Rice porridge with milk and water. Calorie content, recipes

Calorie intake per day

As such, there is no single and generally accepted daily calorie intake. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, “energy entering the body (in calories) must be balanced with energy expended.” Thus, your individual calorie intake depends, first of all, on the nature of your work, level of physical activity, gender, age and a number of other factors. However, on the Internet you can find many tables and calculators of unknown origin, offering information on daily values, supposedly based on authoritative sources. We believe that the quality of this information is quite questionable.

The most reliable way to determine individual calorie needs is to simply calculate the energy value of food consumed during the day (or several days). Just record your normal daily diet on paper. Write down what and how much you ate during the day. Calorie content can be directly calculated using information from product labels and using our website. Provided that you are healthy and your weight does not change much with your current diet, the results obtained can be conditionally considered your daily norm.

To lose weight, you need to slightly reduce your daily energy intake. If you maintain your current lifestyle, you will experience a slight calorie deficit because your costs will remain the same. This will lead to the gradual burning of your fat reserves. What exactly the deficit should be is up to you to decide. We strongly advise against increasing it sharply, because... it won't lead to anything good. Reduce your calorie intake gradually and lose weight slowly. This way you won’t have to torture yourself and break down from time to time. And of course, before making any dietary changes, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor or qualified dietitian.

Features of preparing rice porridge

Rice porridge with milk (the calorie content of the recipe can always be adjusted) is a fairly simple dish. With the right approach, this product is tasty, healthy and nutritious. The dish has virtually no contraindications and is suitable for weight watchers, athletes and those who simply prefer a healthy diet.

Rice porridge can be made salty or sweet; it is suitable for adults and children.

Crispy rice will be a good side dish for meat, and boiled rice will solve nutritional problems in children and the elderly.

Rice can be prepared in many ways, and the variety of Asian dishes is proof of this.

There are general principles that will help turn cereals into tasty and healthy porridge:

  • Round rice is better suited for boiling; it absorbs water well and boils softly. Long grains are useful for other dishes.

  • Before cooking, the cereal must be soaked in water, as this will increase the viscosity of the future dish. The water that the rice has not absorbed must be drained and another one used for cooking.
  • You need a lot of liquid. The usual ratio is 1 part cereal and 3 parts liquid component, but it can be adjusted to obtain the desired viscosity of the porridge.
  • Rice cereals can be cooked in water, milk, vegetable or fruit broths, and meat broth. The calorie content and taste characteristics depend on this.
  • Salt, pepper, seasonings, sugar, dried fruits, nuts, meat, vegetables and fruits are added to the porridge: the composition depends on the goals and taste preferences.
  • The resulting rice porridge can be sweet or savory, nutritious or low-calorie, plain or with many additives.
  • Cooking with milk takes longer than with water. If rice is not pre-soaked, most of the beneficial properties are lost.
  • Cereals adsorb all harmful substances from the intestines and, due to their high fiber content, stimulate their work; simple carbohydrates maintain a stable glycemic level. For healthy people, porridge is useful for normalizing the gastrointestinal tract and as a source of long-term satiety. This makes it suitable for breakfast or dinner.
  • For diarrhea, food poisoning and hangover, fresh porridge with water helps restore intestinal function. The adsorbing effect is useful for gout and urolithiasis.

  • Low-calorie porridge with water or vegetable broth will help you lose weight. It will create a long-lasting feeling of satiety with little energy value. It is permissible to add dried fruits, pieces of vegetables and fruits to the dish - this will make it tastier. Sugar, nuts and other high-calorie supplements are not suitable for weight loss.
  • In sports nutrition, both low-calorie and high-calorie options are appropriate, depending on your goals.
  • In case of severe illnesses, rice porridge with milk is a valuable source of nutrients for a weakened body.
  • When preparing sweet porridge, you need to add salt to it, and this will make the taste of the dish more varied and emphasize the sweetness.
  • Ginger enhances sweet, salty and spicy flavors.
  • Butter will make the dish more tender and prevent it from sticking into lumps. It is not added when it is necessary to reduce calorie content or obtain maximum adsorbing effect.
  • Porridge often burns; to prevent this from happening, you need to constantly stir the dish during cooking.
  • Rice porridge is cooked only over medium or low heat.
  • For diseases of the intestines and stomach, porridge can be added to the menu only with the permission of the attending physician.

