What Masha Efrosinina doesn’t eat: 7 food prohibitions for slimness

Popular TV presenter and mother of two children Masha Efrosinina never tires of pleasing the eye with her chiseled shapes. And she is ready to share the secrets of her slimness! Any of us can achieve such forms - but we will have to deny ourselves something.

According to Masha Efrosinina, the secret of her slimness is simple: a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and playing her favorite sport. Nutrition issues are of greatest interest to the star’s fans.

Probably the questions “what do you eat?” And “Do you eat at all?” will haunt me longer than I thought!)) I will answer the second question briefly and quickly: “I eat, and quite enough - 5 times a day!” — this is Masha Efrosinina’s answer to everyone who is interested in her nutritional principles.

An active user of social networks, Masha Efrosinina decided to reveal the secrets of her slimness and recently launched a series of short videos in Instagram stories under the tag “#myfive,” where she shares her secrets of staying in shape.

Read also:

Masha Efrosinina exposed her navel and talked about sports

One of the “fives” is dedicated to food rules and prohibitions.

Rule 1. No baking!

For several years now, Masha has not eaten anything starchy - no bread, no pastries, no pasta, no dumplings. Sometimes he can afford rice bread.

No dough, never - no pastry, no loaf, no bread. Nothing. No pasta, no bread.

And even more so, sweet pastries are prohibited!

I'd rather eat dark chocolate than a bun. Well, I guess you can sympathize with me on this. “Me and my 63-centimeter waist,” Masha answers.

Childhood and youth

Civil engineer Alexander Efrosinin was lucky to be surrounded by beautiful ladies. At the end of the spring of 1979, on May 25, his beloved wife Lyudmila gave him a daughter, Masha, whose ancestors were Russians, Tatars and Poles. After 7 years, Lisa was born. When the eldest child was one year old, the student spouses left Kerch to work in Magadan.

Despite the severe cold and the fact that she had to live in a small communal apartment with her father-in-law, mother-in-law and neighbor, the time spent in the North was considered the happiest by the mother. The adults spoiled the first-born as best they could and brought the best toys, and she quickly mastered the skates and confidently controlled the sleigh.

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A post shared by Masha Efrosinina (@mashaefrosinina) on Feb 10, 2018 at 6:29am PST

Maria Efrosinina in her youth
Unfortunately, the difficult climate negatively affected the health of the head of the family, and she had to return to her homeland. Here the girl studied at local school No. 19, of which only warm memories remain. By the way, it was here that she first appeared on stage and understood what it was like to perform in front of a large audience.

A straight-A student with stable “bad” behavior, her relationships with her peers did not develop for a long time. But everything changed when in the 9th grade, after disbandment, freedom-loving, smart and cheerful guys found themselves in the same group.

The TV presenter willingly gives interviews where she talks in detail about her childhood, exploring the length and breadth of Crimea with her parents and sister, and those moments when, due to the lack of electricity and heat, she had to do her homework with a candle.

The adults tried to give the heiresses a good education - they spared no money on tutors and even freed them from household chores. Therefore, the girl entered the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv without difficulty.

“Dad was an outstanding man with a rich inner world. He believed that a person should serve another person. This is what he did throughout his short life. I constantly saw my father working hard and hard. He taught us in every possible way to live in correct morality, his every thought is a formula for happiness,” the celebrity admitted.

Rule 5. Refusal of milk

Here's some sad information for those who like to start their morning with a cup of cappuccino:

“Come on, convince me that there are benefits from a drink that has a shelf life of up to six months. Fresh from the cow? Thank you, I can hardly cope with such a percentage of fat content and taste - a piece of hard cheese would be better,” says Masha.

The presenter assures that experts have proven that this product is simply not absorbed by the adult body.

“The only thing worse than milk is coffee and tea with milk—may cappuccino lovers forgive me,” shares Efrosinina.

Masha uses soy milk as a substitute.

It was - it became: how Masha Efrosinina changed throughout her life

birthday girl Masha Efrosinina has been both a plump young girl and an exemplary graceful woman. And fans’ debates about which image and weight Masha is better at have still not subsided.

Our retrospective contains photographic evidence of Machine transformations from childhood to the present day.

This was 8-year-old Masha Efrosinina.

Masha Efrosinina with her sister Lisa in their native Kerch, 1986

“Here I am 13 or 14 years old. And if my mother hadn’t told me every morning, walking me to school, that I was the most beautiful girl in the world, then I, a girl with a boy’s face and Alexei Glyzin’s hairstyle, basically had to go and drown myself in the waters of the Kerch Strait,” - Masha jokes. And he seriously encourages parents to praise their children.

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Work on the morning show “Rise!” brought Masha nationwide love.

