Oatmeal with water. Calorie content per 100 grams, benefits and harms, recipes for diet

Oatmeal is a traditional English breakfast that has successfully caught on among Russians. It is usually prepared with milk, but adherents of a healthy diet prefer recipes with water. It occupies a leading position among the entire variety of cereals in terms of nutritional and energy value. And its low calorie content allows it to be considered a dietary dish.

When you eat oatmeal in the morning, you feel quickly and long-lasting, and the dish gives you energy for the whole day. For taste, fruits, berries, honey, sugar, nuts and other ingredients are added to it.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties

Oatmeal is in 2nd place among all porridges in terms of its rich composition of vitamins, microelements, other substances and benefits for the body after buckwheat porridge.

It contains the following substances beneficial to the body.

Composition (chemical, biological)Beneficial effects
Minerals (macro- and microelements): potassium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, silicon, nickel, chromium, zinc, fluorine, cobalt, etc.Rapid absorption of microelements and vitamins contained in oatmeal and flakes. Promoting the formation and development of the musculoskeletal system, preventing anemia, strengthening the body’s immunity
Vitamins: A, group B (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, B12), E, ​​H, K, PPImproving the functioning of the nervous, digestive, and circulatory systems. Prevention of anemia and cancer pathologies. Improving the condition of the skin, absorption of vitamins. Positive effect on brain activity, cognitive abilities, increased concentration levels
Alimentary fiberStabilization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract by removing unnecessary layers from its walls (calorizator). Promoting the desired envelopment of the intestines for gastritis, stomach ulcers, and lowering cholesterol levels. Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system
BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), fiber.Increased energy and emotional state. Normalization of digestion by stimulating metabolic processes. Acting as a kind of “sponge” that absorbs decay products (impurities, toxins). Promoting muscle growth and development

Benefits and harms

You should know what benefits or harms can come from eating oatmeal. Hercules porridge belongs to the group of “slow” carbohydrates. The concentration of vitamins and microelements in rolled oats is very high; it is very rare to find such a versatile useful product.

Contents and benefits of microelements and vitamins per 100 grams of dry rolled oats:

NameContentDaily requirement %
E (tocopherol)3.4 mg23
H (biotin)20 mcg40
I (iodine)6 mcg4
PP Groups4.6 mg23
K (potassium)330 mg13
Ca (calcium)52 mg6
Mg (magnesium)130 mg32
B10.45 mg30
B20.1 mg6
B50.90 mg19
B60.24 mg12
B923 mcg6
Fe (iron)3.7 mg20
Mn (manganese)3.83 mg191
F (fluorine)45 mcg1

The benefits of regular consumption of rolled oats are undeniable. Oatmeal also contains essential microelements: chlorine, sulfur, choline, sodium, ash, silicon and many others. The benefits of rolled oats are simply off the scale, daily use will help: restore normal heart rhythm, improve condition after heart attacks, diabetes, rheumatism, colds, kidney or liver stones, cystitis, hypertension, nervous strain.

The antioxidants contained in cereals remove toxins and waste, and due to the high fiber content, intestinal motility improves.

Hercules improves lipid metabolism due to the content of polyphenols, which increases the fermentation (absorption) of nutrients. The great benefit for those who care about their beauty is that excess weight is reduced, and the skin becomes softer and cleaner. Oatmeal also has a diuretic effect.

Is there any harm from eating oatmeal? Indeed, teeth and bones can suffer from excessive consumption of oatmeal. It washes calcium out of the body, and the phytic acid contained in the cereal interferes with its absorption. But how much porridge do you need to eat?!

Rolled oats porridge will harm the body if you are intolerant to gluten, which is found in all cereals, especially oatmeal. Bloating and indigestion will be guaranteed. Also, the harm of frequent consumption of oatmeal is that due to the large amount of calories, especially fats and carbohydrates, it can cause excess weight.

Harm and contraindications to eating oatmeal

The rich composition of oatmeal in some cases can provoke an exacerbation of existing diseases, namely:

  • Celiac disease – intolerance to vegetable protein of cereals (gluten, that is, glue) or an allergic reaction to it. This is due to its ability to disrupt intestinal absorption, causing a toxic effect on the mucous membrane. This reaction can trigger food allergies, in particular to cow's milk proteins.

