How to change your lifestyle and increase your energy?

Every day, 5 million Russians are haunted by a constant feeling of tiredness for no reason, lack of sleep, and excessive physical activity.

Everyone becomes their own doctor when they make a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. Is it the body or the brain to blame? That's the main question. If the state of constant fatigue goes away after 2-3 days of proper rest, then you should not think about what is happening. The alarm should be sounded when severe fatigue remains after a week-long vacation, colds come more often, headaches and muscle aches appear.

Proper food is a remedy against fatigue

A healthy and proper breakfast will help you cope with fatigue and recharge your energy for the day.

Feeling drowsy an hour after eating a bowl of pasta. Catch brain fog due to insufficient fluid intake. Eating only sweets, chips and processed foods and sinking into constant fatigue and drowsiness on the verge of depression. Six strategies will help you break the vicious circle:

  1. Have breakfast every day. People who eat in the morning feel better mentally and physically. Eating oatmeal for breakfast is associated with decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
  2. Eat every three hours to maintain blood sugar levels. When it sharply decreases, weakness and fatigue sets in. Choose healthy snacks - vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, sugar-free yogurt, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese.
  3. Consume up to 25-30 g of fiber daily, as it helps to slowly saturate the body with energy, which helps get rid of constant fatigue.
  4. Nourish the brain with omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in nuts, flaxseed oil, and fatty fish. Acids prevent carbohydrates from being stored as fat and are used to replenish glycogen stores in muscles - energy.
  5. Hydrate cells with adequate fluid intake to thin the blood and nourish the body. If the urine is dark, then fluid intake should be increased.
  6. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and limit your intake to 200-300 ml per day, which is equivalent to 2-3 cups of coffee. Excess caffeine reduces the quality of sleep and causes a constant feeling of fatigue. Drink green tea instead of coffee, which increases energy levels without adversely affecting the heart.

Start your morning with vigor! Add the juice of one lemon, two drops of mint essential oil and a spoonful of honey to a glass of water.

Folic acid

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is one of the eight B vitamins. This vitamin helps the body produce red blood cells, which contain mitochondria, the parts of cells that produce energy.

The human body cannot synthesize folic acid, so it must be part of the diet. Folic acid is found in leafy green vegetables, broccoli, sprouts, peas, chickpeas, beans, liver and some breakfast cereals. If many of these foods are not included in your diet, you may need to take this vitamin in tablet form.

Folic acid is also recommended for pregnant women, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy - it is necessary for the normal development of the fetus. When treating iron deficiency anemia, folic acid can be taken in combination with iron.

Treating chronic fatigue with healing sleep

Daytime sleepiness, headache, fatigue, lack of attention may indicate poor rest at night.

Fatigue throughout the day can be eliminated by purchasing a new mattress. The spine bends excessively on a mattress that does not provide orthopedic support, breathing becomes shallow, the brain receives less oxygen and the nervous system becomes agitated. In the morning, a person suffers from an excess of stress hormones and adrenaline: irritability, cravings for sweets, apathy.

The right orthopedic mattress, selected according to the person’s age, height and weight, taking into account posture and health problems, will force the skeletal muscles to work and relax the large back muscles, which are usually compressed and overloaded. Blood will flow freely through the arteries and veins, the lower back will take a neutral position, and the pain will go away.

  • For people with back pain, it is important to choose an anatomical mattress, but with good orthopedic support for the spine.
  • Physically active people with a large body weight should not use a harder mattress in order to preserve the functioning of the spine.
  • If you are slouched, you need to choose a medium-hard mattress with anatomical filling.
  • A soft mattress is recommended for pain in the joints and muscles, and intervertebral hernias.

How to change your lifestyle?

Thinking about how to restore energy and vitality, we come to the question of normalizing the life schedule. Often difficulties and loss of strength are associated with lack of sleep, low mobility, and lack of interests.

How to change the situation?

