B-lite original (natural fat burners) weight loss product in capsules (96 caps.)

Why are women constantly searching for the “perfect” diet? Yes, because none of them gives the expected result. Indeed, some advertised diets allow you to lose weight in a fairly short period of time. But constantly being on a starvation diet is not just harmful. Every nutritionist is ready to tell many stories from practice when a starvation diet caused a serious illness. Therefore, it is always recommended to fast for a strictly defined time. After this, the woman switches to her usual diet, and the weight quickly returns. Does this make sense? Of course not.

The golden rule of losing weight

How to lose weight quickly? Very simple. You need to burn more calories than you consume. There are calculations by doctors and scientists that clearly define the norms for calorie intake and expenditure. But is it possible to stick to these recommendations for the rest of your life? Hardly. So women have to constantly look for a diet that will finally save them from catastrophically increasing body weight. A truly life-saving method was developed by scientists from China. They have created a drug that helps you lose weight in a month or even faster. In this case, there will be no need to starve your beloved body or torture it with physical activity.

How to distinguish the original Beelight from a fake

Due to the high cost of the drug Bilayt, there is a risk of purchasing a counterfeit. The original Bilayt is distributed in Russia by the Kazakh Medical Center; ask the seller to present a certificate. The official manufacturer of the drug is . Each package should have a branded hologram, inside - instructions for use in three languages: Russian, Chinese and Kazakh, as well as a table for recording weight loss results. The capsule of the original drug is blue, the packaging is light pink, not iridescent (see photo below).


The composition of the food additive “original Bilayt” includes the following components:

  • lotus leaf;
  • tinder fungus (reishi mushroom);
  • inner lining of chicken stomach;
  • Poria coconut.

In the Middle East, the lotus is considered sacred and was used in ancient times to treat “a thousand diseases.” Modern research has shown that they actually contain a lot of useful substances, one of which is L-carnitine. This substance helps long-chain fatty acids pass through the mitochondrial membrane, where they are broken down to produce ketones and clean energy.

The reishi mushroom (ganoderma) is known as the “herb of immortality” (“ling-zhi”) in the Japanese islands. It has antitumor, antiviral, immunomodulatory, antioxidant effects. It is used to eliminate edema and break down fat deposits. Reishi prevents the absorption of fatty acids and carbohydrates from food.

The inner lining of the chicken stomach is formed from protective cells. It has a positive effect on the immune system and helps increase resistance to diseases.

Poria coconut is a parasitic fungus that lives underground.
It has been valued at all times for its ability to remove toxins and strengthen the heart muscle. The mushroom has a mild diuretic property. Therefore, soon after starting to take it, swelling goes away. Poria improves digestion and intestinal motility, accelerates metabolism.

Composition and release form

According to official data, Bilayt diet pills contain natural ingredients - extracts and powders obtained according to oriental medicine recipes. These substances are:

  1. Lotus Nelumbo nucifera - lotus leaves grow in tropical ponds and contain a large amount of L-carnitine, which is lipolytic and accelerates the process of breaking down fat cells to release energy. The component is often used in weight loss products.
  2. Ganoderma tinder fungus is a tinder fungus that parasitizes deciduous trees. The plant contains agaricic acid, which its mycelium is rich in. The carbon compound activates the production of enzymes that break down lipids, which results in the body not having time to create fat reserves, and the liver speeds up their processing.
  3. Coconut poria Pachyma hoelen is also a tinder fungus, but it grows underground on the roots of pine trees. Poria extract improves body tone, regulates metabolism and fluid balance, and removes toxins. The substance activates the process of converting calories from food into energy.
  4. The cuticle of the chicken stomach is the inner lining of the organ, which helps against dysbiosis, diarrhea, and is used in diet programs for weight loss and cleansing the body. Creon is obtained from it, an enzyme that improves digestion.
  5. Dioscorea oppositifolia (yam) - the rhizomes of the Dioscorea oppositifolia vine contain substances that lower blood cholesterol levels and have diuretic properties. The substance is used in a comprehensive approach to weight loss. Yam contains steroid glycosides that suppress appetite and fight obesity.
  6. The fruits of hawthorn (Crataegus sanguine Pall) or hawthorn are included in various weight loss products because they are rich in microelements, vitamins, and plant polyphenols (flavonoids). The components of the berries stimulate lipid metabolism processes and reduce cholesterol levels.

