Celery soup diet: rules and menu for weight loss

General rules

The celery diet for weight loss is an effective dietary program that allows you to lose excess weight in a relatively short period of time at little financial cost. monocomponent diet based on the unique properties of celery.
For weight loss, both the green part of the plant (stems, leaves) and roots can be used. The diet is based on eating large amounts of celery with the possibility of adding foods containing proteins to the diet and drinking large amounts of purified water.

The beneficial properties of celery for weight loss lie in its ability to activate the metabolic process, stimulate the functions of the gastrointestinal tract (including enhancing the production of food enzymes ), accelerate the removal of fluid from the body (diuretic effect) and toxins, which is due to increased motility and acceleration of the process of bowel movements. Against the background of these properties and its extremely low calorie content, weight loss occurs. At the same time, celery contains a lot of fiber , microelements , amino acids ( asparagine , tyrosine , beta-carotene ), vitamins ( A , E , C , PP , K , B6 ), glycosides , essential oils, which makes this vegetable a healthy food product. The energy value of soups, depending on the composition, is 25-35 kcal/100 g.

Weight loss based on celery can be carried out in various ways: including it in the daily diet, fasting days based on drinks, salads and soups made from celery, following a celery mono-diet for 7 or 14 days, which is the most effective way to lose weight.

Celery soup diet

The basis of this diet option is celery soup. There are many options and recipes for its preparation, which allows you to adapt it to your individual diet.

To increase the effectiveness of the diet, it is recommended to carry out preliminary preparation of the body, which consists of excluding from the diet 7-8 days before the start of such products as white bread, baked goods, fatty, smoked and fried foods, sausages, alcoholic beverages, sweets, carbonated drinks.

It is recommended to expand the diet with lean meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and fruits, and dairy products. Already at this stage, it is necessary to gradually introduce celery into the diet in the form of salads, juices (smoothies). In addition to adjusting the diet during this period, it is recommended to reduce salt intake and reduce the volume of portions, starting from 20-25% and increasing to 50% of the initial volume before starting the diet.

Celery on a diet

The way this plant affects your figure serves as proof of the existence of products whose consumption promotes weight loss.

  • Celery increases metabolism and activates the process of burning fat, so that weight loss occurs due to the breakdown of subcutaneous fat, and not due to the removal of excess water.
  • The minus calorie content of the plant means that more calories are consumed during digestion than enter the body when consumed.
  • This vegetable has a mild diuretic effect, excess fluid quickly leaves the body tissues, and swelling disappears.
  • Increases muscle tone, has a calming effect, normalizes sleep and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

How to speed up your metabolism to lose weight

Metabolic disorders are a common cause of weight gain, regardless of diet. His main...

In addition, the plant contains:

  • fiber;
  • B vitamins;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iodides;
  • iron;
  • zinc.

You can significantly reduce the amount of calories you consume by simply replacing one meal with a celery-based dish.

Authorized Products

It is allowed to eat almost all vegetables and sweet fruits (with the exception of potatoes and bananas), lean meats (veal, beef), chicken breast, and lean white river and sea fish. Vegetables and meat should be steamed or boiled. Root vegetables can be baked in the oven. The only cereal you can use is rice (preferably unpolished brown).

The diet is supplemented with low-fat fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt), vegetable and fruit juices.

It is important to maintain water balance and drinking regime: the volume of fluid consumed should be at least 2 liters per day and will be replenished with non-carbonated mineral water; in addition, you can drink black/green unsweetened tea, coffee (in case of strong affection).

The taste of dishes can be adjusted with aromatic herbs (dill, basil, parsley, rosemary, as well as seasonings and spices - lemon juice, pepper, paprika and a minimum amount of salt).

