AMT-Beer's yeast with selenium tablets 500 mg No. 100

Brewer's yeast has long been known in medicine. When used correctly, they have a positive effect on the body due to the content of vitamins and amino acids. They are usually prescribed for skin problems. Athletes also like to use them to build muscle mass. But recently there is more and more information that they help reduce weight.

The benefits of yeast for weight loss

Yeast and weight loss, is there a relationship?
Let's figure it out. There are a great many good ways to control satiety while losing weight and being on a hypocaloric diet. Some are less effective, others are more effective. One of the inexpensive and effective methods is the use of yeast. Although this sounds incredible and may initially raise doubts, many have experienced first-hand the excellent results of this method. Nutritional yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is a living, single-celled fungus that causes fermentation of sugar - under the action of the enzymes it produces, it removes ethanol and carbon dioxide from it. Yeast is used in the production of wine, beer, bread and confectionery. Widely available commercially in compressed cubes. They are an incredibly rich source of vitamins and minerals, which is why many people consume them for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

How does yeast act on the body, why is it so effective?

For a slimming person, yeast is useful primarily by normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

In the body, yeast behaves as single-celled organisms that promote the breakdown of simple sugars. In addition, they contain a lot of B vitamins and minerals, such as: potassium, selenium, copper, chromium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus. Yeast also consists of amino acids: tyrosine, arginine, cystine.

Yeast is a proven remedy for combating hair problems - hair loss, fragility, split ends. The yeast drink nourishes hair, accelerates growth, makes it strong, thick and strong. In addition, the drink improves the condition of the scalp. The substances contained in yeast regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and counteract the formation of dandruff.

AMT-Beer's yeast with selenium tablets 500 mg No. 100

Product description

Recommended as a general tonic to maintain the functional state of metabolism in the body; additional source of selenium.

pharmachologic effect

Selenium is a trace element that is part of a number of important enzymes and hormones. Thus, it is connected with the work of all systems, tissues and organs. The presence of selenium in the body, along with other microelements, is essential to support the functioning of the body at normal levels. Selenium, due to its functions, is also called the “microelement of longevity”. Taking brewer's yeast with selenium is relevant for people suffering from alcoholism, liver diseases and for those whose bodies are exposed to toxic substances. The use of such brewer's yeast will also prevent infertility, anemia, diabetes, hepatitis, stroke, heart attack, endemic goiter, oncology, and hair loss. Selenium is one of the most important antioxidants that prevents the development of many diseases. It is indispensable in protecting cells from free radicals and maintaining cellular immunity. Selenium is part of the most important enzymes in the human body and is present in all hormones, thereby regulating the functioning of all body systems and energy production. Brewer's yeast with selenium is one of the best sources of selenium, as it contains selenium in an easily digestible, bioavailable form. Selenium increases the body's resistance, has an immunomodulatory effect, activates antiviral defense, and also has a beneficial effect on the liver suffering from acute or chronic disease. In addition, the introduction of brewer's yeast enriched with selenium into the daily diet helps prevent premature aging, the development of infectious diseases and even malignant tumors. Beneficial properties of selenium: Selenium is a fairly powerful antioxidant, stimulates the creation of antibodies, which increases protection against infectious and colds, takes part in the production of red blood cells, helps prolong and maintain sexual activity; in combination with vitamins A and E, selenium protects the body from radiation exposure; relieves the symptoms of ARVI and influenza (with selenium deficiency, many people experience a complicated course of influenza in their bodies); normalizes cell growth, helps in the fight against cancer, stimulates the immune system and accelerates the healing processes and resorption of the dead zone after myocardial infarction. Signs of selenium deficiency: fatigue; blurred vision; weakness and muscle pain; dermatitis; depression; hair loss; eczema; increased blood cholesterol levels; liver dysfunction; deterioration of the pancreas; high probability of cancer; reproductive dysfunction; growth retardation in children; premature aging of the body.


One tablet contains: 0.317 g of dry inactive brewer's yeast, 0.008 mg of sodium selenite. Excipients: lactose monohydrate, anti-caking agent: calcium stearate (magnesium stearate).


Recommended as a general tonic to maintain the functional state of metabolism in the body; additional source of selenium.

Directions for use and dosage

Take 10 tablets per day for children 12-17 years old; adults: 15 tablets per day; Take 10 minutes before meals with chilled boiled water; daily fluid intake is at least 2 liters. The duration of the course is 1 - 2 months; pregnant and lactating women need to consult a doctor.


Individual intolerance to product components. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Storage conditions


Buy AMT-Brewer's yeast with selenium tab. 500 mg No. 100 in the pharmacy

Price for AMT-Brewer's Yeast with selenium table. 500 mg each No. 100

Instructions for use for AMT-Brewer's Yeast with selenium table. 500 mg each No. 100

How to drink yeast?

First of all - just like with any therapy - regularly. You should take breaks, even if very impressive results are observed. The following is recommended - after 3 months of use, take a month off, or - use for three weeks and a week off - the choice depends on the person himself.

