Women's vitamins: key selection criteria and features of administration


The stability of the body’s functioning and, in general, women’s well-being is largely determined by the amount of microelements and vitamins, some of which are synthesized independently, and some come from the outside, with the consumption of food and specialized women’s vitamins.

A lack of vitamins and minerals can seriously affect your health. Hypovitaminosis can provoke negative processes in the body, affecting the functioning of all systems.

Vitamins for women are a special complex that can not only maintain the balance of the body, but also help maintain beauty and youth, while neutralizing the aggressive effects of external factors.

Let's look at the key features of taking women's vitamins and determine what to look for when choosing them.

The difference between women's vitamins and men's vitamins

Despite the similarity of work processes, the female and male bodies are tuned to completely different natural tasks. This is what determines the difference in the accumulation and consumption of useful minerals, vitamins and microelements.

Unlike men's, women's bones are more fragile, and constant experiences and external irritants often cause premature wear and tear of the body. In addition, it is worth noting the importance of the endocrine background, because a large number of hormones are directly related to the amount of vitamins contained in the body.

All this determines the division of vitamin complexes into male and female and their dosages according to gender.

What vitamins and minerals do women need?

Attractive, well-groomed hands, smooth, glowing skin are key signs of attractiveness for girls, young women and women at any age.

Vitamins for women are a complex of organic compounds that can recreate the natural balance of microelements in the body, ensuring the health and attractiveness of the fair sex.

A number of biochemical processes determine the functioning of the female body. Particularly important vitamins are:

  • A – has antioxidant properties, required to ensure the preservation of visual abilities, as well as the health of the skin and hair;
  • B – stimulate stable brain function and improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • C – provides immunity support and helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • D – is responsible for the strength of bone tissue and tooth enamel, relieves PMS;
  • E – endowed with antioxidant properties, largely responsible for the ovulation process;
  • folic acid is especially important during pregnancy planning and gestation.

In addition to vitamins, it is also important to monitor the balance of minerals, the most important of which are:

  • iron;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • sulfur.

Don't guess by the tea leaves

What advice could you give to patients affected by Covid?

Tatyana Rybka : First. Don’t guess with tea leaves: whether it’s Covid or a cold, but consult a doctor in a timely manner. This way you will protect your health and the health of your loved ones.

Second: follow all doctor’s recommendations. Now the treatment regimens have been worked out, in many cases it is enough to be treated at home, observing the self-isolation regime. We, doctors, have seen in hundreds of cases: if a person is adequately treated for Covid, the risk of long-term consequences is minimal.

If you continue to feel unwell after an illness, you can recommend taking vitamin D and B vitamins. No matter how trivial it sounds: maintain a work-rest schedule, take more walks. Be healthy! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

All materials from the story “COVID-19. We can handle it!” read here .

Signs indicating a lack of vitamins in women

A deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the female body certainly affects mood, general well-being and, of course, appearance. Among the most likely causes of vitamin deficiency are:

  1. frequent stress;
  2. excessive loads;
  3. past illnesses;
  4. abuse of diets, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

A lack of certain microelements can be identified using a number of principles, such as:

  • the appearance of cracks on the lips, tearing - vitamin A;
  • numbness of the limbs, loss of appetite, headaches, visual impairment during twilight, split ends and hair loss - vitamins B1 and B2;
  • sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, skin rashes, increased irritability and anxiety - B6 vitamins;
  • premature appearance of gray hair and wrinkles, deterioration of healing processes - vitamin B9;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (frequent constipation, heartburn), the appearance of tinnitus - vitamin B12;
  • the occurrence of bad breath, bleeding gums, the appearance of hematomas with minor bruises - vitamin C;
  • depressed state, increased sweating - vitamin D.

The key difficulty in identifying a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body is the similarity with the symptoms of other diseases. For this reason, it is important that vitamin complexes are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician, taking into account the patient’s medical history and individual characteristics.

Now you understand: no labor feats!

What challenges did you encounter when working in the red zone?

Tatyana Rybka : When we first started working with Covid patients, it was difficult. There is a shortage of medical personnel, especially in May, when many employees fell ill.

Working in personal protective equipment: it’s harder to breathe, glasses fog up. There was some misunderstanding of the nature of the disease, fear of information disseminated in the media about the horrors of the disease.

But literally after two weeks of work we realized: the disease can be managed if you start treating it on time and adequately. Fortunately, we already had international treatment experience and it helped us a lot. We opened as an infectious diseases hospital from the end of April and, thanks to our administration, we had no shortage of personal protective equipment, medicines, oxygen supply for patients, or ventilators. And we gradually got used to the new conditions.

It was more difficult to contact patients than usual. Medical staff wearing personal protective equipment. People were frightened by their condition. They were worried about breathing problems, intense headaches or joint pains, and severe weakness.

There were also conflict situations: some patients did not like the fact that doctors change every 12 hours and there is no permanent attending doctor. And patients are accustomed to the fact that when you are in a hospital, you can always go to the attending physician - the same one, every day, to talk about the state of your health, to consult.