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

green peas5,00,213,873
Brussels sprouts4,80,08,043
green onion1,30,04,619
bulb onions1,40,010,441
salad pepper1,30,05,327
celery (root)1,30,36,532
green beans2,80,48,447
green beans2,00,23,624

Cereals and porridges

brown rice6,34,465,1331

Raw materials and seasonings

dried greens3,00,024,5210
Bay leaf7,68,448,7313
sea ​​salt0,00,00,0



Meat products



chicken breast23,21,70,0114


hard-boiled chicken eggs12,911,60,8160

Fish and seafood

boiled fish17,35,00,0116

Oils and fats

vegetable oil0,099,00,0899

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,00,00,0
green tea0,00,00,0
black tea20,05,16,9152

Juices and compotes

tomato juice1,10,23,821
* data is per 100 g of product

Fully or partially limited products

From the diet it is necessary to completely exclude baked goods, fatty meats, sugar, synthetic sweets, cheeses, cereals, pasta, nuts, seeds, sausages, fatty fish, any smoked, canned foods and pickles, dumplings, dumplings.

Fats are limited to the use of vegetable oils (sunflower, olive) when preparing salads.

The consumption of any alcohol-containing or carbonated drinks is strictly contraindicated.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

canned vegetables1,50,25,530
stewed vegetables (fried)2,06,88,0106
salted tomatoes1,10,11,613





Nuts and dried fruits


Cereals and porridges


Flour and pasta


Bakery products




Ice cream

ice cream3,76,922,1189



Raw materials and seasonings



cream 35% (fat)2,535,03,0337

Cheeses and cottage cheese


Meat products



boiled sausage13,722,80,0260

Fish and seafood


Oils and fats

animal fat0,099,70,0897

Alcoholic drinks


Non-alcoholic drinks

* data is per 100 g of product

Celery Diet Menu (Meal Mode)

The diet program menu is not strictly specified and allows you to vary the products when preparing soups. Meals are not timed and occur at your usual time according to your individual daily routine. The number of times you can make celery soup is unlimited. It is important not to eat more food than is allowed per day, and you can distribute the volume according to your own needs.

If you feel a strong feeling of hunger, you are allowed to eat celery in the form of salads, celery soup or drink celery juice.

The dietary program is designed for 7 days; when moving to the next 7 days, its diet is repeated in the same way.

1 dayThe diet includes 2-3 large apples, figs (2 fruits) or 1 grapefruit, several plums and small pears. You are allowed to drink 0.5 liters of low-fat kefir. Liquid consumption is not limited (still mineral water, herbal teas, green, black without sugar). Celery soup can be eaten without any restrictions.
2 daysSoup and liquid unlimited. We expand the diet with 200 g of brown rice and a portion of green salad (450-500 g), which includes (leaf lettuce, celery stem and leaves, tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, dill, flax seed and seasoned with olive or sunflower oil) , as well as 2 apples and several plums.
3 daysCelery soup, vegetables and fruits in the minimum possible quantity (with the exception of bananas.
4 daysExclusively soup. For acute hunger - 1 small green apple and 0.5 liters of low-fat kefir or yogurt.
5 daysYou can add any permitted root vegetables and 3-4 fresh tomatoes to celery soup (can be in the form of a salad). The diet includes boiled beef (no more than 500g) or lean fish. Monitor fluid intake (minimum 2 liters).
6 daysIn addition to soup, you are allowed to eat lean boiled (steamed) veal/beef, white chicken (300 g per day) and green salad (300-400 g per day).
7 daysBrown parboiled rice, raw vegetables, fruit salads topped with unsweetened yogurt.

How to go off a diet correctly and not gain weight

It is necessary to return to a normal diet gradually, gradually increasing the amount of daily food intake - approximately 100 kcal per 1-2 days.

  1. During the first week after the diet, it is still prohibited to consume flour products and sweet drinks with gas.
  2. In the first 3 days, it is allowed to expand the diet with raw fruits and vegetables, later you can eat stewed dishes.
  3. At the end of the week, whole grain porridge and first courses are introduced into the diet. In addition, you must continue to monitor the amount of fluid you consume and drink at least 2 liters of water, excluding the use of soda.
  4. Physical activity helps to consolidate the results obtained: they help the body adapt to the new number of calories, eliminating weight changes in the direction of increase. An alternative to the gym can be morning or evening jogging or long walks.
  5. The presence of celery-based first courses, salads and juices in your regular diet helps control body weight after completing the diet.

