9 stretches to help you sleep better

Modern girls have so many things to do and tasks that they rarely have a moment to calm down, exhale and unravel the compressed tangle of nerves inside. Regulated breathing and stretching in such a situation is the best way to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which affects the feeling of anxiety. Today we have collected some simple exercises that are worth doing if you can't sleep due to anxiety.


Lie on your stomach with your arms extended slightly forward so that your elbows are directly under your shoulders. Relax your shoulders, buttocks and back, allowing them to completely stick to the floor. This position is especially important for those who lead an office lifestyle or sit a lot during the working day. It not only allows you to relax the upper part of the body, but also stimulates the adrenal glands, the organs that are responsible for the production of stress hormones.

Stretching and exercise in the evening

Since the term exercise still defines a morning set of simple exercises, we call evening exercise as such conditionally. It would be more accurate to say evening training.


speed up metabolism (metabolism slows down in the evening, which is why it is harmful to eat a lot at night); burn fat during sleep (muscles consume energy for their recovery for several hours after training, so fat will be consumed at night to replenish energy).


may cause insomnia. Indeed, very intense evening exercise shortly before bedtime will cause insomnia. The solution is to exercise 2-3 hours before your expected bedtime; can awaken a beastly appetite overnight. This problem can be solved by reducing physical activity or reducing exercise time.

Neck stretch

This simple exercise will help reduce most of your anxiety in just minutes. Sit on the edge of the bed with your right hand under your right thigh. Then place your left hand on your head so that it touches the right side. Tilt your head with your hand toward your left shoulder to open the neck muscles and relieve pressure.

Do the stretch for at least 30 seconds and then repeat the exercise on the other side. Don't forget to also concentrate on your breathing, because the deeper you breathe, the more efficiently your muscles will be saturated with oxygen.

Thread-to-needle pose

This gentle twist releases tension in the shoulders and begins to stretch and relax the lower back. Start in a tabletop position, with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. As you inhale, raise your right arm to the sky, palm facing away from your body. Exhale and move your right arm under your chest, resting your shoulder on the floor. Turn your right palm up toward the sky and place your right cheek on the floor. Keep your left palm flat on the ground, or deepen your twist by pressing your left hand toward your lower back. Hold for five breaths. Then, as you inhale, lift your right arm toward the sky for a gentle counter-twist. Exhale, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. You will notice an improvement in your sleep very quickly.


Lie on your back and then bring your right ankle towards your left knee to form a figure “4” from your legs. Then take your left shin and bring it to your chest, holding it for 3-5 minutes. This exercise allows you to open your hips, and at the same time relieve tension from the lower back, which gets very tired for those who spend a lot of time on their feet.

Why do you need to stretch before bed?

Stretched and relaxed muscles after exercise help maintain an ideal body condition for falling asleep. After an active day, this is a way to relieve tension and get maximum recovery in your sleep, while after not too active activities during the day, stretching will help the body warm up, get enough oxygen during movement, relieve tension and get rid of possible insomnia.

Also, evening body stretching is a way to distract yourself from extraneous thoughts and get ready for sleep. The body requires rest after any physical activity. Basic stretching refers to a low level of stress, the most optimal option for beginners in order to relieve nervous tension and fall asleep better.

Feet on the wall

This simple pose can be done right in bed: lie on your back so that your buttocks touch the wall. Raise your legs up and lean them against the wall so that your heel rests firmly on the wall. Tilt your head and neck back. This exercise is great for improving circulation, stretching the hamstrings and reducing lower back pain.

Read on topic: How hormones and anxiety are connected

Legs up the wall

This yoga pose stretches the hamstrings, relieves tension in the lower back, and can help reduce any swelling or cramping that may occur from sitting or standing for long periods of time.

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Sit with your hip against the wall. Raise your legs parallel to the wall, lean back and place your upper body on the ground, forming an L-shape. If your hamstrings are tight, move your hips a few inches away from the wall or bend your knees slightly. For additional support, you can also place a folded blanket or bolster under your lower back. This will lift your buttocks slightly off the ground.

Bring your right index finger to your nose and gently close your right nostril. Take 5-10 slow breaths in and out through the left nostril only, which reduces blood pressure, body temperature and anxiety. Release your hand and breathe slowly and deeply through both nostrils. Then press your feet against the wall, lift your hips slightly, and roll onto your side. Stay on your side for a few breaths, taking your time to come out of the pose.

Pigeon pose

Get into inverted dog pose, then lift your right leg and bend your knee. Rotate your hips, moving your knee to the side, and then slowly lower yourself towards the floor. You will end up sitting with your left leg extended forward and your right leg completely flat. Take a deep breath, and then try to lift your pelvis as you inhale. Do this exercise at least 10 times before switching sides. The pose itself will allow you to speed up the digestive processes and also stimulate the abdominal organs.

Bear hugs and snow angels

These two exercises open up the chest, relieve tension in the back and shoulders, and counteract postural problems—poor posture has been shown to affect stress, mood, breathing, and circulation.

Lie on your back and place two tennis or massage balls between your shoulder blades at the top of your spine. Keep your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your head on the floor and spread your arms to the sides. Take three to five breaths here. Then hug yourself by crossing your right arm over your left and switch by crossing your left arm over your right. Repeat this bear hug several times.

