How to lose weight quickly: an express course with Marina Korpan

The modern world dictates its own rules of life. We live in a world of fast-flowing time, which is sorely lacking to realize everything we have planned. We are used to living in multitasking mode: reading e-books on the go, feeding the child and at the same time listening to a webinar on professional development. In such a crazy pace, it is very important to find time for yourself.

It would be good to pay attention to body culture every day. There is probably no person in the world who would not like to have a beautiful, athletic body, without a drop of fat deposits. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, not everyone can afford to visit a gym or fitness club. And I really want to always be in great shape! We bring to your attention an effective weight loss method called bodyflex with Marina Korpan . It includes a set of physical exercises to correct the figure. Train every day for just 20 minutes - and the results will not be long in coming! You will get a strong, toned, healthy body without even leaving home.

The history of bodyflex

Bodyflex with Marina Korpan is a 15-minute daily set of exercises aimed at healing the body through breathing exercises and muscle stretching. Today she is one of the leading bodyflex trainers, the author of numerous books about a healthy lifestyle and cleansing breathing exercises.

Bodyflex appeared as an independent type of physical activity in the twentieth century. Its author was the American Grig Childers, a mother of many children and a housewife. After giving birth, she gained significant weight and suffered greatly from the extra pounds.

As a mother of three children, she generously gave every minute of her life to her children, lovingly caring for them. And of course, she simply did not physically have the opportunity to leave the crumbs for a couple of hours and go to the gym. Nevertheless, she was very depressed by the extra pounds and the reflection in the mirror did not make her happy at all. However, she found a way out of the situation: after carefully studying the basics of fitness yoga, Grieg developed a unique system of exercises for the whole body. In combination with breathing exercises, they give a stunning effect - weight is normalized, metabolism is normalized, blood circulation in internal organs improves, and swelling of the limbs disappears.

How to improve results from oxysize

In the book “Oxysize: Lose Weight Without Holding Your Breath,” Marina Coplan describes the basic principles that will allow you to increase the effectiveness of breathing exercises. These principles should be familiar to everyone losing weight:

  • Meals for 1600-1700 calories. This is more than any diet allows. For example, the most gentle diet limits your nutrition to 1200 kcal.
  • Changes in the diet: less sweets, baked goods, do not abuse fast food and fried foods. Try to eat more protein foods; not only does it not make you gain weight, but on the contrary, the body “drowns your fat” in order to absorb protein.
  • Drink plenty of clean water. The average norm is 1.5-2 liters per day.
  • To live an active lifestyle. When training with Marina, you may not have enough time for other workouts, but you can walk - at least half an hour a day.

Marina Korpan and her enormous weight loss

According to some reports, Grieg managed to change her clothing size from 56 to 44. Agree, this is quite a serious result! Over time, she wrote a book about losing weight and shot several videos, due to which bodyflex received wide publicity in the West. This brave woman became an example and inspiration for thousands of other representatives of the fair sex. At the same time, our compatriot Marina Korpan was also interested in the issue of losing weight.

After reading the book by Grieg Childers, she decided to test the effectiveness of the described technique. Incredibly, after some time the girl began to lose weight sharply. At the same time, her thinness cannot be called painful - Marina Korpan’s face is adorned with a gentle blush, and her figure, like that of a chiseled porcelain figurine, looks very feminine and harmonious.

Please note: before starting bodyflex training, Marina weighed 75 kg. Over time, she turned into a slender and delicate inch, elegant and graceful. And I must say, she did it without much effort - without lifting weights or exhausting herself in the gym.

I must say that Marina Korpan has been doing bodyflex for quite a long time. Gradually, she introduced some variety into bodyflex, and now she is demonstrating her original training method to the whole world. Previously, Marina could not even imagine that one day she would become a coach and a real motivator for many women of different ages. Today she is happy to share her achievements and best practices with other applicants for an effective weight loss method.


You can watch all Bodyflex lessons with Marina Korpan for free online or sign up for an individual training session. It is important that people of different ages and with any level of physical fitness can practice bodyflex. Even if you have never played sports and didn’t like physical education at school, you will like the specifics of bodyflex exercises. Intensive breathing techniques and simple yoga asanas will bring many benefits.

History of the system

The discoverer of the bodyflex system was the American housewife Greer Childers, mother of three children.

After the birth of her third child, Greer noticeably gained weight to size 56 and tried to get rid of it in every possible way. However, this did not bring results. In desperation, the woman paid for expensive weight loss courses, and it was after them that Greer began wearing size 44 again.