  • Diabetes mellitus (types 1-2) due to the threat of an increase in the glycemic index when consuming instant oatmeal. It is this that is deprived of healing coarse fibers as a result of the industrial multi-stage processing of oatmeal. This phenomenon is also explained by the high content of starch in it, which is converted into sugar during the accumulation process. At the same time, flakes that are not subject to long-term processing and retain inulin in their composition do not pose a danger to diabetics.
  • Excessive consumption of oatmeal is fraught with demineralization of the body due to the danger of increasing the volume of phytic acid. This is an obstacle to the absorption of calcium, enhanced by its removal from bone organs, which poses a danger for people predisposed to osteoporosis.
  • Kidney failure . One of its manifestations is gout, which can result from the destruction of purine built into plant/human genes. Under certain conditions, this substance in this case forms an excess amount of uric acid in the joints, leading to the appearance of gouty arthritis syndrome.

Calorie content of oatmeal with additives

To find out the energy value of milk oatmeal with additives, you only need to know the calorie content of the additional products.

Additional productsKcal per 100 gAmount added per 100 g of porridgeEnergy value of 100 g of porridge with additives

This table will help you determine the choice of ingredient for porridge and calculate the energy value of a serving of the finished product.

BJU and calorie content of oatmeal per 100 grams

Oatmeal with water, the calorie content (energy value) of which is 88 Kcal/100 g, can become a starting point in determining the daily rate of its consumption. If you add honey to it, this figure reaches 107.7 Kcal. When using milk, it is equal to 102.7 Kcal.

The tandem of oatmeal with milk and sugar allows you to reduce the calorie content to 99.3 Kcal, and when adding butter to this mixture, on the contrary, it increases it to 135 Kcal.

The nutritional value of oatmeal prepared using these components depends on their specific gravity of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) in 100 g of porridge.

Examples of options for combining oatmeal and other products:

2.Water + honey3,41,720,1
4.Milk + sugar4,34,312,1
5.Milk + sugar + butter4,45,918,7

To control the calories consumed, BJU, you can use a “measurement” such as a cup (medium size). Here, the finished porridge with water contains 166 kcal, up to 6 g of protein, 3.5 g of fat, and about 30 g of carbohydrates. It should be borne in mind that adding other ingredients (fruits, vegetables, meat) to this dish helps to increase these indicators.

Dry oatmeal

Along with preparing boiled dishes, oatmeal can be used raw. Its 100 g contains 307 kcal, 11 g of protein, more than 5 g of fat, about 30 g of carbohydrates; and ½ cup contains 84% ​​of the daily value of minerals. Eating dry oatmeal has some nuances.

According to experts, this requires increasing fluid intake. To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract (bloating, increased gas formation, absorption of minerals), it can be mixed with milk after additional grinding in a blender.

To ensure a balanced level of nutritional and energy value, it is appropriate to add yogurt and fruit (in a 1x1 ratio). To get a quick breakfast without wasting extra time in the form of muesli, oatmeal can be soaked overnight in water/milk along with fruit.


To obtain them, oat grits are used, which undergoes industrial processing (cleaning, grinding, steaming).

Based on the degree of processing, there are such groups of oat flakes as:

  • "Hercules" - These are large flattened flakes with a smooth surface, made from flattened grains by steaming. They are considered the most useful.

  • “Extra” , made from cereals of different sizes and processing times. There are such types as large, whole grains - with a minimum of heat exposure; middle of cut chaff; small, as most suitable for baby food.
  • Petal with grooved surface. They are obtained by rolling with special equipment (rollers) and steam treatment.
  • Instant cereal (“porridge-minute”) is a well-processed, crushed and thin grain. They do not require cooking and can be used as instant ones.

Cooking time in any liquid depends on the thickness and size of the flakes resulting from different processing methods. If large flakes need to be cooked for up to 15 minutes, then fine grinding - about 5 minutes. or about 2 min. when steamed in boiling water. More specific information about the volume and duration of preparation should be indicated on the packaging of the variety consumed.

Using cereals made from whole oat grains, as opposed to flakes, requires pre-rinsing them under running water.

