How to lose weight with a Pear body type. Diet and exercise

Those with a well-proportioned body are incredibly lucky, because any style of clothing looks good on such a figure, and the silhouette looks perfect. But what about those who have other forms that do not fit into the ideals of the female body? Firstly, love yourself no matter what, and secondly, start leading a new lifestyle. For example, a diet for a Pear figure will help women with wide hips and narrow shoulders gain self-confidence.

Glossy magazines promote body ideals that are difficult for an ordinary girl to achieve. Few people have a naturally harmonious body. In reality, those forms are common that you will not find on the pages of fashion publications. Therefore, do not force yourself into limits, start leading an active lifestyle. And then you will see that your proportions will become no worse than the model’s.

Features of the Pear figure

These forms are difficult to confuse with others, because they have special features:

  • wide hips;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • thin, long waist;
  • small breasts;
  • skinny arms.

These are clear signs that you have a Pear or Triangle shaped figure. But not everyone has them clearly expressed, so it is customary to distinguish some subtypes of this body structure.

To hide flaws, you need to dress correctly: well-chosen clothes will help transform your appearance.

Body type - Bell

  • shoulders narrower than hips;
  • small or medium breasts;
  • pronounced but short waist;
  • full legs.

Body type - Skittles

  • medium or large breasts;
  • shoulders narrower than hips;
  • thin waist;
  • full hips;
  • Thin legs.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is generally accepted that if you do not have a proportional body, then your physique automatically becomes less attractive. In fact, the Pear body type is often more beautiful than others because it has pronounced shapes.


  • As a rule, girls with this build have a neat and long neck, which gives the image a femininity.
  • Women's hands, which in most cases are distinguished by their elegance, are not devoid of grace.
  • The waist is a real source of pride. In the Pear type it is clearly expressed by nature. Girls don't have to make any effort to make her stand out. Moreover, the waist will remain until old age and will not go anywhere.


  • The main disadvantage of the Pear figure is its curvy hips, which can ruin the whole image if you don’t take care of your body. As a rule, fat accumulates in this area, so the silhouette may appear heavy and squat.
  • The second drawback is related to the first. Due to the fact that excess weight is deposited on the hips, cellulite appears in this area. It is girls with pear-shaped shapes who are susceptible to orange peel on their legs.

Weekly diet from available products

(name of dish – yield grams/calorie content kcal)

The first day


  • buckwheat porridge – 200/200;
  • soft-boiled egg – 60/70;
  • salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers – 150/45;
  • herbal tea with oregano – 200/55.

Total: 370 kcal.


  • fruit and berry jelly – 150/110;
  • low-fat yogurt – 200/120.

Total: 220 kcal


  • mushroom soup – 250/125;
  • fish balls – 100/220;
  • tomato or bell pepper, sliced ​​– 150/40;
  • dried fruit compote – 200/110.

Total: 395 kcal.


  • omelette with milk – 150/300;
  • sliced ​​cucumber – 100 g/15 kcal;
  • herbal tea without sugar – 200/10.

Total: 320 kcal.

An hour before bed:

  • milk with honey – 200/200.

TOTAL: 1505 kcal.

Second day


  • omelette with cheese or bacon – 100/350;
  • Rowan tea – 200/20.

Total: 370 kcal.


  • banana – 120/120;
  • fresh apple – 200/100.

Total: 220 kcal.


  • Ukrainian borscht – 250/200;
  • chicken cutlet – 100/170;
  • pearl barley porridge – 100/100;
  • sliced ​​tomato – 100/25;
  • tea without sugar – 200/10.

Total: 495 kcal.


  • boiled fish – 100/200;
  • tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet peppers, sliced ​​– 100/25;
  • tea with apples – 200/30.

Total: 255 kcal.

An hour before bed:

  • hard cheese – 30/120.

TOTAL: 1470 kcal.

Day three


  • lazy cottage cheese dumplings – 150/400;
  • tea with chamomile or mint without sugar – 200/10.

Total: 410 kcal.


  • fresh plum or pear – 100/40;
  • fresh orange – 200/100.

Total: 140 kcal.


  • Lean fish soup – 250/100;
  • vegetable stew with chicken or rabbit – 150/350;
  • sliced ​​cucumber – 100/10;
  • Rosehip tea – 200/40.

Total: 500 kcal.


  • boiled beef – 100/250;
  • buckwheat porridge – 100/100;
  • green tea – 200/10.

Total: 360 kcal.