Bilayt 96

The packaging box for this type of tablet is white and raspberry in color; inside the pack there are 36 burgundy soft gelatin capsules. The composition is additionally enriched with extracts of medicinal plants: privet, kendyr, purple alfalfa, atractylis, astragalus. The drug is suitable for large amounts of excess weight; it stimulates proper intestinal function and timely excretion of feces.

Bilayt 90

The enhanced version helps with excess weight gained due to obesity, overeating, and in middle age with hormonal changes. The composition is no different from the original, the tablets block the feeling of hunger, promote the removal of waste and toxins, break down old fat reserves, and help to slim down the waist and hips. The use of capsules reduces the appearance of cellulite and relieves swelling. The course of treatment lasts 1.5 months.

Beelight Premium

The composition of these tablets contains plant extracts, but the shell of chicken navels is replaced with plum seed kernels. The new component actively helps with weight loss and serves as a source of potassium, essential amino acids and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Blue packaging box containing 72 gelatin capsules. Bilayt Premium 3 is presented in a purple package containing 96 single doses.

Bilayt 40

There are always 40 pieces of diet pills in a box. The product helps to quickly lose weight, improve the health of the body, remove toxins, and suppress hunger. Due to the plant composition, fats are burned without dieting or fitness, lipid deposits are blocked, and blood sugar levels are normalized. Taking capsules causes thirst, so during therapy you need to take 2-3 liters of water daily.

Bilight original

The formula is suitable for people whose weight is not much higher than normal. Contains the same active substances as other forms. It differs in the form of release - inside the pack there are three cardboard boxes of white and pink color, each with two blisters with 16 capsules (96 pieces in total). The tablets normalize metabolic processes and effectively cleanse the body at the cellular level of toxins and waste. You can evaluate the effectiveness and results from photos of people losing weight

Advantages of the weight loss product in capsules “Bilait 96”

"Bilait 96" is one of the best weight loss capsules today. Its main advantages:

  • This food supplement is absolutely safe. It contains only proven natural ingredients. Therefore, it does not irritate the stomach, is easily tolerated, and does not cause side effects.
  • The drug is extremely effective. Through a series of tests, scientists have found that B-lite 96 capsules helps get rid of fat deposits at any age. It is especially effective in eliminating subcutaneous fat in the most problematic areas.
  • Complex impact. When developing a dietary supplement, natural components were selected in such a way as not only to speed up the process of fat breakdown as much as possible, but also to help restore immunity, improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and destroy harmful microflora.

Do Bilayt capsules contain sibutramine?

According to studies and examinations conducted by different countries and control authorities, including Roszdravnadzor, the ingredient sibutramine was found in samples of tablets. This is a dangerous substance from the group of synthetic anorexigenic components that suppresses appetite and sharply increases heat production. Sibutramine is not prohibited for use, but is a potent component that has strict indications for use, many contraindications and serious side effects.

Products containing sibutramine cannot be called dietary supplements - these are medications, so they undergo state certification in a different way. In most countries where Bilayt is sold, it has not received a quality certificate for free sale on the pharmaceutical market and is not recommended by nutritionists. Because of this, it is impossible to buy it in pharmacies, you can only order it through an online store with delivery.

