Hypnosis for weight loss: principle of action and features

What is hypnosis?

You've probably read about hypnosis in books or seen relevant footage in films and television shows. When hearing the word “hypnosis,” most people imagine a dimly lit room, where an atmosphere of mystery reigns, and where the hypnotist, dressed in a flowing robe, makes mysterious passes with his hands and slowly says: “Now you will fall asleep...”. After just five minutes, the specialist already penetrates the client’s mind and begins to control his thoughts.

In reality, everything is completely different. During hypnosis sessions, no one makes passes or penetrates someone else's mind, and certainly there is no magic there. It is important to understand that eating behavior cannot change overnight, as if by magic. But over time, a person is able to take control of his own diet, and hypnosis, a real medical and psychotherapeutic technique, can help him with this.

Hypnosis was first practiced in Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt: this technique was used exclusively for medical purposes. In the mid-20th century, hypnosis regained popularity, and many psychiatrists began to use this technique to treat their patients. Since 1958, hypnosis has been an officially recognized therapeutic technique with proven medical effects .

You will probably be surprised, but almost every person has been in a state of hypnosis at least once in his life, even if he himself was not aware of it. For example, sometimes we follow our usual route and don’t even notice how we find ourselves at the end point, or in the daytime we think about something and unexpectedly find a solution to a problem that has been bothering us for a long time.

Hypnosis is a lot like these moments. During the session, a person is put into a controlled trance state to help him get in touch with his subconscious, understand his needs and change his own perception of the world.

Ideas and solutions generated in a trance state do not disappear after leaving hypnosis. On the contrary, they are stored and deposited in our subconscious, allowing us to make more correct and conscious choices in the future.

How hypnosis works

Scientists estimate that 90% of our thoughts are subconscious and are the result of events and experiences from our past. Such thoughts “program” our consciousness in a certain way, and this programming can be either productive (“I feel best after exercise”) or counterproductive (“Today I had a hard day, so I deserve a bar of chocolate, because it It lifts my spirits so much." Our subconscious is devoid of logic, and it does not engage analytical thinking. Moreover, subconscious programs may be outdated and in no way correlated with our conscious choices.

Hypnosis involves relaxing the conscious mind in order to activate the subconscious and change thinking . Once the subconscious programs are corrected, it will become much easier to change your behavior, including eating.

The Science of Hypnosis

Immersion in hypnosis is carried out by repeating various phrases and images. This helps the patient relax and connect to their subconscious, explore important memories and work through thoughts that influence their behavior. You will, as it were, study your thoughts from afar and will be able to understand that in fact your thoughts do not determine your essence and cannot control you.

In addition, during hypnosis you will become more receptive to new ideas and may be able to recognize facts that previously made you doubt (for example, “I can lose weight”). Once you begin to control your subconscious mind, you will also be able to take control of your daily actions and your overall lifestyle.

Thanks to modern scientific techniques, in recent years it has been possible to find out exactly how hypnosis works. In particular, in 2016, a study was conducted in which patients who were put into hypnosis were given brain scans. This experiment made it possible to establish what processes occur in the human brain during hypnosis :

  • Decreased activity in the anterior cingulate cortex (the patient stops worrying about what happens outside the session);
  • Signs of an activated brain-body connection, which helps the brain work more efficiently and control what happens to the body;
  • Signs of weakening of the connection between action and thoughts (this means that the patient can perceive new ideas without having to think about them repeatedly).

Brain scans of patients who have mentally imagined an activity show that the same part of their brain is active that is activated when they actually participate in the activity. In other words, by visualizing the desired behavior and the emotions associated with it, we can change those patterns of behavior that previously did not suit us, making them more understandable and convenient.

Thus, the study proves that hypnosis really helps to “let go” of consciousness, fully focus on the problem that bothers us, realize the associated experience from the past and make productive changes in our lifestyle that will help solve this problem.

