Doctor Mukhina's diet. Diet rules from Mukhina

TV show TV show Mistress of Fate.
Hosted by Nika Ganich. Guest of the program: Mariyat Mukhina 2012 [26:12] 2021.09.22 BPZ Star nutritionist Mariyat Mukhina // Television and Radio Company Gubernia 33 [40:01] Photo from Wikipedia Mariyat Mukhina

- Russian nutritionist, cosmetologist, writer, creator of the Golden Needle weight loss method, chief physician of the Origitea network of clinics. In fact, he practices acupuncture, which belongs to the methods of alternative medicine; any effect from them is not recognized by modern science.

[edit] Biography

Born on May 17, 1970 in Tver.

In 1987 she graduated from school with a gold medal.

In 1993 she graduated from the Tver State Medical Academy with a degree in General Medicine.

In 1995, she completed her residency training in Family Physician.

In 2001 and in 2021, she underwent professional retraining and advanced training at the Tver State Medical Academy under the “Reflexotherapy” program.

Received international certification in China.

In 2003, she opened the first clinic of the Origitea network in Tver. Subsequently, the network expanded significantly to include clinics in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Vladimir, Vologda and other cities.

Grocery list

List of foods that are strictly prohibited and strictly contraindicated for consumption:

  • Alcohol;
  • Sweet soda and fruit juices;
  • Chips, crackers, food sold in fast food establishments (french fries, hamburgers, sausage rolls, pies, pizza, etc.);
  • Cakes, pastries, chocolates and other confectionery products;
  • Products that contain a high percentage of sugar. Nuts and dried fruits, as they contain quite a lot of calories;
  • Porridge;
  • Potato dishes, raw garlic and onions, boiled carrots and beets;
  • Sweet and high-calorie fruits (grapes, bananas);
  • Sausages, smoked meat and fish products, canned food, pickled vegetables;
  • Flour products.

Food products that must be included in the diet of a person on the Mukhina diet:

  • Seafood, fish and poultry;
  • Any fruit, vegetable and berry mixtures;
  • Legumes, which are the main supplier of protein to the body;
  • Any mushrooms;
  • Dairy products with low fat content or no fat at all;
  • Three eggs a week;
  • Any liquid that does not contain sugar and chemical additives - at least two liters per day; if your body weight is large, then you should drink even more liquid.

Mukhina's diet should last one month or more, but not more than six months, then you should take a break of several weeks, and then, if there is a need or desire, continue the weight loss program. Already the first month will show tangible results - weight loss of four or more kilograms.

[edit] Scientific activities

A number of sites claim that Muriyat Mukhina is the author of more than 40 scientific papers and a number of patents, and is a Doctor of Medical Sciences. At the same time, there is an opinion among critics that “Mariyat Mukhina’s scientific works are not in any database of scientific dissertations”[1].

He is the author of weight loss techniques using acupuncture - “Golden Needle” and “Magic Earring”. She and her supporters claim that during the treatment of obesity using these methods, patients develop healthy eating habits and a correct stereotype of metabolic processes, which is achieved through the use of needles at the level of the hypothalamus (?). Unlike conventional diets and nutrition systems, the Golden Needle method has a prolonged effect on special acupuncture points, blocks the physical feeling of hunger and provides significant weight loss, which is approximately twice as intense as with standard diets. At the same time, in essence, this method is the installation of a certain “implant” (earring) in the auricle, that is, it is a variant of acupuncture. Acupuncture is a form of “alternative” medicine that is not recognized by modern science, and there is no evidence of its therapeutic effect.

Author of Patent No. 2629798 dated September 04, 2021 “Method of prolonged exposure to biologically active points for the purpose of reducing body weight,” on which the “Eastern Wisdom” program is based (using “hyaluronic thread”). Actively uses catgut therapy for weight loss in patients.

Constantly appears as an expert on federal Russian television channels, including Channel One, Rossiya channel, NTV, TVC, REN TV, etc., as well as radio Mayak, Vesti FM, etc.