Rice porridge with milk, the calorie content of which can be increased by adding sugar, nuts and fruits, is perfect for children. The same porridge in water, well boiled, with the addition of pureed vegetables, is good for older people.

Variety of rice dishes

Rice cereal is a component of many dishes.

Here is just a short list of dishes using rice, with the exception of the familiar milk rice porridge:

Rice can also be used as a side dish for meat, fish, chicken, turkey - in this regard, it is a universal addition to the main dish.

Milk porridge in the diet of those watching their figure

As we found out earlier, the calorie content of rice milk porridge is quite low - about 100 kcal per 100 grams of the finished product.

But is this so little for a person losing weight?

Rice diets

The Internet is replete with recipes for express and mono diets. The benefits of such a diet, frankly speaking, are not enough, and the kilograms lost with such difficulty will return in double size within a week after giving up the “rice” fast. Therefore, such a rice diet cannot be called complete and healthy.

However, rice can still be used for dietary purposes, as it is a low-calorie side dish. It is preferable to use brown rice for these purposes, since it is not subjected to deep processing, only the upper part is removed from it - the husk, which is not suitable for food. This rice is even richer in vitamins, which is very important if you have dietary restrictions.

The good thing about the rice diet is that you can eat quite a lot of cereal cooked in water.

, without caring that the permissible calorie threshold will be exceeded. However, there are also contraindications: for example, rice should be consumed with caution by people suffering from constipation, and in general problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

For those who do not like to go hungry, there is a weekly diet in which, in addition to cereals, you are allowed to consume low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits (except bananas and grapes). With such a diet, you can diversify and balance your diet well, and even add boiled chicken breast to it. Then the rice diet will give significant results without spoiling your health and mood!

Beneficial properties of rice porridge with milk

  • Cereal porridges are an integral part of the human diet , as they contain carbohydrates, starch and natural dietary fiber that are so necessary for humans. Rice in this sense is simply the king of cereals, since it contains almost half of the periodic table, as well as complex carbohydrates that can accumulate in a person’s muscle mass, thereby allowing energy to be consumed not immediately, but gradually.
  • In addition, rice is a famous absorbent , that is, a product that removes harmful substances from the body. This quality of rice cereal is known to nutritionists, and based on this, rice firmly occupies a place in the dietary menu, not only because of its low calorie content, but also because it has cleansing properties.
  • A distinctive feature of rice is that it does not contain gluten (or gluten), which irritates the walls of the stomach and intestines, causing disorders of the human digestive system. Therefore, rice dishes can be included in the menu of even the smallest children without doubt or fear.
  • Rice is a fixative , so a decoction of rice cereal is used for diarrhea and various disorders.

As you can see, rice porridge is not only incomparably tasty, but also undeniably healthy. Let's look at it from the other side.

Classic recipe

There are two recipes that claim the title of classic: unsweetened rice porridge with water and sweet rice porridge with milk. There is a lot in common between the cooking processes, but there are some subtleties. The recipe with meat is also considered close to the classic one.

Unsweetened low-calorie rice porridge with water

This option is the easiest to prepare. It has low energy value and maximum adsorbing properties. Suitable for weight loss, for gastrointestinal diseases (if recommended by a doctor), and also as a “lazy” dish for those who do not want to do complex cooking. The negative feature of the dish is its inexpressive taste, which quickly gets boring.


To prepare porridge you will need:

  • rice cereal, 1 cup;
  • water – 3-4 glasses;
  • salt – ½ tsp.

Pepper and spices are added to taste, you can do without them. If it is necessary to obtain maximum adsorbing properties (for example, in case of poisoning, hangover, removal of excess salt), the porridge is made unsalted.