Then extend your arms again. Inhale and slowly extend your arms above your head. Exhale and press your elbows towards your waist. Repeat the exercise three to five times, trying to keep your hands on the floor throughout the movement. Lift your hips, roll the balls down your spine and repeat. Continue rolling the balls down your back and repeating “bear hugs and snow angels” until you reach the middle of your back.


Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Raise your hips and then place a small pillow under your lower back. Then lift your legs up so that your knees are above your hips, lifting your lower back off the floor. When you feel like you have your balance, try bringing your knee into your chest while extending your opposite leg and lowering it to the floor. Stay at this point for 2-3 minutes before lowering everything to the floor. If you sit most of the day, you will appreciate this exercise - it is the best way to relax the hip flexors that have been contracted all day, which will reduce the fatigue that has accumulated in the lower back.

Child's Pose

Child's Pose relieves tension in the back and shoulders, gently stretches the hips, and has an overall calming effect. Lower your hips back toward your heels and position your chest between your thighs. Your big toes are touching each other and your knees are spread as far apart as necessary to allow you to breathe deeply. Extend your arms in front of you. Your forehead may be on the floor.

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Seated forward bends

“These bends are especially helpful after you've been lying down all night and before you sit or stand all day, as it stretches the Achilles tendons, pelvis and spine.”

To begin, lift your torso up from a lying position. Keeping your legs straight, inhale and lengthen through your spine; As you exhale, begin to reach your fingertips towards your feet. Stretch your spine as you inhale and deepen the tilt as you exhale. Having reached the extreme point, relax your neck, releasing tension.

After 10 breaths, slowly return your torso back.

source https://lifter.com.ua


Quote from Solovik

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We write a lot about various useful exercises for losing weight and developing strength, but somehow we completely forgot about such an important type of physical activity as stretching. And it’s completely in vain - these exercises are extremely important for maintaining muscle tone, developing flexibility, plasticity and coordination of movements. You should definitely include stretching exercises in your daily practice, especially since they don't take much time and don't require any equipment. For example, you can do this set of useful stretching exercises right in bed before going to bed or immediately after waking up.

Performing this set of exercises in the morning, as recommended by the source, will help shake off the remnants of sleep, perk up and be a great start to the day. It is equally useful to stretch slightly before going to bed: you can relax, forget about the stresses and worries of the day, and get ready for a night's rest.

Back crunches

While lying on your back, bend and lift your left knee and then lower it to your right side. At the same time, the left arm and shoulder are extended perpendicular to the body, the head is turned to the left. With your right hand, you can help yourself by pressing on the thigh and achieving an even greater twisting effect. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

Pulling your knees to your chest

While lying down, bend your leg, then pull it towards your chest with your hands. Don't use too much force to avoid stretching the ligaments. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then switch legs.

Half split lying

While lying on your back, lift your half-bent leg up and grab your foot with your hands. Helping yourself with your hands, press your knee to your body. Hold this position for 30 seconds before changing legs.

Quadriceps stretch

While lying on your side, grab the top of your ankle and pull it toward your buttocks. By changing the distance of the knee from the bed, you can use different muscle groups. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, then roll over and repeat on your left leg.


This exercise will stretch the muscles of the neck, chest, abdomen, and also develop flexibility of the spine. While lying on your stomach, rest on your hands and lift your head and shoulders up, without lifting your pelvis from the bed. Hold in the maximum backbend position for 30 seconds, then gently lower back down.

Inverted flight

Sit across the bed with your legs extended forward. Slowly lower yourself back so that your shoulders and head hang off the bed. Try to reach the floor with your hands, while experiencing maximum stretching of the muscles of the chest, abdomen, and arms. Hang in this position for 30 seconds.

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Series of messages “Health”:
Part 1 - Nutrition for spinal osteochondrosis. Part 2 - Cervical osteochondrosis. Some advice. ... Part 47 - A set of effective exercises for patients suffering from dizziness. Part 48 - Exercises that the doctor recommended to do for back pain. Part 49 - A set of useful stretching exercises right in bed.

A set of stretching exercises

I decided that I wanted a routine that would work the entire body, specifically the neck, shoulders, back, glutes, hamstrings, quads and ankles, but would take less than five minutes. Here's what I got.

  • My daily stretching routine began with rotating my head several times in each direction, and continued with neck exercises where I touched my ear to my shoulder, my chin to my chest, and the back of my head to my upper back.
  • Next, I did arm rotations, then the “bear hug” exercise, in which you need to tightly grab yourself by the shoulders.
  • Then she stretched her back in all three planes, leaning forward and backward, right and left and turning to the sides.
  • For the glutes, thighs, and hamstrings, I leaned forward and touched the floor and then held pigeon pose, a yoga exercise; to open the hips, she folded forward, spreading her legs wide in the shape of a triangle.
  • I used a foam roller to knead the spine from my upper back to my sacrum, applying pressure to any pressure points and rolling out both glutes, hamstrings, iliotibial band (IT) and calves.
  • I finished by rotating my ankles.

Side twist

This will allow you to stretch the muscles of your entire spine. To do this, lying on your back, you need to pull the knee of one leg towards the body of the opposite side. That is, the left leg to the right side. At the same time, you need to pull the opposite hand (right), along with the body, to the left. This results in simultaneous opposite twisting.

All such exercises must be done carefully, without jerking. Stay in the strained position for a short time, 30 seconds. will be sufficient. You can also use your ideas on how to stretch for any other parts of the body.

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