Activia (activia). Activation composition. Is Activia useful (Activia) – benefits of Activia

Everyone remembers from childhood: kefir is healthy. And thanks to the advertising of products with the prefix “bio,” we learned: biokefir is doubly useful. AiF found out whether this is so in the Moloko laboratory of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Dairy Industry. According to GOST R 52093, biokefir is truly the healthiest of all fermented milk: it is natural kefir made by fermenting milk with kefir grain starter, and also additionally enriched with bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium bifidum. Its benefits come from lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria and milk yeast (all of which are probiotics).

What is Activia?

"Activia" is a series or brand of fermented milk products containing probiotic bifidobacteria Bifidus Actiregularis. The microorganism strains were developed at one of Danon's research centers and patented for exclusive use in Activia products.

The main difference from other fermented milk products presented on the Russian market is that Activia yogurt, in addition to lactic acid bacteria, contains probiotics. When they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they retain their viability and participate in the digestion process.

Assessment of the impact of the probiotic product ACTIMEL on the health of children

It is well known that rational and balanced nutrition not only determines the harmonious growth and timely morphological and functional development of the child’s internal organs and tissues, but also directly affects the formation of his intellectual and psychomotor status. Children who receive adequate nutrition are more protected from various infections and other adverse environmental influences.

It has been established that products containing live probiotic cultures (probiotics) have the most pronounced positive effect on the human body.

According to modern concepts, probiotics are live microorganisms that, when introduced into the human gastrointestinal tract in sufficient quantities, retain their activity and viability and have a positive effect on human health.

Currently, various types of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, enterococci and saccharomycetes are most often used as probiotics. Among the variety of beneficial properties of probiotics, and primarily lacto- and bifidobacteria, one should highlight the protective function and participation in the regulation of metabolic processes, as well as immunomodulatory effects.

One of the most promising and convenient forms of probiotics are probiotic foods [1, 4]. The main requirements for the latter are the presence in them of a large number of live and active probiotic bacteria that remain viable in the gastrointestinal tract, and stability during storage. The probiotic microorganisms contained in these products must be safe and beneficial to human health.

Among the wide range of probiotic products, the new fermented milk probiotic product “Actimel” deserves special attention, containing Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus - two standard yogurt cultures that have a beneficial effect on lactose intolerance, and a special probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei DN-114001.

The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of systematic consumption of the fermented milk probiotic product “Actimel” on indicators of physical and mental health of children aged three to eight years.

We observed 400 children living in Moscow, of which 245 were aged three to five years, and 155 were aged six to eight years (53.6% boys and 46.4% girls).

The work was carried out as part of an international multicenter study according to a protocol developed by. The study included 20 children's city clinics from all districts of Moscow.

Children observed by pediatricians at their place of residence for six weeks (from February to April 2003) consumed one bottle of the Actimel product daily during breakfast (volume - 100 ml, nutritional value per 100 g of product: protein - 2 .8 g, carbohydrates - 14.3 g, fats - 1.6 g, energy value - 83 kcal). In order to dynamically assess health indicators and anthropometric data, each child was routinely examined by a pediatrician once every two weeks, and the data was recorded in a questionnaire. A similar questionnaire was filled out by the parents of their children at the end of each full week of using Actimel.

All children participating in the study had no chronic diseases, allergies to cow's milk proteins or lactose intolerance and had not been hospitalized in the six weeks preceding the study. Also, during the study, the child was excluded from taking medications that enhance immunity.

The study of the health status of children included the study of a complex of informative signs: general condition, child activity, appetite, ability to wake up easily in the morning, success at school (for those attending school), which were assessed in points (from 0 to 100) on a special graphic non-verbal scale (magnitude estimation).

The above indicators were studied in two time intervals: the first included the six weeks preceding the study; the second is the time of use of Actimel in the first–third–fifth–sixth weeks. A follow-up observation of 50 children was also carried out for one and a half months after the end of the study.

Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out on an IBM PC Pentium personal computer using Microsoft Excel 7.0 for Windows. For numerical variables, a paired Student's t test was used. For ordinal variables, the paired Wilcoxon test was used; for nominal variables - McNeman test.

