Sugar scrub -Top 5 recipes -For body -For face -For lips

Most people have regular white sugar in their kitchen. And it can be an excellent component for preparing a sweet body scrub. Scientists and doctors have long been trumpeting the dangers of eating this product. But when used externally, everything changes: a dangerous sweetness turns into a friend that can restore a healthy and toned appearance to the skin. It’s quite easy to prepare a sugar body scrub with your own hands; there are dozens of recipes to suit every taste and budget.

What are the benefits of body scrubs?

Everyone knows what a baby's skin feels like: soft, delicate and very smooth. With age, the regeneration processes of the integument slow down, keratinized skin particles are in no hurry to leave it, elasticity gives way to sagging and dryness. But don’t despair, even at home you can significantly improve the situation. Competent and regular skin care will bring good results.

One of the most effective skin renewal procedures is scrubbing. A scrub is any cosmetic product containing small abrasive particles and binding nutritional components.

Applying any cosmetic mass, prepared at home or in the salon, is beneficial for the body because:

  • Improves blood circulation in tissues
  • Helps saturate cells with oxygen
  • Disperses stagnant lymph
  • Removes dead cells
  • Cleanses pores
  • Eliminates dust and oily shine, mattifies
  • Nourishing base - softens the skin
  • Active components moisturize and restore the epidermis.

The above list proves that the effort spent will be more than compensated. With constant use, changes are noticeable within a couple of weeks.

Who should not use the scrub?

Every woman dreams of having skin as soft as velvet. Many girls do cleansing procedures at home, and some of you prefer a cozy spa room.

However, no matter what method and process of body care you choose, it is important to remember that there are contraindications to these procedures and they must be observed.


The time of waiting for your baby is the most exciting and wonderful time for a woman. It is important to know and remember that many body care procedures are contraindicated at this time. This is due to the fact that the expectant mother has increased skin sensitivity and may have an adverse effect on the baby.

Since most spa scrubs contain essential oils, which are not recommended to be used during pregnancy. Also, careless movement can cause great harm and have poorly predictable consequences. So, it's not worth the risk!

Skin damage

If you have small scratches, open wounds, or burns on your skin, then scrubs are strictly contraindicated until you have completely healed your body.

Otherwise, you risk aggravating the injury, causing pain, delaying the healing process, and developing an infection.

Fresh tan

If you have just sunbathed and got tanned, then you should not use a scrub right away, as this can lead to skin irritation, increased sensitivity to the sun and the risk of age spots.

Sensitive skin

Those with very sensitive and allergy-prone skin should be extremely careful, as some products may be contraindicated.

To harm your health, you need to do an allergy test by applying a little scrub to your wrist. It is also recommended to use fine exfoliating particles in selected recipes.

Vein problems

If you have venous nodes and spider veins on your skin, then it is better to avoid procedures. Or don't use scrubs in problem areas.

Why choose a sugar body scrub?

A mass for deep cleansing of the skin can include many components: aromatic herbs and spices, nutritious fruits and berries, natural oils. The most common exfoliating particles are ground coffee, apricot or grape seeds, salt and sugar. We will talk about the benefits of sugar abrasive:

  1. Glycolic acid contained in the sweet product retains moisture in the body and activates the synthesis of elastin and collagen.
  2. Tenzins normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and quickly mattify the skin.
  3. Monosaccharides slightly bronze the skin, giving a light tan.
  4. Monosaccharides also smooth out the epidermis, thereby tightening the skin and making fine wrinkles less noticeable.

Sugar peeling has quite a lot of advantages in its arsenal, but there are also strict contraindications to it. Let's look at all the nuances.

What beneficial properties does the product have?

A homemade sugar scrub is a good helper in the fight against acne, cellulite, and stretch marks. It eliminates the consequences of past skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis), nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis.

Thanks to its unique composition, sugar provides positive effects for both the face and body.

For body

A “sweet” scrub, prepared independently from natural ingredients, is used to care for problem areas of the body. This helps to take care of your skin carefully.

