Does chromium picolinate help with weight loss - investigation

Chromium picolinate is not bad, it really discourages the desire to eat sweets and gives a weight loss effect, but in order to get rid of a significant amount of kg, you will have to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet - eat more vegetables and fruits, drink a lot of water, etc. And it is advisable to include exercise.

The instructions for use say that you need to drip the liquid under the tongue, but this is inconvenient for me, so I just drink them from a spoon. The taste is sweet-bitter, but does not cause disgust. I drank 20-30 drops, so one bottle only lasted for a couple of weeks.

In addition to the fact that I lost weight and stopped consuming sweets, my performance increased and my mood improved. In the first week, when the body got used to the new product, there was nausea and gas formation, so I decided to take a week’s leave from work. Afterwards everything returned to normal.

I was especially impressed that chromium picolinate is recommended for hormonal imbalances and diabetes. My wife is diabetic and therefore has problems with weight and metabolism. So, when she saw my result, she also wanted to drink it and asked the endocrinologist, and the doctor allowed it. We were surprised when, after taking it for a week, her glucose levels began to decrease (she monitors them 2 times a day).

I think a huge disadvantage is that it contains sodium benzoate E211, which is a preservative and flavoring agent of unknown origin.

Chromium picolinate is my salvation

Review left by MaH
Rating: 5

(out of 5)


Cost – very affordable, discourages sweet cravings


You don't lose weight quickly

My mother bought me chromium picolinate because she takes it periodically. We have one problem - gluttony for sweets. We often go on diets, but it’s always stressful because it’s hard to give up carbohydrate foods. But it’s easier to do this with chromium picolinate. I think we have found a universal and harmless remedy.

Personal experience

I couldn’t pass up such a drug either. I had experience taking chromium picolinate, and I can say that I repeat the courses. I took the Solgar brand drug with a dosage of 200 mcg. The first week I didn’t feel any effect, but the good stuff doesn’t go to waste, and dietary supplements almost never work right away.

But somewhere on the 10th day I noticed that I indifferently walked past a piece of cake that my son had forgotten on the table! I don’t seem to have a sweet tooth, but it was after lunch that I often craved sweets (by the way, such a craving for sweets is explained by the release of hormones in the afternoon, when the body is already “tired” and craves glucose as the easiest way to get energy). Fruits and berries were used; I could resist sweets and cakes, but I really wanted to. And this piece of chocolate! I was completely indifferent to the cake!

And then I noticed that I don’t want anything sweet after lunch! That is, the drug really works! I will say more - even before the CD, indifference to treats has not gone away!

I personally didn’t notice any special “weight loss” effect, although I have practically no excess weight. But I think that for those who are just starting their weight loss journey, chromium will not hurt, it will help you stop craving high-calorie sweets... But still, do not forget about consulting a doctor and choosing good medications.

The truth about chromium picolinate

Review left by Jadviga
Rating: 3

(out of 5)


Beautiful advertising, helps to get rid of the desire to eat sweets


No weight loss effect as advertised

I bought chromium picolinate as a means of losing weight, at least I read a lot of reviews that it helps. In fact, I didn’t lose weight at all, I just stopped eating sweets in large quantities. Another plus I would like to note is that the energy appeared and there were no side effects. The confusing thing is that this is not a drug, but just a dietary supplement, which means it is not certified by the Ministry of Health. It scares.

  • Review #1
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  • Review #3
  • Review No. 4
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  • Review No. 6

What to remember

Chromium picolinate is a dietary supplement. It should be taken as a supplement to main food.

The drug helps replenish chromium reserves in the body and at the same time promotes weight loss. Is it worth using it separately for weight loss? Quite controversial. I wouldn't recommend it.

Have you, dear reader, encountered such nutritional supplements? Leave your feedback in the comments below. If the article was useful, then tell your friends about it on social networks. Perhaps you will be the one to help them find the answer to their question.

See you in the next article!

Double Action Chromium Picolinate

Review left by Riv*era

Grade: 4

(out of 5)


It really works - you lose weight, the craving for sweets disappears


There is a lot of controversy around dietary supplements

I don’t know for what reason, but in the last 3 months I began to really crave sweets. If previously it was enough to eat a couple of cookies or sweets, now it’s just an uncontrollable state. As a doctor friend told me, it means I don’t have enough carbohydrates and advised me to get examined. To be honest, I didn’t do this, because otherwise I feel great.

The same doctor spoke about the drug Chromium Picolinate. I started googling information about it and most of the reviews were good. I bought it in the form of drops (there are also capsules). I drank as written in the instructions for use - 20 drops in the morning. I can say that in the first half of the day I didn’t want sweets at all, but in the evening I had cravings again. I decided to change the dosage regimen a little and started drinking 25 drops at lunch and it worked. Moreover, I have no time to think about food until the evening (work is incredibly busy).

