Tea with milk during a diet: calorie content and benefits of the drink

General rules

The milk tea diet is a surprisingly simple and quick way to lose weight without feeling constantly hungry.
By drinking this unique drink, you can lose up to 2 kg in one day, you can stick to the diet for no more than 3 days, and the technique is also suitable as a weekly one-day fasting day. Despite the fact that the diet is based on limiting daily calories by drinking exclusively tea with milk, there are options for a non-strict menu for 10 days, when the drink is an addition to the regular diet and a meal replacement. For example, if you introduce milk tea instead of dinner for a month, you can achieve stunning results and lose 15 kg.

It is important to remember that despite the consumption of milk tea, the body needs simple clean water, so between doses you need to drink 7-8 glasses of still water.

The calorie content of milk milk is low, so while losing weight you should avoid significant physical activity and visiting the gym. If you continue to lead an active and eventful lifestyle, you may experience a loss of energy, paleness and low blood pressure.

Two options for the milk tea diet

So, what is this miracle diet, you ask? In general, there are two options. To be honest, I tried both, and I can assure you: both are effective! For those who count calories, we will immediately provide a link to the calorie content of milk.

Diet No. 1.

So, following the first option, I drank during the day, every two hours, one glass (200 ml) of strong brewed tea with a small amount of sugar added. There were 7-8 glasses per day.

In between, you had to drink one and a half liters of milk in equal portions. It was by observing such simple fasting days that I lost 10 kg, and quite quickly. It was simply a miracle: the weight dropped steadily! When I couldn't stick to my tea intake schedule, I simply mixed it with milk in a thermos and drank a little throughout the day. By the way, the milk tea diet allows you to drink not only black, but also green tea, and green is even better, as it speeds up metabolism.

Diet No. 2.

Sometimes I resorted to the second method: I brewed one and a half tablespoons of green tea in 1.5 liters of boiling milk, 2.5% fat. Then I filtered the resulting tea and drank it throughout the day. Just remember to drink fresh mineral water without gas, at least two liters per day. That's all - very simple, isn't it? And the efficiency is amazing! Just on the first day of fasting I lost almost a whole kilogram!

Authorized Products

The list of allowed foods in this diet is very limited - tea and milk. There are several recommendations regarding the choice of these two main components.

  • Milk should be pasteurized cow's milk, with a fat content of no more than 2.5%. Do not think that skim milk is the best option, you will not be able to fool nature and lose weight faster, you will only increase the risk of relapse due to an obsessive feeling of hunger.
  • The original recipe uses green tea, it can be Chinese leaf, long leaf, Indian or elite white, but under no circumstances take flavored or bagged tea.
  • If you choose mate, remember that it is very invigorating, like coffee, and should not be overdone, as it may put too much stress on the heart, but in the morning, if you are used to coffee and need to perk yourself up, mate is an excellent solution .
  • If you want to pamper yourself, then in specialized stores you can purchase sets for tea ceremonies, get acquainted with various options for twisting tea leaves - emerald spirals, knitted “green pagodas”, jasmine dragon peach, etc., which unwind very beautifully, and you can get also aesthetic pleasure.
  • Herbal tea will not suit you; the composition on the package must indicate tea leaves, but if you are fed up with the pure taste and want to add, for example, an anti-inflammatory or sedative effect, then you can use chamomile flowers, jasmine, mint, lemon balm, bergamot and others medicinal plants, the main thing is not to abuse them, but it is better to consult your therapist first.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
rose hip1,60,014,051
dried mint19,96,022,2285
skim milk2,00,14,831
pasteurized milk2,83,24,758
milk 0.5%2,80,54,935
milk 1%3,31,04,841
milk 1.5%2,81,54,744
milk 2.5%2,82,54,752
green tea0,00,00,0
dry milk tea oolong (oolong)20,15,14,0140
tea tied dry20,05,14,0141
* data is per 100 g of product

Fully or partially limited products

Drinking tea with milk for 3 days allows you to painlessly give up other foods. The lack of solid food, sweet and salty, delicious familiar dishes, bread is a real test, but for the sake of a good result it is worth being patient. Moreover, milk contains many vitamins , fats and proteins, and tea tones, cleanses and restores strength. In order not to be tempted and not to break down, it is best to:

  • do not visit bistros, cafes and even seemingly harmless friendly gatherings, only as a last resort tea with a friend with low-fat milk grabbed from home in advance;
  • don’t be tempted by street food; if you feel hungry, buy clean still water;
  • if you need to take care of your family, prepare food for them for 3 days, put them in containers and label them so that they don’t have to deal with food in the future;
  • say no to alcohol, even a harmless glass of wine will disrupt your weight loss system, may become an unwanted burden (on the kidneys or heart, cause swelling) or become an elementary reason to break down.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

fried potato2,89,523,4192

Nuts and dried fruits

roasted cashews17,542,230,5572


potato chips5,530,053,0520

Cereals and porridges


Bakery products



cake log4,822,247,1368
Turkish Delight0,80,779,4316
crackers for tea10,02,373,8397
chocolate covered fruits0,815,611,0179

Raw materials and seasonings



condensed milk7,28,556,0320


boiled sausage13,722,80,0260
smoked sausage9,963,20,3608

Alcoholic drinks

dry white wine0,10,00,666
* data is per 100 g of product

Tea with milk during a diet: calorie content and benefits of the drink

One of the safest diets is a diet that includes milk tea. This drink contains a very important microelement for maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails - calcium.

Is drinking tea with milk good or bad? Nutrition scientists have been conducting research and discussing this issue for a long time. At the same time, it is impossible to imagine traditional English tea drinking of such a drink, and no mass pathologies have been found among the English who observe the ritual every day. True, there are much fewer centenarians among the inhabitants of Britain than among the population of the Caucasus, who do not mix milk and tea. But again, milk tea is hardly to blame for this. And folk wisdom has long advised nursing women to pour milk into their tea to increase lactation. This method has been tested over several generations.

There is another plus to tea with milk. Those who are losing weight know that when they are forced to give up any type of food, the body lacks nutrients - vitamins and minerals. A diet in which milk tea is a permitted drink solves this problem. Tea with milk blocks catechins, interferes with the release of free antioxidants, but at the same time helps to absorb microelements such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are necessary for improving the condition of hair and nails. The combined effect of tea and milk on the body relieves nervous tension, reduces stress and insomnia.

It is recommended to use it for heart disease and polyneuritis. In addition, the drink has choleretic and diuretic properties and stimulates metabolism. The tea itself contains tannin and alkaloids that tonic the body. Milk softens their effects. Not only green tea, but also black tea is drunk with milk.

There is even a special diet in which milk tea is the “main” dish. We immediately need to clarify: it involves green tea. You don’t have to go on a diet, but give yourself a fasting day. It is advisable that it falls on a day off, as the natural diuretic effect of green tea is doubly enhanced.

The drink that you need to drink during the day is prepared in the morning. Heat 3 liters of low-fat milk until foam forms, without bringing to a boil. At this stage, remove the container from the heat, add 3 heaped tablespoons of green tea and leave under the lid for about 20-25 minutes. Then pour everything into a thermos.

If this amount of liquid is not enough for the day and you feel thirsty, drink bottled or distilled water. It is not recommended to consume any juices, compotes, and especially alcohol on this day.

You need to know that regular green tea has zero calories. If you add milk to a drink, its calorie content increases. Therefore, when it is introduced into a diet to accelerate weight loss, milk tea is brewed in water to remove excess calories.

You can experiment with methods for preparing a “weight loss” drink, but there are 2 proven methods.

One of them. Green tea is brewed with water at the strength to which you are already accustomed. Then add milk to the container with tea, in an amount equal to the amount of water, and put everything to “simmer” on low heat for 3 minutes, without bringing the liquid to a boil. A drink kept in a water bath has similar properties.

The second method is designed for those who always lack time. Green tea is brewed in the usual way in the amount you need to drink during the day. The liquid cools and is stored in the refrigerator. Before the tea is to be drunk, part of it is poured and mixed with exactly the same amount of boiled milk.

You cannot mix green tea with milk in advance and put it in the refrigerator. This will not affect the taste, but the diuretic effect of the drink will be minimal. And there is one more nuance that needs to be taken into account: cold green tea increases blood pressure.

