Getting rid of excess body weight according to Smelov - menu for the week

The article provides a detailed analysis of weight loss programs from the most famous Russian weight loss clinics.

The result is a comparison table at the end of the article.

  1. Clinic "Doctor Bormental"
  2. Elena Malysheva Medical Center
  3. Clinic of Dr. Ionova
  4. Dr. Kovalkov's Weight Correction Clinic
  5. Clinic "Orgitea"
  6. Clinic of Elena Morozova
  7. Honey
  8. Clinic "Doctor Gavrilov"
  9. "SERSO"

An abundance of fast food, lack of exercise, just a love for tasty and satisfying food, regardless of its benefits for the body. And these are just the most common reasons why more and more overweight people are appearing in Russia, and various weight loss clinics are opening even in almost 20 thousand towns. Plus, we must not forget about really sick people whose problems with excess weight are a consequence of improper metabolism, hereditary diseases, a tendency to “seize up” problems acquired due to stress and psycho-emotional tension, and so on. And this category also has its own medical centers and weight loss sanatoriums! But the question is, if there are so many good weight loss specialists among our compatriots, then...

Why do we have so many overweight people?

The answer is simple - only a small proportion of those offering diets and other ways to get rid of the gained kilograms actually know how to do this and not return to their previous “shape” in the near future. While the lion's share of miracle clinics with no less wonderful programs, this is a banal way of pumping out money with the usual excuse for failure - “you yourself didn’t listen to us, didn’t do what was indicated, therefore you are to blame.” And many, having encountered scammers or simply insufficiently qualified nutritionists, are subsequently afraid to turn to others, fearing to lose time, nerves and money.

Here we tried to analyze the most popular and (or) advertised weight loss clinics in our country, and tried to list the 10 most famous ones with an assessment of their effectiveness. Naturally, we simply would not have enough time, weight and health to take the course in each clinic personally, so in our analysis we relied on reviews from patients, clinic representatives and third-party specialists. Moreover, they looked for them everywhere in order to minimize the percentage of custom content and false information.

Based on the data obtained, we offer descriptions of the ten most popular clinics and a summary table assessing their activities in order of decreasing effectiveness. Let us repeat - we do not strive to become a guide to action, but simply express our opinion based on data obtained from the Internet and other mass sources, including official websites of clinics. So, let's begin.

How to lose weight in

Treatment for obesity has been carried out since 1993, and directly according to Smelov - since February 1997. Over the years, our doctors have accumulated vast experience. The treatment is complex, but the main thing in it is a session of psychosuggestive programming, which restores and launches self-regulation processes and, as a result, materializes the much desired physiological weight loss. During this session, patients are immersed in a special state, which is a pleasant background for carrying out verbal suggestions and verbal formulas, most of which are aimed at the food centers of the cerebral cortex. Subsequent positive changes in them lead to the restoration of the body’s self-regulation processes, strengthening of weakened will and overcoming food addiction. The emotionally charged words of the psychotherapist, reaching and influencing these food centers, are imprinted on them, figuratively speaking, as a “photographic photograph” and serve as a further guide to action.

Natalia, 33: Today is exactly one year since I was for the FIRST TIME in my life, I really received support and gained confidence that getting rid of extra pounds is POSSIBLE and EASY WITHOUT VIOLENCE AGAINST YOURSELF, Thank you very much for your work and care for us !!!
* * Reviews do not guarantee 100% results. They express the personal emotions of those who have lost weight in specific people. What actually happens after the session? After the session, your appetite disappears, accordingly, you start to eat little, you fill up quickly, the need for a number of high-calorie foods disappears altogether and, what’s nice, the weight loss process itself takes place with a maximum feeling of comfort. The main loss of extra pounds occurs in the next 2-4 months, then the weight stabilizes and is fixed at optimistic levels for health. The treatment takes 1.5-2 hours at a time, and its results can be enjoyed for many years, and in many cases, for a lifetime! The approximate diagram outlined above should not give you the erroneous feeling that in our center everyone is losing weight, literally, on a whim.

