Weight loss product Polaris Reduxin light - reviews

pharmachologic effect

As the abstract indicates, this drug is an active biological supplement that is recommended to be taken to control weight and shape the silhouette.

One of the active ingredients, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), is a naturally occurring substance. It is an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid that was originally found in dairy products and cattle meat.

In modern pharmacology, conjugated linoleic acid is mainly obtained from raw materials of plant origin. This element has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. CLA inhibits the activity of an enzyme that retains fat in the body. As a result, the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits decreases. Thanks to the correct distribution of energy in the body, protein synthesis is activated, thereby strengthening muscle tissue.

Side effects: which drug is more dangerous?

Much has been said about the negative effects of Reduxin on the body. Clinical observations show that sibutramine negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system. There is an opinion that taking the drug disrupts the heart rhythm, leading to the development of myocardial infarction and stroke. The Russian Federal Center for Monitoring the Safety of Medicines warns of the possible development of severe side effects and recommends the use of drugs based on sibutramine only for strict indications.

The FDA (international drug regulator) has also conducted studies on sibutramine. Experts studied reports on the development of side effects while taking the drug and came to the conclusion that it is impossible to speak unequivocally about its negative effects on the heart and blood vessels. Scientists especially emphasized the fact that heart attack, stroke and arrhythmia are common in obese people without the use of sibutramine.

A good review on the safety of using Reduxin and other sibutramine-based products was presented by the Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Ministry of Health. The authors of the article came to the conclusion that sibutramine in Reduxin is an effective, albeit unsafe, drug, and its use should always be justified.

The instructions for use of Reduxin state that unwanted side effects occur mainly in the first month of taking the medicine. They are usually reversible and not dangerous; immediate discontinuation of the drug is not indicated. Most often, people complain of increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat and headaches. Insomnia and constipation are less common.

There are no similar scientific works regarding Reduxin Light. The manufacturer of the dietary supplement claims that it has virtually no side effects and is well tolerated. This statement cannot be confirmed or refuted. We can only rely on the reviews of people who have experienced this product. But such comments are subjective and do not always reflect the true state of a person.

Side effects of Reduxin Light

The official website of this product indicates that if the supplement is used correctly, no side effects are observed. But some experts still report that negative manifestations when taking dietary supplements are possible. In particular, in people who are significantly overweight, linoleic acid may increase the likelihood of developing diabetes . In addition, there is evidence about Reduxin Light that its use can provoke the development of stones in the biliary tract and kidneys .

Also, when taking the drug, there is a risk of developing hypervitaminosis due to an overdose of vitamin E. Therefore, those who are interested in how to take this remedy should note that the dosage of the drug cannot be exceeded.

When are they appointed?

Reduxin is prescribed by an endocrinologist for the following conditions:

  1. nutritional obesity with a body mass index (BMI) over 30;
  2. obesity with a BMI over 27 on the background of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Reduxin is not used for minor weight gain - overweight (BMI 25-30). It is not used for obesity caused by other reasons (for example, hormonal imbalance, chronic pathology).

Reduxin Light can be prescribed by a doctor of any specialty. Many people who are keen on losing weight purchase this supplement on their own - it is available without a prescription. The use of Reduxin Light is justified for minor weight gain, when there are no serious metabolic disorders.

Reduxin Light, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use of Reduxin Light include taking 1-2 capsules of the drug with each meal. It is recommended to take no more than 6 capsules per day.

It is advisable to continue taking it for 1-2 months. It is advisable to repeat courses of supplementation 3 or 4 times a year. But those who are interested in how to take the supplement correctly should take into account that the break between courses of use should be at least one month.

The instructions also note that while taking this medication, the patient must adhere to the principles of a balanced and healthy diet.

How do they work?

We studied the official instructions for the drugs in question and found out how they affect the human body. Let's see if these funds have anything in common.


Sibutramine, which is part of the drug, is a prodrug. In the human body, it breaks down into active metabolites that capture monoamines - serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. These substances act on receptors in the brain, which determines the effects of Reduxin:

  1. the feeling of satiety increases;
  2. the need for food decreases;
  3. Thermal production – heat production – increases.

