Why does the hoop fall when you spin it? Here are the basic rules for the hoop spinning technique

And a flat stomach is every girl’s dream. And an ordinary waist hoop, reviews of which have simply flooded Internet pages dedicated to weight loss, can help fulfill such a desire. In addition to reducing volume, twisting the hula hoop (as it is also called) will help improve the functioning of the internal organs, and also make the skin even and smooth, without the notorious lumps of cellulite. However, many people, having bought this type of sports equipment in a sports store, simply do not know how to learn how to do it at the waist so that this procedure is truly safe and effective.

What to do if the hula hoop immediately falls, having made 2-3 rotations around your body by inertia, and does not respond to any influence on your part? Maybe you just couldn't choose it correctly? Consult with a store consultant on which hoop is best to buy for your waist. Don't be shy - try it for yourself right in the store. Many people simply cannot twist a plastic hoop that is too light; it falls quickly. Take metal or with special weights. By the way, your old plastic hoop can be made heavier by pouring regular sand inside (the main thing is not to overdo it).

For beginners, there are some tips about waist size. Stand straight with your feet together. Take the hoop in your hands and spin it around yourself, repeating the movements of your pelvis and hips. They are the ones who should work. Don't be afraid that the hoop will fall. Persistence and diligence will sooner or later overcome his reluctance to be on your waist for the time that you need. In general, it is recommended to spin the hoop daily for 15 minutes. Minimal physical activity will also help in such a difficult task at first glance. Your muscles hold the hoop on your body, and the more developed they are, the easier it will be. Before you start twirling the hula hoop, it is advisable to pump up the muscles of the abs, buttocks, and thighs.

For those who do not know how to learn how to twist a hoop around the waist correctly and as efficiently as possible, there are also several recommendations.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Start spinning the hoop. Gradually bend over to a 45° angle. This exercise will help you quickly cope with fat deposits if you do it regularly for 10-15 minutes a day.

It is necessary to rotate the hoop alternately either clockwise or counterclockwise.

After the first two exercises have been successfully mastered, you can try a smooth squat with a spinning hula hoop. This exercise will not only remove excess fat from the waist and sides, but will also help strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.

Having mastered the squat, try returning to the starting position with the hoop spinning at your waist and squatting again.

It is important to take steps around the apartment or yard with a spinning hula hoop, holding it on your waist or hips.

Before you learn how to twist a hoop around your waist, consult your doctor, especially if you have chronic diseases of the internal organs, as well as problems with the spine.

Twisting a hoop not only looks beautiful from the outside, but also helps develop the child’s muscular system. If the question is about buying a hoop or hula hoop, then it’s worth buying such gymnastic equipment. Teaching a child to spin a hula hoop is not the easiest task, but if the parents are patient and the child is dedicated, the process may not take much time. For a positive result, you should devote at least 30 minutes a day to activities with your child.

What kind of hoops are there?

The famous hula hoop toy is produced by manufacturers all over the world and therefore there is a huge assortment of similar gymnastic equipment. The most common types:

Metal. Plastic. With massage rollers. With weights. Foldable.


1. Having put the hoop around your waist, you must hold it on both sides with your hands. It is necessary that the child's back fits tightly against the back wall of the hoop. You need to make a strong push from one side to the other so that the circle can describe the waist and have time to sharply remove your hands. 2. Explain to the child that it is necessary to perform circular movements with the waist in the same direction as the hoop, and describe circles together with the hula hoop. 3. If you manage to hold the hoop for more than 20 seconds, then you can consider that this is your first success and the exercise worked.

Before you start training, you should:

It is necessary to find a convenient place that will be completely free from foreign objects; they can become an obstacle, and sometimes result in injury to the child. You should not perform the exercises for children who have diseases of the abdominal organs or back diseases. If the child is registered with doctors, it is necessary to consult with them.