Expert of the Russian quality system “ROSKATCHESTVO”.

Regularly holds appointments with patients in Moscow and other cities.

Mukhina's golden needle contraindications. Golden needle for weight loss

What is a golden needle for weight loss? Who can this method help? What are the contraindications to using the golden needle? And most importantly, does it really help you lose a lot of weight without any effort?

For most of us, the process of losing weight does not seem very pleasant: not everyone likes food restrictions, and sometimes serious physical activity. Getting your figure in order is easy and simple, without restrictions or any lifestyle changes - isn’t this a dream? Thousands of the best minds on the planet have worked to realize this possibility, but so far no one has been able to achieve stunning results. Diets are still the most effective way to lose weight and cope with some diseases (for example, diet for prostate adenoma).

However, we are regularly presented with more and more new means that promise to make us thin and sonorous, while being well-fed and satisfied. One of these remedies is the golden needle, the appearance of which can be considered the onset of a new stage in the fight against extra pounds. But what is this miracle remedy?

What is a golden needle for weight loss?

Calling a specific device a golden needle for weight loss is not entirely correct. “Golden Needle” is a method that was developed and implemented by acupuncturist Maria Mukhina. What is the essence of the method? A person who wants to adjust his weight is stimulated with a special needle at certain points on the body. These points are located on the tragus of the auricle. Outwardly, it looks like a piercing: the ear is decorated with a short gold needle. However, this is not just decoration, but a real healing complex that will help remove fat deposits on the back and other problem areas of the body.

The impact of the needle on biologically active points helps achieve the following results:

  • the patient's metabolism normalizes;
  • appetite is dulled, due to which the amount of food consumed naturally decreases;
  • food is processed and absorbed faster.

All this leads to weight loss; the golden needle method is especially effective for people whose weight exceeds 100 kilograms.

Contraindications to the golden needle method

Can anyone use Dr. Mukhina's method for weight correction? Unfortunately, this method cannot be considered 100% safe. It has a number of contraindications. Before installing a golden needle, the patient undergoes a medical examination designed to identify conditions or diseases in which the use of the method should be excluded. Contraindications to the method include:

  • hormonal and mental disorders (in particular, bulimia);
  • neoplasms (both malignant and benign);
  • lactation period and pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to acupuncture or gold products;
  • convulsive syndromes;
  • cardiac, renal, liver failure;
  • anemia.

Gold needle installation should only be performed by a qualified professional. A mistake can be very expensive: there are an incredible number of points located close to each other on the ear, which are connected to various organs and systems of the body.

How long should I use the golden needle method?

Once the needle is inserted into the patient's ear, the weight loss process begins. After 45 days, the patient must visit the clinic again so that the specialist can assess the effectiveness of the treatment. The “basic” course of wearing a needle is 3 months, although this period can be extended if necessary.

Unfortunately, Mukhina’s method does not always meet patients’ expectations. Although some clinics position it as easy and not requiring restrictions, there are still limitations. And they certainly relate to eating habits. Each patient is individually selected a diet (similar to a blood type diet), which is designed to speed up the process of weight loss. Also, when using the golden needle, patients are instructed to strictly adhere to their daily routine, get good sleep and avoid stress.

[edit] Incidents

[edit] On the TV show “Live”

She became the hero of the TV show “Live”, called “Millions under Hypnosis”, in which she reported that after consultations with psychologist Arthur Garaganov, she transferred the apartment to him, sold a foreign car worth three million for next to nothing, and also bequeathed to him all her savings in the amount of 45 million rubles.[2] After the transfer, a scuffle occurred between Mukhina and Garaganov, the latter tried to beat Mukhina[3].

[edit] Bari Alibasov

Video of the conflict between Bari Alibasov and Mariyat Mukhina // TV channel 360 [2:43] “Bari was repairing the shower stall,” nutritionist Bari Alibasova about his poisoning.
Let them talk. Fragment of the episode [1:17] In June 2021, a scandal erupted in which Mukhina was linked to the poisoning of Bari Alibasov (previously, according to the official version, he suffered from the fact that he mistakenly drank the Krot pipe cleaner). The media quoted Maryat as saying that she was his friend and nutritionist.