When choosing oatmeal, you should pay attention to the processing methods and timing of their consumption indicated by the manufacturer. This will protect you from purchasing a product that is bitter or has lost its beneficial properties. To prepare oatmeal, you should use non-stick, rather than enamel, cookware. The best option is a thick-walled cauldron.

Boiled in water with butter

Oatmeal cooked in water is one of the simplest dietary options for a quick breakfast with low calorie content. Adding butter (5 g) to the dish allows you to increase this figure by 35 Kcal.

The sequence of preparing such porridge is as follows:

  1. Boil water – 450 ml
  2. Add a little salt - 0.25 tsp.
  3. Pour oatmeal (150 g) into it.

  4. Cook over low heat with slow stirring to avoid burning (cooking time is determined depending on the grind of the flakes).
  5. After the mass begins to thicken, turn off the heat and leave it to “simmer” under a closed lid on the stove for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Add butter to warm porridge immediately before eating.

There is another way to prepare porridge with a non-sticky consistency, namely:

  • pour 250 g of flakes with water (500-700 g) in the evening/morning and leave overnight;
  • in the morning/evening, add a little more water, salt and heat the swollen workpiece to the desired temperature;
  • add a little oil before starting breakfast/dinner.

This option allows you to preserve as much as possible the beneficial qualities present in the cereal, have the most beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and reduce excess weight.

In water without sugar, with sugar

Oatmeal with water without added sugar is most often prepared for preventive or therapeutic purposes in this way:

  1. Boil 0.5 liters of slightly salted water.
  2. Pour boiling water over 100 g of washed oatmeal or cereal.
  3. Boil the mixture with flakes first over high heat (up to 5 minutes), and then simmer it over low until the required thickness. When using cereal, the cooking time should be increased slightly.

  4. Turn off the heat and leave the porridge to steep for 5-10 minutes.

It is important to consider that as the porridge cools, it acquires a denser consistency.

Oatmeal with water (calorie content - 14.6 Kcal), when serving the dish while still hot, can be supplemented with sugar or its substitute. Compared to unsweetened porridge, this allows you to increase the level of dietary fat (proteins from 0.5 g to 3 g, fats: 0.27 g - 1.68 g, carbohydrates: 2.52 g - 15.1 g). In this case, the calorie content increases to 87 Kcal.

With milk and sugar

Oatmeal and flakes are compatible with dairy products (kefir, yogurt, whipped cream, cottage cheese, ice cream, condensed milk). The most acceptable option for a hearty breakfast is oatmeal, prepared with milk diluted with water and adding sugar.

For this purpose the following components are used:

  • water and milk - 400 ml each;
  • oat flakes (cereals) – 150 g;
  • salt and sugar - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Pour cereals/cereals into the bowl.
  2. Fill the contents (up to half the volume) with cold water and salt
  3. Place on the fire and bring to a boil, then reduce the flame and cook until the water is completely absorbed.
  4. Add milk to the boiling mixture.
  5. Add sugar at the end of the boil (also allowed for direct use).
  6. Cook the porridge until tender, stirring occasionally.
  7. After turning off the heat, cover the container with a lid and leave for up to 5 minutes.

With milk without sugar

To prepare you will need:

  • oatmeal (flakes) – 60 g;
  • water – 200 g;
  • milk – 100 g;
  • salt - to taste.

When using whole milk, the nutritional value of 100 g of such porridge is 102 Kcal, BZHU, respectively: 5.0 g: 4.0 g: 5.0 g. At the same time, skim milk reduces these indicators in this way: Kcal - 88.3, ​​proteins - 4.3%, fats – 2.3%, carbohydrates – 12.4.

The peculiarities of cooking this type of porridge include not only the exclusion of sugar from among its ingredients. Here it is allowed to combine milk and water before boiling before adding crushed oatmeal or flakes.

With milk and butter

The most common recipe for preparing such porridge involves the use of products such as:

  • oat flakes – 200 g;
  • milk – 1 l;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • sugar -2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. l.

The cooking algorithm consists of several simple steps, namely:

  1. Pour milk into a bowl and place over moderate heat.
  2. Add the entire volume of salt and sugar to the milk brought to a boil.
  3. Pour oatmeal into the boiling liquid in a thin stream.
  4. Cook the porridge mixture for about 10 minutes. (with constant stirring).
  5. When finished, fill it with butter.