How to spin a hoop on your hand

It is much easier to twist a hoop on your hand than on your waist, but it is worth remembering that for this purpose it is better to first purchase a hoop with a small diameter. With one hand we swing the hoop on the other and begin rotational movements together with the hoop, where the circle goes with the hand.


: The easiest way to twist a hoop around your waist is when your hands are clasped behind your head. This position allows you to reduce the force of rotational resistance and make it stronger and more accurate.

If your child is unable to do such a difficult exercise, don’t be angry, be patient and you will succeed, the main thing is not to stop.

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Hooping is a very old way to stay in shape. There is evidence that the ancient Greeks and Egyptians spun hoops around their stomachs to have fun and maintain sufficient performance.

Hoop training doesn't just keep you fit

, but also
lift your spirits and resist depression
. They have a positive effect on our body and mind. Children and people of all ages from all over the world can enjoy this playful activity and also lose significant weight.

The most important factor is that any other exercise, like running on a treadmill and walking in the morning, does not have a “happiness factor”. We don't notice time while we're hoopping. Let's now find out how to spin a hoop correctly and what you need to consider when buying one.

Adult hoops for beginners are larger, heavier and much easier to use than the little plastic ones from the 50s. There are several ways to twist them at the waist: from front to back or from side to side. Try both small and large sizes

to choose the type that suits you best.

Hula hoop size

The upper part of the hoop when standing on the floor should end just below the chest. However, its size varies from person to person and the level of movements it makes. New hoopers are often intimidated by very large models. However, large, heavy hoops take longer to rotate around the body

, therefore, to maintain the rotational position
you need to spend more force

Big hoops can be easy

The extra weight of a larger hula hoop allows for more stable rotation than lighter types. Many hoopers use several different hoops to practice different movements. A new technique, such as spinning a hula hoop on your shoulder, is easier to learn with a larger hoop. Once you have mastered this exercise, you can practice the same exercise, but with a smaller hula hoop.

Moves that require spinning a hula hoop around your arm or over your head are easier to master with a smaller, lighter version instead of a larger, heavier one. Each hooper is unique and prefers their own specific hoop size and weight for a specific type of training or dance.

How to learn to hula hoop?

The hoops are able to rotate around your body from the beginning of a circular movement back and forth using your hips and stomach, while you slightly shift your weight from one area to another at the waist. Every time the hoop touches your stomach, push it forward and keep the hoop moving constantly. Unlike the word hula (circular motion), you need to make a straight forward hip thrust rather than twisting your hips from side to side, otherwise you will lose control of the hula hoop.

Hip movements

Some beginners find that it is much easier to control the speed of the hoop when hip thrusting (forward and backward) with one foot in front of the other. Others prefer to move their hips from side to side. No matter how well you feel or what works best for you, ALWAYS keep the band around your waist. Over time, you will begin to mix and match front-to-back and side-to-side movements and thus learn your own hoop technique.

Torsion back and forth

In this block we will touch on the topic of how to learn how to twist a hoop around your waist. With your hands on each side, hold the hoop horizontally so that it touches your lower back. Wind it up while turning your body in one direction so that the hoop begins to spin vigorously around your waist in the opposite direction (most people prefer to spin the hoop in a different direction than others). Push your stomach/hips forward each time the hoop crosses it, shifting your weight back and forth, back and forth. Keep both feet on the floor. With each rotation of the hoop, push your stomach/hips forward while slightly bending and straightening your front leg and shifting your center of gravity, rocking back and forth with each thrust of your hips. Push backwards in the same manner as forwards.

Lateral torsion

Many people wonder how to spin a hoop on their hips. Well, first, stand inside it and place your legs not very close to each other, at a comfortable distance, while bending your knees slightly. On each side, hold the hula hoop horizontally with your hands so that it touches your lower back firmly. Turn your body in one direction while vigorously spinning the hoop in the other. Move your hips from side to side, pushing the hula hoop as it passes through them. Remember to keep your hands and elbows above the hoop.

