How to set yourself up to lose weight and fight off the desire to eat: advice from a psychologist and forums, white magic, psychological attitudes

Food and emotional disorders

What to do if extra pounds appear when you are in a bad mood or depressed? On a subconscious level, a person, feeling emotional discomfort, eats his mood with the food that his mother prepared for him in childhood. There is an association with inner peace and security, as in childhood.

Some foods, chocolate for example, can cause a feeling of contentment. In any case, this is what is commonly believed in society, although this has not been scientifically proven. And yet, chocolate is called an antidepressant, and you can also get unnecessary fat layers.

Lack of sleep leads to fatigue, lethargic mood, and unreasonable aggression. And, instead of getting enough sleep, you eat your mood with buns. For a short time, the illusion appears that the internal state is returning to normal.

Under unfavorable life circumstances, you experience emotional hunger that you want to quickly satisfy. The only way to do this is to eat something delicious. But the feeling of contentment quickly passes, and dependence on food appears. Such meals, like a drug, balance the emotional background, but not for long. This vicious circle does not solve the problem, but only aggravates it. And diets will not help here; rather, they will harm your physical health. Therefore, if excess weight is caused by psycho-emotional disorders, then you need to “treat” your thinking.

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Psychologist's advice

The right motivation, well-set goals, and a positive attitude are half the success. If you manage to clearly understand why you want to lose weight, then it will be easier to overcome laziness, obstacles, and temptations. In severe cases, when there is reason to talk about obesity, you should contact a medical center, where doctors will select an integrated approach to combat excess weight. One attitude will not be enough even with any excess weight, so you should consult with a nutritionist or trainer to choose a nutrition and physical exercise program.

Psychologists advise using the following effective techniques:

  • persuasion (say phrases with a positive statement);
  • visualization (an accurate idea of ​​a slender body, what sensations arise as if it already exists, for example, imagining yourself graceful in a swimsuit on the beach);
  • a “magic” remedy for the placebo effect (something that will help you lose weight);
  • sleep (daily full rest of at least 8 hours);
  • keeping a diary (to record achieved results, analysis);
  • familiarization with useful techniques (body cleansing, meditation, breathing exercises).

Define the goal

When losing weight, you cannot avoid encountering obstacles; the psyche and body of a person losing weight, under the pressure of stress, will try to resist new habits and way of life. A clearly formulated task is designed to help reduce the influence of unwanted thoughts, which will inevitably lead to disappointment and not a slim figure. An effective way to determine the true goal of losing weight involves writing down on paper all the times when you had to feel uncomfortable about being overweight.

Keep a diary

Understanding the reasons for the appearance of extra pounds before setting yourself up for a diet will be the right step. In order to reinforce your efforts on a psychological level, you will have to develop a useful habit: recording intermediate results every day. To do this, you need to create a personal weight loss diary, which should be filled out regularly, displaying truthful information about nutrition, calories, and physical activity. For convenience, you can choose the classic version (paper notebook, notebook) or an online diary.

Choose a comfortable diet

Delicious food, when a woman wants to pamper herself with sweets, and men load up on fatty foods, contributes to the fact that they begin to rapidly gain excess weight. There comes a time when an unhealthy hobby turns into a situation where it becomes unpleasant to approach the mirror. In an attempt to lose excess weight in order to admire your reflection again, you have to look for a suitable way to lose weight. If women and men who are losing weight begin to approach solving the problem intelligently, then they should choose a comfortable diet. The following recommendations will help you do this:

  • If you have health problems, consult a doctor;
  • learn more about contraindications;
  • select methods where the diet will not lead to feelings of hunger;
  • It is more difficult to buy fresh vegetables and fruits in winter than in summer or autumn, so it is better to choose your diet according to the season;
  • The duration of the diet for weight loss should be taken into account, because sticking to a diet for one or two weeks is easier than limiting yourself to food for a whole month.


When a clear result is still far away, and victory in the fight against extra pounds is so desired, then all means are good. Effective support that every person losing weight can provide to themselves is meditation or self-hypnosis. A particular psychological state is aimed at concentrating attention in relation to one’s own sensations and feelings. The task of practical exercises is to create harmony between the physical body and the spiritual beginning, which helps control appetite, maintain motivation, and improve mood.

Sytin's sentiments - why can they be trusted?

Methods of psychological attitude were developed by the Soviet scientist Georgy Sytin. The psychotherapist has 50 years of experience. They are a new direction in medicine, called SOEVUS - verbal-figurative, emotional-volitional control of the condition.

Georgy Nikolaevich was awarded a gold medal for “Scientific Services”, a silver medal “Honorary Professor”, and has a diploma named after. Yu. A. Gagarin for training cosmonauts, and also has the Order “Science. Education. Culture."