Determine work and rest time

What time should the day start? We count 8 hours, getting the start time of sleep. You can record an hourly plan in your diary: getting up, exercise, breakfast, work, evening plans, getting ready for bed. To avoid getting lost, it is useful to set reminders on your phone, especially in the evening and morning.

At first it’s difficult to go to bed earlier, but gradually a habit will develop, the first half of the day will be more productive, and not three cups of coffee and no benefit. It is better to reduce time on social networks, the Internet, and games. Set a reminder to get ready for bed.

Add movement

Playing sports requires effort, willpower, and organization. You can start with something simple: more walks, a little exercise. You can go for a walk after work, walking several stops, constantly increasing the distance. Make the best use of a break during working hours - it is also useful to go out into the fresh air, walk to a cafe, store, or in the park. Constant sitting is the cause of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, headaches, and poor posture.

If possible, add movements and activities in sports sections. It will be interesting if you choose something close to your liking: yoga, dancing, swimming. Everyone has special preferences. How to restore energy and vitality? We need more movement and new interests and hobbies.

Psychological relief - a remedy against fatigue

Sadness, anger, anxiety, fear - emotions leave a heavy mark on your overall health and well-being. Correct work on emotions helps overcome burnout.

  1. Just add water. Freshen up, wash your face - this is the advice psychologists give, recommending water therapy against fatigue and to increase energy.
  2. Charge yourself with your own reflection or compliment. A fleeting glance in the mirror provides a boost of energy, like a compliment from the opposite sex.
  3. To throw out emotions so as not to allow your own endurance to be completely exhausted. Allow yourself to discuss fears, anger, the cause of stress and disappointment.
  4. Turn on your favorite music, which, according to psychologists, distracts from the feeling of fatigue.
  5. Let go of the grudge. By maintaining resentment, the body reacts with chronic stress, increases heart rate and blood pressure, suppresses the immune system, and reduces strength. By practicing forgiveness of offenders, you can regain full control of your body’s reactions and control stress.
  6. Master belly breathing. In a state of stress, shallow breathing through the chest predominates, which reduces the supply of oxygen to the brain and causes physical and mental exhaustion. Deep, diaphragmatic breathing with a rounded belly is a visual reminder that it is time to breathe and relax.
  7. Do some cleaning. Stop shuffling stacks of papers and searching through an overcrowded closet—clutter leaves you feeling out of control in your life. Cleaning is the achievement of a small but significant goal, which tones you up.
  8. Do something good. Acts of altruism channel happiness directly into the brain, increasing life satisfaction, self-esteem, sense of control, physical health and mood.

How to increase functionality: step-by-step instructions

Step 1 . Before we increase our performance, let's rest. Without proper rest there is no proper work.

Step 2 . Let's start planning. Without planning, you will never have increased performance. Therefore, at this stage, get yourself a diary.

So, every evening you will need to write down all your planned activities for tomorrow. This should be done in the evening, since in the morning the brain is in a sleepy state and does not want to think about anything at all.

Step 3 . We set priorities and determine our productive time. Every person is different, which means that each person performs best at different times.

Some people work productively at 7 am, while others only start their engines at 7 pm.

Therefore, determine the time of your greatest productivity.

Now let's start setting priorities.

Once you've created a to-do list for yourself, look at which tasks require you to be most productive. Write these things down for your active time. Small tasks can always be done in the morning. And you can leave the not particularly important ones for the evening.

Step 4 . Let's concentrate on work. During work moments, try to concentrate only on work. Disable Skype, ICQ and other programs. Set yourself a schedule!

From today, try to concentrate on work and be distracted only by vital problems.

Step 5. Switch. Once you have mastered one thing, try to switch to something completely different.

If you have been doing mental work for 2 hours, then for the next 30-60 minutes you can do sports, routine or household chores.

After brain activity, the body needs rest and switching.

This is the only way he can continue further brain activity.

Step 6 . We fight laziness. If you really want to improve your productivity, then suppress laziness. Don't put off everything until later.

Step 7. Delegate authority. Don't try to do everything yourself. If you can shift some tasks onto the shoulders of others, shift them!

