Anti-cellulite wrap with Capsicum cream on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. Effective recipes at home

Getting rid of cellulite is a problem that many women face and is not easy. But this can be done without the use of expensive means. A good solution would be wraps using Capsicam.

Despite the fact that the ointment is classified as a drug and is prescribed for the treatment of arthritis, it is quite effective in the fight against orange peel.


The healing cream consists of the following components:

  • dimethyl sulfoxide - 50 mg, anti-inflammatory agent, improves microcirculation in the affected area and improves tissue nutrition;
  • gum turpentine (turpentine) 30 mg, a powerful irritant, has antiseptic properties;
  • benzyl nicotinate 20 mg, vasodilator;
  • racemic camphor – 30 mg, activates skin receptors and stimulates blood flow;
  • nonivamide – 2 mg, is an analogue of cayenne pepper (capsaicin) and causes irritation;
  • cetostaryl alcohol;
  • purified water;
  • sodium;
  • polysorbate.

The ointment appears to be white or slightly yellowish in color and smells of turpentine and camphor.

Form of release of the drug and principle of its action

“Officially” Capsicam is intended for external use for pain in muscles and joints, as well as for warming up muscle tissue and joints before sports training.

The medicine is sold in pharmacies. By paying about 200 rubles, you will receive a cardboard pack with 50 or 30 g of ointment in an aluminum tube and an applicator for easy application.

By irritating nerve endings, Capsicam relieves pain and inflammation, causes a rush of blood and the formation of heat. Heat is generated by the cells so intensely that the effect is observed even several hours after using the cream.

The burning effect is achieved due to five active components in the cream:

  • dimethyl sulfoxide is an anti-inflammatory drug that improves the supply of nutrients and oxygen to skin cells by accelerating blood circulation;
  • racemic camphor - acts on receptors, irritating them and stimulating blood flow;
  • gum turpentine - considered one of the effective folk remedies against cellulite, irritates the skin and stimulates internal processes;
  • benzyl nicotinate - dilates blood vessels to increase blood flow;
  • nonivamide is a synthetic “brother” of the natural alkaloid capsaicin, which is found in hot peppers.

It was the irritating effect of Capsicam, along with its low cost, that made the cream a popular assistant in getting rid of cellulite. After all, the key to successful smoothing of orange tubercles is the activation of blood circulation and lymph flow. It’s not for nothing that anti-cellulite products based on hot pepper, mustard or ginger are considered the most effective.

Effect of use

Wrapping with Capsicam against cellulite creates an ambiguous effect:

  1. It has an effective effect only at stage 1 of the disease, when there is swelling of the subcutaneous layer of tissue that occurs against the background of circulatory disorders and swelling of the lymph.

  2. After 10 sessions the effect will be barely noticeable. The drug needs to be used for much longer and in several courses.
  3. The therapeutic effect on stages 3 and 4 of the disease is not visible at all.
  4. Practice shows that the ointment will be useful for the prevention of cellulite and intensifying its manifestation.

Capsicam is a drug that activates blood circulation. The active substances of the medicinal cream regulate the metabolic process, while the body warms up and tissue trophism returns to normal. And if subcutaneous scars have formed under the skin, then getting rid of the cause of this manifestation does not guarantee elimination of the pathological process.

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Rules for using ointment

In order for the ointment to bring the expected effect, you must adhere to some rules:

  • It is not recommended to apply the product to wounds, abrasions and scratches;
  • do not allow the gel to come into contact with mucous membranes and eyes;
  • Before use, you need to lubricate the elbow bend with a small amount of ointment. If there is no redness or allergic reaction, then the drug can be used;
  • Before using liniment, it is prohibited to take thermal procedures (sauna, hot bath). If you do not adhere to this rule, the skin pores will open, and irritation may occur when applying the healing balm;
  • Capsicam can be combined with other cosmetics to increase the effect;
  • Liniment is mixed with olive oil or any moisturizing cream in a ratio of 1:5;
  • It is not recommended to combine the ointment with other warming substances;
  • If you add a few drops of honey, the composition will not be so hot.