Advanced exercises

As your training level increases, you can introduce additional elements. Performing exercises with increased load can burn up to 300 calories in one session.

Twisting a hoop in a half squat, feet together. Start rotating the rim and at the same time bend your knees to lower your straightened torso as low as possible. Perform the exercise in this position for several minutes. Repeat, rotating the rim in the other direction.

Twist the hoop alternately on your hips and waist. Start rotating at the waist. Let the rim go down to your hips, then let it rise to its original position. Repeat the exercise, rotating the hoop in the opposite direction.

Twist the hoop alternately in different directions, placing your feet wider than your shoulders, legs straight. The exercise trains the muscles of the buttocks.

Twisting the hoop in a half squat, feet wider than shoulders. Start the rotation, bend your knees to squat as low as possible and maintain the rotation of the rim. Hold the position for a few minutes, return to the starting position. Repeat, rotating the sports equipment in the other direction. Exercise strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.

Spin the hoop with your foot forward. Place your right leg forward, preferably bent, into a lunge. The left leg is slightly bent and set back. Perform rotations. At regular intervals, change the position of your legs: place your right foot next to your left, lunge forward with your left leg. To give more load, you can increase the amplitude of waist rotation and change the position of your legs more often.

Hoop falls

And now about how to twist the hoop so that it does not fall. If it keeps falling to the floor while you move your waist hard, you may need to start with a larger model. Keep trying until you finally find the right point from which to push the hoop so that it spins nicely around your waist.

Preventing the hoop from falling while moving

If the hoop begins to fall below the waist, there are several ways to correct this problem:

  • Bend your knees under the hoop while moving your hips very quickly to lift it back up to waist level. Roll your shoulders back as this will help keep the hoop from falling as you lower your knees.
  • Move your body in the direction in which the hoop is spinning while pushing quickly with your hips.
  • The key to recovering from a hula hoop fall is pushing and rotating your body quickly, much faster than with regular hoops. It doesn't matter here whether you bend your knees or move your body in the same direction as the hoop.

Fixing the lowering of the hoop

When the hoop sags to one side or the other, you are leaning on one side more than the other, or pushing your pelvis/hips too hard on one side. To even out the movement of the hoop, correct your posture and stand straight. If this doesn't work, adjust the position of your legs. If one foot is in front, move your back foot there as well.

Other hoop exercises for weight loss

Regularly spinning the hoop helps to get rid of the belly fat. To diversify your activities, train the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, and abdominals, it is useful to perform other exercises.

Twist the hoop forward. The hands hold the rim at shoulder level, its bottom touching the back of the thighs, feet together. Spreading your elbows to the sides, wrap the hoop forward over your head and step over it. Repeat 10 times.

Twist the hoop backwards. Hands hold the rim in front of you, elbows apart, feet together. By moving your wrists, wrap the rim back over your head, step over it, and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

Hoop rolling. Feet wide apart, hands on the rim. Bend your right leg, transferring the weight of your torso onto it, keeping your left leg straight. Simultaneously with the movement of the body, roll the rim to the right, arms straight. Perform 10 repetitions in each direction.

Climbing through a hoop. Stand straight, feet together, rim on the left, hand holding it from above. With your left foot, take a step to the side, step over the bottom of the rim, crouch, transfer your body weight to your left leg, placing both palms at the top of the rim at the lowest point, and straighten up. Perform the movement in reverse order. Repeat 10 times.

Leg raises. Place the hoop against the wall, lie on your back so that your toes touch the bottom. With your straightened right leg, describe an arc along the rim, with your left leg on the floor. Return to starting position. Perform the exercise 10 times with each leg.

Where to spin the hoop?