Recipes and methods for preparing celery dishes

Since the dietary program is designed for weight loss using vegetable soup with celery, it is important to learn how to properly prepare a soup that would preserve the beneficial properties of this vegetable to the maximum, and also feel satiating and could change the taste of the soup. With a recipe, you can improvise within the range of allowed products.

Celery soups

Ingredients: celery - green part or root, white cabbage (Brussels sprouts, broccoli), tomatoes, bell pepper, white onion (Crimean), carrots, herbs, seasonings, bay leaf.

You can prepare the soup either with water or with lightly salted, non-concentrated chicken broth. Add finely chopped peppers, tomatoes and celery to the boiling broth. If the root is used, it is better to bake it in the oven first. This improves the taste of the dish. Boil and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Make a dressing based on onions and vegetable oil. Add dressing, spices and seasonings, let it brew.

Celery soup can also be prepared from a more expanded number of ingredients: celery root and greens, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, green beans, zucchini, beets, bell peppers, onions, tomato juice, herbs, spices.

Chopped vegetables in a saucepan are poured with tomato juice until completely submerged (the juice can be diluted with water). Cook over high heat for 10 minutes and 15 minutes over low heat. Add seasonings and spices to taste.

For those who find it difficult to tolerate such soups, we can recommend a more high-calorie and more tasty recipe for dietary celery soup : celery root/greens, 2-3 carrots, several onions, vegetable oil, garlic, pumpkin, low-fat cream.

Bake the root vegetables in the oven and cover with water. Cook for 15 minutes until done. Add a dressing based on onion, garlic and vegetable oil. Beat the finished soup with an immersion blender until it becomes a cream soup, add 2 tablespoons of cream and bring to a boil again.

It is recommended to prepare the soup daily and eat it fresh. There are no restrictions on its intake, but nutritionists recommend eating in small portions and often so as not to stretch the stomach.

To more effectively lose weight and speed up this process, it is recommended to include other celery-based dishes in your diet, in particular smoothies, juices and salads.

Dietary celery salad

Recipe 1 . Chop the celery stalks, chop one carrot, green apple and red cabbage on a fine grater. Season with lemon juice or olive oil.

Recipe 2 . Grate the ginger, celery, carrot and turnip roots on a coarse grater. Stir and add finely chopped garlic. Dressing based on olive oil/lemon juice.

Recipe 3 . Chop a fresh cucumber, a stalk of celery, carrots and 5-6 pieces of boiled quail eggs. Season with low-fat yogurt or kefir.

Celery smoothie and juice

Also useful is consuming a celery smoothie, the recipe for which is extremely simple: 2-3 apples, 2 celery stalks, carrots, cucumber, mint and unsweetened yogurt. Beat with a blender until smooth and cool.

You can also use various fruits: orange, pear, pineapple, lemon, berries. It can also be prepared using water.

Making juice is even easier. The stems are washed and processed in a juicer, after which they are squeezed, strained and cooled. It is recommended to consume only freshly prepared juice.

Quitting the diet

Since the diet is not nutritious enough and not balanced, it is recommended to follow the rules for exiting it:

  • After the end of the period, in order to restore metabolism and reduce appetite, start for several days with a morning glass of homemade lemonade (dissolve natural lemon juice in cold water). Be sure to keep celery soup in your diet for the first week. Dinner is light and includes protein-rich foods, which were limited during the diet. Save celery salad in small quantities for dinner.
  • Gradually introduce lean meat, fish, cottage cheese, seafood, cheeses, chicken eggs, cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses, and low-fat fermented milk drinks into your diet.
  • Lastly, enter into the menu foods that are prohibited during dietary nutrition, especially fried, fatty, smoked foods, and semi-finished products.
  • Eat food at least 3-4 times a day, do not overeat, and maintain a drinking regime.