Tatiana S., 29 years old

Weight before treatment: 85 kg. Weight after treatment: 63 kg.
*Before and After photos do not guarantee 100% results. It depends on many circumstances - mood, motivation, preparation for treatment and physical characteristics of the person.

magic wand.
In fact, losing weight using the Smelov method is a serious, painstaking joint work . The session is, of course, the most important part, and it really is the trigger for losing excess weight, but the weight loss process itself lasts three, four months, sometimes up to six months! And a lot will depend on the correct implementation of nutrition recommendations, on your motivation, attitude and patience. For most people this will be easy, but for others it may not be possible to avoid mistakes. But, as they say, the journey is made by those who walk, and our experienced, sensitive staff will support you throughout your entire journey to losing weight, correcting, if necessary, the correctness of the recommendations for weight loss.
And now, when you first meet us on the pages of our website, we want to not only talk about Smelov’s method, but also instill in you confidence that obesity can and should be fought! But you must be absolutely clear that, dreaming about losing weight, but not taking any action, the result will not come to you on its own in the form of a gift, and postponing the appointment for an appointment with our center to get rid of extra pounds will only burden you, and without Moreover, it is not a very comfortable state. The fight against excess weight needs to start right now! Only persistent, bold steps to solve the problem of excess weight can bring results in the form of extra pounds lost!

We can safely say that by combining our efforts, the chance to achieve good results in losing weight will be maximum!

Clinic "Doctor Bormental"

Actually, not a clinic, but a “Weight Loss Center,” and some pretentiousness in the name is fully justified - branches of the Doctor Bormental clinic operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg and almost 40 other cities of the country (a detailed map of the representative office is on the Internet resource DB deservedly considered the largest in the Russian Federation. Its work is based on the author’s methodology of Andrei Bobrovsky, a psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences and part-time nutritionist and a very media personality.

Technically, the methods of weight loss he proposes are a complex of several approaches to procedures and techniques, which include psychotherapeutic assistance, external body correction, drawing up an active life schedule and, of course, proper nutrition. Moreover, in this case, some restriction in calorie content is implied, but not in taste or the number of meals! As for the choice in favor of the technique, for convenience, we will highlight the obvious pros and cons.


  • Scientific validity - this method has become the basis for the defense of 6 candidate dissertations, which indicates its adequacy and effectiveness
  • Individual approach - the patient is under constant control, the condition is diagnosed at each stage, and if necessary, regimens and diet are adjusted

It is worth noting that there is no set “menu” here - nutrition and its components are determined based on the patient’s taste preferences!

  • Specialized management – ​​the clinics employ multidisciplinary specialists, and everyone does their own thing, which minimizes the likelihood of errors due to “climbing into someone else’s territory”
  • Good material resources - representative offices are equipped with modern equipment, computer technologies and innovative software are used
  • Forethought - the use of psychotherapeutic training helps prevent relapse of weight gain, that is, the method is designed for long-term effect
  • Recognition of the method - both from colleagues (the Dr. Bormental clinic has a very decent reputation in its circles) and from patients, and in the latter case, these are not just laudatory odes “on paper”, but often video materials confirming the effectiveness of the technique


  • Long duration of the course - the program can last for six months or more, and although the result justifies this, many do not want to wait that long
  • The considerable cost of hardware treatment, as a result of the use of expensive imported equipment (only certified medical equipment approved by world organizations is used)

If you want to lose weight by next week and not spend money, and then whatever happens, this is not the place for you!

Another not very convenient point is that even for a lot of money the clinic does not accept everyone, and there are a number of criteria by which the selection is carried out. More details can be found on the website, via email and by visiting the clinics themselves. Main contacts – website, or 196128, Russia, St. Petersburg, st. Varshavskaya, 23, building 2.

Elena Malysheva Medical Center

In terms of fame, Mrs. Malysheva and her surname can easily compete with Professor Preobrazhensky’s assistant. The face of Mrs. Elena in the Russian Federation is known to everyone who has a TV, because she is not just a pretty and photogenic lady, but a real doctor of medical sciences, professor, therapist and cardiologist in one person, and also the host of popular programs on central channels.

And not so long ago, Dr. Malysheva proposed her own weight loss program - the use of ready-made frozen food sets with a set calorie content. And today such a “prescription” from a doctor can be obtained not only in Moscow, where the first center of the network of clinics is located, but also in St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad and several other large Russian cities.


  • Clinics named after the “TV star” doctor are multidisciplinary, so they have very good diagnostic and laboratory facilities, and in addition to prescribing a diet “for yourself,” you can also get help from other specialists, including plastic surgery and treatment of gender-related diseases
  • The staff of the clinics is no less good - you can easily get an appointment with a medical specialist or a practicing professor, and receive medically sound advice, and, if necessary, a referral for additional tests and diagnostics

Another plus is that calorie counting, food selection, and cooking are carried out by the staff; you just have to pick up ready-made “sets” and eat them instead of your usual food, which seriously saves time, although not money.