So I drank the entire bottle, which lasted almost a month. During this time, she not only stopped craving sweets, but also lost 2.5 kg. A friend told me that this is not enough, but I am happy, because apart from taking chromium picolinate, I did nothing - I ate as usual and did not exercise. And besides, I believe that slow weight loss contributes to lasting results. So I recommend it.

Rules of admission, dosage

The standard dosage regimen and dosage are given in the instructions for the dietary supplement.

The daily norm of chromium (it is the same for women and men) is 50-70 mcg, during a diet or during excessive physical activity - up to 200 mcg.

They usually take 1-2 capsules per day with meals for a course duration of 10-25 days - this dosage regimen is prescribed in the recommendations of the drug with a dosage of 200 mcg.

If necessary, the doctor can adjust it, reduce the dosage or extend the duration of administration.

How to take the drops? In liquid form, the drug is taken 10-25 drops 2 times a day.

Chewing gum is enough to chew 1 lozenge three times a day for at least 10 minutes each time.

Chromium picolinate – I do not recommend it

Review left by Natael
Rating: 3

(out of 5)


Didn't do any harm


Bitter taste, no effect

Chromium picolinate is not considered a medicine, but consists of chromium and additional components that are harmless to the body. The drops are convenient to take once a day. The price is very reasonable. In the first week, I didn’t notice the slightest result - as I ate sweets. so she continued. I was about to quit, but then I read that the product has a cumulative effect, that is, you need to drink it for a long time and when the active substance accumulates in the body, the effect will appear.

The cravings began to decrease only towards the end of the month and I lost a little weight, but I think that this is not the result that I expected, so I do not advise you to waste money, even if it’s small.

What is chromium picolinate

The name of the biologically active additive in Latin determines its composition: CHROMIUM PICOLINATE (TRIVALENTE).

The main component and active substance is the trivalent form of chromium, a chemical and biogenic element (present in plants and animals).

Preparations containing chromium are produced by manufacturers in different forms.

The standard and more common are capsules containing 200 or 500 mcg of active substance, 100 or 120 pieces per package.

When taking, you need to take into account that they usually contain magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose.

There are liquid forms in the form of a spray or drops (25 or 50 ml).

Chewing gum is a new and very convenient option for the drug.

Personally, I really like high-quality preparations from the famous iherb, here is a link to the best chromium-containing preparations. Solgar brand products are especially good - this is confirmed by reviews and the history of TM Solgar itself, which began back in 1947.

Dual opinions about the dietary supplement Chromium Picolinate

Review left by Kirrilo
Rating: 4

(out of 5)


Price, effect


There was a side effect

I bought chromium picolinate on the advice of my godfather, she drank it and had good results, but most importantly, she stopped eating kilograms of candy. I, too, will never refuse a sweet treat, so this remedy is important for me. In general, it is harmful for me to eat carbohydrates, since my metabolism is slow (due to illness). But many drugs are prohibited for me, so before buying chromium picolinate, I first contacted my endocrinologist. To my surprise, the doctor gave the go-ahead and explained that this dietary supplement suppresses appetite, accelerates metabolism, and promotes the production of certain hormones. It also normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol.

The drops were dripped under the tongue - I started with 10 drops and gradually increased the dosage. After about a week, I began to notice that my appetite was actually decreasing, especially for sweets. By the end of the course, I lost almost 5 kg and completely got rid of my addiction to sweets.

Among the shortcomings - at first I felt nauseous. After about 5-6 months, the craving for sweets appeared again, so I took the course again. My conclusion is that chromium picolinate helps, but you need to drink it periodically. That is, the effect does not persist forever.

And I also advise that if you don’t need to lose any more weight, but you need to get rid of your cravings for sweets, then try to eat more fatty meat products, otherwise, like me, you will lose too much weight.

Reviews from those who tried it

Research on the effect of chromium picolinate on the human body is contradictory. Some doctors consider high-quality products to be very effective, but there are also those who are skeptical. Thus, studies in America in 2003 and 2005 confirmed that regular use of chromium preparations in the required dosage for atypical depression actually reduces cravings for sweet and fatty foods. However, the controversy still does not subside. Even at some time, there was widespread speculation that chromium was carcinogenic, that is, it provoked cancer. True, they “forgot” to mention that they mean hexavalent chromium, and not the one that is included in drugs and food products.

As for ordinary people who are far from chemistry, medicine and other sciences, reviews of chromium preparations are positive:

Sveta, 45 years old:

“The endocrinologist recommended taking chromium picolinate. The reasons for the prescription are very serious: blood sugar levels are higher than normal, weight gain over the last six months. After taking the course, the levels returned to normal, and the weight began to go off. It has become much easier to limit yourself in eating sweets and starchy foods - the desire to eat sweets and tasty things has disappeared.”

