvents are added to the still solid product. Milk thistle meals for weight loss are excellent medicinal preparations with a wide range of indications for use. For example, they are useful for the following conditions:

  • dull complexion, aging skin;
  • excess weight;
  • brittle nails and hair;
  • diseases of the liver, spleen;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • poisoning;
  • low immunity;
  • blood diseases;
  • cholelithiasis.

It should be remembered that in order to obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, you need to correctly diagnose the problem and take into account the individual characteristics of the body.


Milk thistle meal contains more than 200 micro- and macroelements:

  • selenium;
  • thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • panthenol (vitamin B5);
  • folic (B9), nicotinic (B3) acids;
  • silymarin
  • enzymes;
  • chlorophyll;
  • flavonoids.

Also, the healing powder is rich in amino acids:


amino acids

Amino acid content, mg per 1g of protein
Valin 55,6
Isoleucine 23,5
Leucine 64,7
Lysine 50,6
Methionine+cysteine 31,1
Phenylalanine+tyrosine 48,2
Threonine 56,6
Tryptophan 12,0
RED, % 17,5
BC, % 82,5

Beneficial features

Milk thistle powder has truly amazing properties:

  1. This is the strongest hepatoprotector, an effective choleretic drug.
  2. Milk thistle for weight loss is an excellent alternative to chemical supplements and medications.
  3. Milk thistle seeds contain silymarin, which renews the liver at the cellular level, removes waste and toxins from it.
  4. Lowers blood sugar levels.
  5. Milk thistle flour slows down the aging process.
  6. Helps with vaginitis, erosions and other female diseases.

Linoleic acid

Linoleic acid (cis, cis, -9,12-octadecadienoic acid) is a monobasic carboxylic acid, a nutrient, one of the essential Omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It is not produced by the body itself. It is a light yellow oily liquid. It enters the body mainly with food (vegetable oils and animal fats) in the form of complex lipids (triglycerides and phosphatides).

Contained in cell membranes (the amount is on average 10 times greater than Omega-3), it belongs to their structural elements and is critical for their functioning.

In cooking it is used for the production of margarine and cooking oils. In cosmetology, it is part of the so-called vitamin F, which is found in restorative cosmetic and dermatological products.

Possible consequences of the deficiency:

  • Dry skin.
  • Various skin lesions due to penetration of toxins, allergens, bacteria (allergic dermatitis, acne) through the stratum corneum.
  • Baldness.
  • Frequent colds.
  • Pain in joints and muscles.

Taking linoleic acid will be more effective in combination with a sufficient amount of linolenic acid in the diet; these acids enhance the beneficial properties of each other.

Reasons for additional intake in the form of dietary supplements (beneficial properties):

  • Positively affects the functioning of the heart.
  • Reduces the total amount of cholesterol.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Slows down the aging of the body.
  • Helps the body adapt to unfavorable environmental factors.
  • Increases sensitivity to insulin.
  • Improves cognitive functions.
  • Positively affects the reproductive system of women.
  • Helps maintain the transdermal water barrier of the epidermis.
  • Promotes the formation of energy from fats.
  • Stimulates muscle cells to grow.

Food sources:

  • vegetable oils (walnut, sunflower, soybean, poppy seed);
  • seeds and nuts;
  • meat products;
  • eggs.

Included in infant formula (also found in natural breast milk).

Average daily requirement of an adult: women - 12 g, men - 17 g.

Many dietary supplements include a conjugated form of LA, which has a slightly modified formula. This form is taken to activate lipolysis and accelerate metabolism.

How to take milk thistle meal for weight loss

Meal is primarily a medicine, and not a means of losing weight, and getting rid of extra pounds always implies an integrated approach. But nevertheless, milk thistle is an irreplaceable medicine for weight loss! Application:

  • can be consumed with food as a seasoning in main dishes, as an additive when preparing salads and desserts. The acceptable amount varies from one to two teaspoons per meal. Long-term therapy is possible: from two to four months of continuous use. Milk thistle may have a laxative effect;
  • Milk thistle flour is great for making tea. This decoction should be cooled and subsequently stored in the refrigerator. Drink one teaspoon every hour. Duration of admission – from two months;
  • It is acceptable to use before meals as an independent remedy. Dry powder is best washed down with plenty of water. Take one teaspoon twenty minutes before meals four times a day for one to two months. After completing one course, you can take a break and repeat the therapy again.

During treatment, it is better to avoid fatty, overly salty, and spicy foods.


Meal should be taken with caution. Allergic reactions and individual intolerance are possible. Contraindications:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • stomach diseases;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • age up to three years;
  • serious liver pathologies;
  • diabetes.