To analyze the data obtained, all observed children, based on a basic (previous six weeks before the study) assessment of their general condition, were divided into three groups: the first group - 150 children (36.6%) with a general condition score of less than 60 points (“weakened children” ), the second group - 113 children (27.6%), whose general condition was assessed at 61-80 points, and the third group - 137 children (35.8%), whose general condition was assessed at 80 points and above. The average value of this indicator within the groups under consideration was 44, 72 and 90 points, respectively.

The Actimel product, consumed regularly, had a positive effect on the general health of children. Over the course of six weeks of the study, the percentages within the selected groups of children and the average values ​​of the general condition indicator changed significantly. Thus, the number of children who initially had a low assessment of their general condition decreased significantly (from 36.6% before the study to 11% at the end), and the average value of the indicator in question increased significantly by the end of the study - from 44 to 73 points (p<0 .05) (see Figure 1). After the first two weeks from the moment Actimel was included in the daily diet, most of the children in the first group (43.6%) had a general condition score above 60 points, and 10.1% of the observed children had a score above 80 points. Similar positive changes were observed in the second group. At the same time, the general condition of the children from the third group, which was initially assessed as good, did not change significantly.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the average value of the indicator of the general condition of children.

It should be noted that the assessment of the general condition of the children, carried out weekly by parents, practically did not differ from the doctor’s assessment.

Consumption of "Actimel" had a significant impact on the activity of children, which was accompanied by a significant increase in the average value of the children's activity indicator (from 70 to 80 points, p <0.05). The most striking dynamic changes in the studied indicator were recorded in the group of weakened children. Thus, after just four weeks of consuming Actimel in the first group, the number of children with an activity score of less than 60 points decreased (from 76% to 26.8%).

At the same time, the activity of children whose health was initially assessed as good remained at the same level (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Dynamics of the average value of the children’s activity indicator.

During the observation, parents noted positive changes in the way their children woke up in the morning. First of all, this applies to children who initially received a score of less than 80 points (first and second groups). By the sixth week of the study, almost all parents noted that, compared to the beginning of the study, their children began to wake up more easily in the morning.

Also, doctors and parents noted a gradual improvement in appetite in children, while clear dynamics were identified primarily in children who were initially weakened. The average score characterizing appetite in all groups increased (from 43 to 70 points, from 57 to 76 and from 72 to 82 points in the first, second, third groups, respectively). At the same time, a noticeable improvement in appetite was noted already in the third week of using Actimel, especially in the first group (see Figure 3).

Figure 3. Dynamics of the average value of appetite in children.

During the study, children began to visit doctors less frequently for various diseases. Thus, during the six weeks before the study, 41% of children consulted doctors mainly for diseases of the ENT organs and acute respiratory infections (ARI) (75%), acute intestinal infections (AI) (6.7%). Just two weeks after the inclusion of Actimel in the children’s diet, the number of visits to doctors significantly decreased (from 164 in the first week to 97 in the third week), mainly due to a decrease in the frequency of acute respiratory infections and ENT diseases (from 123 to 72 cases), as well as OKI (from 11 to 1 case). In the group of weakened children, the maximum reduction in the frequency of visits for acute respiratory infections was recorded (from 81.6% in the first week of the study to 37.1% in the sixth week). In other groups there was also a decrease in incidence.

It should be noted that during regular use of the Actimel product, children not only began to get sick less often, but also the illnesses occurred in a milder form. This is indirectly confirmed by the fact that doctors prescribed antibacterial drugs to children less often. So, if in the first two weeks of the study 5% of children received these drugs, then in the fifth or sixth week - only 0.25%.

Before the start of the study, 139 children (54 children from the first group, 40 from the second, 45 from the third) complained of poor health associated with symptoms of ENT diseases and acute respiratory infections (cough, runny nose in 35.3% of children), abdominal pain ( in 33.1%), stool retention (in 24.5%) and diarrhea (in 11.5%), but did not contact doctors. By the sixth week of the study, the number of such children decreased to 26. Against the background of regular use of Actimel, there was a decrease in the frequency of constipation (from 29.6% to 0) in children of the first group and diarrhea (from 7.5% to 0) in children of the second group .

A follow-up observation, in which 50 children took part, showed that six weeks after the end of the study, 58% of children continued to regularly consume Actimel (at least three times a week). Of these, 27% suffered from various diseases. In the group of children who stopped using Actimel, 38% suffered from various diseases during the same time.