  1. Relief improvement. Regular use of a sugar-based exfoliator can make stretch marks, cellulite, and scars less noticeable. Blood flow to problem areas improves, which helps burn excess fat.
  2. Normalization of lymph and blood circulation. Due to the flow of blood to the surface of the epidermis, its color improves, tone and elasticity appear. The effect is achieved through light massage movements and soft scrubbing.
  3. Tightening effect. Sugar is a good helper in the fight for youthful skin. It provides a natural lifting effect and makes problem areas tightened.
  4. Protective functions. You can use the product on your elbows and heels - after several uses, a protective film will form on them. Thanks to it, these areas will remain soft, roughness and darkening will disappear.

A soft scrub based on a sweet component is suitable for use on any type of epidermis. It is recommended to apply it to previously cleaned areas using a special massage brush or mitten.

For face

Homemade sugar facial scrub becomes a good alternative to store-bought cosmetics, the composition of which leaves much to be desired. The grains gradually dissolve during use, making the procedure soft and harmless even for sensitive skin.

  1. Complete care. After using the scrub, the face becomes soft and velvety, and a natural glow appears.
  2. Normalization of sebum secretion. Regular use of a natural product helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The balance between oily and dry areas is restored, and impurities are effectively removed from the pores.
  3. Tightening effect. Sugar is an indispensable product for home care for aging skin. It provides good lifting: eliminates facial and deep wrinkles, smoothes the relief.
  4. Elimination of comedones. Many skin diseases and the appearance of blackheads are associated with poor pore cleansing. Remains of sebum and dust contribute to inflammation of the sebaceous glands; impurities can only be removed by regular scrubbing.
  5. Rejuvenating effect. Sugar contains a valuable substance - glycolic acid, which eliminates age spots. It helps accelerate regeneration processes - removes dead cells, and young, soft skin appears in their place.
  6. High-quality hydration. Restoring hydrobalance is an important part of facial care. Complete hydration is the key to youthful epidermis. The product contains valuable oils that help retain valuable moisture inside cells, thus slowing down the natural aging process.

We recommend: How to make your own coffee body scrub at home? Recipes and rules of use

A sugar-based exfoliant is suitable for caring for any skin type, including dry skin. You can add components to your home remedy that will provide thorough care for any epidermis.

Before applying exfoliating cosmetics, your face must be prepared - wash with gel or foam. You cannot use a scrub without first cleansing the skin - there is a risk of making the impurities worse.

Who should not use body scrubs, including those with sugar?

The procedure for applying a scrub in some cases carries both benefits and harm to the body. It is worth postponing the idea if:

  • The skin is very sensitive. Solid particles can damage the skin and even leave scratches
  • The skin is irritated after shaving or has open wounds. Scrubbing will only make existing problems worse.
  • There is a period of pregnancy or breastfeeding. Most often, peeling recipes contain fairly strong allergens that can harm the child.
  • There is a tendency to allergic reactions. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a test application of the mass on the wrist.
  • The body was badly sunburned. You need to give your body a couple of weeks to recover.
  • Phlebeurysm. The use of scrubs is possible for mild varicose veins, but with fine abrasives and light rubbing. If the veins are noticeably dilated, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

If all the prohibitions are not relevant, you can safely deal with the question of how to properly use sugar polishing.


Despite the mild effect of a sugar exfoliant, it must be used with caution. The contraindications are as follows:

  • period of exacerbation of skin inflammation;
  • too sensitive and thin skin that can easily be damaged;
  • deep scratches, burns, wounds;
  • individual intolerance to auxiliary components;
  • closely spaced capillaries.

“Sweet” scrub is an effective home remedy with a wide spectrum of action. Regular use allows you to:

  • make skin hydrated and healthy;
  • correct deficiencies;
  • level the terrain.

Basics of Sugar Body Peeling

In order to get the maximum benefit from the scrub, you should follow simple rules. It is important to know how to use this tool.

First you need to steam your body well and thoroughly clean the skin of dirt and dust; you can use any mild cleanser. When the pores open, it will not be amiss to carry out a small massage procedure, this will activate blood circulation. You can apply the scrub while wearing gloves and rub the mass in a circular motion along the lymph flow.