Wrap with Capsicam for cellulite

A wrap with Capsicam for cellulite is carried out after certain preparation, which consists of steaming the body and treating areas damaged by inflammation of the subcutaneous fatty tissues with a scrub. It is not advisable to use the ointment in its pure form, as it can burn the skin.

There are several ways to prepare the composition for wrapping:

  1. Mix 1/3 of Capsicam balm with 2 ampoules of pharmaceutical caffeine, it will help increase the effectiveness of the procedure. Add a small amount of moisturizer to the mixture.
  2. Combine ½ tsp. liniment with 1 tbsp. l. children's cream, which will help avoid burns and remove discomfort from the effects of the active components of the gel. You can add a few drops of citrus essential oil.

The procedure increases sweating, activates blood flow in the skin and produces a drainage effect.

Hot remedy for cellulite - caffeine and capsicum


, a remedy for extreme sports enthusiasts! If you have a burning desire to quickly and effectively say goodbye to cellulite, try an equally burning wrap with caffeine and capsicam!

If anyone doesn’t know what capsicam is, a little information: it’s an ointment for external use. Causes severe hypothermia of the skin. And, to put it simply, it burns very strongly.

It is usually used for a number of diseases: radiculitis, osteochondrosis, etc., but our resourceful ladies came up with the idea of ​​making body wraps with its help.

Rules for wrapping with Capsicam

The rules for performing ointment wraps are as follows:

  • Before performing anti-cellulite manipulations, it is not recommended to do hair removal;
  • 2 hours before and after the action you need to stop eating;
  • The area where the medicinal gel is applied should be loosely wrapped in 3 layers of film, then put on warm clothes or cover with a woolen blanket. You should start wrapping from the waist, then move to the right, then to the left leg, and finally wrap the waist again;
  • the course of procedures using Capsicam ranges from 10 to 15 sessions;
  • the frequency of performing health-improving manipulations is 1-2 rubles. per week, after an interval of 1 month. the course is repeated;
  • wrapping options with different compositions can be performed alternately;
  • The mixture must be applied using rubber gloves.

Instructions for use

According to reviews from those who have already tried this product on themselves, the effect is simply amazing. Cellulite disappears, the skin smoothes out and regains its lost elasticity. Fat folds from the waist and abdomen easily disappear, and the volume of the hips decreases.

By the way, the instructions for the drug say that the ointment cannot be applied to the stomach - it’s up to you to decide whether to do a belly slimming wrap with capsicam.

This wrap is successfully used in the fight against cellulite, excess weight, and sagging skin. To reduce the number of stretch marks and their depth.

The wrapping procedure includes several stages:

  • take a shower, thoroughly cleanse your body with a scrub and lightly massage problem areas;
  • Apply the prepared mixture to problem areas and rub it in lightly;
  • Wrap your body in 2-3 layers of cling film and put on warm clothes or wrap yourself in a blanket.
    Do not tighten the film tightly, start wrapping it from the waist, go down the left leg, then go up the right leg and finally make another turn around the waist;
  • After the procedure, rinse the mixture with cool water and apply nourishing cream to the skin.

Capsicam and children's cellulite cream

Very often, Capsicam is combined with baby cream, which nourishes, relieves irritation and moisturizes the skin. The mixture is considered a fairly strong anti-cellulite product.

The healing gel warms the skin, opens pores, removes toxic elements and breaks down the fat layer, and the children's cosmetic product removes the results of this aggressive effect, reducing the risk of burns and the likelihood of skin irritation.

To prepare the mixture, mix 1-2 peas of ointment with 2 tbsp in a non-metallic container. cream and distribute it in a thin layer in certain areas of the body (it is not recommended to apply it to the stomach). Cover the greased areas with film, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with cold water. If 1 procedure causes peeling of the skin, then you should stop using liniment.