You can drink up to 5g of yeast at the same time. As a rule, due to the characteristic taste, it is recommended to start with a small amount, increasing over time to reach the optimal level for yourself - from 1/6 to 1/2 cube. The amount of water required for washing down is approximately a glass for half a cube of yeast. You can also take yeast in tablets.

You need to pour the yeast with hot water - this is necessary in order not to harm yourself; the components of the yeast can cause bloating or other digestive problems. Mix the poured yeast thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and leave to cool to a temperature suitable for drinking. Use the required amount and store the rest in the refrigerator.

It is important not to sweeten the yeast, as this weakens its effect and the digestibility of beneficial components. You can change their taste in other ways. It is also better not to eat anything sweet an hour before and after consuming yeast.

What diet should you have while taking brewer's yeast?

During treatment with brewer's yeast, a person's appetite will increase, so you should pay close attention to your diet. Doctors recommend:

  1. Control the quantity and quality of food taken. You should not eat smoked foods, a lot of fatty and fried foods. Sweets also contribute to the accumulation of fat - you will gain weight, while deteriorating your body quality.
  2. During the day you need to eat 4-5 times. Breakfast should be your most nutritious meal, but you shouldn't overeat at it either.
  3. To evenly distribute the pounds you gain and increase muscle mass, exercise every day. If you use high-intensity training, then you need to take a break of 2-3 days between them.

It is also recommended to monitor your weight in order to stop taking the dietary supplement in a timely manner - this must be done when you gain 70% of the desired weight. Let's say you want to gain 5 kilograms to your desired body weight. In this case, after gaining 3.5 kg, you need to stop drinking brewer's yeast. The beneficial substances accumulated during intake will continue to act for some time, and you will increase your weight by another 1.5 kg.

Is consuming yeast a safe therapy?

Yeast is a naturally living single-celled organism that supports digestive processes in the human body, so it is well absorbed by the stomach and in such quantities does not threaten humans.

The vast majority of the vitamins they contain are water-soluble, and excess is excreted in the urine, so yeast drinks are safe.

But we must not forget that losing weight with yeast is only an additional means - as in the case of nutritional supplements. The presence of hormonal problems requires a change in diet or medical intervention. The use of yeast drinks in such situations may not be sufficient. Some people drink brewing yeast and it gives an effect similar to drinking yeast for baking.

How to take in tablets

First, you need to follow the instructions on the packaging of the brewer's yeast product. Today they are available in different forms - powder or tablets.

For weight loss, the last option is better. You need to drink yeast one tablet or 1 g three times a day after meals. You should not exceed the dosage, as this can lead to the exact opposite effect. You need to take the capsules with enough water. In general, you should drink as much fluid as you want.

It is also important to follow a diet and avoid high-calorie foods with a high glycemic index. When cooking, it is better to boil, grill or steam, but not fry.

What effects can you expect?

Most often, yeast is drunk to treat hair, enhance its growth or strengthen it. Yeast affects the entire body. Perhaps initially the result will not be so noticeable. In cases where a balanced diet has been disrupted and there is a deficiency of essential substances that form the body, the use of yeast can bring the expected effect only after several three-month cycles. Therefore, you should be patient.

The main reason for starting to use yeast is most often the desire to speed up hair growth, and during treatment you may notice the appearance of new ones. Nails are also strengthened and the condition of the skin improves, although side effects may initially appear, for example, rashes and pimples - this is due to cleansing of the epidermis from the inside. These effects can be avoided by eating less sweets. Hair treatment is worth carrying out, especially during autumn and spring. However, you need to know that consuming yeast is not a miracle cure and the most important thing is to eat a healthy, balanced diet.

Causes of underweight

Doctors name the following reasons for lack of weight:

  1. The psychological factor is the fear of gaining extra pounds, leading to a complete refusal of food. Most often, this problem occurs in women from 15 to 30 years old, who are afraid of not fitting into generally accepted model standards.
  2. Conscious choice - a person voluntarily abuses diets and exercise, which leads to excessive weight loss and digestive disorders.
  3. Disorders of the digestive tract (not only due to diets) lead to the fact that the patient cannot take certain foods - after eating he experiences pain and bloating.
  4. Diabetes mellitus causes sudden weight loss, accompanied by headaches and dizziness.
  5. Other endocrine disorders can be inherited and occur during stress. They are often accompanied by sharp fluctuations in body weight and metabolic disorders.

If the reason for weight loss has nothing to do with a change in a person’s diet, then you should consult a doctor. It is also worth doing if you have digestive problems, pain and discomfort after eating. With anorexia, when a person is completely unable to eat, he needs to be treated by a psychotherapist.

What can you do to make yeast taste better?

The basic recipe is to pour boiling water and cool. You should be patient with this - the taste of the solution, especially at the very beginning of therapy, is very unpleasant. The drink should cool well until cool. After two weeks of use, you usually get used to the taste. You can add cocoa, milk, coffee, just do not mix with sugar.

However, if the taste is intolerable to someone, there is an alternative - yeast in tablets. Unfortunately, they are not as effective, the same goes for all other supplements - vitamins and minerals are simply better absorbed by the body in the form of food.

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