Dina Garipova spoke about the secrets of her slimness

The first winner of the show “The Voice” Dina Garipova recently agreed to share the secrets of her slimness with her fans.

Rumors and then photographs of a thinner and slimmer Dina Garipova began to appear immediately after her wedding. By the way, the young star still hides the name of her husband, saying only that he is not a public person and has nothing to do with show business.

Recently, the singer celebrated her 15th birthday and on this occasion she posted her photos on Instagram, in which everyone could see that the girl had noticeably lost weight. Some believe that by 25 kg, while others call a more modest, but still significant result of 15 kg.

However, Dina herself explained that she never had any complexes about her figure and therefore did not even weigh herself. As for her current weight, she believes that she has lost about 8 kg.

While she keeps her husband’s name a secret, she spoke about her weight loss system.

Dina Garipova - the secret of losing weight

It turns out that there is no system as such. It’s just that at one point the young couple became interested in healthy eating and eliminated junk food from their diet. Now they don't eat chips, fried foods, fast food, fatty foods, etc. Dina Garipova believes that it was proper nutrition that contributed to rapid weight loss, without experiencing the pain of severe diets.

By the way, according to Dina Garipova, all strict diets only bring harm and unnecessary health problems. After all, it is very easy to lose weight without starving, but by adhering to the principles of a healthy diet, this can already help your body lose weight.

How does she do it?!

An article on the topic “What If” by Dina Garipova: experts about Russia’s chances at Eurovision
“In fact, there are not so many similarities,” Dina Garipova’s on the “Voice” program, singer Alexander Gradsky . — Frosya Burlakova only had a big, strong voice - that’s all. But she couldn't sing. And this “Frosya Burlakova of the 21st century” sings as it should. She recorded the Eurovision song “What if” without me at all, I heard it already finished. I only needed to direct her a little, and that’s all - she already galloped where she needed to go..."

In December, Dina became famous throughout the country with her triumphant performance in the Channel One music show “The Voice” - almost a million TV viewers voted for her.

I hear admiration in Gradsky’s voice: “When she sings, I can’t understand: how does she do it?! I listened to her speeches at corporate events and watched with my own eyes how people suddenly stopped eating: they threw down their forks, plates and sat like cobras in front of a charmer, hypnotized by Dina’s voice, listening only to her. At that moment, they could easily pull wallets, phones, anything out of their pockets...” What is so unusual about her voice? “This is a timbre that fascinates, the physiology and “chemistry” of the body is incomprehensible to me. Some kind of magic. Judge for yourself: the girl does not know either French or English and, in general, even understands music with difficulty. But she sings in English like an Englishwoman, in French like a Frenchwoman, in Russian like a Russian, in Tatar like a Tatar. How? Incomprehensible..."

Rules for losing weight from Dina Garipova

The girl recommended her fans to adhere to only three rules:

• Take proper nutrition as a basis and do not eat anything harmful to your health and waistline. Eat less sweets and baked goods.

• Don't overeat at night. If you suddenly begin to suffer from hunger and this feeling does not allow you to sleep, eat an apple, carrot or drink a glass of kefir.

• Try to move more, ride the elevator less and try to walk more. Dina said that as soon as her touring schedule became busier, she began to rapidly lose weight.

• Proper nutrition involves eating several meals, at least four times a day.

• If you don’t have time to go to the gym, try to regularly do simple physical exercises at home.

These simple techniques will help you easily lose a few kilograms in a month and lose weight just like Dina Garipova.

Secret marriage

The fact that Dina Garipova has lost weight can be seen in the photographs before and after her marriage. On social networks, the singer posted a photo of herself in a wedding dress, and a few months later she appeared at a party dedicated to the Best FM radio station in a completely new look. Rumors spread that Dina, who had lost weight, was helped by her newly-made husband, whose identity the star herself keeps in the strictest confidence.

Garipova herself admitted that she really began to lose weight together with her chosen one. The family, having studied a lot of literature about diets, chose the most comfortable path for themselves - eliminating foods that are harmful to health and figure. And I didn’t have to wait long to lose weight.