By delegating some tasks to others, you can better concentrate on more important tasks.

How to get rid of stress? Choose your relaxation technique

The reaction to stress determines the relaxation method that is most suitable for the person.

  1. Do you tend to get angry, worried or excited? Try relaxation techniques that allow the mind to cool down, such as meditation, deep breathing, or guided visualization - imagining yourself in a pleasant, relaxing place, reproducing sounds, smells, tactile sensations.
  2. Do you tend to become tired, withdrawn and sleepy? The body will respond to relaxation that stimulates and energizes the nervous system, such as rhythmic exercises - dancing, running, walking. You can simply use a rubber expander for your hand, rotate your head, or toss a tennis ball.
  3. Do you tend to feel anxious on the inside and become sluggish on the outside? You need to identify relaxation techniques that reset the nervous system, such as walking and power yoga.

How to find the strength to live. How to find the strength to work

Well, how to live on if you have no strength and don’t want anything? How to live if there is no energy?

  1. Let's first stop scolding ourselves for being so tired. After all, the fact that we blame and scold ourselves in this situation only aggravates it. And takes away the remaining energy. Therefore, the first thing is to calm down, ACCEPT that things are exactly like this for me now. Tell yourself: this is temporary.
  2. The second step is important: lower the bar in your affairs . Therefore, for now let’s put aside all our desires to “be the best.” In addition, aside - the desire to jump higher than everyone else, to do better. Therefore, it is now important for us to leave some kind of minimum according to the principle “NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT”.

How to find the strength to live and work

Restorative rest is a remedy against fatigue

Energy, mood, productivity, and memory depend on a night's rest, because almost a quarter of Russian adults sleep little and have little knowledge of sleep hygiene:

  1. Reduce time spent at the computer or in front of the TV after 8 pm. Bright screen light can make it difficult to fall asleep because it suppresses the production of melatonin, the hormone that tells the brain it's nighttime. Turn off the Internet an hour before your expected bedtime, better read.
  2. Hide the alarm clock when falling asleep, stop monitoring how much time you spend in bed, as this causes anxiety. Conscious insomnia causes the brain to remain awake and impairs deep, restorative sleep.
  3. Reduce temperature. The bedroom should be comfortably cool to match your core body temperature, which drops at night. The ideal temperature is 20-23 degrees.
  4. Avoid alcohol, which depresses the nervous system, which controls the body's response to internal and external stimuli. Alcohol may have a sedative effect, but will cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. Alcohol disrupts the natural 24-hour biorhythm and increases blood pressure at night, when a person is usually relaxed and calm.
  5. Add physical activity. Aerobic exercise increases the duration of the deep sleep phase and reduces the number of awakenings. Strength training increases immunity, increases resistance to stress, which is important in modern life, helps you relax better and fall asleep faster.
  6. Put off worries until tomorrow. Throughout the day, keep a record of all stressors, take a minute to find explanations and solutions for them, and develop action plans. As soon as your head touches the pillow, you will know that all problems have been thought through for a long time, and this will help you relax faster.

Use the 15-minute rule for good sleep: if you haven’t been able to fall asleep within a quarter of an hour, you should do something relaxing - read, listen to meditative music, knit, but just don’t turn on the Internet! If you feel drowsy, immediately return to bed.

Ways to activate vital energy

Constant fatigue is a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle or improper use of energy. People who are able to get up at six in the morning and skip to work are always surprising. What helps them? Enthusiasm, love for your activity, positive attitude, good rest? Most likely, everything is complex. How to increase vital energy and find your sources of internal strength? There is an energy cycle in the body that depends on several factors.

Complete rest

A person needs to sleep at least 8 hours to recuperate. Yes, there are cases in history when commanders, like Suvorov or Napoleon, slept for 4 hours, but regained their strength in the daytime. This is more the exception than the rule.