She decided to share her knowledge with the whole world. However, in order to make the technique accessible, the woman simplified it somewhat, leaving only basic exercises for all body groups. She released a book and a recording disc, which greatly simplified the training process for housewives. In addition, Greer began to conduct training in the gym herself.

The results were stunning - in just 13 minutes a day, over two weeks, people reduced their body volume to 10-12 centimeters.

Marina Korpan, looking through all possible weight loss methods, came across the development of Greer Childers. Years of studying at a physical education institute helped Marina understand the physiological processes of weight loss that occur during bodyflex exercises. Marina conducted her research and consulted with doctors, after which she began her studies.

Having tried the method on herself, the girl lost excess weight and realized that she had found a real way to lose weight without tormenting the body - cardio and strength training, as well as exhausting diets. However, she did not stop there - Marina began to refine the system of exercises, develop and spread bodyflex in Russia.

Of course, Marina Igorevna is not the founder of Bodyflex, but she finalized it and adapted it for people living in Russia and having various contraindications.

Thanks to her, the system has become available to many people suffering from obesity, but unable to afford gym classes for financial or health reasons.

The essence of the weight loss program

The BodyFlex system is based on the principles of yoga, therefore it combines two important components: diaphragmatic breathing and static physical exercises.

Correct diaphragmatic breathing involves taking a deep breath into the stomach and simultaneously holding it before exhaling. It is this delay that helps the body’s cells experience a kind of stress, as a result of which they begin to fill with oxygen with the first breath of air. Physical exercises allow the program to apply a targeted weight loss method - remove fat from problem areas.

Thus, if you create an oxygen deficiency and at the same time tighten the abdominal muscles, then with the next inhalation all the oxygen will go exactly to the place where the need for oxygen is increased, i.e. to the abdominal area. In addition, at the moment you hold your breath, the body begins to work in stress mode and process fat, mistaking it for nutrition.

The diaphragmatic type of breathing allows you to maximally fill the body's cells with oxygen, which will begin to instantly oxidize fat deposits.

Classes using the bodyflex system trigger the following processes necessary for weight loss:

  • when the abdomen is pulled in, the size of the stomach decreases, which has a positive effect on the level of appetite - you want to eat less, a person eats less food, portions are reduced;
  • when filled with oxygen, a person feels an accumulation of energy and a state of euphoria that does not allow one to sit still - one wants to do more;
  • With a large supply of oxygen, the body begins to intensively oxidize fat deposits even after the workout is over.

Static exercises prevent sagging muscles and skin during rapid weight loss. The effect of training is cumulative, and in total a person not only loses body fat, but also has a toned appearance.

With regular use of Bodyflex techniques you can achieve amazing results:

  • burn fat deposits;
  • strengthen and tighten muscle mass of the body;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and digestive tract;
  • get rid of shortness of breath;
  • tighten facial skin and improve its color;
  • quit smoking;
  • reduce appetite.

After classes, a person feels rested and filled with healthy energy.

What is it based on?

The Bodyflex program differs from other weight loss methods in that it requires only 15 minutes a day of exercise and you do not need to follow any diet. The founders of the system, on the contrary, categorically prohibit reducing the diet during training, since lower calorie consumption can slow down metabolism, which breathing exercises are aimed at accelerating.

The exercise proceeds according to the following scheme:

  1. Slowly exhale the remaining oxygen through the mouth while simultaneously drawing in the abdomen.
  2. Inhale sharply through the nose while simultaneously inflating the abdomen.
  3. Exhale sharply through the mouth using the diaphragm (the sound “ha” is automatically made).
  4. Hold your breath for 8-10 seconds while simultaneously drawing in your abdomen.
  5. An exercise is performed while holding your breath.

As a rule, 3-4 approaches are required for one exercise. A daily workout takes no more than 15-20 minutes.

The authors of the program strongly recommend performing workouts on an empty stomach or 2 hours after dinner. It is also important to train every day for 15 minutes until you achieve results. According to Marina Korpan, if you skip classes, there will be no quick weight loss effect.


Despite the stunning results of losing weight, the program still has a number of disadvantages - not everyone can do it.

Contraindications to bodyflex exercises:

  • pregnancy - oxygen starvation has a detrimental effect on the fetus and its development;
  • high or low blood pressure, as well as a tendency to pressure changes - holding your breath can aggravate the problem;
  • cardiovascular diseases - breathing exercises accelerate blood exchange processes, increasing the load on these organs;
  • eye diseases (severe myopia, glaucoma, etc.) - holding your breath is not recommended and can also intensify the process of vision deterioration;
  • pulmonary diseases;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diseases of the kidney and gallstone system;
  • bleeding and swelling;
  • elevated body temperature.