Hypnosis with music

Musical accompaniment enhances the effect of a hypnotic session. A calm, relaxing melody helps to get rid of obsessive everyday thoughts. It is this situation that often causes failures during hypnosis. An important condition is to achieve a state where a person visualizes a pleasant picture of nature in front of him and does not think about anything.

Hypnosis requires quiet music

Music without noise effects and clear rhythms is suitable for hypnosis. A suitable option would be classic Mozart melodies or melodies that imitate the sounds of nature (birds singing, the sound of sea waves). It is important that listening evokes only pleasant emotions and relieves stress. Complete relaxation helps the hypnologist’s attitudes penetrate not only the patient’s consciousness, but also his subconscious.

How does hypnosis work for weight loss?

Food is nothing more than a way to maintain our vital functions, but only a few people have formed a simple and understandable attitude towards food. Most of us consider food to be a way of comforting, relaxing or lifting our spirits, and many associate delicious and plentiful food with holidays or relaxing on vacation.

For example, after a busy day at work, we often reach for “goodies” - high-calorie foods with a high content of carbohydrates and fats. These snacks do give us a feeling of comfort, but only for a limited period of time. In some cases, we are also susceptible to emotional eating - uncontrolled eating, during which we eat much more than we originally planned.

According to candidate of medical sciences, psychotherapist Andrei Bobrovsky, hypnosis for weight loss helps break the connection between food and certain emotions that we associate with it : by entering a relaxed trance state, you begin to become aware of your own thoughts about weight, exercise and food. You come to understand that these are just thoughts: they do not carry any key value and do not always correspond to reality. Then you turn to your inner mind, which tells you that you always have a choice. As a result, you discover new strengths within yourself that will subsequently help you gain new thoughts and beliefs.

Let's look at a clear example of how hypnosis helps change eating habits.

Imagine that your subconscious mind tells you that the only way you can overcome stress is by eating a few servings of cookies. During hypnosis sessions, you will be able to identify and eliminate this false belief. You realize that cookies don't actually help you deal with stress (on the contrary, they increase your feelings of guilt, which will make you feel not only stressed, but also depressed and hopeless). On the other hand, stress can be dealt with in other, more useful ways: meditation, drawing or sports. Such activities will allow you to stabilize your psychological state for a long time and will not lead to extra pounds.

Thus, with the help of hypnosis, you can adjust your own beliefs and change your attitude towards food, hunger and associated emotions. This technique will allow you to understand what food you really need (for both body and mind).

What is coding for overeating based on?

Coding for excess weight in Krasnodar at the Emerkon clinic is possible using two methods - hypnosis and Dovzhenko. These are psychotherapeutic techniques with the help of which the patient is given a subconscious goal of losing weight.

  • Hypnosis. The specialist puts the patient into a state of light trance, similar to drowsiness. In this state, the human brain is more susceptible to suggestion. The doctor pronounces certain instructions that are deposited in the patient’s subconscious. A person is instilled with an aversion to unhealthy food and overeating; the doctor determines the permissible amount of food. If the patient eats more, he will feel unwell. If appetizing food previously made a person want to eat as much as possible, then after encoding, the abundance of tasty food will cause other emotions such as apprehension or fear. A person simply will not want to eat more than he needs.
  • Dovzhenko. Dovzhenko’s method for obesity is also, in essence, hypnosis, but it does not contain any negative attitudes. A person is not instilled with an aversion to food; on the contrary, they are programmed for a healthy lifestyle and form healthy eating habits.

Before the coding procedure, the patient must pass all the necessary tests and talk with a doctor. The doctor must accurately establish the cause of constant overeating in order to select the appropriate coding method and formulate the necessary settings. Keep in mind that by getting rid of one addiction, you can earn another. A person, having given up food, will look for a new way to relax. Classes with a psychologist and the concern of family members will help here.

Coding works much more effectively in the case of significant excess weight. If you need to lose a couple of kilos, this method is unlikely to suit you. Like the alcohol code, the overeating code is valid for a certain period. As a rule, during this time the patient gets used to eating food in limited quantities and no longer seeks salvation from pressing problems and worries in food.