Nowadays, there are many hooping classes available that you can attend to help you lose weight. Some gyms and fitness centers also offer hoop dance classes. They don’t take more than an hour and it’s much more fun to spend time in a group than alone. Those who do not like to attend group training mainly practice hooping at home, because at home you can relax and forget that the weather is bad outside. You just need a hoop and enough room to spin it. By the way, it’s not bad if you have a music center in your home, because it’s much more interesting to study with music. This is the most inexpensive, effective and interesting way to always be active.

The benefits of training

The popularity of hoops and hula hoops is based on their benefits for the body. Most often, ladies who want to lose weight or reduce their waist use them. But, having achieved results, they do not stop because they notice additional advantages:

  • the hoop does not take up much space in the apartment, and it can be easily stored behind cabinets or hung on the wall;
  • It only takes 30-40 minutes a day to maintain your figure;
  • during training, you can watch a movie, listen to music or an audiobook;
  • during exercise, the muscles of the back, hips and buttocks, abdomen and sides of the waist are strengthened;
  • general physical condition improves;
  • blood circulation improves, the heart works better;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves.

The first results can be noticed after just a week of training, and then your well-being and appearance will improve every day.

Benefits of Hooping

Here's just a taste of the enormous fitness and health benefits that hula hoops bring:

  • You will always remain slim and fit.
  • You can lose weight in just a few weeks, as hooping burns up to 450 calories per hour.
  • It usually strengthens the muscles, since the latter are actively involved in the torsion process.
  • Hooping strengthens your abs and waist.
  • Helps fight depression.
  • Makes the stomach slimmer and thinner.
  • Your body becomes more flexible.
  • It is a fun and energetic activity that brings happiness and positivity.
  • Hooping improves your concentration levels.

Without a doubt, hula hoop twirling is not a new fitness trend. All fitness girls (future ones too) know that long and tiring workouts in the gym are sometimes difficult to endure. Opt for hooping instead - a fun and exciting way to stay in shape. All you need is a hoop weighing no more than 1.5 kg and a little practice and patience!

Most of us try to spin a hoop in kindergarten. This skill is very easy for some, while others wonder what their mistake is and why the sports equipment always falls down with a roar. There can be many reasons, but they are not difficult to eliminate. Let's look at how to learn how to spin a hoop.

How to quickly learn how to spin a hoop?

The most important thing is to choose a good hoop. Too light plastic models are very difficult to twist, and not everyone can handle the new-fashioned weighted hula hoop models. It’s best to start with a classic metal hoop, familiar from Soviet times. As a rule, it is much easier to deal with than other models.

How to learn to twist a hoop around your waist?

Another very important principle is proper technique. Most people choose something intuitively. Based on the basic rules, you can adapt them to suit yourself to find the most convenient way.

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and make sure there is enough space on all sides and the hoop is not touching anything. Practice making circular movements with your hips without a hoop and stretch your joints.
  2. Place the hoop on your body, rest it against your waist, and rotate it to set the rhythm, supporting the movement with your hips. Fold your arms over your chest or raise them behind your head. To strengthen the muscles of the chest and arms, it is advisable to keep them vertically raised up.
  3. Start with a medium tempo - both fast and slow movements can cause the hoop to slip off your body. If you see it going down, do some more intense hip movements.

The main thing is practice. Try until you can hold the hoop with the force of rotation, at least for a short time. This will make it easier to figure out which rotational movements are most convenient for you.

How to learn how to spin a hoop correctly?

Don’t forget about the general rules that will help you handle the hoop much easier:

  1. Before classes, put on sportswear and... Make sure the headband is touching your top and not your skin - this will reduce the risk of bruises and abrasions, even as you move up to heavier models.
  2. Do not hoop after eating. If you had a light snack, wait at least an hour, and if you had a heavy meal, wait at least 2-3 hours. You can exercise in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  3. Choose your type of movement - it will be more convenient for you to either make circular rotations with your hips, or transfer your body weight from one leg to the other.

Regular training will help you quickly understand how to spin the hoop on your hips and learn how to keep it spinning for as long as you like.

How to learn to spin a hula hoop for weight loss?

