Allowed dried fruits when losing weight - how to eat and not gain weight

Dried fruits and dried vegetables - These are fruits and vegetables from which water is removed by drying. What remains is a concentrated high-calorie fruit. Most often they want to buy dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, prunes, apples, pears, figs. Popular dried vegetables - onion, garlic, carrots, bell pepper, beets.

Advantages of dried fruits and dried vegetables:

  • are stored longer
  • take up less space and weight
  • more vitamin and calorie content

Health benefits of dried fruits

Dried fruits retain most of the beneficial elements contained in fresh fruits. They are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential amino acids. True, there are also a lot of carbohydrates there, from 36 g (pineapple) to 75 g (dates) per 100 g of product. Calorie content per 100 g ranges from 199 kcal (apple) to 296 kcal (cherry). Vitamin C disappears when dried. But dried fruits contain other substances in concentrated form due to loss of liquid. After drying, about 20% of the original amount remains.

The body needs sugar and other carbohydrates even during a diet. It's better to get them along with a whole range of nutrients and antioxidants, in the form of fructose and glucose, rather than sucrose.

A person wondering whether it is possible to eat dried fruits while losing weight should take into account that along with weight loss, vitamins, minerals, and other vital substances are removed from the body. Bones are deprived of potassium and calcium, the heart and nerves lack magnesium. And the diet is so poor that it is difficult to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients with food. It is dried fruits that contain the necessary substances in a small volume of the product. You just need to eat them wisely.

Harm from taking

The Poles have an excellent saying: “If it’s too much, it’s too bad.” Literal translation – what is excessive is bad. She gives the best answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat dried fruits on a diet. In limited quantities, the product is not only allowed, but will also provide invaluable benefits. If you overeat, it will add extra centimeters to your waist.

The main objection to dried fruits during a diet is their high calorie content and glycemic index, significant glucose content. But the body needs to somehow maintain its existence. It is better to get calories and sugar from foods rich in essential nutrients than to fill your stomach with food that has little nutritional value. And then treat the heart, liver, and skeletal system simply because they did not receive the components necessary for normal functioning.

But for a diet based on dried fruits to be beneficial for weight loss, the products must be of high quality. Here's what may await buyers on the shelves:

  • All industrially produced dried fruits are treated with chemicals to increase shelf life. This is clearly stated in GOSTs. Even if we assume that the content of preservatives and other harmful substances does not exceed the norm, this is enough for an organism weakened by diet.
  • Figs, bananas, and some other dried fruits are often first fried a little in cheap oil, treated with phenol to preserve their characteristic color, and only then dried. This is unacceptable when dieting and can lead to health problems.
  • Bright, elegant, shiny multi-colored dried fruits most likely owe their beauty to the sugar used during processing. All that remains of the original product is the name and appearance. These are no longer full-fledged dried fruits, but sugar candies.
  • Healthy raisins can only be of a not too presentable dark color. Golden color is obtained by soaking in alkali.

If dried fruits are harmful, it means you ate too much of them or the product was prepared with sugar, oil or chemicals.

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Eat prunes or dried apricots and your mood will gradually improve. What is the reason for such a drastic change? It's all about saving carbohydrates - they provide an energy boost to the body for a long time. What does dried fruit have to do with it? They consist almost entirely of this irreplaceable source of energy and positivity.

However, the intake of these tasty activity stimulants should be limited. Remember that these foods are very high in calories, and you must carefully monitor the energy value of each dish you consume.

What causes the positive effect of dried fruits on the body? Doctors confirm: they retain many of the components contained in ripe and fresh fruits. Dried apricots, prunes, grapes are a real storehouse of substances necessary for our health:

  • potassium – a mineral responsible for the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • fiber - coarse plant fibers, the most important nutritional element;
  • enzymes are organic substances that speed up reactions in the cells of the body.

