ABC Superlight diet: menu and results

General rules

The 50-Day ABC Diet was developed in the early 1970s in the United States as a supplement to a group fitness camp called Aha Boot Camp.
The basis for building an ideal figure was military-style tough physical activity and very strict discipline under the total control of the instructor-commander. Excellent results were achieved not only through sports training, but also thanks to a special nutrition plan. The essence of the diet is to eat foods with very limited calorie content. Duration - 30 or 50 days. The menu can be anything, the main thing is not to go beyond the permitted total calorie content. The indicator varies in the range of 0-500 kcal, on some days you can consume up to 800 kcal. To follow such a complex diet requires patience and willpower, but the result will please you.

At first glance, the daily calorie plan may seem completely random, but the selection of the table is based on the latest scientific evidence. Everyone knows that metabolism slows down during a diet, which can interfere with the active process of losing weight. This phenomenon is called “safe mode”, when the body experiences a deficiency in nutrients. The proposed diet allows you to bypass this mechanism and normalize metabolism even in limited conditions. When changing the daily caloric intake and eating small portions, it is difficult for the body to adapt to the imposed rhythm, so active fat burning starts.

ABC superlight diet: menu and results - MBU

The abc diet is one of the most popular crash diets. Maintaining it requires considerable willpower, but the result promises significant weight loss: from 5 to 10 kg. The nutrition system is designed for 50 days. Those who are not so confident in their abilities can use the abc superlight lightweight diet, designed for 30 calendar days.

The essence and principles of the diet

The main disadvantage of all weight loss diets is a slight decrease in metabolic rate. The body understands that it has been deprived of a significant portion of food and adapts to new conditions, slowing down metabolic processes. As a result, weight loss does not occur as quickly as we would like.

With the help of the abc diet, there is a chance to “deceive” the body. Its basic principle is that you need to change your daily calorie intake every day. It is difficult for the body to adapt to the constantly changing rhythm and the fat burning process occurs at a higher speed.

Here are the basic rules of the diet:

  • The system is designed for 50 days, i.e. 7 calendar weeks. In the first week, the calorie content of the diet ranges from 400 to 800 calories (hereinafter referred to as kcal). 1, 3, 5 days – 800 kcal, 2.4 – 600, 6 – 400, 7 – 500;
  • Second week – from 100 to 700 kcal. 1, 3, 5 days – 700 kcal, 2, 4 – 300, 6 – 500, 7 – 100;
  • Third week – from 300 to 500 kcal. 1, 3, 5 days – 500 kcal, 2.4 – 400, 6 – 100, 7 – 300;
  • Fourth week – from 200 to 1000 kcal. 1, 3, 5 days – 700 kcal, 2, 4 – 400, 6 – 1000, 7 – 200;
  • Fifth week – from 300 to 700 kcal. 1, 3, 5 days – 700 kcal, 2, 4 – 300, 6, 7 – 400;
  • Sixth week – from 100 to 500 kcal. 1, 3, 5 days – 500 kcal, 2, 4 – 100, 6 – 300, 7 – 400;
  • Seventh week – from 400 to 1000 kcal menu. Days 1, 3, 5 – 800 kcal, 2, 4 – 500, 6 – 300, 7 – 900.

The last, fiftieth day, you need to eat according to the diet exit plan. Throughout the entire course, calories are distributed absolutely chaotically - this is what prevents metabolism from slowing down.

The last week is the most gentle, since it is necessary to prepare the body to return to normal.

At this stage, you can count the number of calories by following a 1200 kcal diet, the menu of which will help the body return to normal.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such a power system include:

  • Quite fast weight loss in a short time. Within a week, the weight will decrease by 1.5-2 kg;
  • The volume of the stomach decreases. He gets used to small portions and in the future it will be difficult to eat too much food at once;
  • All excess fluid, waste and toxins are removed from the body.

If you take tests, you can see how the cholesterol level in the blood has decreased. This occurs by eliminating animal fats from the diet.

A few disadvantages of the diet:

  • It requires significant volitional efforts. Failures are possible, after which you will have to start all over again;
  • A small percentage of muscle mass is lost along with fat;
  • Wide list of contraindications.

Each of these arguments needs to be carefully weighed and considered.

Menu - table

Below is the abc diet menu for 1 week. It’s easy to create a diet for all other days yourself, using information about the calorie content of allowed foods.

