Siberian fiber: how to use it correctly for weight loss and health, composition and properties

Losing weight without painful feelings of hunger and gastrointestinal problems is easy! Siberian fiber, a completely natural and healthy product, helps with this. Find out 3 ways to use fiber for weight loss!

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 04/07/2021

Dietary fiber is an integral component of intestinal health, “food” for its microflora, which is responsible for the vital processes of the body. A special role is assigned to coarse (insoluble) dietary fiber, popularly called dietary fiber (DF). Today, when not only modern, but also ancient methods are used for weight loss, insoluble fiber is again on the wave of popularity. Manufacturers of dietary supplements help make their consumption a simple and enjoyable process. Siberian fiber is considered the optimal choice for weight loss, opening the way to beauty and well-being.

The production of dietary supplements is carried out by a large Russian enterprise, Siberian Cellulose, located in the west of Siberia. The product manufacturing technology has no analogues, since it involves the original methods of Siberian scientists and our own equipment. Over the 15 years of its existence, the company has gained wide popularity not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.


The roughest part of plants, which should be understood as fiber, is a complex form of carbohydrates. The digestive system is not able to break it down. Thus, reducing the time food spends in the gastrointestinal tract, dietary fiber helps cleanse the body and, therefore, normalizes intestinal function. Its regular consumption not only prevents weight gain, but also helps in getting rid of existing extra pounds. The secret is simple: once in the stomach, the rough part of the plants reacts with the gastric fluid and increases in size, simply swelling and thereby providing a feeling of false satiety for a long time. Since it takes a lot of time to remove DC from the body, it is easy for a person to cope with the desire to snack or overeat.

When consuming dietary fiber, another important process occurs - the absorption of cholesterol with its further removal from the body naturally. Unfortunately, most products on supermarket shelves do not contain fiber. It is removed during the production of ready-to-eat goods. In this regard, it is extremely important to obtain plant fibers from additional sources.

The product of the same name is a multifaceted biologically active food additive, in some sense comparable to white coal. Works in the following areas:

  • strengthening intestinal motility and cleansing;
  • restoration and maintenance of healthy intestinal microflora;
  • stabilization of blood sugar levels;
  • normalization of lipoprotein balance;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • appetite suppression;
  • weight loss and its stabilization in the future;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • replenishing the deficiency of microelements and vitamins;
  • increased concentration and improved attention;
  • prevention of a number of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases;
  • reducing the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle on a person.

An equally important property of DC when used for weight loss is the suppression of depression, which is typical for those following a low-calorie diet. Feeling full with a minimum amount of food eaten, a person becomes free from irritability and discomfort usually caused by hunger.

“Siberian fiber” can be used as part of a diet to speed up metabolism and normalize the functioning of the endocrine system. When consuming it, it is easy to be on a low-calorie diet, which results in rapid weight normalization. The daily norm of Siberian fiber allows you to burn about 120 kcal, which is identical to a twenty-minute run! At the same time, there is a positive effect on the excretory system, preventing diarrhea or constipation. However, doctors declare with full responsibility that DC, even produced by Siberian specialists, is not capable of removing toxins through the intestines and absorbing toxins. The drug is also unable to affect the absorption of fats from food and their breakdown.

Is it possible to lose weight with it?

With the help of Siberian fiber you can really lose weight. It leads to a decrease in appetite, normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, and cleanses the intestines. Harmful substances are removed from the body. Weight loss is carried out gradually; in a week of using this product you can lose from 3 to 5 kilograms .

If you consume Siberian fiber for too long, you may experience flatulence, so you should not consume this product for more than two weeks. It is necessary to take a break of one month. Siberian fiber promotes weight loss and at the same time fills the body with vitamins and nutrients.