And how important are these little rescuers in winter, when our immune system is forced to cope with the onslaught of diseases and infections and needs the beneficial components of fresh berries and fruits more than ever! The high content of antioxidants makes dried apricots, prunes and raisins not only a tasty treat, but also a kind of sweet medicine. So eating them for breakfast is also a wonderful prevention of colds and helps maintain the protective functions of the immune system.

What dried fruits help you lose weight?

If weight loss is under the supervision of a doctor, it is he who must determine which dried fruits are allowed on the diet. It’s more difficult to lose weight on your own. On the one hand, the products contain a lot of calories and have a glycemic index of more than 50, on the other hand, they include components that promote weight loss.

The content of nutrients differs in different dried fruits. For dietary nutrition, the most important are:

  1. Prunes contain a lot of dietary fiber, which enhances intestinal motility. With its help, toxins and fats are removed faster. Dried fruit normalizes metabolism and has a beneficial effect on most organs, the skeletal and cardiovascular systems. Prunes improve mood, which is especially important when dieting - a woman “in sadness” can eat as much as a healthy body cannot process.
  2. Pineapple is considered a fat burning food. Dried fruits made from it are especially useful for weight loss. There, in addition to vitamins and minerals, bromelain, a fat-breaking enzyme, is preserved after drying. The fiber contained in pineapple helps eliminate waste, toxins, and relieves swelling.
  3. Raisins contain more vitamins and microelements than other dried fruits. It contains a lot of potassium, which during forced weight loss is removed from the body and requires replenishment, normalizes intestinal activity, and restores salt balance in case of dehydration. But the main thing is that raisins contain a lot of iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. It is this organ that often causes excess weight.
  4. Dried apricots are especially useful in diets for women over 40 years of age. It, like raisins, replenishes microelements that are quickly removed from the body during weight loss, especially potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Dried apricots normalize the activity of the heart, for which diet is a significant burden, and remove cholesterol. Pectin and fiber cleanse the intestines.
  5. Dates contain substances that regulate the level of fatty acids. It is simply irreplaceable for people who combine diet and exercise. Physical activity and dietary restrictions sometimes sharply reduce blood sugar levels, and 2-3 dates will help quickly bring it back to normal.
  6. Apple contains pectin, which activates metabolic processes, and fiber removes toxins.
  7. Figs normalize the activity of the thyroid gland.

Dried fruit as a spice

An unusual type of dried fruit " lumi"

"has not yet gained popularity in Russia. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing about it, because it is... a spice! It is made from lime. Fresh fruits are boiled in salt water, then completely dried in the sun - this is how dried lumi fruit is obtained, which is then ground into powder. Lumi retains the citrus acidity and bitter notes, plus gets a special smoky flavor. But the most amazing thing: despite thermal and mechanical treatment, most of the beneficial properties of lime are preserved. All vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, H and PP), microelements, essential oils and acids, phytoncides, pectin and other useful substances are present.

The spice is popular in the Middle East and Gulf countries. Lumi is often added to rice dishes, stews, meat and vegetable dishes, and combined with other seasonings. Since lumi contains practically no fat, the spice can be classified as a dietary product.

What not to eat when losing weight

Beautiful, too bright dried fruits should be discarded. They were probably prepared with sugar, oil, or other dietary undesirable substances. You should not buy dried exotic fruits, about which little was known in Russia and neighboring countries a few years ago.

Traditional dried fruits, when there are no contraindications, you can eat everything. The question is how much. For example, 1-2 figs a day will bring great benefits without weight gain, 5 will ruin your diet, 10 will make your waist wider by several centimeters, 20 can cause nausea and health problems.

Recipe for dietary dessert made from dried fruits

This recipe is not just a delicious dessert, but is also a valuable strengthening, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating agent that should be consumed even during the most severe diet. This sweet tastes very aromatic and tart. Ideal for tea. And most importantly, preparing such a vitamin charge is very simple:

  1. You will need dried fruits in equal quantities. Depending on the final volume you need. For the first time, you can do quite a bit for testing. Take a handful of prunes, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts and hazelnuts. In addition there is 1 lemon and honey.
  2. We thoroughly wash the fruits and nuts and let them dry from the water.
  3. Next, you need to grind all the dried fruits. You need to remove all the seeds from the lemon, otherwise the mixture will be very bitter. You can use a blender, but a meat grinder is best.
  4. Mix the resulting ground mixture thoroughly and season with honey. 1-2 tablespoons is enough.