Instructions for use

The weight loss product in capsules “B-lite original” works in stages:

  1. You should start taking the supplement with 1 capsule before breakfast. At the first stage, the water-salt balance is normalized, the functioning of the stomach improves, and the spleen is strengthened.
  2. After 2-3 days, the daily intake of the drug “Beelight original” is increased to 2 capsules (1 capsule before breakfast and lunch). During this period, intensive breakdown of fats, uniform distribution of nutrients, and removal of toxins from the subcutaneous area and liver begin.
  3. After 5-7 days, start taking 2 capsules before breakfast and lunch. At the final stage, deep cleansing occurs, removing fat deposits and removing toxins. All organs begin to function normally, the effect is consolidated.

There is information that with the help of the original Bilayt it was possible to lose up to 30 kg per month. However, doctors warn that very rapid weight loss can cause various side effects.

Indications for use

The use of dietary supplements is necessary for persons who have:

  • excessive body weight;
  • increased swelling;
  • failure of lipid metabolism;
  • disorders of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, liver and spleen;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • constipation caused by improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The composition of Bilight capsules allows not only to eliminate excess fat deposits without causing harm to health, but also to improve health and improve the functioning of many organ systems.

You can lose weight using the medication in question in cases where excess fat deposits are caused by:

  • improperly selected diet;
  • failure in the body's metabolic processes;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • age-related changes;
  • hypertension.

Despite the fact that the product is safe, it is advisable to visit a specialist before using it.

"Beelight" for weight loss: reviews

Leave reviews on Beelight for weight loss on this page. We really hope that your recommendations will help other customers choose the right product.

Galina Nikolaevna, Tver

I took Bilayt together with my daughter. After a month and a half, I lost about 20 kg, my daughter lost 10 kg. During the appointment I felt great. I went on an extra diet, and my daughter ate what she wanted.

Masha, N. Novgorod

A very good drug. I read a lot of reviews that this particular composition is the best. I ordered it for the first time and was completely satisfied with the effect. I lost 7 kg in a month and didn’t deny myself anything at all.

Side effects

There are a number of side effects:

  • Headache;
  • Insomnia;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Abdominal colic;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Problems with swallowing;
  • Heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Allergic reaction.

Such a wide range of side effects is of double significance.

On the one hand, all of the above consequences are personal in nature, which means they can be caused by self-hypnosis, fear of serious complications and constant discomfort. The suspiciousness of representatives of the fair half of humanity can play a cruel joke.

On the other hand, all of the listed side effects characterize the consequences of using a psychotropic drug - sibutramine - a substance banned in a number of countries in Europe and America, which greatly reduces appetite and can cause hormonal disorders.

Also, a number of facts support the opinion about the dubious safety of the drug: the Chinese company supplies Bilayt only to the CIS countries and is the manufacturer of the notorious drug “Li-da”, banned due to the presence of sibutramine in its composition.

An uncertain reaction to bilayt is fully justified by the unclean reputation of the manufacturer and the incomprehensible composition of the product itself.

Manufacturers explain the rumors swirling around the popular drug by saying that the struggle in the dietary supplement market is very serious and competitors are not picky in their methods in relation to their rivals, so the drug has become a victim of attacks from black PR people.


B-light is not the only drug on the market that suppresses appetite and stimulates fat burning. The most popular dietary supplements today:

  • Lida.
  • Garcinia Forte.
  • Metabol.
  • Miaozi.
  • Fitoslim and others.

All of the supplements listed have a herbal composition and a number of their own advantages and limitations. When choosing any of them for weight loss, first read the instructions and consult your doctor.

Girls, before you decide to throw unreliable pills at yourself, look carefully in the mirror: maybe you yourself invented the extra pounds? Losing weight with the help of capsules and tablets is a radical medical method when more gentle methods do not work. And remember that the kilograms you lose in any way will not come back only if you continue to eat right, move actively and truly love yourself.

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How to avoid encountering a fake

Sometimes you can hear sharply negative reviews about Beelight 96, most often this is due to the use of counterfeit. Since the drug is quite popular, many scammers are trying to make money on people’s desire to lose weight.