Capsicam and caffeine wrap recipe

A wrap with Capsicam for cellulite is carried out with the addition of caffeine, which helps blood vessels dilate, stabilizes microcirculation and normalizes subcutaneous metabolic processes, and also breaks down fats.


  • combine and mix thoroughly 2 ampoules of caffeine-sodium benzonate, a pea (1 cm) of ointment and 1 tsp. baby cream;
  • cover the problem area of ​​the body with a thin layer of the mixture;
  • cover with several layers of cling film and put on warm clothes;
  • hold for 1-2 hours, taking into account the sensations;
  • need to be washed off with warm water;
  • Finally, apply nourishing cream to the skin.

It is advisable not to eat for 2 hours after the procedure; it is better to do it before bed. Before you begin, you need to steam the application area and clean it with a scrub.

What makes capsicam for cellulite so popular?

The ointment costs a penny and is available at any pharmacy. This is precisely the first secret of popularity. Still, the majority of those who write reviews about capsics are either on maternity leave, which does not add to their well-being, or simply live in a place where wages are a bit tight. So it turns out that the product is so widespread simply because it is cheaper than “pharmacy” compositions for wraps with ginger and cinnamon, and much cheaper than decent professional cosmetics.

Capsicam against cellulite is a recipe for the lazy. Actually, you just need to mix the ointment in any body cream, or even in a facial milk that you do not use very actively, and apply it to problem areas. It’s just some kind of happiness - you don’t need to cook anything, brew it in a thermos overnight, too. In terms of convenience, the recipe tends to use any composition from the store.

True, the ointment has a noticeable characteristic odor, but who stops this, since the fact that the average, say, thigh, after spreading capsicam with additives on it, looks more like a piece of red beaten meat than an elegant part of the body? And also the fact that the procedure is neither pleasant nor even comfortable?

A wrap or mask with capsicam also has a significant psychotherapeutic effect. Let's digress from folk recipes towards a simple illustration of how the “losing weight” psyche works. Do you know which trainers are the most popular? No, not the most literate, and not the most educated, and not even good methodologists. The most popular trainers in any club will be those who give the toughest workouts, from which the client crawls away, and after which he cannot peel his body off the bed in the morning. A simple psychological effect - “I worked hard, suffered, and now I will lose weight as retribution for my suffering.” And guess what? In matters of weight loss, retribution and justice are just as difficult as in matters of career and personal life. The most exercise-weary client is usually the fattest and most unable to cope with post-workout overeating.

Capsicum works approximately like an overzealous novice trainer, not burdened with knowledge. It greatly warms up the body, causing a rush of blood to problem areas and increased blood circulation. All this is accompanied by pain (the nerve endings are literally deafened by such pressure) and suffering. Try rubbing your finger with pepper and wrap it in a rubber glove. In 10 minutes you will feel about the same as the authors of the highly touted body wraps feel every day. Now let’s think about whether this all makes sense.

Capsicum and white clay

Capsicum in combination with white clay has a good result for getting rid of orange peel.

There are several ways:

Option 1:

  • dilute the clay in slightly warmed water in advance;
  • add a drop of healing cream to the mixture;
  • cover problem areas of the body with the composition.

An anti-cellulite massage will provide a good result simultaneously with wraps.

Option 2:

  • stir warm water with kaolin until smooth;
  • add a little medicinal liniment;
  • you can supplement the composition with honey or ground coffee;
  • Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to cellulite areas.

Option 3:

  • you need to dilute the white clay with plain or mineral water to a thick consistency, stir well;
  • To increase the anti-cellulite effect, it is advisable to add 5 drops to the composition. orange or tangerine oil;
  • perform the procedure for 40-60 minutes. with a frequency of 2-3 r. in Week. Duration of the course is 10-15 sessions.

