Star weight loss of “Comedy Woman” resident Ekaterina Varnava

One of the brightest participants of Comedy Woman, Ekaterina Varnava, attracts fans not only with her subtle humor, but also with her seductive figure. The secret to losing weight is quite simple. “To do this, it’s enough to throw yourself into work so that there isn’t even a free minute for a snack,” admits Katya

The life and work of famous people is of constant interest to the public. When it comes to losing weight, many girls lean towards the recipes of the stars and their lifestyle. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are concerned about the question of how Ekaterina Varnava lost weight and what is her secret.

History of weight loss

The appearance in public of a prettier and slimmer Barnabas aroused the interest of tabloids and journalists. Some began to accuse her of being too thin, while others admired the girl’s new appearance. They began to say that she took miracle pills, used special berries and teas, and tested numerous well-known diets. A photo of a thinner Ekaterina appeared on Instagram, where fans immediately attacked her with requests to share her beauty recipe.

As a child and teenager, Katya was a curvy girl. In high school, the future star decided that it was time to pull herself together and took up dancing. When I entered college I had to forget about dancing, and the weight returned.

Then Varnava began to take part in the university KVN team and act on television.

Show business provided the star with a busy work schedule. Katya Varnava says that it was this daily routine that helped her in the fight against kilograms. Moreover, the girl’s height is 180 cm and her weight is 60 kg.

Ekaterina Varnava now

In 2021, Ekaterina Varnava began hosting her own show on YouTube. Popular people from Russia answered questions from teenagers and children. The following people visited Katya: rapper Basta, Timur Batrutdinov, Dmitry Maslennikov, Marina Kravets.

The girl starred in the melodrama “Marathon of Desires” and became the main character in the video “Novels”. In Kirkorov's video, Varnava played the role of a seductress. The clip caused not only positive but also negative responses. The girls in the video are dressed in monastic robes on top and revealing bodysuits on the bottom. The public called the video blasphemy.

Actress Varnava continues to star in Comedy Woman. Katya and her former partner Myakinkov wanted to create a project together, but the couple separated. In February 2021, Barnabas' remarks almost turned into a terrible scandal. The artist said that the cost of living in the country is 40 thousand rubles.

Fans were shocked that the comedian did not know what pensions real people have. The showwoman tried to explain and defend her position. She noted that her mother receives about 18 thousand rubles and she believes that expenses above this amount can be considered extortion.

Varnava is actively involved in sports and goes to various salons for various procedures. During the quarantine period, the artist gives recommendations on how to do household chores and spend time with children and family. Barnabas advises the public to explore new interests and hobbies.

Katya Varnava emphasized that we must not forget about our grandparents, we need to help them financially and bring food. The star calls on people to be united, take responsibility, and support those in need

Ekaterina Varnava is convinced that it is necessary to surround older people with warmth and attention

Hobbies and interests

Barnabas has many interests and hobbies. She said that there is one very expensive one. The artist has a special passion for jewelry. Barnabas often buys voluminous rings and earrings. The showwoman has a whole collection of jewelry.

Actress Varnava admitted in an interview that she does not go out without 1-2 decorations. The TV presenter returns home for earrings or a ring if she left without an expensive accessory. The comedian also said that she does not like to wear the same jewelry, so she has to regularly visit jewelry stores.

Another hobby of Barnabas is philanthropy. The celebrity helps those in need and encourages the public to do good deeds. Catherine stopped wearing fur and leather clothes. She is convinced that animals do not deserve such cruel treatment.

For the actress, a serious hobby is sports. Proper nutrition complements the effect of training. Barnabas does not eat fish or meat, and has given up sugar and baked goods. The TV presenter has lost a lot of weight, and the artist has cheekbones and a clear jawline. When a person loses excess weight, his face changes for the better.

TV presenter Katya Varnava openly says that she undergoes plastic surgery and changes her appearance. The idol of millions goes to beauty salons if necessary. Since childhood, Varnava has not liked her appearance, so she is not against correction. The actress admitted to Nastya Ivleeva that she went under the knife more than once. She changed her controversial facial features and does not regret her decision.

