How Olga Kartunkova lost weight: diet and before and after photos

The bright and charismatic Olga Kartunkova became famous thanks to her participation in KVN; she was the captain of the Pyatigorsk team for a long time. All participants and spectators remembered her as plump, but recently Olga surprised everyone by losing weight beyond recognition. According to Olya, she gained weight during pregnancy and it was quite difficult to lose it. All KVN fans are interested in the question of how Olga Kartunkova lost weight, what diets she followed in order to achieve amazing results in record time.

Many people have been tormented for a long time by the question of how Olga Kartunkova lost weight and by how many kg. The reason for the actress’s weight loss was poor health, as Olga says, she doesn’t care about her appearance, the main thing is to feel cheerful and healthy. During her performance in KVN, she weighed 134 kilograms with a height of 168 cm, with such weight the body receives enormous loads, but cannot cope with them normally, so problems with the heart and blood vessels and shortness of breath appear.

Who is Olga Kartunkova

Most people who regularly watch entertainment television programs are familiar with the name Olga Kartunkova, an actress in comedy programs. She is known as the captain of the KVN team “Gorod Pyatigorsk”, but in addition she was seen in:

  • the satirical show “Once Upon a Time in Russia” from the TNT channel;
  • the film "Groom" in 2021.

Like most of the stars who mainly appear only in television programs, she would not have attracted close attention from journalists if not for an important circumstance: she lost weight phenomenally quickly, and this is difficult to lose sight of. Olga Kartunkova appeared on the screens with impressive parameters: with a height of 168 cm, she weighed 151 kg, which is the last stage of obesity. Not having an ideal figure did not prevent her from receiving the love of the public and starting a family (Olga is married and has two children), so she did not lose weight under the pressure of complexes - the reasons were different:

  • Health problems that began back in 2013 with a leg injury: a fracture and nerve damage due to an unsuccessful fall. As doctors noted when making the diagnosis, such consequences were observed to a greater extent due to obesity. The injury encouraged the actress to take part in the StarHit magazine project, but she left the course before completion because the rehabilitation process was not completed. By that time, Olga Kartunkova had lost 18 kg.
  • A dispute with my KVN teammates about the possibility of losing 35 kg in 60 days. Some sources claim that this reason only occurred before the injury.

Olga herself is not very active in talking about the reasons that prompted her to take up her figure, and to all questions about why and how she lost weight, she answers evasively, only mentioning that she had to step over herself and at a certain moment make a firm decision. Most fans are sure that the main reason lies in the desire to take care of health, because obesity is not only an aesthetic problem.

Reason and history of weight loss

Olga had to lose weight due to a leg injury and severe nerve damage. Operation was successfully completed. This was followed by a long rehabilitation process, the effectiveness of which was greatly reduced due to the artist’s excess weight. In fact, there is another motivating reason in this story - an argument with team members. Olga was supposed to lose 35 kilograms in 2 months.

A personal nutritionist helped her achieve this goal, who drew up an individual nutrition plan for Olga and monitored compliance with the conditions. Following the recommendations and following the diet, Kartunkova lost weight from 134 kg to 99 kg. She won the argument, but the result did not last long. A month later, her weight rose to 151 kg. This mark became critical for her: shortness of breath and joint pain returned. Since then, the TV star has already lost more than 40 kg and continues to lose weight.

What does it look like now

Olga Kartunkova, who lost weight, remained a woman with beautiful forms - she did not bring herself to a model-asthenic state, preferring a weight of 83.5 kg (as was said on stage in the spring of 2021). With a height of 168 cm, this is already very close to the weight recommended for her by nutritionists (it is 61 kg). Olga has lost 67.5 kg (she went from 151 kg) and, judging by the photos on her personal Instagram account, she does not intend to stop there, only now the process is more difficult, because her weight has almost returned to normal. Regarding the parameters chest/waist/hips:

  • Before losing weight – 145/130/131 cm.
  • After losing weight – 120/110/115 cm.

The beginning of the way

The talented performer has always been prone to being overweight, but after the birth of her child the situation worsened. Not so long ago, a woman’s weight reached 150 kg with a height of just under 170 cm. However, this fact in no way interfered with her career. Quite the contrary - the image of a colorful Russian woman brought her real popularity and the love of fans.

Olga admitted that she tried more than once to lose those extra pounds, but all attempts ended in failure due to the lack of sufficient motivation. Hour X struck when Kartunkova seriously injured her leg. Her attending physician insisted that for normal rehabilitation his patient needed to lose weight.

Then the actress decided to take her health seriously and even took part in a TV show for those who wanted to lose weight. The project helped me take the first step and get rid of two dozen kilograms.