You need to eat this “vitamin” every day before meals. And then any diet will be tasty and effective for you. This delicacy can fully replace the use of vitamins in tablet form.

This mixture of dried fruits is very sweet and has a high calorie content, but it does not have any negative effect on the weight loss process. But such vitamins perfectly relieve hunger and the need for sweets. Plus, this mixture is great outside of the diet.

We bring to your attention a video with a famous nutritionist from the Ionova Clinic about which dried fruits are healthy:

How to take dried fruits correctly

It depends on the time, method of administration, and amount of food eaten whether dried fruits will help you lose weight or make you gain weight even more. It is better to eat them in the morning or in the first half of the day, during or after the main meal. Dried fruits should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Before eating, they must be doused with boiling water.


If you are fighting excess weight on your own, without the help of a nutritionist who lists all foods in grams and the time of their intake, you need to understand the one handful rule. You can eat any dried fruits in the morning. But there should be as many of them as can be hidden in a cupped palm.

This is even less than it seems: 1-2 figs, about 6-8 pieces of prunes or dried apricots, 10-15 dates. It all depends on the size of the dry fruit and your hand. But this is quite enough. For example, to stimulate intestinal function, 2-3 prunes are enough. You can only eat one name of dried fruit!

To enjoy them, you need to chew them well and wash them down with plenty of water or kefir. This way you can satisfy your hunger with other foods.


If a person has an allergy or intolerance to a certain fruit, it should not be consumed in dried form either. The product is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of ulcers or other gastrointestinal diseases, especially on an empty stomach. Diabetics can eat dried fruits only after the permission of the attending physician and in the doses recommended by him.

Such useful pineapples for weight loss may be incompatible with some antibiotics. Raisins are contraindicated in cases of high obesity, dried apricots are contraindicated in cases of hypotension and a low pulse. People with kidney stones should not eat dates. Nursing mothers are advised to avoid prunes - they can cause diarrhea and colic in the baby.

Everything is good in moderation. Dried fruits in small quantities will reduce the psychological stress of dieting and provide the body with substances that it does not receive due to a limited diet. Eating them in moderation will lead to weight gain and health problems.

Optimal Portions of Dried Fruits

It is worth remembering that dried fruits are high in calories; they must be consumed within reasonable limits, especially if you want to lose weight. The maximum dosage of dried fruits per day is 40-50 grams. An alternative to dried fruits can be a compote made from them - it has beneficial properties and a reduced calorie content. Also, dried fruits and berries are an ideal component for smoothies and cocktails.

Daily consumption rate:

  • pineapple - 2-3 rings;
  • pear -2-3 pcs.;
  • raisins - 10-15 pcs.;
  • dried apricots - 5-6 pcs.;
  • dates - 3-4 pcs.;
  • prunes - 4-5 pcs.;
  • apples - 5-7 pcs.;
  • figs - 3-5 pcs.

In a diet based on the principles of proper nutrition, types of dried fruits such as dried cherries and melon are often used. When losing weight, their use is undesirable, since these types are high in calories - 290 and 341 kilocalories per 100 g of product, respectively.

Dried fruits in the daily diet

It is worth treating yourself to this healthy delicacy not only for gastronomic pleasure, but also for the prevention of hypertension, kidney, liver and biliary tract diseases. Even the most affordable dried fruits help with diseases of the circulatory system. And you shouldn’t think that since dried fruits are recommended for weight loss, they are calorie-free. On the contrary, they contain a lot of calories, but they are formed there due to the nutritional value of the product, its saturation with proteins and carbohydrates. If you add nuts to dried fruits, you will get the required amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates for the day.