Experts said that Varnava removed Bish’s lumps, pumped up her lips, and corrected the tip of her nose. Plastic surgeons worked on the actress’s cheekbones. The comedian admitted that she had a breast reduction. She didn't like size 6, and Barnabas decided that a third would be enough.

Barnabas loves animals. She had many dogs, but now she can’t imagine life without a dachshund. The dog is always nearby and often gets into the frame. The actress Varnava monitors the pet’s nutrition and regularly takes him to the veterinarian. Pets for Ekaterina Varnava are a real outlet.

The comedian loves to make funny videos. Barnabas is not afraid to make himself look bad. Borodenko helps the girl with roller skates. Friends come up with the plot of comedy scenes and bring them to life. The videos get 1-2 million views and a large number of likes on Instagram.

Star tips

The Comedy Woman resident claims in numerous interviews that she did not follow diets, special physical exercises, and certainly did not take questionable pills. Candid photos of the star show off their feminine curves. Varnava happily gives advice to those girls who dream of getting closer to her parameters.

  • Often, but little by little. Ekaterina tries to eat 5 times a day in small portions. But complete refusal of food threatens vitamin deficiency in the body and deterioration of the condition of hair and nails. Katya's diet includes a complete abstinence from meat and fish, and sweets. Only fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, eggs.
  • Have breakfast! A nutritious breakfast every day will give you energy for the whole day. Barnabas's breakfast consists of yogurt or low-fat cottage cheese. The star advises to give up coffee and give preference to green tea or orange juice.
  • Movement is life. Dance, run, go to the gym, but just don't sit in one place. A losing weight body must burn calories rationally and correctly. In addition, dancing will help in the formation of a seductive figure and flexibility of movements. Photos of Catherine show that she managed to achieve significant success in this.
  • Snack rules. Instead of fast food - an apple, instead of a cake - dark chocolate. If you don’t have enough time for a full lunch, you can eat kiwi or dried apricots, or give preference to yogurt. As for drinks, you should avoid alcohol, coffee, and sweet tea.

By following these simple rules, the star was able to lose an unnecessary 8 kilograms. Comparing the photos of Varvana Ekaterina before and after losing weight, it can be noted that the resident’s legs have become more toned, her waist is thinner, and her tummy has completely disappeared.

Ekaterina Varnava: biography

Katya is one of the brightest and most memorable participants in the women’s show “Comedy Woman”. In addition, the girl’s colleagues speak of her as an intelligent, resourceful and incredibly talented woman. And she is, without a doubt, beautiful. Once you see her during a performance, you are unlikely to forget her.

Today Varnava is successful and famous, she is the dream of many Russian men, but once they laughed at her and made her an outcast. But it was precisely childhood resentment and a sense of injustice that helped Katya become what she is today.

Childhood and youth, parents, education

Ekaterina was born into a family of a military man and a doctor in Moscow on December 9, 1984. The parents already had two children - these are the artist’s older brothers. As for nationality, she has Kazakh blood in her veins on her father’s side.

After Katya’s birth, the family moved to Germany; only at the age of seven did Varnava return to her homeland. At school, the girl was treated with caution and was often offended because she wore out her brothers’ clothes, since her parents did not have the opportunity to buy her new ones.

Until the age of 14, Ekaterina attended a choreographic club and dreamed of becoming a champion, but her injury prevented her from doing so.

After graduating from school, the girl entered the MIMiS Technical University. In parallel with her studies, Katya managed to work as a waitress and dancer in a nightclub.

In 2015, Varnava appeared in the video clip of the musical group “Record Orchestra” for the sensational composition “Lada-Sedan”

Participation in the KVN team

Katya’s creative career began with participation in KVN. At first she performed in a team called “My Secrets”. And then she became a member of the “Team of Small Nations”. After five successful games, the team reached the finals, where they took an honorable fourth place.