How I lost weight

The wonderful weight loss in a relatively short period of time interested not only the star’s fans, but also marketers: advertisements about Kartunkova’s magic pills, powders, and belts began to appear. All this has nothing to do with the truth, although the exact scheme for losing extra pounds is still known only to the people who compiled it. As Olga herself said in the spring of 2021 in her interview, she will reveal all the subtleties in a book that is in the process of being written in a year. The only thing journalists know is that Olga did not lose weight on the first try:

  1. The weight loss was successful, but short-lived: as soon as I returned to my previous lifestyle, all the changes in my figure disappeared. From 134 kg, obtained as a result of cooperation with a nutritionist, the weight came to 150 kg.
  2. Participation in a project from StarHit magazine (called “Lose Weight Together”), which happened during a break between filming, gave a more long-term effect. Olga lost 18 kg, but was forced to leave the program due to an injury that still continued to make itself felt.

The new attempt brought more significant results: after it, journalists and fans began to wonder how Olga Kartunkova lost weight, because more than 60 kg were lost in a few months, and the resulting weight was consolidated. Here again, nutritionists were involved in the process, since the actress realized the danger of independently choosing strict diets, and an individual program was drawn up. Due to my relatively recent participation in the StarHit project, it was easier to switch to healthy nutrition. The main points of how Kartunkova lost weight:

  • BZHU standards were established, according to which the daily menu was built. For Olga this is 30/120/70 g. Moreover, the parameters were adjusted as the weight decreased, since they directly depended on this factor.
  • It was necessary to reconsider the attitude to the drinking regime and drink more than 2 liters of clean water per day at the initial stage (0.3 liters for each kg of weight). As she lost weight, Olga’s figure decreased. Liquid starts the process of fat breakdown, so eating the right food is no less important.
  • After the breakdowns, fasting days came, which helped not to waste all the efforts and not go back to the wrong diet. Mostly they were based on a fruit and vegetable menu (no more than 2 kg per day in total). An alternative is 500 g of dried apricots per day.
  • Regular physical activity, selected by the instructor, was introduced, since in case of obesity, standard intense cardio and strength training are prohibited due to the high load on the heart, blood vessels and joints.
  • Periodically, days were spent on kefir and Hercules, which were consumed before lunch. Such harsh measures were taken exactly for a day, to cleanse the body and as a way to push the weight off the ground, since they are unsafe for health.

Secrets of being slim

The thin Kartunkova does not hide the secrets of her transformation. She declares that she is against fasting and urges not to torture your body with strict diets. The result of hunger is a decrease in metabolic rate, death of nerve cells due to lack of glucose in the body, increased insulin levels in the blood, and disruption of intestinal function. The method used by the artist to lose weight consists of a number of rules, by strictly adhering to which you can gain a beautiful body and maintain health.

The actress approached getting rid of excess weight thoughtfully, turning to professionals in the field of weight loss. Before starting the diet, the famous artist underwent a full examination by an endocrinologist and assessed her body’s readiness for stress, which is caused by any changes in the usual lifestyle. The diet for weight loss was developed by experienced nutritionists taking into account the characteristics of her body. One of the main conditions for the effectiveness of the weight loss program was unconditional adherence to the rules:

  • calorie counting of all dishes;
  • daily calculation of the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU);
  • following a set nutritional schedule;
  • ensuring normal water balance in the body;
  • increase in calories burned.

Calorie restriction and nutritional balance

To achieve quick results, Olga had to give up many of her favorite products. So, sweets, flour, confectionery, and baked goods were completely excluded from the diet. Kartunkova sharply limited the amount of calories she consumed, which had an adverse effect on her overall well-being, but helped the actress achieve her goals. In addition to reducing the total calorie content, the developed diet involved changing the balance of dietary fat in the direction of reducing fats and carbohydrates.

The basis of Kartunkova’s rational diet was protein dishes, while vegetable and animal fats were kept to a minimum. Such measures were necessary due to the high percentage of fat in the artist’s body and the short time frame set by Olga to achieve the desired result. Fast carbohydrates were also excluded from the daily diet; they were replaced by foods containing slow, healthy carbohydrates. The total calorie content of the comedian's menu was 1500-1600 kcal, while the percentage of BJU looked like this:

  • protein – 46.5;
  • fats – 18.6;
  • carbohydrates – 34.9.

Portion sizes and meal schedule

One of the main components of Kartunkova’s weight loss method is the meal schedule. To avoid a slowdown in metabolism, split meals are required 5-7 times a day. The portion size should be such that after eating there is a slight feeling of hunger. It is advisable to eat regularly, avoiding long breaks. The best option is to have a snack every 2.5-3 hours. Kartunkova does not agree with the statement that you cannot eat after 6 pm. She believes that before going to bed you should definitely eat 2-3 eggs without the yolk to speed up your metabolism.