It is optimal to go to bed before 12 o'clock at night, or better earlier - at 10 or 11 o'clock. This way the body will have more time to recover. The period from 12 at night to 4 in the morning is called: the time of restoration of beauty; good, sound sleep is especially important for girls to maintain attractiveness and vigor.

It is optimal to live in harmony with the natural cycle - go to bed with the sunset, get up with the dawn, the sun. Waking up early gives you time to get ready for the new day, do yoga, meditate, or just exercise and have an invigorating shower. Another important point: there are periods of increase and decrease in energy - at 6 a.m. there is a peak in activity, at 9 a.m. there is a decline. The next energy boost is only at 11 am. Therefore, it is better to catch the first wave of vigor at dawn. Yes, there are people who are accustomed to leading a nocturnal lifestyle; it is difficult for them to get up early; they prefer to work in the evening or at night. In this case, you need to get a good night's sleep, take measures to increase your vigor after waking up: exercise, running, exercise.

Energetic start to the day

An increase in energy is observed with a good and positive day. By waking up earlier, you can spend time doing pleasant things: listening to music, doing exercises, singing your favorite song or dancing. To set the mood for a positive wave, we repeat twenty times: “Today a wonderful and successful day awaits me,” “Today everything works out easily.” You can pronounce any settings that are necessary and relevant at a given time.

There is a saying: “How you meet the day is how you spend it.” Or more precisely: “As you think in the morning, that’s how the day will be.” The inner mood does not protect against life’s problems, but it increases stability and energy, because we can react in different ways to situations: calmly, irritated, sad, or look for a way out and find it. With faith in our own strengths, the help of the world, the Universe, we know: everything will definitely work out, “everything goes as it should, I can easily cope with any tasks.”

This attitude towards the new day gives peace and inner confidence. You can rely on your own strengths, or you can rely on your own and external ones, it’s even easier. For people of faith, of any religion, life is simpler; they have inner confidence in the future.

The main thing is to learn to calmly accept any incidents; these are all lessons that we will definitely go through, cope with, and become stronger. It’s good to believe in the best and at the same time react calmly and quickly to life events.

Activation of vital energy occurs with proper rest and an energetic start to the day. Do you always manage to sleep 8 hours? Have you noticed the dependence of the events of the day on your state of health, good spirits, and inner mood?

Increased concentration

To work effectively at full capacity, it is necessary to develop concentration on a specific task. You shouldn’t grab onto everything at once or think about one issue while solving another. The following exercises will help - concentration on a point (meditation), time management and planning using a diary, time management tools.

It is important to determine the priority task of the day. Start with the most difficult things, not paying attention to small issues. After solving the main problem, we act according to the list, trying to minimize interference. High concentration increases efficiency. All forces are directed to one point, priority task, activity.

This allows you to avoid mistakes and do more.

Those who know how to control their attention and concentration will always be able to achieve success. It is important to determine goals, objectives, what needs to be done today: at work, at home, for development, for health? We often think that work issues are decided by management, but we forget to control our own lives, leaving them to chance.

Having goals also helps make your energy use more efficient. It is important to find time for your favorite activities: sports, dancing, music - this is a method of activating vital energy. It is difficult for a person to live constantly within the framework; it is necessary to feel his own realization, the ability to control life.

How to restore energy and vitality? Awareness and concentration are the key to a new perception of the world, yourself, and increased energy.

Reduced stress levels

Most often, a decrease in internal energy is associated with external stress and life circumstances. Work on the formation of resistance to such factors and the development of internal immunity will help. Stress is a constant companion of life; it occurs in a work environment with constant rush, a huge number of tasks, as well as in family relationships.

How to learn to reduce stress levels and avoid nervous overload?