During a diet using green tea, it is not recommended to forget about physical activity. High blood pressure during vigorous physical effort is undesirable.

Those who decide to introduce milk tea into their diet must know its calorie content. It is extremely small - only 43 cal per 100g of healthy drink. This “cocktail” contains 8.2 g of monosaccharides, and we can’t even talk about the amount of other components: 8.3 g of carbohydrates, 0.7 g of proteins and 0.8 g of fats.

Therefore, you can safely include tea with milk in your diet. The drink is delicious, dulls the feeling of hunger, and is full of healthy vitamins and microelements.

No need to worry about extra calories. Tea with milk does not promote weight gain. Vice versa! This healthy drink speeds up metabolic processes in the body, which helps you lose extra pounds!

Menu (Meal Schedule)

  • 250 ml milk tea.
  • 250 ml milk tea.
  • 250 ml milk tea.
  • 250 ml milk tea.
  • 250 ml milk tea.
  • 250 ml milk tea.

Attention! Regardless of the method of brewing and mixing milk with tea, you can drink no more than 1.5 milk and 3-4 teaspoons of tea leaves per day.

An example of a menu for a ten-day diet with milk milk

  • Omelet in a dry frying pan from a couple of chicken eggs, toast with low-fat soft cheese and jam, washed down with milk.
  • Grapefruit or large orange.
  • Vegetable soup or fresh salad (without using potatoes).
Afternoon snack
  • A small portion of no more than 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • 250 ml milk drink.

Menu options

In a strict version, as stated, you can only consume milk tea. This option in its classic version lasts 3 days.

It is also possible to carry out one fasting day.

on milkweed.

And here is the menu for a longer, but less strict, 10-day milk tea diet

Products can be interchanged, monitoring their fat content, composition and calorie content. Breakfast
: 2 egg omelet (preferably cooked without adding butter);
toast spread with a thin layer of low-fat cheese or jam; milk tea Second breakfast
: one large orange.
: vegetable soup and salad from fresh vegetables (preferably without the use of starchy products).
Afternoon snack
: a little low-fat cottage cheese (up to 150 g).
: milk tea.

Milkweed Recipes

  • 3-4 teaspoons of tea leaves are brewed for 15-20 minutes in milk heated to 70 degrees;
  • You can brew tea in boiled hot water and then pour it into warm milk before drinking, but you can also pour it into cold milk;
  • 1 teaspoon of tea leaves can be brewed immediately in a cup, pouring 150 ml of boiling water and 100-150 ml of milk;
  • milkweed recipe in English: pour a third of the volume of milk into a preheated cup and add another two-thirds of strong infused tea.

Milk tea diet menu

Here are some recipes for making this weight loss drink. Note that it is best to use milk with a maximum of 2.5% fat (low-fat is also possible, but this may make the feeling of hunger stronger) and green tea. If your relationship with green tea is completely sad and you can’t bear to drink it, you can take black tea (or mix these two types of tea).

Choose one of the following methods at your discretion: • Take milk heated to 70 degrees, add about 3-4 tsp. tea leaves, leave for 15-20 minutes. • Brew tea and pour it into warm milk. If you don’t like warm, you can have cold, but the first option is the priority. • Place a teaspoon of tea leaves into a cup, pour 100 ml of boiling water, add 100-150 g of milk. • Recipe in English: pour 1/3 milk into heated cups, add 2/3 strong tea infusion.

Whatever recipe you use, you should use 1-1.5 liters of milk and 3-4 tsp. tea (or one spoon for each tea session separately, if you like a rather strong drink).

It is recommended to drink this drink every 2 hours. It can be consumed both warm and cold. You can alternate black, green and even fruit teas so that you don’t get bored with the same type.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The diet is simple and effective, the products are easy to get.
  • Despite the fact that milk tea should be fresh, you don’t have to spend a lot of time preparing it and you can even take the drink with you to work.
  • Due to the absence of sugar and salt, puffiness is eliminated, metabolism is normalized and a feeling of lightness appears.
  • Regular one-day fasting days allow you to rejuvenate the body thanks to the wonderful healing properties of green tea.
  • Uniformity in the way and mode of nutrition.
  • It’s hard without sweet and salty things.
  • Changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may occur.
  • Lack of usual food; First, you can practice holding out for a day on any drinking diet.
  • In some cases, milk tea does not help get rid of the feeling of hunger and weakness and irritability may occur. If this condition cannot be overcome, then perhaps you need to choose another weight loss system.

