9 “healthy” foods that are actually harmful

If a child does not want to eat, it is better to feed him at any cost so as not to disrupt the regime

This approach leads to an eating disorder, because sooner or later the child stops hearing his own voice, which tells him when he is hungry and when he is already full. It is also harmful to feed a child with stories, cartoons, or some kind of persuasion.

Children are not interested if we talk about the stunning effect of spirulina or greens. They love pasta and fried potatoes. And why not give them such food? Just always offer a healthy alternative.

Children have a very fast energy exchange, and if they come to you with the words: “We are hungry!” - you need to be prepared for this and not say: “The borscht will be ready in half an hour.” Give them something light but healthy, like chopped fruits or vegetables or bread with peanut butter. It has been proven a million times from our own experience that after a child has had a snack, he sits down for lunch or dinner and eats completely calmly.

Children are most influenced by the family model of behavior - the atmosphere at the table, how you eat. This is often much more important than being fed at any cost.

Food is a way to get joy. Our family always set a big table, loved to cook new dishes, and I want everyone’s kitchen to be just as warm, cozy, and varied. So that food is associated with care, love and new tastes.

All “Myth vs Fact”




Even those who do not have celiac disease should avoid gluten-containing foods.

There is no need, if there is no celiacia, protein intolerance to certain cereals, to exclude from the diet wheat, rye, barley and everything that contains gluten, or, in other words, gluten. Because the same wheat contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that give our body a lot of important and useful things.

But it is worth using cereals that have undergone as little processing as possible. They are better absorbed by the body. For example, you should take whole grains rather than flakes.

Scientists and nutritionists have dispelled myths about “harmful” and “healthy” foods

On Thursday, August 6, at 14:00, an online conference on the topic “What food is killing us?” was held of the Patriot Media Group It was attended by nutritionists, farmers, businessmen, biochemists, journalists, officials and politicians.

Palm oil, trans fats, dyes and preservatives - all this is included in the standard food set of every Russian citizen. Preservatives and food additives have made food much cheaper, but has progress made it safer?

During the press conference, the speakers tried to figure out why nutritionists are seriously talking about foods that cause cancer, pointing to fried meat, strong alcohol and smoked foods; Do trans fats cause cancer? Is it possible to find healthy and natural products in the modern world and what will the food of the future be like?

Director of the branch of the Malaysian Palm Oil Producers Council, Alexey Udovenko, spoke about his legendary products. According to him, it is used all over the world and perhaps the largest record holder in the consumption of this product is Japan, where over the past 50 years it has increased from 40 to 600 thousand tons.


“Compared to butter, the price of which is $3,000 per ton, palm oil of the same weight costs only $700,” noted a guest at the press center. — These two oils cannot compete with each other, just as Lada Kalina cannot compete with Rolls Royce.

Let me remind you that since Soviet times, cookies have been made with margarine from vegetable oil converted into solid form. This process of “transferring” a product from one state of aggregation to another made it not particularly useful. At the same time, all over the world they switched to using natural oils that have a solid consistency. The most affordable turned out to be palm oil, which does not contain any trans fats.”

Udovenko dispelled the main myth about palm oil, which states that it is supposedly harmful. If that were the case, the branch director said, the picky Japanese wouldn't eat it. In fact, this oil (extracted, by the way, not from the trunks of these trees, but from the fruits of the so-called oil palm) is absorbed even better than butter, and it finds its consumer in the most developed countries of the world, including China, India, the European Union and the USA.

“Unlike sunflowers, Shrovetide Dolly Vardens are not treated with nitrates. Palm trees are fertilized. By the way, according to regulatory documentation, there are raw and refined oils - only the second one comes to Russia, and upon arrival it is refined again. Thus, a double purified product is obtained.

I’ll make a special reservation: there is nothing “dirty” in raw oils. But when heated, all beneficial substances are destroyed, and harmful ones are created instead. Therefore, oils are cleaned of everything that can be formed during frying, for example, oxidation products,” the expert explained.


The guest of the press center was greatly amused when he learned that some of our fellow citizens sincerely believe that the “Russian people” are not able to assimilate palm oil, since it is a product “alien” to them.

