Fasting day on milk tea: recipe and tricks for successful weight loss

Fasting days for weight loss, if carried out wisely, are beneficial for the body. They give him time to rest and recover, help cleanse him of toxins and speed up his metabolism. Which, of course, cannot but have a positive effect on the figure. And most importantly, it is not harmful at all, unlike long-term low-calorie diets.

But which option for a fasting day from the dozens of existing ones should you choose? We suggest you unload with milk tea - it’s easy, healthy and even, in general, tasty. Plus, if you believe the reviews of those who have lost weight, milk tea helps you lose up to one or two kilograms per day. Tempting? Then let's go!

Milk tea diet - what is it good for?

So that you can immediately decide whether such a “diet” is right for you, let’s talk about how a fasting day on milk tea is useful, and in which cases it is better not to use it.

So, according to research and reviews, the Molokochai diet:

  • tones;
  • helps remove harmful substances from the body - toxins and waste;
  • helps calm nerves;
  • effectively fights swelling;
  • has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • lowers the temperature.

The secret to the success of milkweed is a successful combination of products. Thanks to tea, milk is better absorbed and “ferments” less in the body. And tea, in turn, thanks to milk becomes more harmless - the effect of caffeine and alkaloids that are part of tea is reduced.

If you believe the reviews, the milk tea diet is quite filling, and there are practically no calories in such “food”. Therefore, milk tea is ideal for weight loss - you will practically not feel the pangs of hunger.

Now – about the cons. The first is that in milk all the beneficial properties of tea disappear. In addition, if you overdo it with milk tea, there is a risk of disrupting the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications for use: low blood pressure (milk milk drops it even lower), pregnancy and breastfeeding, kidney disease, and lactose intolerance.

Pros and cons of using milkweed

Green tea contains a high percentage of catechins - antioxidants that neutralize toxins and protect cells from destruction. They speed up metabolism, strengthen blood vessels, and promote rapid breakdown of fats. A drink with added milk has long established itself as a powerful fat burner. Reviews from girls who have lost weight are a reliable guarantee of its effectiveness.

Attention. The benefits and harms of milk tea for weight loss are actively discussed in medical circles. Before using recipes, scientists advise weighing the pros and cons of the method.

Advantages of milkweed
Increases the elasticity of vascular walls.
Reduces cholesterol levels.
Speeds up metabolic processes.
Removes toxins from the liver.
Promotes rapid breakdown of fats.
Dulls appetite.
Restores intestinal microflora.
Removes swelling.
Improves the functioning of the immune system.
Neutralizes the oxidative effect of free radicals.
Disadvantages of Milkweed
Has a strong diuretic effect.
Lowers blood pressure.
Flushes calcium from the body.
Long-term use may cause the formation of sand and kidney stones.
Sometimes causes heartburn or nausea.

As you can see, milkweed has many more beneficial properties than disadvantages. To eliminate negative consequences, drink no more than 1.5-2 liters of drink per day. It is recommended to drink tea with milk for 1-2 days to relieve the body and include it in the diet for 5-7 days.

How to properly spend the fasting day “Molokochai”?

For everything to go smoothly, without problems with the gastrointestinal tract and with the necessary plumb lines, the main thing is to organize the process correctly and follow a few simple but important rules:

  • Do not eat any food other than milk milk itself.
  • You need to choose the right raw materials: good, expensive green, black or herbal tea (for example, lemon balm or mint), as well as low-fat milk - no more than 2.5%. The most ideal option is green tea and skim milk.
  • Physical activity is advisable - this will help you lose weight more quickly.

According to reviews, the results of weight loss with milk tea are minus 1-2 kilograms per day. It depends on your starting weight - the higher it is, the larger the plumb line will be.

Contraindications for use

A method for losing weight based on tea and milk has some contraindications. It should not be used if you have:

  • Liver, kidney failure;
  • Stomach ulcers;
  • Arterial hypotension.

Important. Losing weight is contraindicated during exacerbation of chronic diseases, during pregnancy and lactation.

Euphorbia for weight loss: a recipe for beauty and slimness

So, we moved on to the main question - how to prepare milk tea for weight loss? There are several ways to do this, and we'll share with you all the ones we know about.