What experience did the red zone provide?

Tatyana Rybka : Medicine received a unique experience that was not available to those who have worked for several decades in medicine. We have become completely different in our attitude towards our health, the health of our relatives and patients.

Previously, if you had a runny nose, weakness, or slight fever, then it was okay: you went to work. In extreme cases, you can sit at home for a few days and quickly get to work. Now you understand: no labor feats, you need to get treatment and find out what exactly you are sick with. Because you can infect others. And if you also have coronavirus, you can become infected with unpredictable consequences, including death. This applies not only to doctors. This applies to everyone. The need for proper treatment and respect for others is one of the lessons the pandemic has taught us.

There has been a more attentive and responsible attitude towards hygiene and compliance with the sanitary and epidemiological regime. Take, for example, washing your hands, using antiseptics, and personal hygiene products. We often touch objects that have been touched by dozens of other hands before us. For example, a pistol at a gas station, a handrail in a vehicle, an elevator button, etc. You need to wash and sanitize your hands after this. I would generally leave hand sanitizers in stores, gas stations and other public places even after the pandemic is over.

Features of taking vitamins

According to current statistics, only 7% of women on the planet eat healthy. The remaining 93% lack beneficial microelements and need additional vitamin support.

It is worth noting that the female body has a rather complex structure, and therefore the need for useful elements tends to change with age.

To maintain youth (20-30 years)

The period from 20 to 30 years marks the stage of woman maturity, personality stabilization, as well as other socially important moments (marriage, job search, etc.). During this period, representatives of the fair sex often experiment with their appearance, which leads to the appearance of acne, various types of skin inflammation, layering of nails and loss of natural shine to the hair.

In addition, during this period the processes of puberty are completed, which can lead to such changes in appearance as:

  • weight gain;
  • strengthening bones;
  • change in skin type;
  • stabilization of the menstrual cycle;
  • rounding the figure.

The most important vitamins and minerals during this period are:

  1. Beta carotene (A).
  2. Tocopherol (E).
  3. Ascorbic acid (C).
  4. B vitamins.
  5. Nicotinic acid (PP).
  6. Calciferol (D).
  7. Lecithin.
  8. Iodine.
  9. Omega-3.
  10. Zinc.
  11. Calcium.
  12. Iron.

During pregnancy planning

The period of pregnancy planning is a special time for the female body, when it is important to be thoroughly examined and replenish the vitamins and minerals necessary for good health and the possibility of bearing a child. It would also help to switch to a more balanced diet, give up bad habits and, of course, increase the amount of rest.

When planning pregnancy, special attention should be paid to taking vitamins such as:

  • B9 (folic acid);
  • E – normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • D – improves the absorption of a number of microelements, including calcium, phosphorus, etc.;
  • K – regulates blood clotting.

The key rule of taking is not to overdo it. Taking medications should be carried out taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician.

Self-prescribing medications during pregnancy is highly not recommended!

During lactation

The stability of the vitamin and mineral balance in the body of a nursing mother largely determines the quality of breast milk. For this reason, a nursing mother’s diet should include fruits, vegetables, sea fish, meat, cereals, dairy and fermented milk products every day.

You can also maintain the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body by taking specialized complexes of drugs, which can only be prescribed by a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

Vitamins for mature women (30-40 years old)

Over time, a woman becomes more self-confident. During this period, a large number of hormonal changes occur in the body, accompanied by:

  • increased fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • headaches;
  • irritability and anxiety;
  • sleep disturbance.

A decrease in the functioning of the thyroid gland affects the reproductive system, which in turn leaves imprints on female attractiveness.

To slow down the processes and prevent the unpleasant consequences of physical changes, you can enrich your diet and use vitamin complexes containing:

  • calcium, boron and cholecalcipheol;
  • phylloquinone;
  • tocopherol and retinol;
  • chromium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • B vitamins

During menopause (40-60 years)

The name of this chapter of every woman’s life is menopause, which means:

  • decreased ovarian activity;
  • slowing down metabolism;
  • blurred vision;
  • manifestation of signs of aging.

During menopause, it is recommended to take vitamins that slow down aging, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and accelerate the production of collagen.

IMPORTANT! When taking vitamin-mineral complexes during menopause, it is important to pay attention to such points as:

  1. the body's reaction to the drug;
  2. strict adherence to dosage.

Health support after 60 years

With retirement, the body is irreversibly doomed to slow decline. During this period, a woman may experience specific problems such as:

  • involuntary urination;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • vaginal prolapse.

Excellent support during this period can be achieved by taking nutrients such as vitamins D, B6, E, B12, B9, C, A, K. In addition, you should additionally take iron, calcium and magnesium, which will help support cardiovascular function. , nervous and other body systems.

It is important not to bring the virus into the family

You yourself have suffered a new coronavirus infection. Was it hard?

Tatyana Rybka : She fell ill while on duty when the hospital was repurposed as an infectious diseases hospital. She endured it relatively easily, although with a high fever and severe general weakness.

