What is bulgur Bulgur is a cereal grain that is used as a staple product.
There are many misconceptions and myths about fats, so figure out all the details of this for yourself.
There is a stereotype in fitness that only girls need to train their buttocks. However
Specific exercises help in the treatment of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and sinusitis, and many other diseases.
And a little about secrets... The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina: I was especially depressed
Immunity The stability of the body and, in general, women’s well-being largely determines the amount of microelements
Cellulite is a word that terrifies many women. Find “orange peel” on your body
Waist-to-hip ratio (English abbreviation WHR, which can be translated as THR - waist-hip
When following a diet, it is very important to include foods containing many vitamins in your daily diet.
Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/09/2020 Sesame, also known as sesame -