“Sunflower oil is also “alien” to our bodies, as well as coffee, bananas and potatoes, which are included in all national recipes. Current generations believe that our ancestors consumed sunflower oil up to the tenth generation, but before the Second World War they generally fried with animal fat - with the so-called cracklings. As for the harm from this or that food, it exists if a person has no brains,” concluded Udovenko.

Independent natural products market expert Lydia Makstein explained how to distinguish good palm oil from bad: the former is more expensive plus it has a reddish tint because it contains beta-carotene. As for food in general, the least harmful, according to her, can easily be found using a special “organic” icon.

“No, this is not a hoax,” the expert, skeptical about products certified as “natural,” answered the citizens. “Special studies were carried out to determine the presence of pesticides in “regular” products and organic ones, and the latter contained as little of them as possible.”

mshp.rkomi.ru /

Makstein emphasized that the “organic certificate” is issued by the state only to those producers whose products pass special tests for compliance with “environmental friendliness.” Accordingly, they have to buy more natural, expensive seeds, not use hormones in the production of milk and meat, and comply with all SanPin standards.

“To control all this, there is Rospotrebnadzor,” the guest reminded the press; by the way, it is free - it is fully subsidized by the state. As for genetically modified products, they will never receive it, but there are also no studies confirming their harm. By and large, all rumors about GMOs are a consequence of simple consumer concerns.”

State Duma deputy and doctor of medical sciences Valery Elykomov believes that genetically modified products are harmful only to children and people of “young reproductive age.”

“Over 25 thousand schoolchildren aged 12 participated in our study on the effects of GMOs,” said the parliamentarian. “We looked at their height, weight, thyroid hormones, blood sugar. Signs of obesity were seen in 23%, and 7% had impaired glucose tolerance. All these disorders occur in childhood. However, if you put a pensioner on a GMO diet, then nothing bad will happen to him.”

Press service of the OAGB (National Association of Genetic Safety) /

The guest of the press center advised the younger generation and schoolchildren to stick to “grandmother’s food”: very tasty boiled foods, raw vegetables, fruits, herbs, black bread, as well as everything that is not fried: less tasty, but more healthy.

“I tried to introduce a law on social advertising to the State Duma that would warn about the dangers of fast food and sweet carbonated drinks, but I couldn’t,” the deputy admitted. — Sometimes there are serious people behind the interests of foreign companies. Nevertheless, people need to be explained that such a diet can cause obesity, and I am ready to raise the issue of special labeling of clearly unhealthy foods.”

Scientific director of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor Tutelyan said that he does not know of any other food product that has been studied as thoroughly as GMOs.

“We have 23 types of genetically modified products allowed for consumption: all of them are practically no different from their “natural” counterpart,” said the guest of the press center. “However, we are prohibited from growing our own GMO raw materials, since our farmers are not yet ready to use this technology. It requires preparation."

The academician did not name specific products that lead to certain diseases: in his opinion, everything depends on the diet, the nutritional complex that develops over months and years. An individual product, “taken out of context,” cannot be unambiguously harmful or unambiguously useful.

pixabay.com / Couleur

“Take, for example, an apple - it seems to be useful,” Tutelyan said. “But if you live on a diet of only apples, you can die!”

The guest of the press center spoke about the features of “organic” production: according to him, it really does not tolerate any pesticides - the soil on which it is grown is checked by special services that carry out additional quality checks.

“Perhaps 3-4% of the entire assortment of our market should really be occupied by environmentally friendly products,” the academician believes. “And people for whom this is really important can pay 3 times more for it if they so choose.” But personally, I would never do that: after all, if the product is already on the shelf, it means it has been checked by SanPin and found safe. So the only question here is how much I trust the state that allowed the product to be sold.”

Tutelyan was skeptical about newfangled trends such as vegetarianism, fruitarianism and raw foodism: according to him, a person is a biological species that needs to receive certain substances from the environment in order to fully exist.