A quick method for getting rid of extra pounds

Few dieters are able to come to terms with the gradual loss of extra pounds.
Sometimes you want quick results, when you need to control yourself for a short period of time, but the effect is immediately obvious. In such cases, you can use dried fruits for weight loss as a main dish on fasting days. This will be a nutritionally balanced day with plenty of macronutrients. It's delicious and very healthy. You can eat often, but little by little. But eating a large portion is problematic, since dried fruits for weight loss are very filling. In addition, they have a much more beneficial effect on the body than empty low-fat kefir or green leaf salad. Useful dried fruits for weight loss can be drunk with hot tea, compote, or plain water. In principle, you can devote a week to such fasting days, during which you have a chance to lose about 5 kilograms. But even one fasting day will give a good effect. When quick results are achieved, do not forget about regulating your own weight. For these purposes, you can also use dried fruits for weight loss. Daily consumption of a portion of compote or a drink made from dried fruits with the addition of lemon will improve the functioning of the digestive tract and saturate the body with vitamins, protecting against excessive gluttony.

Disadvantages of being on a low-calorie diet of dried fruits

This type of weight loss is not balanced, therefore, it is important to visit a doctor before starting it, since with certain diseases (especially genetic ones), this method of losing kilograms can work the other way around and provoke significant weight gain, as well as aggravate existing diseases. You need to lose weight correctly and wisely.

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Repeat course

Losing weight on dried fruits can be repeated every ten days. But it is still recommended to take into account the extreme nature of such a diet, and not to carry it out more than six times a year. Important: if the amount of excess weight is insignificant, it is highly not recommended to get carried away with this diet.

Reviews about the dried fruit diet on social networks, as well as on nutrition websites, are quite positive. Sometimes reviews appear that describe side effects such as diarrhea, mild nausea, headaches, abdominal pain, and bloating. If the symptoms of side effects are pronounced, it is recommended to stop the diet and return to a more healthy and high-calorie diet. If the symptoms are tolerable, continue the course, but no more than five days.

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The best sweet is dried fruits!

Today, dried fruits are no longer only a product made by our mothers and grandmothers, but also a popular product on store shelves. Dried fruits for weight loss can be purchased in special mixtures. They make an excellent base for compote, cocktail or fruit salad. A mixture of dried fruits for weight loss should be in any kitchen, as it is stored for a very long time and is relevant in any season. This ingredient will add a special twist to every dish and whet your appetite without harming your figure.

If previously, apples and pears were mainly used to prepare dried fruits, now the scope for imagination is simply enormous. Dried prunes, figs, apricots, peach, cherries, grapes and such exotic delights as papaya, mango and lychee are healthy and interesting in taste. Dried fruits for weight loss themselves have a pleasant taste, and if you add hot water to them and let it brew, you will have a wonderful drink.

Trendy dried fruits that won't help you lose weight

In pursuit of a healthy diet, you should remember that some dried fruits are very high in calories and are not recommended for those who want to lose weight. When choosing sweets to suit your taste, you should know this.

For example, don't indulge in sun-dried bananas. Even in their usual form, these fruits cannot be considered dietary, but when dried, their calorie content increases five times! Banana chips are even more insidious. They are tasty, sweet and have the effect of seeds: you can’t stop eating until you’ve eaten them all. In terms of fresh fruit, a “small” snack may be equal to two or three full bananas. Due to their high calorie content, it is better to eat bananas in the morning: for example, add a small amount to cottage cheese or porridge.

When choosing bright multi-colored candied fruits, be careful about the composition: the dietary product should not contain additional sugar or flavor enhancers. Give preference to natural candied fruits of natural shape and color.

Dietary requirements for dried fruits

The first rule is to consume 500-700 grams of dried fruits and nuts daily. The course of the diet can last three or five days (it all depends on the degree of obesity and the well-being of the person losing weight). If for some reason you feel discomfort on a dried fruit diet, it is recommended to take a break or even choose a different type of weight loss. Discomfort may arise due to low calorie intake, the feeling of hunger will initially haunt you in any case - willpower is great - this diet is within your reach.