If undesirable effects occur, consult a doctor immediately.

Side effects and contraindications

The use of any medicinal plant is accompanied by a risk to the body, because a person may increase sensitivity and develop allergies. Milk thistle oil has restrictions for use:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • childhood;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • allergic reactions to components of the composition or plants of the aster family (chamomile, ragweed);
  • neoplasms in the body;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system;
  • simultaneous use of neuroleptics, tranquilizers, sedatives.

Side effects are common when using milk thistle oil and preparations based on it. The main ones are:

  • hypersensitivity, photosensitivity, allergy;
  • hives, rashes, itching, redness of the skin;
  • nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia;
  • dizziness, weakness, increased fatigue, depression;
  • may cause a decrease in blood pressure.

Tablet form

In pharmacies you can find milk thistle tablets and capsules containing it. The composition includes oil covered with a shell. Positioned as liver protection, sold as part of a vitamin complex.

Nutritionists recommend using milk thistle for weight loss in capsules together with other vitamins in the composition. This way the beneficial properties of the plant will improve and increase. Take only after consulting a specialist; milk thistle is not prescribed on its own.

Reviews from those who have lost weight

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Milk thistle for weight loss

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Most buyers respond positively to herbal preparations. There are much fewer negative reviews.


  • There are various forms of release;
  • helps control appetite, after starting to use small portions of food are enough to fill you up;
  • accelerates weight loss, helps to move weight off a dead point, fights the plateau effect;
  • normalizes stool, has a mild laxative property;
  • increases endurance during physical activity;
  • restores skin firmness and elasticity.


  • some buyers complain of a lack of effect after a course of taking milk thistle;
  • taste of vegetable powder.

Normal indicators

However, all of the above is true with normal cholesterol levels. High cholesterol leads to malfunctions in the body, the appearance of various diseases, and aggravation of existing ones. For each person, these indicators are individual and depend on gender, age, and concomitant medical history.

To find out your numbers, you need to take a blood test for cholesterol. The therapist will issue a referral for tests and explain the findings. For accurate results, blood is donated in the morning on an empty stomach. The day before, you need to avoid excessive physical activity and do not drink alcoholic beverages.

Cholesterol analysis, the price depends on several factors: laboratory equipment, service provider company, preferential categories, insurance policy. The cost varies from 250 rubles.

For different categories of citizens, a division of the normal levels of cholesterol in the blood is provided:

  • 2.9-5.25 mmol/l (for children under 5 years of age);
  • 3.13-5.3 (children 5-10 years old);
  • 3.08-5.23 (schoolchildren 10-15 years old);
  • 3.37-6.58 (women, men, young people under 40 years old);
  • 4.09-7.38 (mature people under 60);
  • 4.09-7.85 (over 60).

Values ​​that do not correspond to the norm

If the cholesterol test is carried out correctly and the indicators do not correspond to the above values, then this indicates health problems and disruption of the functioning of internal organs. In this case, consultation with specialists is necessary.

At elevated values, noticeable changes occur in the body, caused by a decrease in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques, as a result of which the lumen of the vessels narrows and blood circulation is impaired. Oxygen starvation occurs and hypoxia develops. This condition, if it lasts long enough, leads to disruptions in the functioning of the heart and brain.

Possible reactions of the body to high levels of lipid compounds: stroke, heart attack, complications during wound healing, gangrene, muscle tissue atrophy and loss of ability to move, pain in the limbs, neuroses. If cholesterol is elevated, only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

What causes the dangerous condition

The main causes of high cholesterol:

  • The presence of foods high in fat in the diet. These include fast food, smoked meats, sausages, and lard. The exceptions are eggs, lean meat, but in moderation, otherwise these products also increase cholesterol;
  • A sedentary lifestyle leads to decreased blood circulation and slower metabolism. Slow blood flow leads to the accumulation and formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls;
  • The presence of concomitant and chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, gout, liver disease, atherosclerosis, coronary disease, gastrointestinal dysfunction);
  • Alcohol and smoking cause irreparable harm to health. The walls of cells and blood vessels become thinner, mobility is lost, and the immune system weakens;
  • Hereditary diseases;
  • During pregnancy, some blood parameters may change, and the amount of organic compounds increases. Observation and treatment are carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist.

The main recommendations of doctors for the prevention of this condition come down to moderate, regular physical activity, playing sports, adhering to the principles of proper nutrition, giving up bad habits, and medical supervision.