Smooth scrubbing goes from the feet up to the pelvis, from the palms to the shoulders, we rub the stomach in a circle, but be careful with the delicate skin of the chest: you don’t have to touch it at all. Also, do not apply the scrub to your neck, armpits and inner thighs.

The product remains on the body for five to fifteen minutes. Then you need to take a warm shower and remove the mass. It would be a good idea to apply a moisturizer or lotion afterwards.

For those with oily skin, scrubbing is recommended twice a week, for everyone else – once.

Even the recipe prepared for the first time will give you renewed, velvety and soft skin with a pleasant aroma!

Cooking recommendations

It is better to use cane sugar to make a scrub. It contains more useful substances. All products must be fresh and not expired. Juices should be freshly squeezed, decoctions should be freshly brewed and cooled. Sour cream, honey and similar products must have a uniform consistency.

IMPORTANT! You need to mix the ingredients one at a time, without adding everything at once. Sugar is added to the composition last so that it does not have time to melt before use.

For one-time use

The scrub, which is prepared for one-time use, should be prepared in a minimum quantity. It cannot be stored, especially if it contains natural juices. Scrubs based on liquid components cannot be stored even in the refrigerator, since the sugar will still melt.

Preserving the scrub by adding preservatives to it is not recommended. Why?

  • Firstly, because preservatives are not good for the skin.
  • Secondly, such a scrub cannot be called natural.
  • Thirdly, when storing the liquid scrub, the sugar will begin to form a jelly. This will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the next procedure.
  • Fourth, choosing the right preservative and purchasing it can be an impossible task.

For long term use

Such scrubs must be hard. The base for their manufacture can be a soap base or butter. These products will take longer to make but can be used within a few weeks.

Among the main disadvantages of hard scrubs, one can highlight the base for their production. Soap and sugar scrub dries out the skin. If you choose batter for production, that is, solid oil, the product becomes very greasy, and after using it you need to additionally cleanse the skin.

The main advantages of using solid scrubs include:

  1. The possibility of using them on the road, on vacation, in the country and where it is not possible to prepare a new one every time.
  2. Such scrubs are also inexpensive, since once you prepare the scrub, you can use it several times.
  3. Preparing a reusable scrub saves a lot of time. This can be a solution for those who work a lot, take care of children and do not have enough time to prepare homemade cosmetics.

How to make your own sugar body scrub

Before choosing the best recipes, you need to understand the basics of making a body scrub.

For the scrub, we choose finely ground sugar for sensitive skin; for normal, oily or combination skin, medium grinding is fine. Additional fillers in this cosmetic product can include oils, honey, cereals, clay, coffee, salt, shower gel, water, kefir, sour cream, fruits and berries, spices and herbs, and even vegetables.

It is better to use natural oil or base cream as the basis of the scrub. This way the skin will receive not only deep cleansing, but also nutrition and hydration at the same time.

In all options, we first mix the dry ingredients and then pour in the liquid base. Mix everything well. At the end you can add essential oils.

The scrub can be stored in such a beautiful jar.

PS If you want to not only make scrubs, but also sell cosmetics on Instagram, add me to my blog @aliya_valeyeva - there I write about promoting Instagram stores.

Advantages and disadvantages of application

Sugar natural cosmetics are designed to exfoliate dead skin cells and improve skin condition. This paste:

  • Allows you to make the epidermis soft and velvety.
  • Provides gentle cleansing of pores at a deep level.
  • Moisturizes the skin, eliminates dryness and flaking.
  • Stimulates blood circulation, improves color.
  • Gives elasticity and firmness, evens out the relief.
  • Eliminates pigmentation and age spots.
  • Accelerates regeneration processes, promotes renewal at the cellular level.

But home remedies made from natural ingredients also have several disadvantages:

  • Individual intolerance to components. Often, to prepare a scrub, sugar is mixed with honey, an allergen. Before working with such a mixture, you need to conduct an allergy test.
  • You need to massage your face carefully, avoiding the area around the eyes - the sensitive epidermis can be damaged.
  • Those with problem skin may find the composition very mild.

