Body types for women. Photo, how to determine: ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph, asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic

The concept of human somatotype

Body type (women's body types are similar to generally accepted body types for men), provided the somatic type is correctly determined, will help a person not only organize his lifestyle correctly, but will also increase the likelihood of preventing the development of diseases to which a representative of a particular body type is predisposed.

By the concept of “physique,” ​​doctors and specialists in the field of sports and nutrition mean the totality and actual proportionality of all parts of the human body. The physique itself does not determine the lifestyle of its owner, since it is temporary (the body can change). It is the somatic type that is constant.

This term applies to data about:

  • human constitution;
  • his physical abilities;
  • the actual ratio of fat, bone tissue and muscle in the body.

The above indicators, laid down at the genetic level, affect the speed of metabolic processes, as well as the innate characteristics of human health. Throughout life, the physique can change under the influence of external factors, for example, sports, lifestyle and nutrition, taking medications or hormonal drugs.

However, any changes in the figure occur exclusively within the framework of a person’s innate somatic type.

Thanks to timely somatic typing of patients, doctors are able to prevent the development of diseases to which patients have a tendency from the moment they are born, as well as make a correct diagnosis in the shortest possible time, having previously compared the person’s predisposition and actual complaints.

The relationship between body type and susceptibility to disease

Physique (types in women are recommended to be determined together with a doctor who has a clear understanding of the characteristic features of the figure), namely its varieties, have been studied by doctors and physiologists since the 20th century. Experts have come to the conclusion that somatic type largely determines the health of an individual.

This dependence is due to the direct influence of a person’s figure on the performance of the functions of the central nervous system. In addition, the actual content of fat, muscle and bone tissue in the body (and their ratio) determines the formation trends and rate of aging of cells and vital systems of the body as a whole.

The most striking examples of serious diseases, the congenital root causes of which are precisely the human complexion, are considered:

DiseaseDescription of somatic types that have a predisposition to it
Pulmonary tuberculosisMost often, the disease actively progresses in people with low weight in relation to their actual height (ectomorphs). The figure does not affect the “openness to infection” (all people have the same risk of becoming infected upon contact with the outbreak), but determines the rate of spread of harmful cells inside the body.
Myocardial infarctionMyocardial infarction most often occurs in people who are overweight in relation to their height. Scientists believe that a significant role in the acquisition of a heart attack is played by the frequent presence of overweight people in a stressful environment (usually excess weight is a source of complexes and even ridicule from others).
Mental illnessSchizophrenia, according to research by physiologists, is more common in thin people, while overweight people are more likely to suffer from paranoia and panic attacks. A person’s tendency to mental illness is associated with the functioning of the central nervous system and its resistance to external stimuli, determined by the ratio of different types of tissues in the body of a particular individual.

Conclusions and general advice

When there is a need to change your appearance or lose weight, first of all, you determine your somatotype.
If it turns out that the layer of fat on the body is a consequence of the characteristics of an endomorph, they consider different ways to eliminate external defects: reducing the abdomen, side folds. This is achieved through proper nutrition and special training. An important component is power loads. However, they are more effective against the background of cardio training. Particular attention is paid to nutrition. You should not overuse simple carbohydrates. These are the least suitable food components that quickly turn into fat folds. Preference is given to proteins and complex carbohydrates. It is important to include fats, but there should not be a lot of them. The most suitable type is vegetable fats.

Women's body types according to Sheldon

Body types in women have been studied by several famous scientists. The classifications according to Sheldon and Academician Chernorutsky are considered generally accepted. William Sheldon came up with the idea of ​​​​such a distinction between the types of female figures after a visual assessment of photographs of 4,000 representatives of the fairer sex.

The figure shows the body types of women.

The scientist noticed that all somatypes can be divided into 3 main groups, the names for which he borrowed from the biological theory of embryonic development.

Sheldon body typeBrief characteristics of the somatic type
EctomorphThe name of this somatic type comes from the word “ectoderm,” which in biology means the upper layer of the embryo, which promotes the development of nerve receptors and the brain.
The scientist called ectomorphs tall women (height more than 170 cm), who have:
  • the upper part of the body is shorter in length compared to the lower part;
  • pronounced long upper and lower limbs;
  • narrow distance between shoulders;
  • narrow and long feet;
  • small breasts (no more than 1 size);
  • visual thinness of the figure (clavicles, ribs, hips stick out);
  • minimum level of subcutaneous fat, causing a high rate of metabolic processes.

