Makarov Andrey Mikhailovich - lawyer, TV presenter, politician: biography, personal life


Andrei Mikhailovich Makarov is a Soviet, Russian lawyer, statesman of the Russian Federation. Deputy of the Russian State Duma in 1993-1999, as well as from 2003 to the present. He represents the United Russia party in the Russian parliament. Another area of ​​activity is TV presenter. He is one of the authors of the first part of the Russian Tax Code.

Let's present important facts about Andrei Makarov:

  • Date of birth: 07/22/1954. Today Andrei Mikhailovich is 64 years old.
  • Place of birth: USSR, Moscow.
  • Citizenship: Soviet Union and Russian Federation.
  • Marital status: Married.
  • Occupation: politician, lawyer, television presenter.
  • Education: legal (Law Faculty of Moscow State University).
  • Academic degree: Candidate of Legal Sciences.
  • Party affiliation: United Russia.
  • Awards: Order of Honor (received in 2014), Second Class Stolypin Medal (received in 2021), Certificate of Honor from the Russian President (received in 2013).

Now let's move directly to the biography of Andrei Makarov.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Mikhailovich was born on July 22, 1954. His place of birth is the city of Moscow. Andrei Makarov also spent his childhood in the capital of the USSR. His life path was largely predetermined - the boy was born into a family of hereditary lawyers. His mother, for example, worked as a people's judge for many years. And she ended her career in the honorary position of chairman of the Moscow Regional Court. The stepfather (Konstantin Apraksin) presided over the capital's city bar association.

Andrei Makarov had no hesitation in choosing his future profession. After graduating from high school, he entered Moscow State University, the Faculty of Law. Andrei Mikhailovich completed his education there in 1976.

Four years after graduation, he defended his dissertation at the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was devoted to the use of technical and scientific means in criminal investigation. The defense of the dissertation made Andrei Mikhailovich Makarov a candidate of legal sciences.

Carier start

Andrei Mikhailovich taught for a short time at the law faculty of this capital’s university. After being laid off, he continued his career at the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Here he was considered the unofficial acting speechwriter for Yu. Churbanov.

As a lawyer, Andrei Makarov became famous quite quickly. This was facilitated by his participation in high-profile cases. It was he who was the defender in the “cotton case” against the same Yuri Churbanov. Acted as a public prosecutor in the case of the leader of the Memory society Smirnov-Ostashvili.

Career Achievements

At the age of 38, Andrei Makarov in Moscow acted as a prosecutor in the “CPSU Case” in the Russian Constitutional Court. In the nineties, he began working at the Soros Foundation. He devoted two years to this organization, including heading it.

It so happened that Andrei Makarov’s political activities were inextricably linked with his legal activities. In 1993, he was invited to work on the draft Constitution of the new Russian state. Andrei Mikhailovich accepted this invitation.

In the same spring of 1993, Andrei Makarov took the post of head of the Directorate for Supporting the Activities of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Russian Security Council for the Fight against Corruption and Organized Crime. However, he later left this high position by his own decision - because of his desire to run for deputy of the State Duma.

A year after leaving his high post, Andrei Mikhailovich becomes a member of the Committees on International Affairs, as well as judicial and legal reform and legislation.

But this is not all the achievements of Andrei Makarov. Starting at the age of 40, he headed the Chess Federation of the Russian Federation for three years. Received the title of International Master. This happened after the FID presented the tables of two chess tournaments held by Andrei Mikhailovich in the country. True, conflicting information later appeared in the media about this event. In particular, journalists wrote that the games played by Andrei Makarov were simply copied by him from the great chess players of the past.

The dark past of a United Russia deputy: “We are waiting for them to start hanging us on all the pillars”

Maria Ivatkina decided to remember what the Chairman of the State Duma on Budget and Taxes, United Russia member Andrei Makarov did before he became a deputy. The path was long and not without dark spots. “We are waiting for them to start hanging us on all the pillars,” Makarov said in an interview. And now?

Do people need help? Chairman of the State Duma for Budget and Taxes, United Russia member Andrei Makarov, came out categorically against the free distribution of masks to the population, as it is “inhumane.” Selling masks in the metro for 50 rubles is humane, but handing them out for free is inhumane, says Maria Ivatkina in her author’s program “Ivatkina Index” on the Tsargrad TV channel. What does Deputy Makarov know about humanity and how much is this humanity sold? Is there an answer to this question?