Milk and butter make this porridge very high in calories and nutritious. Its 100 g contains 132 kcal, 4 g of protein, 6 g of fat, about 17 g of carbohydrates.

With raisins

You can prepare a delicious and nutritious breakfast of oatmeal with raisins using either water or milk. Along with the preferred liquid, raisins, based on individual tastes, the porridge is supplemented with butter, salt, sugar and other products.

For a quick morning breakfast, it should be prepared the night before by steaming the flakes with washed raisins and, if necessary, salt or sugar. You can achieve the desired consistency by adjusting the amount of liquid.

The porridge will turn out thicker during overnight “passive cooking” if it is in a container with the lid slightly open. In the morning you just need to heat it up and add oil.

If you prepare porridge immediately before eating it, you should spend a little more time on the following:

  1. Rinse 50 g of raisins and 100 g of oatmeal (flakes do not need this).
  2. Pour these products into a container and pour 300 ml of boiling water or milk (the volume of liquid is determined depending on the required degree of liquid of the future porridge).
  3. Thoroughly mix the resulting mixture with the desired amount of salt/sugar.
  4. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. and, to avoid burning, stir constantly.
  5. Add 20-30 g of butter to the finished porridge.

With honey

This ingredient can replace sugar without much impact on the caloric content and energy value of the porridge. Enriched with vitamins, this allows you to stand alone or serve as a dessert during your morning or afternoon meal. An important nuance is the need to avoid heat treatment of honey to preserve its beneficial properties.

To prepare this dish you will need:

The porridge is prepared by boiling the flakes/cereals in salted water over low heat for about 15 minutes, infusing and cooling slightly (up to 10 minutes). After this, honey is added and served.

Nutritional and energy value of oatmeal with milk

100 g of oatmeal contains 358.2 kilocalories, of which:

  • 12.3 g protein;
  • 59.5 g carbohydrates;
  • 6.1 g fat;
  • 12 g water;
  • 4.51 g fatty acids.

The main value of oatmeal is the large amount of vitamins and minerals it contains.

Useful elementsContentBenefit
Vitamin B10.5 mgThey help improve the functioning of the circulatory, digestive and nervous systems, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Vitamin B20.1 mg
Vitamin B31.1 mg
Vitamin B494 mg
Vitamin B50.9 mg
Vitamin B60.27 mg
Vitamin B929 mg
Vitamin E3.4 mgRemoves toxins.
Potassium362 mgMaintains the fluid composition of cells.
Sulfur81 mgImproves the appearance of the skin.
Phosphorus349 mgPart of bone tissue.
Magnesium116 mgParticipates in enzymatic reactions.
Chlorine70 mgRegulates water-salt balance.
Calcium64 mgStructures bone material.
Silicon43 mgHelps absorb nutrients entering the body.
Sodium35 mgProvides maintenance of water-salt balance.
Manganese5 mgImproves the functioning of the nervous system.
Iron4 mgIts deficiency affects hemoglobin levels.

It is customary to eat porridge in the morning, because the beneficial substances from it are quickly absorbed and give the body a charge of vigor and strength for the whole day.

Oatmeal diets

Oatmeal with water, the calorie content of which can vary due to different foods, makes it an important dish in the diet. It’s not for nothing that one of the varieties of oat groats received its name “Hercules” thanks to the legendary strongman of Ancient Greece. Such a high rating is given because of the rich composition of the product, its ease of digestibility, and high saturation capacity.

The effectiveness of the “Hercules Diet” is due to the fact that it can be included in different nutrition plans to solve health problems:

  • stimulation of intestinal motility;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and waste;
  • improving the quality of absorption of nutrients through the intestinal walls;
  • gentle disposal of excess weight by eliminating the feeling of hunger, as the main reason for overeating;
  • implementation of prevention of certain diseases;

There are several types of oat diet:

  • American , which has a healing effect (regulation/reduction of weight, cholesterol, prevention of cancer). It lasts 37 days and consists of 3 phases. The first is 5 days with 5 meals a day of porridge with water/skimmed milk and drinking water. The second is the transition to taking porridge 3 times a day in a similar way and adding vegetables and fruits to it, observing the daily norm of BZHU, calorie content (1,300 Kcal). The third is a return to the regular menu with 2 meals of oatmeal.
  • mono-diet - eating only oatmeal, cooked without boiling, sugar and salt with dosing of one meal (duration - 3-5 days);
  • vegetable – abundant consumption of raw/baked vegetables as additives to cereals for 14 days;
  • fruit , which involves alternating the consumption of porridge with fruit for 2 weeks;
  • "scrubbing" – cleansing the body by taking oatmeal infusions daily for 7-10 days. During this period, fried, salty, smoked, and fatty foods should be avoided. Bread can only be made from bran flour or coarse flour.

    Oatmeal with water is great for those who want to lose weight.

One of the effective, fasting diets for weight loss is the inclusion of oatmeal with water in the diet without adding oil or sweet/salty foods. After 3 days of this regime, it is allowed to add low-calorie foods (apples, citrus fruits) to the menu in combination with light physical activity.

Any diet also includes the exclusion of carbonated water and cocktails with dyes/chemical additives. It is advisable to drink home-prepared drinks without sugar: teas (green, black, herbal); decoctions of rosehip, mint.

It is important to know that in each specific case only a professional nutritionist can determine the advisability of following any diet.

Oatmeal recipes with milk

There are many recipes and methods for preparing oatmeal with milk.

Recipe for cooking porridge on the stove


  • 250 g milk;
  • 125 g oatmeal;
  • 1 g salt;
  • 10 g butter (optional).


  1. Bring the milk to a boil, stirring occasionally.
  2. Add the cereal and boil for 10-15 minutes (cooking time depends on the grinding of the grains).
  3. Remove the container from the heat, cover with a lid and set aside for a while so that the porridge steams.
  4. Add oil and stir.

Oven recipe


  • 600 g milk;
  • 200 g cereal;
  • 75 g sugar;
  • 25 g butter.


  1. The cereal is poured with cold water and left for several hours.

  2. Afterwards, the cereal is washed, poured with milk, sugar is added and boiled for 35-40 minutes over an open fire.
  3. Transfer the porridge to a baking container, add oil and place in the oven.
  4. Bake the porridge for about an hour.

Multicooker recipe


  • 100 g oatmeal;
  • 450 g milk;
  • 25 g sugar;
  • 1 g salt;
  • 10 g butter.


  1. Pour oatmeal into the multicooker container, add sugar, salt and milk.
  2. Select the “porridge” or “milk porridge” program.
  3. After the time specified by the program, open the multicooker lid, add oil and stir.

Microwave oatmeal recipe


  • 100 g oatmeal;
  • 250 g milk;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • 1 g salt.


  1. Oatmeal is poured into a microwave-safe bowl, milk, sugar and salt are added.
  2. Place the dishes in the microwave at full power for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Take it out and stir it.

You can add various fruits and nuts to porridges prepared according to these recipes. The calorie content will increase by the calorie content of the added products.

Recipes for dishes with oatmeal and water for diet

There are a variety of cooking methods that allow you to diversify your menu.

With apple and raisins

It only takes 30 minutes to prepare this breakfast. and ingredients such as:

  • Hercules flakes - 100 g;
  • apple (fresh) – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – up to 30 g;
  • water – up to 0.5 l;
  • cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • cinnamon – 5 g.

The cooking sequence consists of several steps:

  1. Cut the peeled apple into small pieces and add hot water (50 ml).

  2. Add cloves, cinnamon, sugar to the resulting mixture and place over medium heat. Stewing continues until the products soften, the liquid evaporates, and the spicy contents caramelize.
  3. In a separate bowl, add boiling water to the flakes and simmer over low heat for up to 20 minutes.
  4. Supplement the cooked porridge with prepared apples immediately before eating it.

Oatmeal with water, the calorie content of which needs to be increased without adding sugar, can be prepared by adding raisins. It will enrich it with fructose, lactose and other harmless substances. The peculiarity of this dish is that to preserve them, the oatmeal is not boiled, but steamed in raisin uzvar.