DayEatingSample menu
Monday(800 kcal)Breakfast1 chicken egg
Lunch1 cup low-fat kefir
DinnerBoiled buckwheat (100 g dry)
Afternoon snack2 cucumbers
Dinner100 grams of boiled chicken breast
Tuesday(600 kcal)BreakfastOatmeal with water (50 g dry flakes)
LunchGlass of water with lemon
Dinner200 g boiled turkey fillet
Afternoon snackOrange
Dinner200 g vegetable salad without dressing
Wednesday (800 kcal)BreakfastOmelette of 2 eggs and milk
DinnerBoiled brown rice (50 g dry)
Afternoon snackApple
Dinner150 g low-fat cottage cheese
Thursday(600 kcal)Breakfast200 g fresh cabbage and carrot salad with 1 tsp. vegetable oil
LunchGlass of water with lemon
Dinner100 g baked breast, boiled cauliflower
Afternoon snack1 cucumber
DinnerBaked apple with cottage cheese
Friday(800 kcal)BreakfastOatmeal with water (30 g dry)
LunchWhole grain bread with 20 g of cheese
Dinner2 boiled potatoes with herbs
Afternoon snack100 g low-fat cottage cheese
DinnerCucumber and tomato salad with 1 tsp. linseed oil
Saturday(400 kcal)Breakfast2 chicken eggs
LunchGlass of water with lemon
Dinner1 steamed chicken cutlet, 1 cucumber
Afternoon snackA glass of low-fat kefir
Dinner100 g boiled green beans
Sunday(500 kcal)BreakfastSandwich made from whole grain bread with feta cheese
Dinner100 g boiled beef
Afternoon snack1 tomato
Dinner100 g boiled beet salad without dressing

The abc light diet lasts 30 days, that is, four weeks. At this time, you need to eat according to the plan for 1, 2, 3 and 7 weeks. This is a lightweight option for those who are not sure that they can withstand almost 2 months of the diet.

To suppress the feeling of hunger that arises, you need to follow a drinking regime, that is, drink at least 1200 ml of clean drinking water per day. It is not recommended to drink at night, as this will lead to swelling.

How to cook

Since all dishes should be low in calories, it is recommended to boil, steam, or bake foods.

Vegetable salads are seasoned with a minimum amount of any vegetable oil or a mixture of wine vinegar and lemon juice.

What you can and cannot eat on the abc diet

The list of allowed foods is quite extensive - you can eat almost any food if its calorie content fits into the daily allowable limit - of course, except for those that are obviously harmful. Animal fats are also cut.

Here's what you can eat:

  • Meat and fish: any parts of chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit, veal, all types of fish, seafood;
  • Vegetables: any starchy and non-starchy vegetables, herbs;
  • Fruits: citrus, tropical, bananas, grapes, apples, pears;
  • Pasta from durum wheat;
  • Low fat dairy products;
  • Any cereals;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Brown bread, whole grain bread;
  • Sweets: marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows.

The main thing is not to exceed the calorie allowance. To correctly determine the calorie content of your meals, you will need to use a kitchen scale.

Here's what you can't eat:

  • Heavy cream, sour cream, full-fat cottage cheese, sweet yoghurts;
  • Cakes, chocolate, pastries, cookies;
  • Mayonnaise, store-bought sauces;
  • Meat and fish semi-finished products, canned food, lard, smoked meats.

Fast food products are also excluded: French fries, hamburgers, hot dogs.

Types of abc diet

A type of diet is considered to be the traffic light diet. It is designed for three weeks. All products are divided into three conditional blocks: red, yellow and green.

  • The red block includes fast food, mayonnaise, fatty meats and fish, dishes fried in oil, sausages and confectionery.
  • The yellow block includes durum wheat pasta, starchy vegetables, rye flour products, various cereals, medium-fat dairy products, chicken breast, lean beef and veal, turkey, bananas and grapes.
  • The green block is greens, non-starchy vegetables, boiled seafood, all fruits except the fruits of the yellow block, berries.
  • The following principles must be followed:
  • red block products are completely excluded from the menu;
  • Yellow block foods can be eaten in moderation until 18:00;
  • Green block foods can be eaten at any time of the day.

On the traffic light diet, vitamins in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits are consumed in large quantities, so this nutritional system heals the body.

You can also highlight the abs superlight diet. It lasts only 7 days. During this time, you need to alternate the minimum number of calories. You can take any of the 7 weeks of the 50-day diet as a basis.

Dish recipes

The abc diet for 50 days involves the simplest possible recipes.

Vegetable salad

Chop cucumbers, white cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes. Add chopped onions. Mix everything, add salt, add spices to taste, for example, a mixture of Provençal herbs. Season with 1 tsp. linseed oil.

Chicken breast with spices

Remove the skin from the chicken breast and cut into small pieces. Place in a dry hot frying pan, fry until a crust forms, turn over, fry until cooked. Add spices - turmeric, dried herbs, suneli hops.

You need to strictly monitor the amount of oil you add - it contains the most calories.