Application of Capsicam against cellulite

To achieve positive results, Capsicam for cellulite should be used systematically. Such procedures allow you to tone problem skin with unevenness and unsightly bumps. But it is very important to realize that this ointment is a medicine, and not at all a cosmetic product for cellulite. That is why elementary caution when using it will definitely not be superfluous. It is also important to remember that the ointment can cause burns on the body and cause side effects.

Wraps with Capsicam ointment

Most often, cellulite wraps are made with Capsicam ointment. However, to achieve optimal results, it is recommended to properly prepare the body. To do this, you first need to take a hot bath or visit a sauna. Then you should treat the problem areas of the body with a scrub.

The first recipe for cellulite wrap with Capsicam ointment recommends mixing 1/3 teaspoon of warming cream and a couple of ampoules of caffeine, which can be bought at the pharmacy.

On a note! Caffeine will help enhance the effect of the ointment.

A little bit of any cream with a moisturizing effect is also added here. The composition obtained according to this recipe is mixed and distributed over problem areas of the body. The anti-cellulite wrap mixture should be thoroughly rubbed into the skin, after which the body is wrapped in cling film or special wrap film.

The second recipe for cellulite wraps involves using ½ small spoon of Capsicam ointment. It must be mixed with 1 large spoon of baby cream.

Why is there a second ingredient in this recipe? The whole point is that baby cream allows you to avoid burns on the body and neutralize severe burning, redness and other unpleasant sensations.

In addition, the recipe includes essential oils. It is best to use a citrus extract. This wrapping recipe involves adding only 2-3 drops of ether. The oil has almost the same effect as caffeine.

Regardless of which recipe was chosen, you need to keep the wrapping composition for about 30-40 minutes. The maximum is 1 hour, and the minimum is reduced to 15 minutes.

It is very important to use film over the wrapping mixture. You also need to take warm clothes and additionally wrap yourself in a thick blanket or blanket. The course of wraps with Capsicam ointment for cellulite is 10 procedures. Every week you need to perform 1-2 wraps with this cream. Then a break is taken for a month, after which anti-cellulite procedures with Capsicum ointment can be resumed. The above recipes for wraps with caffeine and baby cream can be alternated. This will allow you to achieve maximum efficiency of the procedure.

On a note! To avoid unpleasant consequences, before the procedure it is worth doing a Capsicam tolerance test. The ointment should be applied to a small area of ​​the body. You should also not apply the product to your stomach.

Capsicam as an anti-cellulite cream

The popular ointment Capsicam for cellulite can be used as a regular cream or mask. Just 2 g of the product should be systematically applied to problem areas, which then need to be rubbed until slightly red. After a quarter of an hour, it is recommended to rinse off the composition with cool water.

On a note! After using this cellulite remedy, you should not immediately engage in sports. Otherwise, the burning sensation will become unbearable and lead to severe pain, according to numerous user reviews.

Capsicam in combination with anti-cellulite cosmetics

Capsicam ointment is often used as a mask and an addition to cosmetic preparations intended to combat cellulite. The product goes well with:

  • various body creams;
  • shower scrub;
  • anti-cellulite mixtures.

It makes an excellent mask for cellulite.

Note! 1 part Capsicam plus 5 parts scrub or regular body cream will give you an excellent remedy for orange peel.

Capsicam and anti-cellulite cosmetics: what to combine with

The drug Capsicam is combined with cosmetics that are intended to get rid of fibrous inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue.

The cream goes well with:

  • body scrub;
  • anti-cellulite compounds;
  • various moisturizing creams;
  • massage oils;
  • shower gel;
  • baby cream

In this case, the ratio of the medicinal ointment to the second component should be 1:5. If the resulting mixture is difficult to tolerate, then you need to reduce the amount of Capsicam in it.

It is advisable to mix the drugs using rubber gloves, and to prevent the healing balm from getting on the mucous membranes. A composition for long-term use can be prepared by mixing any cream in a 50 ml container with 1/3 tsp. liniment.

When can you notice the results after wrapping?

If the product is applied regularly, then after a few sessions you will notice a smooth surface without orange peel on problem areas of the skin.