The vote on the distribution of free masks was supposed to be held the other day. However, Andrei Makarov said from the podium: “PR on coronavirus is inhumane.”

He is convinced that his colleagues Kolomeytsev, Shurchanov and Kurinny are simply promoting themselves, trying to show concern for citizens. According to Makarov, no one asked people whether they needed help or not.

“Really, citizens, what are you doing? Need help? Can't you buy masks? 20 thousand is needed only for a family of three people. Expensive?" - the presenter sneers in her author’s program “Ivatkina Index”.

As a result, the legislative majority of United Russia did not support the idea. They simply refused to vote for this bill. Maria Ivatkina on her broadcast called Makarov a master of PR in defiance of his own statement. After all, he started doing PR back in the 1990s, when there was no such word. Now Andrei Makarov is not only a State Duma deputy. He also has his own political talk show on the federal channel. He has admitted more than once that it is difficult to live on a deputy’s salary of 400 thousand rubles.

"Nothing to do? Do you have a lot of free time? If I had delved a little deeper into my immediate responsibilities, I would have learned that people NEED help, and not everyone can afford to buy masks. And this is not inhuman PR, but real life, where 400 thousand is not a monthly salary, but the annual budget of a family of four. Where people don’t have an extra room to isolate a coronavirus patient, where disposable masks are boiled in a saucepan,” Maria Ivatkina said at the end of the episode.

Ivatkin also recalled other milestones in the deputy’s career and generally dark past. In 1993, he became famous for quoting “one of the former deputies,” who said: “Nothing, soon we will come to power and hang you all...” In a conversation with a journalist, Makarov retorted to this deputy, so to speak, in absentia: “Then I also joked: Yes, no rope can hold me.” In response, Makarov heard from his opponent: “Nothing, we will find a wire for you.” “And we endure, we intelligently wait until they start hanging us on all the poles,” summed up Andrei Makarov.

Makarov’s speeches are saturated with PR - both then and now. However, Ivatkina believes, nothing surprising. Service obliges.

“Who doesn’t know, Andrei Makarov started out as a lawyer,” Ivatkina recalled. “He gladly undertook to defend corrupt officials and bribe-takers, because they could not only bring money, but also significantly expand his contacts in influential circles.”

Among other things, he defended a person involved in the cotton case, Brezhnev’s son-in-law Churbanov, former minister Vladimir Sushkov, and after Makarov turned into an accuser. He began to fight organized crime in the highest echelons of power, and then everything was prosaic, with the exception of two facts, Ivatkina noted:

“Andrei Makarov starred in the film “The circus burned down and the clowns fled.” He also ended up at the head of the Russian Chess Federation. At the same time, the deputy received the title of international master after games from two Russian chess tournaments were provided to FIDE. Later it turned out that Makarov’s chess games were copied from famous masters of the past.”

In conclusion, we would like to add that masks today not only save you from infection, but also play into the hands of scammers. As Nevskie Novosti writes, a fraudster from Vologda who deceived a 102-year-old labor veteran was detained in Pomorie. She stole money from him. She hid her face with a mask.

State Duma and government positions

The year 1995 was significant for Andrei Mikhailovich due to his significant career advancement. He became a deputy of the State Duma, as well as a member of the Committee on Finance, Taxes, Budget, and Banks. Three years later, in 1998, Andrei Makarov was appointed a member of the Board of the Russian State Tax Service.

A year later, he began to occupy the same position, but only in the Ministry of Collections and Taxes of the Russian Federation. In the spring of 2000, Andrei Makarov became chairman of the Council of Experts on Tax Legislation of the Russian Federation.

At the age of 49, Andrei Mikhailovich was appointed advisor to Aman Tuleyev, who was at that time the head of the Kemerovo region. Just a few months after this appointment, Makarov becomes vice-governor of the same region.

Since 2003, Andrei Makarov has been a deputy of the State Duma, who then becomes a member of the well-known United Russia faction. Four years later he will be elected again as a deputy, but from this party. Andrei Makarov chose United Russia as his party. Thus, he becomes deputy chairman of the Committee on Budget and Taxes. In the Duma of the sixth convocation, he has already been appointed head of this Committee.

Together with his partner, the politician-lawyer opens his own law office. It is called “Andrei Makarov and Alexander Tobak”.