Since the diet is strict, there is a fairly wide list of contraindications for it. These include:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • oncological diseases, including those in remission;
  • diabetes;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • tendency to low blood pressure;
  • recovery period after infectious or colds;
  • rehabilitation period after surgical interventions;
  • eating disorders, anorexia nervosa or bulimia.

Also, you should not go on a diet during periods of intense mental or physical activity. For example, before taking exams or when preparing for sports competitions.

Side effects

The following side effects may occur while following the diet:

  • feeling hungry on the lowest calorie days;
  • dizziness, weakness in the morning;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • strong craving for sweets.

The maximum allowable duration of the diet is 50 days; if it is exceeded, problems with hair loss may begin, and women may experience menstrual irregularities.

Reviews and results

Reviews of the abc diet note its high effectiveness. But only those who strictly followed the regime and did not violate the principles of nutrition can achieve impressive results.

Reviews about the results of the abc diet for 30 days are also mostly positive. Four weeks is quite enough to get rid of a persistent sweet habit and get used to plenty of fresh vegetables and low-fat foods.

A fairly common practice is to record your basic parameters - chest, waist and hips - before going on a diet. You also need to write down your initial weight.

Quitting the diet

Exit from the diet should be gradual. It will take approximately 5-6 days. During this time, the diet should be gradually increased and brought to 1300-1500 calories. Meals remain 5 times a day.

In order not to lose the achieved results in the future, you need to monitor your weight and drink as much clean water as possible. Fast carbohydrates - various sweets, pasta made from premium flour, baked goods - are recommended to be excluded from your menu forever or replaced with low-carbohydrate options.

It is thanks to fast carbohydrates that fat deposits are formed in a short time. A small amount of slow carbohydrates, fresh vegetables and protein in the form of lean meat will help maintain a slim figure.



ABC diet for 30 days

This diet option is designed for people who additionally engage in sports (fitness classes, aerobics, water aerobics, swimming, etc.). The total calorie content of the diet is slightly higher than on the classic diet, because physical activity requires additional energy. The classic 50-day diet is reduced to 30 days if it is impossible to maintain a limited diet for a long time.

The diet should begin with a “hungry” fasting day (preferably on Sunday). Further, the total calorie content varies depending on the day and week.

First week

Day of the weekCalorie content

Second week

Day of the weekCalorie content

Third week

Day of the weekCalorie content

Fourth week

Day of the weekCalorie content

The final 30th day is again “hungry”, fasting.

The diet should consist of protein, fruits and vegetables. Particular attention should be paid to protein foods, which will prevent the loss of muscle mass. Thus, weight will be reduced due to fat burning.

ABC diet light 30 days

The lightweight version is also designed for 30 days and involves only 1 day of hunger strike. Compared to the classic 50-day version, the light diet has a higher energy value (minimum total daily calorie content is 300 kcal). The ABC Light diet is not considered safe because... The calorie content provided for by the rules is not able to cover the basic needs of the human body, even in the absence of movement.

DaysCalorie content
1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 29400
2, 4, 16, 23300
4, 11, 19, 25500
5, 12, 18, 24, 26450
6, 7, 13, 20, 27650
14, 21, 28700

ABC Superlight Diet

It is another lightweight variation of the classic diet. The total calorie content does not fall below 350 kcal and does not exceed 1000. This modification is the most “nutritious” among the weight loss systems from the Aha Boot Camp series, but in duration it is not inferior to the traditional one and lasts 50 days. A long stay on a diet with a reduced calorie content can negatively affect health and beauty, however, the global risks on the ABC superlight diet are much lower. Even with a gradual weight loss of 5-10 kg in 50 days, basic rules and precautions should be followed. Minimal harm is observed in people over 25 years of age, short in stature and with a sedentary lifestyle. In this category of people, the deficit in energy consumption is almost invisible.

Diet Traffic Light

This is the direct opposite of the above diets. It does not require counting calories, but only involves giving up refined, unhealthy foods.

This diet is considered safer for health than ABS. Weight loss occurs through proper nutrition; the diet has no age restrictions. The body on the Svetofor diet receives everything it needs for the full functioning of the body. The diet is harmless, the weight loss process occurs gently, without disruption. All products are divided into light blocks.

Red - Block A

Includes products that are completely prohibited for consumption. These are all high-calorie products and foods poor in nutrients.

Yellow - Block B

This block includes foods with normal calorie content, but high content of nutrients. These foods should not be consumed after 6 pm. Every day you can eat 1 product from the category.

Green – Block C

Includes products mainly of plant origin with minimal calorie content, but high in nutrients. The daily menu is based on 5-7 servings of vegetables and fruits. Weight loss is achieved by consuming foods with a low glycemic index.

Basic rules of the Traffic Light diet:

  • food should be stewed, boiled, raw or baked;
  • you need to eat fractionally;
  • one meal – one dish;
  • hearty food should be combined with light food (vegetables + protein, soup + protein, etc.);
  • drink 2 liters of clean water daily.