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“Siberian Fiber” is a product that deserves consumer trust because it is free from chemicals, flavor enhancers, preservatives, flavors and dyes. The manufacturer uses exclusively wild taiga raw materials. In general, dietary supplements are nothing more than the concentrated fiber necessary for natural weight loss, isolated from various products:

  • oat bran;
  • grain shell of millet and rye;
  • nuts (mainly pine);
  • herbs;
  • dried fruits and berries (apple and apricot, blueberries, cranberries and rowan).

Cereal fibers are a source of B vitamins, while berries and fruits are a source of organic acids and minerals. To increase efficiency, micronutrients are added to the dietary supplement. All components retain their beneficial properties even after processing.

According to the specialists of the manufacturing company, the main difference between dietary supplements and traditional bran is the absence of flour impurities, which increases the nutritional value of plant fibers and interferes with the full process of losing weight. The calorie content of DK from the Russian one is only 35-40 kcal per 100 grams. At the same time, reviews about Siberian fiber for weight loss on the Internet, echoed by doctors, indicate the absence of any differences. Is it just easier to swallow and more presentable packaging.

How to take for weight loss?

Optimal dosage: 4 tablespoons, divided into several meals. It is recommended to consume plant fibers 10-20 minutes before meals, with plenty of liquid.

To lose weight, it is not necessary to take the substance in dry form.

You can add fiber to:

  • juices, compotes and other liquids;
  • kefir, milk, yogurt;
  • soups;
  • baking dough.

The product allows you to make main dishes less caloric. A person who consumes fiber before meals is partially deprived of the feeling of hunger and eats about 200 kcal less. Therefore, in a month of using Siberian fiber you can get rid of 5-7 kg without strict diets.


The food supplement of the Siberian Fiber brand has different formulations aimed at improving the health of specific internal organs and systems. If taken, two important processes are launched - normalization of digestive functions and deep cleansing. In principle, any product of the company can be safely used for figure correction, but the manufacturer produces many highly targeted complexes that help with weight loss much more effectively:

"Thin waist"

The leading product among the company's products. Recommended as a preventive dietary drug to improve metabolism and control body weight. Acts as an additional source of dietary fiber.

The basis of the composition is the shell of wheat grain, to which lingonberries and apple fruits are mixed. The second important component is a special herbal tea consisting of the following herbs:

  • horsetail – has a diuretic effect;
  • St. John's wort – normalizes appetite and eliminates depression;
  • nettle – has a mild diuretic and laxative effect;
  • mint – has a calming effect;
  • anise fruits – guarantee a pronounced laxative effect;
  • buckthorn bark – has a laxative effect;
  • Dandelion root – soothes and helps fight constipation.

Despite the name, the use of the product affects not only the waist - all “problem” areas return to normal. Thanks to its diuretic and laxative effect, “Thin Waist” effectively reduces weight by an average of several kilograms per week. While taking the dietary supplement, the intestines are cleansed and the volume of adipose tissue decreases.

"Stop Appetite"

The second most popular supplement is designed to correct the figure by improving metabolic processes, reducing appetite and cleansing the intestines of stagnant feces. The composition contains cranberries, apple fruits and a wheat grain shell impregnated with herbal mixture:

  • strawberry leaf – controls stool, has a diuretic effect;
  • blueberry shoots – normalize blood sugar levels and are effective in combating stress;
  • burdock root – has a diuretic effect, curbs appetite;
  • wheatgrass rhizome – restores metabolism, acts like a mild laxative;
  • chicory root – has a calming effect, provides mild relaxation;
  • dandelion root – reduces the likelihood of stress, normalizes the functioning of the excretory system;
  • fireweed - reduces appetite, improves food digestion;
  • nettle – controls the functioning of the excretory system;
  • yarrow – normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves hair condition, relieves irritation;
  • oats - replenishes the deficiency of minerals and vitamins, suppresses hunger and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines.

The herbal extracts included in Stop Appetite are rich in tannins and flavonoids, which are responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect. The substances also have a sedative and analgesic effect. By getting into the stomach and absorbing moisture, the components of the dietary supplement prevent a person from consuming excessive amounts of food, at the same time preventing weight gain.