  • A very impressive cost of the course, and decent prices, both for consultations and procedures, and for the notorious kits (the products are all familiar, and their cost in a store or market is much lower)
  • Meals should be limited only to the “frozen” food provided, which is not very convenient for workers, plus the need for a fasting day, which can disrupt the rhythm of anyone’s usual life
  • There is no individual approach and strict selection based on personal qualities and preferences - there are no allergies to this and that, which means we eat what everyone else does, and “like it or not” is a minor matter

In addition, I didn’t like such things as the lack of promised miracle methods and a minimum of theory - the whole method is just “less salt, sugar and eat in principle,” and the trainings are very superficial, providing publicly available information.

Another not very clear factor is a number of services that do not play a special role in losing kilos and normalizing metabolism (Charcot, massage in a medical “jacuzzi” and the like). To the credit of the clinic, it is worth noting that such procedures are voluntary, and if you don’t want to, then you don’t need to accept or pay for them. Contacts of the central clinic, Moscow, Perevedenovsky lane, 8, tel. 8 (495) 268-12-12, Official website

Clinic of Dr. Ionova

Officially, Lidia Ionova is a therapist, cardiologist, sports doctor and nutritionist, who has been invited to thematic TV shows more than once for her qualifications, and has written two books on weight loss. So far, Mrs. Ionova has only one clinic in her assets in Moscow, on Nakhimovsky Prospekt, and the prospects for entering the regional levels are kept silent.

Her program for getting in shape is based on reducing the caloric content of food intake and separating meals from fasting days. However, the methodology also contains a number of psychological techniques.


  • Individual approach, taking into account the patient’s personal and physiological qualities, his habits and standard routine, the possibility of remote adjustment of the program according to human reactions
  • Comprehensive elimination of unnecessary kilograms with the help of multidisciplinary specialists

You shouldn’t expect a massive and immediate loss, however, the results of weight loss are clearly visible after a couple of months and are permanent. Mainly because of the essence of the method - in fact, diet is only an auxiliary tool, and the main emphasis is on changing the diet and diet, plus instilling the habit of living actively.


  • A minimum of technical equipment, some equipment is clearly of low quality or simply outdated, the emphasis is on the program, and not on the individuality of the patient
  • Using long-known weight loss programs with standardized nutritional patterns and a boring (that's a pun) diet
  • Lack of highly qualified medical staff - although the specialists are different, their knowledge and skills are in no way confirmed by official titles or at least certificates
  • The uniformity of the proposed programs with the appearance of a variety of methods, and the low effectiveness of the psychological and emotional component
  • No warranty obligations - if the course does not help, you are simply offered to repeat it (for a fee)

We also didn’t like the comments on the Internet - we didn’t catch anyone by the hand, but the impression of a large share of “ordered” behavior is very clear and lasting. Another incomprehensible point is the positioning of the clinic as an implementation base for the developments of American centers and the Association for the Study and Treatment of Obesity. The organizations listed on the website are commercial in nature, they do not seriously engage in scientific research, and therefore it is not clear what can be implemented. But in case we were biased in the assessment, we suggest studying the clinic and the program on your own; you can get the necessary information at the address on the Web and in real Moscow - Nakhimovsky Ave., 7/1, phone : +7 495 649-62-49, mail

Sergey Smelov.

I will write a review about the advantages and disadvantages of the Smelov weight loss method not on my own behalf, but on the part of my sister, who completed the training, and I know firsthand about the results. Ksyusha herself will never sit down to describe her impressions, but I will be happy to do this! The fact is that Ksyusha and I were born from different fathers and both bear little resemblance to our mother, so we are not alike in almost everything. My father is a large man, but more wiry and fit, but Ksyukha’s dad constantly struggled with obesity and a saggy belly (he did not drink beer excessively). And Ksyusha received from him all the genes for a predisposition to obesity, which created discomfort and complexes from a young age. Anyone who has ever been on strict diets that are aimed at radically and dramatically reducing weight knows perfectly well how they end. So it was with Ksyusha. For more than 12 years, she tried various diets, praised by celebrities and nutritionists, which inevitably ended in crazy breakdowns. By the way, she had one breakdown one day in the middle of the night: at about 4 am (!) she woke up with an irresistible desire to drink a pot of kharcho and eat a whole fried chicken! It is clear that such breakdowns affected not only appearance, but also well-being. The maximum that Ksyusha could lose during this period of suffering was 4-5 kg, but they always returned with extra weight. And then I, as not only my sister, but also my closest friend, sounded the alarm - after all, the girl would destroy herself! We started looking on the Internet for alternative solutions. Smelov’s program came to our attention completely by accident, and we did not immediately pay attention to it. But when, already in despair, they decided to resort to hypnosis, he found himself on the list of first candidates for trust. We ourselves don’t know why, but Ksyusha and I both agreed that this is the method worth trying. I will not describe in detail the order of the sessions and the words that were spoken during the trainings, since this will be secondhand, and this is not entirely honest. I can only say one thing: in two and a half months from 88 kg. Ksyusha switched to 64, and to tell the truth, I didn’t even notice any torment or sacrifice on her part. The man ate what he wanted - the only difference was that he didn’t want much and mostly only healthy, low-calorie foods. Now Ksyusha is much more confident in herself and can afford things that she previously could only see in a dream. It’s a fact that Smelov’s methodology may not be affordable for everyone, but if you’ve already decided to act in the name of change, I think it’s worth the investment.