The ABC Traffic Light diet does not require going out, you can eat on it for a long time. It helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol , reduce the risk of developing diabetes , and get rid of food addiction. The weight comes off slowly, but the body gets used to proper nutrition.

The ABC Diet

300-350 calories is approximately 1/6 of the normal daily caloric intake of an average person, so not everyone can lose weight using this system.
Over time, more loyal and lighter versions of the ABC diet were developed - ABC light and ABC superlight. The first is designed for 30 days, the daily calorie intake ranges from 300 to 700 kcal; the second can be observed for 30 or 50 days, while the daily caloric intake should not exceed 1000 calories. In addition to the fact that the allowed daily calorie intake with such methods must fit within a certain framework, on some days fasting is even provided. So, on the usual 50-day ABC nutrition system, there are 6 days of fasting, and the light diet includes only one day without food - the last one. The ABS Superlight diet does not require a person losing weight to fast for a single day, and the daily calorie content varies from 400 to 1000 kcal, so this type is considered the easiest to follow and relatively safe for health.

The essence of the methods under the general name ABC is to severely restrict the caloric content of the diet in order to create stressful conditions for the body, which makes rapid weight loss possible. All varieties of the ABC diet are based on the principle of creating persistent energy hunger for the body. When such a meager amount of calories enters the system for a long time, it is simply forced to convert previously stored fat reserves into fuel in order to ensure its normal functioning.

Another mechanism underlying these methods and helping to quickly get rid of an impressive number of extra pounds is the complete cleansing of the intestines of waste, toxins and other food debris accumulated in it. The fact is that the diet is based on a large amount of plant foods, so fiber and pectins from an abundance of vegetables and fruits help reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and fats in the digestive tract, the unspent excess of which tends to quickly be converted into subcutaneous fat.

Authorized Products

You can eat anything that is not prohibited. Be sure to count calories by planning your menu for each day in advance. It is better to give preference to foods rich in proteins, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens








Nuts and dried fruits

candied fruit2,01,071,0301
dried fruits2,30,668,2286

Cereals and porridges







dairy products3,26,54,1117

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese17,25,01,8121

Meat products

veal cutlets23,031,012,0375





Fish and seafood


Non-alcoholic drinks

green tea0,00,00,0
black tea20,05,16,9152

Juices and compotes

* data is per 100 g of product

Diet menu

You should move along the path of weight loss, focusing on the number of calories that you need to consume on each day of the course. In ABC Superlight, the energy value of all meals per day should be within the limits indicated in the table:

Course days Energy value of dishes, kcal
23 1200
1, 5, 9, 14, 20, 26, 35, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50 1000
7, 12, 28, 30, 40 950
3, 16, 18, 22, 33, 37 900
49 850
24 800
31, 41, 47 750
6, 19, 36 600
27, 45 550
10, 13, 21, 25, 29, 34, 38, 43 500
8, 17 450
2, 4, 15 400
11, 32, 39 350

In the strict version of the diet, exceeding the daily number of kcal by 50 or more is equivalent to a breakdown. At ABC Superlight, the rules are less strict, but you must adhere to the stated nutritional value of the dishes. Every 10 days of the diet you need to weigh yourself and control the volumes - at a high rate of weight loss, it is advisable to increase the volume of portions by 10% .

It’s not easy to create a diet within the calorie limits. You can use ready-made menus for this. Example of a 350 kilocalorie meal:

  • steamed chicken breast – 100 g;
  • stewed vegetables (broccoli, carrots, potatoes, zucchini, eggplant) – 200 g;
  • oatmeal with water – 100 g;
  • orange 150 g.

A menu for 400-500 kcal may include baked meat, buckwheat porridge and potatoes. Example of a 450 kcal diet per day:

  • cottage cheese 2% fat – 150 g;
  • coffee;
  • fruits (oranges, apples, pears, plums, peaches) – 100 g;
  • baked turkey with spices (fillet) – 100 g;
  • boiled potatoes – 200 g;
  • vegetable salad (cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers) – 100 g;
  • kefir – 100 g.