Only 3 components are used here:

  • flakes – 50 g;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • raisins – 50-60 g.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Wash the raisins, pour boiling water over them, boil a little (up to 10 minutes) and remove from heat.
  2. Add cereal to this “semi-finished product”, cover the dish with a lid and wrap it up.
  3. After this steaming for 10-15 minutes. the finished dish is ready to eat.

With berries

This option is relevant at any time of the year, since you can use dried fruits, thawed/canned/fresh berries (bananas, apples, pears, raspberries, currants, blackberries, blueberries and others).

It is also attractive due to its ease of preparation, which consists of the following:

  • boil water (400 ml);
  • slowly add cereal/flakes (200 g) to the boiling water and cook until tender (20-25 minutes);
  • season the “empty” porridge with sugar (2 tablespoons) and butter;
  • When serving, the dish is supplemented with the available chopped berries.

With meat

This combination of the beneficial properties of oatmeal with meat rich in protein and fiber is the optimal solution for quickly preparing a diet dinner.

To prepare porridge with beef offal you will need:

  • oatmeal – 300 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • kidneys, heart, liver – 100 g each;
  • onions, carrots - 1 pc. medium size;
  • butter (butter or sunflower) – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste.

Sequence of preparation:

  1. Pour water over the cereal, add salt and cook over low heat until thickened.
  2. Rinse the kidneys and peppers and then cook them in lightly salted water; when finished, cool and chop.
  3. Lightly fry finely chopped onions and carrots in a suitable type of oil, followed by adding chopped raw liver, and then a mixture of kidneys and heart. Cooking time – 10-15 minutes. over moderate heat. Combine cooked cereals with meat products in a shared bowl or individual utensils.
  4. Instead of these meat ingredients, you can use veal meat and chicken fillet. To do this, you need to finely chop them or grind them in a blender, boil them a little in salted water with a small amount of carrots, and then add them to the prepared porridge.

  5. After bringing the resulting mixture to a boil, turn off the heat and let it brew in a tightly covered container for 10-15 minutes.

With olive dressing

A savory seasoning for unsweetened oatmeal can be aromatic herbs (parsley, dill) combined with olive oil. To prepare it for 2 servings you will need butter (1 tbsp), chopped fresh herbs (small bunch) and garlic (1 clove), salt (to taste).

After combining the prepared ingredients, the resulting mass can be seasoned with porridges made from oatmeal or flakes.

With banana

To prepare porridge with bananas, experts recommend using whole oat grains rather than instant cereal. This makes it more saturated with carbohydrates (fast and slow) and energetically charged. For this reason, they are considered a real find for breakfast for people with increased physical activity.

Its peculiarity lies in the addition of the following ingredients to the porridge cooked in water:

  • 1 PC. medium sized banana;
  • 30 g brown sugar;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp. l.

The method of its preparation is to prepare them in parallel with the simmering of the boiling porridge. Banana cut into slices should be fried in butter along with sugar and cinnamon, and after caramelization, placed on the finished dish.

With prunes

This dried fruit allows you to diversify the nutritional qualities, taste and olfactory shades of oatmeal.

It is prepared this way:

  1. Soak prunes (about 100 g) in warm water for 30-40 minutes.

  2. At the same time, cook the porridge in sweetened water (20 g x 600 ml).
  3. Finely chop the prunes extracted from the liquid and mix with a small amount of melted butter (up to 50 g).
  4. Add the resulting mass to the porridge and mix carefully.
  5. Place all this for 10 minutes. into the oven to warm up at +130 °C. This will give the dish fragrant and juicy.

This type of porridge may include dried apricots and raisins that go well with prunes.

With strawberry

To prepare such a dish, you should add sugar to the porridge prepared according to the classic recipe along with strawberries, cut into slices of arbitrary sizes. You can add various spicy spices here (mint, cinnamon, vanillin, etc.).

In Scots

The peculiarity of this type of oatmeal porridge, called porridge in Scotland, is prepared only with water without adding salt, sugar, milk or butter. An important point is the use of crushed or whole oat grains, which, when cooked for half an hour over low heat, emit a delicate nutty aroma.

When eating ready-made, cooled porridge, seasoning in the form of salt, cream, and milk is allowed. In her homeland, the tradition of preparing porridge for a whole week is still preserved. Once a dense consistency is obtained, it can be cut into portioned pieces for breakfast.