During the study, significant changes occurred (see Figure 4) in the structure of children's nutrition towards an increase in the share of “healthy breakfasts” with the consumption of dairy products, fruits, and a decrease in the consumption of semi-finished products and sandwiches.

Figure 4. Changes in the diet of children who consumed Actimel.

Particular attention was paid to how doctors evaluate the effectiveness of Actimel. Most pediatricians noted the positive effect of Actimel on children's health: improved appetite (31% of doctors), normalization of intestinal function (22%), strengthening the body's defense systems (17%), reducing the number of diseases (20%). More than 70% of doctors who took part in the study noted that they intend to recommend the use of the Actimel product to their patients in the future.

Based on the analysis of the material obtained during the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • daily consumption of one bottle of fermented milk probiotic product “Actimel” for six weeks improves the general condition of children, increases activity, appetite, makes it easier to wake up in the morning, with the most pronounced positive changes observed in weakened children;
  • against the background of the inclusion of Actimel in the diet, a decrease in the number of visits to doctors was noted, primarily for acute respiratory infections and ENT diseases;
  • children began to show less dyspeptic complaints associated with stool retention and diarrhea;
  • Parents of children participating in the study began to pay more attention to their diet, which was reflected in an increase in the share of “healthy breakfasts”, and for some children, constant consumption of the fermented milk probiotic product “Actimel” became a habit.

For questions about literature, please contact the editor

A. V. Gorelov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor D. V. Usenko Central Research Institute of Experimental Physics, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

How does Activia work?

Most people on the planet have digestive problems. Poor environment, low-quality products, poor nutrition have a negative impact on the health of the entire body. Activia yogurt helps relieve such unpleasant symptoms as bloating, increased gas formation, rumbling and abdominal discomfort. It contains probiotics, which are vital for people with digestive problems. How does Activia work?

Most probiotic microorganisms do not enter the large intestine, but die in the acidic environment of the stomach. Bifidobacterium Actiregularis remains viable much longer. They increase the number of beneficial intestinal flora, thereby improving its functioning. In total, a 150 ml jar of Activia yogurt contains more than 10 billion bifidobacteria Bifidus Actiregularis. It has been clinically proven that by consuming this healthy product twice a day, you can get rid of unpleasant abdominal symptoms in just 4 weeks.

Yogurt "Activia": product composition

, , assures that it does not add preservatives, stabilizers or flavor enhancers to its products. This is confirmed by the data indicated on the label. The composition of natural classic yogurt with bifidobacteria Actiregularis with a fat content of 3.5% is as follows:

  • normalized milk;
  • skimmed milk powder;
  • live yoghurt cultures;
  • live bifidobacteria Actiregularis.

To improve the taste, various fillers are added to Activia fermented milk products. Activia yogurt with prunes or strawberries is no less healthy and contains the same amount of bifidobacteria. But the composition of such a product will be less natural: sugar syrup, prunes, corn starch, thickener - pectin, lemon juice, flavor identical to natural, sugar.

Activia: benefits and harms of use, product composition

According to the official statement from Danon brand representatives, the main beneficial component of Activia products is live bacteria. They are specially bred in the company’s laboratories. But what do nutritionists say about this?

  • 1 Composition analysis
  • 2 Harm to the product
  • 3 Benefits of Activia

Composition analysis

Activia: composition

Although the product itself is called and looks like yogurt, its composition differs from most similar products on the market.

The manufacturer claims that their product helps you lose weight and maintain natural balance in the digestive system.

Is it really? Let's take a look at the composition of the product and analyze the effect of each ingredient on the human body.

The constituent ingredients of the Activia product are:

  • cream
  • skimmed milk powder
  • water
  • yogurt starter
  • special bifidobacteria
  • sugar and syrup
  • caramel
  • fruits
  • pectin
  • citric acid
  • sodium citrate
  • dye
  • flavoring
  • starch

A detailed study of the composition leaves exactly the opposite impression than the manufacturer’s statement. That's why:

  • a large amount of water has been added to the product, which reduces the value of the yoghurt component
  • for a product that is supposed to help you lose weight, contains too much sugar
  • Artificial flavors and aromas raise suspicions that the product is harmful to the body
  • It has been reliably established that starch and milk powder contribute to digestive disorders

In addition, the natural yogurt product retains its main beneficial qualities only for a week from the moment of fermentation. And the manufacturer has set a shelf life for this product of one month. The dubious statement about the property of bifidobacteria to preserve the usefulness of yogurt longer does not convince otherwise.

