Milk and whey proteins (proteins). Benefits and overview of biological value.

What is protein for?


  1. What is protein
  2. What is protein for?
  3. For muscle gain
  4. For weight loss
  5. How much protein should you take per day?
  6. Protein varieties
  7. Products containing protein
  8. Contraindications to the use of protein
  9. How to take protein correctly
  10. Side effects

Protein is used as sports nutrition for muscle growth. This is a healthy food for bodybuilders and those who strive for a beautiful figure. But not everyone knows what it is and how to take it correctly.


Every athlete should know how many grams of protein the body needs for full growth and development. And here it is important to take into account such a concept as nitrogen balance, which shows the ratio of incoming and outgoing protein. If this balance is positive, then the muscles receive the protein necessary for growth.

It is important to know how many grams of protein to take in order to meet the body's needs and not exceed the permissible dosage. In particular, an adult athlete needs about 1.5-2.5 grams per kilogram per day. So, a person weighing 100 kilograms should receive about 200 grams of protein (give or take). Naturally, you cannot drink all the protein at one time - it must be divided into 4-6 servings, each of which should contain about 30-40 grams of protein.

To make dosing easier, there is a measuring spoon in the protein jar. Its volume is about 23-25 ​​grams. This is much more than one teaspoon, so choosing a standard serving is easier.

The amount of protein per day largely depends on your goals. For example, to grow muscle mass, you need to drink about 100-150 grams of protein per day (for people with a predisposition to obesity) and 150-200 grams of protein (for athletes who have almost no subcutaneous fat). In both the first and second cases, one scoop of protein should be drunk at one time (you can drink two scoops before training).

Many bodybuilders are interested in how much protein they need to drink when working on relief. Here the approach should be slightly different. If there is a tendency towards fat, then the body should receive about 130-150 g/day, when drying - 140-160 g/day, thin athletes need about 200-240 g/day. In this case, 1-2 measuring spoons can be taken at one time. You can mix the powder with warm water, milk or juice. In no case should the liquid be very hot or, conversely, very cold.

What is protein

Protein is a natural product containing pure protein. It is recommended for athletes to take during active training and an unbalanced diet. Store-bought protein supplements contain more protein than meat, cottage cheese and other products.

Protein is a universal sports nutrition. It is made from products of animal and plant origin, so even vegans find the optimal product for themselves.

Many people believe that store-bought supplements are chemicals that are harmful to the body. In fact, sports nutrition is made from natural products (whey, eggs, beef, etc.) through drying and grinding. Of course, there is also nutrition on the market that contains various additives. Such a product, as a rule, costs much less than a real, high-quality product.

What is protein for?

A protein supplement is necessary to replenish protein in the body. This is especially important during active training and gaining muscle mass. Another thing you need protein for is weight loss. When taken correctly, weight loss and fat are removed from problem areas.

Why should you take protein?

  • Protein from sports nutrition is absorbed better and faster than from regular foods. This allows you to gain muscle mass in a short time without additional supplements.
  • Sports nutrition is convenient to use as a snack.
  • Thus, protein bars perfectly satisfy hunger and do not require cooking.
  • Sports nutrition also contains other components that help you lose weight and gain muscle mass.

Time of receipt

Particular attention should be paid to the timing of taking the supplement. For example, it is advisable to drink whey (“fast”) protein 30-40 minutes before and 20-30 minutes after going to the gym. In addition, it is advisable to drink this protein in the morning and between meals. How many times a day? On average, you should get about 4-6 techniques.

In turn, it is advisable to take “slow” protein (casein) at night (one or two scoops of the supplement and the body is fed with a full volume of amino acids throughout the night). Casein can also be taken during the day if there are long gaps between meals.

If during the day the body constantly receives protein in the required volume, then catabolism processes are excluded. At the same time, muscle fibers receive everything they need for growth and development.

For muscle gain

Athletes use protein supplements to gain muscle mass and protect tissue from breakdown. The fact is that with a decrease in body weight and active physical activity, muscles begin to break down. And to improve results, you need to take special nutrition for athletes.

Many people find a solution to this problem in conventional products. But store-bought protein is better absorbed, so it is recommended for athletes to use.


This is a protein-carbohydrate supplement, with a nutrient ratio of 1:3. Protein most often comes in the form of whey, soy, or other plant protein. Dextrose or maltodextrin is added to gainers as carbohydrates. Some mass gainers may contain additional ingredients such as BCAA, creatine, vitamins and minerals.