Fully or partially limited products

Foods with high calorie content are prohibited, because... do not allow you to meet the allowed total daily calorie intake. All fast food, cheeseburgers and hamburgers are prohibited. Dishes should be prepared without adding mayonnaise or high-calorie sauces. You should not eat fatty meats, sausages and smoked products. Alcoholic drinks are prohibited.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal


potato chips5,530,053,0520
banana chips2,333,650,7519

Flour and pasta

wheat flour9,21,274,9342



Ice cream

ice cream3,76,922,1189



Raw materials and seasonings

barbecue sauce0,60,739,4166
sour cream sauce1,95,75,278

Meat products

pig meat20,63,00,0109
boiled boiled pork16,418,31,0233
boiled-smoked carbonade16,08,0135
pork stew13,035,00,0367
minced sausage12,332,42,9352
pork cutlets13,645,78,8466


boiled sausage13,722,80,0260
amateur smoked sausage17,339,00,0420
dry-cured sausage24,138,31,0455



Alcoholic drinks

white wine Muscat0,00,05,082
red dessert wine0,50,020,0172
* data is per 100 g of product

ABC for 50 days

The essence of the diet is a sharp reduction in caloric intake, to the point that per day, food is consumed half as much as for breakfast with an adequate, balanced diet. This is a reason to think for everyone who cares about their health. Such a meager diet might be suitable for fasting days, but not every body can stick to it for 50 days.

Almost the only ABC rule is to follow the energy consumption schedule:

  • day No. 1, 2, 9 and 37 - 500 kcal each;
  • 3, 7, 21, 30, 41, 47 - 300 units;
  • 4, 8, 13, 39 ― 400;
  • 5, 19, 25, 27 ― 100;
  • 6, 12, 16, 18, 23, 28, 29, 43, 44, 46, 48 ― 200;
  • 10, 17, 20, 32, 36, 50 - “free” days from food;
  • 11, 24, 49 - 150 units;
  • 14, 34, 40 ― 350;
  • 15, 22, 33, 42, 45 ― 250;
  • 26 - 50 units;
  • 31 ― 800 kcal (a real glutton for Ana Boot Camp);
  • 35, 38 ― 450.

Adherents of the diet claim that its amazing effect is achieved thanks to periodically increasing and decreasing calorie content, supposedly “accelerating” metabolism. They are partly right, because the so-called loading days with a limited diet really do not allow the body to adapt to new conditions, maintaining its susceptibility to energy deficiency. But the caloric intake of a cheat meal is much higher than the daily norm required to maintain basic metabolism, and it is not 500, 800 or even 1000 kcal.


The Ana Boot Camp rules do not stipulate strict adherence to a specific menu. You can compose it yourself or use ready-made options. There are no food restrictions, but to be as satiated as possible, it is best to eat healthy foods high in protein and fiber, while minimizing fats and simple carbohydrates.

To mitigate the impact of diet on the body and not waste valuable calories, when losing weight you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • exclude sugar, sweet vegetables and fruits, animal fats and refined vegetable fats from the menu;
  • on “high-calorie” days, add a little unrefined vegetable oil to your food, preferably flaxseed, sesame, hemp or a tablespoon of flax seeds, which, in addition to valuable fatty acids, contain fiber and amino acids;
  • eat low-fat protein foods (cottage cheese, egg whites, chicken or turkey fillet, low-fat cheeses, fish and seafood, tofu);
  • from carbohydrates, choose slow ones, rich in dietary fiber (bran, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, brown rice, fresh vegetables);
  • include in the diet foods with a high concentration of biologically active substances (seaweed, blueberries, broccoli, artichoke, tomatoes, eggplant);
  • add sprouted grains to your diet, for example, wheat - they contain valuable vitamins and minerals and, even in small quantities, perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger;
  • eat vegetables with coarse fiber (all types of cabbage, celery, spinach, apples);
  • subject food to gentle processing (stew, steam, bake) or eat it raw;
  • Prefer whole fruits or vegetables to juices, smoothies and purees, since unprocessed fiber and solid foods are better satiating.

The number of meals may vary. It depends on your work schedule or personal preference. But, nevertheless, it is recommended to replace split meals with 3 meals a day. The fact is that a small amount of food, divided into 5-6 meals, is not able to provide a feeling of fullness even for a short period of time. As a result, a constant feeling of hunger causes breakdown or stress for the body.

Below is an approximate daily diet based on the number of calories (if there are several options, you need to choose one).

800 kcal

  • Cottage cheese 0.1% 200 g, 2 green apples, omelet from 3 proteins and 1 tbsp. l. skim milk, tomato, 200 g blueberries, 200 g chicken fillet baked in foil, 200 g lettuce salad, 1 chicken egg and 5 ml sesame oil.

500 kcal

  • Philadelphia cheese 50 g, 3 whole grain breads, grapefruit, 250 g broccoli and 50 g steamed dorado, 20 g sprouted wheat.
  • Boiled turkey 100 g, salad of 200 g of white cabbage, one cucumber or 5 g of flaxseed oil, 200 g of boiled new potatoes and 50 g of 0.1% cottage cheese, scrambled eggs without butter from 5 whites, 100 g of raspberries.