It is advisable to consult a doctor before training. Everyone who works out with Marina Korpan in the gym is required to undergo a medical examination.

In addition, it is important to know that taking hormonal drugs can negatively affect the results of training. As a rule, the effect comes slowly or is absent altogether, so you should not start training while taking such pills.

What happens during breathing exercises

During breathing exercises, the fat cells of the body are saturated with a large amount of oxygen. After just one month of daily exercise, your waist size will decrease by 7 cm. In addition, in bodyflex, breathing techniques are combined with different combinations of exercises. Thanks to this, the spine is stretched, beautiful posture appears, and back pain disappears. Did you know that people with royal posture burn calories much faster even when walking?

Muscular gymnastics Greer Childers



The video presents basic exercises by Greer Childers, with Russian subtitles. Let's take a closer look at two of her favorite simple exercises:

"A lion"

  • Having taken the necessary starting position, we begin to perform breathing exercises.
  • Then we collect our lips into a small circle. We open our eyes wide and try to lift them (as a result, the muscles around the eyes tighten).
  • While maintaining the position of the lips, we strive to lower them by tensing the muscles of the nose and cheeks. Without relaxing the muscles, stick out your tongue as much as possible. Tension should be felt in the neck and under the chin.
  • Maintain the position for at least 7 seconds.
  • We repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

"Ugly Face"

  • We fix the starting position and perform breathing exercises.
  • Next, we push the lower jaw forward as much as possible.
  • We stick out our lower lip and feel a strong tension in the neck muscles.
  • Then we slowly raise our heads and try to reach the ceiling with our lips.
  • Maintain the position for at least 7-8 seconds.
  • We repeat the exercise 4-5 times.

Features of training. Basics for beginners

All beginners are recommended to start bodyflex exercises from Marina Korpan from the very first lesson. If you can't keep up with the trainer, pause the video and slowly repeat the exercise. Don’t forget about breathing; exhalation should always be sharp and as deep as possible.

It is beneficial to practice bodyflex in the fresh air. The singing of birds and the morning sunrise will add some magnetism to your practice. If you train indoors, be sure to ventilate it well for 10-15 minutes. Please note that all of Marina Korpan’s video tutorials complement each other. You can choose one exercise option that suits you or simply alternate between different video lessons.

Marina Korpan's training complexes have already received a large number of positive reviews among those losing weight, and the number of her adherents is steadily growing. In her video lessons, Marina Korpan focuses on cleansing breathing techniques, which is the basis of all exercises. She is an attentive, active and energetic coach. Below are her original video tutorials on bodyflex.

A set of 10 breathing exercises for weight loss

Below are 10 exercises for the waist, abdomen, hips and sides in pictures.

Even a beginner can easily master this technique in order to remove excess body volume at home, restore postpartum tone of the abdominal muscles, master a gymnastic complex for stretching and model a clear silhouette. Go?

The scheme is like this:

  1. First, do a breathing exercise, hold your breath, pull in your stomach;
  2. Accept one of the following positions, as in the pictures below
  3. After 8-10 seconds, return to the starting position and inhale.

Who is the breathing method suitable for?

Marina Korpan has repeatedly emphasized that the breathing pattern with mandatory holding is suitable for absolutely any person, regardless of social status, gender and age criteria. A woman, a girl, a grandmother and all representatives of the stronger half of humanity can master breathing exercises to significantly improve their health, while achieving impressive results in losing weight

This set of physical and breathing exercises for weight loss is based on three types of exercises, which, together with proper breathing, have a positive effect on the body of a man or woman, forcing muscles to work and burning subcutaneous fat. The main complexes include exercises:

  • isometric, which allows you to work out one muscle group in detail, making them more elastic, firm and pronounced against the background of the whole body;
  • isotonic, aimed at activating the work of several muscle groups, exerting an equal effect on them;
  • stretching, allowing you to master gymnastics skills and significantly strengthen the muscular system of the whole body.

In order for the weight loss process to be as productive as possible, experienced trainers and professional athletes advise regular training that will include all three types of physical exercise.

We recommend that you carefully watch the online video in which the training takes place non-stop. If you want to master this complex on your own, then the optimal solution would be a home training course, before which you will attend a trial lesson on “Bodyflex” under the guidance of an experienced trainer.