Dr. Kovalkov's Weight Correction Clinic

The face of the institution is Alexey Kovalkov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, however, only as presented by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, an institution whose legitimacy is debatable according to Russian laws. On the other hand, a person who himself lost half a centner of weight at least deserves attention, which he has already managed to achieve to some extent with the help of 5 books and repeated expert opinions on federal channels.

In the two capitals of our homeland, as well as in Krasnoyarsk, you can get official advice and choose one of 6 possible diets. They are similar to the Dukan method, but in a more severe “Chelyabinsk” presentation, and some products determined through genetic tests may be tabooed without the right of appeal.


  • The latest equipment and highly qualified staff with decent experience in medical work in the profile in any of the network’s representative offices
  • Thorough diagnostics and detailed analyzes before prescribing a course, regular control measures at the stages of the program, individual consultations with an endocrinologist, psychologist and, of course, a nutritionist with the ability to communicate at a distance
  • A guarantee of achieving the stated goals - if for some reason the weight does not go away, the clinic does not leave the patient to deal with the problem on their own, but offers a search for solutions and adjustments to the program

By the way, if the instructions are followed in the future, most of the clinic’s patients retain their newfound shape.


  • Inflated cost of procedures and tests, which are done much cheaper in regular clinics and ignoring some really important points like the ratio of muscle and fat mass
  • Low individual expression of programs, which often results in low efficiency and even personal intolerance, problems with GI tract and liver
  • Imposition of procedures and drugs (dietary supplements) with questionable effectiveness, as well as literature, which itself is contradictory and has little evidence base
  • Standardization of methods, little use of new developments, a strong bias towards fat burners and physical exercise, without which the reverse set almost always begins
  • Ineffective psychological component and difficulties with remote consultations
  • Lack of assistance in adjusting lifestyle, as a result, if the patient does not reconsider his habits, the loss occurs more due to fluid and protein mass than fat deposits

Addresses and contacts for self-study - website:, Moscow, Varshavskoe highway no. 106, E-mail - [email protected] , tel..

Clinic "Origitea"

The main character is Mariyat Mukhina, at the same time a nutritionist, neurologist, herbalist and reflexologist, and even a cosmetologist. And although it is customary to put an academic degree first when available, we left the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences for “dessert.” After all, Mrs. Mariyat received an honorary degree from the MMS, and not from the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, however, it’s up to you to judge, but it’s on the website.

In addition to Moscow, the clinic is represented on the map of Russia by the northern capital, nearby Tver and Vladimir, as well as Chelyabinsk and Krasnogorsk. The essence of the technique is a low-carb diet and the famous “do not eat after 18.00”. And in order not to suffer too much from hunger, the center’s client has a needle implanted into his earlobe. They say that the needle is golden, we didn’t have a real specimen or a chemical sampler, so we take their word for it.


  • The integrity and firmness of intentions of the network of clinics is confirmed by a good level of service, the opening of a branch in Spain and regular updating of offers
  • Comprehensive programs are mainly used to help with weight loss and maintaining (strengthening) health
  • Constant dialogue with patients, including an adequate response to negative reviews on the Internet, with a pronounced desire to correct the situation at the level of “let’s figure it out and try to solve it”, and not “give you some candy and shut up”
  • High-quality acupuncture with a minimum of side effects


  • Very high cost of the initial consultation (no diagnostics, just a diet chosen based on the results of the conversation), and “toothy” prices for the services themselves
  • There are too many purely marketing moves, for example, the imposition of a set of programs, where each component differs little from the others, as well as an excess of beautiful words without real justification and necessity
  • The obvious “excess of the “golden” needle - weight loss is based on the old well-known principle - “eat less, move more”
  • Poor material and theoretical basis
  • Emphasis on the intensity and speed of weight loss, as a result, stress of the body fat and cosmetic problems, the elimination of which is offered here, but for a separate and rather large fee
  • Frank emphasis in favor of the clinic when drawing up the contract - if it’s bad, the patient is to blame, if it’s not clear, the same thing

The absence of an acceptable number of videos among reviews does not inspire confidence, given the abundance of unsubstantiated statements about the effectiveness of the technique, which are very similar in style and semantic content to each other. There are several branches in the capital, the main one is considered to be located at st. Academician Koroleva, 24, telephones and 8-800-700-44-47. Internet address –

Comparison of Smelov and Dovzhenko's methods

If we consider the entire cohort of weight loss methods based on psycho-emotional effects, two technologies stand out from the rest - coding according to Smelov and according to Dovzhenko

. They are similar in many ways due to verbal programming as a key tool, but they also have their differences.


