How to pump up your abs correctly: exercises for a flat stomach

Myth 1. The abs are divided into lower and upper

The abs consists of four muscles:

  • transverse muscle;
  • 2 oblique muscles;
  • rectus muscle.

Those same cubes that everyone dreams of are the rectus abdominis muscle. The rectus muscle is intersected by fibers that divide it into six cubes. But, despite the fact that they are visually separated, these parts are one muscle. Therefore, there is no point in pumping the upper or lower abs separately, since during any such exercise the entire rectus muscle is used. The only difference is the degree of load.

Why is it useful to pump up your abs?

  1. Correct Posture Strong core muscles create correct posture. The press supports our torso in any position and prevents us from slouching.
  2. Helpful during childbirth Strong abdominal muscles and proper breathing help during childbirth. Only women are recommended to pump up their abs without fanaticism. To improve your health, train 3 times a week for 20 minutes.
  3. Improving the functioning of internal organs During training, internal organs are supplied with blood and oxygen. But it’s also important to breathe properly. You need to exhale as you try.
  4. Losing weight Abdominal exercises burn calories and pump up muscles. When the muscles are toned, they keep the stomach from stretching. This allows you to avoid overeating.
  5. Self-confidence A thin waist will never go out of style. A beautiful and toned stomach will give you confidence in your beauty.

What products should you pay attention to?

To get in shape and achieve perfect abs, try to include the following types of foods in your daily diet:

Fermented dishes

, also known as probiotic foods. They include yogurt and kefir, sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, and pickled vegetable snacks. Dairy meals contain both protein and probiotics. Cabbage and pickles are low in calories, and savory vegetables in kimchi and other fermented dishes add flavor to aid digestion. But don't replace probiotic foods with supplements. They are absolutely not a replacement for these products and cannot compensate for nutritional deficiencies.

Plant fiber.

For women, the daily fiber requirement is 21 to 28 grams per day. For men, 30 to 38 g per day. Sure, you can take a fiber supplement, but why not eat foods that contain fiber and get the added benefit of the macro, micro, and phytonutrients in those foods? Fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and high-fiber whole grains such as oats, whole wheat, corn and bran should be part of your daily diet. And be sure to include plenty of fluids when increasing your fiber intake. Aim for your plate to be 50% full with a combination of fruits and vegetables in raw, roasted, sautéed and sautéed forms. Another 25% should be in the form of protein, which can include legumes as well as low-fat protein foods. The remaining 25% is whole grains, such as whole grain pasta, brown rice, oats and bulgur, or carbohydrates such as corn or potatoes.

Follow your feelings

If you suspect that you have problems with tolerating certain foods, do not self-diagnose. Make an appointment with your doctor, who may recommend that you see a gastroenterologist to rule out any digestive problems. You may also want to see a nutritionist who specializes in digestive disorders. He will help you choose the ideal diet for weight loss and training to create ideal abs.

If you remove foods from your diet for a long time, you may experience digestive problems when you add them back, especially if the quantity is large. For example, if you cut out dairy for no real reason (like lactose intolerance) and then decide to drink a milkshake, you may feel unwell. If you've been on a low-carb diet and suddenly start eating a bowl of pasta, eating this meal may make you feel sick.

So instead of eliminating different foods, try to choose the type and quantity of carbohydrates wisely. Sometimes fatty foods can cause stomach upset, so pay attention to the amount of butter, nuts or bacon. And if spices make you uncomfortable, there are other ways to season foods—herbs and sauces.


Remember that everyone has abs, but they are not visible due to the layer of fat. Diet is needed to get rid of the belly, and training is necessary for relief. So, let's move on to sports activities.


There are many methods and methods for working out the abs. The most effective are crunches.

First view

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Wrap your arms around your head, inhale and as you exhale, lift your upper back off the floor and hold for 2 seconds, then return to the starting position. Keep your back, neck and arms straight and watch your lower back as you lift your torso. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Gradually make the task more difficult. For example, lift your upper body as high as possible to lift your shoulder blades off the ground, but keep your lower back stuck to the ground. Then try lifting weights. Start with light dumbbells weighing between 2 and 4.5 kilograms.

Second type

Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Place your hands above your head, palms up. They should touch the floor and their shoulders should be at shoulder level. Rise up with your arms extended above your head. As in the first case, you can complicate the exercise by picking up an object.

Third type

Reverse twist. Lying position, knees bent, arms down at sides. As you exhale, raise your knees and keep them above your hips at a 90-degree angle and inhale to return to the starting position. Repeat several times.

