Excess weight and its harm to health

Excess weight is the enemy of many people. What factors and risks lead to extra pounds. And also how excess weight affects our body as a whole.

No matter how much we want to deny it, we are getting fatter. The whole world is growing not only in the number, but also in the weight of people. This is no longer just an epidemic, it is a pandemic. If previously it was difficult to find overweight children, now this is already considered the norm. Many children drink soda instead of water. People stopped eating natural, nutritious food and leading an active lifestyle. We are becoming more and more lazy.

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People put in their carts at the supermarket: packages of soda, 0% or reduced fat milk and dairy products, white bread, pasta, vegetable oil, margarine, chips, fruit juices and smoothies, processed foods, sweeteners, etc. Where is the natural, minimally processed, nutritious food? And then we wonder why our belly is growing or why our children are gaining weight.

Whatever it may be, we are what we eat. And if we feed our body garbage, that’s how we will look and feel.

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Beauty and health start from within. Many people are trying to get rid of excess pounds, trying to look better and more attractive, they should also understand that excess weight means health problems, it affects absolutely all cells and systems of our body.

Consequences of obesity in children

Today, many parents do not attach much importance to the health and nutrition of their children, and the consequences for children are quite serious and should not be neglected. Cases have been recorded where cancer developed as a result of advanced obesity.

It is worth noting that obesity has many unpleasant accompanying consequences: malaise, lack of oxygen, constant shortness of breath, minimal physical activity, joint disease, weak blood vessels, and a greater tendency to thrombosis.

But it is also important to understand that obesity is still considered a psychological disease; a child can consume a lot of food due to stress or psychological disorder. It is very important to contact specialists who will tell you what’s wrong and how to deal with it. And our specialists from the Rehab Family clinic can help with this, where they will take care of your child and support you in this matter.

Why does obesity occur?

Often the appearance of excess weight is marked by laziness and a love of sweets/fatty/fried foods (insert the correct one). But obesity is not just a lack of willpower and motivation to be thinner; it is a multifactorial disease.

It is impossible to pinpoint one reason for its occurrence. As a rule, this is a whole

. It includes not only what and how often a person eats, but also his physical activity, heredity, sleep patterns, and emotional state.

In addition, excess weight may be a consequence of some other disease, for example:

  • Hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency)
  • Cushing's syndrome (excess adrenal hormones)
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (when ovarian function is impaired)

Certain medications, such as hormonal drugs (corticosteroids), blood sugar lowerers, antidepressants, antiepileptics, and some chemotherapy drugs, can also cause rapid weight gain.

What is hypothyroidism and how to deal with it?

Consequences of obesity in women

In turn, the beautiful half of our earth also suffers from obesity. As a rule, it does not appear due to a lack of proper nutrition, but rather due to an incorrect lifestyle. The average woman works 8-12 hours, being in stressful situations at work, and upon returning home the stress does not subside. Night work, marriage, attempts to quit smoking, heredity (by the way, women have a much higher tendency to obesity precisely due to heredity).

It is important that the consequences for women are very serious. Very often, due to obesity in women, it is difficult to diagnose breast cancer in the early stages. It is also difficult to recognize diseases of the genital organs, gallbladder and thyroid gland diseases in time.

Taking into account the individual condition of each patient, the Rehab Family clinic will take your question very seriously, and, knowing about such nuances, they will definitely check you and will not miss a single detail!

Why is excess weight dangerous?

Everyone knows that excess weight is harmful to health. But how exactly is it harmful? For what diseases is it a risk factor? At what point should you sound the alarm? And how to lose weight correctly?

We talked about all this with Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna Bukharina, Candidate of Medical Sciences, head of the antenatal clinic at the Doctor OZONE modern ozone therapy clinic .

— Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna, how to determine whether a person is overweight?

Ideas about the ideal figure depend on the aesthetic ideas of each individual person. But there is also a strict medical indicator - body mass index: weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in meters) squared. If the resulting number is less than 20, then the weight is reduced. From 20 to 25 is the norm. From 25 to 30 – excess weight, but it promises only aesthetic suffering, there is no great threat to health. But if the body mass index is more than 30, a person will inevitably develop health problems caused by excess weight.

Diseases of excess weight

— What diseases can be caused by excess weight?

First of all, hypertension , which is often accompanied by a high risk of vascular accidents and sudden death.

— What is a “vascular accident”?

Vascular accident is the medical term for heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, excess weight can lead to type 2 diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent diabetes), which in turn leads to vascular damage to the kidneys, decreased vision, and in men, erectile dysfunction.

- A frightening prospect...

And that is not all. You can add atherosclerosis , which again means an increased risk of vascular accidents and sudden death. Excess weight also increases the risk of cancer: obese people have an increased chance of getting colon and rectal cancer (colorectal cancer), and overweight women have an additional risk of getting uterine or breast cancer . The connection between these diseases and excess weight has been scientifically proven.