FBA "Economy Today" / Evgenia Avramenko

“I counted about 170,” said a guest at the press center. — More than a third of them are irreplaceable! If we receive them, then we are healthy, if not, we are sick. In severe cases we die. These are the laws of nature that no one can violate. The first says: the energy value of the diet should correspond to the body’s energy expenditure. Spend as much as you get, otherwise you will get obesity and along with it a bunch of diseases that will lead you to your grave. If, on the contrary, you don’t get enough calories, you will simply exhaust yourself and die too. But here is the second law of nutrition science: the chemical composition of the diet must meet our physiological needs! We need to get plenty of essential amino acids. If at least one of them is missing, protein synthesis stops, immunity decreases, and our strength decreases. Globally, we still lose millions of people every year from protein-calorie malnutrition!”

The academician added that with vegetarian food, of course, you can get everything you need for a full life, but it is much more difficult than with a nutritious diet.

Nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov named the most dangerous product that everyone would definitely benefit from eliminating: according to him, this is refined sugar and all its derivatives. It would also be a good idea to give up wheat bread and rolls, as well as rice. It is not necessary to completely exclude alcohol from your life, but the expert emphasized that he is a consistent opponent of this product.

Excluding salt is not only useless, but also harmful: all electrical conductivity in our body works on it. To understand exactly how much you need, the expert advises listening to your body.

Federal News Agency / Igor Veretin

“I divide vegetarians into two groups: amateurs who have little understanding of what exactly they are doing to themselves, and professionals who study specialized literature. I respect the latter and believe that such a strong correction of nutrition should either be done professionally or not done at all,” said the nutritionist.

Kovalkov adheres to the same position in relation to “therapeutic fasting”, comparing the human body to an engine: if you abruptly stop the supply of “fuel”, then all processes immediately stop, which can lead to breakdown.

“There is a special system for “introducing” this fasting, which can last for several days,” the expert said. — The same applies to “exiting” it. It's not all that simple! And what our people do without consulting their doctors not only does not help their health, but directly harms it. As a result, they form stones in the kidneys, liver and gall bladder. You can even go into hypoglycemia during this “therapeutic” fasting. Well, why is all this? What kind of country do we have in general? We are always trying to carry out some experiments on ourselves, forgetting that we will have one life and will no longer have another. We believe that death only happens to neighbors in the movies. You can not do it this way!"

Good food

Let's go over the individual types of products mentioned above to find out their benefits.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is an excellent source of complete protein.

On average, 100 g of cottage cheese contains about 18 g of protein, which contains all the essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are those amino acids that are necessary for the synthesis of muscle tissue in the human body and which the body itself cannot produce. Cottage cheese is rich in an acid such as methionine, which affects fat burning processes.

The milk protein contained in cottage cheese is a slow-acting protein. Amino acids enter the bloodstream slowly and evenly, so the best time to take cottage cheese is the last meal. Under this condition, your body will not remain on a starvation diet at night. Cottage cheese is extremely rich in calcium, which is vital for strengthening and growing bones.


Fish also contains complete animal protein and all essential amino acids. The protein content in fish is approximately 20 g per 100 g of product. White fish (haddock, cod, pike perch, hake, pollock) are valuable because they have almost no fat. There is even less of it than in chicken breasts - about 1 g per 100 g of product. Red fish (trout, salmon, chum salmon, etc.) have noticeably more fat - on average 10 g per 100 g of product, but these are good polyunsaturated fats that help reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and help burn fat! Fish contains a lot of phosphorus, which is necessary for the brain and bone tissue.


This is not about all types of meat. Pork and lamb are not suitable as they contain a lot of fat. Beef is suitable, but lean. The best is veal. Beef contains about 20 g of protein per 100 g of product and 8-10 g of fat. Meat protein contains all the necessary amino acids. In addition, it contains a lot of creatine. Meat is also an excellent source of iron.


Typically, athletes use chicken breasts.

They are high in protein and low in fat (20 g per 100 g of product and 3-5 g, respectively). If we talk about the vitamin and mineral composition, then, for example, there is quite a lot of zinc in chicken meat. And zinc helps reduce estrogen levels in men’s bodies and improves sleep. Plus, chicken breasts are easy and convenient to cook.