Gentle option

A non-strict diet on celery is carried out for seven days. A fasting day according to this program can be carried out 1-2 times a week. While losing weight, it is prohibited to consume flour and confectionery products, salted, smoked and fried foods.

During the day, you can eat any dishes with celery, vegetables and fruits, and low-fat protein foods. You can create a dietary menu yourself depending on your own desires and preferences. It is important to remember that the serving size should not exceed 300 g.

Pros and cons of a celery-based diet

  • The basis of the diet is soups, which has a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal function and metabolism.
  • Celery is available all year round and is affordable.
  • Cooking soup does not require special knowledge, skills or time.
  • This vegetable has a negative calorie content, which allows you to consume dishes based on it in unlimited quantities.
  • Nutrition can be combined with moderate exercise.
  • The effect of the program is long-lasting, and sustainable results are observed.
  • Not suitable for everyone. There are a number of absolute and relative contraindications.
  • It requires preparation for the event and compliance with a number of rules when exiting it.
  • This vegetable has a specific taste. A monotonous diet is poorly tolerated by many people, which often leads to failure of the diet program.
  • The diet, due to the low content of sweet foods in the menu, often causes hypoglycemia , which is an absolute indication for interrupting the diet.

The essence of losing weight

Celery comes in three types - leaf, root and petiole. All of them are suitable for consumption, and all help perfectly in the fight to improve your figure. Root celery is usually used in first and second courses.

You can eat the vegetable raw, you can heat-treat it, this type is available for sale all year round.

The petiole type of celery is distinguished by powerful stems. It is more expensive than the previous type because it has a shorter shelf life.

To quickly get rid of several kilograms, the best option is to eat celery raw: prepare a vegetable smoothie or fresh juice based on it, and actively consume all kinds of salads with this product. The vegetable can also be baked and stewed.


After finishing the diet program for 7 days, you can, if you wish, extend it for the same period. As reviews from those who practice this diet show, the first week is easier to bear. However, if the weight loss in the first seven days is 4.5 kg or more, we advise you to take a break of 10-14 days and then move on to the second stage. Or, as an option, expand the celery diet recipes for a second period for 7 days by adding 10% cream or low-fat sour cream at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of soup and increase protein-containing foods in the diet.

Do not forget that an unbalanced diet and inadequate physical activity can provoke hypoglycemia , the main manifestations of which are the following symptoms: feeling of hunger, general sudden weakness, nausea , vomiting , sweating , nervousness , unmotivated aggression , hand tremors , dizziness , double vision , drowsiness . In more severe cases, confusion of speech , fainting and coma occur .

In order to avoid hypoglycemia we advise you to snack on semi-sweet fruits and juices, and if the first signs of hypoglycemia appear, introduce honey into your diet (2-3 spoons per day with tea). Carefully monitor your health and if you experience abdominal pain or fainting, we advise you to interrupt the diet and immediately consult a doctor.

Basic principles of the diet

To get the maximum effect from losing weight, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. There is no need to limit the number of dishes with celery. Salads, vegetable soup, smoothies can be consumed during snacks or as a main meal.
  2. You can repeat the diet after 3–4 months.
  3. If your general health worsens, you should stop the diet, switch to a normal diet and seek advice from your doctor.
  4. During the diet, be sure to eat fruit, this will help avoid the development of hypoglycemia.
  5. You should eat 5-6 times a day with a break of 2-3 hours. You need to have dinner 4 hours before going to bed.

Diet features

The celery diet was developed in the USA, where the problem of obesity and overweight is very serious. The main goal of the technique is to form correct eating habits:

  • eating food in small portions, no more than 250–300 g;
  • limited consumption of fatty foods;
  • fractional meals 5–6 times a day;
  • snacking on fruits and vegetables when you feel hungry.

As a result, the risk of developing nutritional obesity, a pathological condition when a person eats food uncontrollably in large quantities under the influence of stress, is reduced.

