21 ways to burn 500 calories at home

Every person dreams of having a beautiful, strong and healthy, toned body. However, simply going on a diet or occasionally doing exercises is not enough for this. Without properly planned physical activity and a structured diet, it is unlikely that you will be able to lose excess weight. To understand exactly how to calculate calorie consumption during physical activity, plan your personal regimen and calculate PP for losing weight or maintaining normal weight, consider the tables we have compiled in this article.

Calorie consumption

Knowing that calorie intake is of utmost importance in losing weight, what type of activity will you choose? Exercise helps with weight loss, but it doesn't do the work on its own. It is impossible to lose weight just by playing sports and not watching your diet.

Calorie expenditure for different activities can vary significantly. However, you should not choose, for example, swimming if you hate swimming. Choose what you like and then the excess weight will come off much easier.

Table of calorie consumption for various activities

How many minutes will it take to burn 500 calories?
Body weight54.5 kg63.5 kg72.5 kg82 kg91 kg100 kg109 kg
Water aerobics1311139988797266
Boot camp training78635245393531
Boxing with a heavy bag66574944403633
Cross country skiing56484238343128
Cycling (outdoor)75645650454138
Running in place53454035322926
Martial arts53453935322926
Tennis at the wall61534641373331
Roller skating75645650454138
Interval running24211816141312
Stretching (maximum rest)110948273666055
Stretching (minimum rest)64554843383532
  1. 30 minutes running at 12 km/h

Running is the best way to burn calories. You don't need special equipment. In this case, the result will be noticeable quite quickly. It is advisable to dilute running with strength training. Running itself helps burn calories and get rid of fat mass, but at the same time, muscles can begin to burn, which is undesirable. Muscles help the body burn more calories and also prevent sagging skin and unattractive lack of shape. Losing weight alone will not help tone your muscles. Without strength training, you can lose weight, but this will lead to a saggy belly and flabby buttocks. By combining running with strength training, you maintain muscle mass, which not only helps you create a beautiful figure, but also helps speed up your metabolism. And the higher the metabolism, the more actively the body burns calories even during rest.

  1. Jogging at a speed of 8 km/h

Almost no different from the previous option, except that in order to burn 500 calories, you will need to run more.

  1. High Intensity Interval Training

Interval, that is, alternating periods of high and low intensity, you can perform almost any exercise. This form of training has been proven to increase the number of calories you burn and also allow you to work out for less time than if you simply worked at a steady pace.

  1. One hour of sailing

This is not about leisurely floundering in the water. In order to start the process of losing weight, you need to swim, swim and swim again with the highest possible intensity.

  1. 2 hours to mow the lawn

This is not something that can be done every day, unless the grass on your property is fertilized with radioactive fertilizers and is growing by leaps and bounds. However, this is a good way to break up your workouts. If you realize that mowing the lawn for 2 hours is too much and you simply don’t have that much grass, then combine this task with another activity. It's summer, go to the dacha soon.

  1. 2 hours climb to the mountains

Similar to walking, however, when climbing mountains you load the body more not due to an increase in speed, as when running, but due to the fact that the path is constantly changing and in order to walk you need to put in more effort than, for example, when walking in park. You can go to the mountains on your own or invite friends. Go on this hike in good weather, in a place with good views, and don't forget to take plenty of water.

  1. 60 minutes of rock climbing

An unusual load during which almost all muscles are involved. You'll have a good time, burn calories and give your arms and legs a good workout.

  1. Tennis hour

Tennis is a great sport that burns calories, but it also burns time. Almost all sports that need to be played in pairs or in a team are simply “time wasters.” You don't notice how the hours fly by.

  1. Martial arts

50 minutes will be more than enough. Don't like martial arts? How about self-defense or boxing classes?

  1. 2 hours horse ride

We are talking about normal horse riding. If you are involved in show jumping, for example, the number of calories burned during this time increases.

  1. Aerobics

You can burn 500 calories in 50 minutes of high-intensity aerobics. At medium intensity you will need 70 minutes. To burn 500 calories in the pool, you will need to spend 2 hours doing water aerobics.

  1. Volleyball hour

We are talking about beach volleyball, during which you burn more calories than when exercising in the gym. Don't forget about sun protection. If you're not a volleyball fan, why not leave the frisbee behind?

  1. 75 minutes by bike

A great way to get around the city. Not only will you get to your destination, but you will also burn calories. If it's been a while since you last rode a bike, prepare to have sore muscles the next day that you didn't even know existed. If you plan to drive often and over long distances, be sure to purchase a quality seat. Remember to alternate between periods of high and low intensity. Don't ride at the same pace all the time.

  1. Dancing

Take up dancing right at home. It doesn't matter if you can dance or not, just turn on the music and start burning calories. The number of calories burned depends on the type of dance. In an hour of salsa you will burn 290 calories, in an hour of ballet or modern dance - about 310.

  1. Power training

You won't burn 500 calories in one workout (more like 300), but you can add a light jog at the beginning and end of your workout.