This includes products such as oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, durum wheat pasta. These products contain about 60-70% complex carbohydrates, which are fuel for muscles and generally cover energy costs. The peculiarity of complex carbohydrates is that they are absorbed slowly and evenly by the body and do not cause spikes in blood sugar levels and powerful insulin releases. If the body does not have enough carbohydrates, it will use protein to cover energy costs. Carbohydrates allow you to train more intensely. They increase strength levels by increasing muscle contractility and better muscle-brain communication. At the same time, oatmeal is an excellent source of fiber, a product that cleanses the intestines.

Oatmeal, like buckwheat, are foods with a low glycemic index, which means they can also be eaten when working on relief. Buckwheat is simply stuffed with a lot of useful vitamins and minerals and can lower blood cholesterol levels. The high potassium content makes rice beneficial for the cardiovascular system; it strengthens the heart muscle and improves heart function.

Seafood. Seafood is rich in complete protein. Its content in them reaches 20-25%. And what’s valuable is that there is practically no fat in this protein. Seafood contains many beneficial substances. Crab and shrimp protein is especially rich in taurine. This amino acid actively nourishes muscles and blood vessels, maintaining their elasticity and keeping them in good shape all the time. Seafood adds great variety to the menu and is very easy and quick to prepare.


Vegetables are considered carbohydrate foods, but their carbohydrate content is extremely low. The only exceptions are potatoes and beets. But vegetables are an excellent source of fiber. They improve digestion processes and create a feeling of satiety. This is important when you are on a calorie-restricted diet. Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, which improves heart function. Cabbage, cauliflower and especially broccoli are high in vitamin C, which is known as an excellent antioxidant that fights cancer-causing free radicals. It would take a long time to list the beneficial properties of vegetables, but this is the task of a separate article.

How we compiled the scales

After conducting dozens of studies on the quality of food and drink, we have summarized all the data.
In each category, the number of products with a zero rating and products with a rating of 4.5 points or higher was counted. In each product category, the percentage of safe and high-quality products from the total number of brands studied was calculated. The higher the percentage, the safer the category. Among the dangerous ones: the higher the percentage, the more dangerous the category. For information

There must be at least 17 brands in a category. If a category, along with the Quality Mark, has more than three nullified trademarks, it is disqualified from the safe rating. The percentage shows the number of products with a rating above 4.5 points (for safe) / zeroed products (for unsafe) from the total number of products in the category.

The safest categories were vodka and vegetable oil. The most unsafe are pork shish kebab, glazed vanilla curds and cognac.

Making a choice - Food good and bad

“You are what you eat” - there is such a common phrase among fitness experts.
That is, how you eat is how you look. And it’s perplexing to look at your sagging belly in the mirror; it’s better to look in the refrigerator. However, we'll take a look ourselves. Sometimes things can tell a lot about their owners.

If a mouse hangs itself in a refrigerator, most likely its owner is, to put it mildly, thin. A soup set, in short. Batteries of sausages, barricades of cheeses, dumplings, various hams and carbonates, ice cream and much more inexorably indicate that the owner of all this wealth puts the thrill of eating food above other pleasures.

But the interesting thing is that you can eat a lot and still look great. How? Yes, you just need to know the difference between good and bad food . We'll figure this out now.

Once upon a time, many believed that proper nutrition was 30% of success in bodybuilding. Then the figure increased to 50%. Nowadays, many fitness gurus seriously claim that this is 70%, or even more. And there is reason in their words.

You can sweat as much as you want in the gym, lifting dumbbells and barbells, but if you eat little, your muscles won’t grow. They will have nothing to grow from. And vice versa: one eaten hamburger will please your stomach, but will reduce the effort from an hour of aerobic training to zero. What comes out of this can be observed in any fitness center: there are a lot of people working out, but people with athletic figures are somehow not very good.

And all because the vast majority of us, with our mother’s milk, have imbibed the habit of “eating like everyone else”: breakfast, lunch, dinner. First, second, compote. If there is tea, then certainly with sugar; if there is bread, then certainly with butter. Deviations from the “diet” are not recommended: you could accidentally get sick! Get it in your head: you will eat like everyone else and you will look like everyone else. How then to eat?

And most importantly - what?

Let's start with what you shouldn't eat:

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