400 kcal

  • Oatmeal with water 150 g, Granny Smith apple, 100 g potato soup, 150 g Brussels sprouts and 50 g chicken fillet, 100 g baked cod with a slice of lemon.
  • Tofu 150 g, baked with nori, salad of 120 g radish, 100 g cucumber, 3 egg whites and 1 tbsp. l. Greek yogurt, 150 g tuna with 200 g steamed asparagus.

350 kcal

  • Green buckwheat porridge 150 g, tomato, soup from 100 g turkey fillet and 150 g cauliflower, 100 g tofu.

300 kcal

  • Low-fat cottage cheese 100 g, 2 whole grain breads, 75 g tiger prawns, cucumber, 300 g sauerkraut and 3 g flaxseed oil.
  • An omelette of 50 g of low-fat cheese and 3 proteins, 200 g of pea soup, a vegetable salad of stewed eggplant, 2 tomatoes and 1 tbsp. l. Greek yogurt.
  • Kefir 0% 200 ml with 1 tbsp. l. oat bran, 300 g baked artichokes with 3 g olive oil and 5 ml lemon juice, 100 g steamed pollock fillet, 2 cucumbers.

250 kcal

  • Kelp 100 g, pickled mussels 50 g, salad of one boiled beet, a teaspoon of yogurt and a clove of garlic, scrambled eggs from 4 whites.

200 kcal

  • Celery stalks 300 g, stuffed with 50 g soft 0% cottage cheese, eggplant with tomatoes and cheese 88 g, salad of 200 g red cabbage and 2 egg whites, seasoned with lemon juice.
  • Sprouted chickpeas 50 g, pickled squid 100 g, sweet red pepper 145 g.
  • Canned green beans 200 g, 80 g chicken pastrami, 150 g spinach, 2 boiled egg whites.
  • Soft low-fat cottage cheese 70 g, 300 g tomatoes, 200 g arugula, 50 g boiled flounder.

150 kcal

  • Boiled cod 150 g and 250 g cucumbers.
  • White cabbage salad 330 g, seasoned with a teaspoon of lemon juice, 50 g grilled chicken fillet.
  • 400 g celery, 30 g wheat germ, 4 egg whites.

100 kcal

  • 200 g tomatoes and 300 g asparagus.
  • Baked chicken fillet 100 g.
  • Low-fat soft cottage cheese 200 g.
  • 300 g sweet pepper and chicken egg white.
  • Quail eggs 5 pcs.
  • Oatmeal with water 120 g.
  • Baked seabass 100 g.
  • Crab meat 145 g.

50 kcal

  • Lemonema 75
  • Cabbage cutlets 120 g.
  • Eggplants with Korean carrots and suluguni 50 g.
  • Blackcurrant 100 g.
  • Tomatoes 250 g.

To reduce hunger between meals, you can drink herbal tea and water. There are no restrictions on black, green tea and coffee without milk or sugar, but it is worth keeping in mind that they stimulate digestion, which means you will want to eat faster. In addition, caffeine-containing drinks interfere with the absorption of many vitamins and microelements, the deficiency of which is already acute on the ABC diet.

Quitting the diet

The main tasks of those who endured a 50-day “fast”:

  • maintain the ability to objectively assess oneself and one’s need for a normal supply of energy;
  • set up a balanced diet;
  • protect yourself from serious eating disorders;
  • gently remove the body from a stressful state;
  • try not to gain back the lion's share of the lost kilograms.

You should reach the optimal caloric intake gradually and very gently, because a normal amount of food after a pronounced 50-day deficit will be perceived inadequately by the body.

A metabolism that is extremely slow will try to store every saved calorie in reserve, and it will save a lot. Therefore, a gradual increase in the nutritional value of foods and portion sizes should be accompanied by an increase in physical activity.

The key to a long-term weight loss effect is to restructure your food preferences, so you shouldn’t rush into junk food, which is harmful not only to your figure, but also to your health. After Ana Boot Camp, even the simplest food will seem like an exquisite delicacy and this is a great reason to switch to a healthy menu.

Menu (Meal Schedule)

ABS diet, menu for 50 days

The photo below shows a table that determines the daily calorie content for each day of the ABC diet.

Daily menu depending on calorie content

100 kcal

Breakfast (40)
  • glasses of code;
  • half an apple.
Lunch (40)
  • glasses of water;
  • half an apple.
Dinner (20)
  • cucumber.

200 kcal

Breakfast (40)
  • a piece of black bread;
  • coffee without added sugar.
Lunch (100)
  • glass of water;
  • 1 large apple.
Dinner (60)
  • tea without added sugar;
  • boiled carrots without oil (150 g).

300 kcal

Breakfast (70)
  • coffee without added sugar;
  • 1 medium apple.
Lunch (130)
  • salad (1 tomato, 1 cucumber, onion, 1 teaspoon sour cream);
  • boiled broccoli.
Dinner (100)
  • tuna baked with onions and herbs.