Milkweed: recipe No. 1

Take one and a half liters of milk - it’s better than low-fat homemade milk, but packaged milk will do, as long as the spoon doesn’t stand in it :). We will also need two tablespoons of good loose leaf green tea. The milk must be brought to a boil (but under no circumstances boil!), then add tea to it, turn off the gas and let the drink sit for 10 minutes. No sugar or honey should be added - otherwise after such a “fasting day” there will be no minus on the scales , and a plus. Strain the finished drink and place it in a thermos, or even better, in the refrigerator to ensure it doesn’t go sour.

How to drink milk tea? Throughout the day - every couple of hours, one mug. You simply won’t have time to get hungry enough!

Milkweed: recipe No. 2

In this case, large-leaf green tea (or mint, lemon balm or other herbs) should be brewed in the traditional way - two teaspoons of dry product per glass of boiling water. We leave this whole thing for five minutes, after which we combine it with boiled milk in a one-to-one ratio. Use the same.

And the last option on how to make milk tea for weight loss is not to prepare it at all. Is that really possible? Yes - in the light version of the Molokochai diet. You simply need to drink a mug of strong green tea every couple of hours, and low-fat cow's milk in between. In just a day you will need up to eight mugs of tea and one and a half liters of milk.

We taught you how to make milk tea. And what will come of such weight loss - you must tell! We are waiting for your feedback!

Milk tea diet, reviews

Fasting days on milk tea (or milk tea diet) are quite popular among those who want to lose weight and then maintain normal weight. For details on how it is recommended to prepare and consume this drink, read the article “Euphorbia for weight loss.”


Stories of successful weight loss with milkweed

This article contains some reviews and tips left by readers of the site.

How to prepare and drink milk tea


Girls, so as not to feel HUNGRY! In no case should you take milk less than 1.5%. (and on the first day, in general, 2.5% is better - it won’t affect the result much, but it will be much easier to withstand). And drink at least 1.5 liters of water. Drink milk tea and water when you feel hungry. On average, this happens in about 1-2 hours per glass. Lean on the water. You can drink after 6. I am particularly sensitive to caffeine, and I even drink milk tea before bed - nothing. And one more thing, don’t be alarmed if you have a headache on the first day - it’s toxins coming out. Drink more water. Next time your head won't bother you. And for office workers, it is more convenient to drink MCH if you are lazy: add milk to the brewed tea (half a mug) (the remaining half a cup). And you drink. It looks like you just love English tea.


I was on milkweed in the summer and read a lot about it at first. And here’s some advice: you don’t need to drink until you burst, but you need to remove the feeling of hunger. Yes, drink after 2 hours, but don’t set yourself the task of drinking one and a half liters of milk, it can be less or a little more - it depends on you!


For me, it’s better to alternate with water. I drink a glass of milk tea, a glass of water, and so on until 8 pm =))


It’s better not to be lazy, but to brew normal, expensive loose leaf tea (it’s much more pleasant to drink). You just need to buy yourself a special mug. I know from myself that loose leaf tea is better. For the first time I tried a milk tea diet after giving birth (when I stopped breastfeeding) about 2 years ago, I brewed loose leaf tea - I lost amazing weight, I didn’t have such a figure before giving birth + nails, skin, hair.....!!! Then I tried to unload before this New Year, because... I felt a little overfed, but I wanted to look decent, and my mistake was that, out of laziness, I brewed tea bags directly in a mug of hot milk, having previously heated it in the microwave. Well, I want to say that this is worse. Firstly, it is worse in taste, and secondly, in the feeling of satiety. As a result, this leads to the fact that you get tired of unloading and start freeloading (now there is a piece, then you skip unloading under a “plausible” pretext, etc.) The result was, but worse.


Yes, of course, it’s better to sit on the same days, it just somehow obliges you. My body is already accustomed to the fact that on Monday it has a milk tea day, after the weekend I sit without problems. And then when on different days, so you think, everything is ready for tomorrow, tomorrow it didn’t work out, okay after tomorrow, it didn’t work out either, and so on ad infinitum.


I want to say that the weight returns the next day, but to a lesser extent. And when you sit for more than the first week, the gr. gradually goes away with each week. 300-400 is precisely body weight (fat, that is, volume), and not liquid.