How to distinguish a fake from the original? When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Beelight is produced by only one official supplier - the PRC San Jiu factory. Any assurances from sellers about branches of the manufacturer or about the transfer of rights to another supplier are groundless;
  • the surface of the packaging box and the internal packaging of “Beelight 96” are covered with laser holograms in the form of the inscription “Beelight”;
  • on the outside of the package there is a round hologram with the image of a dragon;
  • upon request, the seller must present a certificate confirming the originality of the goods;
  • the instructions for the drug must be written in clear letters and without streaks, the letters must not be blurred;
  • on the original packaging, the expiration date of the drug is indicated in small letters, while most counterfeits have a very large expiration date, the numbers extend beyond the required edges;
  • Inside each original package there is a small surprise gift - a measuring tape, keychain or flashlight. The original also contains a table indicating changes in body volume and weight in centimeters for each week.

Bilayt 96: does it affect menstruation?

During menstruation, the weight stops. It will not contract until your period ends. Don't worry and continue the course. After your period ends, your weight will continue to decrease.

  • There is information that this dietary supplement can cause a delay of menstruation by several days.
  • Some indicate that, on the contrary, menstruation began several days earlier than it should have been.
  • If your menstrual cycle is disrupted due to taking Bilayt 96, be sure to go to a gynecologist and find out the situation.

Positive and negative aspects of using Bilayt capsules

The advantages of using this remedy are that:

  • The original drug has a beneficial effect on the woman’s body.
  • Allows you to get rid of excess weight and easily regain your beauty.
  • And also in women who take it, swelling of the body disappears.
  • Feels light;
  • A surge of strength and a great mood;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • An unprecedented desire for vital activity appears.

But there is a huge disadvantage that can sometimes cancel out all the advantages. The drug was accused of containing such a dangerous substance as sibutramine. It is what lifts your mood and gives you strength. It affects the body in such a way that all organs work to the limit - this in turn causes a positive effect in the form of weight loss.

In case of an overdose of sibutramine, there can be dire consequences. And after women stop taking this drug, they experience depression as if they were withdrawing from drugs.

How to distinguish Bilayt original from a fake?

Bilayt has become famous as a fairly effective drug, but when ordering it, it is very important to distinguish a fake from the original. After all, scammers do not sleep and try in every possible way to make money, not neglecting even the most dangerous methods

A counterfeit product may risk introducing harmful bacteria and fungi into the body, since counterfeit tablets contain almost nothing but clay. That is why it is important to know what the original drug looks like.

How to distinguish the original:

  • First you need to ask the seller for a certificate. It must be present for any drug and the seller is obliged to present it upon the first request of the consumer. Only the Kazakhstan Center of Oriental Medicine can officially distribute Beelight. But even if a certificate has been provided, the product may still be counterfeit.
  • The original drug is quite expensive.
  • The original is made in China.
  • The packaging of real Bilayt is light pink and does not shimmer.
  • The Beelight hologram is found only on the packaging of the original drug.
  • Instructions for use are available on and inside the packaging. Letters must be clear and understandable. In addition, the instructions are in both Chinese, Kazakh, and Russian, without grammatical errors.
  • Also, the expiration date should be printed in small print. Large font extending beyond the margins is a sure sign of a fake.
  • There is always a mini-gift (keychain, measuring tape or flashlight) inside the original product packaging.
  • In addition, the package contains a table in order to mark the results that you have achieved in the process of losing weight.
  • Real capsules are blue in color and taste sweet and sour.

Unfortunately, unscrupulous sellers do not buy the original for sale, because the fake is sold out much faster. Girls in pursuit of slimness, having read enough advertising, do not think about checking the authenticity. But in fact, purchasing a counterfeit and using the drug risks you with insomnia, high blood pressure and stomach pain.

When using a drug that is the original, such side effects occur only if the recipient has heart disease or hypertension.