Dietary supplements are successfully used as part of therapy for weight loss, strengthening the immune system, and preventing diseases of the nervous system due to excessive physical and emotional stress.

"Graceful silhouette"

The dietary supplement is designed for deep cleansing of the intestines, rapid weight loss and restoration of skin health. In addition to the wheat grain shell, apple pieces and apple pectin, the manufacturer claims to include the following components:

  • Senna leaves are a well-known natural laxative that helps remove toxins and waste from the body;
  • stevia is a natural sweetener responsible for elevating mood;
  • mint is a natural sedative that normalizes sleep;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile – anti-inflammatory ingredient;
  • meadowsweet – a means to normalize metabolism and remove toxins;
  • green tea is an antioxidant that improves complexion and accelerates metabolic processes.

The dietary supplement is suitable for women who do not have the opportunity to regularly train in the gym and do not consider dietary nutrition. Prevents the development of dysbiosis and hemorrhoids.

"Vitamin Glade"

The product is designed to reduce the total calorie content of the daily diet and enrich it with macro- and microelements necessary for the body to function properly. With regular use, there is a decrease in blood glucose levels, normalization of hormone levels, cleansing of harmful substances, improvement of peristalsis and elimination of constipation. All this has a positive effect on your well-being and helps prevent weight gain.

The composition is represented by the shell of wheat grains, apple and other components:

  • pine nut kernels – are responsible for quickly suppressing appetite;
  • berry extracts (blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries) - contain organic acids that improve the process of food digestion, and manganese, necessary for normal lipid metabolism;
  • Rose hips - promise a slight diuretic and choleretic effect.

“Vitamin Glade” is an assistant for everyone who intends to strengthen the immune system, especially during the cold season, and help the functioning of the nervous system. If necessary, the supplement can be used as part of the diet. This will make the weight loss process more comfortable.

"Health Basket"

The dietary supplement “Basket of Health” helps reduce the calorie content of food, thereby preventing rapid weight gain and obesity. Regular intake is responsible for the prevention of type II diabetes mellitus, vision diseases, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. It is very easy to normalize body weight and maintain the figure acquired during training with such a dietary supplement.

The components of the product are the shell of wheat grain, apple, pine nut kernels and rose hips. A vitamin “cocktail” helps achieve several goals:

  • cleansing the digestive tract;
  • appetite suppression;
  • normalization of metabolism and hormonal levels.

The manufacturer considers the introduction of the “Health Basket” into the diet to be most useful in the following cases:

  • lipid metabolism disorder;
  • intense physical and mental stress;
  • diseases of the excretory system;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.

Simply put, people with these problems who want to create a diet that promotes weight loss can safely lose weight without harm to their health. There is only one condition - regular use of the dietary supplement according to the recommendations stated in the instructions. The uniqueness of this type of DC lies in the possibility of using it even during pregnancy to improve well-being and prevent swelling.


Siberian recreation center “Cleansing” is a complex of useful substances for improving fat metabolism and deep cleansing the body of toxins. With regular consumption, the manufacturer promises a noticeable improvement in the composition of the intestinal microflora and intestinal motor-evacuation function, a decrease in blood glucose levels and a decrease in excess body weight.

The composition, in addition to the shell of wheat grain and apple, contains a special cleansing tea from, consisting of the following components:

  • pharmaceutical chamomile – has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • rose hips – have a mild diuretic effect;
  • dill fruits - enhance lymph flow and cope with swelling;
  • calendula – cleanses the blood and promises a diuretic effect;
  • immortelle – anti-inflammatory and choleretic agent;
  • buckthorn bark – demonstrates a laxative effect;
  • yarrow – is responsible for suppressing emotional stress, normalizing the functioning of the stomach;
  • meadowsweet – helps in the fight against subcutaneous fat and removes excess fluid;
  • mint – has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, relaxes and induces restful sleep;
  • clover – stimulates the body's defenses.

