Carboxytherapy is the subcutaneous or intradermal administration of medical (sterile) carbon dioxide (CO2) using microinjections in order to achieve a cosmetic and therapeutic effect. In aesthetic medicine, injection carboxytherapy can be used both as an independent procedure and in a comprehensive solution to various aesthetic problems. Doctors at our clinic most often use the method of injection carboxytherapy as part of a complex effect together with the introduction of other active ingredients, hyaluronic acid or using other cosmetic technologies. Carboxytherapy injections can be performed in different areas of the face, neck, décolleté, hips, shoulders, and knees.

How does carboxytherapy work?

Carbon dioxide, or carbon dioxide, is an odorless and colorless gas. CO2 is an integral component of cellular metabolism. Its level in biological tissues is monitored by many receptors. If a shift occurs in any direction, a cascade of reactions is launched to restore equilibrium.

In particular, excess CO2 is recognized as hypoxia, and the following measures are taken to eliminate it in the body:

During a course of carboxytherapy, the body reacts to it as if it were chronic hypoxia and uses additional resources to eliminate it. In particular, it increases the number of biologically active factors, for example, endothelial growth factors or platelet factors.

Endothelial growth factor VGFR stimulates the proliferation of new capillaries. In the long term, this contributes to the creation of a “healthy” circulatory network, improves tissue trophism and saturates them with oxygen.

Activation of platelets leads to the release from their granules of a huge number of biologically active factors (platelet growth factors, transforming and epidermal growth factors, etc.). They stimulate the growth and differentiation of dermal cells (in particular collagen), and also prolong the life of existing cells, preventing apoptosis.


The cost of the procedure is from 350 ₽.

Injections for weight loss can be called a fairly innovative way to get rid of excess weight. Thanks to injections, you can get rid of fat deposits without long workouts and diets. Injections allow you to achieve weight loss in problem areas. After all, even those people who are actively involved in sports know very well that some areas are very difficult to correct. However, injections can do this. They can be injected into the abdomen and buttocks, chin and arms. It should be understood that injections will not be able to break down a lot of fat. They allow you to cope with small folds. Therefore, such injections are practiced to reduce the severity of cellulite and increase skin elasticity. Sometimes they are introduced to combat stretch marks.

Ozone therapy for weight loss

During the procedure, an ozone-oxygen mixture is injected under the skin, which consists of only 5% ozone and 95% oxygen. The result is body correction without harm to health. The doctor fills a syringe with an ozone-oxygen mixture and makes several subcutaneous injections. From the outside it may seem that the syringe is completely empty. The injection is given directly into the problem area.

It may take 5-15 sessions to get rid of fat deposits. The interval between them should be at least 2 days. Only a doctor can announce a more precise number of procedures, since it depends on the thickness of the fat layer that a person wants to get rid of. The result can be seen after 4 sessions. The full course allows you to remove up to 10 extra centimeters.


Mesotherapy allows you to get rid of fat deposits due to the fact that the active substance is delivered directly to the problem area, bypassing the digestive system and the circulatory system. The main advantage of the procedure is that you can get rid of fat exactly in the place where the patient considers it necessary. For example, you can remove fat deposits from the sides or thighs. The cocktail contains vitamins and other nutrients that help improve the health of the body as a whole. Therefore, mesotherapy has a positive effect on a person’s well-being. The injections allow you to dissolve fats, but they cannot reach visceral fat. After all, it lies in the deep layers. Therefore, mesotherapy is a technique that corrects body volumes. The results of mesotherapy will be noticeable after 1-2 procedures. During this period, you can lose up to 3 cm in volume, tighten the skin, and increase its elasticity. If mesotherapy is carried out to get rid of cellulite, the result can be assessed only after 5 procedures, but not earlier.

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Lactation.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Allergy to ozone.
  • Inflammation of the dermis.
  • There is a risk of bleeding.
  • Inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Hypotension or hypertension.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Cancer diseases.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  • Alcohol intoxication.

There are no serious post-procedure restrictions, but for 1-2 weeks it is advisable to refrain from sunbathing and visiting the sauna. After the procedure, it is very advisable not to eat for three hours (and generally eat something light that day), drink plenty of water or green tea.

The main aesthetic problems that carboxytherapy solves

1. Correction of sagging skin and elimination of wrinkles

The smoothness and elasticity of the skin depends on two factors - the content of hyaluronic acid in the tissue and the framework proteins collagen and elastin.

Hyaluronic acid is an important component of the intercellular matrix. It is capable of holding water molecules in quantities exceeding its own weight. Thanks to this, the visco-elastic properties of the dermis are increased, and it looks moisturized, elastic and fresh.

The main elements of the fibrous dermis are collagen and elastin. Elastin fibers are largely responsible for skin elasticity, and collagen is responsible for resistance to age-related changes and strength.