Representatives of the somatic type under consideration do not have a predisposition to increase muscle mass, although most of them strive for this, working out in the gym in order to correct their natural data. To modify a client’s ectomorphic body type, fitness trainers recommend adjusting the diet (consume as many calories as possible), eliminating cardio exercise, and taking high-carbohydrate sports supplements. From the point of view of the stability of the psyche of ectomorphs to external stimuli, one can also note a number of traits characteristic specifically for the somatic type in question.

Such women:

  • sensitive and gentle;
  • extremely energetic;
  • are proactive;
  • stubborn;
  • emotionally constrained;
  • closed (introverts by nature, but adapt well to surrounding circumstances in any company);
  • shy;
  • smart and enterprising;
  • artistic.

People with the body type in question constantly strive to change something in themselves, despite external satisfaction with their body. This can interfere with their life, since the feeling of insecurity directly affects a person’s level of self-esteem.

MesomorphThe name for this body type comes from the term “mesoderm”. This is the name of the middle germ layer, which influences the formation of the cardiovascular system and bone tissue in the developing organism.
Mesomorphic women are distinguished by the presence of:
  • stocky figure;
  • small or medium height (up to 170 cm);
  • visually strong and healthy body;
  • large distance between shoulders;
  • maximum endurance (both in terms of physiology and psychological stability).

Mesomorphs by nature have objectively good data and a toned figure. A distinctive feature of this somatic type is the correct distribution of fat and muscle mass in the body (fat is located in places where volume is considered an advantage and not a disadvantage, for example, on the buttocks, chest area, and so on). To maintain the body in this condition, women require minimal effort. In their case, it is necessary to harmoniously compose the workouts, consistently including cardio and strength training. An important point for mesomorphs is to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, which help reduce the risk of gaining excess weight.

The psychological characteristics of the type of somatic type under consideration include:

  • leadership skills;
  • openness to others (sometimes excessive);
  • ease of communication;
  • energy;
  • persistence in achieving goals;
  • the desire to manage all aspects of not only your life, but also the lives of loved ones;
  • aggressiveness in expressing one's point of view;
  • straightforwardness;
  • selfishness;
  • desire for competition;
  • I thirst for adventure and new emotions.
EndomorphSheldon borrowed the name from biologists who call the internal germ layer endoderm (responsible for the formation and further development of internal organs). Endomorph women tend to be overweight and gain weight even with the slightest “deviation” from the principles of proper nutrition. To keep their body in shape, such people need to follow a diet that involves minimal consumption of carbohydrate foods, and also exercise regularly, with an emphasis on cardio training and aerobic exercise in training (with this type of exercise, the pulse range should vary from 120 to 140 beats per hour). min.).
Externally, endomorphs can be recognized by:
  • rounded, “streamlined” body shapes;
  • small length of the lower limbs in comparison with the parameters of the whole body as a whole;
  • "settled" neck;
  • wide pelvic bones.

Due to the predominance of fat endomorphs in the body, metabolic processes proceed as slowly as possible, which also contributes to the growth of subcutaneous fat. The muscular corset is not pronounced, which makes the obesity of their body even more obvious to others.

From the point of view of psychological characteristics, endomorphs can be described as people:

  • open to new acquaintances and communication in principle;
  • restrained in showing dissatisfaction or negative emotions;
  • kind;
  • cautious;
  • those who strive to evaluate their every step in a multi-faceted way;
  • generous;
  • predictable;
  • With a good sense of humor;
  • giving priority to the interests of their loved ones.

Such people usually strive for comfort and are not ready to restrain themselves in their desires (unless we are talking about interfering with the interests of loved ones), which most often leads to an increase in their body weight.

National characteristics of the female figure

Girls' figures (body types do not always depend on race) can be divided into types that are characteristic of certain nationalities. The table shows examples of the main types of female forms.