Based on the composition, it becomes clear that the “Cleansing” supplement from Siberia is suitable as an aid for people who constantly adhere to a low-calorie diet and regularly engage in sports.

"Three grains for lightness"

The variation of the dietary supplement is considered unique, as it combines three grains at once - oats, wheat and rye. Complementing each other, grains act quickly and are three times more effective, providing faster saturation and weight loss.

In addition to the shell of oat, rye and wheat grains, the dietary supplement contains a phyto-collection:

  • shoots of Kuril tea - providing a diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • chamomile flowers are a soothing agent with anti-inflammatory properties;
  • calendula - along with the blood-purifying effect, normalizes the functioning of the urinary system;
  • meadowsweet – eliminates subcutaneous fat and excess fluid;
  • yarrow – normalizes digestion and soothes;
  • fruits of fragrant dill - promise to get rid of puffiness and normalize lymph flow;
  • buckthorn bark – has laxative properties;
  • mint – has a calming effect on the nervous system, relaxes;
  • clover – has an immunostimulating effect;
  • pumpkin fruits are a diuretic and laxative at the same time;
  • Volodushka herb – has a tonic effect;
  • Rose hips – remove excess fluid from the body.

By adding “Three Grains for Lightness” to first and second courses, you can significantly reduce their calorie content. As a result, there is no need to endure strict dietary restrictions. Weight normalization occurs passively, but the achieved effect lasts for a long time.

A pleasant bonus for those who consume “Three Grains for Lightness” is healthy hair and skin, guaranteed by the manufacturer, as well as slowing down the aging process.

"With green coffee"

A unique detoxification program from the developers of a Siberian company is a low-calorie phyto-complex for quick normalization of body weight and deep cleansing. A mix of powerful ingredients - dietary fiber and green coffee - provides a double effect in losing weight.

Green coffee is a known source of antioxidants that fight free radicals and debris within the body. Promotes the transformation of fat into energy, thereby starting the process of weight loss. In addition to green coffee and wheat grain shell, the dietary supplement contains apple fruits, which are responsible for the gastronomic side. The presence of a natural sweetener in the supplement helps fight hunger and improves mood.

Doctors' opinions

This product, according to doctors, really helps in the fight against extra pounds.
It helps normalize metabolism and removes harmful substances from the body. Doctors say that Siberian fiber normalizes digestion, eliminates pain and discomfort in the abdomen. Excess weight really disappears in just 1-2 weeks. According to experts, this is an easy-to-use product that is effective in the fight against extra pounds.

However, doctors advise to be careful, since using this product for too long leads to flatulence and an allergic reaction. Only if you follow the dosage you can get rid of extra pounds and cleanse your body.

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In order for the process of cleansing the body to occur effectively, it is important to know how to properly take Siberian fiber. Some sources about the benefits of DC for normalizing weight mention the possibility of uncontrolled use of the product. Nutrition experts, in turn, recommend taking the supplement thoughtfully, not exceeding the dose specified by the manufacturer.

How to use

DK is ineffective in its dry form, so everyone should know how to “cook” it. There are three of them:

  • Add to water

The simplest and fastest way to consume DC, contrary to existing opinion, provides a feeling of satiety. Preparing a “cocktail” is simple: just stir the raw material in a glass of liquid and let it swell a little. However, the reaction of each organism to the tandem of water (you can use liquid juice) and plant fibers is individual: while some enjoy the benefits and ease, others suffer from discomfort and talk about difficulties in taking it.

  • Dissolve in fermented milk drinks

Yogurt, curdled milk, fermented baked milk and kefir are much better suited for drinking DC than water or juice. Firstly, fermented milk products increase the positive effect on the intestines. Secondly, the feeling of fullness comes faster and lasts longer. Swelling time – 15 minutes.

  • Mix with food

The dietary supplement can be added to morning porridge or used when preparing a vitamin salad. If desired, it can become a component of a second course and even steamed cutlets. Bonus – reduced caloric content of food. Due to the lack of a pronounced taste, it is impossible to sense the admixture of cereal shells in dishes.