Maintaining water balance

Excess weight is dangerous because fat deposits are formed not only in the subcutaneous fat, but also on the internal organs. The consequence of this process is slagging of the body and deterioration of cellular metabolism. During weight loss, fat cells are gradually broken down, but the diet does not affect the accumulated toxins - they remain in the body. In order to cleanse herself of toxins, Kartunkova followed the advice of nutritionists and adhered to the drinking regime.

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Clean water helps flush out harmful substances (salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, preservatives, etc.) that enter the body with food or from the environment. The artist tried to consume 20 ml of water per 1 kg of weight every day, i.e. 2-3 liters. Maintaining fluid balance is of great importance during weight loss for the following reasons:

  • water participates in the process of fat degradation, which promotes weight loss;
  • by drinking liquid, excess salts are washed out;
  • all metabolic processes occur with the participation of water;
  • the body tries to retain fluid when its supply is insufficient, but with timely replenishment of water reserves, the need for accumulation disappears, and the weight drops sharply.

Active lifestyle

Olga Kartunkova’s weight loss was achieved, to a greater extent, due to a strong reduction in incoming calories due to the fact that, due to an injury, she had to give up playing sports. According to the actress, she would have been able to achieve even more impressive results if doctors had allowed her to be physically active. After a long rehabilitation period, Olga began to gradually perform a set of exercises, which gave a new impetus to the body and the weight began to decrease even faster.

Physical activity, according to the artist, is very important for creating and maintaining good shape. During aerobic exercise, cells are saturated with oxygen, and strength training helps give muscles tone and relief. Olga advises doing exercises daily, including exercises for all muscle groups. The load level should be chosen based on the level of physical fitness, increasing it as body weight decreases.

Diet of Olga Kartunkova

Before she acquired a slim figure, the actress’s diet often included unhealthy foods - she liked flour, kebabs, and fast food, so it took a lot of time to get used to the new menu. The thinner Kartunkova says: the main thing is to make up your mind. There are no magic pills, you just need to work on yourself, lose a lot in order to change your image. Olga lost weight on an individual plan that nutritionists drew up for her, but several key features of such nutrition were still revealed:

  • Compliance with the diet - breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time, with optional snacks between them. Ideally, eat meals 3 hours apart.
  • Tracking daily caloric intake (calculated individually), protein, fat and carbohydrate levels.
  • Reducing the level of animal fats (until you have lost weight to the desired levels).
  • Eating small portions to stimulate a gradual reduction in stomach volume.

Olga Kartunkova’s diet was based on slow carbohydrates, which contain glycogen, insulin, starch and fiber, so they saturate and replenish energy for a long time. Plant foods and protein sources are added to them. General list of products used in Olga’s menu:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • greenery;
  • oatmeal and buckwheat porridge;
  • vegetable soups;
  • cottage cheese;
  • nuts, olive oil (minimal);
  • fermented milk drinks;
  • berries.

Olga Kartunkova’s weight loss took place with the obligatory refusal of junk food, which included her favorite fast food, all sweets, buns and other flour products. Nutritionists advised removing all bread, excluding those made from wholemeal flour, packaged juices, alcohol, instant coffee, smoked, salty, fatty, and spicy foods.

Experts' opinions

Olga Kartunkova’s diet from the point of view of medicine and her own health will cause dissatisfaction with any nutritionist due to the following points:

  • Firstly, the menu is not balanced. Yes, you should reduce carbohydrates, but not consuming them at all is strictly prohibited. The body is designed in such a way that after finishing a diet a person will certainly begin to crave carbohydrates - as a result, he will eat large quantities of fast carbohydrates (sweets and baked goods). And this is fraught with weight gain.
  • Secondly, a lack of carbohydrates negatively affects the functioning of internal organs. Carbohydrates are a source of energy, and some compounds are involved in the formation of DNA.
  • Thirdly, there are few products for the daily diet, so in the initial stages it will be difficult to maintain the diet, and weight loss may be disrupted.

Olga Kartunkova claims that her diet and nutrition for the day were compiled by a nutritionist, although many specialists are quite surprised by this fact. The actress’s weight does not give a specialist any reason to create such a low-calorie diet. However, the actress is losing weight and losing weight rapidly. In a month, her weight can decrease by 10 kg. The figure is impressive, but alarming. Such rapid weight loss has a negative impact on health.