Type nameCharacteristics
AsiaticAngular, teenage contours. Narrow hips and shoulders. Small breasts, thin arms and legs. Well defined waist.
EuropeanProportional body. Slender legs, lush breasts. Short but graceful neck. The waistline is weakly defined.
AfricanWide hips, narrow shoulders. Fuzzy waistline. Lush breasts, short legs. There is a tendency to be overweight.
OrientalWell defined waist, slender long legs. The length of the lower and upper body is proportional. Well developed muscular skeleton.
SlavicHigh growth. Broad shoulders and hips. The waist has blurred boundaries. Medium to large breasts. Short neck, but long limbs.

Mestizo girls have different silhouette shapes. Their body type is passed on to them from the parent whose genes turned out to be stronger.

Body types of women according to Academician Chernorutsky

Physique (types in women, provided they are correctly determined, help to correctly compose a wardrobe) was also divided into subtypes by Academician Chernorutsky. The scientist argued that despite the formation of a somatic type at the genetic level, it is possible to influence its final appearance.

To do this, it is necessary to influence the human body in the right way from childhood. For example, people who tend to be overweight should not be given the habit of eating starchy foods, but should be encouraged to engage in sports (regardless of its specific focus).

Figure type according to ChernorutskyCharacteristics of representatives
AsthenicWomen are characterized by short stature and visual underdevelopment of the muscular corset. They are thin (bones protrude, stomach and cheeks are most often sunken, wrist girth is no more than 16 cm), have an elongated oval face, a thin long neck and visually excessively protruding upper and lower limbs. Representatives of the asthenic body type are considered to be miniature due to the presence of narrow shoulders and a compact flat chest. Such women are not inclined to be overweight, but when you look at them, it seems that they are weak, sickly and unbearable. In fact, the absence of excess weight gives asthenics vitality and perseverance in overcoming everyday difficulties.
The main disadvantages of the asthenic body type are:
  • insufficient strength of the skeletal system;
  • persistently low blood pressure;
  • low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • a tendency to diseases of the spine, infection with acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, as well as the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

In nutrition, asthenics should adhere to strictly defined limits, in which proteins, fats and carbohydrates should make up 30, 20 and 50%, respectively, of the total amount of nutrients entering the body per day. In sports, they should focus on activities to increase endurance and strength. It is not recommended to use large weights as weights when performing exercises in the gym. The fragility of bones and the natural tendency to develop pathologies of the spine can lead to the formation of hernias, protrusions in the back or the occurrence of fractures, cracks and displacements.

HypersthenicRepresentatives of the hypersthenic somatic type look heavy and bulky in appearance. With short stature (up to 170 cm), they most often have short upper and lower limbs, a broad chest and large shoulders. Such people have a tendency to be overweight, due to slow metabolic processes in the body. Despite the fact that, due to their overweight physique, hypersthenics cannot boast of an elegant and graceful figure, they have a high level of endurance, strength and psychological stability.
Among the disadvantages of a hypersthenic physique are:
  • a tendency to pathologies of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, varicose veins (occurs due to excessive stress on the lower extremities) and the occurrence of malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • insufficient willpower, which most often leads to a person’s lack of desire to monitor his own nutrition and, as a result, the acquisition of obesity.

To keep fit, it is recommended that hypersthenic women adjust their diet so that fats, proteins and carbohydrates make up 50, 10 and 40%, respectively. Such people should not lift heavy weights or attend ballroom dancing. The optimal types of exercise for them will be classes in the pool, yoga, and stretching. Despite the peculiarities of their figure, women are usually in high demand among people of the opposite sex. Men are attracted to their charisma, positivity and ability to stand out with their inner qualities, and not just their appearance.

NormosthenicThose with a normosthenic body type can be called lucky. Such women by nature have a harmonious, proportional figure with an even amount of fat and muscle tissue in the body. If they wish, they can easily lose or gain weight in the necessary areas of the body, while making minimal adjustments to their eating habits and lifestyle.
Normosthenics have average or tall height, and also:
  • wrist circumference equal to 16 – 18 cm;
  • relief muscles;
  • emphasized waist line;
  • long neck;
  • straight lower limbs;
  • medium size breasts (usually 2 or 3).