The amount of Siberian fiber allowed for consumption depends on the goal pursued by each person losing weight. There is only one general rule - start taking dietary supplements with 1-2 teaspoons per day, gradually increasing the dose to the full dose over seven days.

  1. For easy weight loss, you need to take one tablespoon of Siberian fiber 3-4 times a day. If the product is mixed with liquid, per tablespoon there is 200 ml of water, yogurt and jelly. If you use less liquid, the DC will not swell properly and will not be able to release its full effectiveness.
  2. If you want to cleanse the intestines as quickly and effectively as possible, a single dose of the dietary supplement increases to two tablespoons. A similar dosage is observed by people who regularly engage in sports. At the same time, “cleaning” in this way for more than a week is prohibited.
  3. If it is important to slightly correct your figure before an important event or quickly achieve lightness throughout the body, you should spend a fasting day on the supplement and kefir - per liter of fermented milk drink there are 8 level tablespoons of dietary fiber. In the morning, kefir is divided into four equal portions. Fiber is introduced immediately before consumption - two spoons per 250 ml. The intervals between doses of the cleansing drink should be 3 hours. As the weight loss results on the Internet say, in just one such day you can see a plumb line of 1-1.5 kg.

As a rule, DC is consumed half an hour before meals, if we are talking about a product dissolved in liquid and fermented milk drink. You cannot replace food with a dietary supplement, otherwise the result will be unpleasant: instead of normalizing digestion and losing weight, there will be a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract, which will result in a set of extra pounds. It is no less dangerous to refuse to adhere to the water regime. You need to drink often and a lot.

Experts set the duration of the course on dietary supplements - two months. A longer period of weight loss with the help of a Siberian dietary supplement is possible, but undesirable.

Recommended diet

The products themselves are not capable of reducing the percentage of body fat, so you should not expect radical results (minus 5-10 kg per week). Only an integrated approach is guaranteed to help you get rid of extra pounds - cleansing the body with fiber, moderate physical activity and proper nutrition. To achieve maximum results, you should stick to a simple diet. It is recommended to choose kefir, no-carbohydrate or separate meals.

The kefir diet for a week is as follows:

  • First day: five pieces of boiled potatoes.
  • Second day: 100 grams of boiled chicken breast without skin and spices.
  • Third day: 100 grams of boiled lean turkey or beef.
  • Fourth day: 100 grams of boiled or steamed lean fish.
  • Fifth day: vegetables in the form of salad and fruits, except grapes and bananas.
  • Day six: low-fat fermented milk products.
  • Seventh day: fasting on water with the addition of citrus juice and mint leaves.

In addition to the indicated food, you need to consume 1.5 liters of kefir daily with the addition of DC. The dietary supplement will support the body, enriching it with vitamins, and cope with hunger.

A low-carbohydrate diet is based on the following principle:

  • Breakfast: steam omelette of three chicken eggs with the addition of skim milk, cheese or bacon, apple, fermented milkshake with DC.
  • Lunch: baked chicken breast, a portion of lentils with olive oil.
  • Afternoon snack: a handful of almonds, a serving of fermented milk shake with dietary supplements.
  • Dinner: salmon steak, green beans with olive oil, fermented milk cocktail with fiber.

The diet can be continued for 3-5 days. The supplement from the Siberian company supplements the menu with a healthy set of vitamins, so the body does not experience stress due to the lack of cereals and baked goods.

Separate nutrition involves eating exclusively compatible foods at one time. Siberian fiber fits perfectly into such a diet, serving as a snack after breakfast and an alternative to an afternoon snack, which promotes rapid weight loss.

A sample menu for one day could be as follows:

  • First breakfast: apple and date (prunes), a glass of fermented baked milk with DK.
  • Second breakfast: a serving of baked potatoes and a green salad with the addition of DC.
  • Lunch: a piece of meat fried without oil, steamed cabbage and celery salad with spinach.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of fermented milk drink or a serving of thick, coarse fiber yogurt.
  • Dinner: boiled egg, steamed eggplant, vegetable salad with added DC.