The exact amount of water depends on the desired consistency. It's better to start with 3 glasses and add water if the porridge turns out to be too thick. Doing the opposite is much more difficult. Usually do not pour more than 4 glasses: then the dish will turn out too liquid and tasteless.

Step-by-step cooking process

Detailed instructions:

  1. Rice grains need to be cleared of small debris and washed.
  2. Then soak the rice in water for 5 minutes. - This is not a mandatory step.
  3. Place a measured amount of water on the fire and bring to a boil.
  4. As soon as the water boils, add rice to it and reduce the heat to medium.
  5. Cook the resulting mixture until thickened for 15-20 minutes.
  6. The contents of the pan must be stirred periodically to prevent the porridge from burning.
  7. In 10 minutes. After adding rice, the porridge should be salted.
  8. If necessary, you can add another glass of water.
  9. To determine readiness, you need to try several grains.
  10. The finished porridge has a uniform consistency, moderately salty taste, the individual grains are soft, do not crumble, and are easy to chew.
  11. Pepper and seasonings are added before removing from heat.
  12. The finished porridge must be removed from the heat, covered with a lid, wrapped in warm material, and left for 10 minutes, more if possible.

The cooking process takes from 30 to 40 minutes. If the rice grains are pre-treated with steam, then cooking can be speeded up.

Porridge with milk

Rice porridge with milk, the calorie content of which is higher than the same dish with water, especially if sugar is added to it, is valued as a product for baby food. But adults will also appreciate such an energy-rich breakfast or a small snack during the day.

The benefits of this recipe come in flavor and calories. But they also become disadvantages if it is undesirable to sharply increase blood sugar levels.


For preparation you will need:

  • Rice cereal – 1 cup.
  • Milk – 4-6 glasses.
  • Salt – ½ tsp.
  • Sugar – 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter – 20-30 g.

Instead of sugar, you can use jam, honey or artificial sweetener. If there is not enough milk or the porridge is too thick, you can add water. Milk porridge is more capricious in preparation, it burns more often and tends to run away; it needs to be stirred constantly, and not periodically.

Step-by-step cooking process

To prepare porridge, you need the following steps:

  1. Rice grains need to be sorted out, small debris removed, if any, and rinsed under running water.
  2. Then you need to soak the rice in water for 5 minutes so that it absorbs moisture.
  3. Place a measured amount of milk on the fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly, not allowing it to escape.
  4. When the milk boils, add rice to it and reduce the heat to low.
  5. Cook the dish until it reaches the desired thickness (20-25 minutes).
  6. After 15 min. After adding rice to milk, you need to salt the porridge and add sugar.
  7. If necessary, the amount of liquid can be increased by adding a glass of milk or water.
  8. To determine whether the dish is ready, you need to taste it.
  9. It is customary to make milk porridges thinner than similar dishes made with water. The grains should be evenly distributed and easy to chew.
  10. Before removing from heat, add butter to the finished product and stir.
  11. You can add dried fruits or nuts.
  12. The finished porridge must be left to “cook”: cover with warm material and leave in this state for 10-20 minutes.

The calorie content of rice porridge with milk depends on the amount of sugar and butter added to it.
The resulting sweet porridge should be tender, airy and moderately sweet. There shouldn't be a greasy aftertaste. If it appears, it means there was too much oil. It is not advisable to replace butter with vegetable oil, since the resulting product will be less tasty.

Rice is a product for a slim figure

The paradox of using rice for weight loss is that most modern diets are based on limiting the consumption of carbohydrates, which rice, in turn, as we have already found out, is rich in. However, rice is included in the menu of many diets, and it is very difficult to figure out what is truth and what is fiction on the Internet, so we will provide basic information.

So, rice is a low-calorie product, and this is what its use in the diet menu is based on.