Career of Andrei Makarov - politics

Makarov's political activities are quite varied, but are always inextricably linked with his main profession - jurisprudence.
In 1993, Andrei Mikhailovich was invited to take part in the work on the draft of the new Constitution of Russia, and from March to November of this year he was a member of the working group on the work on the most important document of the country. In December 1993, Makarov first entered the State Duma by being elected in the Northern District of Moscow, and in 1995 he again entered the Duma, being elected in the same territorial district. In the State Duma, Makarov worked in several Committees, mainly on improving legislation and developing anti-corruption measures until 1999.

Andrei Makarov about intimate services in the media In 1998, Makarov began working on the board of the State Tax Service of Russia, in 1999 he moved to the board of the Ministry of Taxes, and already in March 2000, Andrei Mikhailovich took the chair of the chairman of the Council of Experts on Tax Legislation of Russia.

In 2003, Makarov, under a new appointment, became an adviser to Aman Tuleyev (Governor of the Kemerovo Region), and in June of the same year, he became the Vice-Governor of the Kemerovo Region on legal and legal issues in the field of economics. Also in 2003, he entered the State Duma from the United Russia faction, and in 2007 he went through the re-election procedure and joined the Duma of the 5th convocation.

Television activities

In 2010, the politician-lawyer was also a TV presenter on the Justice project. The program was broadcast on the REN-TV channel. Alas, due to changes in the leadership of the TV channel, it ceased to exist.

Andrei Mikhailovich himself told reporters that the television program was one of the attempts to honestly talk with the viewer about the problems that arise every day in our lives. The project was dedicated to discussing pressing issues that arose in the social sphere of society.

But his story on TV did not end there. Three years later, already on Channel One, an updated version of the program was released. It was called "Freedom and Justice". Andrei Makarov again acted there as a TV presenter. However, the project was completed even faster - literally two months after its launch.

Hobbies outside politics: Andrei Makarov on television

In addition to law and politics, Andrei Makarov's great passion is chess, he holds the title of international master, and is close friends with Garry Kasparov. Since 1994, Makarov held the post of Head of the Russian Chess Federation, but in 1998 he left his position at his own request. Andrei Makarov In 1998, Andrei Makarov had the chance to try himself in the acting field, and Makarov gladly took advantage of this chance, playing in the feature film “The Circus Burned Down, the clowns ran away" directed by Vladimir Bortko.

Andrei Mikhailovich has been friends with television for a long time. He took part more than once as an invited guest in many programs, and for a long time was a frequent participant on the jury of KVN games. But if before March 2010 someone did not know the multifaceted lawyer and politician, then since that time there have been none left: Andrei Makarov became a successful TV presenter of the “Justice” program on the Ren-TV channel, and since 2011, a program called “Freedom and Justice" began to air on Channel One.

“Justice,” a talk show format program where participants discuss various topical topics, quickly gained popularity, filling an almost empty niche of heated discussion programs on Russian television.

Personal condition

According to the declaration for 2011, the following can be said about Andrei Mikhailovich’s personal condition:

  • His own income is 7.5 million rubles.
  • The wife’s income is about 75.3 million rubles.
  • Children's income is 92.4 thousand rubles.
  • He and his family members are the owners of two plots of land intended for farming. Their area is 0.25 hectares each.
  • Andrey Makarov and his family own a plot of land intended for dacha farming with an area of ​​0.18 hectares.
  • Politician, TV presenter and lawyer Makarov, together with his family, also own a couple of land plots intended for individual housing construction. The area of ​​each plot is 0.14 hectares.
  • The Makarov family owns a residential building located in Spain. Its area is 318 square meters.
  • The family also has an individual house in Russia. Living area - 746 m2.
  • The Makarov family also owns two apartments - 53 and 190 m2.

Personal life

Makarov is officially married. Three children were born into the family: the wife gave the man daughters. It’s safe to say that Makarov’s personal life is arranged in the best possible way. The eldest daughters followed in their father’s footsteps, connecting their lives with jurisprudence.

In accordance with the declaration for 2011, Andrei Makarov’s income is 7,525,109 rubles, his wife – 75,331,329 rubles, and his child – 92,482 rubles.

Andrey Makarov

Family members and a deputy are the owners of two plots for personal farming, 0.25 hectares each, an area for dacha farming, 0.18 hectares each, as well as two plots of land for individual housing construction, 0.14 hectares each.