Dina herself says that she has never weighed herself, since she did not have any complexes about being curvy, and does not know how many kilograms she managed to lose, but suggests that the figure fluctuates around 8 kg.

Dina Garipova - sample menu

If we take into account everything that Dina Garipova said about diets and her nutritional principles, then a healthy menu could look something like this:

  • The main thing is not to eat junk food, but to lean on fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meat and fish.

• In the morning you need to eat a steamed omelet or a couple of boiled eggs, wash it all down with unsweetened tea.

• After two hours, you can snack on a handful of berries, an apple or an orange.

• For lunch, you can eat a bowl of soup with low-fat or vegetable broth, and eat a portion of salad.

• For an afternoon snack, drink a glass of natural freshly squeezed juice or eat any fruit.

• You can have dinner with a vegetable or fruit salad according to your taste and discretion.

Dina Garipova: “It would be unfair to return to my past life”

— Dina, the second season of the show recently began, are you watching it? Probably, looking at the contestants, you remember yourself on this stage? - Of course, I remember how I stood in their place a year ago. In general, the competition is very difficult. Each round has its own difficulties: don’t get too nervous, take into account all the mentor’s comments and perform your competition song the way you want it to sound. Therefore, I would like to wish the current participants: to believe in themselves and love their work, then everything will work out! — When the next season of a show begins, last year’s stars are often forgotten. Do you communicate with the guys from the first “Voice”, what do they do? — Recalling the experience of various programs, I can say that no one is forgotten if they do not stop working. New faces appear - it's great! This means that there is always a choice of what to listen to and who to listen to. I communicate with the guys, we see each other mostly at events. They are recording new songs, all kinds of performances and projects. In general, life is in full swing! — Your victory changed your life. Were you prepared for this turn of events? “You’ll never guess how things will turn out.” I went to the project, understanding that life could change, but I could not even imagine that everything would change so dramatically. — This year you are defending your diploma at the Faculty of Journalism at Kazan University? - Yes. — Do you already know what topic you will write your thesis on? — The topic is currently under development. - Why the journalism department? — Because I have always been interested in writing. While still at school, I attended junior meetings, where we learned how to create materials. Then I realized that journalism education would be interesting and useful for me in the future.

Over the past six months, Dina has noticeably lost weight.
But when asked about diets, he answers that he doesn’t follow any, but simply works a lot. Photo: Natalia Muschinkina. — Does theoretical knowledge help you now in communicating with journalists? - They definitely help! Once again I was convinced that I was not mistaken in choosing the faculty. (Smiles). — And in communication with famous musicians, whose work you grew up listening to? — I grew up listening to a variety of music: the Paul Mauriat orchestra, Whitney Houston, Sting, and ABBA... I really loved the songs of Muslim Magomayev, Alla Pugacheva, Larisa Dolina. I listened to many at different periods of my life. Interests changed, and preferences in music changed. They had one thing in common - it was real, beautiful, high-quality music. — Dina, you are now starting a tour, how will you combine study and work? — I study by correspondence, so there are no special problems. In addition, my university is sympathetic to the events that happened to me and provides some respite if necessary. — Will someone close to you accompany you, or are you already a big girl and can handle it on your own? — I always went to all kinds of competitions and performances alone. Likewise, my family came to “The Voice” only closer to the semi-finals, and before that they were rooting for me near the TV screens. Eurovision is an exceptional case when I wanted to feel the support of a loved one nearby. And I really wanted to show my mother Sweden. — Before participating in the show, you lived with your parents, now you spend most of your time traveling. Do you think you have matured? — I matured quite early in this regard, because since childhood I have been traveling to competitions. My parents never traveled with me, except when I was six years old. Therefore, I got used to living away from my family for some time. — Have your parents started treating you differently, like you’re big? - No matter how old a person is, for a mother he is her child, about whom she will always worry. Naturally, my mother understands that I am an adult and independent person, and always respects and supports my opinion on some issues. — He asks over the phone: did you eat today and did you put on a hat on a cold day? - Well, whose mother isn’t interested in this about her child? — Dina, at the end of summer everyone was discussing how much weight you had lost. How did you do it? — There is no recipe or secret. It's just a lot of work, maybe that had an impact.