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Reviews from doctors

Grigorieva T.V., nutritionist, 17 years of experience. I categorically do not recommend dietary supplements to my patients. Incomprehensible composition, anti-scientific approach. At best, the placebo effect will work, at worst, you will end up in the hospital. In order to lose weight, take care of your daily routine and diet, start leading an active lifestyle and eat right. In case of hormonal disorders, biological supplements will definitely not help; you need to undergo a full course of examination so that the doctor can choose a well-structured course of treatment. I do not recommend taking Bilayt to my patients.

Korotkov P.P., nutritionist, 8 years of experience If you do not experience serious problems associated with disruption of various body systems, are not sick with anything, and want to lose two or three kilograms by summer - after passing the examination, I may allow you to drink this is a remedy. It will not cause any harm; it will be an additional incentive to stick to the prescribed diet. In other cases, especially in the presence of chronic diseases, I do not recommend it. The manufacturer of the drug does not guarantee weight loss. The components included in its composition are questionable from the point of view of professional dietetics.

Bilayt 90 and 96: what is the difference

The manufacturer offers Bilayt in various forms.

  1. “Bilait 90 capsules” is packaged in a soft pink box. Inside there are 3 metallized packages with the image of strawberries, each of them contains 3 blisters of 10 capsules.
  2. "Beelight 96 capsules" comes in a blue box. Inside there are 3 metallized gold-colored bags, each of which contains blisters with capsules.
  3. There is also Bilayt for 72 capsules and 36 capsules. Each option is supplemented with ingredients for effective weight loss.

Reviews of those losing weight

Those who have tried B-light for themselves are divided into two groups: those who left the race at the very beginning, and those who reached the end. Both report severe side effects: thirst, insomnia, weakness. Many people develop tachycardia during use and their blood pressure rises. People note that their appetite does not go away immediately, but only after a few days. But nevertheless, by the end of the course it is possible to lose an average of 10 kilograms.

Before and after results

People who are losing weight are happy to share photos of their results online. Some are really impressive:

What do the doctor's say

Doctors believe that all side effects indicate that the product contains sibutramine, and therefore you should not prescribe it yourself without first consulting a nutritionist. In general, insufficient knowledge of the supplement and the lack of a safety certificate in most European countries raises a large number of questions among doctors about the supplement. In their practice, they tend to give preference to other proven drugs and weight loss methods.

Bilayt 96, capsules: how long does it take for the action to begin?

Before moving on to the instructions for this drug, let's say a few words about it itself.

  • Bilayt 96 capsules are capsules for rapid weight loss, which have proven themselves to be a fairly effective remedy in the fight not only against fat deposits, but also the manifestations of cellulite.
  • The capsules quickly and effectively affect the body, breaking down fats, removing metabolic end products and stimulating the functioning of many organ systems.
  • Also, this remedy has a direct effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, namely, it improves metabolic processes and intestinal function.
  • The advantage of these capsules is that during their use there is no need to starve and exhaust yourself with heavy training.

A drug

You must take Bilayt 96 following these instructions:

  • Initially, you can use 1 piece. supplements before the first meal. After this, you need to monitor your body’s reaction for several days and continue to take the drug according to the same regimen.
  • After a few days, you can increase the dosage of the product and add 1 more capsule, which should be taken before the second meal.
  • After another week, the dosage is increased again - 2 pcs. before the first and second meals.
  • You should also stop taking the drug in stages. Initially, reduce the number of capsules to 1, then start taking 1 piece. every other day, because 1 pc. per week and complete the course.
  • Please note that this dietary supplement is not completely compatible with food. You can take the drug 1 hour before or 1 hour after meals.
  • However, it is best to take the supplement well before bedtime, as it can affect sleep and cause insomnia.
  • Also take into account the fact that when taking the Bilayt 96 dietary supplement, the body needs a lot of water, so take the capsules with at least 1 glass of water and do not forget to drink it throughout the day.
  • Remember, you need to lose weight using this product gradually. It is strictly forbidden to take more capsules than written above, as this can lead to serious problems in the body.
  • It should be noted that the price of the product can vary significantly depending on many factors.
  • For example, where exactly do you buy capsules, whether there is a promotion or discount on them
  • At the same time, the product not only satisfies the feeling of hunger, but also has a beneficial effect on the body and immune system, because it contains a complex of garcinia fruits and many other useful substances.