Girls, add ginger and honey as a bite (1 tsp) to the milk milk. Stimulates, invigorates better than coffee, saturates, and disappears appetite for a long time.

Olga D.:

I really like milk tea. I add 4 tsp to a liter of highly heated milk. green tea (precisely green, black is nowhere near as healthy), add 2 tsp. cinnamon, leave for 20-30 minutes. Then I dilute it with hot water until the taste of the drink is pleasant - usually 1:1. Also, instead of mineral water, I make a ginger drink (per liter of boiling water, finely chop ginger root (about the size of a large plum), chop half a lemon, you can add a couple of cloves of crushed garlic (there will be a greater effect, but the taste is so-so). It infuses for about 40 minutes. Then just I dilute it and drink it. If you don’t dilute it, it will burn your mouth (but some people like it). I have repeatedly carried out such unloadings with milk milk and ginger drink. The result is always at least -1 kg, the maximum I had was -2 kg (half a kilo returned). But the effect is lost if, for example, milk tea days are spent frequently.Once a week is the best!


I'm enjoying the milk tea today. To prevent it from affecting your sleep, drink tea before 6 p.m. And then just water. You can add 1 teaspoon of honey before going to bed. I read a lot of real reviews. They lose weight slowly but steadily. Even my doctor advised me to drink it.


Green tea is very tonic; when I tried it, I also couldn’t fall asleep. I switched to black with additives, the taste is softer, and I sleep better. True, 1.5 hours before bed I drink a glass of kefir, I can’t fall asleep to the sound of an empty stomach. As it turned out, it does not affect the result.


Girls, I came up with an interesting pattern! I sat on the MCH once a week, it took from 1.4 kg to 600 grams per unloading. Somehow it turned out that I ate a lot for 2 days, so I decided to have a “semi-fasting day” at the MC: a small light breakfast + my standard lunch (meat and vegetable salad). The rest of the time I drank milk tea as usual. The plumb line per day was -1,300 kg.!!! After that experiment there was a standard unloading on MCH (-700 grams). Yesterday I decided once again, instead of unloading, to try “semi-unloading” (an apple for breakfast, chicken and egg for lunch, plus MCH). I sinned a little, and in the evening I had 150 calories worth of dinner. Today again the plumb line is -1kg! So now I’m canceling milk tea fasting!!! I will do two “semi-fasting” days a week, especially since it is completely unnoticeable!


If you have to fight with yourself, then milk tea is not yours)) I tolerate a milk tea day very easily, well, to each his own, of course, the main thing is the result)))

Moreover, you should not sit on milk tea if you feel very weak, dizzy, etc.

Stories of successful weight loss with milkweed

All stories are different, some want to lose weight slowly but surely, others want to get everything at once. You should not completely copy them; the best results come from those who do not fight their body, but listen to it, and select the nuances of the milk tea diet for themselves. liyanka:

I combine milk tea with a striped diet (1 day - kefir, I replace it once or twice a week with milk, 2 - everything is possible until 18:00 within reasonable limits). I feel the results for myself, I especially like that it’s easy to lean forward and my inflated belly doesn’t get in the way. Lightness throughout the body. And by the way, I tolerate it normally, and I sleep at night and don’t wake up from hunger, like some people. In the morning, hot green tea 30 minutes before meals and without sugar. In general, what suits anyone...


I regularly drink tea with milk, sometimes I add honey, in the winter I sometimes do a diet on cottage cheese or meat, the rest of the time I eat whatever I want, before that I was 10 extra kg, now it’s been a year since the excess weight has gone and is not coming back)))


I did this kind of unloading once every 4 days for 1.5 months. and then once a week - for three months minus 17 kg. At the same time, on days without milk, I didn’t deny myself anything to my beloved :) The result has been holding for 4 months, but during the New Year holidays I gained 1.5 kg. I will definitely arrange another milk tea fasting period!


Milkweed is just great. There really is a result: slowly but surely the weight is reduced, and excess volumes are removed (barrels, legs are different). The results really last a long time. But the most important thing is that the condition of the nails improves. By nature, my nails are simply disgusting, but here, after 1.5 months of weekly unloading on milkweed, such claws are in the industry that even all my friends and acquaintances were surprised, not to mention me!