So don’t flatter yourself with empty hopes that regular use of Activia will bring any benefit to your body. You may not get harm either, but food products containing chemicals still bring a certain extra burden to the body.

Does the Activia product have any benefits and harms? Watch the video.

Harm to the product

Activia: benefits and harm

As already noted, after the first week of fermentation, almost all the beneficial properties of the yogurt product disappear. At the same time, the manufacturer tirelessly assures the opposite, and in every advertisement declares the high benefits of its product.

Is it really so? The main characteristics that nutritionists give to this product are as follows:

  • Activia, when consumed in the first week after fermentation, does not give a greater effect than regular kefir
  • declared bifidobacteria have the same properties as bacteria in any other fermented milk product

That is, nutritionists are unanimous in the opinion that these products are no different from ordinary fermented milk products, with the exception of the presence of a large number of chemical additives.

In addition, a small part of nutritionists are simply confident that consuming products like Activia does more harm to digestion than good. So, such products help the digestion process, like any fermented milk product.

At the same time, constant assistance to the body in the form of filling it with necessary bacteria from the outside eventually displaces the natural bacteria of the stomach. That is, over time, the stomach gets used to receiving help from yogurt and stops producing its own substances.

So it is better to isolate yourself from regularly consuming such products. Of course, on difficult days, when digestion is not in the best condition, it is worth rewarding your body with some amount of this product, but experts do not recommend using it constantly.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Natural yogurt is a source of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They are vital for the body to function properly. 100 grams of Activia yogurt contain 4 grams of protein and fat and 6 grams of carbohydrates. This means that eating such a fermented milk product will be beneficial for everyone. Other Activia products have similar nutritional value.

Yogurt, whose calorie content is only 75 kcal, must be present in the diet of those losing weight. With its help you can become slim and attractive without harm to your health.

Let's ask a microbiologist

We asked a microbiologist whether bifidobacteria and lactobacilli could live that long.

“Much depends on the storage temperature and the tightness of the closure. There is, for example, such a liquid preparation - L, B‑complex, developed by the Research Institute named after. Blokhina, where lacto- and bifidobacteria are stored in sealed packaging for a month, subject to the required temperature conditions (cold chain). Therefore, the potential for long-term storage of live cultures in these yoghurts can be fully realized. Another thing is the quality of the milk from which they are made and how “saturated” they are with synthetic additives.”

Benefits of Activia yogurt for the body

The benefits of natural yoghurt have been known for a long time, because the history of this fermented milk product goes back 8 thousand years. The benefits of Activia for the body are undeniable and proven by clinical studies.

  • Bifidobacteria Actiregularis in yogurt destroys pathogenic microbes and microorganisms in the large intestine and promotes the colonization and proliferation of beneficial bacteria in it.
  • The feeling of heaviness and other unpleasant symptoms in the abdomen disappear: bloating, pain, increased gas formation, painful bowel movements.
  • Activia yogurt helps to establish stable bowel function and get rid of constipation.

  • Natural fermented milk product promotes stable weight loss due to improved intestinal motility.
  • Activia is not a drug, but the effect of its use remains even after stopping use.
  • Bifidobacteria in yogurt remain alive until the end of the product's shelf life. This was achieved thanks to the use of the latest technologies in its production.
  • Restores and normalizes metabolism in the body.

Despite all the beneficial properties of Activia, we should not forget that it is not a baby food product, and therefore yoghurts and other fermented milk products in this series should not be consumed by children under 3 years of age.


Food and drinks April 23, 2016
In 1987, the world-famous Danon brand released a new series of fermented milk products, Activia. Healthy and tasty yoghurts quickly won the sympathy of people leading a healthy lifestyle. Today Activia is represented in 70 countries, including Russia.

What is Activia?

“Activia” is a series or brand of fermented milk products containing probiotic bifidobacteria Bifidus Actiregularis. The microorganism strains were developed at one of Danon's research centers and patented for exclusive use in Activia products.

The main difference from other fermented milk products on the Russian market is that Activia yogurt, in addition to lactic acid bacteria, contains probiotics. When they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they retain their viability and participate in the digestion process.