Sibutramine acts on both sides of the energy balance at once - it reduces food intake and increases energy expenditure. Against this background, a decrease in body weight occurs. According to modern ideas, weight loss should be no more than 5-10% in 4-6 months. A person loses 0.5-1 kg per week. This approach reduces the risk of complications and prevents the relapse of obesity.

The effectiveness of sibutramine in obesity has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies. A review of one of them was published in the Russian Medical Journal. The experiment lasted two years. According to the results of the study, it was found that the decrease in body weight amounted to an average of 11.3 kg. 54% of subjects lost more than 10% of their original weight. This is a good result, indicating the high effectiveness of sibutramine in the treatment of obesity.

Reduxin light

No serious clinical studies have been conducted on the dietary supplement. All we can do is take the word of the dietary supplement manufacturer. The instructions for use of the drug indicate the following effects:

  1. normalizes fat metabolism by processing existing fat reserves;
  2. reduces the transport of lipids into cells and prevents the formation of new fat deposits;
  3. activates muscle metabolism;
  4. enhances the oxidation of fatty acids and improves muscle tone.

As a result, an optimal ratio of fat and muscle tissue is achieved and weight is reduced. The drug acts most effectively in problem areas - the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. No other data on Reduxin Light has been provided.

special instructions

Those who are interested in whether this remedy helps you lose weight should take into account that in order to achieve the desired effect, you should combine taking dietary supplements with a diet , as well as practice intense physical activity.

User reviews that they write on the forum or on specialized sites should not be a guide to taking this product. It is important to consult with a specialist before starting to take it.

Sports doctor Koshkina Marina Sergeevna

Patients who turn to me for help want to quickly lose weight; if they are obese, it is not immediately possible to significantly increase physical activity. In this case, I recommend taking a dietary supplement such as Reduxin Light. Many of my patients took this remedy, and as a result of following the recommendations, it was possible to adjust the metabolism, increase the overall tone of the body, which allowed them to actively engage in sports and quickly lose weight.

This product is based on herbal ingredients that have a gentle effect on the body. Despite this, you should not start taking dietary supplements on your own; you should first consult with your doctor.


  • there is no thirst during use;
  • a surge of energy and strength is felt, which allows you to gradually increase physical activity;
  • adverse reactions are observed extremely rarely, they are mainly associated with individual sensitivity to the components;
  • natural composition.


  • It is recommended to combine dietary supplements with a diet to achieve visible results;
  • not prescribed to patients under 18 years of age;
  • The dietary supplement should not be taken together with alcoholic beverages, as this can lead to unforeseen health consequences.

I would like to note that the course of use of the drug is one month, but, as a rule, during this time, patients with extra pounds fail to achieve their target weight. I prescribe a second dose of Reduxin in 3-4 months.

Reviews about Reduxin Light

There are very different reviews about Reduxin Light on the forums. When discussing these diet pills, many write that the drug helped get rid of extra pounds and provide photos demonstrating their achievements.

However, there are also negative reviews from people losing weight who write that there were no positive results when taking the product; some users even provide photos as proof. Despite the fact that the official instructions do not contain information about negative manifestations, side effects still appear periodically.

In particular, users write about allergic manifestations and poor health during the course of taking the supplement. Reviews from doctors about Reduxin Light are also varied. Experts emphasize that when taking the supplement, you need to take into account contraindications and be sure to consult with specialists.

Dietitian Elena Kuznetsova, Moscow

Hello! Many patients ask me questions about popular weight loss products, how they affect the body and whether they really help you get rid of extra pounds quickly and safely. Among the many drugs for weight loss, it is difficult for an ordinary person to choose an effective and safe dietary supplement. I advise my patients to take Reduxin Light.

The drug affects enzymes and helps regulate metabolic processes. Thanks to this, gradual weight loss and figure modeling are observed.

Among the advantages of the dietary supplement I would like to highlight:

  • allows you to restore muscle tissue;
  • the amount of subcutaneous fat decreases;
  • improves the quality of protein synthesis due to the release of energy;
  • includes the optimal amount of vitamin E.

Well, of course, like all drugs Reduxin Light also has disadvantages:

  • with prolonged use, spontaneous psycho-emotional complications may occur;
  • not recommended for patients with eating disorders;
  • should not be taken if there are serious problems with the digestive tract.

I would like to note that the use of this dietary supplement helps normalize blood pressure, so hypertension is not a contraindication to taking dietary supplements.

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