Alibasov’s PR director Vadim Gorzhankin said that a conflict arose over Mukhina, who “posed as Alibasov’s attending physician from the Sklifosovsky Research Institute”[4]. The media also began to quote the words of Alibasov, who did not rule out that instead of restorative medications, the healer allegedly gave him injections of psychotropic drugs, and it was these drugs that may have caused his poor condition, and not “Mole”[5][6]. Mariyat herself denies everything: about the injections, and that she pretended to be the attending physician. In addition, she claims that she is preparing a libel suit. Mukhina states that she called an ambulance so that the producer could receive the prescribed injection, and the doctors called the police, which led to the scandal[7]. As a result, Mariyat Mukhina appeared in the TV show “Let Them Talk,” dedicated to the scandal.

Dr. Mukhina: “Obesity must be treated!”

Acupuncturist, Ph.D. — M. Mukhina

Obesity is an acute problem of our time.

Various methods of losing weight have gained such massive popularity that it is rare to meet someone who has never gone on a diet or gone to the gym to lose extra pounds. That’s why new ways appear again and again on how to lose weight without putting much effort into it. We asked acupuncturist Mariat Mukhina, candidate of medical sciences and author of more than 40 scientific papers on her own method of treating excess body weight, about how to be a slim and healthy person.

— Mariat Muradalievna, you are the author of the famous “Golden Needle” weight loss method. Tell us what the method is.

— “Golden Needle” and “Magic Earring” are the names of the method I developed for losing body weight using acupuncture. During the treatment of obesity using this method, the correct stereotype of metabolic processes and the habit of normal healthy eating are formed in the patient’s body. This occurs due to the fact that the needle, which we insert and fix into special active points of the auricle, affects the excitability of the appetite centers at the level of the hypothalamus. Such a needle can remain in the points for a long time, as long as necessary for complete healing. Our patients feel comfortable, weight loss occurs without any difficulties.

“But acupuncture has been known to mankind since ancient times. What is different about your invention?

— I developed and patented a new needle design and a new method of its insertion. The method differs in that one needle is inserted simultaneously into two acupuncture points, while a healing channel is formed between the points, which has a positive effect on the entire body. This is the main and very significant difference. Moreover, we have the opportunity to leave the needle in biologically active points for as long as possible until the patient is completely cured. The needle looks aesthetically pleasing and is securely fixed. But the most important advantage is that the needle in the treatment channel generates more active impulses, which means that we get a better treatment result.

- So, with this needle you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight? Has humanity's dream come true?

“We can say that this is true and false at the same time.” The goal of the new Golden Needle method is to help a person get accustomed to proper nutrition. “Needle” blocks excessive appetite, but the patient himself must get used to healthy food and the method of eating it. To do this, we recommend a healthy eating system, also my own method. Many cannot even call it a diet in the usual sense, because the diet developed for the Golden Needle includes fried meat, barbecue, sweet fruits and the like.

— You call the method of losing weight therapy: does this mean that you treat obesity as a disease?

- Yes. Obesity is not so much an aesthetic problem, but, first of all, it is a disease that is accompanied by dysfunctions in the body. Therefore, I am faced with the task of curing an overweight patient by eliminating the cause of his illness. Those who want to not only lose weight, but also restore their health come to us.

— Have there been cases in your practice when the treatment method did not work?

— There are patients who have contraindications: serious diseases in the stage of decompensation, which we identify during a mandatory free consultation. We conduct a therapeutic examination, questioning, palpation, physical examination, and measurement of body parameters. These are rare chronic diseases about which patients are well aware. In all other cases, obesity is curable, which we have been proving for many years.