Sample menu for one day

You can find a lot of conflicting information about Olga’s daily diet: in some sources it is a very strict plan based on fruits and kefir, in others it is the classic canons of proper nutrition. The latter is closer to the truth, since Kartunkova did not lose weight in a day or a week; on a very meager diet, she would have faced serious health problems. Even Olga herself, mentioning restrictions and deprivations, does not talk about following low-calorie diets. Supposedly the menu was like this:

Eating Dish
Breakfast Fruit salad (250-300 g) with yogurt, herbal tea
Lunch Fat-free or low-fat kefir
Dinner Boiled chicken breast with fresh vegetables (can be seasoned with olive oil)
Afternoon snack Freshly squeezed juice (preferably carrot, orange, apple, beet)
Dinner Low-fat cottage cheese (150 g)


Kartunkova would not have lost so much weight if she had not revised her eating habits: thanks to this, several favorite dishes appeared in her diet that had nothing to do with her previous preferences. She mentions the following recipes:

  • Fruit salad of pears, oranges and green apples cut into small cubes (1 piece of each fruit). Olga recommends filling this mix with low-fat drinking yoghurt without additives.
  • Vegetable soup based on diced potatoes, shredded white cabbage, grated carrots, a bunch of dill and a couple of tablespoons of millet. Each product in the quantity of 1 piece. (cabbage 100-150 g) to make one serving. Don't forget to rinse the millet very well. Cook the soup until tender over medium heat; Olga does not recommend adding salt.

Sport exercises

Physical activity if you are overweight is included in the schedule carefully, always under the supervision of an instructor. Kartunkova started in the pool, where she swam only 2 times a week. Aerobic exercise in water gently stimulated fat burning and strengthened muscles. With it, Olga not only lost weight, but prepared herself for further training:

  • Exercising on a treadmill. The first big record was covering a distance of 500 m, and at a low pace. Over time, Olga’s instructor increased both the speed and the required mileage.
  • Morning jogging after eliminating the “obesity” label.
  • Working with exercise equipment selected individually for Olga.

Secret weight loss

According to Olga, everything looked something like this.

Visit to the doctor

The first thing she did was go to an endocrinologist, because, as her previous experience had shown, such excess weight did not want to go away so easily. Moreover, its presence clearly indicated metabolic disorders in the body.

The doctor developed a special nutrition program for her, which Olga does not particularly talk about. She answers all questions that she is currently writing a book, on the pages of which she will tell, among other things, about her method of losing weight, about how she managed to lose so many kilograms. For example, this is discussed in this video:

But I still found some tips from Kartunkova especially for you.

Olga's diet

There are many diets from Kartunkova on websites on the Internet, but there is not a single confirmation that such nutritional methods actually come from her. Maybe you have other information? Share in the comments, I think it will be useful for everyone to know!

I, for my part, discovered only the following. In October 2021, the former KVN member spoke about what her menu is based on in an interview with Antenna magazine.

Diet from Olga

The most important thing is that there are no excesses in food - fatty, sweet, salty, smoked, juices, carbonated sweet drinks - all this is for guests who love to come to visit a hospitable hostess like Olga. As she said in one of the interviews:

“Diet – don’t eat. I cook a lot for my friends. But I don’t eat it myself.”

What does she eat?

  • Meat (as Olga herself says, protein should be in the diet constantly, but is contraindicated in the evening).
  • Fruits, but you can’t eat them after lunch.
  • In the evening he prefers vegetables, kefir, and porridge.
  • However, at night it is possible (and even necessary, according to her) to eat a couple of boiled eggs, but only without the yolk (by eating them before bed, she thereby encourages the stomach to work even in sleep and thereby burn fat)

At the same time, you need to eat in small portions and not rush. According to her, she eats for 35 minutes and even divides the cucumber into small pieces.

15 minutes after eating, drink rosehip decoction

Breakfast from the actress

Breakfast, as Olga says, is a must. She doesn't leave the house without him. At the same time, she loves bran very much and prepares herself the following “muesli”, the recipe for which she shares:

  • A handful of granulated bran (sold at the pharmacy)
  • A handful of pine nuts
  • 0.5 liters 1% kefir
  • All this is put in a plate and mixed (like muesli).
  • That's it, a nutritious, tasty and healthy breakfast is ready.
  • Here is such a simple nutrition system, to which sports activities are added.

Not a day without sports

Physical exercise is one of the main components of success. As the artist herself says in a conversation with a journalist in one of the videos, from the very beginning of her diet she took up sports, and swimming was first on the list.

She swam every day for an hour, and the main rule was to swim without touching the water with her chin. Such gymnastics, combined with nutrition, brought her her first success - Olga managed to lose a decent amount of kilograms, and at the same time tighten her chin.

Additional procedures

As the actress says in her interviews, she does drainage - a useful procedure that removes excess toxins and waste from the body, helps to get rid of excess water reserves, and, consequently, swelling. The artist says that she does it once a week and thus loses up to 2 kilograms.

During the day he eats 0.5 kg of dried apricots (2 kg of vegetables - cucumbers and tomatoes) and drinks green tea.

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