400 kcal

Breakfast (80)
  • a glass of milk with the addition of 2 tablespoons of muesli.
Lunch (150)
  • Boiled chicken fillet with the addition of canned peas and lettuce.
Afternoon snack (70)
  • 1 medium apple.
Dinner (100)
  • tea without added sugar;
  • hard cheese (30 g).

500 kcal

Breakfast (120)
  • tea without added sugar;
  • a slice of black bread;
  • fried egg.
Lunch (200)
  • beef cutlet;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • boiled buckwheat 100 g;
  • a glass of orange juice.
Afternoon snack (45)
  • green tea without added sugar;
  • strawberries 150 g.
Dinner (120)
  • low-fat cottage cheese with a spoon of honey;
  • baked apple.

You can create your own menu based on the products you like best. Try to give preference to fruits and vegetables to support the body during a difficult period of weight loss.

ABC Diet Menu Traffic Light

The diet involves avoiding foods from the red list and limiting the consumption of “yellow” foods. The “green” list enjoys absolute advantage and represents the main diet.

  • semi-finished products;
  • high fat dairy products;
  • sweets containing butter, flour and refined sugar;
  • animal fat (bacon, lard, fatty meats);
  • fried foods;
  • alcohol;
  • bakery;
  • fatty sauces;
  • sausages.
  • pickles, ketchups, marinades;
  • cereals on water;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • lean meat;
  • caffeinated drinks;
  • cottage cheese, cheese;
  • chocolate, marshmallows, dried fruits, marshmallows;
  • eggs;
  • spices;
  • products made from coarse flour, whole grain flour.
  • fish;
  • non-starchy vegetables;
  • seafood;
  • green apples;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • unrefined vegetable oil;
  • buckwheat porridge with water;
  • berries;
  • lemons, grapefruits.

How to stick to a routine

An effective ABC light diet involves completing a specially designed 30-day nutrition program. The caloric content of the diet changes every day, but a prerequisite for successful weight loss using this technique is strict adherence to the prescribed amount of calories. There is an ABC light diet table that shows the required daily caloric intake for each day of the program.

Day Number of calories Day Number of calories Day Number of calories
1st 400 11th 500 21st 700
2nd 300 12th 450 22nd 400
3rd 400 13th 650 23rd 300
4th 500 14th 700 24th 450
5th 450 15th 400 25th 500
6th 650 16th 300 26th 450
7th 650 17th 400 27th 650
8th 400 18th 450 28th 700
9th 300 19th 500 29th 400
10th 400 20th 650 30th starvation

The daily caloric intake is very meager on all days of the program, so for many it will be difficult to control appetite and stay within the allowed calorie limits. To make it easier to follow the regime, you need to:

  • always remember about the rule of fractional nutrition - small portions eaten at equal short intervals fill you up better than if you consume all the calories allowed in two meals a day;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day, and another glass of clean water, drunk between meals, will help deceive the appetite for a short time and wait for the next meal according to the dietary schedule;
  • create a menu to suit your individual requirements and gastronomic preferences, but do not go beyond the allowed calorie limits and consume only permitted foods - vegetables, cereals, unsweetened fruits, some healthy proteins (meat, fish, low-fat dairy products);
  • It is imperative to support the body with vitamin and mineral complexes during the diet.

Sample menu for the ABC light diet

To follow your diet correctly, you should additionally use a food calorie table and always weigh your food portions. To simplify this process, take as a basis a sample menu for days with a daily calorie allowance of 500, 350 and 200 kcal. So, if your daily diet involves consuming a maximum of 500 calories per day, divide them as follows:

  • for breakfast: 100 g of oatmeal with water + 200 ml of low-fat kefir (together 170 kcal);
  • for lunch: 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese (142 kcal);
  • for dinner: 2 medium-sized oranges (185 kcal).

If your daily diet should not exceed 350 calories, then use the following dietary menu options:

  • breakfast: 1 soft-boiled egg + 1 apple (together 155 kcal);
  • lunch: 100 g boiled chicken (165 kcal);
  • dinner: 150 g of sauerkraut (28 kcal).

If according to the table you can only eat 200 calories per day, you can distribute them like this:

  • for breakfast: 150 g of vegetable soup (65 kcal);
  • for lunch: 100 g of boiled hake (95 kcal);
  • for dinner: 200 g of vegetable salad without oil (39 kcal).


The diet cannot be followed for more than 50 days. The diet, known for its strict methods, is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • teenagers;
  • persons with reduced immunity ;
  • for chronic pathology of the digestive tract.