During the Second World War, Georgy received severe injuries and disability, the first group. The words of the doctors: “You can’t live long with such injuries” did not reassure the young man. Georgy Sytin is one of those people who put himself on his feet on his own, where medicine had already done nothing. He applied his first psychological attitude to himself: “I am an absolutely healthy and strong person with willpower. I can control my body. The pain recedes from every cell of my body.” The young man managed to overcome the disease and decided to devote his life to helping people. With his SOEVUS method, Georgy Sytin helped more than 80,000 people get rid of diseases and invented 20,000 mindsets, including the mindset for losing weight.

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Setting a weight loss goal

The goal of losing weight should be logical and feasible. The desire to achieve maximum weight loss will complicate the process and negatively affect your health.

The goal of losing weight should be logical and feasible.

The right weight loss goals are related to the following areas:

  • Health. Excess weight provokes the development and complication of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. Obesity aggravates the course of diabetes and increases the risk of developing cancer. Excess weight is an additional burden on the body, which causes shortness of breath and worsens overall health. Being overweight makes it difficult to fully exercise.
  • Personal life. Some men like plump women, but most prefer slender girls. The fact is that a positive reaction to a woman’s slimness is subconscious. A man subconsciously associates excess weight with psychological instability, a tendency to depression, and laziness.
  • Job. Appearance is of great importance when hiring. Representative professions (flight attendants, secretaries, artists) require an appearance close to that of a model. The leading role of appearance is assigned to professions associated with direct social interaction. In other areas, there is no obvious discrimination based on appearance, but other things being equal, the employer is more likely to give preference to a slimmer candidate. A priori, a fat person is less prone to physical activity, more lazy, and weak-willed.
  • Self confidence. Overweight people face open criticism or receive hostile glances from passers-by. Getting rid of complexes is the task of losing weight.

There are short-term and long-term weight loss goals. Short-term goals are clear: fit into a new dress, lose 2-3 kg on the eve of the holidays, achieve sports results. Achieving a goal in the short term promotes long-term motivation.

How to work with attitude

This method is not hypnosis and does not “program” the functioning of the psyche. You have to say the right words at the right pace. This way your brain receives a signal about the task you have set. A certain mood is created in your inner world that rejects the desire to eat too much.

When going on a diet, the main thing is to prepare yourself psychologically. You prepare your brain for the fact that changes will soon occur in your body, and you will not fall off the diet, and your body will easily cope with the task.

When setting yourself up to lose weight, do not expect instant results, continue to work patiently. It will take time before you begin to control the amount of food you consume. This will happen naturally and effortlessly. There will be no need to force yourself.

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The moods need to be regularly listened to or read aloud. You need to choose a mood for yourself that you will feel with every cell of your body. The words are pronounced clearly, the meaning should be close to your inner state. The intonation of the voice should be convincing. While listening to the recording, use your imagination as much as possible, try to mentally imagine images.

You can record your voice yourself or learn the mood that suits you best and repeat it periodically. This is best done while jogging or playing other sports.

If you are skeptical about psychological attitudes, then don’t expect results. Irony is not allowed. After all, even before any operation, rehabilitators prepare the patient’s body and spirit. It’s the same with losing weight: we set up our brain so that it will control the body. Sytin’s method for losing weight will give you an impetus, and you will no longer say to yourself: “tomorrow I’ll go on a diet”, “tomorrow I’ll start running, and today...”.

Healing moods will not do a miracle, they help develop willpower and activate your personality. You will have an irresistible desire to change your way of life. Thanks to attitudes, a new idea of ​​oneself is formed. Your brain begins to accept these changes over time.

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Motivation to lose weight

Why can’t I lose weight and constantly break down is a question that sooner or later every girl asks. Just wanting to lose weight is not enough. You need the right psychological approach - motivation to lose weight. It is also effective for people with weak character, because the right incentive is a component of successful dieting. First, you need to identify a good reason for losing weight, for example, health problems or dissatisfaction with your appearance.

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It is not recommended to set rapid weight loss as a goal. Diet should be a guideline for a healthy and happy life. Here are some motivational facts that will help you lose weight and achieve that coveted small waist:

The ability to wear fashionable clothes one size or several sizes smaller after a diet. Put on your favorite dress or jeans again. Attract the attention of the opposite sex. Show off your gorgeous, thinner abs on the beach. Climb stairs without shortness of breath. Have excellent physical and mental health. Hang your beautiful photos around the house after losing weight.

Weight loss mindset

  • I have a strong will, I’m not afraid of anything, I can do anything. I am able to control the amount of food I eat. I control myself not to eat anything extra. I know how much I should eat to lead an energetic and healthy lifestyle.
  • Now I am setting myself up for a beautiful and slim figure. My new slim figure will last in 10, 20, 50, 100 years. I set my body up to always be slim, strong, young, and beautiful. My body listens to me unconditionally. He cannot disobey me, because I have willpower and it will only happen the way I want and nothing else. My stomach will be sunken and my body will be toned. And it will always be this way, because I know how to control my desires, my body is completely subject to my will.
  • I feel power pouring into me - life-giving power. It transforms my body, it becomes elastic, slender, beautiful. There is no place for fat and extra pounds. It is so beautiful and slender that I am ready to admire it myself. The colossal energy that I let into every cell of my body made me unusually beautiful, slim, and flexible. I am so graceful that my walk is light. I don't feel any heaviness in my body at all.