Recommendations for the duration of compliance

Nutritionists have developed a number of recommendations for a celery-based diet:

  1. Losing weight should be done while resting. It is important to remember that in the first days of a low-calorie diet, a constant feeling of hunger, muscle weakness and drowsiness appears. In such conditions, performance drops sharply. The body is subjected to severe stress, so you should diet during vacations or long holidays.
  2. It is necessary to prepare. To minimize the risk of stress and breakdowns, you should change your lifestyle 1.5–2 weeks before starting the diet. It is necessary to give up bad habits, gradually eliminate fatty foods, fried foods, baked goods and sweets from the diet.
  3. Physical exercise. To get the maximum effect from dietary nutrition, you should do gymnastic exercises in the morning and walk for 20 minutes 2 times a day. More intense training is not required.

Authorized Products

During the diet you are allowed to eat:

  • lean meat and fish;
  • seafood;
  • fruits (except grapes and bananas);
  • fermented milk drinks and low-fat dairy products;
  • vegetables (except for beets, legumes, corn, peas);
  • any berries;
  • cereals;
  • mineral water, freshly squeezed juices, unsweetened tea or coffee, herbal infusions.

How long can you go on a diet?

A diet based on green vegetables falls into the category of express fasting. The maximum allowable time is 14 days. It is important to remember that during this period the daily calorie intake is limited.

The body does not receive the necessary amount of energy and nutritional compounds that are required for the normal functioning of internal organs. When the maximum duration of the diet is increased by 7–14 days, the functional activity of the digestive system is disrupted, well-being worsens, and muscle weakness is observed.

Comments from nutritionists

According to nutritionists, it can only be practiced by healthy people. The dietary program is not balanced in proteins and fats, and the intake of carbohydrates is practically limited. Such a low-calorie express diet with rapid weight loss is a strong stress for the body and puts its functions into energy saving mode. Therefore, nutritionists recommend not to eat only celery soup and not to limit the intake of protein necessary for the body so much.

Increase your intake of foods containing protein. The diet must be accompanied by taking a complex of vitamins and mineral supplements . Consuming large amounts of fiber requires drinking large amounts of fluid, and if this requirement is violated, constipation .

The celery diet for 14 days, according to nutritionists , is quite a serious test for the whole body and requires certain psychological preparation. As reviews show, most practitioners of such a diet “give up” precisely in the second week and very often due to the development of hypoglycemia , which is an absolute indicator for its interruption.

In general, the unbalanced menu and many contraindications cast doubt on the need for its use. For those who have chosen such a diet, we advise you not to forget that, as with other express diets, the achieved result will “disappear” over time if you return to poor nutrition and bad eating habits at the end of the diet.

How is celery good for weight loss?

The product is suitable for a balanced weight loss system.

Celery contains vitamins A and E - powerful antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties and improve the condition of skin and hair. The composition includes vitamins C, group B and PP.

Thanks to this composition, celery helps cleanse the body of toxins, improves the condition of the nervous system, relieves tension and fatigue, and gives energy. It contains many essential minerals, such as zinc, iron, calcium and phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. All this helps normalize metabolism.

Celery helps you cope with heat more easily. It is recommended to take freshly squeezed juice before going out into the sun in the amount of 1 tsp.

Celery has a diuretic effect. A diet based on it allows you to quickly remove excess fluid from the body. This is necessary for it to switch to self-regulation and begin to receive energy from its own fat reserves. In addition, blood sugar levels will decrease and lymph flow will normalize.

Reviews of the celery diet and results

As with any diet, there are results, but they are different for everyone. It depends on the metabolism and activity of the person. Reviews note effectiveness with a strict diet, but many note the presence of dizziness , weakness and acute cravings for sweets, which is associated with a state of hypoglycemia . Also, for some, the smell of the main ingredient is unpleasant, and therefore the diet was interrupted after the first week.