I didn’t know about the milk tea diet, but, as it turns out, I’ve been on it since January. Only I sit on it every other day. I’ve lost quite a lot, one day I eat whatever I want, pasta, beer, and the next day just tea with milk, and slowly and surely it all goes away. I recently started to get lazy and ate for three days in a row, but I’m still trying to hold on. I am very prone to obesity, and for me all diets have been tried. Now I weigh normally, I’m not ashamed to open my arms and wear a short skirt. You are losing a lot of weight, no amount of food can replace it, it’s a natural product, I recommend it to everyone.


Girls, I’ve been on milk tea for two months and 10 days. Initially she weighed 63 kilos. Now it’s 56-57 the day after the martyrdom. I sit on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The results are very noticeable =) Even my family who see me every day notice. Girls, you are losing weight slowly but very surely + and in addition to everything, it’s cheerful. You don’t feel hungry at all, you feel more comfortable, you feel lighter, your hair and nails begin to grow. All the waste comes out. Yes, and on other days I don’t limit myself in anything. =) I eat when I want, and what I want. The main thing is that you lose weight anyway =0 And it’s not a problem that it’s slow girls =) But for sure, without strain, and without any stretch marks, 2-3 kilos a month is just the norm. I think that those who want to go faster should just eat less fatty and sweet foods, try to eat less in the evening, and of course, exercise. =)


From my own experience, I say that you can lose 5 kg in a week using milk tea. But only if you put yourself within strict limits! So, I have a “no eating after 6:00 pm” rule? changed it a little to “don’t eat after 12:00?” Yes, I admit, it’s tough! How else? In the morning I eat a full meal, but without gluttony, a regular, familiar breakfast... That’s all. ALL!!!!!!!! Then just drink milk. Many will say that this is harmful, but beauty, as you know, requires sacrifice. And within a week my skin became like a peach. No cream or powder is needed. When I came to see my eyelash extension specialist, she was out of her mind! And now he sits on milkweed.


I drink 300 ml in the morning. instead of breakfast, plus a piece of bread with honey and butter. Before lunch, a couple of glasses of green tea - I don’t drink water at all. Lunch is ordinary, but I don’t overeat. If I want, I eat an apple or a tangerine, but not always, if desired. For dinner again - 300 ml. milkweed and one or two cookies. I can eat this way for a very long time. Last year I lost 16 kg. Now my weight is 70 kg with a height of 176. I am 50 years old, I have tried dozens of diets in my life, and I have been running for many years. I concluded that you can eat everything, but not enough. Just enough to always be slightly hungry. Over the years, my weight varied from 63 to 83 kg.


My friend was very plump, one might even say plump. After a while, when I saw her, I was stunned. She was gorgeous, slim, beautiful, with so much joy in her eyes. I asked her how this was possible, I couldn’t believe my eyes. She said that she was on the milkweed diet. She was stubborn and did everything as it was written. She also really reduced the amount of food she was eating, and after 6 pm she didn’t eat. I lost weight in a year. So girls, hold on, if you really want it, then everything is possible. Yes, I forgot to write, she did a fasting day once a week for a year.


Milkweed is delicious. I do it simpler: I brew a mixture of black and green tea quite strong, and then add milk directly into a 400 g cup. tea less than 100 gr. milk. I drink 5 times a day. If you want to eat, then have something light for lunch. Someone wrote on the forum that they even eat meat with salad, drink milk for dinner, and kefir before bed. And so on for three days. It satisfies hunger perfectly, it seems to me that it is suitable as an addition to strict diets, the main thing is to drink it at the right time, before the phase of “brutal” hunger sets in and some cabbage salad “without everything” will no longer help. I drink milk tea often, because... I restrict my diet almost all the time. I'm afraid of strict diets, because... I still need to lose 15 kg (I have already lost 20 kg). Milkweed suppresses cravings for sweets. In the evening, if green tea is stimulating, you can drink something else, such as chicory, herbal tea, or something soothing.