Dina Garipova is the youngest honored artist of Tatarstan.
With President of the Republic Rustam Minnikhanov. Photo: Vk.com. — Have you succumbed to the influence of fashion for skinny people? You always said that you prefer the style of the 50s, and then women with curves were valued. — I never tried to chase fashion in anything. I try to live in such a way that it is comfortable both inside and outside. I never specifically tried to change. - Dina, you are the youngest honored artist, you are the winner of a popular show and a finalist of Eurovision, you are on a tour, you are recording an album, you managed to lose weight - for some such achievements would be enough for a lifetime. What's the next step for you? — Try not to disappoint the audience and continue doing what you love. — Have you ever regretted that you got into such a whirlwind? Wouldn't you like to return to a quiet life? — In order to achieve something in life, you need to work hard, put a lot of effort into your dream. I studied vocals from the age of six, participated in competitions and festivals, studied and am studying to be a journalist at the university, taught vocals to children for two years after school, worked on television, in newspapers, magazines... I wouldn’t call it doing nothing. Life was different, yes, but that doesn’t mean I was sitting idle. I always tried to work on myself and find my own path. It would be unfair to return to my past life, because then it would mean that I did everything in vain.

Dina Garipova lost weight: before and after. How it was

Few people believed that it was possible to lose weight so quickly. Of course, many said that some special diet helped her, but there were also those who thought that it could not have happened without the help of a surgeon. But in order not to torment her own lovers, Dina herself discovered the secret of her own prettier figurine. The girl announced that she was never bothered by her rounded shapes, she had no complexes about this matter. And she always feels comfortable in her own body. And she doesn’t reduce herself when it comes to food, she eats whatever she wants. So how did she lose weight then?

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Useful information for losing weight

The main reason for changes in a girl’s build is a persistent desire to show herself well at an international competition. Our own simple task was accomplished through exhausting hours of rehearsals, constant excitement on the eve of the most difficult competition and a sense of responsibility for ourselves and for the whole country.

A striking change in the singer

It should be noted that as soon as Dina first appeared on the television screen, no one thought that she would be able to capture the hearts of many viewers. Her singing abilities are so attractive that she rightfully won the TV show “The Voice”. Then Dina was awarded the honor of representing Russia at the popular international Eurovision contest. Perhaps this was the main impetus, because for the performance the artist appeared before the audience in a completely different role. She brought her own forms to the ideal.

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When entering the Swedish stage, fans watching were simply amazed at how great Dina Garipova

. Those who regularly followed her appearance and career were especially surprised. After the competition took place, the singer had many more fans, which is not even surprising. Where is the secret of such a change hidden?

Principles of nutrition

The young singer herself does not like strict dietary restrictions and strongly discourages anyone losing weight from using “starvation” diets. Dina and her husband adhere to the principles of a healthy diet; she chose a simple path to slimness for herself, and is very pleased with the results obtained.

Let's look at what rules the family used to say goodbye to excess weight.

Garipova claims that she has excluded only fried foods from her diet; she consumes all other foods, but little by little. This way she manages to keep her weight in shape without much psychological and physical discomfort.

Physical activity

Dina admits that without physical exercise she would not have been able to achieve high results. The singer herself works out on an elliptical trainer, prefers to walk on the steps rather than use the elevator, and takes walks under any pretext.

She recommends that anyone who wants to lose weight do exercises every day; they can even do this at home if they can’t go to the gym.