If you just can’t lose weight, don’t despair - come to the Emercon clinic for a free consultation and learn about the benefits of coding!

Coding for excess weight in Krasnodar st. Oktyabrskaya 8.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis for Weight Loss

Does hypnosis help eliminate or at least reduce food cravings?

The periodic desire to eat this or that product is an absolutely normal phenomenon that you should not be ashamed of. However, if food cravings begin to control your eating behavior on an ongoing basis, then this is a much more unpleasant problem.

Hypnosis cannot completely eliminate food cravings, but it can significantly reduce their intensity and the extent to which they affect your behavior. Once you feel a desire to eat a particular product, you can take a break and calmly think about whether this desire is really so strong that it is worth slowing down your planned weight loss schedule. In other words, you will understand that the desire to do something does not always have to be translated into actual actions.

Will hypnosis make me hate my favorite food?

No. Hypnosis does not exist at all to make our lives gray and devoid of pleasure! It teaches us to enjoy our favorite foods mindfully and in moderation. In the end, even if we like a certain product, this does not mean at all that we will like how we feel after we eat kilograms of this product for several days in a row.

The most effective hypnosis is based on the delivery of positive statements. For example, you might repeat to yourself, “Overeating is bad for my body. I want to live as long as possible and stay in good health, so I have to respect my body and protect it.” Hypnosis can help you become convinced that our bodies (and ourselves) deserve to live a healthy, happy life, and this can only happen if we eat our favorite junk foods little and little.

After hypnosis will I just want to eat healthier foods?

In general, yes, but the result of hypnosis for weight loss is not only an increased desire to eat more healthily. Hypnosis also helps build self-esteem and confidence, so you can truly understand your goal and begin to confidently move towards it .

It is important to understand that hypnosis does not work on the surface. This technique touches the deep layers of our subconscious, heals old psychological wounds and lays the ground for a new life filled with health and well-being.

Will hypnosis program me to a certain diet?

No. Each person must adhere to an individual nutrition program based on their gender, age, weight, health status, rhythm of life and personal food preferences. There is simply no one-size-fits-all diet, so hypnosis cannot program you to follow any specific diet.

However, after hypnosis sessions, you will feel more determined to control your food cravings and indulge them only occasionally. You will be able to choose food wisely and consciously, without being led by emotions and without regarding food as a way to distract yourself or cheer yourself up.

Will I be able to control my behavior during hypnosis sessions?

Certainly. During hypnosis sessions, you will only do what suits your desires and aspirations. Your mind will come into contact with your subconscious, as a result of which you are more likely to be able to bring into your life the changes that you have long dreamed of.

During the session, you will not fall into deep sleep and will not lose touch with what is happening around you . If you come across an idea that seems wrong to you, or if something happens that requires your increased attention, you can rest assured that your brain will have no trouble bringing you out of your trance state.

Where is the guarantee that hypnosis will help me lose weight if numerous diets and exercises have not led to the desired result?

In most cases, losing weight is not simply about eating differently or exercising. It is for this reason that many of our weight loss plans end in failure (following advertised diets, promising to start a new life after the New Year, etc.). In order to change your life for the better, you need not just change something on the surface, but look deep into the problem.

If you have anxiety, depression, trauma, or a lack of self-confidence, even the best diet and exercise program will not get you to your ideal weight. As for hypnosis, this technique will help eliminate these limiting factors. During hypnosis sessions, you will be able to work through and replace negative thoughts and beliefs with positive ones, thanks to which you will be able to break out of the vicious circle of disappointment and guilt and successfully achieve your goal.

Is it possible to lose weight only with hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a key way to change your thinking and start a new life, but you still need to learn to consciously make the right choices in everything related to nutrition, exercise and lifestyle in general.