Hello girls! Good luck to everyone at the World Cup!!! I lost 10 kg in 6 months using it. I took the most ordinary green tea without any additives (I read somewhere that they only harm). At 3 months the weight “frozen”. I was already upset, but continued to drink MCH. And he moved again. Each time the weights were about kg, something came back, this is normal. The rest I ate whatever I wanted. The only thing is that I replaced half of the chocolate I consumed (and I simply cannot live without it) with dried fruits. And it became much more fun! Now I don’t even know what to do with my wardrobe... So don’t give up, the main thing is patience and everything will work out! I can’t be more happy with how great everything is turning out! I drank strictly once a week. I really wanted to give up everything when the weight rose, but I endured it. Was 75 kg, now 65.

Review of real reviews

If you go to popular forums dedicated to weight loss, it becomes clear that milk tea is a popular way to lose weight. The girls confirm its effectiveness and are happy to list the pros and cons of the method.

Elena from Vladimir region says:

“Over the course of several years, I gained about 10 kg and could not get into shape. Milk tea helped me pull myself together. I found a 1200 kcal diet on the Internet with the addition of a drink and decided to try it. It turned out that the seagulls are an excellent appetite suppressant. Other advantages may include:

  • Purgation;
  • Disappearance of edema;
  • Lightness throughout the body;
  • Good mood.

In a week I managed to lose 7 kg without breakdowns or pain. I gradually lost the remaining 3 kg within a month. I am 100% satisfied with the results.”

Ksenia wrote on her VKontakte page:

“I can say that tea with milk is effective, but you shouldn’t drink it in large quantities every day. The drink causes:

  • Dizziness;
  • Reduced pressure;
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet.

I fast on milk tea once a week, and on other days I count calories and stick to proper nutrition. I think this is the best option for losing weight. I removed about 7 kg in a month.”

Kristina from Nizhny Novgorod shared her impressions:

“I make milk tea with ginger root and drink it once a week. It helps me a lot to maintain weight and not gain weight. Drink:

  • Well accelerates the blood;
  • Removes swelling;
  • Tones;
  • Repels the feeling of hunger.

The disadvantages include a strong diuretic effect. Because of him, I have to sit at home all day.”

Weight loss diet with menu for a week

If using milkweed for 7 days, add additional foods to your diet. The best option is a menu for 1200 kcal, which you distribute as follows:

  • 30% complex carbohydrates;
  • 20% fat;
  • 50% proteins.

15 minutes before meals, drink 200 g of warm milk tea. Any recipe presented above is suitable for preparing the drink. In between meals, drink water and rosehip infusion. An approximate diet menu can be found in the table.

DaysBreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1Cabbage salad with carrots, drizzled with olive oil. A piece of black bread, hard cheese. (300 kcal) Banana (150 kcal)White meat 120 g, 1 boiled potato, rosehip infusion (420 kcal)A glass of kefir (100 kcal).200 g baked salmon, cucumber (250 kcal)
2Boiled egg, small tomato, portion of black bread (300 kcal)Apple (150 kcal)Meat broth soup with broccoli, cucumbers, cabbage with vegetable oil. (400 kcal) Grapefruit (100 kcal).150 g of flock chicken, chopped cabbage. (300 kcal)
3200 ml orange juice, rye crackers (300 kcal).Yogurt 150 g (100 kcal).150 g steamed fish, chopped cucumber with olive oil (300 kcal).I eat dried fruits (200 kcal).Buckwheat porridge 2 tbsp. l., 100 g white meat (300 kcal).
4200 g yogurt, 1 tbsp. l. Hercules. (300 kcal) Orange (150 kcal)Brown rice 120 g, stewed cabbage 3 tbsp. l. (300 kcal) Kefir (100 kcal).100 g flock beef, cucumber (350 kcal)
5Omelette of 2 eggs, parsley, onions, cucumbers (300 kcal)Apple juice 200 ml (100 kcal)Steamed chicken cutlet, 2 tbsp. l. seaweed (400 kcal). 100 ml yogurt (100 kcal).Dietary cottage cheese casserole (300 kcal).
6A serving of oatmeal with water, dried fruits (350 kcal).Banana (150 kcal).Baked chicken breast 100 g, brown rice 2 tbsp. l. (300 kcal). Grapefruit (100 kcal).Chicken fillet 150 g (300 kcal).
7Boiled egg, Bread with cheese (300 kcal).Apple (100 kcal).Steamed fish 150 g, grated carrots with butter (350 kcal).A handful of nuts (200 kcal)A glass of kefir with seeds (250 kcal).
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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