You should use the scrub with caution if you have rashes on your face or body.

How to store homemade sugar scrub

If there is no water in your homemade scrub, you can store this scrub for about a month. It is better to make a product with added water for 1 time or add a preservative and store it in the refrigerator for about a month. Oil-based scrubs are sometimes frozen into cubes, so the oil will gradually warm up and be absorbed into the skin. It is better not to store a scrub with the addition of fresh fruits and vegetables, but to prepare a new one each time.

Home peeling does not have a long shelf life. Therefore, you should not make the product for future use; it is better to experiment with the ingredients and try to use freshly prepared scrubs.

It's time to move from theory to practice and make your own sugar body scrub according to any recipe you like. We will consider various recipes for scrubs with sugar abrasive below.

Popular sweet scrub recipes

You can make a sugar scrub with your own hands in just a few minutes, the result will please you, especially since the reviews about the use of a sugar scrub are pleasantly surprising: the skin becomes soft, velvety, fat deposits disappear, cellulite disappears.

Chocolate with sugar

To prepare such a delicious body scrub, you need to select only 2 ingredients from your reserves: this is 5 tbsp. sugar and 10 tbsp. cocoa powder. You need to combine these components in a convenient container (you can use a deep bowl) and immediately apply to the body. First you need to thoroughly massage the moisturized skin, allow 5-7 minutes for this stage, then rinse off the remaining scrub with water. The next time you need to repeat the steps after 7 days. Result: cleansed skin, if done regularly, you can get rid of cellulite.

Honey with clay and sugar

The constant component is sugar, you need to select 4 tbsp, add 1 large spoon of liquid honey and 6 tbsp directly to the sugar. with a heap of clay (black, cosmetic), you can add your favorite essential oil for aroma - 3 drops. All products must be thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass, and then immediately applied to moisturized skin. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas: the tummy, thighs and buttocks. Here you need to thoroughly massage the skin with a terry mitten. Rinse off the scrub only with warm water without cleansers. After using this product, you need to apply a cream with an anti-cellulite effect to problem areas.

Sugar and potatoes

Agree, very unexpected, but effective. You need to mix 4 tablespoons of sugar with the yolk and add fresh potatoes grated on a fine grater. Apply the resulting mass to the skin, massage, leave for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with warm water without soap.

Oatmeal and cane sugar

If you make a scrub, it is only from brown sugar; it is more effective and healthier for our skin. You will need half a cup of crushed oatmeal flakes and 1/4 cup of brown sugar, add any essential oil (5 drops) and 2 tbsp to your homemade scrub. liquid honey. Excellent skin cleansing effect, smoothness and hydration are ensured.

Cranberries with sugar

To prepare this scrub recipe, you will need a blender. In it you need to grind a mixture of regular white and brown sugar (1/4 cup), frozen or fresh cranberries (half a cup), 2 tbsp. oatmeal and 1 tsp. favorite essential oil. This sugar scrub is also suitable for delicate facial skin.

Nut and sugar

Mix crushed almonds in the amount of 3 tbsp, almond oil - 4 tbsp, salt - 1 tsp, sugar - 2 tbsp, crushed oatmeal - 4 tbsp. If skin is dry, add 2 tbsp. liquid honey. The body must be scrubbed for at least 5 minutes, then rinsed with water.

Homemade sugar body scrub with tomato

To prepare a scrub according to this recipe, you need to buy homemade tomatoes grown without chemicals, then you can expect cleansing and renewed skin.

You will need:

  • chopped tomato;
  • sugar (can be white) – 3 tbsp;
  • homemade yogurt or sour cream - 2 tbsp.

Grate a fresh tomato, add sugar, mix and leave for 1-2 minutes. Then add yogurt or sour cream (can be replaced with vegetable oil). Apply the scrub to clean skin, leave for 10 minutes, massage with a hard washcloth and wash off the residue with warm water.

Sugar and salt scrub

Sugar and salt can be found in every housewife, so these simple products can be used to prepare an excellent skin cleanser.