  1. 45 minutes cycle

The harder you pedal, the higher the resistance, the more calories you will burn. Don't shirk, increase the load and don't stop.

  1. 50 minutes walk up the stairs

Use a special exercise machine in the gym or just find a suitable staircase on the street or at home.

  1. An hour of surfing

If you have the opportunity to go to a beach with good waves, then surfing is an ideal way to burn extra calories in an easy and fun way.

  1. 45-50 minutes rowing

The rowing machine is one of those machines that is often used incorrectly. Do not round your back when moving forward; work primarily with your arms, not your legs. If you are not confident in your technique, ask the trainer on duty for help (don’t be afraid, he won’t refuse you - that’s his job). If you have such a simulator at home, you can use numerous training videos.

  1. 50 minutes of jumping rope

Jumping for 50 minutes without a break is not an easy task. Divide the exercise into small time intervals. Jump little by little throughout the day.

  1. Don't worry and keep moving

Shake your legs when sitting (you shouldn't do this in a large crowd of people or at a meeting, you may irritate someone), walk in circles. when talking on the phone. Choose the stairs instead of the elevator, get off a couple of stops earlier, and park as far away from the entrance as possible. Take every opportunity to make a few extra moves. Of course, without sports, you won't be able to burn an extra 500 calories per day, but you can increase your workout gains in this simple way.

If it's snowing right now, grab a shovel quickly. 80 minutes and 500 calories are gone.

There are many ways to burn 500 calories other than those mentioned above. don't limit yourself. Think about what you like to do, where and when.

Don't forget that in order to lose weight, it is important not only to burn calories, but also to monitor your diet. Losing weight is 80% nutrition and only 20% exercise. By starting to eat right, you will not only begin to lose weight, but you will also notice a change in your mood, become more active and cheerful. Add exercise to this and you will achieve your goal very soon.

And finally, the more weight you lose, the more effort you will need to put in to burn the same amount of calories.

Do you want to lose weight? Then focus not on the number on the scale, but on getting rid of fat mass and gaining muscle mass (which, as you know, is heavier than fat) to bring your figure to the ideal.


This is one of the most effective exercises that gives incredible effects on the whole body, and all because you have to use the whole body, provided that the exercise is performed correctly. One of the benefits of the exercise is the acceleration of blood circulation, as well as effective training of the abdominal muscles. And not just the press! The exercise perfectly engages the muscles of the core, thighs, buttocks, calf muscles and shoulder muscles, and this in turn provides additional calorie burning. A few sets of 50 reps while watching TV is all you need.

exercise climber technique

Execution technique

  • Starting position - emphasis on your palms and toes (plank, as for push-ups). The body is parallel to the floor. The arms are perpendicular to the floor: the shoulder and elbow joints, as well as the wrists, are clearly aligned one below the other. Elbows slightly bent (do not lock your arms at the elbows). Don't arch at the waist. The stomach is pulled in.
  • Make sure that your abdominal muscles are tense throughout the entire exercise.
  • In the plank position, check that the pelvis is tucked “under you, down” (this way you will eliminate tension in the lower back); straighten your shoulders, keep them as far away from your ears as possible; The head and neck are a continuation of the spine.
  • As you exhale, pull your knee towards your chest.
  • As you inhale, return to the starting position.
  • Alternate legs. The pelvis does not rise when moving, hold it as in a static plank. Breathe calmly, evenly, don’t stop or hold your breath. Breathing depends on the pace of the exercise.

For optimal effect, I recommend performing the “Mountaineer” at a fast pace for at least 30 seconds. Do several approaches.

After a few of these approaches, you will definitely burn all the calories you ate for breakfast today, and perhaps some lunch calories too! But doing a mountain climber for a minute or two is a real challenge! So combine this exercise with others, such as jumping jacks, lunges and burpees, and you can burn about 300 calories in 30 minutes!

Of course, these are average numbers. The lower your weight, the fewer calories you will lose by doing the exercise. For example, if you climb for a minute, you can burn 8 calories if your weight is 57 kg, 10 calories if you weigh 70 kg. and 12 calories – if your weight is 84 kg.

climber exercise

There are many ways to make this exercise easier and more difficult. I advise, one way or another, to use all options, since they are too different in dynamics and load.

  1. Climber walking. We pull our knees to our chest one by one (with and without touching the floor).
  2. Climber in a jump. We change legs with a jump. In the final position (at the chest) (with and without touching the floor)
  3. Climber running. We imagine that we are running upward. In the final position (at the chest) fixation is minimal.
  4. Diagonal climber. Here we can either walk or jump. The knee is pulled towards the opposite elbow. The load is shifted more to the oblique abdominal muscles.
  5. Climber "Crocodile" ("Reptile"). Performed by walking or jumping, with or without placing the foot on the floor. The knee is moved to the side.
  6. Climber with a high jump. Starting position: one leg is brought forward into a deep lunge. Next, we change legs with a high jump. Accordingly, the second leg stands in a deep lunge. Ideally, the foot is next to the palm.
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