Varnava has known some of the participants of “Comedy Woman” since the days of KVN

At the end of 2006, the composition entered the music competition “Voting KiViN”; a good performance gave them the opportunity to reach the semi-finals. But in the first game they were eliminated. In 2008, after losing again, the team ceased to exist.

Comedy Woman

After leaving KVN, Ekaterina was offered to try herself in the new humorous project “Comedy Woman”, she was supposed to act as a sex symbol. The girl agreed, and, as it turned out later, not in vain. It was the show that brought her recognition and audience love.

Barnabas surprisingly quickly got used to the role; her heroine enjoyed great success among fans of the comedy genre.

Ekaterina is responsible for the choreography of the members of the “Comedy Woman” cast


Ekaterina had cinematic experience. She starred in several films, but the roles were small. Among them are “Univer”, “8 First Dates”, “Studio 17” and “Zomboyashchik”.

True, she gets exclusively comedic roles. Although the girl herself admits that she could play a dramatic heroine with a difficult fate.

Participation in TV shows

As for other television projects, Ekaterina first tried herself as a presenter back in 2012 in the NTV Morning program. Two years later, Varnava began working on a Ukrainian channel in a humorous program called “Who’s on Top.” Katya replaced Olga Freimut.

The artist also appeared as a participant in the show. Many people remember her stunning performances on the Ice Age project.

Today Varnava has a new show “Fight with Girls”, she hosts it together with Alexander Gudkov

Plastic surgery

Catherine never hid the fact that she used the services of plastic surgeons. The girl repeatedly emphasized that she saw nothing wrong with this. She believes that if there is an opportunity to correct something you don’t like, then you should use it.

As for plastic surgery, Barnabas resorted to several procedures. In 2011, the star of “Comedy Woman” had her lips done: she slightly corrected the shape and enlarged them. Barnabas spoke openly about this herself.

For the second time, the artist had rhinoplasty and corrected the shape of her eyebrows. As a result, her nose has become much smaller and neater, but is still her signature feature.

Also, many believe that the beauty removed Bisha’s lumps, but the girl herself does not confirm this information.

Varnava achieved her ideal figure herself; she has not eaten meat for several years, regularly visits the gym, today her weight is 67 kg and her height is 187 cm

Where does he live?

Despite the fact that the artist owns an apartment, she lives in rented housing. The girl jokes that her three-ruble ruble does not have a dressing room, which she needs.

But Katya still plans to have a housewarming party in the near future; the renovations are just being completed. According to Barnabas, her home will have a library, a bedroom with a guest room. Also a kitchen, dining area, two bathrooms and a wardrobe.

The path to the dream

Having model parameters, Katya absolutely does not limit herself in the number of servings she eats. Vegetarianism is good, but if there is an irresistible desire to eat a piece of fragrant chicken, then the star can afford it. However, such a diet does not harm the figure and requires additional exercise in the gym.

To fully follow the diet of Catherine Barnabas, you need to drink a lot, up to 2 liters of water per day. Green tea without sugar has a beneficial effect on the appearance. This drink will give you energy for the whole day and remove dangerous toxins from the body.

To perfect your shape, you need to regularly carry out cosmetic procedures and organize SPA days. Ekaterina prefers to visit beauty salons, but honey wrap can be done at home. Essential oils, light music and a bath with sea salt make the skin tightened and fresh.

The Comedy Woman star says that you need to love your body in any condition.

Nutritionist opinion

Experts have different points of view on how Ekaterina Varnava lost weight. On the one hand, her diet is not strict and starvation. It contains many useful vitamins and beneficial elements for the normal functioning of the body. But, on the other hand, a complete refusal of protein must be compensated for by something.

If protein is not obtained from animal products, then it should be taken from plant foods. Protein is an important building element in the body. Without it, muscles and organs will not develop. A sufficient amount of protein speeds up the weight loss process. To ensure this, you need to include legumes, mushrooms, spinach and asparagus, cauliflower and broccoli, avocados, and almonds in your diet.