Analyzing reviews of the celery soup diet, we can conclude that the greatest effectiveness is achieved with increased physical activity.

  • “...Very effective. Second time on this diet, first time for 7 days and lost 7 kg. A year has passed and now I want to try it for two weeks. For me, the main thing is not to break down when leaving”;
  • “... It’s good in the summer, when there are a lot of fruits and vegetables, and it’s really possible to withstand it. I resort to her from time to time. Each time 5-6 kg per week, subject to increased load”;
  • “... Eating soup is very unpleasant, even just thinking about it makes you feel sick. But I believe in the results because they have been tested by my friends”;
  • “... I lost 7 kg in a week and nothing came back in a year. I went in for sports. The volumes decreased by 4-6 cm. I followed it strictly; when it was difficult and I really wanted something sweet, I allowed a little honey”;
  • “... I easily lost 5 kg in a week, but I can’t stand it anymore - I really don’t like the specific smell”;
  • “... My head hurts and I’m dizzy, so I decided to add 2 teaspoons of honey, otherwise I won’t be able to stand it”;
  • “... The result is obvious - minus 5 kg in a week, but I couldn’t do without the gym”;
  • “... To be honest, on the third day I couldn’t look at the soup anymore. Nevertheless, I reached the end of the week and received minus 4.5 kg. Not enough";
  • “... In 4 days the weight has not moved one gram. I’m upset and don’t know what to do next”;
  • “... I only lasted a day, and since then I haven’t been able to look at this vegetable.”

Reviews of the celery diet for 14 days indicate more encouraging results, but many cannot withstand this duration.

  • “... I tried it before in 14 days and lost 13 kg. It's quite easy to carry!! It really works!”;
  • “... Excellent, the skin is cleansed, lightness appears in the body. Last year I lost 8 kg in 2 weeks. The main thing is that the kilograms have not returned for a year”;
  • “... In the middle of the diet, problems with stool appeared - I took a laxative”;
  • “... I lost 10 kg in 2 weeks, but unfortunately, I quickly gained it back. The main thing is to change your diet after the result”;
  • “... My result is minus 12 kg, but I ate this way for one week of every month for 4. The result was surprising. The weight did not return. I recommend it to anyone who has willpower.”

As can be seen from the reviews, sustainable preservation of the achieved results (or minor fluctuations) are possible only by switching to proper nutrition with a limitation of high-calorie foods and an active lifestyle.

Advantages and disadvantages

The celery diet has a number of benefits:

  1. Due to the high content of amino acids in the vegetable, metabolic processes are accelerated and tissue regeneration is improved.
  2. The vegetable helps restore water and electrolyte balance, stabilizes the digestive system, and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart. As a result, the risk of developing hypertension is reduced and the digestion of protein foods is facilitated. A person gets rid of constipation and flatulence.
  3. Celery belongs to the group of hypoallergenic products.
  4. This vegetable increases the overall tone of the body and prevents the development of chronic fatigue.

The main disadvantage of the diet is the impossibility of carrying it out in the presence of chronic diseases. When using celery, negative dynamics of drug treatment are observed, so nutritionists recommend consulting with your doctor before starting a weight loss method.

Diet price

This diet food is not expensive and all products are affordable. To calculate the cost, the weekly menu given above is taken as a basis.

The cost of food on the first day is approximately 140 rubles, on the second day (due to the introduction of brown rice) - 240 rubles. Costs for the third and fourth will be 130 and 140 rubles. The most expensive days are the fifth and sixth days due to the introduction of beef into the diet - 450 rubles. and 310 rub. respectively. The seventh day will cost 130 rubles financially.

It follows that the cost of a weekly menu will be 1,540 rubles, for two weeks - 3,080 rubles.


There are several contraindications to the diet:

  • cardiovascular pathologies, including arterial hypotension and hypertension;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases;
  • taking medications;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • ulcerative-erosive lesions of the digestive tract;
  • epileptic seizures, mental disorders;
  • immunodeficiency state;
  • bulimia and anorexia.
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