And now a few myths about rice that are quite common:

Calories in rice with milk. Rice porridge - calorie content and nutritional value, health benefits and harm

Porridge is considered a traditional dish on our table; children under one year old are often fed only porridge. Rice porridge with milk cooks quickly enough, has a pleasant taste, and gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time. Rice porridge with milk has a medium thickness, the cereal is boiled, but does not lose its shape, remaining textured. Rice milk porridge is rarely prepared for future use; it is too tasty to remain in the refrigerator for a long time.

Calorie content of rice porridge with milk

The calorie content of rice porridge with milk is approximately 97 kcal per 100 grams of product. Calorie content greatly depends on what kind of milk you use when preparing it, whether you add water and sugar or not, whether you serve it with or without butter...

Composition and beneficial properties of rice porridge with milk

Harm of rice porridge with milk

How to cook rice porridge with milk

Rice porridge with milk in cooking

Rice porridge with milk is a tasty and nutritious product for people of all ages. Many people are familiar with this dish from childhood. It is not surprising that rice is what mothers cook for their babies. There are a lot of useful substances in cereals. It is great for dietary nutrition and first feeding. The calorie content is minimal, due to which absorption occurs quickly and there is no heaviness in the stomach. How many calories are in milk porridge?

Nutritional value

Calorie content of 100 g of dry rice is 320 kcal. During the cooking process, the cereal increases in size three to four times. Accordingly, the energy value decreases. But the number of calories also depends on other ingredients (fat content of milk, butter, salt).

How many calories are in milk porridge (average values ​​taken):

  • calorie content of rice with milk – 97 kcal;
  • milk porridge with prunes – 112 kcal;
  • milk dish with pumpkin – 96 kcal.

If you replace butter and sugar with a spoon of honey, the amount of kcal will decrease even more.

Energy value of milk rice porridge:

Milk rice porridge recipe

  • rice – 1 glass;
  • milk – 4 glasses;
  • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt – 1/3 teaspoon;
  • butter – 2 tablespoons;
  • 1 egg.

Preparing rice porridge:

  1. Rinse the cereal in warm water.
  2. Add rice to boiling milk.
  3. Cook over low heat until the porridge becomes thick. If necessary, add milk (each variety cooks differently).
  4. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, butter. Cook and let stand for a couple more minutes.

How many kcal are in such a dish - 145. If you remove butter, egg, sugar, you get 97-100 kcal. To further reduce calories, choose milk with less fat.

Each woman prepares rice in her own way. Instead of sugar, you can add jam, candied fruits, raisins, prunes, dried apricots, nuts, honey, ground poppy seeds. Of course, the energy value number will change. But not much.

There is a practice of cooking rice. It is first soaked in water, and then washed and cooked. As a result, starchy substances are washed out of the cereal. It turns into a porous sponge and absorbs salts and waste well.

Rice porridge with milk and water as a breakfast for children

Rice porridge for breakfast is a good way to save time. This is especially appropriate when you need to rush to work in the morning or quickly and healthily feed your child.

To prepare you will need:

Cooking time: 40 minutes;

Calorie content: 100 grams/122 kcal.

Rinse the rice thoroughly and remove any blackened grains. Pour water into a thick-bottomed pan and boil. Add salt and washed rice. Cook with constant stirring for 10 minutes.

Drain the rice in a colander and rinse with cold boiled water. At this time, bring the milk to a boil and add sugar. Combine rice with milk and season with oil. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the dish for about 15 minutes.

Remove the pan from the stove and wrap it in a towel for 10 minutes. The porridge is ready! Bon appetit!

Cooking time: 25 minutes.

Calorie content: 100 grams/128 kcal.

Rinse the rice, draining the water several times. You can use a sieve. Add rice and water to a heated frying pan. Cover with a lid and cook for 5 minutes. Add vegetable oil, salt and simmer for another 15 minutes, until the liquid has completely evaporated. Mix the finished dish with green peas.

Enjoy your meal!