She was treated as an outpatient. Luckily for me, I didn’t infect my friends and family. Many of the medical staff, like me, isolated themselves from their relatives so as not to bring the infection into the house. We lived in a dormitory on the territory of the hospital, which was organized during the pandemic. Some employees rented an apartment. I had the opportunity to send my family to the country. This is actually a very important factor: to understand that you will not bring the virus to your family. Many of our medical staff have been ill, some very seriously. But fortunately, we did not suffer any casualties, or at least we did not have any deaths among our colleagues.

Who has the most severe Covid?

Tatyana Rybka : For obese patients suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and mental illnesses. And those who do not seek medical help in a timely manner, counting on self-healing. Moreover, for this category of patients age does not matter much.

Features of taking medications

The best prevention of vitamin and mineral deficiency is a varied diet. However, it is known that in most cases, the daily dose of food consumed rarely contains a sufficient amount of microelements. For this reason, the issue of taking dietary supplements and vitamins is very relevant.

The drug to be taken is selected exclusively in accordance with the characteristics of the human body, based on the results of the examination and diagnostic studies. It is recommended to take medications in the morning, observing the exact dosage. It is most effective to consume vitamin and mineral supplements during meals or immediately after meals with plenty of water.

To ensure that all microelements are fully absorbed, it is recommended not to mix medications with coffee, carbonated drinks and dairy products.

What to look for when choosing vitamins for women?

When choosing vitamin-mineral complexes, it is recommended to pay special attention to such criteria as:

  1. composition - before making a purchase, it is important to carefully study the composition of the drug, making sure there are no allergies or intolerance to the components;
  2. a variety of vitamins and minerals - you shouldn’t buy the first offer you come across. You should not give preference to the most balanced complexes, which contain a large number of components; you need to buy and start a course of exactly those vitamins that the body lacks at a given moment in time;
  3. specialist recommendations - a consultation with an experienced doctor will help you correctly determine the list of vitamins the body needs and a number of problems that can be solved in this way.

Let's sum it up

Vitamins for women are a complex of nutrients necessary to maintain an optimal level of quality of life, regardless of age.

The optimal way to get vitamins and minerals into the female body is to consume foods enriched with essential nutrients, in particular cereals, nuts, fresh fruits/vegetables, and dairy products. However, the modern pace of life simply makes this impossible, which is due to the large number of chemical components contained in food products.

All of the above necessitates the need to take dietary supplements of plant origin or specialized medications to support health at any age.

Among the most effective vitamin and mineral complexes, we recommend paying attention to ORIHIRO preparations.

A woman of any age is beautiful. Maintaining a balanced diet and taking vitamin complexes only help maintain the attractiveness and stable well-being of the fair half of humanity.

Vitamins from Herbalife are a godsend for women!

The wonderful summer days are behind us, a warm, gentle autumn with an abundance of fresh vegetables, fruits and fruits is ahead. And of course, we all enjoy eating apples, pears, fresh carrots, etc. etc., because it is tasty and healthy. Of course, fresh vegetables and fruits contain a maximum of vitamins and microelements, but unfortunately, in the modern world, the truth of life is that often our body, spoiled (read - poisoned) by freeze-dried foods, is no longer able to fully absorb all the benefits that we We strive to provide for him. And in vegetables and fruits grown not with one’s own hands, it is often unclear what is more there, vitamins or growth stimulants.

Therefore, our whole family periodically takes courses of complex multivitamins. And I want to tell you about one such wonderful complex. This is “ Formula 2. Complex of vitamins and minerals for Women” from Herbalife . And it’s not for nothing that the product description on the company’s website https://herbalife.ru/catalog/formula-2-kompleks-vitaminov-i-mineralov-dlya-zhenshchin/ includes the phrase that this is a Formula of beauty and confidence , because in this bottle, and More precisely, two capsules contain a rich range of vitamins, minerals and herbal ingredients.

And these are balanced vitamins and minerals that will help the female body, especially this complex is valuable for older women, so to speak, to support health in general and in particular during the pre- and postmenopausal period. At this time, the body is undergoing restructuring and it needs additional nutrition more than ever.

This wonderful “Complex of vitamins and minerals for Women” is in a white plastic bottle, with an informative label on which we see the composition, which includes as many as 24 useful substances, as well as recommendations for use. The bottle contains 60 capsules, which are enough for 1 course, if taken as recommended, but for myself I will divide them into two courses, taking 1 capsule per day, since the percentage of the recommended level for many substances is above 100%, I’m sure I know that this will be optimal for me.

The bottle has a white protective membrane, opening which we will see pink capsules. They are a little big in size, but there are no difficulties swallowing them.

Taking this vitamin complex twice a year, in spring and autumn, I am firmly confident that my body is supplied with all the necessary vitamins and microelements, which means it resists any disease and is full of strength.

I also strongly recommend this complex to everyone who adheres to any diets, or is forced to limit themselves in nutrition.
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