Positive results when using a medicinal cream are recorded at stage 1 of the inflammatory disease of subcutaneous fatty tissue, and slightly less at stage 2. Many women notice the first improvements in the form of smoothed skin and reduced visibility of orange peel after 1-2 weeks, and some after 1 wrap.

Instructions for use

Warming ointment is intended for external use only. From 1 to 3 g of the product is applied to the problem area, massaging, rubbed until completely absorbed. The skin should turn slightly red. To increase the thermal effect, it is recommended to cover the rubbed area with warm linen.

If the drug is used to warm up the muscles before training, then after training it must be removed by taking a cool shower.

For anti-cellulite therapy, Capsicum is left on the skin for approximately 15 minutes; the first procedures may take less time. It is not recommended to leave it on the body; after the designated time, it should be washed off with lukewarm water.

There are several options for using Capsicam for cellulite:

  • wraps;
  • caffeine masks;
  • applications with citrus essential oils;
  • enrichment of cosmetic products.

How often should I do Capsicam wraps?

Wraps with Capsicam for the treatment of cellulite are recommended to be performed 2 times over 10-14 days. In fact, it is advisable to perform the procedure less often - every other day, and the course should be from 8 to 10 sessions.

If a woman has stage 1 gynoid lipodystrophy, then she can do 1 wrap every 3 days. The subsequent therapeutic course should begin after a break of 1 month. after the end of the previous one. Next, take into account the condition of the skin. At the initial stage of the formation of fatty deposits, a repeated treatment course may not be required.

Review with photo

Olga, 30 years old

I am the mother of two wonderful sons. Their birth made me the happiest woman in the world, and completely destroyed my slender figure. When there were six months left before the end of maternity leave, I decided to completely change my lifestyle.

Stop wasting all your time on your children and husband. In the end, they also want to see a beautiful mother nearby and be proud of her.

So I went on a diet and began to get my skin in order. Plus I ran for 30 minutes three times a day. In three months I managed to lose 25 kg. I used different methods to combat cellulite. The most effective of them was the Capsicam wrap.

I added caffeine and baby cream to it. The first session seemed like real horror to me. When I saw my crimson skin, I thought that I would end up in the burn department. But gradually the redness went away. So I decided to continue.

You can see the result of my work in the photo. Cellulite has become much less. But I'm not going to stop there. Now I have a break for a month, and then I will continue the sessions.

How to wash off Capsicum ointment?

Considering that Capsicam is viscous in consistency, it is not easy to wash it off with water. The best option would be to wipe the drug off the body with a napkin or cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil. First, wipe the treated area with oil, then rinse with a cold shower.

Alternatively, you can remove it with skin gel and cool water. Before the procedure, you can make a decoction of mint, cool it or put it in the freezer. After washing with water, you will feel a burning sensation, and a piece of mint ice will soothe skin irritation. The dried part of the body should be treated with a nourishing cosmetic or any vegetable oil.

Capsicam: how to relieve the burning sensation?

To be on the safe side and not let the Capsicam wraps cause a burning sensation, you should try applying the prepared mixture to a small area of ​​the skin. It often happens that the painful feeling disappears after 10 minutes, and a pleasant warmth appears.

Before using Capsicam as an anti-cellulite wrap, be sure to do a sensitivity test.

But the opposite also happens, when the use of a healing balm brings an unbearable burning sensation. To remove it you need to:

  1. Wipe the affected area of ​​the body with a solution of novocaine (0.5%).
  2. Using special anti-burn materials, remove the cream from the surface.
  3. Moisten the damaged area with a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil.
  4. Cover the injured area with natural or baby cream.

What to do if you get a burn from Capsicam ointment

When acute pain or a strong burning sensation is felt after using the medication, most people try to immediately wash off the drug with running water.