If you decide to lose weight thanks to a hoop, do not hope for a miracle: in any case, you will have to adjust your diet and introduce additional exercise. However, the hoop is indeed very effective for shaping the waistline, but in order to achieve maximum effect, you need to follow a number of rules.

Why not finally pull yourself together and spend your free time beneficially for your figure and for the general strengthening of the body?
To do this, you don’t need to torture your body with grueling squats and body lifts. It is enough to acquire a miracle exercise machine called a hula hoop or hoop. And by turning on your favorite music, you can enjoy your workouts while expecting a positive effect. But in order for hula hoop exercises to bring their effect quickly and be effective, you need to spin the hoop correctly in order to lose weight. How to choose the right hoop for classes?
The effect of hula hoop training depends on what type of hoop is used for training:

  • Simple hoop. Regular hula hoops are very light and empty inside, they are made of aluminum or plastic. These hoops are suitable for beginners.
  • Weighted hula hoops. During training with such a hoop, more calories are burned, thereby the process of losing weight goes much faster. Such hoops are much heavier due to the fact that the hoop cavity is filled. Such hoops are not suitable for beginners, since a waist that is not accustomed to exercise may become the owner of bruises. Therefore, after several classes with a lightweight hoop, you can move on to a weighted one.
  • Hoops with a massage effect. These hoops are equipped with massage balls on the inside, which perfectly massage the waist, hips, back and buttocks. Massage hoops are even more effective than previous options. Some models are equipped with sensors that count the number of revolutions, speed and calories burned.
  • Foldable. These hoops are designed for easy storage and transportation and consist of several parts.
  • Flexible hoops. Such models are soft and can also be light or heavy. They are designed to train the muscles of the legs and arms and are used in stretching exercises.

The benefits of exercising with a hula hoop
If you twist a hula hoop correctly for weight loss, you can not only remove extra centimeters from your waist, but also strengthen your entire body, since the benefits of hula hoops have been scientifically proven:

  • increases lymph circulation, due to which the waist circumference decreases;
  • trains the respiratory system, cardiovascular and vestibular apparatus;
  • keeps the whole body toned;
  • hoop exercises are safe for internal organs;
  • trains the muscles of the shoulders, arms and back;
  • develop coordination of movements and flexibility;
  • help maintain correct posture;
  • are the key to good health;
  • Hula hoop exercises are an enjoyable pastime.

The benefits of working out with a miracle exercise machine are obvious; moreover, it costs much less than many well-known weight loss machines.
How should you spin a hoop to lose weight?

You can spin a hula hoop correctly to lose weight if you correctly calculate the load level and do not overdo it with the exercises:

  • You need to put your feet together, straighten your back, put your hands behind your head or to the sides.
  • The waist should be rotated smoothly in a circle, and the diameter of the circle being described should be as small as possible.
  • The upper and lower parts of the body should remain at rest.
  • Experts recommend twirling a hula hoop on an empty stomach.
  • The abdomen should be tense during exercise.
  • Breathing should also be correct: the hoop touches the stomach - inhale, the hoop touches the back - exhale.

The load should be increased with each lesson. For beginners, its duration should not exceed 5-10 minutes. For advanced hula hoop users, classes can last half an hour to an hour. Learning how to spin a hula hoop correctly to lose weight is not difficult. The main thing is to observe the correctness of the exercises, monitor the load level and practice hula hoop regularly. But you should also be aware of caution:

  • the first few months after childbirth, permission to exercise is given by the doctor;
  • on critical days it is better to give the body a rest;
  • if you have diseases of the back or internal organs, you should consult a specialist before classes;
  • Older women are also not recommended to practice hula hoop;
  • strict contraindication: pregnancy or suspicion of its presence.

But twirling the hula hoop correctly is not enough to lose weight. You need to add proper nutrition and drinking enough liquid to hula hoop exercises, then the effect will come much faster.

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