Sugar and salt scrub:

  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
  • crushed oatmeal - 3 tbsp;
  • sea ​​salt (not coarse) – 2 tbsp;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • cranberries – 3 tbsp.

The components are mixed and applied to steamed skin. We carefully perform a light massage and go through problem areas more thoroughly. This scrub should be washed off with hot water.

Another effective scrub recipe that will help in the fight against cellulite:

  • natural ground coffee – 3 tbsp;
  • salt – 3 tbsp;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp;
  • olive oil - half a teaspoon.

The resulting mixture should be slowly and thoroughly rubbed into the skin, paying more attention to problem areas.

Moisturizing and cleansing is achieved with the help of this scrub: 3 tbsp. crushed coffee beans are mixed with salt and sugar (also 3 tablespoons each), a few drops of shower gel are added, preferably odorless.

In the fight against stretch marks (even old ones), this mixture will help: salt and sugar in equal proportions (half a cup each). You need to take fine sea salt, brown sugar. If not, then white will do. The mixture is filled with any vegetable oil in an amount of 125 ml. You need to use the scrub 1-2 times a week, the course of treatment is 3-5 months. It is best to store the remainder in the refrigerator, in a container with a tightly closed lid.

A sugar-salt scrub with the addition of a mixture of olive and flax seed oils plus a couple of drops of orange essential oil will help in the fight against subcutaneous fat deposits. Use: 2 times a week, course – 3 months.

Honey and sugar

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • cane sugar – 1 glass;
  • olive oil – 1 cup;
  • essential oils of rose, lavender and sage – 1-2 drops each;
  • liquid honey - half a glass.

The sequence of mixing the products is as follows: first you need to mix honey with oil, add sugar, mix again and finally add a mixture of essential oils or 1-2 drops from each bottle. The scrub is mixed again and applied to cleansed skin. The remainder should be stored in the refrigerator and heated in a water bath before use.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, good deep cleansing, nutrition and hydration. There are no age restrictions; scrubs can be used at any age, starting from 16 years old.

Sugar scrub 3in1

This recipe is more interesting; to make such a scrub at home, you need to prepare well, namely, purchase a soap base in advance. It is sold in specialized soap making stores, and this component can also be ordered in an online store.

What you need to prepare in advance:

  • soap base (ideally made in England) – 80 g;
  • vegetable oil of grape seeds, jojoba or wheat germ - 2 tbsp;
  • sugar (any, white or cane) – 200 g;
  • vitamin E – 5 drops;
  • food coloring (optional) – a few drops;
  • fragrance or essential oil – 2-3 drops.

You will also need: a rolling pin, cookie cutters, a plastic bag.

This recipe is slightly adapted, because if you make a sugar scrub according to the standard recipe (this is 1 part soap base, 1 oil and 3 sugar), the scrub turns out loose and greasy.

How to make a scrub yourself:

  1. Cut a piece of soap base with a knife.
  2. You can melt it in a water bath or in a microwave oven, only then it is important not to miss the moment so that the base does not run away.
  3. Quickly add dye to the hot soap base (if we want to do this). If something bothers you, you can add 2 drops of olive oil, it gives a beautiful yellowish tint. If you brew madder, you can get a scrub shade ranging from delicate pink to rich red. An oil solution of Chlorophyllipt (sold in pharmacies) gives a beautiful greenish tint.
  4. When the base has cooled slightly, add sugar in small portions and mix. It is better not to add sugar to a hot base, because it will dissolve and you will need a fresh portion. Mix the mixture quickly; it will be thick.
  5. Place the entire mass on a pre-prepared plastic bag (lay it out on the table in 2 layers). The mass turns out crumbly and loose. You need to wrap it in a bag and knead it with your hands. This is necessary so that the grains of sugar combine with the soap base. You will see for yourself how it will become soft and flexible.
  6. Now you can take a rolling pin and roll out the mass like dough.
  7. After rolling, remove the top layer of polyethylene and use cookie cutters to press the shapes.
  8. Leave the figures on the table for 3-5 hours.

It turns out to be soap, scrub and an excellent moisturizer at the same time. For 1 application you will need 1 sugar bar.

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