“Bilite golden enhanced” fights excess weight much more effectively and quickly than other means. The manufacturer claims that this product not only helps reduce volume and lose weight, but also eliminates “orange peel” and puffiness.

  • During the first 5 days, only 1 piece is allowed. facilities. Exclusively in 40 minutes. before meals and with 0.5 liters of clean water.
  • Then add 1 more piece. drug. In general, you can take no more than 2 pieces per day.
  • You can take one capsule in the morning, the second at lunch.
  • This drug is suitable only for those people whose weight exceeds 85 kg.
  • Contraindications for the drug are the same as for previously described drugs.

Buying Beelight 96 is quite simple. That is why anyone can try this drug on themselves.

  • You can buy a weight loss product at a pharmacy.
  • The drug is also available for sale on the Internet on various trading platforms.

Bilayt 90 and 96 - what is the difference, which is better? Both products contain the same biologically active components. Therefore, there is no difference in their composition. What is the difference then and which remedy is better?

  • The difference lies in the number of active ingredients in one capsule.
  • None of the remedies are worse or better. You need to select them based on your goals and body characteristics.

The drug has contraindications:

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  • The period of bearing a child.
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Children under 18 years of age.
  • If you are allergic to at least 1 component of the composition.
  • For diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Benign/malignant formations.
  • Ailments of the urinary system, endocrine, digestive.

Among the side effects are the following:

  • Complete lack of appetite.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Problems with bowel movements (constipation).

Sleep may be disrupted

If you are not sure whether you can take nutritional supplements, be sure to consult a specialist. Otherwise, you will not only not become slimmer, but you will also get new ailments, aggravating the old ones.

If you experience side effects from this drug, then you definitely need to consult with a specialist and decide whether to continue taking Bilayt 96; you may need to adjust the dosage of the drug.

  • Bilayt 96 gained its popularity precisely because its effect is visible almost immediately. There is no need to “go on a diet” or exhaust yourself with workouts. The course is designed for several months, during which, as a rule, many people manage to solve their problems with excess weight.
  • The drug begins to act immediately after it enters the body.
  • Immediately after starting to take the drug, changes begin to occur in the body. For several days they may not be visually noticeable, as internal work is happening - improving metabolic processes, improving the functioning of our organ systems.
  • After a few days, the result becomes visible - extra pounds and volumes begin to disappear.

The result is visible very quickly

  • Remember, you shouldn’t expect that after just a week you will get rid of all the accumulated kilograms. You need to lose weight in such a way as not to harm your body and not overstrain it. And this is only possible if the weight is reduced gradually. Normally, you need to get rid of 5-7 kg per month, depending on your initial weight.
  • The manufacturer claims that weight loss is faster in those who initially have more fat mass.

It would be unfair not to say that reviews of this drug are completely different. Remember that you need to start taking Bilayt 96 not only based on reviews, but also based on what a specialist tells you, because this is the only way you can get the desired result without negative consequences.

  • Many people note that the extra pounds are literally melting away before their eyes, and every day the weight is coming off faster and faster.
  • There are also those who claim that they have not experienced any side effects.
  • Among the advantages, many highlight the fact that after stopping taking the drug, the weight “stands” and the lost kilograms do not return.
  • However, there are also those who complain that while taking the drug “Bilayt 96” their health has sharply worsened. There was shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat.
  • Also, many note that insomnia and general weakness have appeared.
  • Some even complained of bad breath and constipation.

The results are excellent

Where to buy capsules is a question that worries everyone who wants to lose weight. The drug is quite common in Russia, so finding it is not difficult. The product is sold in all pharmacies, for example, Gorzdrav or the 36.6 pharmacy chain.