How to use it correctly?

From this product you can prepare very tasty dishes that will make your diet more enjoyable.

Kefir drink:

  • You need to mix a glass of low-fat kefir 1.5% and one tablespoon of fiber.
  • The finished drink is consumed for breakfast.
  • You can't add sugar.

Dessert with fiber:

  • You can prepare a very tasty and healthy dish from this product.
  • You need to mix a glass of unsweetened natural yogurt and a tablespoon of fiber.
  • Add half a chopped apple and the same amount of pear to the mixture.
  • If desired, you can add one chopped prune or dried apricot.
  • The ingredients are mixed again.
  • Adding sugar is prohibited.
  • The dessert is suitable for an afternoon snack or dinner.

Fruit puree:

  • The product can be added to various fruits and vegetables. Fruit puree can be consumed for afternoon snack and dinner.
  • You need to grate one apple and one pear.
  • Add 1.5 tablespoons of fiber to the mixture.
  • The resulting dish is consumed without sugar.

You can add Siberian fiber to low-fat kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, and porridge. You can mix this product with fruit and vegetable purees. You should not consume more than four tablespoons of Siberian fiber per day. In order for it to be better absorbed, you need to drink a lot of liquid. Be sure to drink water; sweet carbonated drinks are prohibited. Coffee is not recommended, tea should not be strong.

Side effects

Coarse dietary fiber is more beneficial than harmful, but this does not exempt it from side effects. The most likely is bloating. The phenomenon does not occur from a few spoons of Siberian fiber, but it is considered the most common, especially among beginners. Bloating is followed by flatulence and cramps. Trying to achieve the lightness that the manufacturer promises, there is a possibility of getting a completely opposite result.

Skin rashes and nausea are also possible side effects of taking the supplement due to the phytocomponents it contains. You can prevent the occurrence of unpleasant moments by strictly following the dosage and introducing the product into the diet gradually.

Possible harm and contraindications

Despite the effectiveness and beneficial properties of the product, there are a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with:

  • Gastritis.
  • Colitis.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Individual intolerance to the product.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation period.

This product causes harm if there are contraindications or if used for too long. It is not recommended to consume Siberian fiber for more than two weeks . The negative impact of the product appears in the form of side effects:

  • Hives.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Weakness.
  • Paleness of the skin.

Such phenomena disappear within a few hours without special treatment. If they persist for several days, stop using this product. You need to seek help from a doctor.


Not everyone can lose weight at a recreation center - for some it is simply prohibited. First of all, people with serious problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will have to abandon the idea. Even if a person is prone to increased gas formation, it is better not to take risks. The use of dietary supplements is guaranteed to aggravate the course of colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers and cholecystitis.

It will not work to “sit” on a Siberian recreation center if you are intolerant to the components of the dietary supplement. Since there are many of them, you need to carefully read the composition to avoid developing an allergic reaction. Since all types of weight loss products contain phyto-ingredients, before starting therapy you should undergo an examination or at least talk to your doctor.


You can buy Siberian fiber for weight loss in a pharmacy, on the official website and in online stores that sell products for beauty and slimness. The price depends on the volume of packaging and the type of dietary supplement (average cost indicators are presented below):

  • “Thin waist”: 170 g from 80 to 120 rubles.
  • “Stop Appetite”: 170 g – 85 rubles.
  • “Graceful silhouette”: 170 g – 80 rubles.
  • “Vitamin glade: 280 g – 95 rubles, 350 g – 220 rubles.
  • “Health basket”: 280 g – 95 rubles.
  • “Cleansing”: 170 g – 95 rubles.
  • “Three grains for lightness”: 170 g – 70 rubles.
  • “With green coffee”: 170 g – 90 rubles.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Alena, 30 years old

Like most young mothers, after the birth of my baby I had to face the problem of excess weight. The kilograms I had gained during pregnancy and breastfeeding were suffocating me, so I firmly decided to become slim and beautiful again at any cost. Over time, thanks to fasting days and physical training, I was able to get rid of almost everything unnecessary. The only problem left was my stomach. He didn’t want to leave and treacherously peeked out of his jeans.