Masha Efrosinina and Yuri Gorbunov, 2001

The same people beloved by viewers in 2003 and 2013.

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“Year 2007. “Fashionable Sentence” program. But, in my opinion, here I look more like the heroine of the “Battle of Psychics” program: “Daughter, attach the sore spot to the photo, and you will find yourself a good husband!” — the TV presenter continues to joke.

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2009 and 2021. “I, as my husband put it, am again exposing myself to fire: “you used to be sexier/more attractive/better and even more talented (I still can’t figure out how talent depends on the size of your cheeks),” Masha argues.

"Maybe you are right! But the more I think about why this happens in my case, the more I am convinced that that image of me ten years ago is more connected with the emotions that my viewer experienced while watching this or that show with my participation! All the shows were entertaining and fun, which means that I was perceived as nothing less than an enthusiastic girl!”

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In the 2010s, Masha radically lost weight - and since then, the debate about what could have been better has not ceased. In 2014, Masha became a mother again. And during pregnancy she remained as slim as before.

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2017, still from a photo shoot for Caravan of Stories.

Masha Efrosinina, 2017

2018, with eldest daughter Nana:

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Today Masha looks great. And on the eve of her birthday, she decided to comment on her attitude towards plastic surgery - in response to the widespread claims of ill-wishers.

“My philosophy is that you need to do everything as much as possible to delay the need for surgery (unless we are talking about correcting features that do not allow you to live happily). For this purpose, modern technology has made a revolution. My face today is the admiring eyes of my husband after 19 years of marriage, this is nutrition, water, sports, breathing practices, dietary supplements and anti-age medicine, cosmetology procedures, aesthetic medicine, as well as regular home care.

Today, when I see the first signs of age appearing, I realize that my appearance in the future will depend solely on how I cope with it psychologically, like any woman who sooner or later approaches the issue of age.”

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Photo: Caravan of Stories archive, Instagram

See also:

Masha Efrosinina spoke about diets, detox and plastic surgery

Masha Efrosinina: “I met Timur at the moment of mental trauma”

The strongest families of Ukrainian show business

Yes, I was fat: Masha Efrosinina named the maximum weight and the reason for the extra kilos

Masha Efrosinina addressed network users who criticize her approach to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. According to the TV presenter, most people who leave her caustic comments do not know that the problem of excess weight was relevant to her a few years ago. To clarify the situation, the 40-year-old star told how much she weighed and how she lost weight.

Photo: instagram.com/mashaefrosinina

“I stepped on a rake again: you’re talking about nutrition rules - you’re an amateur who doesn’t know a damn thing; If you insist that your body gratefully returns you to your natural form for “repaired” health, then you are popularizing anorexia... This is all some kind of hopeless, closed hell! - Efrosinina complains on Instagram. - Yes, I was fat! Yes, it was a long time ago when you grew up watching my shows and knew NOTHING about me except that I would “show” you the Teletubbies! Then for a very long time I was that very same, as you often write, “a beautiful juicy woman in the body,” and made a television career! Years passed, I got an Instagram profile, and you instantly decided everything about my changes: removed lumps/ribs/fat/braces! And you absolutely don’t want to believe in hard, long-term work, knowledge of your anatomy and working with serious specialists. Probably, it’s still more interesting to believe in the advertising of powders, from which I lost 26 kg in two weeks.”

Photo: instagram.com/mashaefrosinina

According to the TV presenter, she first gained weight at the age of 18, and while working on the show “Pidyom” it reached the maximum level of 86 kg.

“My excess weight was due to health problems. I didn’t find out about this right away, so I tried to do a lot of different crap to myself. And in some cases she even succeeded in achieving her health to such an extent that she received a number of difficult sentences and diagnoses. And infertility, by the way, was one of them,” Efrosinina admitted. “I realized that all this amateur activity is the same as treating wrinkles with a cucumber mask. Nonsense. There must be specialists. Since then, I started going to detox clinics, weight management and nutrition clinics. They taught me to eat right, love food and the main rule - a healthy person is never fat.”

The TV star attributes her current shape to nutrition by only 30%. She devotes exactly the same amount to sports and the ability to have a positive attitude towards people, herself and life. Masha also gave advice to those who want not only to lose weight, but to change their lives for the better.

“Don’t start with food, start with a specialist,” she says. - Go to an endocrinologist, a gynecologist, or even better, an endocrine gynecologist. Contact a neurologist, people who will tell you the state of your body and nervous system today. And let them send you to nutritionists, psychoanalysts, and tell you how to bring yourself back to normal in a comprehensive manner. A healthy person is never fat, take care of your health now - this is the first step towards a beautiful, healthy, non-aging body.”