The impact is carried out in three stages, and the first two have the same tasks.
First, the patient is prepared through a conversation with the doctor. The root of the problem is established, the state of the body is analyzed, and the mental and emotional background is assessed.

The second stage is the direct suggestion of specially developed formulas, within the framework of which the craving for unhealthy nutrition is blocked.

The list of contraindications for the two methods is not much different. The Smelov weight loss method and the Dovzhenko coding cannot be used by people suffering from chronic diseases of internal organs, especially the gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system, as well as pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.


Like Dovzhenko, Smelov proposes to influence a person on a psychological-emotional level, but for this he turns to emotional stress therapy, and not to conversations and somatic influences. That is, during a session using the Smelov method, the patient, half asleep, listens to a certain set of rather harsh phrases, most of which are pronounced loudly and in a commanding tone.

According to the Dovzhenko method, such ultimatum methods are not provided.

Clinic of Elena Morozova

Presented in Voronezh and half a dozen other large cities of the Russian Federation. The network is headed by Elena Morozova, a qualified psychologist and nutritionist, albeit without academic degrees, but with many years of her own experience in dealing with extra pounds. The result of the struggle was five books and the author’s methodology, which is promoted in the network’s clinics.

The technique is based on a complex combination of reducing the amount of calories consumed, psychological support and... the use of various dietary supplements.


  • No promises to take a walk tomorrow without embarrassment in a swimsuit, but work on yourself according to the canons of nutrition, and accompanying the patient through the stages of the program
  • Affordable prices, as for this profile, and even more so in comparison with clinics in the capital region
  • An integrated approach with the involvement of individual, and most importantly experienced specialists in target areas
  • Adequate response to criticism and willingness to help understand the situation and correct unfortunate moments


  • Minimal technical equipment and an extremely low level of scientific and medical validity; all that is said at receptions are general phrases, without specifics
  • A shift in emphasis not on specific help, but rather on ensuring that something bad doesn’t happen, which is why the medical component of treating obesity is almost completely ignored
  • The use of the same type of techniques with the same essence (and most of the program is clearly copied from more authoritative developers), but different “wrappers” for the appearance of choice
  • The use of methods with little effectiveness in relation to real weight loss, filling the “gaps” in the biological component with social and other similar trainings, and what is especially alarming. With the spiritual beginning of the patient
  • Persistent attempts to add vitamin complexes, the same dietary supplements and incomprehensible “antidotes” to the course for a fee, covering them with a “medicinal” component
  • Uniformity and lack of information in reviews from successful patients

By the way, even such reviews are enough to understand that they are trying to shift the responsibility for the success of treatment onto the patient, and if something doesn’t work out, then “I didn’t try enough.” There is no representative office in Moscow, so if you need a central office, here are its contacts - Voronezh, st. Alekseevskogo, 17, tel. 8 (473) 253-01-11, for online communication – [email protected] Website address –

Disadvantages of losing weight using the Smelov method

This method is recommended by the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development, but you need to clearly understand its essence. According to numerous testimonies of clinical psychologists, the reasons for overeating can be very different. However, in any case, they show that a person has a tendency to addiction. That is why so many former “obesity coded” people suddenly begin to exercise manically or empty stores. A psychotherapist does not work with your tendency to addiction, but with your habit of overeating. As a result, the “dependent type” may find another way to realize himself, and not always safe and pleasant.

A psychologist with clinical experience in treating obesity, A. Vasyutin, points out that it is impossible to qualitatively work out the problem of overeating with persuasion alone under hypnosis. During the treatment process, the doctor must explore the patient’s secondary benefits and teach him to extract them in another way or completely abandon them. He must teach the patient to consciously act in different life situations and live with a dependent personality type so as not to harm himself.

So in the clinic using the Smelov method they will give you a kind of “psychological pill” that will help you endure the hardships of the diet much easier. However, with the correct selection of a diet for 1200-1400 kcal, there are not too many “hardships”. Well, before contacting “psychological weight loss clinics,” it is better to consult with a practicing psychologist and take at least a few tests that will show your self-esteem and personal problems in an objective light.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

The main address of this network of weight loss clinics is Moscow. In addition to the capital, there are representative offices in St. Petersburg, the largest cities of Siberia and Krasnodar. The center and its branches use the original psychophysiological correction program developed by Professor Alexander Rotov.