For example, many people are often lazy to go to the gym, although they understand that to lose weight they need to exercise. And for some, fatigue or a feeling of depression force them to turn to junk food, even though in general they have a desire to eat more healthily. Hypnosis can help you loosen these inhibitions, but it won't make you slim on its own. You'll still need to worry about purchasing a gym membership and making healthy food choices every day.

Is hypnosis suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight?

Unfortunately no. Research shows that approximately a quarter of all people are not hypnotizable , although hypnotizability is not always associated with any personality characteristics. If you don't tend to daydream, don't consider yourself a creative person, and if you find it difficult to fully immerse yourself in reading a book or watching a movie, then you are probably one of those people for whom hypnosis will not bring the desired results.

Additionally, hypnosis is not suitable for those looking for a quick fix for weight loss. Don't forget that there is no magic spell that will help you get rid of unwanted pounds in a matter of seconds. Hypnosis is just a way to align your subconscious beliefs with your conscious desires, so you can successfully stick to your diet and confidently pursue your dreams, but it takes time.

There are a number of other circumstances that can become an obstacle to conducting hypnosis sessions:

  • The patient has any mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc.). In this case, hypnosis not only will not solve the problem of losing weight, but may even worsen psychological difficulties. If you have previously been diagnosed with one of these diseases, be sure to consult with your doctor before performing hypnosis.
  • Having a food phobia that significantly affects your relationship with food. Such features require preliminary study, otherwise hypnosis may be ineffective.

It has also been proven that hypnosis practically does not work with those who do not believe in its effectiveness . Can you overcome your skepticism and let go of the idea that nothing will help you lose weight? If not, then it is better to work with a psychotherapist in advance to ensure that subsequent hypnosis sessions go well.

However, there is no need to despair: hypnosis works successfully with a huge number of people. The main thing is to focus on results and believe in success!

The effectiveness of audio recordings for hypnosis

Differences between hypnosis during a personal visit to a doctor and hypnosis under the influence of audio recordings

The key difference between these two types of hypnosis is the presence (or absence) of a hypnotherapist. You must listen to the audio recordings yourself, so you will not have the opportunity to contact your doctor if you have any questions or to discuss your concerns and needs.

However, the main goal of hypnosis is to open the patient's inner consciousness, and this work does not require outside participation. Almost every person initially struggles with several inner voices that give him advice on what, how much and when to eat. Of course, a good hypnotherapist will never join this chorus of conflicting voices, but most people admit that they find it easier to tune into their consciousness in conditions where they do not have to follow the recommendations of an outsider.

However, this does not mean that you will be completely alone while listening to the audio recording. A high-quality recording will help you establish contact with the voice of a certified hypnotherapist, who will gently and smoothly lead you into a state of trance.

Audio recordings for hypnosis are ways to bring the desired results as quickly as personal sessions. By listening to such recordings for 20 minutes every day, you will be able to feel the first changes within 1-3 weeks.

Benefits of audio recordings for hypnosis

The main advantage of such recordings is their availability to a wide range of people at any convenient time . You can listen to such recordings on the way to work (only if you are not driving and do not have to change to other modes of transport) or during breaks between meetings at work. You can also listen to the recordings every time you feel hungry, or in the evening before going to bed (in this case, do not forget to set the player to automatically turn off in advance so that at the end of the session you can sleep peacefully until the morning). It all depends on your personal preferences.

Hypnosis audios are a great way to start and end each day with positive thoughts and new ideas. Thanks to such sessions, the correct attitudes will be firmly entrenched in your subconscious, and the procedure will be as effective as possible.

Home hypnosis allows you to keep your weight loss process under complete control. You can listen to different recordings several times to determine which ones suit you best. In addition, the audio recordings will remain at your disposal even after completing the first course. This means that you can return to them months or even years later if necessary.

When can you start listening to hypnosis audio recordings?

Listening to audio recordings for hypnosis does not require special preparation. It is enough to find a quiet, secluded place where you will feel relaxed, and where no one will be with you during the entire session . Some people prefer to listen to recordings in nature (for example, in a park), while others prefer the cozy atmosphere of a dimly lit room with a soft sofa, or even their own bed.