Ordinary - like everyone else

But her childhood was like everyone else’s. Ordinary. Parents are candidates of medical sciences. In his youth, my father performed romances and also from the stage. It was he who took 6-year-old Dina to vocal lessons at the Zelenodolsk Song Theater “Golden Microphone”, where her brother Bulat performed. Then she shone at song competitions. Who did you want to become? “Mom and Dad always treated me like an adult. We talked seriously. When they asked what I was going to be, I answered without hesitation: “A good person!” Why? That’s how my mother raised me...” At school I didn’t strive to be an excellent student, I was an average student. Parents gave the instruction: “The main thing is not how you are assessed by grades, but how you value yourself.” The first decision - who to be - was made independently: “I chose a profession that I considered closer to creativity. Communication with people is my thing. That’s why I went into journalism... (Dina is now a 5th year student at the Faculty of Journalism at Kazan University. - Ed.) But one day you go on stage, and you want to come back to it..."

Article on the topic

Non-standard star. One day with Dina Garipova

In the end, everything was decided by chance. She applied for “The Voice” only when a friend called her after seeing an advertisement for a music show on TV. And she went there not with a huge suitcase, like others, but with a lady’s bag, where a dress for the stage, shoes and a toothbrush were folded. In some ways, she is very “like everyone else” - she writes poetry, which for her is “like a diary where all the emotions pour out,” she cross-stitches, and is in love with the talent of singer Whitney Houston . And at the same time, with an ease that amazes the luminaries of the genre, he performs the most complex vocal parts.

“Dina is not a genius, but simply gifted from above,” Gradsky is sure. - This happens very rarely. An ordinary girl from a poor family. Dear, intelligent parents, former doctors. Both are now retired. They live in a small apartment. The simplest and at the same time correct family - everything is as it should be. And the girl was raised the same way. Her success is not only due to her talent, but also to the merit of her loved ones, who gave Dina a moral core...”

In contrast to the “made-up bitches”, she is, as it were, the antithesis of glamor on the silver screen. He works on new songs for days, listening to them on a simple player. “I’m not going to “paint my hair blonde and sing two-note songs” for the sake of success. Whichever one is, wins. Hence the people's love.

Personal life

After Dina became the winner of the Voice show, she did not say anything about her life. Everything changed in 2015. Unexpectedly for everyone, she got married. It became known that Ravil Bikmukhamet became her lover. He is in no way associated with show business.

Based on Dina’s words, we can conclude that they hid this wedding until the very end. They did not want publicity on such an important day for their couple. However, it also became known that they spent their honeymoon with their lover in Cuba.

Of course, Dina is a Muslim, so her wedding was fully consistent with their customs. She even bought two dresses for this procedure. This is almost the main custom of any Muslim wedding.

“Gradsky in life is really what they say about him - a legend and a mastodon”

— To what extent were your ideas about the future justified after winning “The Voice,” and how has your life changed during this time?

— Every creative person, especially a singer, dreams of a big stage since childhood. You understand: so many people are trying to get through, only a few achieve something - and I couldn’t imagine that I would suddenly end up in these few! And when this dream suddenly comes true, you think: what next? I knew what competitions, victories and defeats were, but I didn’t know what show business was. It's such a huge machine that it's hard to get into and hard to stay in. Therefore, I had to work seriously, select a repertoire, listen to millions of melodies that were sent from everywhere, tour and give the audience what they had been waiting for for a long time.

— Alexander Gradsky, apparently, chose the right time and place for your start. What is it like to work with him?

“In real life, he really is what they say about him: a legend and a mastodon.” He is a very strict and complex person, and we often get into arguments with him, because he has his own view of things, I have mine, but we come to a common denominator. I try to do something new, and he tries to keep me from making mistakes. I am grateful to him for everything he did for me and still helps me, but I still try to move on my own path.

We do not have a strict requirement to be present at every rehearsal, but the “Christmas Concerts in the City Hall” are annual, and we are obliged to be there. Or he comes up with projects where he calls us - this is how a concert appeared in honor of the anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky, where I performed the songs “I Don’t Love” and “Ballad of Time.”

“In real life, he really is what they say about him - a legend and a mastodon. He is a very strict and complex person, and we often get into arguments with him, because he has his own view of things, I have mine, but we come to a common denominator.” Photo newlookmedia.ru

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