SPORT How to lose weight by running, but maintain muscles

Cardio training is one of the effective ways to reduce body fat. The most popular type of exercise is running. However, jogging on the street or in the gym does not always produce impressive visible results. Therefore, many people who lose weight become disillusioned with running after 2-3 weeks and switch only to strength exercises.

Jogging for 20-40 minutes in the morning will not help you get rid of extra pounds. Such loads are characterized by low speed and, accordingly, low or average energy consumption. The glycogen used up by the body during training is replenished at the next meal, so body weight remains unchanged.

Even daily hour-long jogging will not help you quickly lose extra pounds. The main thing is not how much you run, but how you run.

To lose weight, you need to create a competent exercise program. The fat layer will begin to burn only after 30–40 minutes of running at a speed of 9.5–11 km/h. During such a workout, sweat flows in a stream, breathing becomes heavy, fatigue appears in the muscles, and the pulse is 50–80% higher than the resting heart rate. Such external manifestations indicate the effectiveness of cardio exercises.

The optimal duration of a running workout for burning fat is 50 minutes.

You can run properly on the street or in the gym. Let's take a closer look at what training should look like under different conditions.

Features of training

How much should you run to lose weight? This question interests a person who wants to fight unnecessary pounds with the help of running training. Sports experts believe that active fat burning starts in 30-40 minutes. after a low-intensity run. Until this time, the body is saturated with energy by burning carbohydrates, namely glycogen, contained in large quantities in muscle mass and liver. It turns out that to obtain the desired result, the training duration is at least 50-60 minutes. Energy expenditure is determined by running speed, the activity of the runner and the duration of the race. A novice athlete will lose 500-600 kcal per hour during an hour-long run. In the future, his movements will become practiced and technically correct, the speed will increase and energy consumption will be about 800 kcal per hour. It is worth considering that running over rough terrain increases the load, and, therefore, more calories will be consumed per hour.

Running program for weight loss in tables

The training scheme is designed for several levels of difficulty, both for running outdoors and on a treadmill. It may take 2 to 4 weeks of training to adapt to the program. If running becomes easier, move on to an advanced level.

Outdoor running for beginners

Run2 minutes
Fast walk2 minutes

The first workouts are designed for 30-40 minutes. Every week you need to increase the duration of the session and the duration of the run.

Outdoor running for those who are fit

Run5 minutes
Walking2 minutes

Workouts should be 40 to 60 minutes maximum .

Training in the gym on a treadmill for beginners

Run2 minutes
Walking at an incline2 minutes

Treadmill running for advanced

Run5-10 minutes
Walking at an incline2-3 minutes

Before each run, you need to walk briskly for about 7 minutes.

Don't start running right away on cold muscles. After exercise, it is advisable to stretch the muscles.

If necessary, the load can be increased by increasing the speed and reducing the rest time. Thus, you can switch from interval training to continuous jogging for an hour.

Duration of classes

How much should you run a day to lose weight? Beginners are advised to start racing with 10-15 minutes. For those who do morning exercises every day and are constantly on the move, the first training can last 15-20 minutes. They are carried out first 2-3 times. per week, and then do it daily. The load is gradually increased to 5 minutes and adjusted to 1 hour. This time period is the optimal cardio load for those who decide to lose weight. Longer races lead to fatigue, increased heart activity and excessive pumping of the leg muscles. This does not apply to marathon runners, because their goal is to cover a long distance, and not to lose weight.

How to properly run to lose weight?

In 1 minute of running at a comfortable pace, an average person burns 8.5 calories. Running for 30 minutes burns about 255 calories, which is the equivalent of a medium-sized apple with peanut butter. By comparison, a half-hour yoga session burns 120 calories. Before you start running 10 miles a day, keep in mind that you need to gradually increase your speed.

You might think that the more you run, the more calories your body will burn, but unfortunately, that's not entirely true. The body quickly adapts to the stress, and over time the number of calories burned will become less. This is where interval running comes to the rescue.

Running intensity

How much should you run to lose weight without harming your body? To do this, you need to monitor cardiac activity and measure the pulse. A specific scheme has been developed for burning fat while jogging. The indicator is determined by the age of the training person. Young and middle-aged athletes in good health have a resting heart rate of 60-80 beats/min. During physical activity, the pulse should not exceed 115-135 beats/min. The maximum pulsation during intense training is 150 beats/min. Higher readings are considered a dangerous signal and carry health risks.

If your heart rate increases sharply, you should start walking, but do not stop. Continue moving at a brisk pace or reduce the speed of the race. It still burns calories. The main condition is not to reduce the time of running loads. With a training session that lasts 45-60 minutes. unnecessary kilograms are still falling off.

When do results appear?

How much should you run to lose weight and get noticeable results? At the initial stages of training, adhering to a uniform increase in physical activity, you will lose 0.5-1 kg of body weight per week. In the future, the body will begin to lose 1.5 kg. in Week. It should be remembered that sudden weight loss has a negative impact on health, and quickly lost kilograms also quickly return. For weight loss, the optimal indicators are to lose 5-6 kg per month. Once a certain level is reached, body weight will stop losing. This means that an optimal body shape has been acquired, and they continue to train to maintain it.

Optimal running intensity and duration for burning fat

Many people who go for a run with the goal of losing weight are primarily concerned with the question of how long and how fast they should run in order to achieve maximum results. Before moving on to its consideration, it should be noted that all people are unique, have their own physiological characteristics and different physical forms, and also have different amounts of time, so there is no universal training that would suit everyone.