After reading reviews about losing weight using Siberian fiber on the Internet and looking at photos of girls, I decided to try it. Honestly, I didn’t really believe it, because some people allegedly managed to lose 7-8 kg in a month. But the price in pharmacies and ease of use finally won me over. I chose “Slim Waist”. No, not because it was with this area that I had a problem. It’s just that the pharmacy near the house had a small selection. I started taking the supplement for breakfast with fermented baked milk and for dinner with yogurt. The drug has practically no taste, but the process of eating still did not bring pleasure (it was like chewing straw). But after such a “dessert” I didn’t feel like eating at all. In a month I became 1.7 kg lighter. Not 7 kg, really! But I was satisfied with this result. I intend to repeat the diet.

Ekaterina, 24 years old

I have been familiar with fiber for a long time. With its help I try to control my appetite so as not to gain weight. When I saw Siberian at the pharmacy, I decided to try it. First, something new. Secondly, it contains not only dietary fiber, but also flavoring additives. Plus, the manufacturer promises weight loss. Tempting. The price, of course, is slightly higher than usual, but you can afford it.

I bought two types at once - cleansing and thin waist. I read how to take Siberian fiber for weight loss, so as not to harm yourself. To be honest, I had more hopes for the cleansing one. But as it turns out, a thin waist weakens you more. I liked the product. The smell and taste are unobtrusive, dissolves in fermented baked milk and yogurt without problems. But there is one point - you need to drink more water. At first I didn’t do this and got discomfort in my stomach, and, sorry, it was very difficult to go to the toilet. Then I started drinking 1.5 liters of water and everything got better. As for losing weight... I don’t even know. After taking it for two weeks, I didn’t notice any particular effect. Except that the skin color has become more even.

Marina, 32 years old

I love fiber. I constantly add it to fermented milk drinks, salads and cereals. I tried many different companies. I have a whole collection of jars at home! The next purchase was the Siberian version of dietary fiber. Bright packaging, promising composition. By the way, this is exactly what my review will be about.

Do you know what the grain shell should smell like? That's right, no way. But Siberian is probably a big exception. As soon as I opened the jar, such an aroma of herbs spread throughout the house, as if a bottle of valerian had been opened. Despite the unpleasant surprise, I still decided to add a couple of spoons to the kefir. I took a sip and realized that the smell of herbs was now coming from me. Naturally, the kefir had to be poured out and the apartment ventilated. Perhaps the supplement will suit ardent fans of phyto-aromas, but I’ve had enough of experimenting. The desire to consume Siberian fiber disappeared forever.

Siberian fiber: customer reviews

We invite you to read the reviews of those who have tried the effects of this remedy for the purpose of losing weight and normalizing the intestines.

After pregnancy, not only did I gain extra pounds, but I also had intestinal problems.
I suffered from severe constipation for several days. On the advice of friends, I purchased Siberian fiber and started taking it. Within a week, my intestines returned to normal and after a month I lost noticeable weight. Maria, Kazan

At some point, I began to quietly gain weight, and began to hear comments from friends about this addressed to me.
My wife started giving me a spoonful of fiber before every meal. The result became noticeable within a month. Vladimir, Orel

I had a serious problem: the tendency to overeat.
I couldn’t walk past the refrigerator; I felt hungry an hour after eating. I decided to take fiber, now this desire is fading, I eat at a certain time, and I no longer constantly “pull” myself to the refrigerator. Anna, Tver

Siberian fiber is a natural and inexpensive remedy for those who want to lose weight and normalize their intestines. Naturally, its use is associated with the need to eat right and exercise so that the effect is noticeable and lasts longer.

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