An hour before bed:

  • kefir 1% – 200/80.

TOTAL: 1490 kcal.

Day four


  • oatmeal with milk – 200/200.
  • cocoa with milk – 200/160.

Total: 360 kcal.


  • cottage cheese without sugar – 100/170;
  • green tea – 200/10.

Total: 180 kcal.


  • chicken soup – 250/150;
  • steam balls – 100/280;
  • sliced ​​tomato – 100/20;
  • tea without sugar – 200/10.

Total: 460 kcal.


  • chicken liver in sour cream sauce – 100/120;
  • pearl barley porridge – 150/150;
  • vegetable vinaigrette without potatoes – 100/80;
  • tea without sugar – 200/10.

Total: 360 kcal.

An hour before bed:

  • ginger tea with honey and lemon – 200/90.

TOTAL: 1450 kcal.

Day five


  • pumpkin porridge with semolina – 200/320;
  • green tea – 200/10.

Total: 330 kcal.


  • banana - 120/120;
  • fresh carrots – 200/110.

Total: 230 kcal.


  • mixed meat solyanka – 250/100;
  • beef goulash – 100/160;
  • buckwheat porridge – 150/150;
  • tomato with radish, sliced ​​– 10/20;
  • cherry or blueberry compote – 200/90.

Total: 520 kcal.


  • boiled red fish – 150/300;
  • sliced ​​cucumber – 100/10;
  • fruit tea – 200/5.

Total: 315 kcal.

An hour before bed:

  • almonds or walnuts – 30/100.

TOTAL: 1495 kcal.

Day six


  • barley porridge – 200/180;
  • boiled egg 2 pcs. – 100/155;
  • tea with oregano or thyme – 200/10.

Total: 345 kcal.


  • mango 1 pc. – 200/120;
  • low-fat yogurt – 200/120.

Total: 240 kcal.


  • vegetable puree soup – 250/150;
  • chicken chop – 100/200;
  • durum wheat pasta – 100/100;
  • cucumber, sliced ​​tomato – 100/15;
  • green tea – 200/10.

Total: 475 kcal.


  • cottage cheese casserole with raisins – 150/310;
  • herbal tea without sugar – 200/10.

Total: 320 kcal.

An hour before bed:

  • chicken broth or kefir 1% – 200/80.

TOTAL: 1460 kcal.

Day seven


  • scrambled eggs from 3 eggs with tomatoes – 200/200;
  • Dutch or Russian cheese – 30/100;
  • green tea – 200/10.

Total: 310 kcal.


  • kiwi 2 pcs. – 120/60;
  • milkshake – 200/210.

Total: 270 kcal.


  • pea soup – 250/130;
  • beef stew with vegetables – 200/300;
  • sliced ​​cucumber – 100/10;
  • berry juice – 200/80.

Total: 520 kcal.


  • fish baked with milk sauce – 150/260;
  • sweet pepper or tomato, sliced ​​– 100/25;
  • green tea without sugar – 200/10.

Total: 295 kcal.

Before bedtime:

  • ginger tea with honey and lemon – 200/90.

TOTAL: 1485 kcal.

How to lose weight and get rid of imbalances

To smooth out the hips and make them less expressive, pear-shaped girls should work on three components:

  • Reduce the calorie content in the menu, that is, introduce a deficit.
  • Start training your lower body on a regular basis.
  • Work the top so that the chest and arms are in harmony with the bottom.

Before losing weight, you should understand that you cannot control the fat that will go away. You can get rid of volume in the chest, abdomen or legs, but this process does not depend on you. Many people have problem areas that gain weight first. For example, for the Pear type it is the hips and sides. But when you go on a diet, you cannot burn excess weight only in this area; it will gradually disappear from the whole body.

Famous girls with such shapes: Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, Shakira, Keira Knightley.

Possible risks

Any weight loss has points that are worth thinking about before going on a diet. A strict diet that limits your nutrition will not bring the desired results. Strict weight loss techniques promise that you will be able to lose those hated pounds, and they will not come back. However, it is not.

Many short-term diets can show a minus on the scale in the first days. But it’s not the excess fat that will begin to disappear, but the water. Remember that you didn't gain the pounds in 3 days, so they won't leave your body in the same amount of time.

By subjecting yourself to constant dieting, you risk losing muscle mass and developing nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, we recommend eating healthy and balanced.