Normosthenic women do not have a tendency to specific types of diseases due to the proportionality of their own body. Despite this, with age, their figure undergoes significant changes, ignoring which can provoke not only an increase in body fat, but also the occurrence of dangerous diseases characteristic of other somatic types. The physique of normosthenics allows them to engage in active sports, the most useful of which are volleyball, tennis, long and short distance running, and swimming. The diet of representatives of this body type should consist of 40% protein, 45% carbohydrates and only 10% fat. Such recommendations are explained by the risk of an increase in the overall body burden as the body ages. People with a normosthenic somatic type are characterized by self-confidence, straightforwardness, leadership qualities, as well as the ability to defend their position in life, even if this means entering into opposition with a person who has great power or strength.

Training program for endomorph

The main principle of performing exercises is cyclicality. All movements are performed in 4 approaches, but the number of repetitions at each stage may vary: from 8 to 12. The exceptions are push-ups (the body rises to failure), abdominal exercises (the maximum number of repetitions is 30 for each approach).

Day 1: legs

Exercises performed:

  • squats;
  • leg press on the machine;
  • leg extension in a sitting position;
  • dead draft.

The barbell squat is a leg exercise.
To be able to work one muscle group more effectively, attention is paid only to it during 1 workout. This approach does not allow you to load the entire body.

Day 2: Chest-triceps


  • bench press of barbells and dumbbells in a lying position on an inclined bench (cycles of such exercises alternate);
  • dumbbell fly;
  • parallel bar push-ups (additional weight is provided to increase the intensity of the load);
  • French press.

Day 3: back-biceps

Recommended exercises:

  • pull-ups (and the grip should be as wide as possible);
  • lifting the barbell (incline);
  • upper block thrust;
  • lifting the barbell for biceps (in a standing position), in the same way, but with dumbbells;
  • biceps hammer.

It is recommended to do pull-ups to strengthen your back.

Day 4: deltoids-trapezius-abs

Exercises should always be different.
They are often changed so as not to cause the body and muscle groups to become accustomed to the load. This recommendation is the main one for endomorphs when conducting training. Group of exercises:

  • lifting the barbell (to chin level);
  • military press;
  • shrugs with a barbell;
  • different types of abdominal strengthening exercises.

In the gym

To maintain shape, a person with an endomorph body type is recommended to work out in the gym 3-4 times a week. In this case, exercises are performed with a barbell, dumbbells, or on exercise machines (which develop muscles due to additional weight).

At home

Loads with auxiliary equipment are more effective: dumbbells, barbells, horizontal bars. Rules for performing exercises, types of load - all these principles of exercise are preserved, as in the gym. The exception is exercises that are done on special simulators. At home, if possible, they are replaced with less aggressive ones, and it is important to correctly determine the type of load (which muscle group is being trained).

Mixed body types

Body type (types in women should be determined only after a summary analysis of the characteristic features of somatic types), despite the presence of several generally accepted classifications, is often mixed.

In this case, the difficulty in determining the type of figure lies in the inability to identify the specific direction of the body's metabolic processes, the tendency to gain muscle mass, and the strength of the skeletal system. With a mixed body type, the characteristic features of several types of female figures are present in equal proportions.

In order to properly organize their lifestyle and exercise, girls need to analyze their body according to several criteria:

  • tendency to gain fat;
  • predisposition to the formation of a muscle corset;
  • characteristics of health status (presence of chronic or congenital diseases).

Having determined her somatic type for each of the indicators, a woman will be able not only to adjust her diet (following specific recommendations for the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates), but also to choose the right sport with which she will be able to improve her health, as well as transform her existing figure into the best side.

If it is not possible to determine your body type on your own, the girl is recommended to seek advice from a therapist or qualified fitness trainer who has experience in diagnosing people’s body types.

Nutrition tips

More than half of your success in gaining weight depends on your nutrition. Yes, it’s hard to keep track of it, carry containers in your bag and overeat. But if you gain, it’s mostly muscle!

Below are some effective tips, remember or write them down.

Calorie food

If it’s food, then it’s high in calories. You shouldn’t waste your money on low-fat cottage cheese or vegetable salads. Vegetables are certainly good, but don’t forget to season them with olive oil and add meat and side dishes to the dish.