As for real estate, in Spain the family owned a residential building with an area of ​​318 m2, and in Russia – a residential building with an area of ​​746 m2 and two apartments.


Now let's turn to the present day. Today Andrei Mikhailovich Makarov is the chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Taxes and Budget.

In particular, in March 2021, a bill authored by Andrei Mikhailovich was adopted. According to it, a person who is under a number of foreign sanctions may not be recognized as a tax resident of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that the law is retroactive. Only the United Russia faction voted “for”. The remaining deputies were against this bill.

Andrey Makarov now

Now Andrei Makarov holds the post of chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes.

In March 2021, Makarov’s bill was adopted, according to which a person under foreign sanctions may not be recognized as a tax resident of the Russian Federation. The law has retroactive effect. The document was adopted by the votes of deputies of the United Russia faction, others voted against it.

Andrey Makarov in 2018

The man suffered from excess weight for a long time, and in the late 90s he lost 73 kg: from 167 to 94 thanks to a healthy diet and walking. Today, according to some reports, Makarov’s weight is 78 kg and his height is 176 cm.

If necessary, a photo of Andrei Mikhailovich can be found on the Internet.

Changes in appearance

In the late nineties, many media outlets were full of the news “Andrei Makarov has lost weight!” Why are information sources so excited about the change in the figure of not a media person, but a politician or lawyer? A person whose appearance is not the main thing in his activities?

The point here is that Andrei Mikhailovich suffered from excess weight for a long time. And this was really a problem for him - he weighed almost 170 kilograms.

In the late 90s, he managed to complete a difficult task - to lose 73 kilograms. As a result, the man’s weight was 94 kg. Andrei Makarov does not name any special secret. According to him, only two factors helped him return to normal weight: regular walking (he specifically walked specified distances, counting them with a pedometer) and healthy eating.

Today it is difficult to say from Andrei Mikhailovich that he once had problems with excess weight. The man himself provides information that his real weight is 78 kg with a height of 176 cm.


In addition, there is a version that Alexey Makarov suffers from an illness that he does not want to advertise, and it was this that caused the sharp weight loss. The actor himself always laughs off questions about his own motivation, saying that previously he was simply lazy to practice, but now he has gained a taste for it after seeing the results.

Alexey Makarov gained weight up to one hundred kilograms and began to receive many refusals, but the artist himself admits that he is grateful to outspoken film directors: without their caustic words at the right moment, the actor would never have pulled himself together.

The result was rapid weight loss. In a short time, Alexey Makarov lost thirty kilograms - new offers immediately appeared from directors who appreciated the actor’s willpower. The artist limited himself to junk food, started doing physical activity, and went for a run.

Last news

Let's take a closer look at Andrei Makarov's current activities. Let's see the latest news with his participation:

  • In August 2021, Andrei Makarov made a statement that the government intends to harshly suppress discrimination of job seekers by employers based on age. He supports President Vladimir Putin's proposal to introduce strict penalties (even criminal) for employers who refuse applicants because of their pre-retirement age. Of course, a one-time violation will result in an administrative fine. But abuse is already criminal prosecution.
  • News June 2021: Andrei Makarov remains in the position of Chairman of the State Duma in the Commission of the Cabinet of Ministers on budget projects. This applies to the planning period and the current financial year.
  • In March 2021, Andrei Mikhailovich stated that all changes regarding tax projects should be adopted during the spring session of the State Duma. The legislative activity of the Russian parliament during this period was based on questions about cash registers. Andrey Makarov is confident that this particular technique will simplify tax reporting, as well as minimize the costs of small businesses.
  • News from February 2021: Andrei Mikhailovich told reporters that the capital amnesty will legalize those funds and companies that are located outside the Russian Federation. At the same time, the first period of capital amnesty has already passed in Russia. But business turned to the Russian President with a request to extend its period. In response to this proposal, deputies of the domestic parliament prepared three bills. The amnesty should take place from the beginning of March 2021 to March 1, 2019. Since today Russian business is experiencing unprecedented pressure abroad, the introduction of such a measure will be a salvation for many companies and entrepreneurs.

Andrey Makarov is a truly versatile person who succeeds in many areas. This is a politician, lawyer, TV presenter. He managed to act in films and plays chess professionally. Today, Andrei Mikhailovich is most focused on his activities as a deputy of the State Duma of Russia.

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