Before you start listening, find a comfortable position and spend a few minutes in silence. Try to relax and tune in to the session.

You can listen to audio recordings through speakers (if you are at home and know that no one will disturb you), but most people prefer to use headphones. In addition to greater comfort, headphones also help to temporarily tune out extraneous sounds, which makes the procedure even more effective.

Tips and tricks

Any audio recording for hypnosis contains all the necessary instructions, but there are a number of points that are worth paying attention to even before the session begins.

First, make sure that you have downloaded the audio file to all the gadgets you use (computer, tablet, smartphone). In this case, you will always have access to the recording, regardless of where you are and whether there is an Internet connection in this place.

Secondly, try to always plan a time to listen to a recording in advance , just like you plan a work meeting or a trip to the doctor. Set aside a 30-minute interval in your schedule that will repeat at the same time every day. This will allow you to turn listening to a recording into a comfortable habit. In addition, psychologists are sure that the key to a successful diet is clearly planning the time of meals and exercise, so if you decide to include hypnosis for weight loss in your schedule, then let these sessions also be planned in advance.

Some people find it easier to listen to recordings when they are hungry, but before you begin a session, it is important to listen to your body and meet its most pressing needs . A strong feeling of hunger can prevent you from relaxing, and the trance state will not be as deep and productive. Remember that your goal is reasonable weight loss, not extreme fasting. Learn to distinguish real hunger from emotional hunger, and then with each session it will become easier for you to manage your feelings.

You can listen to different hypnosis audio recordings throughout the week, but it is better if each session is built around one specific recording . For example, the morning may be devoted to a post about proper nutrition, and the evening to another post, this time about exercise. This technique will allow your subconscious to fully process each idea before you move on to the next.

How to Find an Audio Recording That Really Works

Today you can find many videos and audio recordings for hypnosis on the Internet, but in the vast majority of cases these materials are offered by people who do not have the necessary qualifications and experience in conducting hypnosis sessions. Perhaps such recordings will partly help you relax, but they certainly will not produce the effect that real professional hypnosis provides. It's like looking at other people's vacation photos instead of going on a trip yourself.

You can probably find a high-quality recording only on the websites of certified Russian hypnotherapists . It is important to choose the voice that suits you best. It can be a male or female voice; more energetic or softer. Remember that you will be listening to the recording not for someone else, but for your own sake, so you have every right to choose what suits you completely.

Duration of hypnosis for weight loss

When can you start hypnosis?

There is no clear time frame: you can start hypnosis sessions at any time convenient for you, starting today (provided that you do not have the mental disorders that we discussed above). To do this, you can make an appointment with a hypnotherapist or download audio recordings for hypnosis on the Internet.

If you know exactly what is preventing you from losing weight (anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc.), then you can try downloading a special hypnosis course dedicated to eliminating these problems. The main thing is to remember that serious changes in life come only after large-scale internal work on yourself.

How long does one hypnosis session last?

One hypnosis audio recording lasts on average 20-30 minutes, while a personal visit to a hypnotherapist takes about an hour. During each session you will be in a trance state almost the entire time, so time will fly by.

How quickly will the results be noticeable?

The most receptive people can feel the first internal changes after the first session. However, in any case, you should not count on instant results: your idea of ​​the world and yourself was not formed overnight, so it will take some time to change it properly.

On average, after a few sessions, most people notice that their automatic thinking has changed in some way . For example, instead of the familiar inner voice that says, “My urge to eat is too strong and I will never be able to cope with it,” you will find that more positive thoughts appear in your head (“I feel like I have complete control over my life and I can choose the right and healthy food").

If you listen to hypnosis tapes every day for 3-4 weeks and repeat positive statements and ideas to yourself, then after this period you will be able to reprogram your brain. At the same time, you will notice not only internal, but also external changes: just one week is enough to control your food cravings and eat right, and the number on the scale will begin to decrease.