Marina, 33 years old:

“Chrome picolinate chewing gum is very helpful when you want to raid the refrigerator in the evening. After 10-15 minutes of chewing, the feeling of hunger goes away. The magnetic power of the kitchen is clearly weakening.”

Natalia, 29 years old:

“I started taking the drug after a friend started losing extra pounds in front of her eyes. She told how to take chromium picolinate for weight loss. At first I was very doubtful, but the doctor dispelled my fears. I’m happy with the result - the process of losing weight is easier and more active.”

Yulia, 40 years old:

“After giving birth, I gained extra weight. I didn’t want to remain a donut. After I stopped breastfeeding, I started taking a drug containing chromium. I quickly got back into shape by adhering to the rules and taking the drug. How to drink it? In accordance with the doctor’s recommendations or instructions.”

Chromium picolinate - all the pros and cons

Review left by MaH
Rating: 5

(out of 5)


Safe and effective, inexpensive


Not a medicine, but a dietary supplement

Chromium picolinate is not bad, it really discourages the desire to eat sweets and gives a weight loss effect, but in order to get rid of a significant amount of kg, you will have to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet - eat more vegetables and fruits, drink a lot of water, etc. And it is advisable to include exercise.

The instructions for use say that you need to drip the liquid under the tongue, but this is inconvenient for me, so I just drink them from a spoon. The taste is sweet-bitter, but does not cause disgust. I drank 20-30 drops, so one bottle only lasted for a couple of weeks.

In addition to the fact that I lost weight and stopped consuming sweets, my performance increased and my mood improved. In the first week, when the body got used to the new product, there was nausea and gas formation, so I decided to take a week’s leave from work. Afterwards everything returned to normal.

I was especially impressed that chromium picolinate is recommended for hormonal imbalances and diabetes. My wife is diabetic and therefore has problems with weight and metabolism. So, when she saw my result, she also wanted to drink it and asked the endocrinologist, and the doctor allowed it. We were surprised when, after taking it for a week, her glucose levels began to decrease (she monitors them 2 times a day).

I think a huge disadvantage is that it contains sodium benzoate E211, which is a preservative and flavoring agent of unknown origin.

Indications and contraindications

The manufacturer himself answers the question about contraindications very vaguely. According to him, the use of the drug is not recommended only for those persons who are intolerant to the substances included in its composition. Very logical. It seems to me that every person understands and realizes this, doesn’t it?

In order to provide you with more specific information, I had to study reviews of the supplement on other official sources. Thanks to a little analysis, I have prepared for you a list of living conditions for which a taboo is established on the consumption of picolinate. It is prohibited to take:

  • Women during pregnancy;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children under 16 years of age;
  • people suffering from diabetes;
  • patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

The indication here is much simpler. The supplement should be taken if you have problems with chromium deficiency.

Chromium picolinate is my salvation

Review left by MaH
Rating: 5

(out of 5)


Cost – very affordable, discourages sweet cravings


You don't lose weight quickly

My mother bought me chromium picolinate because she takes it periodically. We have one problem - gluttony for sweets. We often go on diets, but it’s always stressful because it’s hard to give up carbohydrate foods. But it’s easier to do this with chromium picolinate. I think we have found a universal and harmless remedy.

The truth about chromium picolinate

Review left by Jadviga
Rating: 3

(out of 5)


Beautiful advertising, helps to get rid of the desire to eat sweets


No weight loss effect as advertised

I bought chromium picolinate as a means of losing weight, at least I read a lot of reviews that it helps. In fact, I didn’t lose weight at all, I just stopped eating sweets in large quantities. Another plus I would like to note is that the energy appeared and there were no side effects. The confusing thing is that this is not a drug, but just a dietary supplement, which means it is not certified by the Ministry of Health. It scares.


    Pros: Stopped gorging on candy

    Disadvantages: It’s a pity that you are losing weight slowly

    I could never give up sweets, but in recent years I began to gain weight because of this. The nutritionist told me that I need to eradicate the cause - that is, give up sweets. I couldn’t do it myself, but the dietary supplement helped fight off this craving




    Advantages: Lost weight without harming the body.

    Disadvantages: There is negativity on the Internet.

    The drug worked well, and most importantly, it is free of chemicals and synthetics.




    Advantages: Natural composition, discourages cravings for sweets

    Disadvantages: None

    The drug was recommended to me by a general practitioner, because due to the fact that I eat a lot of sweets, I started having problems with sugar. Chromium picolinate really works)))




    Advantages: Cost and harmlessness

    Cons: Didn't lose weight

    I took the drug strictly according to the instructions, but I only lost 2 kg, and I still crave sweets. I did not like

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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