When buying it, remember the possibility of counterfeiting. First of all, check the originality of the product in accordance with the criteria listed above. Prices in pharmacies start from 1800 rubles, depending on the region.

The B-lite dietary supplement is used during therapy to prevent obesity of any degree. In addition, there are the following indications for use:

  • the need to reduce the size of the waist, hips and abdomen;
  • presence of cellulite;
  • metabolic deterioration;
  • soreness of hair and skin.

The instructions for use highlight several reasons why taking the drug is contraindicated:

  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • rehabilitation from severe operations and diseases;
  • personal intolerance to components.

The reaction to the effect of the drug is individual for each person. In some patients, signs of drug incompatibility appear unnoticed and disappear after a few days.

The described symptoms are not a reason to stop the course, but if you notice a worsening of the condition over time, you must urgently stop taking the pills and immediately consult a doctor. Side effects include the following:

  • complete loss of appetite and aversion to food;
  • presence of headaches and dizziness;
  • increased blood and blood pressure;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • heavy sweating;
  • the appearance of an allergic rash;
  • dry mouth.

If such signs are not detected in a timely manner, serious complications are possible.

Instructions for use are included with all medications. It contains important recommendations for taking capsules, which must be strictly followed.

During the course, any food is allowed, but to get the best effect, it is recommended to reduce the intake of fatty and sweet foods. In addition, the instructions specify the drinking regime. About two liters of water are needed per day to prevent intoxication of the body. It is forbidden to combine capsules with tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages, as they reduce the effect of the medicinal components.

Having bought the drug on the Internet, you want to take a couple of tablets and forget about excess fat. Unfortunately, the developers say that you need to take the drug for more than one week. How to drink?

  1. After taking the pill, set aside exactly 40 minutes to eat. When you start eating, you will notice that your former appetite has disappeared. There are no food restrictions, but fatty and sweet foods should still be limited. Although there are no strict prohibitions on this matter, because, according to the manufacturer, the belly celebration will not be possible due to the influence of the drug.
  2. Nutritionists forbid you coffee and alcohol. Unfortunately, this will reduce the effectiveness of the product, and may even cause side effects (which, by the way, are already in abundance).
  3. Traditionally, we wash down the tablets with water for better absorption.

How to drink Beelayt 96 correctly?

So, the correct intake of Beelight 96 capsules would be:

  • You need to start and stop taking capsules in stages (as indicated earlier).
  • Every morning before meals, drink 1 glass of warm water, maybe with lemon. This ritual has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Drink at least 2-3 liters of clean water daily.
  • Under no circumstances take tablets during or immediately after meals.
  • During the course you need to take vitamins. The thing is that this remedy “kills” appetite and as a result we eat much less than usual. Consequently, we receive significantly less nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Vitamin complexes will compensate for the deficiency of nutrients in our body.

Take it correctly

  • Under no circumstances should you go on a hunger strike. Yes, your appetite may decrease significantly, however, you still need to eat. If you have no appetite at all and cannot eat, reduce the dosage of the drug or stop taking it altogether and consult a specialist.
  • Eat 3-5 times a day, but little by little. That is, you should have 3 main and 2 additional meals. At the same time, you should eat food that is rich in proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
  • Add sports to your life. This will speed up the weight loss process. Moreover, the body will become more toned and the skin elastic.
  • Don't forget about your daily routine. You must give your body the opportunity to recover normally. Our body does this during sleep. Therefore, every day you should sleep at least 7-8 hours.
  • Massages and body wraps are welcome. In combination with sports, proper nutrition and Beelight 96 capsules, these procedures will bring you the desired result.