Taking into account the author's specialization - psychotherapy and psychiatry, the technique is expectedly focused on blocking the conscious and subconscious desire to eat, as well as determining the diet, and only secondarily on creating the right diet.


  • A very powerful and effective psychological component that affects the correction of nutritional culture and helps to change the degree of physical activity
  • Consolidating psychological success with group trainings
  • Moderate, if not low, prices for individual sessions with a psychotherapist
  • High-quality remote support and the opportunity to complete the course entirely outside the clinic


  • There is no starting point and the process itself as such in terms of objective control; all positive or negative results are, in fact, only a subjective assessment of the patient by himself
  • Complete lack of preliminary and planned physical diagnostics, and as a continuation of the previous paragraph, the impossibility of adequately assessing changes in the first months
  • “Selectivity” of the technique is not everything; even under the guidance of an experienced psychotherapist and psychologist, they can properly set themselves up and, upon completion of the course, maintain the mood, which a priori reduces the effectiveness of the program
  • The presence of techniques that do not have a scientific basis and the use of “newest methods”, the principles of which cannot be explained by the doctors themselves

The nutritional component is presented well, but all of these are well-known schemes designed for the “average strong man” without taking into account individual physiological characteristics. In addition to them, there is “valuable” advice about the need to live more actively. For communication, the main contacts are: Moscow, Vorotnikovsky per., 11, building 2, telephone numbers – and 8-916-658-41-05, email address Official website –


The center is located in Moscow, and is represented by branches in St. Petersburg and Orenburg. The program that is offered for weight loss in these clinics was developed by psychotherapist, psychiatrist and narcologist Ilya Kisler.

In view of Mr. Kiesler’s main specialties, the emphasis on psychocorrection of weight is not surprising. The basis of the method is the psychological reconfiguration of one’s own thinking in relation to food culture. However, to the credit of the center, it should be noted that nutritional support and control by endocrinologists also has a serious impact on the overall scheme.


  • High-quality training that helps patients really learn to control their regimen and diet, which in the future helps to maintain the results obtained
  • Good psychological support, providing psycho-emotional stress, and if not getting rid of stress, then mitigating its consequences
  • Working in groups allows patients to deal with their own problems with less stress


  • Poorly organized (to be honest, not at all) control of results and consequences at the stages of the course and in general
  • Minimizing the importance of physical activity and a fundamental refusal of any modern diets, that is, they lose weight here precisely due to the persuasion of the doctor, which casts doubt on the effectiveness of the technique
  • The use of an outdated nutrition program under the “sign” of a unique author’s program, although the only unique thing here is that someone else is still using it
  • A large proportion of work is done remotely, which again makes adequate diagnostics unrealistic
  • Very similar reviews without any specifics and descriptions of the successful and unsuccessful moments of the program, which makes you think about the real acquaintance of the writers with it

For those interested, we provide contacts in the capital - Volkov Lane, building 4, entrance 1, tel. and toll-free 88001004386, e-mail Website -

Clinic "Doctor Gavrilov"

At one time, Mikhail Gavrilov received several medical specialties at once - a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, plus a nutritionist. He defended his PhD well, wrote a couple of books on weight loss, participated in several television programs as an expert, and was even one of the specialists at his current competitor, the Doctor Bormental clinic. Today he promotes his own method of weight loss through 7 clinics in the largest cities of the country.

However, Mr. Gavrilov’s course does not offer anything innovative - fractional meals, food balance and psychological training for the formation of new habits in the nutrition culture. Against this background, dietary supplements are clearly unnecessary, but we will remember them later.


  • A well-organized set of events for completing the course remotely - online diagnostics, online consultations, a forum for like-minded people
  • A variety of programs, which allows you to choose the optimal one based on your goals
  • A high-quality and detailed explanation of why it is so important to change your diet culture and assistance in this matter from qualified specialists
  • Correct communication with patients, including those who write negative reviews, promises to sort out the problem and help


  • There is a very strong shift in the focus of the center’s work towards a commercial organization; in fact, anyone with enough money can purchase a franchise
  • Excessive intrusiveness in promises to help, without presenting real results, and equally strong attempts to impose unnecessary, and sometimes simply unnecessary, drugs and supplements, and for serious money
  • Outdated equipment and software that are unable to guarantee the reliability of online diagnostic results, and this despite the fact that the work of the center is built precisely on the principles of online projects
  • The variety of courses offered is achieved by adding various components to the main program, which by definition cannot increase its effectiveness and, moreover, cannot be called an “individual approach”
  • Reluctance to issue at least a minimum guarantee for the results of the program - if the course helped, “it means the patient did not follow the recommendations” and other options are not even considered
  • Even with good initial psychological assistance, there is practically no training to consolidate the results, which necessitates constant contact with a psychologist
  • Uniformity, and in some cases outright copy-paste of reviews, without real confirmation of the results, but only assurances “how wonderful everything is”
  • Aggressive and intrusive sale of dietary supplements for weight loss
  • Lack of scientific validity of the method, references to the American professor Amen, who is in fact a traditional healer.
  • Participants complained that the methodology was boring “lectures on proper nutrition.” You can read about this for free on the Internet.