  • Earlier, Masha Efrosinina named the main signs of a healthy sexual relationship. The TV presenter believes that in the Internet era, parents should take care of sexual education for their children.
  • The TV presenter also surprised with her confession about her relationship with her husband. Over the 19 years of dating and 17 years of marriage, there were many sharp turns in the family of Masha Efrosinina and Timur Khromaev.

Masha Efrosinina's nutritional rules

Masha Efrosinina does not hide what exactly she means by the words “healthy eating”, and shares her diet and strict taboos in interviews and microblog

Taboos on some products are already so familiar to the presenter that, as she herself says, they can torture her. So Masha hasn’t eaten any baked goods for many years; she used to call herself a vegetarian, but in her last post about her diet she showed a dish with meat, albeit poultry. But beef and pork have not been in the machine diet for many years.

  • Masha Efrosinina does not eat any smoked or preserved foods:

Canned food... I believe that this is dead food, it will not bring you any benefit, only harm.

Source: instagram @mashaefrosinina

  • Masha Efrosinina has practically given up sweets, although sometimes she allows herself to eat a piece of marshmallow or enjoy marmalade. But the priority is “healthy” sweets - dried fruits, organic fruit candies, marshmallows, which she also tries not to abuse.
  • No milk. Like Anita Lutsenko, Masha is a categorical opponent of milk and considers it a useless and even harmful product for an adult. But Efrosinina does not refuse a piece of good hard cheese or cottage cheese.
  • More fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables make up the majority of Masha’s diet, but the host eats them only on an empty stomach and never after the main meal.
  • Breakfast - always. Masha Efrosinina never refuses breakfast, considering it almost the most important meal of the day.

Breakfast is something I never miss! It consists mainly of fruit salad with nuts or flaxseeds, or sunflower seeds)) and sometimes porridge. Sometimes from buckwheat or rice bread with cheese! And, of course, coffee. I don’t want to hear that it’s harmful. It’s very useful to me - I adore it - and if that’s the case, then it can’t do any harm))

Source: instagram @mashaefrosinina

Personal life

“I met Timur at the moment of mental trauma. At 22, I was disappointed in men and had absolutely no intention of building a new relationship in the near future. Our fateful meeting happened very funny - we ended up at the same time near the same kiosk in Yalta,” said the TV presenter.

The young man was buying water and, noticing a pretty girl who came for apple juice, assumed that he had already seen her somewhere. She only snorted in response, later attributing such tactless behavior to a manifestation of star fever.

However, soon after meeting in 2001, the lovers flew together on vacation to Spain. Despite the outbreak of feelings and colossal “chemistry,” Masha did not think that their romance would result in something serious, the partners seemed so different and “perpendicular” people. But everything turned out differently: a month after the marriage proposal, it turned out that the bride was in an interesting position.

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A post shared by Masha Efrosinina (@mashaefrosinina) on Apr 16, 2017 at 3:18am PDT

Maria Efrosinina with her husband and children
Preparing for the wedding was intertwined with toxicosis and anxiety, so to calm their nerves the couple went on a honeymoon to Crete. On February 16, 2004, the couple welcomed their daughter Nana, and exactly 10 years later, on August 25, 2014, their son Alexander.

Efrosinina (height 180 cm and weight 60 kg) doted on her children and her chosen one, considering him a great father who you can always rely on, and regularly publishes touching photographs of them on her Instagram page. Of course, there were difficulties in my personal life. For example, in 2015, when her husband announced his decision to go into politics, Maria, despite the fact that she had to earn money on her own, sided with her loved one.


Since 2014, Efrosinina has been collaborating with the “Your Support” foundation, whose actions are aimed at helping children and orphans with health problems.

Together with the Efrosinina Foundation, she created the Charity weekend project - a series of meetings, thematic events, master classes and interviews with famous people. All of them are united by one theme - a woman and her world: family, health, career, beauty, inner experiences.

Entrance tickets to such events are paid, and Charity weekend directs all proceeds to specific assistance to children - for example, to orphanages or to purchase expensive and vital equipment for children's intensive care units of IPAG, the Institute named after. Amosova.

Sports in the life of Masha Efrosinina

Classes with a trainer according to a program specially developed for her are a big part of Machine’s life. Even during pregnancy, she did not stop working out in the gym and even, together with her trainer, created a special complex for expectant mothers. Masha Efrosinina advises everyone to play sports without exception. This could be Pilates, yoga, cardio, fitness, or other options that you like.

Source: instagram @mashaefrosinina

And if it is not possible to regularly visit the gym, work out at home and walk as much as possible, movement is life, Masha believes, and, of course, health and beauty.

Posted by Masha Efrosinina (@mashaefrosinina) Jul 13, 2021 at 11:52 PDT

Walk wherever there is walking. And more! And swim too

Masha Efrosinina: my life is my story and my mistakes

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