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And porridge with rice is a very healthy dish, tasty and nutritious. They are especially good with fruit and berry additives, flavored with butter, sugar or honey, jam, syrup and other sweets. True, regularly eating such delicious breakfasts and dinners, you can quickly notice that skirts become tight, jeans do not meet at the waist, and swimsuits have clearly decreased in size.

Pencil, notepad, calculator

In such a situation, and without much thought, it is clear: rice with milk let us down. What does it depend on? Naturally, it depends on the calorie content of its ingredients. The percentage of fat in the milk, the butter or margarine with which the dish is seasoned, the sugar added for taste - all this makes our porridge especially nutritious. Therefore, depending on whether we need to gain weight or lose weight, we must balance the ingredients and correctly calculate the calorie content of rice porridge with milk that suits us. For example, milk. There are about 4 cups of liquid per cup of rice. For cooking, you can take full-fat, medium-fat or skim milk. Anything cooked with the latter is, of course, less tasty. But for people who are overweight or simply want to lose weight, it is almost ideal. And patients with anemia, weakened, exhausted after serious illnesses, operations, will be completely satisfied with the high calorie content of rice porridge with milk. Next is the oil. This means natural creamy. Of course, it contains more than enough cholesterol, fats, and carbohydrates. But small children or the sick need this oil to maintain strength.

And you can put not just one piece on a plate, but 2 pieces. For those who need lower calorie content of rice porridge with milk, there is the following measure: do not add butter at all; put, but half a spoon; Use margarine instead of butter. In this way, you can greatly protect yourself from the formation of fat deposits in the abdomen and hips. And finally, sweetness. What can you do here? First of all, give up sugar completely. Secondly, sprinkle it less. Thirdly, the calorie content of rice porridge with milk will decrease if instead of sugar you add a spoonful of honey, jam, or jam to the dish. It’s even better to replace them with raw sweet berries, pieces of pear, banana, citrus fruits, and raisins. Or add a little saccharin when cooking. Well, don’t forget about the cereal itself. Rice also contains a certain amount of calories. So if you have rice porridge on your menu, calculate it in advance by comparing the above factors with what is indicated on the package. And, based on this, buy the bag of cereal that best suits your needs.

So, 100 g of porridge contains 2.5 g of protein, 16 g of fat and 3.1 g of carbohydrates. These are useful substances. The total calorie content of the same 100 g is 97 kC. What does it consist of? Proteins have approximately 6, fats have 84, and carbohydrates have 7 of these kCl. Now regarding the cereal. Most often we eat refined white rice. In 100 g there are 116 kC. Therefore, if you prepare rice porridge with milk from it, the calorie content of the food will be even higher. In this case, use a little trick: replace half of the milk with water. Such a shuffle will not particularly affect the taste, and extra pounds will not threaten. And calorie content will decrease by about 17 units. Not bad at all, right?

Rice porridge is an integral part of healthy Russian cuisine. Rice is rich in essential vitamins and beneficial microelements that are necessary for human health. It is no coincidence that rice is the main product of many countries. Despite the fact that in Russia there are a great variety of dishes using this cereal, rice porridge remains the most popular dish. All kinds of sushi and rolls are, of course, very tasty and fashionable to eat with or without an occasion, rice porridge with milk or water is our faithful companion on weekdays.


In some cases, eating boiled porridge can be harmful to human health.

Rice porridge is one of the most popular and healthy dishes in Russian cuisine. Rice contains vitamins and beneficial microelements necessary for human health, so rice cereal is an indispensable dietary product. Its use helps to normalize the processes of the gastrointestinal tract. The calorie content of rice porridge will depend on the cooking method (milk, water or broth) and what additional ingredients are used.


Benefits and harms

Next, let’s find out what benefits or harms the most popular white rice in our country has for the body. It contains very important trace elements and vitamins, as described in the table, the benefits of which are also well studied.

