What you should pay attention to if you decide to take up fitness after 30

Is it possible to get pumped up after 30?

Most often, men believe that after thirty years there is no point in starting strength training to gain muscle mass, since creating a beautiful body and rapid muscle growth is easy only for teenagers. They call their rounded belly a “labor callus” and are demonstrably proud of it (but secretly hate it).

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Fortunately, you can start exercising in the gym at any age. Research suggests that the metabolism of a 35-year-old man differs little from that of an eighteen-year-old guy. The only difference is that with age the body becomes much more “tight”, and the muscles need to be carefully prepared for stress.


Is it possible to get pumped up after 30? The question is controversial. What's the dispute? Yes, the fact is that those who have not been able to pump up will say that it is impossible. And those who succeed will say that it is possible. The problem is that most people fail to get pumped up to 30 or 20. As a rule, such people join the ranks of “dissidents” who shout that you can only get pumped up by taking illegal drugs or having good genetics. In fact, the fact that you failed does not mean that someone else will not succeed. This is " A ". And “ B ” is the reason why you never managed to pump up. From practice, I will say that over the years spent in gyms as a trainer, I have seen tens of thousands of clients and their “correct” programs. In most cases, people cannot get pumped up not because they lack genetics or are deprived of some nutrients. And not because they started training after 30. But because they trained incorrectly. And it is extremely difficult to convince them, unfortunately. In general, whether it will work or not depends, first of all, on the correctness of your actions. And age is a second question. By the way, I also started studying seriously at almost 30 years old. I didn’t achieve great results, but I did let something down. I wish the same for you.

Of course, the “margin of safety” after 30 is no longer the same as at 18. But it still exists. Firstly, there is a fairly large “internal reserve”. These are the cells that you already have that you need to “activate.” And you will definitely get some result. Secondly, 30 or even 35 years old is not yet the age when you need to write off a man. From my own experience I will say that at 35 I feel much better than at 25 (when I was fat). In general, there is a foundation. And the groundwork is good. The main thing is to turn your head on and work CORRECTLY.

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