On average, the content of framework proteins decreases by 1% every year. Exposure to carbon dioxide significantly stimulates metabolic processes and supports the synthesis of components important for the dermis - collagen and elastin - at an optimal level.

2. Lipolytic effect of gas injections

Carboxytherapy has been successfully used for local elimination of fatty tissue. For this purpose, carbon dioxide is administered together with a sterile saline solution. In this case, saline solution is administered first, and then CO2 injections are performed. As a result, a chemical reaction begins aimed at the synthesis of carbonic acid. This compound is extremely unstable and immediately dissociates to form hydrogen and bicarbonate ions. Hydrogen ions are powerful oxidizing agents and, interacting with adipose tissue, lead to local breakdown of lipids, i.e., in essence, they simply burn fat.

In parallel with this, the remaining CO2 molecules cause local hypoxia and provoke increased microcirculation of blood and lymph. This promotes the rapid removal of lipid breakdown products, tissue oxygenation, and activation of repair processes. All this generally has a beneficial effect on metabolism in this area, tones the skin and helps tighten it after loss of fat volume.

3. Elimination of cellulite

Carbon dioxide not only leads to the burning of local fat deposits, but also fights the main factor in the development of cellulite - fluid stagnation and local circulatory disorders.

Carboxytherapy improves microcirculation of blood vessels, not only blood vessels, but also lymphatic ones. Also, tissues are saturated with oxygen, toxins and metabolic products are removed from them.

Indications for the use of carboxytherapy

Carboxytherapy is successfully used both for treatment and for aesthetic purposes in cosmetology and provides:

  • saturation of cells with oxygen;
  • deep restructuring of the skin and stimulation of the synthesis of framework proteins - collagen;
  • relieving inflammatory reactions;
  • breakdown of fats and removal of toxins from cellulite;
  • stimulation of lymphatic drainage.

Thus, carboxytherapy is indicated in the following cases:

  • Fighting age-related changes - eliminating wrinkles.
  • Elimination of sagging skin (inner surface of shoulders and hips, knee area).
  • Elimination of local fat deposits - double chin, bags under the eyes, fat deposits in the abdomen, riding breeches, above the knees, etc.
  • Elimination of cellulite.
  • The fight against post-acne - scars, stagnant spots, uneven skin texture.
  • Recovery after plastic surgery and traumatic cosmetic procedures.
  • Getting rid of stretch marks (striae).
  • Reducing blueness under the eyes.

Do you want to get rid of extra centimeters on your waist and hips? Are you working out hard in the gym, eating right, but the sides, “ears” on the hips or the fold on the back do not go away and noticeably spoil your figure? Unfortunately, in our body there are so-called “fat traps” - places that retain fat cells even in those who are not prone to obesity or after you have lost 5-10 kg.

The Viardi beauty salon offers a procedure that corrects local fat deposits in different areas of the body - injections of the latest generation lipolytic Aqualyx. This drug is injected deep into the fat fold, which provides a more pronounced effect compared to lipolytic mesotherapy.

Why you should try Aqualix intralipotherapy procedure

  • the drug is suitable for different areas - it acts locally and allows you to fight fat deposits in the upper arms, abdomen, on the sides, on the outer and inner thighs, work out the inner side of the knee, reduce folds on the back,
  • the result is noticeable after the first procedure,
  • improves body contour and reduces volume by 1-2 sizes,
  • activates metabolic processes - dissolves “fat traps”, helps fight cellulite,
  • minimal trauma and the absence of a difficult recovery period, which occurs after liposuction and other surgical methods of combating fat deposits.

This means that after a course of procedures, you will be able to enjoy the results and look younger and slimmer without exhausting diets and torture in the gym.

How Aqualix works for your body

For the procedures we use the Italian lipolytic Aqualyx, which has a European quality certificate and is officially registered in the Russian Federation. The drug breaks down fats and damages fat cells, after which they are removed from the body through the blood and lymph, while it is completely safe for your health.

The drug was developed by doctor Pascual Motolese. The composition of Aqualix is ​​designed in such a way that the active substance acts prolonged for almost 20 days, so the effectiveness increases, and your well-being does not deteriorate. In addition, the drug is not injected subcutaneously, like other lipolytics, but deep into the fat fold with special needles, which means it works at a deeper level.

Body volume decreases by 1-2 cm after the first procedure. To achieve a noticeable and lasting result, we recommend a course of 2-4 procedures, which are carried out with an interval of 21-30 days.

Physical activity and proper nutrition, manual and hardware massages, compression garments will help enhance the results of the procedures. It's still a process, so start early - don't try to solve the problem a week before beach season.

Trust your body only to experienced cosmetologists

Aqualyx lipolytic injections can only be given by a cosmetologist who has undergone special training in working with this drug. Aqualix is ​​administered using a special fan technique using 2-3 punctures and requires a precise understanding of how it works. If administered incorrectly, such as into a muscle, it can cause severe side effects.

Trust your body to professionals. In the Viardi beauty salon they work with you:

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