  • Solve problems sequentially, write down an action plan;
  • Check negative thoughts and attitudes. We often wind ourselves up unnecessarily;
  • There is no point in worrying about what has been done, it is better to correct it if possible, and draw a conclusion;
  • There is no point in worrying about the future, no one knows it, it is better to do everything from us
  • depends on the correct result;
  • Keep records of your successes and achievements, increase self-confidence;
  • Mistakes are the parents of wisdom; those who do not make mistakes do nothing, do not learn new things;
  • It’s better to act than to worry - being busy helps take your mind off thoughts, and besides, emotions harm thinking. In work and difficult situations, logic is needed;
  • We remember about rest: breaks from work help to restore strength, distract yourself, every 2 hours it is useful to get up, walk, and during the break - change the environment.
  • Comparative analysis: there are situations that are more complex, we are looking for positive aspects, what benefit or knowledge can be gained?
  • All events are neutral: we either allow ourselves to experience it or not. Stability and calmness are excellent immunity for all life’s adversities.

Proper nutrition

Human vital energy is associated with rest and nutrition. Food provides the body with the necessary substances: vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, which help restore strength. A person needs positive emotions to improve tone and a healthy diet.

How to eat properly? The question is not easy - there are different systems, diets, rules. You can be an adherent of vegetarianism or a raw food diet, the main thing is not to overload the body, eat in small portions, more natural vegetables and fruits. A lot of flour and fatty foods clog the body, reduce tone and activity.

A balanced diet includes variety and moderation. You can alternate meat and fish, eat seafood periodically or introduce new vegetable dishes. We often feel the need for a product on a subconscious level - we want to eat oranges, pomegranates or seaweed. The body tells you what is missing. Chips don't count, they contain a lot of chemical additives, sometimes it's okay, but not in the main diet.


Activation of vital energy occurs when one is carried away by the process of work or a certain activity. Why do we happily run to meet friends, but fall asleep at work? The reason is internal interest, an increase in adrenaline levels in anticipation of communicating with interesting people. Or maybe you should fall in love with your job and find new interest in it. You can always diversify your everyday life and think through your motivation.

Options for action - competition with yourself: how many reports will I do today, how many documents will I process, can I do more than yesterday? Today I will carefully communicate with people, gain new knowledge and experience of other people. Every person is a whole story. I will look for new ways to do work and find clients.

Motivation: if I work better than yesterday, then I’ll go to my favorite store, buy a new book, CD, call a friend, watch a movie in the evening. Look for your interests.

How to restore energy and vitality? There are various ways: meditation, physical activity, walking, dancing. Movement is life. One way to restore energy is through sports. Now there are many interesting sections: shaping, Pilates, yoga, oriental and modern dances. For young people - martial arts, boxing, football, bodybuilding, swimming.

Physical activity keeps the body in good shape, adds energy, and fills a person with strength for new achievements.

How can a woman increase her energy? Are there specifics to working on yourself and your lifestyle?

The busy life of the mind

Enormous incoming messages, the pressure of responsibility and complex tasks, “manager syndrome”, financial difficulties, disrupted daily routine, bad habits, unhealthy environment - all this does not have the best effect on the human brain, on nerve cells and their interaction. Regulatory peptides play a key role in the functioning of the brain and nerve pathways Regulatory peptides

Compounds of amino acids that regulate various functions in the body, secreted by nerve cells. These substances regulate processes occurring in the brain. But the capabilities of our own regulatory peptides are limited. Accumulating small disturbances can lead to full-blown serious illnesses.

Rules for taking Semax 0.1%

Reception 10 days
3 drops in each nasal passage 2 times a day

Course 2 bottles 1-2 courses per year

  • the bottle contains 60 drops
  • instillation should be carried out strictly on the nasal mucosa, avoiding leakage into the nasopharynx
  • Increase concentration and attention span ;
  • Relieve mental fatigue;
  • It is easier to process information and use it faster due to its influence on all stages of memory formation;
  • Maintain proper functioning and health of the brain even under stress. Stress
    A state of neuropsychic tension that occurs in difficult, extreme situations, when a person is exposed to strong environmental irritants. and overwork;
  • Restore the sleep/wake cycle;
  • Reduce the impact of harmful factors and stress on the nervous system.

"Semax 0.1%" is a simple and safe way to increase mental performance and restore lost brain activity.

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