Why do you take gainer? For gaining muscle mass, as it helps build muscle faster. Gainer also improves post-workout recovery. It increases the rate of muscle glycogen recovery after exercise, which is a very beneficial quality, especially for those looking to gain weight. Muscle glycogen is an essential fuel for intense exercise, whether aerobic or anaerobic exercise, and glycogen synthesis is a relatively slow process. Therefore, the role of a gainer in this matter is difficult to overestimate.3

During the training process, our muscles are destroyed, and to stop this process, it is necessary to take a portion of a gainer within an hour after playing sports. Firstly, it solves the problem of uncontrolled consumption of fast carbohydrates. You are tired, your body needs energy, so you immediately go for a bun, being sure that it will “burn” anyway. Thanks to the gainer, you will not only cover some of your daily carbohydrate needs, but also solve the problem of your brutal appetite. Secondly, the gainer contains a certain portion of protein. For example, consider Myprotein products.

  • Weight Gainer contains more than 27 g of protein per serving;
  • a vegan gainer can give you 29 g of protein;
  • the Extreme Gainer mixture can already provide much more - 32 g of protein;
  • The new and improved THE Gainer delivers a whopping 47g of protein per serving.

This amount of protein in the gainer is enough for your muscles to begin to grow safely.

Can weight gainers affect athletic performance? The answer is yes. Many studies have shown that taking a gainer affects the performance of athletes. A study conducted by American scientists in 2014 examined the effects of taking protein and carbohydrate supplements before and after workouts. It was found that the combined intake of proteins and carbohydrates in functional all-around athletes led to improved performance and athletic performance.4

For weight loss

Contrary to popular belief that you need to starve to lose weight, experts recommend creating a calorie deficit and switching to a different nutrition system. It consists of reducing the consumption of fats and carbohydrates, and proteins should prevail in the diet. Therefore, it is necessary to take protein for weight loss in order to get rid of excess fat deposits without stress to the body.

Protein provides energy and increases endurance when losing body weight. At the same time, the body does not turn on the extreme energy saving mode, during which rapid growth of adipose tissue occurs.

But taking sports nutrition must be combined with physical activity. Without training you will not be able to achieve a slim figure.

How much protein should you take per day?

To lose weight and gain muscle mass, you need to take protein in a certain dosage. And the rule does not apply here - the more, the faster the result. It is impossible to exceed the prescribed dosage - this can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Manufacturers of sports nutrition indicate dosages on packages, depending on a person’s weight. You should follow these recommendations to get the maximum amount of benefit from the supplement.

What should a beginner choose: protein or gainer?

A beginner should choose sports nutrition depending on his body type and goals. If you need to lose weight and then create relief, then you should buy whey protein. Gainers should not be taken by people of normal or excessive weight. But protein will help improve your figure, regardless of your initial weight.

If a beginner is faced with the task of increasing weight and gaining beautiful body proportions, then you need to take a gainer.

If in doubt, you should consult your trainer so that he can help you choose the right sports nutrition.

Protein varieties

There are a large number of varieties of protein depending on the raw materials used and production technology:

  • Whey concentrate. The most popular type of sports nutrition, which is made from whey. It is inexpensive, but may contain lactose and fats. It is quite rare in its pure form, so it is suitable for gaining muscle mass, not losing weight.
  • Casein. This type of sports nutrition is absorbed within 6-7 hours and is suitable as a food replacement. It is recommended to take it before bed to build muscle mass and get rid of night hunger.
  • Hydrolyzate. This is the highest quality type of sports nutrition. It contains purified protein that does not harm the digestive system. It is characterized by high cost. Made from beef or whey.
  • Isolates. Refers to quickly digestible food. Ideal for weight loss as it contains little or no fat and carbohydrates. It is characterized by high cost.
  • Soy protein. Suitable for vegetarians as it is made from plant ingredients. Contains glutamine, arginine and a number of amino acids.
  • Egg white. Contains a small amount of carbohydrates with a high content of amino acids.
  • Milk protein isolate. A quality product that combines the properties of casein and whey protein. It is characterized by low protein content.

How to take protein for weight loss for girls

Protein is taken not only to increase muscle mass, but also to lose weight, which is most important for girls. To lose excess weight, you need to use sports supplements correctly.

Whey protein of different brands

Whey protein is available in the form of hydrolyzate, isolate and concentrate. The difference lies in the degree of fat removal. For weight loss, it is recommended to use isolate or hydrolyzate. They contain the least amount of fat.

The recipe for preparing the supplement is simple: add milk to the powder. Nutritionists' advice is to use a low-fat product.

Casein protein is used to prevent muscle protein breakdown at night. In addition, a slow supply of amino acids during 7 hours of rest can restore muscle fibers that have been subjected to microtrauma. The supplement is a dry powder, which is thoroughly mixed in milk or water using a shaker and drunk 30-60 minutes before bedtime.

To lose weight in a shorter time, it is recommended to adhere to a multi-component diet, the diet of which includes not only protein, but also BCAA, creatine, vitamins and other useful compounds.