Contents and benefits of microelements and vitamins per 100 grams of dry rice

Rice contains manganese and chromium, which are responsible for the normal functioning of the central nervous and reproductive systems, hematopoiesis and energy processes, the synthesis of carbohydrates and proteins. The benefits of rice are irreplaceable for problems with the gastrointestinal tract; it helps with diarrhea, eliminates constipation, thanks to fiber, and improves intestinal motility.

For the cardiovascular system, the benefits of rice are in cleansing the blood and removing toxins, cholesterol, strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels.

There are noticeable benefits of regular consumption of rice for hair, skin and nails, teeth, strengthening muscles and bones. Helps fight salt deposits, which improves the condition of joints. Also, the rice diet significantly improves appetite.

If we talk about harm, then rice can cause constipation and even provoke hemorrhoids, especially for the white variety. In case of diabetes, there may be harm from the high content of easily digestible carbohydrates in rice. Often, harm occurs against the background of acute stomach diseases, so you need to be careful and consult your doctor. You should eat rice correctly with other foods, because if combined incorrectly, rice can harm your figure due to the excessive calorie content of the dishes.

Useful tips and tricks

Preparing porridge is quite simple, but there are many factors that can adversely affect the result.

Here are some tips to help speed up the process:

  • You should choose the lightest varieties of rice - they cook better.
  • Steamed rice is suitable for crumbly dishes, but not for porridges; it is better not to buy it.
  • For rinsing and soaking, a fine-mesh strainer is suitable, and the water should be released in a thin stream.
  • It is more convenient to combine washing and soaking with the preparation of water or milk;
  • Porridges made with milk are made thinner than those made with water.
  • The most suitable pan is tall and has a non-stick coating. The height of the pan will prevent the porridge from escaping.
  • A flat wooden spatula is best for stirring. A lump of porridge will collect in the recess of the spoon and will not be able to cook.
  • Milk itself has a sweet taste, so it is very difficult to get unsweetened porridge with milk. On the other hand, the amount of sugar it requires is a little less.

Popular additives to the finished dish and their effect on calorie content:

Ingredient namesEffect on energy value (calorie content)
Dried fruitsAverage

Each housewife has her own arsenal of tricks that speed up and simplify the preparation of rice porridge with milk or water. The calorie content of the finished product can be easily adjusted to suit the needs of the family.

It is no longer possible to reduce the energy value of the finished product, so those who want to lose weight or count calories for another reason should immediately prepare a dish with the required calorie content.

Benefits of rice

Our ancestors cooked rice porridge in clay pots in the oven. It was usually served at the festive table. Today it is a traditional breakfast for adults and children.

Useful properties of rice porridge:

  • cereal absorbs salt, which has a beneficial effect on joint function;
  • helps brain activity;
  • protects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • Rice does not contain gluten, which irritates the fragile stomachs of small children, so cereals are excellent for first feeding (does not cause indigestion or allergies in children under one year old);
  • it is a source of complex carbohydrates, which gradually release energy to the body and significantly reduce the need for sugar and fat; saturation is felt longer;
  • rice groats are a natural adsorbent that removes toxins and waste; as a result, the condition of the skin, hair, nails, digestive, nervous and other body systems improves;
  • the vitamin and mineral composition of rice is varied and rich; it contains phosphorus, potassium, selenium, calcium, copper, iron, vitamins B, E, PP, etc.

The benefits of rice dishes are enormous. It is believed that children who regularly consume it develop better intelligence. There are rice-based diets and fasting days. There is a method of cleansing with cereals (it has many contraindications).

  • Dairy dishes are not recommended for diarrhea. But the rice itself “strengthens”. Therefore, if you have diarrhea, it is better to cook porridge in water.
  • Rice leaches potassium salts. This is good for the joints, but not so good for the cardiovascular and nervous system. If you have problems in this area, you can add dried apricots to the porridge. But heart and vascular diseases are not contraindications for eating cereals.
  • Rice strengthens you – you should not eat it if you have constipation or colitis.

Thus, rice grains have a minimum of contraindications. And they are all relative. Milk porridge is a rich source of complex carbohydrates, fiber and starch. It contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

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