How long should you practice hypnosis?

If you plan to see a hypnotherapist in person, your therapist will likely advise you to book at least 6 sessions. In the case of listening to audio recordings, it is enough to practice daily for 1-2 weeks.

Many people continue to attend hypnosis sessions even after reaching their ideal weight. Such activities help them refresh their memory of the correct attitudes, test their subconscious and tune into a positive mood after a particularly difficult and stressful day.

No matter how many sessions you plan to attend, remember to be patient and be kind to yourself. You deserve to give your body and mind time to recognize its needs and make the necessary transformation.

What it is

Hypnosis is a type of psychotherapeutic intervention. The patient is taught to establish an adequate attitude towards food. A person does not experience any aversion to food after hypnosis. A healthy attitude towards foods is formed, which are considered as a means of maintaining energy balance in the body. The desire to eat arises only against the background of hunger.

Saturation occurs after eating a balanced meal:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • baked goods made from wholemeal flour;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • berries;
  • dairy products.

The main reason for gaining excess weight is often an addiction to high-calorie foods (this includes confectionery and fast food). It is to such food that the hypnotherapist forms an indifferent attitude.

Choosing the right hypnosis program for weight loss

When searching for a suitable course, pay attention to your personal experience, personality traits, daily routine and food preferences. Think about your short and long term goals. Do you want to lose weight, that is, weigh less? Or is your goal to achieve a more toned and athletic body, regardless of the number on the scale? What bothers you most is your unattractive figure? Do you know how to distinguish between emotional hunger and real hunger? The answers to these and many other questions will help you choose the optimal hypnosis program.

You also need to understand how much time you can devote to hypnosis. Do you have the opportunity to take a full week course? Or do you prefer to see a hypnotherapist once a week? If flexibility and convenience are important to you, then it is better to choose an online program in which you can study at any convenient time.

Once you know your preferences, start looking for a certified hypnotherapist who specializes in health, fitness and weight loss. Many of them have their own websites on the Internet, but be careful and cut off those who do not have the necessary qualifications and experience. And don't hesitate to ask questions and inquire about consultation opportunities, especially if you plan to see a hypnotherapist in person.

Today, there are dozens of hypnosis programs for weight loss. Some focus on internal transformations, others on the fight against food urges and habits. Some programs focus more on finding a solution to a problem, while others are based on calmly exploring your inner self and gaining new motivation and confidence in your abilities.

Regardless of your goals and preferences, you can rest assured that you will be able to find a suitable program. Take your time and carefully study several programs. Remember: your health and your interests must come first in any case.

Is it possible to lose weight at home?

Weight loss activities can be carried out at home if there are no serious problems with physical and mental health. Before you lose weight, you need to undergo the necessary set of examinations and find out the state of the endocrine system.

In the presence of endocrine disorders, all treatment methods (including hypnosis for weight loss) must be agreed upon with an endocrinologist.

To achieve optimal results, you will need to rebuild your lifestyle, eliminate bad habits and acquire useful ones. Here's what you need to give up first:

  • consumption of alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks;
  • smoking;
  • watching TV shows on the couch with food;
  • going to the supermarket when you are hungry (there is a high probability of buying an excessive amount of food).

Learning to live without stress

To lose weight, you will have to acquire the necessary healthy habits:

  • daily morning exercises;
  • a sufficient amount of clean artesian water;
  • fruits and berries for dessert;
  • satisfying hunger with an impressive portion of salads made from fresh vegetables and herbs (the amount of protein food should be several times less);
  • fresh olive and linseed oil;
  • snacking on nuts and seeds;
  • If possible, walk to work (at least part of the way);
  • access to the upper floors without the help of an elevator.

If you follow these rules, you can really achieve an effect. Hypnosis for weight loss with this lifestyle will reduce the stress load on the body and relieve emotional tension and stress about giving up your favorite foods.

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