Malnutrition is harmful not only to health, but also to beauty

Choose your mood and start working. At the same time, remember that breakfast should be mandatory. It should consist of carbohydrates - sources of energy. If you ignore breakfast, you will want to eat in the afternoon. And this is not desirable. Don't starve yourself during the day, have small snacks more often, but in small quantities.

Physical exercise is also necessary. Running helps a lot here. You also need to run correctly. Choose a rhythm for yourself and run at that rhythm for 15-40 minutes. Increase your jogging time gradually. If running is hard, then let it be a very fast walk, the main thing is not to change the pace. While you run, listen to a recording of your weight loss mindset.

Decide on a diet

And let's get down to the main thing - we will select the ideal weight loss program for you. You will achieve the effect through a calorie deficit. To do this, you should determine the norm of your KBZHU.

We suggest using the following formula:

  • for women: ;
  • for men: .

Now multiply X by the activity coefficient K:

  • 1.2 — load is minimal or absent;
  • 1.375 – training 1-3 times a week;
  • 1.4625 - workouts 4-5 times a week;
  • 1.55 - intense training 4-5 times a week;
  • 1.6375 – training every day;
  • 1.725 - intense training every day or 2 times a day;
  • 1.9 - heavy physical labor or intense training 2 times a day.

Final formula: .

After calculating everything using the formula, you will get a number that indicates the daily calorie intake required to maintain weight. If you want to start losing weight, then create a deficit by subtracting 10-20% from the norm.

You shouldn’t go to extremes and start eating at 1200 kcal, this is not normal. You may not change your usual diet, but simply cut down part of the menu, and thus, you will also begin to lose weight. Remember - your body must receive vitamins and nutrients for proper functioning.

What can be excluded

We recommend giving up a number of foods that negatively affect not only your figure, but also your health:

  • flour and confectionery products;
  • sausages;
  • fast food;
  • fried and fatty foods;
  • chips, snacks, crackers;
  • carbonated drinks.

What to include

Enrich your diet:

  • fruits, vegetables, berries;
  • meat, fish;
  • nuts;
  • water.

If you have chosen a specific weight loss program for yourself, then make sure that it is not a diet that reduces the amount of vitamins and nutrients. Remember that food should saturate not only the stomach, but the entire body.

Sytin's affirmations for women: thyroid

  • Every moment, the Lord God pours into me a new, gigantic charge of vitality.
  • All systems of the body, all internal organs, every cell of the body are infused with a new, gigantic charge of vital force.
  • All the brain mechanisms that control the physiological processes in my body are amplified millions of times. I try to understand this as deeply as possible.
  • The Lord God infuses the gigantic, Divine power of life into the thyroid gland.

“Health is the number one issue. If you have poor health, what’s the point of talking about a good job, good protection of rights, good education!”

Sarah McClendon

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Sytin's affirmations for women

Affirmations by Georgy Sytin for the revival of youth:

  • I am filled with the energy of youth.
  • A beautiful girl's body is born again.
  • A young heart is born.
  • The energy of life flows into me.
  • All internal organs come to life cheerfully and joyfully, they live more cheerfully and energetically.
  • My whole soul sings with happiness, a cheerful light lights up in my eyes.
  • A feminine, flirtatious, cheerful soul is born again.
  • A young, flexible, slender figure is born.
  • All paths opened before me - all roads to a new youth.

“Your health is clean air, water and food. Get up in the morning with joy, go to bed with a smile. You are happy, you smile - it means you are healthy. Do not treat the disease, treat your life, live according to the laws of nature and reason. When there is no health, wisdom is silent, art cannot flourish, strength does not play, wealth is useless and reason is powerless.”


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Doctor Sytin: physician, psychologist, teacher, philosopher...

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin first thought about creating a system of positive attitudes, not only for losing weight, but also for healing from various ailments, back during the Second World War. Then the man had to recover from several serious injuries. And he succeeded, without the use of medications. He spoke to wounds and controlled pain with “medicine” from words, images, emotions and will.

Georgy Nikolaevich decided to devote his entire post-war life to turning his amazing idea into reality. To do this, he conquered professional heights in various fields, becoming a doctor of medical, psychological, pedagogical and philosophical sciences. To date, Sytin has created more than 20 thousand different moods that have helped hundreds of thousands of people.

In fact, Sytin’s positive attitudes are texts that, upon first reading, seem similar to some kind of auto-training for someone losing weight - his work on himself. And you are unlikely to guess that words, phrases, and their sequence are special spells, the basis of which the academician laid the ancient folk spells he carefully selected. In addition, when creating the mood, Georgy Nikolaevich relied on the scientific works of the well-known academician Pavlov.


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