Sample menu for a week for “pear”

You can get rid of excess weight with a diet in which the daily volume is no more than 1500 calories. Breakfast should consist of carbohydrates, for example, buckwheat or oatmeal. Lunch should be filling, but not too high in calories. Dinner - consist of protein products. During the day, you can have small snacks with bread and low-fat cheese, apples, herbal teas or yoghurts with pieces of fruit.

The break between meals should not be longer than 5 hours. You can eat your last meal 3 hours before bedtime. An hour before your night's rest, you can drink a glass of kefir.

The menu for the week may consist of the following dishes, eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner:

Monday . For breakfast you can eat muesli with dried fruits. For lunch - broth and croutons, vegetable stew. Dinner may consist of baked turkey fillet.

Tuesday . Start the day with buckwheat porridge with prunes. For lunch, prepare cream of mushroom soup, bran bread and cabbage salad. For dinner - baked fish.

Wednesday _ Breakfast – millet porridge with raisins. Lunch – rice soup and carrot salad. Dinner – seafood.

Thursday . In the morning - oatmeal with dried fruits. In the afternoon - lean borscht and vegetable stew. In the evening - fish soufflé.

Friday . Breakfast – pumpkin porridge with milk. Lunch – vegetable soup and bean puree. Dinner – steamed chicken cutlets.

Saturday . Rice porridge with milk - in the morning. Okroshka and cucumber and tomato salad for lunch. Grilled salmon - in the evening.

Sunday . For breakfast - barley porridge with dried apricots. For lunch – buckwheat soup and vegetable salad with low-fat cheese. For dinner - stewed rabbit.

All dishes must be prepared by steaming, grilling or oven, by boiling or stewing. Fried and smoked foods should be avoided.

Every morning on an empty stomach you need to drink a glass of water at room temperature. If desired, you can add a little lemon juice to it. This technique will allow you to start the digestion process and activate metabolic processes.

Daily diet

So, in order for Grusha to start losing weight, she needs to introduce a calorie deficit. Weight loss depends on how much you eat. Therefore, it is important to calculate your calorie intake.

The calculation can be done using the simple Muffin-Jeor formula:

  1. Let's find out the basic metabolism - (weight, kg. * 10) + (height, cm * 6.25) - (age * 4.92) - 161 = Y.
  2. Now let’s determine the activity level and multiply it by the resulting number Y from the first point. Thus, we will get the number of calories that are needed to maintain weight: a) 1.2 - inactive lifestyle, b) 1.375 - playing sports 2-3 times a week, c) 1.55 - training 4-5 times a week.
  3. If you want to lose weight, then subtract 15-20% from the resulting calorie intake.

For example, let’s take a 30-year-old girl, her measurements are height 165 cm, weight 65 kg, training 2-3 times a week.

  1. We calculate the metabolism: (65 * 10) + (165 * 6.25) - (30 * 4.92) - 161 = 1373 kcal.
  2. Next we multiply by the activity level: 1373 * 1.375 = 1887 calories. — that’s how much a girl needs to maintain her weight.
  3. For her to start losing weight, let’s calculate how much she should eat with a calorie deficit: 1887 - 20% = 1500 kcal.

Based on these calculations, you can create your own diet.

Example menu for 1500 kcal.

BreakfastOatmeal with a banana, a piece of low-fat cheese and a cup of tea or coffee - 357 kcal., BJU - 15/9/56.
SnackCottage cheese 200-250 g with berries - 347 kcal., BZHU - 34.2/18/10.
DinnerBuckwheat 300 g with chicken breast, salad with tomatoes and cucumbers - 305 kcal., BJU - 21.5/5.2/44.
Afternoon snackSandwiches with pate - 3 loaves of bread, each with a spoon of pate - 245 kcal., BJU - 24/5.2/25.5.
DinnerBaked fish with vegetables 300-350 g. - 330 kcal., BZHU - 55/5.3/15.2.

Long term diet

If you have counted all the calories and figured out how much you need to eat in order to lose weight and get rid of voluminous hips, then it’s time to introduce healthy habits:

  • A beautiful body depends 70% on nutrition. No exercise in the gym will burn you as many calories. Weight loss occurs only due to their deficiency.
  • Thus, try to calculate your calorie intake and follow it until you achieve the result. But don’t get carried away with losing weight, because the body needs to rest.
  • Adopt healthy habits and start drinking more water. It is not necessary to consume 3 liters. per day, for many the norm is 1.5-2 liters.

Avoid harmful foods:

  • flour;
  • salty and sweet;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sausages and smoked meats;
  • fast food.