And here is more information about Polina Gagarina’s diet.

After losing weight, Ekaterina Varnava began to look even better and more attractive. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are always beneficial. The actress followed a simple diet, which gave such amazing results. Vegetarianism, when done correctly, can help you lose weight.

Polina Gagarina’s diet has proven itself well. After all, after giving birth, the girl had to seriously work on her body; she preferred a diet alternating with vegetable days. Usually the menu is made for 9 days, but 7 is also suitable.

Many people are eager to find out how Ekaterina lost weight and what diet helped achieve such a great result. And the secret is simply simple - the correct menu for the week for weight loss + sports + massage.

The whole country was able to see how effective Olga Kartunkova’s diet is. The star literally lost more than half her weight before our eyes. The menu was varied for every day; it was only important to calculate calories and the ratio of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Star diet

Barnabas’s menu before losing weight included fish products, pickles and canned food. Only by reviewing her diet, the star was able to achieve impressive results. So, we present Catherine’s sample menu for the day.

BreakfastIdeally oatmeal. Pour 150 g of any cereal with water and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Toast a piece of bread in the toaster and brew green tea.
LunchThe snack consists of fresh fruits: apples, oranges, kiwi.
DinnerWe prepare a light vegetable soup with the addition of mushrooms, cabbage, zucchini and tomatoes. In addition to the first course, you can prepare a salad of fresh vegetables.
Afternoon snackA glass of kefir or juice.
DinnerPrepare stewed vegetables and buckwheat cutlets.

Diet menu example

Ekaterina Varnava considers the main reason for her weight loss to be giving up meat and seafood. It is worth noting here that the actress does not eat it not for ideological reasons, but simply because she does not feel the need. But on rare occasions, she can treat herself to kebab or chicken. However, she does not feel guilty.

First, Ekaterina Varnava excluded meat products, then began to reduce the amount of fish. This is how weight loss began.

The actress doesn’t do anything special; Barnabas’s diet menu looks quite simple:

  • She eats porridge with fruit or nuts for breakfast, as well as whole grain toast. Be sure to drink a cup of green tea without sugar. In the morning, natural muesli with kefir or yogurt goes well.
  • She makes her first snack before lunch. At this time, it is best to eat a fruit or a handful of nuts. A glass of fermented milk drink is also suitable.
  • During the diet, Barnabas dines with vegetable broth and salad. You can eat spaghetti made from durum wheat.
  • For an afternoon snack, she simply drinks a glass of freshly squeezed juice without sugar.
  • Dinner should be stewed or grilled vegetables; cereal cutlets are good.

Recipes from Ekaterina

The Comedy Woman resident decided to share her favorite recipes with fans.

Famous buckwheat cutlets

  1. Sort out and cook a glass of buckwheat.
  2. Chop a medium-sized onion, 0.5 kg of champignons and grate a medium carrot.
  3. Fry carrots and onions in a frying pan. Once they are ready, add the mushrooms. Salt and pepper.
  4. Grind the resulting mass with a blender.
  5. Form the minced meat into cutlets and roll them in flour. Fry on each side for 5 minutes.

Vegetarian soup to keep fit

  1. We begin to boil water. At this time, chop the mushrooms, onions and grate the carrots.
  2. Fry all ingredients in a frying pan.
  3. Peel 0.5 kg of potatoes and cut into cubes. Throw into boiling water.
  4. Chop the cabbage and add to the potatoes.
  5. After boiling, add the frying mixture to the pan.

These recipes will help you maintain your figure and also overcome extra pounds.


One of the brightest participants of Comedy Woman, Ekaterina Varnava, attracts fans not only with her subtle humor, but also with her seductive figure. The secret to losing weight is quite simple. “To do this, it’s enough to throw yourself into work so that there isn’t even a free minute for a snack,” admits Katya

The life and work of famous people is of constant interest to the public. When it comes to losing weight, many girls lean towards the recipes of the stars and their lifestyle. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are concerned about the question of how Ekaterina Varnava lost weight and what is her secret.

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