You need to eat four types of dried fruits and two types of nuts per day. There should be equal intervals between meals, and the amount of food consumed should be approximately equal. Try to eat at the same time in order to teach your body to distribute its energy.


  • Dietary requirements for dried fruits
  • Contraindications for a diet based on dried fruits
  • Pros of losing weight with dried fruits
  • Disadvantages of being on a low-calorie diet of dried fruits

The following nuts are recommended: almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews and pistachios. But this does not mean that you need to buy roasted nuts in packets or salted ones with seasonings. You need to forget about roasted nuts in packets. Nuts should be purchased exclusively fresh and roasted (baked in the oven) yourself, without adding any additives. Dried fruits must be thoroughly washed and steamed before use. You can prepare dried fruits yourself or buy them at the market (but not packaged in supermarkets - they come with the addition of preservatives and other additives).

Only natural products are suitable for a diet based on dried fruits. When dieting, you can eat the following dried fruits: cherries, rowan, dates, dried apricots (if the products have a strong wine smell, they are not suitable, as they will only harm the body).

Let's look at a sample menu for the week. For women, the amount of dried fruits and nuts consumed should be half a kilogram, and for men – seven hundred grams. This is explained by the higher daily caloric intake for men. We offer a five-day diet based on dried fruits:

Day of the weekBreakfast (g)2 breakfast (g)Lunch (g)Afternoon snack (g)Dinner (g)
MondayPistachios – 20; Apples – 40; Dried apricots – 50 Almonds – 10; Apples – 20; Dried apricots – 30 Pistachios – 20; Apples – 30; Dried apricots – 70 Almonds – 10; apples – 30; Dried apricots – 50 Apples – 50; Dried apricots – 50; Almonds or pistachios – 20
TuesdayPrunes with raisins – 50; pear – 40; walnuts – 20 Prunes with raisins – 30; bananas – 20; walnuts – 10 Prunes with raisins – 70; pear – 30; walnuts – 20 Prunes with raisins – 40; bananas – 30; walnuts – 10 Prunes with raisins – 60; pear – 50; walnuts – 20
WednesdayDried apricots – 50; apples – 40; pistachios – 20 Dried apricots – 30; Apples – 20; almonds – 10 Dried apricots – 70; Apples – 30; Pistachios – 20 Dried apricots – 50; Apples – 30; Almonds – 10 Dried apricots and apples – 50; pistachios or almonds – 20
ThursdayPrunes with raisins – 50; pear – 40; walnuts – 20 Prunes with raisins – 30; bananas – 20; walnuts – 10 Prunes with raisins – 70; pear – 30; walnuts – 20 Prunes with raisins – 40; bananas – 30; walnuts – 10 Prunes with raisins – 60; pear – 50; walnuts – 20
FridayFigs, dried apricots and prunes – 80; hazelnuts – 40 Figs, dried apricots and prunes – 30; cashews – 20 Figs, dried apricots and prunes – 100; hazelnut – 20 Figs, dried apricots and prunes – 50; hazelnut – 20 Figs, dried apricots and prunes – 100; cashews – 30

There are several options for a diet menu based on dried fruits, some of which are:

  1. A diet based on dried fruits and kefir, the essence of which is to saturate the body with useful microelements, restore metabolic processes and cleanse the body of toxins. You need to eat up to half a kilogram of a variety of dried fruits per day and drink a liter of low-fat (one percent) kefir. The entire volume of kefir and dried fruits should be divided into equal parts into ten to twelve meals, and eaten every hour. This type of diet allows you to lose up to four kilograms in a three-day course.
  2. Diet on dried fruits with buckwheat. The essence of this option is to lose weight and cleanse the body without unnecessary stress. The duration of the course is five to seven days (as it is considered more balanced compared to a pure diet of dried fruits). Daily intake: porridge - 4 cups (boiled in water, without adding sugar, salt and other spices), one hundred grams of dried fruits (dried apricots, figs, prunes, dates, raisins), and always - two liters of water.
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