- Even if you are overweight, your joints can hurt...

Yes. There is a group of diseases of the musculoskeletal system that arise precisely because of excess weight - arthritis, arthrosis .

And we must not forget that excess weight is also a social problem, at least in Russia. Obese people regularly face discrimination: at home, at work. For some positions, employers try their best to hire only thin people, primarily in the service sector. As they say, only bankers are forgiven for being fat. However, if social discrimination can be survived, then everything else can become a matter of life and death.

Why do people get fat

- Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna, but many overweight people are trying to lose weight...

Yes, but at the same time they care about their health last. Few people think about possible vascular accidents and the risk of sudden death. Most people consider excess weight to be just an aesthetic problem. Moreover, all their attempts to lose weight by going on a starvation diet only lead to an exacerbation of diseases caused by excess weight.

— It is believed that the best way to lose weight is to eat less!

As a person who has been dealing with this problem for a long time, I will say this: there are very few people who have become overweight due to causeless gluttony. When a person has an eating disorder (eating too much), there is usually a reason for it. Most often, overeating is associated with stressful situations and psychological problems. That is why advice to such patients to eat less is unlikely to help. They need specialist help.

When a person comes to our clinic with complaints of being overweight, they are first referred to see a psychologist.

— What if there are no psychological disorders?

Then you should consult an endocrinologist. Changes in eating behavior and weight problems may be associated with metabolic disorders caused by an endocrine disease, so the patient should be examined by a specialist in this field.

Problems with the endocrine system are usually congenital. They may not appear until a certain moment if they are not provoked again. And stress and eating disorders are just provoking factors. By the way, problems with the endocrine system are very serious. For example, women who gain weight very quickly are often infertile. This is an extreme manifestation of this type of violation. And so for them, whether they can lose weight depends on whether they can have children.

How to get rid of excess weight

— What would you advise a person who wants to get rid of not only excess weight, but also diseases associated with it?

Do not engage in amateur activities. It is important to understand that excess weight itself and the health problems associated with it are two different things. If type 2 diabetes mellitus develops against the background of obesity, then, of course, it would be nice to get rid of obesity, but first you need to treat diabetes mellitus. Because at this stage, simply losing weight cannot solve health problems.

— So the fight against excess weight begins with diagnosis?

Exactly. A patient who comes with complaints of excess weight and health problems must be examined by a therapist, a psychologist and an endocrinologist. If there are concomitant health problems, consultations with specialized specialists may be prescribed.

- Looks like a medical examination...

Not really. During medical examinations, doctors are usually busy with their own problems and do not pay attention to the notes of their colleagues. Each patient observed in our clinic has his own leading doctor, who is responsible for diagnosis and choice of treatment regimen, controls all stages of treatment - medical procedures aimed at correcting health conditions and weight loss. Having such a coordinating doctor is one of the clear advantages of our clinic.

In addition, our therapists and endocrinologists remember all the pitfalls of excess weight, so we work with each patient on an individual basis. We do not claim that we own any secret methods that promise one hundred percent weight loss to everyone, but we competently collect, summarize and use in our work the many years of experience of our fellow doctors.

- Well, what about the diet? Do your patients comply with it?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to lose weight completely without it. If a person gains weight, it means they are consuming more calories than they burn. In order to start the process of losing weight, you need, on the contrary, to spend more than you consume.

When a patient tells me, “I don’t eat anything and I’m gaining weight,” I ask him to bring a food diary. It does not happen that a person eats little but does not lose weight. Either he chooses the wrong diet, or he has some kind of endocrine disease. And then the therapist and the endocrinologist sit down, jointly analyze each specific case, and the patient is prescribed treatment and diet. For patients who need adjustments to their diet, our clinic is attended by a specialist in proper nutrition, nutritionist Anna Sergeevna Belousova.

— How long does treatment take?

It takes about ten days to work with the patient, aimed at breaking the vicious circle of abnormal metabolism - it is preferable to carry out this work in a day hospital. Then it takes 6-9 months to normalize body weight. This is if there are no serious health problems. Weight loss should occur in stages, especially since kilograms that quickly disappear always quickly return, and should not cause discomfort, otherwise you should not expect a good result.

We do not promise super-fast results, but we do promise long-lasting results. By the way, if a person loses more than five kilograms per month, it is simply harmful to his health. And for women over 35 years old, such a rate of weight loss can greatly spoil their appearance.

— The main task of people on a diet is not to lose weight after it ends and to maintain weight.

Obesity is not called a “chronic relapsing disease” for nothing. A person suffering from excess weight must understand that he has a tendency to be overweight, which means that he will have to constantly look after himself. We never tell our patients that they will lose weight once and for all. Even after the weight loss course in our clinic is successfully completed, the patient will need to follow the doctors’ recommendations. But if he is serious about getting rid of extra pounds and diseases, he will succeed. Well, we will help him with this.

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Source: clinic “Doctor OZONE”

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