During the diet, problems with concentration, weakness in the body, and deterioration of the condition of the nail plates and hair are possible. It is mandatory to consult your doctor before starting nutrition according to the method.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • efficiency;
  • long-term preservation of the achieved result;
  • lowering cholesterol .
  • presence of side effects;
  • poor tolerance;
  • the presence of a feeling of hunger;
  • duration;
  • constant calorie counting;
  • the need to take vitamins;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • depression;
  • blurred vision;
  • high risk of failure.

Important Terms

  • Try to drink 1.5-2.0 liters of clean still water daily.
  • Eliminate fast carbohydrates and canned foods from your diet.
  • Limit your fat intake.
  • Give preference to protein foods and complex carbohydrates.
  • Try to eat only natural products.
  • On high-calorie days, eat small portions 4-5 times. You can leave three main meals and snacks between them to quickly digest a limited menu.
  • Every 10 days, measure the volume of your hips, waist, chest and be sure to weigh yourself. The information obtained will help you better understand the effectiveness of the process.
  • Physical activity is encouraged, but tolerance must be monitored so as not to harm the body.
  • After 18:00, eating is not allowed. An exception is possible if it was not possible to have dinner before this time. In this case, you can eat low-fat yogurt/cottage cheese or any fruit (bananas and grapes are prohibited). The calorie limit for a late dinner is only 150 calories. After 22:00 no meals are allowed, even if dinner was skipped.
  • Take a multivitamin to help you stay healthy and active.

Quitting the diet

The ABC Superlight diet involves strictly limiting the nutritional value of dishes - the body gradually adapts to new conditions and learns to get enough of little. After completing the course, you should not suddenly switch to a normal diet, otherwise the digestive system will not be able to cope with the increased load. Exit from the diet should be carried out according to the following scheme:

  • first week - the energy value of dishes should be within 1200-1500 kcal;
  • second week – caloric intake can be increased to 1700 kcal;
  • Then you can eat, adhering to the daily calorie intake (for women - 2000, for men - 2400 kcal).

When switching to a normal diet, it is important not to gain lost kilograms. To do this, you need to make sure that your diet contains fiber (vegetables) and less “fast” carbohydrates. Avoid baked goods made from premium flour, give preference to whole grain bread or bread with bran. Limit sweets - instead eat fruits, dried fruits and honey . Continue to drink water - its volume should not be less than 1.5 liters per day.

Reviews of the ABC diet and its results

Opinions about the diet are ambiguous; it really allows you to lose weight and achieve the desired result, but it is very complex and tough. A person losing weight requires enormous willpower. You constantly need to count calories and plan your next day, which is very inconvenient. The diet is exhausting, lengthy, but effective.

Unlike other diets, digestive problems rarely occur on ABS, despite the limited caloric content of foods. A constant companion on a diet is fatigue, dizziness, apathy and even depression. Most often, the above negative symptoms go away after 15-20 days.

50 days ABC diet: reviews and results

The diet has proven its effectiveness with positive reviews. A long stay on a limited diet creates habits - eating little and counting calories, which practically eliminates weight gain again. Taking vitamin complexes allows you to avoid frequent companions of long-term diets - apathy and depression. For those who are not sure that they can withstand 50 days of exhausting limited nutrition, lighter versions have been developed - light and superlight, which have also proven to be effective and well tolerated. On these diets you can get rid of 4-5 extra pounds.

Reviews about the Svetofor diet

The interesting approach of dividing foods into color categories creates a habit that minimizes the risk of weight gain again. The diet is well tolerated because... does not have too strict restrictions and is not based on reducing daily caloric intake. The weight on the diet is small, but staying on the Traffic Light diet creates the habit of eating healthy and tasty.


If the results of the ABC diet in terms of weight loss can be considered positive, then the reviews will no longer be unequivocally laudatory.

Ekaterina: “I gained 8 kg, which was exorbitant for me, over the winter, and decided to lose it by summer, but I no longer had time on a regular diet. Then I remembered ABC Light, it was designed for a month. I haven’t sat on it myself before, but I heard that it’s effective if you have willpower. I ate my last meal on Sunday without restriction and from Monday on 400 kcal and further according to plan. There were minor violations, I deviated from the recommended products, but tried to keep within the calories. I lost 3 kg in the first week and about 1-2 kg in the next three, a total of 7 kg, which suited me.”

Margarita : “I believe that ABC is not a diet, but a special diet for people with a special way of thinking, I am not a judge of them. I tried to stay on ABC Light, survived 2 weeks out of four, and even lost 5 kg, but then I consciously decided to quit and never return. The calorie content is too low, it’s even unclear how they are supposedly allowed to eat everything. What can you fit into 300 kcal, and even with the rare 700 kcal you won’t get much of a meal. So my days passed in constant thought, “how many grams should I weigh” in order to at least fall asleep without feeling hungry. In general, I don’t recommend it to anyone, lose weight slowly.”

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