To reduce the consequences of a burn, you should do the following:

  • remove any remaining substance from the skin with cotton pads or cloth napkins soaked in any vegetable oil or children’s cosmetics;
  • make movements with cotton not by rubbing, but by lifting the balm upward. If tampons become dirty, they should be replaced with clean material;
  • After removing the ointment, you need to rinse the cauterized skin with cold water, and this will reduce pain;
  • cover the damaged area of ​​the epidermis with a wound-healing preparation;
  • If Capsicam gets on the mucous membranes, it is advisable, if possible, to remove the ointment with cotton wool, rinse the injured area with water, and seek advice from a doctor.

The above actions will relieve pain for 15-20 minutes, but subsequent treatment of damaged skin will be required. The burn from the use of the drug is not a serious injury of the 1st degree.

After receiving the first necessary help, the skin looks pale and flaky. In the future (until the epidermis is completely restored), it is recommended to regularly lubricate the affected area with a special cream.

What is Capsicam ointment?

Capsicam is an ointment for external use that has a local irritant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to its properties, it is used to combat joint diseases, muscle pain, neuralgia, and also as a warming agent before sports.

The latter inspired the fair sex to try the product in the fight against cellulite, because it is known that deep heating of the skin is an important condition for the restoration of its cells

Useful properties and contraindications

The main active ingredient of the ointment is capsaicin, a synthetic analogue of red pepper. By warming up certain areas of the body, Capsicam:

  • dilates blood vessels;
  • irritates nerve endings;
  • promotes good blood circulation;
  • eliminates pain;
  • relieves swelling;
  • promotes good tissue nutrition.

This way, the skin returns smoothness and elasticity, and in some cases, problem areas also decrease in volume.

Despite such attractive properties of the ointment, it cannot be used for some diseases and conditions. This is for example:

  • individual intolerance to individual components of the product;
  • skin neoplasms;
  • varicose veins;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • diabetes.

In any condition of the body, Capsicum is prohibited from being used in its pure form, so as not to get burned.

General recommendations for use

In order for the ointment to have the greatest effect, it is important to follow certain recommendations:

  1. Be sure to take a bath or shower before applying the product. The body must be steamed for the ointment to be as effective as possible.
  2. Use a scrub before applying the product.
  3. Do not take too much ointment, a small pea will be enough to start with.
  4. Wear rubber gloves or apply the product with a brush.
  5. Wash off Capsicam with vegetable oil.
  6. For the first few hours after using Capsicam, do not exercise to avoid pain.
  7. Do not go out into the open sun, do not take hot showers or use a tanning bed for 48 hours after applying the product.

It is not recommended to use the product where:

  • there are wounds, scratches or abrasions on the surface of the skin;
  • the capillary network is located close to the surface. These areas include the abdomen and inner thigh.

Improper use or individual intolerance to Capsicam can cause irritation, itching, swelling, and rashes. Before first use, it is recommended to test the reaction on a small area of ​​skin. If you notice any of the above symptoms, stop using the product immediately.

Precautionary measures

When using the medicinal cream, you must take the following precautions:

  • Do not apply to damaged skin to avoid irritation;
  • shortly before and after the healing procedure, it is not advisable to do thermal manipulations (sauna, hot bath), because this leads to the opening of the pores and subsequent burning at the site of application;
  • some active ingredients of the drug may cause skin reactions (dermatitis);
  • After each use, you must wash your hands with soap, because... a burning sensation may persist;
  • To avoid negative consequences and to exclude allergic reactions, it is necessary to apply a little liniment in the buttock area. If the result is a burning sensation or redness, then you should discard the product;

  • At the end of the procedure, it is not advisable to stay in the open air for some time and refrain from contacting the treated area of ​​the body with water for 2-3 hours.

Capsicam ointment 30g No. 1



Release form

Ointment for external use.


30 g. Quantity per package: 1 pc.


Tallinn Pharmaceutical Plant.


Local irritant.


The ointment is white or white with a slightly yellowish tint with the smell of camphor and turpentine.