Give preference to healthy foods:

  • lean meat and fish;
  • eggs, especially whites;
  • vegetables, fruits and berries;

If you have a pear-shaped figure, try eating healthy for 2 weeks and make sure that during this time your body begins to get used to a balanced diet.

By following a proper diet, you can improve your external silhouette and your pear-shaped figure will transform.

Nutrition according to the “Apple” body type

In people with this body type, fat deposits accumulate mainly in the hips, chest and abdomen. Their upper body is more massive, while their arms can be noticeably fuller than their legs. It is very easy for someone with an Apple body type to gain excess weight, but losing weight is not that difficult for them (of course, with the right approach).

The only difficulty that requires a more detailed approach to weight correction for a given body type is the fight against fat accumulation in the waist area. Due to the high level of androgenic activity and excessive production of the hormones insulin and cortisol, such people develop abdominal (abdominal) type of obesity. And it's the hardest thing to deal with.

Therefore, when correcting weight in people with an “Apple” figure, you need to do the following:

  1. Strictly adhere to the daily caloric intake, which is calculated according to a certain formula (
  2. Adhere to the correct ratio of BZHU when creating a menu. For a given body type it will be as follows: proteins – 35%, fats – 35%, carbohydrates – 30% (of the total daily calorie intake).
  3. Eat as many foods rich in dietary fiber as possible: whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits, legumes. This will help speed up metabolism, which is naturally slightly slower in representatives of this body type.
  4. Add healthy fatty acids to your diet, which can be found in nuts, unrefined vegetable oils, seeds and seeds (flax, sesame). With their help, the level of leptin and insulin in the body is normalized, and fat deposits in the waist area will begin to disappear better.
  5. Give preference to light protein products: lean veal, chicken and turkey fillet, quail, rabbit, fish, low-fat dairy and fermented milk products.
  6. Include so-called anti-inflammatory fats in your menu, which include lipids from whole grains, avocado, salmon, and olive oil. They will help normalize blood sugar levels and stabilize cortisol production.
  7. Opt for dark chocolate over milk chocolate if you want to eat something sweet. At the same time, the cocoa content in dark chocolate must be at least 72%. Remember that chocolate helps increase blood levels of serotine, which is the main antagonist of cortisol.
  8. Reduce the proportion of animal fats, increasing the amount of vegetable (non-hydrogenated!) fats. Avoid trans fats: fast food, processed foods, store-bought sausages, foods and dishes with the addition of margarine, mayonnaise, store-bought sauces, and hydrogenated vegetable fats.
  9. Start eating as many apples as possible (reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood), leafy salads and vegetables (accelerate fat burning), blueberries and beans (normalize insulin and cortisol levels).
  10. Limit the consumption of foods with artificial sweeteners and fructose syrup, refined carbohydrates, and junk foods, which sharply and noticeably increase blood glucose levels and contribute to the accumulation of fat in the waist area.
  11. Replace your usual sweets with dried fruits, fruits, nuts, low-fat fermented milk products, and natural agar-agar-based jelly.
  12. Stop drinking carbonated drinks and store-bought juices, reduce the amount of coffee and alcohol.
  13. Maintain a drinking regime by drinking 8 glasses of clean water per day (about 2 liters).

Workout for hips and buttocks

Regular proper physical activity will help correct your figure and give it a proportional silhouette. All exercises are performed at home, which saves time and money.


This simple exercise works the muscles of the pelvis, thighs and buttocks. The main thing is to master the correct technique, otherwise the areas that the training is aimed at will not be worked out.

  1. Take the starting position, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight.
  2. Squat down with your knees bent.
  3. Keep your thighs parallel to the floor, hands clasped in front of your chest.
  4. The legs form a 90 degree angle and do not extend beyond the toes.
  5. Try to place the weight on your buttocks without straining your knees.
  6. Stand up and take your starting position.


This exercise helps Grusha tighten her buttocks and develop beautiful relief. The technique is important here:

  1. Take the starting position, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, slightly relaxed.
  2. Lunge, stepping forward with your left foot.
  3. The right leg is motionless and rests on the toe.
  4. The weight is transferred to the leading limb.
  5. Lean on your outstretched foot and slowly rise up, returning to the starting position.
  6. Do the exercise on each leg.

Gluteal bridge

This simple exercise will make any girl feel her buttocks, if, of course, the training is done correctly:

  1. Take the starting position, lie on your back with your knees bent.
  2. Lift your body up, tensing your buttocks.
  3. The neck, shoulders and back are relaxed.
  4. Lower your pelvis and lift it again, thus performing several approaches.