What to do if you have low cholesterol

Indicators may decline in the opposite direction. There are much fewer such cases, but they do exist. Low levels of cholesterol in the blood can lead to serious consequences: mental disorders, atherosclerosis, disturbances in the normal functioning of the intestines, problems with bones, their fragility, decreased sexual desire, hypovitaminosis, infertility, stroke.

Among the most common causes of deficiency are poor nutrition, diseases of internal organs, disorders of the thyroid gland, poisoning, and infectious diseases.

Only a doctor can choose the correct treatment. Basic recommendations for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition remain the same. .

In medical, there is a therapist who will help determine your lipid status. He will give all the necessary recommendations and treatment plan. We can take all cholesterol tests. The doctor conducts consultations at home and in the clinic (in Zapadny and in Alexandrovka). The cost of the medical center’s services can be found in the “Price” section or by calling the 24-hour hotline.


Milk thistle is well tolerated, but in some cases an individual reaction of the body in the form of headache, diarrhea or insomnia is possible. Who should be careful when taking milk thistle? It is contraindicated if patients have cholelithiasis (taking thistle can aggravate the situation due to stimulation of bile production), as well as in acute forms of liver failure and pancreatitis. It should also be understood that milk thistle reduces iron levels in the blood. Pregnant women, children (under 12 years of age) and those suffering from bronchial asthma should refrain from taking the herbal medicine.

How much does milk thistle oil cost?

You can buy thistle oil in pharmacies or online; it is not a prescription drug. The product should be stored in a dark place at room temperature for no longer than two years from the date of manufacture. Approximate prices in Moscow will be:

Type of drug, pack volume Internet price tag, rubles Pharmacy cost, rubles
Milk thistle in capsules for weight loss 150 pcs. 50 55
Oil 100 ml 110 125
Meal 100 g 55 80

Principles of losing weight ↑

Milk thistle itself does not have a fat burning effect and does not normalize weight. However, thanks to its composition, it is able to activate metabolic processes in the body and, most importantly, prevent new accumulation of fat. So thistle alone will not be enough - you need to add dietary restrictions, physical activity, leaving this plant with an auxiliary role in cleansing the liver and normalizing its work. However, as you know, without this it is impossible to achieve stable and permanent results in the field of weight loss.

Opinions of doctors and specialists↑

Regarding milk thistle, experts are quite reserved, because this herb itself does not guarantee fat burning. However, its correct use in optimal doses can cleanse the body of harmful deposits, which will help those who want to regain their weight.

When taking milk thistle, you should strictly follow the dosage regimen and do not exceed the amount: due to the choleretic effect, an overdose can lead to undesirable consequences.

Use milk thistle and other herbal remedies to normalize weight, the beneficial properties of which can be read on our website!

Milk thistle for weight loss. Beneficial properties for our health.

The main components of milk thistle are very effective in the fight against excess weight. They have an effect on various body systems:

  • Often, the deposition of excess fat is facilitated by various harmful substances accumulated over a long time. Milk thistle can remove them from the body.
  • Silymarin contained in milk thistle seeds is a powerful antioxidant. After losing weight, the skin usually sags, becomes flabby and unsightly.
  • Silubin, which is part of milk thistle, cleanses the liver, which helps process fats and prevents their deposition.
  • Milk thistle normalizes hormonal levels. So, if your excess weight is due to hormonal problems, you can safely take this drug. Naturally, after consulting your doctor first.
  • Milk thistle leaves are an excellent laxative, which can also help with weight loss.
  • This wonderful plant normalizes metabolism. Normal metabolism is the key to a slim figure.

Taking a course of milk thistle will benefit your health. And at the same time, do you know how wonderfully your skin will cleanse? Don't be afraid if you experience slight rashes on your face at the very beginning of use. This releases all the toxins. But then the skin will be simply extraordinary.


Another weight loss product that is prepared from the seeds of the plant. It is prepared as follows:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. Grind milk thistle seeds.
  2. Boil water, brew the resulting powder with three glasses of liquid.
  3. Put on fire, boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Strain and leave to cool.

The decoction is taken a maximum of 3 times a day. According to reviews from those who have lost weight, it is best to take milk thistle as tea before bed for weight loss. For a pleasant tea drinking experience, add lemon and orange zest. Mint and honey would be a great addition.

Milk thistle powder to stabilize weight and cleanse the body

A product made with milk thistle will help you achieve a strong weight loss effect and cleanse the liver and digestive system. According to the recipe, you need to combine 1 teaspoon of milk thistle powder with an identical amount of liquid honey.

Take the weight loss mixture on an empty stomach, and 20 minutes later wash it down with warm mineral water. You can eat after an hour and a half.

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