First lesson

Marina Korpan's gymnastics for all parts of the body perfectly works the deepest muscles. In the first lesson, the emphasis is on the pectoral muscles, back, abs, buttocks and hips.


This video was filmed while Marina was still losing weight. Now the girl looks completely different. This man has come a long and difficult path to his dream. In addition, due to her experience, she perfectly understands overweight people and is aware of all the pitfalls that await them on the way to a slim body.


Breathing exercises for weight loss trigger active processes in the human body, affecting many systems. If there are any problems in this area, it can negatively affect your health. In this regard, this system has a number of contraindications. You cannot use the Korpan weight loss program if:

  • pregnancy;
  • blood pressure that is not normal;
  • diseases of the heart and vascular system;
  • serious chronic diseases;
  • existing eye diseases;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • high body temperature.

In addition to the cases described above, the Korpan respiratory system will not have an effect in the following situations:

  • If you are taking medications. In this case, the effect of the exercises is greatly reduced and the desired result may not occur.
  • During active activities with physical activity. Breathing exercises do not enhance the effects of sports. There will be no result from them.
  • No overweight. It is advisable to exercise only if you have body fat. If you are underweight, breathing exercises will not give any results. Excess weight must exceed five kilograms of normal body weight.

If you want to lose weight quickly and without much effort, Marina Korpan’s weight loss program is ideal for you. The effectiveness of this gymnastics is confirmed by numerous reviews of women who performed these exercises. This is also proven by the experience of Marina herself, who has an excellent figure. To obtain lasting results, carefully follow all training instructions.

Lesson two

Marina Korpan has a fairly simple training principle. First she talks about the breathing exercises technique, then she demonstrates it with her own eyes. After the introductory mini-lesson, the trainer performs the exercises together with the training group. At this stage, more attention is paid to the arm area and abs. The exercises are quite simple, and if you have previously practiced yoga or bodyflex, you can start with the second lesson without even thinking about it.


Pay attention to the “cat” exercise. If you can do it in front of a large mirror, that’s great. Make sure your palm is positioned directly under your shoulders. Movements should be soft, drawn-out, neat. With the correct technique, you will feel a relaxation of the spine and lightness in the back.

Contraindications for breathing techniques

In order not to harm your health and achieve the desired weight loss goals, it is necessary to study the list of contraindications that prohibit the practice of breathing exercises with a long inhalation hold. Marina Korpan advises people suffering from:

  • hypertension, aggravated by existing cardiovascular dystonia or ischemic cerebral disease;
  • cardiovascular diseases, congenital or acquired;
  • acute forms of chronic diseases of vital organs, even if the disease is in remission;
  • diseases of the visual organs that are in a severe degree (to make sure of this, take a test that shows a picture with figures of different sizes);
  • unstable stool, which is explained by disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of diabetes mellitus or a malfunction of the pancreas.

Lesson four

This complex provides deep training of the oblique abdominal muscles. Particular attention should be paid to building the correct position of the arms while performing bodyflex exercises. Listen to your body and feel what degree of load do you need? During the first two weeks of exercise, try not to overload your body - enter bodyflex gradually.


As you noticed, the main load is performed “on exhalation.” Therefore, naturally, at the end of the exercise, you involuntarily take a sharp breath. This indicates the correctness of your execution technique.

Breathing technique

Before you start doing weight loss exercises, you need to learn aerobic breathing. Korpan offers the following respiratory system, with the help of which cells are enriched with oxygen.

First exercise. Stand up straight, your back should be straight, your shoulders should be straightened. Place one hand on your stomach to control its movements. In the diaphragm type of breathing, the abdominal muscles are more involved than the chest muscles.

Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, filling your lungs with air as much as possible. Then also gradually and smoothly release all the air from your lungs through your mouth. When inhaling, the stomach should be relaxed. When exhaling, you need to pull it inward, straining. Repeat these movements three times.

Second exercise. Take a deep breath through the nasal cavity. Finally, take two short additional breaths. Then round your lips and release the air from your lungs.

At the end, you need to exhale two more times, tensing your stomach and as if squeezing out the remaining air. Tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible as you exhale. Repeat these steps 3-4 times.

Third exercise. Place your chin on your chest and inhale deeply. At the same time, pull your stomach inward. Stop breathing for a few seconds.

Exhale, completely emptying your lungs of air. Give it another delay. Repeat the exercise three times.