Swing your legs

This exercise for the Pear shape helps to work the front of the thigh. Let's get started:

  1. Stand in the starting position, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. As you inhale, lift your leg forward, holding it in this position for a few seconds.
  3. Pull the toe towards you, trying to raise your leg as high as possible.
  4. Do the complex alternately on 2 legs.

Step ups

This exercise is best performed with additional weight in the form of dumbbells. It effectively works the inner and outer thighs, as well as the calf muscles.

  1. Take the starting position, take the dumbbells and turn to face a support, such as a bench.
  2. Stand with your left foot on the surface, forming a right angle.
  3. Tighten your abs and look forward.
  4. Inhale and as you exhale, rise up, standing with both feet on the bench.
  5. Return to the starting position and repeat, alternating legs.

Salon and home methods

Some salon procedures will help you lose weight in the hips and legs with a pear-shaped figure, for example, this could be a specific anti-cellulite massage, body wraps with various cosmetics. In beauty salons and specialized clinics you can use modern weight loss methods for women with a pear figure:

  • cryotherapy;
  • pressotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • ozone therapy;
  • myostimulation;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • cavitation (impact on fatty deposits by ultrasonic waves);
  • Charcot's shower.

Charcot's shower
But even at home, you can carry out active manipulations, which, together with diet and exercise, will help balance your figure and make it more harmonious. And the most accessible and effective in this case will be:

  • Wraps . They are carried out using chocolate, seaweed, cosmetic clay (sold in pharmacies) or folk remedies. The skin of the thighs and buttocks must first be thoroughly steamed, and therefore many experts recommend combining the wrapping procedure with a visit to the sauna or bathhouse.
  • On a dry and heated surface, you need to apply a layer of the selected cosmetic product, then cover everything on top with cling film (wrap it) tightly, but do not overtighten. Next, everything is covered with a blanket and towel. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, after which you need to remove the film, rinse off the product and rinse the skin under a warm shower.

Red hot pepper is often included in body wraps. It should be applied in the thinnest layer, not rubbed into the skin, and if the dermis is hypersensitive, the product should be changed altogether.

  • A contrast shower can be performed daily; it helps improve skin tone and speed up metabolic processes in specifically problem areas. You should always start the procedure with cool water, then change it to warm water. Only after your body gets used to it (5-10 procedures) can you try a contrast shower of ice-cold and almost hot water.

It is contraindicated in case of unstable blood pressure, cancer pathologies, pregnancy and lactation, and during menstruation.

  • Massage can be performed with your hands or with special devices. It is better if not banal oils are used, but anti-cellulite products. The procedure can be combined with wraps and a contrast shower, but in the first case it will be final, in the second it will be preliminary.

If the skin at the site of the procedure shows any symptoms of dermatological diseases, then it is contraindicated until complete recovery. Women who have a history of varicose veins or thrombophlebitis should not undergo massage.

Upper body exercises

If you have a sharp imbalance between the top and bottom, then try to develop your chest and arms. As a rule, the Pear figure has a narrow chest and thin arms, which makes the body disproportionate.

Knee push-ups

This activity helps develop your arm muscles and strengthen your chest. Let's start the training:

  1. Take the starting position, lie on your stomach and lean on your hands and bent knees.
  2. The body should be under an even diagonal.
  3. Inhale and slowly lower your torso, bending your elbows.
  4. Lower yourself until your chest touches the floor and slowly rise up.

Palm clenching

This is an easy exercise that anyone can master. It helps strengthen the pectoral and shoulder muscles:

  1. Take the starting position, keep your back straight.
  2. Bring your arms together in front of your chest, bending your elbows.
  3. Close your palms, taking a pose as if you were praying.
  4. Hold your breath for 10 seconds and perform several muscle contractions while clapping your hands.

Dumbbell flyes

This exercise will help tighten the skin of your hands and restore muscle tone. Let's get started:

  1. Take the starting position, lie on your back, take dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Raise your arms up to eye level.
  3. Extend your arms to the sides and return to the starting position.

All of the listed exercises for the Pear figure should be performed regularly, 3 sets of 15 times.

Cardio loads

Cardio workouts are great for burning calories and strengthening your entire body. These loads will help develop endurance and strengthen the cardiovascular system. By increasing heart rate, excess fat is burned and muscle tone is maintained.