Similar diets

  • Very similar to the Geisha milk tea diet . It is based not only on milk and tea, but also on brown, unrefined rice. In addition, the drink should not be consumed so often - no more than 3 times a day; in other cases, drink pure green tea.
  • Among drinking diets, which are also fasting mono-diets, a worthy place is occupied by the lemonade diet , where the main drink for 5 days is detox lemonade according to a special recipe.

It is worth noting that green tea with milk is included in the menu of many low-calorie diets such as skinny , hungry , Chinese , etc.

How does a drink help you lose weight?

Both milk and green tea are considered healthy foods. Of course, some opponents may find many arguments in favor of abandoning their use, but there are too few supporters of this opinion.

Green tea with milk for weight loss began to be used after rich sources of antioxidants, catechins, were discovered in it in the 70s. The green, weakly fermented leaf contains a record amount of them. No other plant can compete with it. Milk promotes better absorption of catechins, which means it increases the usefulness of the drink as a whole.

The role of catechins for humans is expressed as follows:

  • most processes occurring in the body from blood circulation to metabolism are normalized;
  • glucose is processed correctly;
  • cells are protected from damage as a result of the negative effects of free radicals;
  • youthfulness of the skin is preserved.

Tea with milk acts as a mild diuretic, so it helps remove excess fluid from the body, cleansing the intestines, kidneys and liver of waste and toxins. This is a very important property of the drink, since many nutritionists consider proper cleansing to be the first step to weight loss.

Black with milk tastes better, but green is healthier

The benefit of the drink also lies in a noticeable tonic effect, which will also be appreciated by those on a diet, since fatigue can occur from a monotonous and low-calorie diet. A properly brewed drink retains all the beneficial components of both tea and milk. And these are organic acids, vitamins A, C, PP, group B, calcium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, iron, casein and others. With their help, the speed of metabolic processes increases, damaged cells and tissues are restored, they are freed from excess fluid, and all together this helps to lose weight.

The harm from drinking such tea can only be felt by a person with an allergy to the components, or by someone who drinks it in volumes of more than 2 liters per day for a long period of time. In general, reviews of green tea speak only in its favor.

Milk tea diet: reviews and results

Tea with milk is an unusual combination for most people; many do not like it at all, and the lack of sugar or honey in the drink makes the technique unbearable. Moreover, despite the quality and variety of varieties, not everyone is a connoisseur of green leaf tea and cannot refuse modern flavored tea bags. But even taking into account all the inconveniences, the milk tea diet is popular, because it really helps to lose weight and improves skin quality, metabolism and overall health.

Many girls leave positive reviews in defense of this technique, they want to give advice and share their experience so that others don’t be afraid and don’t give up, because you can find your own option: if you can’t do three days in a row, start with one, if you can’t set aside a whole day, replace it though at least one meal for milk tea.

  • “...It’s difficult to diet at first, but then you get used to it”;
  • “...I have a hard time with fasting days; I could only last one day on tea with milk”;
  • “...Hurray, I lost 3 kg, a week later only 300 g came back.”

My result

Following the milk tea diet, in less than three months, I lost 10 kg and was able to get rid of many of my complexes. This diet is useful for those who have heart and kidney problems, as it has a diuretic and choleretic effect, but all liquid intake must be completed before 18 hours.

This safe diet, which has no contraindications, is suitable for people of any age. My weight is now stable, but from time to time I resort to this wonderful diet again to keep in shape.

Olga Porechenkova for the website minusKG.ru

Diet price

Tea is an amazing plant material, the healing and tonic properties of which were discovered more than five thousand years ago. Depending on the variety, collection method, place of growth and other factors, the price per 100 grams can range from one to several thousand dollars. Therefore, you need to calculate the price of 3 fasting days based on the tea you choose. The most budget option is to buy a fifty-gram pack of green tea for 200-300 rubles and 4.5 liters of milk, which is about another 300 rubles. Thus, you can easily invest 500 rubles.

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