How to determine your body type?

Body type (it is permissible to determine women’s body types according to any of the generally accepted classifications) can be determined independently in several ways:

  • through the analysis of anthropometric indicators (you need to take several measurements and, using standard formulas, calculate your somatic type);
  • assessing the intercostal angle (depending on the size of the angle, the body type is determined, for example, an angle of less than 90 degrees is found in ectomorphs, a right angle - for a mesomorph; more than 90 degrees - for an endomorph);
  • by wrist circumference (the most inaccurate way to determine the type of figure);
  • visual assessment and answering a series of questions that are publicly available on the Internet.

Features of endomorph training

Taking into account the body’s inability to simultaneously perform several body building tasks (forming relief, building muscles, burning fat), they are carried out in stages.
During the cold season, muscle building occurs, this cycle alternates with another - to improve the relief. Closer to summer, drying is carried out. It must be taken into account that an endomorph cannot choose just one goal to achieve. This will not allow you to create a beautiful figure, but will contribute to the manifestation of its shortcomings: it will increase body weight, and muscle building will still occur, but a layer of fat will appear on top.

Purpose and correct accents

The workouts are divided into stages and, if possible, sets of exercises.

The workouts are divided into sets of exercises.

Sports activities designed for different results are divided into:

  • alternating cycles for muscle growth and relief formation;
  • functional training;
  • cardio training;
  • basic exercises that increase the volume of soft tissues.

Endomorphs are recommended to carry out cardio training in a low-intensity mode, when the heart rate is reduced by a third. This measure will support the body, protect the heart and blood vessels from overload. In addition, cardio provides a weak fat-burning effect, which does not allow the fat layer to increase significantly.

Lesson mode

There are different training options, depending on the state of the person’s body and his experience in getting his figure in order. For example, if you have never been to the gym before, you need to start with drying. This will help get rid of excess fat. As a result, it will be possible to increase the volume of muscle mass. If this is not done, new fat will “stick” to the existing fat. As a result, a more significant layer of fat is formed.

There are several training options.

When drying is carried out, it becomes possible to identify problem areas. The trainer assesses the condition of the body and recommends the type of training to improve the appearance of the figure.

Possible training modes:

  • dividing the body into sections, in this case the principle of split training is used;
  • working out all muscle groups simultaneously.

For an endomorph, the most suitable option is to focus on basic exercises:

  • dips;
  • using a barbell (deadlift, bench press, squats);
  • pull-up;
  • use of dumbbells (lying, standing).

Cardio training

This type of training ensures the correct set of muscle mass, as it affects the formation of fat.
As a result, this layer is not formed or remains of small thickness. Cardio training can be done for 20-30 minutes or much longer (up to 1 hour). The duration depends on the chosen scheme:

  1. Cardio training is carried out additionally - after strength training. In this case, its duration is reduced.
  2. Cardio is a complete workout. It is carried out between strength exercises, preferably on a day of rest from them.


  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • jogging;
  • using a treadmill at home;
  • using a stepper is an alternative way to walk outdoors.

Cycling is a cardio workout.

Depending on endurance, the duration of such training is increased.

You can start with 30 minutes. Then the load gradually increases. The workout takes 60 minutes. This method allows you to increase endurance and remove the layer of fat (during drying).

Modern somatotyping techniques

Despite the wide range of modern self-typing techniques, the basis of each of them is similar to Sheldon’s figure classification. The difference lies only in the names of specific somatypes, as well as several aspects of nutrition and exercise recommendations.

The most common ways to classify your body type today are:

  • Kretschmer classification;
  • Heath-Carter system (or, as it is also called, “somatocut”);
  • Chtetsov's technique.

Other techniques use synonyms such as brachiomorph or picnic (for endomorphs); athletic (for mesomorphs) and dolichomorph (for ectomorphs). Every woman needs to know her body type. This will help her improve the quality of her present life, as well as avoid a number of troubles in the future.

To correctly determine the somatic type, girls should study a sufficient amount of information, including classifications created by different scientists, compare the data, and only then begin to change their lives, adjusting it to the recommendations addressed to owners of a specific type of figure.

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