During the break between workouts, whey is used to maintain normal protein concentrations in the body.

Products containing protein

Almost all foods contain protein. But some have much more protein. And to build muscle mass, you need to include as many of these foods in your diet as possible:

  • meat, fish, poultry;
  • cottage cheese, feta cheese, hard cheeses;
  • peanuts, legumes, beans;
  • seafood.

Contraindications to the use of protein

Despite the benefits of protein for the athlete’s body, there are a number of contraindications that should be taken into account before starting to take sports nutrition:

  • Individual intolerance to components. So, if you are allergic to cow protein, you need to choose soy products. You should also consider the presence of additional ingredients in the composition. Flavoring additives can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Kidney pathologies. If you have diseases of the genitourinary system, you should not take protein, since protein increases the load on this organ.
  • Low stomach acidity. With insufficient secretion, it becomes difficult for the gastrointestinal tract to digest protein, which can lead to poisoning.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. In combination with intense exercise, sports activities are contraindicated for heart disease.

It is not recommended to take protein if you have low blood pressure.

Before purchasing a supplement, consult your doctor to rule out possible contraindications.

How to take protein correctly

The time and amount of taking a sports supplement depends on its type:

  • Whey. Hydrolyzate should be taken before training and immediately after training. The best time to take isolate is half an hour before training. And the concentrate can be taken during training and immediately after it.
  • Casein. The best time to take it to gain muscle mass is between meals and before bed.
  • Complex. Take two hours before exercise.
  • Protein isolate. Take in the morning, an hour before training and immediately after it ends.

How to take protein for muscle growth

Using protein in the morning allows you to compensate for the lack of protein that occurs at night under the influence of adrenal hormones, as well as due to lack of food intake. The use of the supplement is especially important if the athlete does not use slow casein before bed. The most effective use of whey.

It is recommended to combine the supplement with a full breakfast - omelet, oatmeal, vegetable salads and other dishes.

Eating protein before physical activity is generally recommended for athletes during intense preparation for competition, when the body requires an increased supply of protein. You can also drink the cocktail if your last meal was more than three hours ago. The use of the supplement in this case compensates for the protein deficiency and increases the effectiveness of the upcoming workout.

Whey protein is best. The top best proteins include Whey Protein, Amino Protein, JYMProJYM and other brands. The additives come in a variety of flavors, from chocolate chip cookies to raspberries.

Taking protein after a workout is most important for promoting muscle growth. Immediately after performing intense exercise, a cascade of biochemical reactions is launched - the synthesis and breakdown of proteins. To ensure that muscle protein production exceeds muscle protein breakdown, it is necessary to use sports supplements.

To replenish protein reserves, it is recommended to use whey or isolate. After physical exercise for 25-30 minutes, a protein-carbohydrate window appears in the body. This phenomenon is characterized by a change in the usual course of metabolism - simultaneously incoming protein and carbohydrates are spent only on the formation of proteins, therefore, fat is not deposited in the subcutaneous tissue. For this reason, nutritionists recommend using mass gainers after a workout instead of protein. The supplement includes not only protein, but also carbohydrates. This composition builds muscle more effectively. The benefits come from simultaneous use of a sports supplement with BCAA - branched amino acids, as well as carnitine, which reduces the feeling of fatigue and shortens the recovery period.

Taking sports supplements between meals provides the body with protein throughout the day. This is especially true during drying periods or when the diet is disrupted. You can take whey protein, concentrate, isolate.

It is recommended to drink casein protein before bed. This type of sports supplement is slowly absorbed, which prevents the breakdown of protein in the muscles and a decrease in their mass. At night, the adrenal glands produce a certain amount of catecholamines, which promote the breakdown of protein. It is recommended to consume casein an hour before bedtime.

The intake of protein after its intake occurs within 5-8 hours, depending on the characteristics of the powder and the individual characteristics of the body. The use of casein after heavy physical exertion is effective, since the intake of protein within several hours accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged muscle cells.

It is recommended to include a sports supplement in the diet while following a strict diet, during which the muscles stop increasing in volume without additional protein.

The main approach to nutrition for gaining muscle mass is comprehensive. Maximum effectiveness is observed with regular and long-term (a month or more) use of sports supplements. In this case, a multicomponent sports nutrition diet is preferable, which includes proteins or gainers, BCAA, carnitine and other nutrients. Compliance with the required dosages and consumption regimen helps to achieve the desired relief.

However, the common belief that sports nutrition can replace regular food is wrong. Switching to a mono-diet can cause irreparable harm to the body. Do not forget about possible contraindications to taking sports supplements. Thus, people with lactose intolerance need to use a soy supplement. If an allergic reaction or other side effects occur while consuming protein, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

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