In a slow cooker

This is the least expensive method, since a multicooker allows you to avoid overcooking, burning and wasting time while preparing porridge. A person must select the time of its readiness, the start option, add the necessary ingredients and navigate the ingredients-additions.

Next steps are as follows:

  1. Grease the bowl with 50 g butter.
  2. Pour 150 g of flakes into it and pour 400 ml of water.
  3. After adding sugar (20 g) and salt (5 g) to this mixture, stir.
  4. Cover, select the “Porridge” option and set the time (20 minutes). When storing food in the evening for breakfast, you should select the “Delayed Start” option.
  5. After the specified time has passed, add butter, fruits, berries, candied fruits, etc., and then continue for 5 minutes. to the “Heating” mode.

In a pot

The essence of this method is to fill the pots with cereal, water, sugar, salt, desired additions and thoroughly mix the contents. After this, place the container in the oven/microwave for 20 minutes, and then add the oil and selected ingredients (honey, fruits, meat products).

The porridge will be ready to eat after 10-15 minutes. its infusion in a covered pot with the oven turned off. Oatmeal prepared in any way can become the basis for such delicacies as: sour cream jellied pies, pancakes/cheesecakes/oatmeal cookies, muffins, bars.

At the same time, it remains possible to adjust their calorie content depending on their preparation in water or milk and the use of additional ingredients (yogurt, vegetables, fruits, candied fruits, cinnamon, chocolate, cocoa, nuts, seeds).

Article design: Ilchenko Oksana

How many calories are in oatmeal with water?

Oatmeal cooked in water has minimal calorie content. For 100 gr. The porridge contains about eighty calories. This type of oatmeal is also called “clean” because water helps to properly break down plant proteins, which are valuable for their energy properties. For example, the same gluten (in its composition) helps to concentrate attention and stabilizes the performance of brain processes. It is for this reason that oatmeal is recommended to be consumed in the morning, when the brain needs a natural catalyst for a confident start.

Calories per tablespoon of oatmeal

A tablespoon contains 14 grams of dry flakes and, respectively, 53 and 49 kcal of “Extra” and “Hercules” flakes. Knowing these numbers, you can accurately cook the required volume of porridge!

The calorie content of a tablespoon of boiled oatmeal is 14-18 kcal (depending on the type of cereal)
We count it ourselves!
The best way to find out the calorie content of your oatmeal is to weigh the ingredients and check the packaging (the calorie content of 100 grams of dry product must be written there). Then you will be able to reliably control your diet and the nutritional value of all dishes!

How does the calorie content of oatmeal affect your body shape?

The most amazing property of oatmeal is that it is prescribed to those who suffer from exhaustion and is recommended to those who are overweight. How can one and the same product perform completely opposite functions? The whole point is in what combinations it will hit the table.

Today, oatmeal is represented on the menu not only as the notorious semi-liquid porridge that the British eat for breakfast. It has become an ingredient in many delicious dishes: soups, desserts, baked goods. It is also used to prepare healthy jelly and decoctions. Oatmeal can be found in yogurts and smoothies. But most often it is steamed, boiled or baked. How many calories will end up in the finished oatmeal depends, first of all, on the recipe.

Oatmeal for weight loss

The high calorie content of dry oatmeal cannot in any way affect the figure, since when it is processed it decreases several times.

Its peculiarity can be considered that it is quickly absorbed by the body, and complex carbohydrates help preserve the energy that was obtained from the porridge itself. If you include porridge in your daily diet, it will help normalize digestion, making the entire process of losing weight much simpler and easier.

Storing oatmeal

Of all the oatmeal that is on sale, the healthiest are considered to be those that need to be cooked for about 15 minutes. In this case, industrial processing is reduced to a minimum, which makes it possible to preserve as much as possible all the beneficial properties.

If you buy oatmeal by weight or in transparent packaging, then you need to be able to evaluate it according to some criteria. That is, all the flakes must be intact and there should be no sediment in the form of flour at the bottom.

It is recommended to store oatmeal in a glass container; if not, then at least in paper or cardboard. It usually has a shelf life of six months, so be sure to check the production dates before purchasing.

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