And in general, promises to help not only with weight loss, but also with behavior correction, with social adaptation and reconfiguration of consciousness, nutritional culture and... increasing self-esteem, and all this in one course, look like an offer from a goldfish or a genie from a lamp. However, you can form your own opinion; they write a lot about DG. The official website of the clinic is, contacts in Moscow - st. Samotechnaya, no. 5, telephones and 8 (800) 2008474.

Smelov coding - basic principles

There are food centers in the cerebral cortex that are responsible for our appetite.
The hypothalamus, which plays a role in the formation of feelings of hunger and satiety, is directly related to metabolic processes. Thus, a person’s weight largely depends on the functionality of these parts of the nervous system. Smelov method

provides a targeted effect on food centers in order to suppress their activity. Impact on these areas can reduce the feeling of hunger, which will result in a change in diet and eating habits in a positive direction.

To achieve the goal, followers of this technique use psychotherapeutic methods - suggestion. The psyche is actively influenced, and changes in its state lead to a transformation of the body.

This system of suggestion is based on the theory developed by Botkin, Pavlov and their students. To increase the effectiveness of medical treatment, the patient is put into a drowsy state and then phrases-formulas constructed according to a certain scheme are embedded in the subconscious. This leads to a slight psycho-emotional stress, which ultimately produces a positive effect without affecting the rest of the nervous system.

In the process, patients form a reflex of aversion to fatty foods. A specific caloric limit is established, above which the patient feels discomfort in the stomach, dizziness and nausea.


  • Quick results - up to 5 kg per month;
  • Losing weight without diets and grueling exercises in the gym;
  • The process is gentle and painless for the patient;
  • During encoding, no physical effects are applied to the body.


  • The encoding has a limited validity period, after which you need to continue to eat properly on your own;
  • The result can be achieved only with the patient’s voluntary consent to coding;
  • Judging by the reviews, effectiveness largely depends on the doctor who performs the coding;
  • Weight often returns due to hormonal changes in women (after childbirth, during menopause);
  • There are side effects such as dizziness, leg cramps

When choosing a technique, the hypnologist who will work with the patient plays a decisive role. The Dovzhenko Method Coding Center employs a follower of the great scientist and his first student, a professional psychiatrist and psychotherapist with impressive experience A. A. Gontova.

In his hands, patients who have decided to change their lives for the better achieve their goals and no longer stray from the right path.
In our center, Dovzhenko coding is carried out by doctor Alexander Aleksandrovich Gontovoy, a student of A. R. Dovzhenko.


In this center, which in addition to Moscow is represented by branches in several other cities of Russia, they use so-called emotional stress therapy. The technique itself was developed by Sergei Smelov, a psychologist who believes that only hypnotic suggestion is a truly effective way to lose weight.

After sessions to instill in the patient an aversion to food with a large amount of calories, the suggestive part of the treatment should be consolidated with the help of a clearly established diet. By the way, it has long been known, and perhaps precisely the main reason for the loss of extra pounds by Mr. Smelov’s patients.


  • Availability - both financial and temporary, and no one is trying to increase the amount set by the price list for a session at the expense of dietary supplements and other vitamin supplements
  • Qualification of the staff - sessions are conducted by psychotherapists of the highest category and even candidates of medical sciences in this field

In fact, all the work here is done by psychotherapists, but even their constant monitoring of the patient is not practiced, and even more so it is possible to do without the watchful gaze of the treating nutritionist - everything is scheduled in advance.


In fact, this approach greatly limits the possibility of implementing it (not everyone succumbs to the doctor’s “persuasions”) and is suitable only for those who have problems with eating culture that are purely psychological in nature. Actually, this shows the list of shortcomings:

  • No laboratory or hardware diagnostics
  • No division by gender, anthropometry or even health status
  • There are no guarantees of results, all responsibility rests with the patient
  • No real help after the sessions, just lengthy advice
  • No adherence to basic rules of healthy eating

What is also worth thinking about is that with a huge number of positive reviews, and according to the main features quite real, most of them end not even with a recommendation of the center to others, but with a statement that they liked everything so much that in the near future the respondent is going to go again. The reaction to such maxims is unambiguous - either the person doesn’t care and simply doesn’t know what to do with time and money, or the result is unstable, and the lost kilos come back.