Perform the exercises for the first time, carefully monitoring your condition. You may feel dizzy. This is an absolutely normal reaction of the body. It is explained by an excess of oxygen in the blood. After some time, he will get used to the new breathing system and such sensations will disappear.

Lesson five

This complex includes repetition of the basics of breathing and performing basic exercises for the arms and abs. Feel how the oblique abdominal muscles warm up and everything unnecessary gradually disappears.


At the end of the lesson, we work out the abs. Dedicate 15-20 minutes of your time daily to bodyflex and you will get a healthy, beautiful, toned, sculpted body.

In conclusion, we note that in our country bodyflex is a relatively new trend, and therefore causes different reactions. However, despite skeptics and criticism, it is rapidly developing and popularized along with Pilates and fitness.

Practical advice: for better results, it’s a good idea to reconsider your nutrition principles. Under no circumstances should you starve yourself or go on diets.

Leading yoga trainers advise eating 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. Breakfast should be rich in carbohydrates and protein, but by dinner it is advisable to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. For those with a sweet tooth, it is recommended to replace sweets and gingerbread with apples, raisins and dried apricots. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients will speed up the process with regular bodyflex training.

What is bodyflex and why should it help?

Let us immediately note that, if you believe normal sources on sports medicine, biology, and fitness, it should not help for particularly long. Bodyflex is gymnastics using your own body weight as a weight. We all know that such gymnastics are effective only as long as our body movements are so complex that we cannot remain under load for more than 40 seconds. There are a sufficient number of such gymnastics in the world that allow you to progress with body weight almost endlessly. The same workout and Ashtanga yoga, for example. But our bodyflex is designed for a completely different category of citizens.

All bodyflex gymnastics exercises are borrowed from Pilates, yoga and callanetics. Moreover, they were borrowed according to the principle “uncomplicated, accessible to everyone, works on women’s problem areas,” and not according to any other. Breathing was allegedly invented by American Greer Childers. But even Greer herself admits that she borrowed the breathing part of the gymnastics from another instructor, who, in turn, learned from yoga practitioners. In general, bodyflex is an exercise with your own body weight, performed while holding your breath. And the technique of delays is taken from yogic pranayamas.

How effective are simple bodyweight exercises? Considered from the point of view of fatigue, recovery and muscle growth, they are effective for a beginner who has not trained at all before, and for no more than 12-14 weeks. Further, the potential of trying to complicate the exercises in the series of “tighten the muscle harder” is lost, and you need to add weight training to progress. By the way, Greer Childers also writes about the benefits of strength training in his book.

How effective are bodyflex workouts for strengthening the cardiovascular system? Frankly speaking, there is no research on this topic, and the question remains open. Of course, both Greer and Marina write about the benefits, but do not provide any specific data. Based on general recommendations, to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, you should add at least 30 minutes of light aerobic activity per day to your gymnastics.

It can be noted that gymnastics will be a good choice for those who need to improve coordination and flexibility, at least to a level that allows them to engage in regular types of fitness.

Bodyflex or oxysize

Each has its own method. When choosing between one or the other, proceed from the characteristics of the body, indications and prohibitions for health, and the emotions that you receive in the process.

  • Bodyflex includes quite a few contraindications due to holding your breath, sudden, loud air movements. Oxysize - silent gymnastics suitable for almost everyone;
  • Both methods should become regular for you;
  • Oxysize is suitable for those who want to remove their belly, bodyflex - hips;
  • There are no contraindications for oxysize (if you don’t strain too much and don’t hold your breath).
  • Bodyflex is a global breath-holding and inhalation activity; class time - strictly from 15 to 25 minutes, on an empty stomach;
  • Oxysize is exercise first, and then breathing, approaches can be longer, the stomach can be full;
  • Both methods will not work as weight loss for people in excellent shape, with pumped muscles;
  • Antidepressants and contraceptives can negatively affect the effectiveness of both methods.

What is Oxycise

The Oxysize technique involves special breathing while holding a static pose. It guarantees a large excess of oxygen in the blood, which activates fat burning and metabolism.

Breathing oxysize

  1. Take a deep, extended breath through the nose; the stomach fills with air and protrudes forward; assurance - 3 abrupt “dow breaths”. There should be a smile on the face during the process;
  2. A long exhalation through the mouth, ending with 3 short “pre-exhalations”, the air completely leaves the lungs, the stomach retracts as much as possible and “sticks to the back.” In the process, the lips should be stretched into a flat “smile”, and not the usual tube.
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