How does Activia work?

Most people on the planet have digestive problems. Poor environment, low-quality products, poor nutrition have a negative impact on the health of the entire body.

Activia yogurt helps relieve such unpleasant symptoms as bloating, increased gas formation, rumbling and abdominal discomfort.

It contains probiotics, which are vital for people with digestive problems. How does Activia work?

Most probiotic microorganisms do not enter the large intestine, but die in the acidic environment of the stomach. Bifidobacterium Actiregularis remains viable much longer.

They increase the number of beneficial intestinal flora, thereby improving its functioning. In total, a 150 ml jar of Activia yogurt contains more than 10 billion bifidobacteria Bifidus Actiregularis.

It has been clinically proven that by consuming this healthy product twice a day, you can get rid of unpleasant abdominal symptoms in just 4 weeks.

Yogurt “Activia”: product composition

The Danone company, the manufacturer of Activia yoghurts, assures that it does not add preservatives, stabilizers or flavor enhancers to its products. This is confirmed by the data indicated on the label. The composition of natural classic yogurt with bifidobacteria Actiregularis with a fat content of 3.5% is as follows:

  • normalized milk;
  • skimmed milk powder;
  • live yoghurt cultures;
  • live bifidobacteria Actiregularis.

To improve the taste, various fillers are added to Activia fermented milk products.

Activia yogurt with prunes or strawberries is no less healthy and contains the same amount of bifidobacteria.

But the composition of such a product will be less natural: sugar syrup, prunes, corn starch, thickener - pectin, lemon juice, flavor identical to natural, sugar.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Natural yogurt is a source of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They are vital for the body to function properly. 100 grams of Activia yogurt contain 4 grams of protein and fat and 6 grams of carbohydrates. This means that eating such a fermented milk product will be beneficial for everyone. Other Activia products have similar nutritional value.

Yogurt, whose calorie content is only 75 kcal, must be present in the diet of those losing weight. With its help you can become slim and attractive without harm to your health.

Benefits of Activia yogurt for the body

The benefits of natural yoghurt have been known for a long time, because the history of this fermented milk product goes back 8 thousand years. The benefits of Activia for the body are undeniable and proven by clinical studies.

  • Bifidobacteria Actiregularis in yogurt destroys pathogenic microbes and microorganisms in the large intestine and promotes the colonization and proliferation of beneficial bacteria in it.
  • The feeling of heaviness and other unpleasant symptoms in the abdomen disappear: bloating, pain, increased gas formation, painful bowel movements.
  • Activia yogurt helps to establish stable bowel function and get rid of constipation.
  • Natural fermented milk product promotes stable weight loss due to improved intestinal motility.
  • Activia is not a drug, but the effect of its use remains even after stopping use.
  • Bifidobacteria in yogurt remain alive until the end of the product's shelf life. This was achieved thanks to the use of the latest technologies in its production.
  • Restores and normalizes metabolism in the body.

Despite all the beneficial properties of Activia, do not forget that it is not a baby food product, and therefore yoghurts and other fermented milk products in this series should not be consumed by children under 3 years of age.

Assortment of fermented milk products “Activia”

One of the important advantages of Activia fermented milk products is their wide range. At the same time, the quality and quantity of bifidobacteria remains at the same high level. The range of fermented milk products includes the following types:

  • “Activia” curd has a light and delicate cream structure. Contains even more proteins and is a source of calcium for the body. In addition to the traditional natural taste, curd mass with the taste of baked apple or peach with the addition of three cereals and flaxseeds is also available.
  • “Activia” thermostat” consists of only 3 ingredients: milk, starter culture and bifidobacteria Actiregularis. It is fermented right in the jar, so it retains even more benefits.
  • Yogurt. In addition to natural, it is presented in a whole variety of flavors: wild berries, prunes, cherries, muesli, bran and cereals, strawberries and others. There are more than 10 species in total.
  • “Activia” drinking is a delicate yogurt enriched with bifidobacteria Actiregularis. It is distinguished not only by its useful composition, but also by its convenient packaging. Only 52 kcal is contained in a bottle of this fermented milk drink “Activia”. Drinking yogurt is available in the following assortment of flavors: prunes, cereals, pineapple, figs, mango and others.
  • “Activia” kefir contains all the benefits of lactic acid bacteria. This product is lower in calories compared to others: from 31 to 39 kcal, depending on the fat content - 0% or 1%. “Activia” drinking kefir is sold in a convenient bottle of 450 or 870 grams.