However, the Golden Needle treatment method turned out to be so effective that over several years it led to a large number of violations by clinic administrations. Medical centers throughout Russia illegally provide weight loss services under the guise of the name “Golden Needle” and “Magic Earring”. In fact, it turns out that the technique is copied only superficially and does not have the desired effect, which is why there are negative reviews about the method. Currently in Russia only the Origitea network of clinics, whose specialists I trained myself, have the right to use the method. Therefore, I want to warn readers against visiting unscrupulous clinics.

[edit] Sources


[edit] Links

  • Mariyat Mukhina in the Wikireality encyclopedia
  • Mariyat Mukhina: the path from Tver to Montreux
  • Star nutritionist Mariyat Mukhina revealed the secret of a healthy smoothie
  • Dr. Mukhina: “Obesity must be treated!”
  • Which cottage cheese is better? Nutritionist advice
  • Internet magazine “7 days”
  • A book about an effective and safe way to combat excess weight was presented in Moscow
  • 6 most sought-after Moscow nutritionists: Mariyat Mukhina
  • Russia 1, Modern methods of acupuncture

Mariyat Mukhina is a swindler and fraudster from “Origitea”

To bookmarks


- Russian doctor-fraud, associated with the “clinics” “Origitea”

Mariyat Muradalievna Mukhina is engaged in aggressive constant self-PR in order to whitewash her tarnished reputation. It is reported that Mariyat Mukhin’s business is registered in offshore companies and the millions that the network of clinics earns per day of fraudulent activity are immediately sent to dark offshore accounts to evade Russian taxes!

Mariyat Mukhina is involved in strong self-promotion. Previously, she published a paid article about herself on the portal, which was later converted into a critical article. Recently she has been noted for her publications on the wiki portals,,, etc.

He regularly adds new advertising publications on the Mir24 portal: “Food as a sport: what kind of finish awaits record holders”, “Star nutritionist Mariyat Mukhina revealed the secret of a healthy smoothie”, “Mariat Mukhina: Plus size models psychologically help fat people”, etc.

The SportWiki portal calls Mukhina a charlatan in its publication. The article notes that the titles of candidate and doctor of medical sciences attributed to Mariyat Mukhina are in fact fictitious; they say she bought everything.

In June 2021, a certificate issued by the “International Inter-Academic Union” (IMU), which is an organization that sells meaningless academic titles and degrees, was published, the “International University of Fundamental Education” (IUFE). That is, the title of Doctor of Science is not an academic degree of the Russian Federation. The title of Candidate of Medical Sciences was also issued by the International Inter-Academic Union and not by the Higher Attestation Commission.

“Mariat Mukhina is a fraudulent doctor” was published . Among the most important theses of the article:

Meet the founder of the Origitea clinic, Mariat Muradalievna Mukhina, perhaps one of the brightest and most extraordinary quack doctors in Moscow.

In order to introduce her fraudulent scheme to the masses, doctor Mariyat Mukhina focused her efforts on attracting free star patients who, in exchange for reviews, went to the “star nutritionist” for stellar procedures.

At first it seemed to me that my appetite really disappeared and I wanted to eat less after 18.00, but then this feeling passed. When visiting the clinic, I constantly paid money for an examination, they measured me, weighed me, adjusted my diet, and sometimes adjusted that terrible earring in my ear. Six months later, thanks to physical exercise, I lost 10 kg and the clinic told me that this effect was achieved thanks to their magic earring. The appetite was the same, I wanted to eat. I can say for sure that this earring does not work at all!!! A waste of time, money and nerves - false expectations, false earrings, false doctors...

You should also approach a specialist with caution. My sister has already seen a nutritionist like Mariyat Mukhina. Just a scammer, strange and ineffective methods. There is also boorish attitude in her clinics; she has her own clinic ORIGITEA. never go there. They will rip you off like a stick.

When you enter the search query “Mariat Mukhina” into Google and Yandex, you get such hints as “Mariat Mukhina is a charlatan”, “Mariat Mukhina is a charlatan”, “Mariat Mukhina is a scam”, which confirms all the negative reviews said about Mukhina.

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