However, there are some scientific facts that you can use to build your own optimal run.

The main concern regarding the utilization of fat as an energy fuel for muscle activity is the rate at which it can be supplied and oxidized in the muscles to provide energy. This means that fat oxidation can support energy production at an intensity level of 50-60% of VO2max (that is, at 65-73% of maximum heart rate).

This theory is also supported by scientific data. Study 1 found that the maximum rate of fat oxidation was achieved at an exercise intensity of 59-64% of VO2 max in trained individuals and 47-52% of VO2 max in non-trained individuals.

As the duration of the load increases, the contribution of fats to energy production only increases: after two hours of running at 50% of VO2 max, 70% or more of the total required energy will be provided by fats.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) is one of the largest and most respected scientific organizations in the world. In 2001, the ACSM published a report 7 recommending a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week for overweight and obese adults. More recent evidence has shown that 200-300 minutes per week is needed for long-term weight loss.

However, from the point of view of losing weight, light running (namely, this intensity corresponds to 50-60% of VO2 max) is not the best option. One of the main factors for weight loss is the number of calories burned, so more intense workouts may have better results.

Let's give an example. A runner at an intensity of 50% of VO2 burns approximately 220 kcal in half an hour, and at 75% of VO2 - about 330 kcal. The proportion of fat used in both cases will be almost equal to -110 kcal, but the total energy consumption during the second workout will be significantly higher.

A scientific review2 that included data from more than 700 studies found that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) reduced total absolute fat mass (kg) by 28.5% more than moderate-intensity long-term exercise.

The following study 3, conducted at Canada's McMaster University, showed that three-minute intervals on a stationary bicycle (30 seconds of intense pedaling followed by a short rest), repeated 5-6 times, led to the same muscle and cell adaptations as cycling for 90 minutes. minutes to 2 hours.

Another factor that affects the number of calories burned is a process called excess postexercise oxygen consumption or “afterburning” calories after exercise, better known as the EPOC effect (excess postexercise oxygen consumption). In short, its essence is that the body continues to burn calories even after completing the workout.

A study6 published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry in 2021 found that interval training, compared to continuous exercise, resulted in higher levels of EPOC for the same calorie expenditure. This indicates that this type of training is more effective for reducing fat stores.

Often the main reason for not exercising is a lack of time 4. Therefore, HIIT, which does not require much time, may be more attractive to most people who want to lose weight.

Useful tips

For greater effectiveness, trainers advise jogging to lose weight, while adhering to the following rules:

  • run regularly and at a suitable rhythm;
  • train at the same time (morning, evening or afternoon);
  • 1.5 hours before the race and the same amount of time after it is necessary to refrain from consuming any food, this will have a greater effect on burning calories;
  • It is permissible to drink still water during exercise;
  • follow the principles of healthy eating (eat in small portions 5-6 rubles per day);
  • do not eat before bedtime;
  • the diet is varied with fermented milk products, fish, poultry and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. The consumption of sweet and flour products is kept to a minimum. Beans and grains (except rice) are prepared for side dishes;
  • maintain a drinking regime (1.5-2 liters per day);
  • monitor your breathing. It is advisable to breathe through your nose and mouth at the same time to capture more air;
  • consult a therapist first and make sure there are no contraindications;
  • pay attention to the equipment. Clothing is chosen to allow it to breathe. Shoes chosen are sports, specifically designed for jogging.

Fat burning

When we talk about “fat burning,” we primarily refer to the body's ability to oxidize fat and use it as an energy source.

Lipid reserves are predominantly represented by a compound called triacyglycerol. Muscle cells are unable to directly oxidize triacyglycerol, so it must first be broken down into glycerol and free fatty acids (FFAs) by the enzyme lipase in a process called lipolysis. FFAs are the main source of fuel for energy production from fats.

As noted earlier, fats can be stored both in adipose tissue (most of them) and directly in skeletal muscles, therefore the processes of breakdown of fats that are stored in them have a number of differences.

In the first case, glycerol and FFA are almost not used in the adipose tissues themselves, but enter the bloodstream. Almost all glycerol from the blood enters the liver cells, where glucose is synthesized from it. Fatty acids from the blood can enter the cells of various organs and tissues. In the case when the energy demand of tissues is increased and carbohydrate resources are depleted, which usually happens when mobilizing fat from the depot, FFAs will be used as an energy source.

The main feature of the breakdown of fats from muscle tissue is that these processes occur inside the cells of these tissues.

The results of studies of FFA metabolism during prolonged physical activity showed that free fatty acids in blood plasma can only contribute 50% to the total amount of oxidized fats. This fact suggests that intramuscular triacyglycerol may provide a significant amount of FFA for oxidation during prolonged muscle work.

Fat oxidation occurs in mitochondria with the obligatory participation of molecular oxygen, which significantly limits the rate of this process. Therefore, due to the oxidation of fats, it is possible to ensure work of only medium power, but very long, since the reserves of fat in the body are very significant.

Where is the best place to run?

They run races independently or under the guidance of an experienced trainer. Not every athlete has the willpower to exercise regularly. At the beginning of the training, you need to monitor your pulse, as well as calculate the intensity and speed of your workouts. They run both on special tracks and on rough terrain. Running workouts will help you lose weight and improve your overall health. Don't give up and stop physical activity. Systematic exercise and perseverance will give positive results and after some time the weight will go away.

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