Fourth type

Bike. In a lying position, bend your knees and clasp your hands behind the back of your head. Straighten your right leg and bring your right elbow towards your left knee and vice versa. Such cycling movements develop the deep core muscles. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 times.


Exercises for working out the abs are divided into dynamic and static types. The latter includes the bar. This seemingly easy exercise works not only the abdominal muscles, but the entire body.


Lie on your stomach, stretch your legs and rise onto your forearms and toes. Take the correct position: head, neck, back and buttocks should be in one line. If you find it difficult at first, connect a fitball. Hold the stance for 30 seconds. Increase the time each time.


You can pump up your abs using a side plank. Lie on your right side and lift yourself onto your right forearm, lift your other arm up or bend it at the elbows. Hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise on the other side.


If the first two types are easy, add a plank with outstretched arms. This is a more advanced type of plank that works the chest, abs, arms and shoulders.

Leg Raise

Grab the horizontal bar, bend your knees and pull it towards you. Hold this position for 30 seconds and release your legs. Otherwise, simply lift and release your legs until your muscles burn.


Lie on your back, place your hands under your buttocks, lift your outstretched legs and begin to do alternating movements. During the exercise, tighten your stomach and move your legs slowly.

Ab roller

You can pump up your abs with the help of equipment. For this exercise you will need a gymnastic wheel. This is a wheel with handles on the sides. With this design you will pump up the muscles of the abdomen, back, thighs and triceps. The spine is stretched and the transverse abdominal muscles are actively working. However, it is important to perform the exercise technique correctly. And some types of activities are only suitable for professional athletes. The wheel should support your weight and allow you to move forward and backward freely. For beginners, it is better to choose a wide or double wheel.

Plank with roller

Since the ab roller requires good physical preparation, training should begin with a regular plank. You need to grab the sports equipment tightly with your hands, get on all fours, straighten your body in one line and hold this position for 30 seconds.

Rolling from your knees

The second most difficult exercise is the knee roll. Get on your knees and grab the roller. Slowly move forward, tensing your abdominal muscles. Your hands should be higher than your head if you can’t get them halfway up enough. And return to the starting position. Repeat several times.

Rolled into the wall

Beginners will also find it convenient to rent into a wall. The idea is that the athlete can focus on one point and perform the exercise at a specific length. Stand in the starting position at a distance of a meter from the wall and roll until the wheel touches the final point and return to place. Perform the task slowly and watch your breathing.


A recently popular exercise for creating a sculpted belly is a static type of training. The idea is that you need to pull in and hold your stomach as much as possible. This method was borrowed from yoga.

How to do it?

  • Before the abdominal vacuum, do not eat for 2-3 hours, you need an empty stomach;
  • stand up straight and take a deep breath;
  • along with the exhalation, pull your stomach inward as much as possible;
  • concentrate all your tension on your abs;
  • fix the position for 10-15 seconds and inhale;
  • repeat several times.

And finally, change your lifestyle.

Start your day with a run. Run, jump rope and do exercises. Aerobic exercise will speed up the process of creating perfect abs.

Create a workout plan that includes cardio, crunches, and planks. One option: 10-minute jog, 3 sets of standard crunches, 3 sets of bicycle crunches, 2 sets of planks, 2 sets of side planks.

Do the exercises 3-4 times a week. In pursuit of quick results, do not forget to rest and give your muscles time to recover. Otherwise you will only hurt yourself. Also, be smart about your workouts. Start small and gradually increase the load.

Make time for cardio training. The easiest way to lose weight is to start running. Start with jogging and add swimming, cycling, and jumping rope in addition to it.

Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep affects the functioning of hormones that are responsible for the breakdown of fat. Insomnia and staying up late at night will lead to extra pounds in the abdominal area.

Watch your posture and strengthen your back muscles, as all our muscles are interconnected. It so happens that a sedentary lifestyle relaxes the core muscles and the entire load of the body falls on the back. Hence the pain in the lower back and neck.

How to make your belly attractive

Many people, having worked out in the gym and not achieved results, are not sure whether the press removes the stomach.

To answer this question, you need to turn to physiology. The belly can droop for two reasons. The first is due to the internal pressure of the internal organs on it, the second is due to excess adipose tissue.

In the first case, training can make the tissue more elastic, removing the unsightly bulge.

In the second, in order to achieve results, you need to think not only about how to pump up your abdominal muscles, but also about your diet.

Even the strongest and most prominent belly can have an unsightly appearance if all its beauty is hidden behind a flabby layer of fat.

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