Composition of the drug

1 g of ointment contains (active substances): • nonivamide 2 mg • dimethyl sulfoxide 50 mg • racemic camphor 30 mg • gum turpentine 30 mg • benzyl nicotinate 20 mg excipients: • emulsifying cetostearyl alcohol (type A) • sodium cetyl stearyl sulfate • polysorbate-80 • bronopol • purified water

Pharmacological properties

Other products for external use for pain in joints and muscles. ATS code: M02AX10.


The ointment contains substances that have local irritant, vasodilating and analgesic effects. The local irritating effect changes and selectively improves the blood supply and trophism of those internal organs that are innervated by the corresponding nerves of the spinal cord segments. Additional irritation of the corresponding segment of the spinal cord causes additional activation of the antinociceptive system, thereby slowing down the conduction of the pain impulse to the cerebral cortex and helping to tolerate pain.


When applied topically to the skin, the ointment is quickly absorbed, the skin temperature rises by 1-2 °C, the effect lasts 2-3 hours. The analgesic effect occurs within 30-40 minutes and lasts up to 3-6 hours. When repeated use of the ointment, the effect lasts 10-14 days.

Indications for use

Painkiller and warming agent for muscle and joint pain.

Directions for use and doses

For external use. As a warming agent for athletes: apply 2-3 g of ointment to the muscle area to be warmed using an applicator and rub into the skin with light massaging movements until it becomes slightly red. After training, you should wash off the ointment from the skin with cool water (it is not advisable to leave it on the skin for a long time). To relieve pain: apply 1-3 g of ointment to the painful area using an applicator 2-3 times a day, depending on the intensity of the pain, and apply a bandage to increase the thermal effect. Approximately 50-100 g of ointment is consumed per course of treatment. After each procedure, you should wash your hands with cool water and soap. The duration of treatment depends on the nature and severity of the disease. There is no experience in using the drug in pediatrics (see section Precautions). If you miss another dose of the drug, take it immediately. Do not take a double dose to replace a missed dose. Continue taking as recommended by your doctor.

Side effect

Side effects are classified according to MedDRA organ system groups. The frequency classification is as follows: very often ≥ 1/10), often (≥ 1/100 to


Increased skin sensitivity to ointment components. Tendency to convulsions, bronchospasm. Ulcers, skin diseases. During pregnancy and breastfeeding. Children and teenagers up to 18 years of age.


If too much ointment is applied to the skin, skin redness, mild transient itching or a burning sensation may occur. In this case, you should wash off the ointment from the skin. Accidental ingestion of the ointment may cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. Treatment is symptomatic. If the ointment is accidentally ingested in large quantities, symptoms of acute poisoning may occur: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and headache, dizziness, sensation of warmth/hotness, convulsions, respiratory depression and coma. For severe gastrointestinal and neurological symptoms of poisoning, patient monitoring and symptomatic treatment are necessary. You cannot induce vomiting.

Precautionary measures

The ointment should not be applied to damaged skin. To avoid severe irritation, avoid contact of the ointment with the eyes and mucous membranes. Shortly before and after using the drug, it is not recommended to carry out thermal procedures (taking a bath, visiting a sauna), as this causes the opening of skin pores and, as a result, a burning sensation of the skin. The ointment contains emulsifying cetostearyl alcohol (type A) and bronopol as excipients, which can cause local skin reactions (including contact dermatitis). To avoid side effects, you should first apply a small amount of ointment to the skin to determine sensitivity to the drug. Elderly patients and patients with impaired liver and kidney function The drug should be used with caution due to the lack of data on its use in patients of these age groups.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the lack of data on the safety of its use during these periods.

Children and teenagers

It is not recommended to use the drug in children and adolescents due to the lack of sufficient data on its use in patients of these age groups.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and maintain moving machinery

No influence.

Interaction with other drugs

Interaction studies with other drugs have not been conducted. Dimethyl sulfoxide promotes the penetration of other active substances through the skin. To avoid the negative consequences of these substances, you should avoid using other medications on the area of ​​skin treated with ointment.