All fermented milk products contain one mandatory, most important ingredient - bifidobacteria Actiregularis.

“Activia” yogurt series: customer reviews

Most buyers appreciated Activia fermented milk products. Their positive reviews confirm that the presented yogurt is tasty and healthy, it really improves intestinal function and helps get rid of constipation.

And yet, not all buyers are satisfied with the quality of the products. Activia sometimes receives negative reviews. Buyers are not satisfied that yogurt with filler contains unnatural ingredients, dyes and other “chemicals”.

In general, “Activia” is a useful and necessary product in the diet, with regular use of which the functioning of the intestines becomes stable and harmonious.

Source: .ru


Assortment of fermented milk products "Activia"

One of the important advantages of Activia fermented milk products is their wide range. At the same time, the quality and quantity of bifidobacteria remains at the same high level. The range of fermented milk products includes the following types:

  • "Activia" curd has a light and delicate cream structure. Contains even more proteins and is a source of calcium for the body. In addition to the traditional natural taste, curd mass with the taste of baked apple or peach with the addition of three cereals and flaxseeds is also available.
  • "Activia" thermostatic" consists of only 3 ingredients: milk, starter culture and bifidobacteria Actiregularis. It is fermented right in the jar, so it retains even more benefits.
  • Yogurt. In addition to natural, it is presented in a whole variety of flavors: wild berries, prunes, cherries, muesli, bran and cereals, strawberries and others. There are more than 10 species in total.
  • "Activia" drinking is a delicate yogurt enriched with bifidobacteria Actiregularis. It is distinguished not only by its useful composition, but also by its convenient packaging. Only 52 kcal is contained in a bottle of this fermented milk drink "Activia". Drinking yogurt is available in the following assortment of flavors: prunes, cereals, pineapple, figs, mango and others.

  • "Activia" kefir contains all the benefits of lactic acid bacteria. This product is lower in calories compared to others: from 31 to 39 kcal, depending on the fat content - 0% or 1%. "Activia" drinking kefir is sold in a convenient bottle of 450 or 870 grams.

All fermented milk products contain one mandatory, most important ingredient - bifidobacteria Actiregularis.

Activia yogurt series: customer reviews

Most buyers appreciated Activia fermented milk products. Their positive reviews confirm that the presented yogurt is tasty and healthy, it really improves intestinal function and helps get rid of constipation.

And yet, not all buyers are satisfied with the quality of the products. Activia sometimes receives negative reviews. Buyers are not satisfied that yogurt with filler contains unnatural ingredients, dyes and other “chemicals”.

In general, “Activia” is a useful and necessary product in the diet, with regular use of which the functioning of the intestines becomes stable and harmonious.

What should fermented milk products be like?

There are many products of lactic acid fermentation: yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, kumiss, tan, etc. All of them are obtained from milk and dairy products as a result of fermentation with certain bacteria or fungi.

Let's take the 2 most common fermented milk products - yogurt and kefir. How are they different from each other?

First of all, sourdough. Kefir is fermented using special kefir grains and a variety of bacteria. In the production of yogurt, only 2 microorganisms are used: Bulgarian bacillus and lactic acid streptococcus, but their combination gives the product its unique properties. Yogurt can be made from milk powder, unlike kefir, so the protein and fat content in it can be higher than in kefir. Yogurt contains fillers and sweeteners, which require preservative and stabilizing substances.

In terms of taste, kefir is more sour than yogurt.

An interesting feature of kefir: one-day kefir helps cleanse the intestines, and if it is several days old, it strengthens it.

That. both products contain microorganisms beneficial to the intestinal microflora. It's hard to say which one is more useful, because... each has its own special, unique properties, determined by the bacteria that fill them.

Live microorganisms from fermented milk products do not last forever. Namely, as doctors say, their life lasts only 5–7 days at a temperature of +3…+5 degrees. Accordingly, fermented milk products should have exactly this shelf life. Gastroenterologists report that if the package says that the expiration date is more than 5–7 days, then there is no “life” left in it. Such a product will not only not improve your health, but will cause harm to the body, causing poisoning with toxins.

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