As mentioned earlier, if you do not adhere to certain recommendations, you can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Therefore, pay attention to foods and drinks that should not be consumed while taking Bilayt 96:

  • Alcohol. And not in any quantity, of any kind.
  • Coffee, since this drink almost completely “kills” the effectiveness of this product.
  • It is also worth abstaining completely or at least reducing to a minimum the consumption of strong tea and carbonated drinks.
  • While taking Bilayt 96, it is not recommended to eat smoked meats, canned food, flour products, fatty, fried and sweet foods, since these foods contribute to the accumulation of fat mass, and accordingly will reduce the effectiveness of the weight loss product.

Effect on the body

Capsule manufacturers describe in detail how this product acts on the body when used regularly:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • cleanses the intestines;
  • eliminates fatty layers;
  • removes excess fluid (diuretic effect);
  • suppresses appetite;
  • tones without contributing to a decrease in performance;
  • corrects the figure in the most problematic areas, even dealing with visceral fat on the abdomen.

In the first 2 weeks, metabolic processes are optimized and the body is cleansed. The next 2 weeks are the fight against fat reserves. The last stage is to consolidate the achieved result (if there is something to consolidate).

Indications for losing weight with Bilayt are the following causes of excess weight:

  • impaired metabolism;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • postpartum period;
  • endocrine disruption;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • functional disorders of the spleen, kidneys, liver.

If you believe the manufacturers, Bilayt is an innovative new generation drug that is very effective for weight loss and figure correction. On the packaging you can find a loud promise to lose 5 kg in a week. The advertising on the official website makes you completely taken aback by the grandiose figures of minus 20 kg per month. And here doubt begins to creep in: what supernatural thing did they include in these capsules that makes them lose weight so rapidly?

Lotus. Listed as part of Bilayt. A flowering tropical plant native to the waters of the Middle East and Asia. Contains L-carnitine and alkaloids. Prevents the formation of fat cells. Present in such dietary supplements for weight loss as Magic Lotus, Lotusonic, and drinks Slimming Tea, Typhoon Lotus, Sanye Anti Adipose Tea.

Benefits and harms, myths and reality

To understand the properties of a medicine, its benefits and harms, you need to carefully study the reviews. Not every acquaintance with the medicine Bilayt was successful. Some had to face the consequences of taking it. To help you understand, we have selected different opinions about the B-lite dietary supplement.

Reviews from doctors

Qualified specialists are wary of weight loss drugs. They argue that it is possible to improve the metabolic process only with proper nutrition and systematic physical activity. Regarding the drug Bilayt, doctors' reviews are contradictory.

People react differently to Bilayt capsules for weight loss. Reviews from those losing weight can help you understand the quality of the product and understand what effect the capsules have.

The medicine Bilayt is popular on the market. But the seller does not always provide the original drug. Counterfeiting of medicines is a serious problem in Russia. Using a fake product does not bode well. It will not have the expected result, and sometimes, on the contrary, will lead to negative consequences.

The tips we presented will tell you how to avoid running into a counterfeit and buy original tablets:

  • First of all, pay attention to the packaging. It has a light shade and the paint quality of the original box is much better;
  • Next, do not forget about the capsules themselves, they contain a brown powder and have a sour taste;
  • Among other things, there is always a hologram and a small clear stamp on the packaging. There is no hologram on the fake packaging.

In the video you will learn about the composition of the drug Bilayt and its properties. In addition, the video explains how to distinguish the original drug from a fake.

How to increase the effectiveness of Bilayt use and minimize possible harm

In order for Bilayt to work as effectively as possible, it is recommended to cleanse the liver and intestines before using it. This can be done both through medications and traditional medicine methods.

You should not suddenly stop taking the drug. This can be stressful for the body and cause sudden weight gain. It is advisable to gradually reduce the dose of the drug, bringing it to one capsule per day. Then you can take dietary supplements every other day, then every two days, and so on until complete withdrawal.

You cannot ignore the prescribed amount of water. Its deficiency in the body can cause side effects, since it is with water that harmful substances are eliminated and the entire metabolic process takes place in an aquatic environment. The required volume of water should be calculated based on your existing weight - for each kilogram, 30 ml of water per day is required.

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