Conditions and shelf life

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Do not freeze. Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life: 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Vacation conditions

Over the counter.


30 g or 50 g in an aluminum tube in accordance with the nominal weight indicated on the packaging. 1 tube in a cardboard box along with instructions for use and applicator.

Buy Capsicam ointment for nar.prim. in tubes 30g in pack No. 1 in the pharmacy

Price for Capsicum ointment for nar.prim. in tubes 30g in pack No. 1

Instructions for use for Capsicam ointment for narcotic use in tubes 30g in pack No. 1


Wraps with Capsicam for cellulite are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • in case of personal intolerance to the active components of the drug;
  • It is not recommended to apply to skin with any damage;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • various tumors;
  • during menstruation;
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • for fungal diseases;
  • if there is a predisposition to seizures.

Capsicam wraps with constant use will help get rid of cellulite at the initial levels of development and slow down its formation. But it is worth remembering that medications that are intended for external use should be used as auxiliary methods in conjunction with complex therapy techniques.

Article design: Olga Pankevich

Recipes with added ointment

Homemade ointments and creams

Only the effect of skin irritation is mitigated. You can prepare caring mixtures for independent procedures using the following recipes:

Recipe 1

  • 1 spoon moisturizer
  • 2 ampoules of caffeine
  • 0.5 teaspoons of Capsicam ointment

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and placed in a small container with a tight lid (you can take a thoroughly washed jar of caring cream). The product is applied to the skin for 60 minutes, after which it is washed off. To enhance the effect of such an ointment, you can wear warm clothes: a sweater, pants.

Recipe 2

  • "Capsicam" - 1 teaspoon
  • Cream “Children” - 2 spoons
  • Essential oil – 5 drops

Mix the ingredients and apply in small portions in the evenings. If the burning sensation and specific odor do not cause inconvenience, then the product does not need to be washed off.

To prepare an ointment according to this recipe, it is better to take essential oils of tangerine, lemon, fir - they are endowed with fat-burning properties. But if the skin is too sensitive, then it is safer to use rosemary and clove esters.

Recipe 3

The easiest way to prepare homemade anti-cellulite cream: add 1/3 teaspoon of Capsicam ointment to a 50-gram jar of caring fatty cream and mix thoroughly. Apply to problem areas with massaging movements.

In the early stages of cellulite, it is enough to apply such creams 2-3 times a week for a month. It will take a longer time to get rid of advanced forms of lipodystrophy.


The best option for these procedures is to prepare a mixture of baby cream and Capsicum ointment. Both ingredients are taken in equal proportions.

The wrap should be done after a bath or shower, when the skin is steamed and scrubbed. The procedure is carried out according to the following plan:

  • Apply a small amount of fat-burning mixture of ointment and cream to the problem area and massage into the skin;
  • Wrap the treated surface with polyethylene or cling film. There is no need to spare the material; you need to make 2-3 layers. The covering material should be located close to the skin, quite tightly, but within reason, so as not to severely compress the blood vessels. You can put on warm clothes over the film, wrap yourself in a blanket, shawl, or just lie under a blanket;
  • The duration of action of the wrap is selected individually; it will depend on personal tolerance to the drug. Usually keep the product for 30-35 minutes. However, if the burning sensation is unbearable, the film should be removed and the mixture should be washed off immediately. For those who tolerate the effects of Capsicam quite easily, the procedure time can be extended to 45 minutes, but no more!

To get rid of cellulite in the early stages, it is recommended to carry out 6-8 procedures of 1-2 wraps per week.

To fight the “old orange peel” you need to do 10 wraps, then take a break for 2-3 weeks and repeat the course. The main thing to remember is that the drug used is an active medicine; it should not be abused. And the epidermis needs time to recover.

And one more warning - under no circumstances should Capsicam wraps be used on the stomach. For this area, there are softer means: honey, clay, algae and others.

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