Cardio includes many types of vigorous activity:

  • run;
  • fast walk;
  • dancing;
  • Biking;
  • jumping rope.

To begin these exercises, you must be in good health, because not every person can undergo exercises that stress the heart.

It is better to conduct classes outdoors or in a ventilated area. The workout should not last more than an hour; you should take into account your level of training and not overexert yourself.

Cardio exercises can be done 3 times a week to maintain a beautiful figure.

General recommendations for losing weight

When composing your daily diet, you need to take into account the characteristics of such a figure. Fat from the lower body of the pear is lost slowly because blood flow in this area is slow due to the accumulation of fat cells. Blood and lymph are not able to penetrate deep into fat deposits and use them to extract energy. And the fat just accumulates.

Therefore, it is important not to gain weight suddenly and then lose it also suddenly. In the process of losing weight, fat accumulations will only leave the upper part of the body. This will cause an imbalance in the body and can affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, sudden weight loss for a pear figure threatens the appearance of cellulite on the hips, legs and buttocks.

A woman with curvy hips must learn to control her daily calorie intake and not go hungry, otherwise the body will turn on the accumulative function and will send the resulting products “in reserve.”

The daily intake should be divided into 5-6 meals: 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks. It is recommended to reduce the morning portion, since fat accumulates in pears in the morning. The maximum portion should be for lunch, and you should not overeat in the morning and during dinner.

It is necessary to remove foods containing starch and fast carbohydrates from the diet. They are able to be instantly absorbed into the blood without saturating the body. Therefore, the feeling of hunger quickly returns.

When choosing a type of nutrition, you need to choose a diet rich in proteins, slow carbohydrates and with a minimum amount of fat. Most of the fats and carbohydrates should come in the first half of the day. It is advisable to eat vegetables for lunch. Before dinner, you can have a small protein snack. It is advisable to have dinner with foods consisting of proteins and carbohydrates.

Preference should be given to: unsweetened fruits, vegetables, lean fish, boiled meat and cottage cheese.

It is better for “pear women” to avoid a diet focused on eating only vegetables or apples. After eating this way, your upper body will lose even more weight, but your hips and buttocks will not shrink.

Reviews from those who have lost weight

I have a Pear figure, so I am faced with the problem of curvy hips and small breasts. I decided to reduce the volume and also tighten my butt to make the silhouette more harmonious. I’ve reviewed my diet, now I’m watching my calories, and I’ve lost 3 kg. and improved muscle tone. Visually, the figure has become better, the hips have a beautiful shape, and I am happy.

Olga, 24 years old

I never liked my figure because it is pear-shaped. Narrow shoulders and small breasts, but big hips do not attract me. I’ve been struggling with this for several years now, but nothing really helps, because the buttocks are always visually wider than the shoulders. It's genetics that way. Exercise and nutrition help bring the body into a normal appearance as a whole, but the silhouette itself will not go anywhere.

Lydia, 28 years old

After giving birth, my hips began to expand, or rather “ran” in width. I was terribly upset because I didn’t like the imbalance in my figure. I started taking care of myself, regular workouts and diet helped me lose weight. My hips have become smaller, but my constitution does not allow them to shrink further. But a thin waist has appeared, which I emphasize with the help of clothes.

Lisa, 35 years old

Even when I was young, I realized that I have a pear-shaped figure, and with any weight gain, the fat goes into the hips. That’s why I don’t allow myself to relax even now. Regular walking, swimming and exercise keep me fit. Wide hips are my pride, and with the right approach they make me stand out from other women.

Galina, 48 years old
A pear-shaped figure is not at all evil genetics. Nowadays it is fashionable to have beautiful buttocks and thighs, rather than lush breasts. Take care of yourself, don't forget about nutrition and exercise. These simple tips will help you overcome excess weight in problem areas and allow you to love your body.


Elizaveta: “I lost 28 kg - from 80 kg to 52 kg, with a height of 175. The story may be banal, or maybe not.
I just wanted the guy to like me and in general I always considered myself fat, but I didn’t have enough willpower to take on myself. And then he appeared and my motivation grew from 0 to 100. At first I simply eliminated what I thought were bad foods, then I actively went in for sports, but at home.

Now I eat a balanced, varied diet without “junk” food. I signed up for the gym and am trying to make my body even better and even gain a little, for a more aesthetically beautiful body. I believe that I wouldn’t exchange this lifestyle for anything, and in general I try to devote several hours a day to self-development in terms of nutrition and sports, so that I can connect my life with this in the future.”

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