You can read statements from representatives of the center, third-party observers, patients, and where can you go, the same SERSO employees, but under the guise of satisfied clients, among other things, on the official website Contacts of the central clinic - Moscow, st. Kolskaya, 2, building 3. Telephones and.

How is treatment carried out at Trust?

Treatment for obesity has been carried out since 1993, and directly according to Smelov - since February 1997.
Over the years, our doctors have accumulated vast experience. The treatment is complex, but the main thing in it is a session of psychosuggestive programming, which restores and launches self-regulation processes and, as a result, materializes the much desired physiological weight loss. During this session, patients are immersed in a special state, which is a pleasant background for carrying out verbal suggestions and verbal formulas, most of which are aimed at the food centers of the cerebral cortex. Subsequent positive changes in them lead to the restoration of the body’s self-regulation processes, strengthening of weakened will and overcoming food addiction. The emotionally charged words of the psychotherapist, reaching and influencing these food centers, are imprinted on them, figuratively speaking, as a “photographic photograph” and serve as a further guide to action. Natalia, Kiev, 33: Today is exactly one year since I was treated in a medical clinic. For the FIRST TIME in my life, I really received support and gained confidence that getting rid of extra pounds is POSSIBLE and EASY WITHOUT VIOLENCE AGAINST YOURSELF, Thank you very much for your work and take care of us!!! *Review does not guarantee 100% results. It expresses the personal emotions of the person being treated in a particular patient. What actually happens after treatment? After a session of psychosuggestive programming, patients begin to eat little, fill up quickly, the need for a number of high-calorie foods disappears altogether and, what’s nice, the weight loss process itself takes place with a maximum feeling of comfort. The main loss of extra pounds occurs in the next 2-4 months, then the weight stabilizes and is fixed at optimistic levels for health. The treatment takes 1.5-2 hours at a time, and its results can be enjoyed for many years, and in many cases, for a lifetime! The approximate treatment regimen outlined above should not give you the erroneous feeling that in our center everyone is losing weight, literally, by magic. In fact, treatment of obesity using the Smelov method is a serious, painstaking joint work of doctors and patients to get rid of extra pounds . The session is by far the most important part of the treatment and it

Marina S., 26 years old, Donetsk

Weight before treatment: 106 kg. Weight after treatment: 83 kg.
*Photos “Before” and “After” do not guarantee 100% results. It depends on many circumstances - mood, motivation, preparation for treatment and physical characteristics of the person.

really is a trigger for losing excess weight, but the weight loss process itself lasts three, four months, sometimes up to six months!
And a lot will depend on the correct implementation of nutrition recommendations, on your motivation, attitude and patience. For most people this will be easy, but for others it may not be possible to avoid mistakes. But, as they say, the journey is made by those who walk, and our experienced, sensitive staff will support you throughout your entire journey to losing weight, correcting, if necessary, the correctness of the recommendations for weight loss.
And now, when you first meet us on the pages of our website, we want not only to tell you about the treatment method, but also to instill in you confidence that obesity can and should be fought! But you must be absolutely clear that, dreaming about losing weight, but not taking any action, the result will not come to you on its own in the form of a gift, and postponing the appointment for treatment at our center to get rid of extra pounds only aggravates, and without Moreover, it is not a very comfortable state.
The fight against excess weight needs to start right now! Only persistent, bold steps to solve the problem of excess weight can bring results in the form of extra pounds lost!
And further. The famous Syrian doctor Abul Faraj told his patients back in the 13th century: “Look, there are three of us - me, you and the disease. If you're on my side, it will be easier for the two of us to defeat her. But if you go over to her side, I alone will not be able to defeat both of you.” The relevance of these words remains today and clearly reflects the criteria that should guide patients coming to medical treatment.

By combining our efforts, the chance to achieve good results in losing weight will be maximum!


Now it’s time to systematize all our observations and explain exactly this location of weight loss clinics in our rating. As was said, the main criterion will be the number of real reviews found about the activities of the centers in general and about specific programs. In addition, we derived average scores for such important points, in our opinion, as:

  • Performance – Losing Weight and Staying Fit
  • Scientific basis - the validity of the existence and feasibility of using a specific technique
  • Comprehensive approach - excess weight is a multifaceted problem, which means it can only be solved in a comprehensive manner
  • The cost of the courses is not just numbers, rubles, but their relationship with the completeness of the service provided and, of course, the result
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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